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1. 60grams - got back 50 grams - no stir .

pre heated for 30 seconds

4.30mts - taste grassy but retained origin flavour ...Tasted real light - uneven
roasts found

2. 85 grams -

stirred for first 2 minutes and roasted for 6 minutes total

- smelled really good and looked like even roasts , oil on top after 2 days but
tasted over roasted and bad...

3. 100grams - No stir / no agitation / no preheat

- uneven colors found ....5mts

4. 50 grams - popper - at tilt - 8 mts ( fc @ 3 )

Coffee sharapnels all over ..over roasted

5. 50grams gio ...

cover off for first 2 minutes ...fc at 414f around

cover on to capture heat at 5.50 --med roast and does not look over

6. whirley pop

1 100grams ethip cover closed ( cc) nph( no pre heat)

Med hh - fc at 3.30 - 4.30

removed at 6 minutes --good news is even roast ...but over roasted and oil on top
after 2 nd day - tasted flat

2. 100g - ethio ( cc ) nph

-Med heat - fc at 7.30 ....removed at 10 - tasted flat

3. 5 oz - 144g - gaut - co(cover open) nph

Med heat on cast iron .....

22 mts - removed cast iron pan and used direct heat ...fc at 23.30 removed after 1
minute - No flat taste but no acidity either

-- below all are at ML heat settings ...

4. 100grams ethio ph - good, but little over roasted notes ...maybe the high
preheat caused that ?

preheated on M for 7 mts

cc on ml to 5.45(fc) - co after fc on ml until 9mts - at 9 mts inc heat to med and

roasted co until 12 (sc)
no flat taste but blue berry flavour dimnishing after 3 days ..

5 *** 100grams png - co pheat on ml... BUT VERY VERY LOW HEAT ) - good batch so
far ...tasted like la cosecha's a bit ...
medium low - whirley open - preheated very very low on ml - 12.30 fc - very low
sounds - at 16mts inc heat to Med - rem at 18.30
no flat taste , fair acidity - good flavour even after 7 days ....


6. *** 100grams png

nph ....on ml with cc for 10 mts drying heat to m with co ....fc @ 13 and
rem at 15 - lots of acidity - like shop n save java delight beans

7. *** 100grams png

nph ...on ml with cc for 13 drying and turned heat up to Med ...fc @ 13.15
or so .....removed at 16 - Abs no flat taste ....but not very aromatic either
...Almost like method 6 ...but a little more roasted ...Very very thin coffee

both methods 6 and 7 were like store brought flat taste at all ....but wish
it was more aromatic like step 5 ...

8. *** Very opposite from 6 and 7 roasted on 10/12

nph - COVER OPEN since start to get good air flow ...ML till 13 minutes ....COVER
CLOSED and turned heat to MED @ 13 mts ....fc at 15.45 mts ....rolling second crack
at 17.15mts ..removed at 17.15 mts shrapnels founds as roast went beyond
fc origin flavours found ...but no flat taste ...

9...4 oz deans png - like 5
nph whirly OPEN at all times - ml - at 16mts turned heat to M - fc at 17.45
...turned heat down to ml around 18 ...removed at 19.45 - no good flavor ..

10. np preheat - 60grms png - cover CLOSED at all times - ml - fc@10.30 heat to mll
- rem @ 13 mts - little thin ..maybe tasted after next day ...but flavor was good.


11. PREHEATED to 400f ...cover closed ....heat on ml - roasted with gayu 10/17 -
too much temp variations

100grms of mexico ...

temp dropps to 296f and at 3.30 turns back up ..........fc at 11.30 ...heat down to
mll ....rem at 15 - no acidity on second day ....3rd day taste - straight forward
flavor ...nothing complex....


12. No preheat - cover closed - heat on ML 10/18 in fridge(tj colum)

100grams of mexico .....turned heat to Med at 11mts - fc at 13.45 mts ...turned
heat down to MLL -removed at 16.45 after 3 minutes - got 85 grams back


13. Preheated to 350f - 10/19 at 4pm saturday - ethio

ml heat - cover closed - ...heard fc at 6mts .....reduced heat to mll at

7mts .....continued cranking - removed at 12 mts
tasted GOOD on 10/20

14. Bain marring technique 10/20 at 9 am Sunday - Mexico

Preheated POTS to 350F on medium for like 8 minutes

On Medium heat - fc at 8 minutes - reduced heat to ML at 8.30 - switched off at 10
mts ....removed at 12 mts

15. Bain marring 10/20 9.30 pm Sunday - Ethi -

Preheated POTS to 350 F - Heated on MEDLOW - No FC - Increased heat to MED @ 12mts

- Removed at 18 mts - no fc ....but thought heard early second cracks ..

