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Scott Muhlstein Assessment and Rubric Document

G- The goal of this assessment is for students to use their understanding of the French Revolution to
create a visual/spatial/multimedia representation of how it affected the average person living in France.
They will produce either a podcast, video log, journal, etc to accomplish this.

R- Students will be taking the role of French citizens and sharing their thoughts and feelings as the
French Revolution is taking place. They will be documenting their thoughts in the form of a podcast,
video log, journal, or other spatial/multimedia presentation.

A- Audience will be history students today who want to learn about the French Revolution and what it
was like to live in France at that time. For example, when you go to a museum and listen to the voices of
people living through different events and time periods.

S- Students will have to include the following main and supplementary ideas in their work:
1. The major causes of the French Revolution
a. The effect of Enlightenment political thought
b. The influence of the American Revolution
c. Economic troubles and the rising influence of the middle class
d. Government incompetence and corruption
2. The important events of the French Revolution
a. The role of the Estates General and the National Assembly
b. The storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789
c. The 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
d. The execution of Louis XVI in 1793
e. The Terror
f. The rise and fall of Napoleon
g. The Congress of Vienna
3. The effects of the French Revolution
a. Its contribution to modern nationalism and its relationship to totalitarianism
b. The abolition of theocratic absolutism in France
c. The abolition of remaining feudal restrictions and obligations
d. Its support for the ideas of popular sovereignty, religious tolerance, and legal equality

P- Students will essentially be producing a journal which documents all of the above events and topics
and how it related to them as a French citizen living through the time period. The journal will take on the
form of a podcast, video log, journal, or other spatial/multimedia presentation, and must touch on each
of the above points. Once completed, students will present their work to the class and answer 3 minutes
of questions related to what they produced.

See Rubric Below

Scott Muhlstein Assessment and Rubric Document

ASSESSMENT Excellent Good Developing Needs Work


Historical Content: 66%

Causes All four causes of Three or more Two or more causes One or zero causes
the French causes of the French of the French of the French
Revolution are Revolution are Revolution are Revolution are
discussed in a discussed in a way discussed. Student discussed. Student
nuanced way that that includes some demonstrates demonstrates little
includes consequences, minimal to no understanding
consequences, thoughts, and understanding of the of the causes and
thoughts, and feelings about each causes and their their context.
feelings about each one. Student context.
one. Student clearly demonstrates an
demonstrates an adequate
understanding of the understanding of the
causes and their causes and their
context. context.

22 points 18 points 14 points 0-6 points

Events All seven events of Five or more events Three or more Two or fewer events
the French of the French events of the French of the French
Revolution are Revolution are Revolution are Revolution are
discussed in a discussed in a way discussed. Student discussed. Student
nuanced way that that includes some demonstrates demonstrates little
include consequences, minimal to no understanding
consequences, thoughts, and understanding of the of the events and
thoughts, and feelings about each events and their their context.
feelings about each one. Student context.
one. Student demonstrates an
demonstrates a clear adequate
understanding of the understanding of the
events and their events and their
context. context.

22 points 18 points 14 points 0-6 points

Effects All four events of the Three or more Two or more effects One or zero effects
French Revolution effects of the French of the French of the French
are discussed in a Revolution are Revolution are Revolution are
nuanced way that discussed in a way discussed. Student discussed. Student
include that includes some demonstrates demonstrates little
consequences, consequences, minimal to no understanding
thoughts, and thoughts, and understanding of the of the effects and
feelings about each feelings about each effects and their their context.
one. Student one. Student context.
demonstrates a clear demonstrates an
understanding of the adequate
effects and their understanding of the
context. effects and their
22 points
18 points 14 points 0-6 points
Scott Muhlstein Assessment and Rubric Document

Creativity and Organization: 18%

General Creativity Project is in a unique Student shows some Student shows Student shows little
visual/spatial/multim creativity in minimal creativity in to no creativity in
edia format and designing their designing their designing their
includes the use of project, and includes project. project.
outside sources, some outside
collaboration with aspects.

10 points
8 points 6 points 0-4 points

Organization All content is well Most content is well Some content is Content is
organized and can organized and can organized and unorganized,
be followed easily by be followed easily by followed by the unclear, illogical,
the audience. It is the audience. It is audience. Some and there are many
clear, concise, and generally clear, parts are clear, glaring errors.
in a logical order. concise, and in a concise, and logical,
Project has little to logical order. Project but most are not.
no spelling or has a few spelling or There are many
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. spelling and
8 points grammatical errors.
6 points 4 points 0-2 points

Presentation/Questions: 16%

Presentation Presentation is well Presentation is Presentation is There is no

organized and mostly well unorganized and presentation or the
clearly understood organized and unclear. Timing is presentation is very
by the audience. understood. off by a large unclear and
Presenter speaks Presenter mostly margin. drastically over or
clearly and timing is speaks clearly and under the allotted
between 8-10 timing may be off by time.
minutes. a minute or two.
10 points 8 points 6 points 0-4 points

Question Session Student Student mostly Student Student does not

demonstrates a demonstrates an demonstrates some answer questions or
thorough understanding of all understanding and answers all
understanding of all topics and answers answers some inaccurately.
topics and fully most questions questions accurately.
addresses all parts accurately.
of the questions
asked by referencing
their work as well as
outside information.
6 points 2 points
4 points 0-1 point

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