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J c-PT b3 -03 -OS

Understanding the Muska! Method of
Analysing Pressure Build-up Curves
U4th Annual Technical Meeting, P. ((; N.G. Division, and
65th Annual General Meeting, a.I.M.) Edmonton, April. 1963)

ABSTRACT observation. plotted (Pws-p,) on straight line with a slope of

the log axis versus time (t) on the -O.4343a1B and an intercept, when
The somewhat neglected Muskat t = 0, of (Alb,).
method is an excellent way to ob- linear axis (see Figu,Te 1),
tain static pressure from build-up When t is small, the terms in
curves. A re-examination of the In this plot. if the static pres-
technique, accounting more rigor- sure is estimated too high, the Equation (i) of higher order than
ously for fluid compressibility, data will curve upwards; if too one become increasingly important
shows why the early part of the low, they will curve downwards. and the linearity is destroyed as
Muskat pressure plot actually shown in Fiow'e 2. This is a
curves upward, so that it sometimes With the correct choice of static
seems to give unsatisfactory re- pressure. the later- portion of the dimensionless** plot of Equation
sults. A straight line, indicating a plot forms a straight line. (D, the exact description of a build-
correct static - pressure guess, up curve, and Equation (ij). the
should be expected only for later The words in italics are the key approximation. The two curves de-
data; however, the time at which to understanding the Muskat me- part from each other for dimen-
the line stops curving can be esti-
mated simply. The study also re- thod. Regardless of the static- sionless time less than 0.08. This
vealed that reservoir transmissibil- pressure guess, the early part of means that field data, which would
ity and expansibility can be ob- the Muskat plot always curves up- fall along the exact curve, should
tained from the plot. Three other wards. To apply the Muskat me- not be expected to plot on a straight
methods of estimating static pres-
sure from build-up curves are com- thod successfully, it is important line for early time. In other words,
pared to the Muskat method. They to recognize that only later data a Muskat plot of field data wlll
are less precise because they either should plot on a straight line. show curvature if data are not ob-
do not account adequately for com- tained late enough in time. Thus
pressibility or they need more ac-
curate reservoir information than the Muskat method will not be
is usually available. EARLY TIME CURVATURE OF THE
applicable unless:
INTRODUCTION Substituting for B shows that data
H. J. Welge derived* the follow-
HE Muskat method of analys- must be gathered for:
T ing bUild-Up curves seems to
ing equation for the build-up curve
of a bounded well producing from t>300 q,p.or,z/ko hours
have been neglected in favour of a uniform formation containing oil if the Muskat method is to be used.
other methods. This paper should of constant compressibility at a 300r--------,-----,----,
renew confidence in the Muskat constant rate until stabilized:
method in that it provides a new
theoretical basis for its use, adds
to its scope, shows why and when pw = Pw, - A ~
e -a
'00 I-
it will sometimes fail and com-
pares it with some other techniques.
Applied to wells in a uniform.
At any given time B is constant
(see Nomenclature) but an and
'0 ~-~P~~!t p.~~. _Hr~--
bounded system, the Muskat meth- b n increase as the order n of the
od is shown to give static pressure
with very good resolution and
term increases; hence successive
tenus of Equation (n decrease and, .J '0
!t I
without the need for prior knowl- when t is large enough. the second I'
edge of any reservoir parameters; and following terms can be neg- II
however. the plot behaves as a
straight line only for the later
lected. For later time, the build-
up equation can therefore be ap-
, -- LI
build-up data. A modification to proximated by: [I ' ~ I
the method permits determining I l1 t ----;-*'"i
A -",Bt I
drainage-area transmissibility and 0 20 40 60 60
expansibility from the plot.
Pw = Pw, - - e (ii)
TIME t (hoursl
FiguTe 1.
