Characterization of Red Bean (Phaseolus Radiatus Var. Aurea)

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Characterization of Red Bean (Phaseolus radiatus var.

Starch and Its Noodle Quality

ABSTRACT izing microscopeequippedwith a Kofler hot stage(Lii and Chang,

Red bean (Phaseolus radiatus var. aurea) starch was isolated by a 1978). Temperatures were recorded that corresponded to loss of
wet-milling process and steeping in 0.1% sodium hydroxide which birefringence by 2,30, and 98% of the starch granulesobserved
gave the best starch purity. Physical properties of the starch lnclud- in the field, which were taken as initial, midpoint, and completion
ing granule sizes, gelatinization temperature range, iodine affinity, values, respectively.
X-ray diffractogram, swelling and solubility pattern, Brabender Iodine affinities were determined, after being defatted with
amylogram, gel strength and degree of syneresis, were examined. methanol for 24 hr, by potentiometric titration (Schoch, 1964)
Starch noodles were prepared from red bean starch and compared using a Digital pH meter with a platinum electrodecalibratedwith a
with those from mung bean. Noodle quality was exmained by solid voltage reference cell.
loss during cooking, tensile strength and organoleptic tests. The re- X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained with an X-ray diffrac-
sults indicated that red bean starch noodles gave fairly good quality, tometer (Model ADG301E, Tokyo Shibaura Co.) after the starch
although not as good as mung bean starch noodles. was saturated with water vapor overnight in a closed container
(Zobel, 1964).
Swelling power and solubility were determined from 65-95C,
INTRODUCTION at 10C intervals, by the method of Leach et al. (1959). Four grams
of starch were used for the measurement.
RED BEAN (Phaseolus rudiutus var. aurea) is mainly used The degree of syneresis of starch gels was determined from the
as one of the popular ingredients in oriental style desserts volume of water separated from the gel after storage at 4C for 24
(e.g., cake and pie fillings), bean jams (Watanabe and Han- hr. The amount of water was measuredby centrifugation at 8,000
do, 1955; Takahashi et al., 1954; Tsuyuki and Itoh, 1976; rpm for 15 mm (Yang et al., 1980).
Tsuyuki et al., 1976; Shiota et al., 1976; Nagasawa et al., Gel strength was measuredby an Autograph S-100with a lo-kg
1977) and Japanese confectionery (Matsuhashi and Shim- loading cell (Shimadzu Seisakusho Co. Ltd, Kyoto, Japan) follow-
ing the method describedpreviously(Yang et al., 1980).
ada, 1971). Very few studies have been reported on the Brabenderviscositycurveswere obtainedwith a Brabendervisco-
starch (Kawamura, 1969; Kawamura and Fukuba, 1957; amylograph, using 6, 7, and 8% starch concentration, according to
Tada, 1959) of red bean, although starch is one of the the procedureof Mazurset al. (1957).
major components and may influence the functional prop-
erties of red beans. Hence, investigations of the physico- Noodle preparation (Chen, 1978)
chemical properties of red bean starch and the quality of 95% Starch was mixed with 5% gelatinizedstarch,preparedby
red bean starch noodles wereinitiated. heating a starch slurry at 95C in a water bath, to form a dough
with a glossy, smooth surface. The dough, containing approximately
MATERIALS&METHODS 54% moisture, was placed in a 20-ml syringe and extruded directly
into a hot water bath (90-95C) for lo-20 sec. The noodles were
Isolation of starch immediately transferred to cool water, kept there for 3-5 mln, hung
Red bean (Phaseolus radiatus var. aurea), grown in the Southern on a bamboo pole, and frozen at -10C for 24 hr. After thawing
in cool water for 2 hr, the noodles were airdried at 40C in an oven.
part of Taiwan, was purchased from the local market. The starch The dried noodles were placed in a polyethylene bag and stored in a
was isolated using the method of Schoch and Maywald, (1968) desiccator. This is the most common process for commercially
with some modifications. Red beans were first steeped overnight manufacturing starch noodles, except that a syringe is used in this
respectively in three different solutions: water, 0.1% sodium hy- study instead of extruder.
droxide, and 0.2% sodium sulfite. The steeped beans were washed
with distilled water and ground in a Waring Blendor at low speed for Physical properties of starch noodles
2 mm. The slurry was filtered through polymon bolting cloth
(132~ pore size). The filtrate was settled for enough time to sedi- Solid loss during cooking. Noodles (5g), cut into 3-5 cm lengths,
ment the prime starch. The prime starch was reslurried in water and were added to a beaker containing about 200 ml of boiling, distilled
sedimented several times until the upper layer was substantially water on a hot plate. The beaker was covered with a watch-glass,
free of color. The recovered prime starch was then dried in an air and cooking was continued for 2 hr. Boiling, distilled water was
oven at 40C. added every 30 min to compensate for evaporation losses;the mix-
ture was stirred slightly with a glass rod. The cooked noodles were
Chemical analysis filtered through a nylon screen; the beaker, noodles, and screen
were washed with distilled water. The combined filtrate and wash-
Moisture, crude protein, ash, crude fat and crude fiber contents
ings were placed in a washed, dried, tared beaker (Wrl), and dried at
of both red beans and starch were determined as described pre- 8OC, then llOC, in an oven to constant weight (Wz). The mois-
viously (Lii and Chang, 1978). The starch content of the sample
was determined according to the method of Hassid and Neufeld ture content of the noodles was also determined (w3). The solid
loss during cooking was calculated by the equation:
(1964). The method of Smith and Caruso (1964) was used to mea-
sure the phosphorus content in starch.
Solid loss (%) during cooking = w2-w1x100
Physical properties of the starch
Gelatinization temperature ranges were determined using a polar- Tensile strength. Noodles were cooked in boiling, distilled water
and removed at defmite intervals (5,10, and 30 min). After cooling
at room temperature, the tensile strength was measured using an
Autograph S-100 with a l-kg loading cell. The crosshead speed was
20 mm/mm
Authors Lii and Chang are with the Institute of Chemistry, Aca-
Organoleptic test. Noodles made from mung bean starch, red
demia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. bean starch and mixed bean starch (50% red bean and 50% mung

