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Volume 135 Issue 19 Friday, July 28, 2017 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE Bloomin Judges Tour The Town


M innedosa was under

the microscope on
Tuesday, July 25th. The two
judges from the Communi-
ties in Bloom organization
showed up in the morn-
ing, and spent the day be-
ing toured around town by
New CAO the local CIB group. This
years judges, Hugh Skin-
On 3 ner and Cathy Shaluk, were
delighted by their snack on
the porch of the historic
Cadurcis House at Heritage
Village mid-tour Tuesday
morning, and had great
things to say about the
Skinner, from Roblin,
commented that I think
it is a very beautiful town,
and obviously being on the
lake, with the beach brings
lots of visitors to Minnedo-
PCH Patio sa and keeps them here.
Shaluk, who hails from
3 Winnipeg, said she found
it interesting to learn more
about the history and the
development, and learn-
ing about all of the changes
that have taken place. She
really enjoyed her visit to
Heritage Village. Photo by Hillary Campbell
According to Lin-
da Bertram, from the A mid-morning tea on the porch of the Cadurcis House was enjoyed by Communities
Minnedosa CIB, they took in Bloom judges Tuesday morning. Standing (L-R): Maxine Laws, Donna Dillabough,
the group to the lookout Rhoda Hughes, Cheryl Orr, Darryl Holyk and Linda Bertram.
tower to see the view of Seated: Communities in Bloom Judges Cathy Shaluk and Hugh Skinner.
Canada Day the town from the hill,
to the Rockin the Fields constructed by Minnedo- show the judges some of the Conference Centre and tea or coff ee, as they en-
of Minnedosa site, and sas Mens Shed. Along Minnedosas rich history. the arena. Then they went joyed the view from the
Winner 8 through the cottages. Next,
they visited the camp-
ground and beach to see
the new structure that was
the way, Bertram said they
have been pointing out the
numerous historic stone
houses in Minnedosa, to
The judges were also
taken up to the hospital
and Frontier Trading Com-
pany, and then down past
to Heritage Village, where
they were provided with
a mid-morning snack of
cheese and crackers, with
open porch of the circa
1910 Cadurcis House.
Continued on
Page 2


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