Rearranging Equation (ij) and tak-
ing the common logarithm of each RESERVOIR 'TRANSMISSIBILITY
In 1937 Muskat (1) published a side yields the Muskat plot equa- FROM THE MUSKAT PLOT
method for finding static pressure tion: Reservoir transmissibility (kohl
from a build-up curve. It employed poo) can be computed from the in-
a graphical plot in which one log (Pw,-Pw) = log (Alb,)
tercept, at t=O, of the straight-line
guessed the static pressure (PWB) - 0.4343 a,Bt (iii)
portion of the Muskat plot. In
and, for each pressure-time (Pw. t) Thus, when t is large, a plot of
log (Pws-p,) versus t will be a **Dimenslonless presslt/"e is de
fined by PD = pi A while dimen-
* Imperial. Oil l..rhnited, Calga'ry,
AlbeTta. *See Appendix. sionless time is tD Bt. =
136 Journal of Canadian Petroleum


Equation (iii), when t=O the inter- 10 es are made. This means _it de-
cept is Albl; rearranging: pends on the size of the plot. Fig-
ure 3, which is a dimensionless
A = b, (Pw,-Pw) = b1I (iv) Muskat plot of a build-Up curve,
where: also shows plots resulting from
dimensionless errors in the static-
I = Intercept of straight-line pressure guess PwsD of ~ PwsD =
portion of 'plot when t = 0, psi. I ~ EXACT (Equation [) -1-0.01, -1-0.025 and -1-0.05. These
i 1.0
dimensionless may be inter-
From Equation (iv) and the def- -"
uotLon preted in terms of a physical sys-
inition of A, the reservoir trans- .~ tem from the relationship between
missibilitjr is: w
E dimensionless pressure and physi-
;:; cal pressure: .,.
k"hI 1'0 = 141.2 qoBo/bl
and, since bl = 1.191,
kohl!,o = 118.6 qoBolI (vl o!o. I "" p = A PD= (141.2!,oq oB./kohl Po

, If Figure 3 was as large as a

DRAINAGE-AREA EXPANSIBILITY graph one might make in practice,
FROM THE MUSKAT PLOT one could see that curvature would
be obvious when a straight edge is
The constant B, which can be
laid along either of the APwaD
found from the slope of the Mus-
= 0.025 curves in the time range
kat plot, contains the parameters
0.08<tD <0.16, while on either of
k/c!,r." from which expansibility I
.10 .20 .30 the lines for L:>PwoD = 0.01 it is
can be computed. Except for the TIME to (Dimensionless) difficult to discern. Hence an error
absence of formation thiclrness h
Figure 2. in Pw,D of 0.025 could be recognized
and the presence of k/J1.' B is in- while one of 0.01 could not. The
versely proportional to drainage-
area expansibility.
From the slope of Equation (iii):
~\=-~=:~~- ---~-=l=-~= -f- .
.7 ~
= 110.4343 ",-e.t
= .0002638 k/c!,or." (vil
.. +-
TL ..
! I
~-l-U_I I I

.~ ~
~t is the change in t which re-
sults in Pw,-Pw changing by a fac-
tor of 10; i.e. moving through one .3 --+!I I

cycle on the log axis.
Well-dralnage-area expansibility
is therefore given by: .2 ~- - ~. "
i r-,

~ I
: --1I

E = .".r."h.pcl5.615
= 0.0002638.".kohl5.615B!'o

~~~11 PW~D "i ,
. I\~~~l ~
'(i; 1
~_. I-+-J- I\~' ::;1 ~


. O. I
Substituting for kohl!,o from o .09
Equation (v) and B from Equation 1 '\J"~ I"
(vil, and since a, = 14.682: ,.
o .08
E = 0.112 qoBoL:> t/I bbl/psi.
.07 ~ ---- --j--' \ 1\ \\1\0 "'-.1
1\'\ I"". i"-.- r---
\- __ ~_ :.=-: __ T-+--1 'C\ 1'\'\ ~

tlti~~\'\ ~

o!' .05
Miller, Dyes and Hutchinson (2)
- i I
showed that damage and after-
production effects should die out by
tD = 0.02. As the Muskat method
cannot be used until tD = 0.08,
.0 3 \ - +--
I------i r : i
'\ \
I"\. I

these factors should not effect its .0 2

1 I I I .


Resolution of the Muskat method
depends basically on the degree to
.0 0
,04 .06 .08 0.1
.12 .14
.16 .18 .20 .22 .24
1\ .26 .28
which one can recognize changes TIME t D (Dimensionless)
in curvature as different Pws guess- Figure 3.
Technology, Fall, 1963, Calgary 137
this, since one would choose a final WITH OTHERS
static pressure falling between the
lines showing upward and down- The Muskat method is a simple
ward curvature. trial-and-error technique, has good
resolution and can yield the para-
The dimensionless resolution is meters conventionally expected of a
probably about 0.005, which is 1/5 build-up method. Furthermore, it
of the smallest recognizable error requires a minimum of field data.
in PwsD. This is translated into a
physical pressure resolution in
How, then, does it compare with o "1
other techniques?