78-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 46 (1981)


bean) were cooked with the proper amount of water for 10 min. value of the starch was 4.83%. The value is much lower
Texture wasevaluatedby 10 experiencedjudges. than those of other legume starches which are generally
in the range 6.0-7.5% (Schoch and Maywald, 1968;
RESULTS & DISCUSSION Tolmasquim et al., 1971).
The swelling power and solubility patterns of the starch
Proximate composition of red bean are shown in Figure 2. The swelling power of red bean starch
The proximate compositions of red beans are listed in is of the restricted type, like mung bean starch (Chen,
Table 1. Red beans contained about 46% starch and 25% 1978), but is less restricted than that of black bean, yellow
crude protein. These values were approximately the same as pea and navy bean (Lai and Varriano-Marston, 1979;
those of other legume seeds (Yang et al., 1980; FIRDI, Schoch and Maywald, 1968). The solubility pattern, as
1973). usual, paralleled the swelling power.
The Brabender viscosity patterns of the starch pastes
Starch isolation from 6-8% concentrations gave no pasting peak during
cooking. Neither did they show a breakdown of the hot
As shown in Table 2, the three different steeping solu- paste. Such a pattern is similar to those of most legume
tions gave similar starch products. Since the amount of starch pastes and could be classified into type C, according
protein is usually considered as an index of the purity of
to Schochs Classification (Schoch and Maywald, 1968).
legume starch, the starch isolated with sodium hydroxide The iodine affinity value of the red bean starch was not
was used for further studies. The phosphorus content of red high (4.83%), but the starch had high hot paste stability.
bean starch was 0.10 mg/g which was less than that in This phenomenon seems peculiar. The results also indi-
kidney bean starch (Yang et al., 1980). cated that the different steeping solutions used during
starch isolation did not affect the viscosity pattern (Fig. 3).
Physical properties of the starch However, they did influence the pasting viscosities.
Microscopically most red bean starch granules had The strength and the degree of syneresis of red bean
irregular shapes with deep fissures (Fig. lA), which may be starch gels at various concentrations are shown in Table 4.
due to the way in which the granules were packed within The results indicated that the degree of syneresis of red
the protein matrix in the endosperm (Lii and Lineback, bean starch gel is higher than that of mung bean and less
1977). Clearly centric birefringence was observed when the than those of kidney bean and pea starch gels (Yang et al.,
granules was examined under the polarized light (Fig. 1B). 1980). The degree of syneresis increased as the concentra-
The sizes of the granules ranged from 25-67~ which were tion of the starch gel decreased, which is similar to other
relatively larger than those of other legume starches (Kawa- legume starches being studied (Lii, unpublished results).
mura, 1969; Yang et al., 1980; Chen, 1978; Lai and Varria- The gel strength of red bean starch was much weaker than
no-Marston, 1979; Lineback and Ke, 1975). those of mung bean, pea and kidney bean starches (Yang
The gelatinization temperature range of red bean starch
was 63-66.5-70C (Table 3). The range is close to those of
chick pea and horse bean starches (Lineback and Ke, 1975),
but is lower than those of most other legume starches, such
as mung bean (Chen, 1978), kidney bean (Yang et al.,
1980), and black bean (Lai and Varriano-Marston, 1979).
As measured by potentiometric titration, the iodine affinity

