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Syllabus for Quantum Mechanics II

PHYSICS MAJOR UG 3rd Year (New Syllabus)

Instructor: Suchetana Chatterjee
This course is the second part of the undergraduate quantum mechanics course meant for
physics majors. This module consists of 50% of the course. The other half is
Electromagnetic theory which will be taught by Prof. Debasish Datta . All handouts,
problem sets and other documents will be uploaded to the course website. So please keep
track of the web updates.

Topics Included
1) Linear Harmonic Oscillator
quantized states, quantization by operator method, coherent states and its basic
2) Formalism in Quantum Mechanics
Hilbert space, quantum states as linear vectors, Heisenberg and Schrodinger pictures,
Heisenberg equation of motion, Dirac notation, Generalized uncertainty principle
3) Hydrogen Atom Problem
Central force problem in quantum mechanics, reduction to one dimensional problem,
bound states of H-atom, radial and angular eigenfunctions, other applications of 3D
4) Angular Momentum and Spin
angular momentum: eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, concept of spin, Matrix
representations of spinors, spin algebra, addition of angular momentum, CG coefficients,
Larmor precision, Stern Gerlach experiment , basics of quantum computation.
5) Symmetry and Conservation Principles
continuous and discrete symmetries, generators of time translation, linear translations
and rotations.

Class Hours: Tuesday (2.40-3.30) & Thursday (12.30-1.20)

Class Room: PLT3/PLT2


There will be bi-weekly assignments based on topics covered in class. The assignments
form an integral part of the course and we hope to cover a large chunk of the course
material through assignments.

We will have 5-6 tutorial classes. I shall later discuss the format of the tutorial classes. It
would be a combination of problem discussion, student presentations, and interactive
learning sessions.
Grading Scheme: Best of two Midterm 30%
Endsem: 70%

The tentative dates for the midterm exams will be

1) Early August
2) Early September
3) Early October

Makeup Exam
There will not be any makeup exam unless you miss the midterm exam for medical
reasons or family emergency and are able to show evidence of such events. We shall
arrange for an oral exam and grades will be given accordingly.

Office Hours

By Appointment over email.


I shall keep Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (second edition) by David J. Griffiths as

the primary textbook for this course. However there are other books on quantum
mechanics that I shall be consulting.

Contacting me

With students, I prefer email communications. I apologize, but please dont send me
friend requests in Facebook. You are welcome to email me. I shall try to write back to
you within a week. If I dont respond in a week please feel free to give me a reminder.
While writing personal or group emails to me you need to use proper communicative
English. No texting is allowed. I shall not reply to emails if it is not written in proper
English. Avoid emoticons in mails. Avoid nicknames, or given names of your friends
in emails. It is important that you learn professional communication.

If there is something urgent and I havent responded in 24 hours, you can call me.
However, I shall expect you to apply your discretion while deciding on what issues are
My email :
Phone Number: 9163003206

I shall post all announcements via our class email list. So try to check your emails
frequently. The language of communication during class hours will be English. You
need not worry about the grammatical accuracy of your English while communicating
with me during class hours. Other than English, I am fluent in Bengali and conversant in
Hindi. You are welcome to communicate with me in those languages outside of lecture
hours if you prefer so. If you have severe issues with understanding and speaking
English please let me know beforehand.

Code of Conduct

Your code of conduct in class should comply with academic integrity.

1) Copying from other sources is not allowed. A declared document of practice of
academic integrity will be kept on record. Any violation of academic integrity in
class will result in disciplinary action.
2) Talking with others or copying during the exam is absolutely prohibited.
3) 75% attendance has been assigned as a mandatory requirement for sitting in the
4) You can drink water or non-alcoholic beverages or have medicines/snacks/food
during class hours. Dont ask my permission for this. If you are hungry or thirsty
just eat/drink.
5) Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products during
class hours are strictly prohibited. Necessary actions will be taken against people
found guilty of such behavior.
6) If you need to go out during lecture hours please feel free to do so. You dont
need my permission for that.
7) You need to either turn off your cell phones or keep them in silent mode during
class hours. Texting or talking over phone is not allowed during lecture. If you
need to make or take a call please do so outside of the lecture room. Please dont
ask for my permission before leaving the classroom.
8) You need not stand up while I enter the class. However, I shall not mind if you
do so.
9) There will be zero tolerance for any kind of discriminatory behavior. If you
face or observe any kind of discrimination or abusive behavior within or outside
of class (based on caste, religion, gender, regional background, dress code,
language barrier etc etc) or feel uncomfortable (sexual harassment included) with
the conduct of your classmates, friends, staff, or faculty you should immediately
report it to me. I shall make sure that it gets reported to the appropriate authority.
10) If you are differently abled and need special assistance, please let me know that
beforehand. I shall try to make adequate arrangements.
11) Unless I ask you specifically you are not allowed to discuss with me the
academic activities in other classes.
12) I strongly encourage class participation, but I would request you to consider the
overall structure of a class while you interact with me or fellow classmates.

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