Table I with the aid of Equation
(vii). For example, the resolution a) Arps and Sm,ith
should be 1.4 psi in finding static
pressure for a well with 50 md-ft. The Arps and Smith (3) method
consists of plotting the rate of
which produced at 100 res. bbVD.
pressure build-up (dPIJdt) versus
Resolution depends also on the pressure (Pw) and extrapolating
data time-range. The values shown the plot obtained to the zero pres-
in the Table are for 0.08<tD sure build-up rate axis. The pres-
Figure 4.
<0.16. Resolution will be poorer sure at this intercept is termed the
for a shorter time-range and better static pressure.
for a longer one. A theoretical Arps and Smith For late time the Arps and Smith
plot can be constructed with the plot is a straight line, as differen-
Finally. the best resolution will
aid of Equation (i) and its time tiation of Equation (ii), the ap-
be obtained when a large number
derivative: proximate build-up equation, will
of precise pressure points are avail-
show. This probably occurs, as in
the case of the Muskat method,
(viii) when tD<0.08. Although the Arps
and Smith method could be used
Estimated ResoluNon of Muskat when data are available in this
Method jar Data in the Time Range At a given time the slope of the
bUild-Up curve is computed from time range, the Muskat method is
0.08 < tD < 0.16 Equation (viii), while at the same more direct and yields more infor-
kh, md-ft Resolution, psi time the pressure, which is conve- mation.
niently plotted as (Pws-Pw), is cal-
50 100 200 culated from Equation (0.
bbVD bbVD bbVD b) Mulde>'
10 3.5 7 14 Figure 4 shows a dimensionless Since the Mulder (4) method
50 .7 1.4 2.8 Arps and Smith plot. It is a curve
100 .35 0.7 1.4 contains elements of the Arps and
500 .07 0.14 .28 rather than the straight line orig- Smith method, it is appropriate to
1000 .035 0.D7 .14 inally postulated by its authors; discuss it at this point.
Calculated for J1-oBo = 1.0, as- accordingly, this technique should
suming a dimensionless resolution be used with caution, especially The method uses two curves, rate
of 0.005. since data obtained over a short of pressure build-up (dPw/dt)
period of time may appear to plot versus log t. and observed pres-
as a straight line. sure (Pw) versus log t (see Figure
We have been discussing resolu-
tion for a time range 0.08<tD ,
< 0.16. Figure 3 shows that at tn , l-- /--" ,
0.16, the dimensionless static
. l
OlMEN1SIONLESS leulL6_up RiTE cURvi~/ V-
pressure will be 0.08 higher than the i--- - ---
well-bore pressure measured at I-- 1-- -
that time. As discussed above, the ,.. / / -- ,
static pressure can be resolved to 1/ / :- .....OIMENSIONLESS PRESSURE BUILD-UP URVE

0.005. The percentage resolution is "

therefore 0.005 x 100/0.08 or 6%
17 1/ ,
1-- --
of the pressure increase remaining " if,
at the end of the test. This is in- " i/
dependent of the well's kh product
" ~ /
or production rate. ---. ,
The pressure increase remaining
", 1/ /

to final static pressure at a given
time can be easily detennined from
/ 1"- 1-- J-"
Figure 3 and Equation (vii). Thus ,.. ,
when to = 0.12, the remaining di- , I f-'
mensionless pressure increase is
0.145. For a 50 md-ft. wei! produc-
, ,
ing at 100 res. bbVD, this is 40 "'" tn
psi. Figu,re 5.
138 Journal of Canadian Petroleum
5), plotted on the same graph needed to convert from physical to of the analytical method, such as
.,i -sheet. It is stated that extrapolat- dimensionless time. Any error in stabilization before the' test, boun- :" ~ .'.