16. Bain marring - with extra LID in middle - timor - GOOD RESULTS
preheated to 375 for 16 mts

On Medium - fc at 7.30 .....reduced heat to ML at 9 ....removed at 11

17. - Peru - Same as 16 ...Bain marring - with extra LID in middle - preheat to
410F - Heat at Med ...fc at 8mts ...reduced to ML at 10mts ...rem at 11 mts

18. Colombia 10/26 - Bain marring - with extra LID in middle( hole side on top) -
Preheated to 350F - On MED fc @ 6mts - At 7.30 turn heat to ML ...removed at 9

19. Sumatra 10.29 Preheat to 365F

ON ML -- FC at 5.30 - turned heat to MLL at 7 minutes removed at 8.30 - Roast dev

for 3 minutes ...


20 . 11.1.13 - 200grams ( guat+png) - Preheated to 360F - Med low - around 2.30

temparature turned to up at 260F( low bottom) ....fc @ 10.30 turned heat down to
med low low at 11.30 mts - removed at 15 mts
stored in ceramic - not good

21. 11.3.13 - 200grams - same as 20 ..COVER CLOSED .. .....Preheated to 425F - MED

- temp bottomed out at 289 at 2.15 ....fc at 5.15 ---heat doen to ML at 6.15
..removed at 7.45 ...way into second crack -too much roast notes ...TONS OF OIL ON

22. 11.6.13 - 112grms ethi - ph to 300f - Bain marring - MED heat - fc at 9.15 -
MLL @ 10.15 removed at 12 - little burnt notes ..maybe because of med heat even on
bain marring ( without inner lid) ...little bitty FLATNESS and very less bb flavour
- ....2nd lots of bb aroma did not taste yet ---TONS OF BB FLAVOR ON SECOND DAY

23 11.7.13...NO PREHEAT/ COVER OPEN for more oxygen flow ....MEDIUM HEAT ....146
grms png - got back 123 ...84% ...fc at 9 mts heat to ML at 10 ....rem at
11.30 ....2.30 mts roast dev

24. 11.12 - Sumatra - 100grms - Baim marring( thermocouple) - Preheated to

230c( 460F ) ...bottomed out at 1.30 mts ....fc at 5 mts ...turned heat down to MML
from MED ...Rolling second at 8mts - After 2 days tastes burnt - ....

25. 12/1 - Nicaragua - 300F/148c -----ML - 4 mts drying - MED - @ 7 mts FC - Then
ML again 8 mts MLL - removed at 9 mts

Notes on 20, 21, 22 and 23 ...

As far as 20 goes , preheat part was good ....but looks like the bottom out temp
dipped way below 300 to 260 ....and though ML was applied first crack came only at
10.30 was lifeless ....and also initial temp of 360 was too low for
200grams lesson leant is use more initial temp(450f) when using
far as 21 is concerned ....we use 425f high dropin temp ...but Med heat was
used ...temp still dropped below 300f ...big mistake was to use MED heat ...too
fast of a fc @ 5.15mts ...Lesson is never use Med heat unless using bain
marring ...but it was not flat ...
for 22 - Acidity of bb notes was amazing ...but coffee was flat at times ....My
understanding is excessive MED heat over a long time of 9.15 mts caramelized all
sugars and rendered coffee flat ....For 23 ....though MED heat was applied for long
time cover was opened so not enough heat to caramelize all sugars no flat
taste ...But flavor was mediocore ..

So technique is if using 200grams ...preheat to 450f ....and make sure temp does
not dip below 300F ....use lowest heat possible and target for fc at 6 mts ...coast
into fc for 1 mt and then red it to MLL ....but too long after 1c can cause acidity
to drop ex 4 ...Long roasting example like 5 a good example ..16 is
a good ex for fc .....using bain marring ..

btw does cc ML roasting for a long time like 10.30fc produce thin coffee ( 60grams)
btw does cc MED roasting for a long roast produce flat taste ( Bain marring) ?
btw does cc MED fast roast without Bain marring produce flat taste as well ?

like 13 ..100grams - 350ph - ML fc at 6 or

like 18 ..100grams 350ph on MED(bain marring) fc at 6
not experimented yet .. 200grams - 450ph - MED( Bain marring) fc at 6 ??

Bain marring 100grams MED heat

450 - 6 , 8(200grms)
425 - 6.5
400 - 7
375 - 7.5
350 - 8
325 - 8.30
300 - 9 11 ( 200grmas )

No Bain marring 100grams ML heat

450 4 6 ( 200grams)
425 4.5 6.5
400 5 7
375 5.5 7.5
350 6 8 ( 200grams)
325 6.30
300 7 9 ( 200gms )

farmer - bolivia


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