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Siphon Pot

Using the Yama TCA 3

5 Set the flute back in place and put your heat

source underneath.

1 Soak your cloth filter in hot water for at least 1

minute. This will allow it to stretch and create a
better fit. Place the metal filter disk face down
on the wet cloth filter. Pull the cinch strings tight
while slowly adjusting the disk placement so that it
remains centered in the filter. Tie the string into a

firm knot and trim off any excess strings left.

Just before the water in the lower chamber reaches a boil secure
the top chamber by pushing it down into the bottom chamber to

create a firm seal.

Place the filter into the top chamber of the siphon in a way

that lets the chain fall down the tube. Pull the chain down until
you are able to attach the set hook to hold it in place. The
top chamber is now ready. Soon the water will begin to move into
the upper chamber. Once this is com-
plete, use a long stirring stick to adjust
the cloth filter by nudging it in order to
stop any jet streams of bubbles that may
be present. Target temperature for the
water here is 202 F.

Set your kettle to boil while you weigh
out and grind 25g of coffee.
Add the coffee and perform the 1st stir, which
is a rapid back and forth motion with the stirrer
well submerged. Do not be afraid to agitate
the coffee. It is important that you have all the
coffee saturated within 3 seconds.

9 If you did this correctly, the coffee should

convene back into a thick crust with
multiple strata of colors. Avoid creating
any whirl pooling with the 1st and 2nd
stirs. If you get the brew moving in a

whirlpool, it will keep going a good bit
after you stir, causing excess agitation.
Place the flute in the holder. Place the lower globe on
the scales and tare to zero. When the kettle reaches a
boil, add 400g of water to the lower globe.
Siphon Pot

The drawdown should last for approximately 45 seconds,
even slight differences in drawdown times can have major
After the first stir, lower the temperature of the effects on flavor. Total brew time is
heat source. If you are experiencing excess about 2.25-2.5 min. When the brew
jetting lower it further as needed, just be mind- bubbles, its finished. Remove the top
ful of the possibility of the brew prematurely chamber carefully by slowly rocking it in a
dropping. circular fashion until the seal is broken and
it can be lifted free.

11 35 seconds into the brew, perform the

2nd stir by gently moving the paddle
back and forth along the top of the
crust until it is all broken.

15 You may want to decant the brew from the bottom chamber into an-
other serving vessel as the brew made by a siphon is very hot. Cool-
ing will allow the flavors to emerge for a more enjoyable experience.

12 After the second stir, lower the temperature as

much as possible without causing the brew to
drop prematurely.
Be sure to clean the siphon soon after brewing. Pull the
filter chain to unset the hook and allow it to fall out of
the top chamber.

13 At 90 seconds, it is time for the

final, light stirs. The final stirs

and the subsequent drawdown
are vital to the end extraction.
For the final stir, cut the heat and After brewing the cloth
give two light stirs around the filter should be rinsed very
sides. If the brew has not begun throughly with hot water be-
dropping by the end of the fore reuse. We recommend using a filter no more than 8
second stir, blow on the bottom times before replacing it to avoid contributing off flavors.
globe. The filter should remain wet at all times. If it is allowed to
dry out it should be disposed of. When not in use store
the filter in a glass of water until its next use.

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