fng the build-up-rate curve to this conversion directly affects the dary 'Conditions, and formation
dp,,/dt = 0 giyes the fune at which accuracy of the static-pressure re~ geometry and' homogeneity, must
build-up ceases; the pressure read suIt. always be considered. This is just
from the build-up curve plot at this Consider the slope of the dimen- as true for the Muskat method as
time is regarded as the static pres- sionless log-fune bUild-up plot at, for any other. The qualitative
say, tD = 0.1. This can be found and quantitative interpretation
from Figure 5 by seUing a straight techniques discussed in this paper
Figure 5 is it dimensionless Mul~
apply only to build-up curves from
,, der plot, calculated from Equations edge tangent to the curve at the
a uniform, cylindrical, bounded
(i) and (wi). It shows that the appropriate point. Thus:
well-drainage area.
build-up-rate curve is not a straight
d (PwsD - Pw0) Data from other systems may
line and that extrapolation should
be done with caution. Note that
= 0.7 form a straight line when displayed --' .'
d (log to)
if data were available to to = 0.15, on a Muskat plot;, such a plot must
the rate curve extrapolates to Expressing the slope in terms of be analysed by the technique appro-
dPw/dt = 0 at to = 0.2. At this dimensionless time: priate to that system. For ex-
time the build-up curve is 0.045 ample, Lefkovits, Hazebroek, Allen
dimensionless pressure units from
d (Pw,o-p wo) = 0.7 (og e) dto/to and Matthews (6) apply the Mus-
= 0.3 dto/to kat-type plot to multilayer build-
static pressure; in other words, the
result is a dimensionless error in Thus the dimensionless error in up curves. In addition, they point
static pressure of 0.045. This is 9 static pressure is 0.3 times the frac- out some other types of reservoirs
times larger than the esfunated tional error in dimensionless time. which exhibit exponential build-up
resolution of the Muskat plot for behaviour. Pollard (7) discusses
data in the same time range. As an example of the significance another application for this type of
of this error, suppose the time-con- plot while Hazebroek, Rainbow and
version constant is known to with- Matthews (8) use it to analyse in-
c) Miller.. Dyes and Hutchinson in 20%, which would be good ac- jection-weI! fall-off behaviour.
'Finding static pressure by the curacy in practice. This means
'Miller, 'Dyes and Hutchinson (2) that dto/to = 0.2 and the dimen- In general, when t4ere is doubt
about the validitY of a particular
method (MDH) requires the use of sionless static pressure error would
be 0.06. This is 12 funes poorer Muskat plot, results of the analysis
a dimensionless pressure build-up should be checked against data
curve for the boundary conditions than the resolution estimated for
the Muskat method for data in a from other sources, such as alter-
existing in the field case. nate methods. of build-up curve
comparable time range. Expressed
The curve labelled uPressure another way, the error would be 16 analysis, productivity index and
Build-up Curve" in Figure 5 is a psi for a 5O-md-ft well producing drill-stem tests, etc.
dimensionless build-Up curve for 100 res. bbVD.
bounded wells _to which the MDH CONCLUSIONS
method can be applied; Perrille (5) Even though the MDH method
may have a lower resolution than 1. The Muskat method is a sen-
also gives this curve as well as one sitive technique for finding static
for constant pressure at the drain- the Muskat method, it should be
age radius, while Reference (2) noted that an MDH analysis can pressure using build-up curve data
gives data and curves in a different be made much earlier in time than from bounded, uniform systems. In
fonn for the Same bmmdary con- is suitable for the Muskat method. addition, drainage-area transmissi-
ditions. Miller, Dyes and Hutchinson show bility and expansibility can be
that after-production dies out by found from the Muskat plot.
Static pressure is fOWld in the to = 0.02, while Perrine suggests 2. The early part of the Muskat
MDH method by first selecting a that a dimensionless shut-in time plot always curves upwardS, there-
pressure-time observation (Pw' t), of to = 0.05 is long enough for the fore data later than a certain time
then converting the observed time MDH method. Thus, the MDH me- are needed for its successful appli-
to dimensionless time (to = Bt), thod can be used in the dimension- cation.
entering the dimensionless build-up less fune range of 0.02 to 0.05 whlle
curve at to to find the dimen- the Muskat technique is applicable 3. The fune at which the Mus-
1 sionless pressure increase (PwsD only to later data, that is, Wltil to kat plot becomes valid can be esti-
PwD) remaining Wltil static pres- is at least 0.08. This fact can be mated simply. .