Table l-Proximate composition of red bean

Composition % of dry weight basis

Crude protein 24.83

Crude fat 2.75
Crude fiber 4.84
Ash 3.66
Starch 46.43

Table 2-Composition of Red Bean Starch

Steeping solution
Composition Sodium Sodium
(%, Dry wt basis) Water hydroxide sulfite

Crude protein 0.20 0.13 0.15

Crude fiber 0.01 0.01 trace
Crude fat 0.02 0.01 0.04
Ash 0.06 0.05 0.02
Phosphorus (me/g) - 0.10

Table 3-Properties of red bean starcha

Shape Irregular

Size tj~c) 2567

Gelatinization temp range (C) 63-66.5-70
12 affinity (%I 4.83
Fig. l-Red bean starch granules: (A) under normal light; (B) under
a Isolated after steeping In 0.1% sodium hydroxloe polarized light.

Volume 46 (7981)-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-79

et al., 1980). This may be attributed to its low iodine affin- and mung bean starches (Table 5). However, the 5.77%
ity value and resulting lower amylose content. The lower solid loss was still far below the acceptable 10% level set by
amylose content may cause less retrogradation of the starch the Chinese National Standards for starch noodles (CSB,
during the gel formation, and it resulted in the weaker gel 1963).
structure. As Table 6 shows, the tensile strengths of the noodles
The X-ray diffractogram of the native starch granule decreased in the order: mung bean, mixed 1: 1 red bean and
of red bean showed an A-pattern (Zobel, 1964). mung bean, and red bean. This may be explained by the
lower content of linear fractions in red bean starch which
Noodle qualities may cause less retrogradation of the starch in the noodle.
Consequently, it resulted in a higher amount of solid loss
Noodle.qualities were evaluated by the amount of solid
and less tensile strength of the red bean starch noodles.
loss during cooking, the tensile strength, and a taste panel. Organoleptic evaluation (Table 7) indicated that noodles
Since mung bean starch has been the best raw material for made from mung bean, and mixed bean starches had the
starch noodle preparation (Chen, 1978), mung bean starch similar scores based on texture. Red bean starch noodles
noodles were prepared as a reference. Solid loss was higher were slightly softer in texture.
for red bean starch noodles than for mung bean starch From previous studies (Lii et al., 1979), we suggested
noodles and noodles prepared from mixed (1: 1) red bean that an ideal starch for noodle manufacturing should have
high amylose content or high iodine affinity value (6-7%),
restricted swelling, and a C-type Brabender viscosity curve.
Mung bean starch possessthese three characters. Red bean
.--- Swelling-Power starch has restricted swelling and a C-type Brabender
m1 *L Solubles amylogram, but its iodine affinity (4.83%) was not as high
40 as that of mung bean. Consequently, starch noodles pre-

Table 4-Gel strength and degree of syneresis of red bean starch at

30 various concentrations

Gel strength (gl

Degree of
: 20 At room After 24 hr syneresisa
2 Cone temp at 4C (ml H20)
:: 7% 120 218 6.7
9% 768 1090 0.4

10 10
a The degree of syneresis was determined as the volume of water
separated from 30 ml of the starch gel after storage at 4C for 24 hr.

65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Table 5-Solid loss of various bean starch noodlesa

Temp.(C) Solid loss 96
Fig. 2-Swelling power and solubility of red bean starch. 5.77
Red bean starch noodle
Mung bean starch noodle 3.20
50% red bean and 50% mung bean
,dIN) starch noodle 3.85
1.0 2
I a The diameter Is aPproxlmatelY 1 mm.
s I
g6% (N~OH)
Table 6-Tensile strength of various bean starch noodlesa

Tensile strength (9)

Cooking Red bean Mung bean 50% red bean and
time starch starch 50% mung bean
(min.) noodle noodle starch noodle

5 3.8 6.6 4.2

10 1.6 13.0 4.0
30 NDb 7.4 3.6

a The diameter Is approximately 1 mm.

5% (HZO) b The noodle is too soft to measure.

Table 7-Organoleptic evaluation of various bean starch noodlesa

Noodle Scoreb

Red bean starch 4.8

Mung bean starch 3.7
50% red bean and 50% mung
bean starches 3.6
Fig. 3-Brabender viscograms of red bean starch at different concen- a Cooking time was 10 min.
trations as isolated from different steeping solutions. b Score l-7: 1 = toughness; 4 = optimum; 7 = softness.

80-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 46 (1981)


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Volume 46 (1981)-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-81

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