World Civilizations 16-17

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Kromer: 6th World History

Welcome to 6th grade!

My One Rule:
Do nothing to stop teaching or learning.

My Expectations: Follow the Climbers Code!

1) Be a Contributor
2) Be There. Be ready
3) Be Safe

What you need everyday:

Writing utensil, preferably pencil
AVID binder
Loose leaf paper
***Please leave your backpack in your locker!

What you may sometimes need:

Reading book

What you will learn:

We will learn about:
Social studies skills (geography, history, government, economics, etc.),
Ancient civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, India, China, Rome, etc.),
Religion, culture, and art
Modern world history and events (exploration, the colonization of America, wars, imperialism,
globalization etc.),
And many other ideas, concepts, and subjects!

Why are we learning this? Why does it matter?

Social studies is a way to learn from the past, understand the present, and prepare for the
future. The world has never been so connected, and its important to understand other cultures,
including cultures of the past. Social studies will help you learn geography, history, government,
economics, and how other people live. You will need these skills for the rest of middle school, into
high school, and even beyond that!

Beginning of Class: Before class, you will line up outside the door, along the wall between my
doors. When I am ready for you to come in, I will greet you at the door. Once you come into the
classroom, find your seat and prepare for the day. This means sharpening your pencil, turning in
papers, and getting your supplies ready to go. Please bring everything you need to be successful for
the day. I will have a warm up on the board. You will answer the question on your warm up sheet
everyday, and turn it in at the end of every other week. This is also the time to fill in your I can
statement in your AVID binder.
Classwork/Homework: Homework will rarely be given, unless you do not finish in-class
assignments. That becomes homework, so use your time wisely! Any homework will be turned in at
the beginning of the class period when it is due. Remember your name and class period!
Assessments: Small assessments (like a quiz) may be given throughout the unit. A final
assessment will be given at the end of a unit. You will be given all the information and material you
need to be successful on an assessment. As long as you are responsible and work hard, you should be
able to do well!
Grades: I follow the grading policy found in the Mount Jordan Middle School handbook. Your
grades are meant to reflect your ability to master the concepts we are learning. Class assignments and
homework are like practice to see how well you get something. Practice work is worth 20% of your
grade. The final assessment on a concept tells me how well you mastered the concept, and affects
your overall grade the most. Assessments are worth 80% of your grade. The grading scale is as
A 100-93 B 82-80 D+ 69-67
A- 92-90 C+ 79-77 D 66-63
B+ 89-87 C 76-73 D- 62-60
B- 86-83 C- 72-70 F 59-0
Being Absent: When you are absent, please do the following BEFORE asking me what you
1) Check the assignment board (What are we doing? Board)
2) Find assignments and handouts you missed at the Absent Tree station
3) Ask a friend
4) If you still have question, then please ask me
Late Work/Test Retakes: As a school, Mt. Jordan has decided that practice work will be
accepted without penalty if late. I will take late practice work until the day of the final assessment for
that unit without it being marked down. Mt. Jordan has also decided to allow opportunities to retake
assessments. You may retake an assessment ONCE before the end of the term. However, you can
only retake an assessment IF you complete a review assignment to show your work. Retakes and
reviews can be scheduled with me, to take in my room or at After School Lab.
Breaking My Rule: If you are distracting me from teaching or your classmates and yourself
from learning, there are consequences. This is how it will go:
1) You will get a warning
2) If you continue, you will get a Think Time slip. You will be sent to another teachers room in
Team Nebo. You will stand at the door until they invite you in. You will sit at their assigned
space in the classroom and fill out the Think Time slip. Once completed and once the
teacher has signed it, you may return to my class, turn in the slip, and we will continue on
with learning.
3) If the behavior continues to be a problem, we will have a meeting. Your parents/guardians
may be contacted.
4) If the behavior still continues, your parents/guardians will be contacted. This is also when a
referral will be sent to the office.
Leaving the Room: You will be able to go to the bathroom or get drinks of water during
appropriate times using a bathroom pass found in your Avid binder. (i.e. NOT while I am teaching or a
group activity). No one may leave class during the first 10 minutes. I want you to be able to participate
and learn as much as possible and not to miss out on important things by leaving frequently. Any time
you leave the classroom, you must sign out on the sign-out sheet by the door.
Technology in the Classroom: Technology can help us learn in so many ways! We want to use
technology responsibly in this classroom. When using computers or other technology, we will stay on
task (i.e. not play games or browse the internet). If you have a cellphone, iPod, tablet, or other
technological device, I should not see it unless you have permission from me to use it. If I see your
device during class, I will give you a warning. If I see it again, I will keep it until the end of the period. If
this happens more than once in one week, I will send it to the office.
Food/Drink: You may not have snacks or gum in the classroom, unless you have permission.
You can drink water (in a water bottle) in the classroom.
End of Class: Towards the end of the period, I will let you know to wrap up what we are doing,
and clean up any supplies we are using. Sometimes we may have a wrap up question or activity.
Please do not start packing up before I let you know it is time to do so. We will not stand by the door
waiting for the bell, but stay in or by are desks.

Please sign this form, and have your parents also sign this form. After I have checked for signatures,
please keep this form in your AVID binder. Lets have a great year!

___________________________________ ____________________________________
Student signature Parent signature

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