"' :, . --
:~ sure is attained and finally con- turned to advantage if, for some
j 4. The Muskat method is not . ,'-,
verting the remaining pressure in- reason, early pressure data should only more direct than e1ther the
crease from dimensionless to phys- be missed. In such a case the Arps and Smith or the Mulder me-
ical pressure units: [(Pws-Pw) = A Muskat method would handle the .thod, it is less critical in that it
(PwsD-PwD)]' The remaining pres- later data while the MDH method does not rely on the extrapolation
sure increase is added to the initial- would not, since curvature of the of a curve.
ly chosen observed pressure to get MDH plot at later time would pre-
static pressure: [Pws = Pw + A vent obtaining a readily 4tterpret- 5. Unlike the Mlller, Dyes and
(Pw,o - p"o)] able slope. Hutchinson method, the Muskat
method does not require any reser-
In practice, a significant source voir parameters to find static pres-
of error in applying the MDH me- A WORD OF CAUTION
sure. It cannot, however, be used
thod lies in the uncertainty of the No build-up analysis technique on data obtained as early in time
factors entering the constant B shouid be applied indiscrimiuately. as can be handled by the Mlller,
= 0.0002638 ko/",c!,or,', which is The requirements and restrictions Dyes and Hutchinson method.
Technology, Fall, 1963, Calgary 139
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (5) Perrine) R. L., "Analysis of E = Well-drainage-al'ea ex-
Pressure Build-up Curves," pansibility, bbl/psi.
The writer would like to express Drill. ,;; Prod. Prac., API, 482
his appreciation to the Manage- (1956). e 2.718 . . .
ment of Imperial Oil Limited for (6) Letkovits, H. C., Hazebroek, P., h = Formation thickness, ft.
permission to publish this paper, Allen, E. E. ,;; Matthews, C. 8.,
and to the Jersey Production Re- "A Study of the Behaviour of I Intercept of straight-line
sem"eh CmThZJany, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bounded Reservoirs Composed portion of plot on P WR
for permission to include the work
of Stratified Layers," SPE -Pw axis when t = 0,
Jogr., 43 (March, 1961). psi.
of Dr. H. J. Welge presented in the
Appendix. Special thanks are due (7) Pollard, P., "Evaluation of Acid
Treatments from Pressure = Effective formation per-
to Mr. A. G. Winestock, Imperial Build-up Analysis," Trans., meability to oil, md.
Production Research, Calgary, for AIME, 216:38 (1959). Oil production rate,
his assistance.
(8) Hazebroek, P., Rainbow) H.~ &; STB/D.
Matthews) G. S.) "Pressure Fall-
off in Water-Injection Wells," Oil viscosity, cpo
Trans., AIME, 213-250 (1958l. Formation porosity.
REFERENCES (9) BTitish Association for the Ad-
vancmnent of Science, Mathe-
'P" Pressure, psi.
(1) Muskat, M.: "Use of Data on matical Tables, Volume IV, Pressure, dimensionless.
Build-up of Bottom-hole Pres- PD
Part I, Bessel Functions, Uni-
sures," Petro Trans., AIME, versity Press, Cambridge Pw Observed bottom - hole
123:44 (1937J. (1958), p. 171. pressure at time t, psi.
(2) Miller, C. C., Dyes, A. B., ,;; NOMENCLATURE PwD ::= Observed bottom - hole
Hutchinson, D. A., Jr., "The pressure, dimension-
Estimation of Permeability and
Reservoir Pressure from Bot- less.
bn X n 2J o 2(X n ) /2
tom-Hole Pressure Build-up Static bottom-hole pres-
Characteristics," Pet'}"', TTans.,
AIME, 201, 182 (1954). Xu nth root of J1 (X n) =0 sure, psi.
(Reference 9),
(3) Arps, J. J. & Smith, A. E., Static bottom-hole pres-
"Practical Use of Bottom-Hole n 1,2,3, . . . . . sure, dimensionless
Pressure Build-up Curves," = radius of drainage, it.
DTill. &; Prod. Prac.~ API) 155
A = 141.2!"qoBJkoh r,
t Time after shut-in,
B 0.0002638 k / ",c!"re ' hours.
(4) Mulder, F. R. E.) "An Engineer-
ing Study of the Turner Valley
Oil and Gas Reservoir," Ex-
B.., Oil formation volume = Time, dimensionless.
cerpt published by T. G. East- factor, Res. bbl/STB.
Change in t for PI\'R
land TesteTs and Well Services c Effective fluid compress- pI\' to change by a fac-
Limited, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada. ibility, psi-I. tor of 10.

The basic differential equation for flow of a slightly Separating the variables r and t in Equation (1), we
compressible liquid through a uniform porous medium obtain the zero order Bessel equation in the spatial
is variable. A solution to the equation in t is the expon-
ential function.
o2p lOP) oP, A combined solution which satisfies equation (1) is:
D ( ~-t -;:a; =~
2.": A,,'
- C(;
expressed here in cylindrical coordinates.
P V o (cc n r ) e (6)
A solution is required which satisfies the following n=l
initial, asymptotic and boundary conditions:
(a) At zero time (the moment of shutting in the
well) the quasi-steady-state flow condition must hold: U o (ocnr) = J o (cx nr) Y t (0: tiT",)
- J 1 (ocn1\) Yo (CCnr) (7)
P = Pwc + - - - [In (r/r w ) - r 2/2re2)] (2) Boundary conditions requiring no flow at l'w and 1'0
2"kh can be satisfied only if aU a/or = 0 for these radii:

(b) At infinite time, the bottom-hole pressure is -oU o

equal to the static pressure:
lim (Pws - pw) = 0 (3)
t->-oo - J1 (ocn1'w) Y1 (ccllr) (8)

(c) At all times there must be no flow at either Note that U 1 (OC [IT) = 0 if r ::::: r w ' By appropriate
boundary: choice of OC n values, U I (oo,1re) can be made equal
to zero, as follows:

(4) o (5) U 1 (ocnre ) = J 1 (ocnr,) Y1 (ocnrw)
- J1 (cxnrw) Yl (cctlre)

Journal of Canadian Potroloum

If we restrict ourselves to moderate values of oonre pUB
then, since rw is very1much smaller than r e, J 1 (oc n
r w ) will be small. Also, Yl (0: nre) will be finite at IrJ, (ocr) dr =1 r J, (",T) (16)
moderate or large values of its argument. Thus, the
second term on the right-hand side of (9) may be

neglected. The above condition for finding the per-
missible roots therefore reduces to
Equating the expressions for right and left-hand
sides and solving for Am'
J 1 (ocnre) = 0
where oc 'nre is moderate. Am -- (17)
Equation (7) now reduces to
Do (ocnr) = Jo (oc nr ) Yl (ocnrw) (7' ) Inserting the expression for the Am into (12), the
solution becomes
Inserting this expression for Do into (6) and defining
new constants
we obtain
Evaluating the pressure at the wellbore,
(12) - CG m2Dt
I'q .:E__
e _ (19)
This solution must also satisfy the quasi-steady-state "kh (ex mre)2Jo2 (oc mre)
flow condition (2) at zero time. This can be accom- m =1
plished by inserting (2) into (12) and setting t 0 as = where, again,
The remaining condition to be satisfied is that the
Pwr + I'q [In (r/rw) - r'12.')] pressure approach the static pressure' in the limit as
time becomes very large. Any constant can be added
2"kh to the solntion and it wili still satisfy the orlginal dif-
ferential equation. Therefore.
=.:E An J, (oc nr) (13)
00 - oc m2Dt
The An may now be evaluated by making use of the
orthogonality properties of the Bessel function J ,. Both
Pw =P w,- I'q.2: (20)
"kh ~ '.-
sides of (13) are mUltiplied by rJ, (oc mr) and integ- m =1
rated between limits rw and reo The integrals on the
rlght-hand side of (13) will vanish unless m = n, in is a solution to (1) which satisfies all the above condi-
which case the infinite series reduces to tions. Equation (20) can be expressed in conventional
oil field units as: ..
;'.- ;.
' '

(~/2) [re2J o2 (,:X)mre) - r w2Jo2 (O::/mrw )]

Since rw2 < < r e2. the expression becomes
(Am/2) r e2 Jo2 (C( Imre)
Similarly, the left-hand side after integration becomes m= 1

w where:
I'q (rr .' J, (oc mrw) -J, (ccmrw) )
2rrkh ocm2 e
A = 141.2 l'oq,B o/k,h
- p.q Jo (oc mrw) D = 0.0002638 kol</>cl',
~--- X m= oc mre = m th root of Jl (Xm) = O.

*The buildup equation described
within was derived by Dr. R. J.
oc m' Welge of the Jersey ProeZ,wtion Re-
since the argwnent oc m rw will be small. In evaluat- search aompany~ Tulsa, Oklahoma;
however, the present author is
ing the left-hand side. the following identities were responsible for the exact form in
employed: which the derivation appears ~e.
IrSJ, (", r) dr =~3 J, (ccr)+~(r'J, (",r)-2r J, (ccr)
oc to( 2 ex:
), ~ (14)
(rlnrJ. (ccr) dr= : . ( J o (",r) + ",rlnrJl (ocr) ) (15)-

Technology, Fall, 1963, Calgary 141 -:-.'

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