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Beginning Developing Qualified Exemplary Score

1 2 3 4

Required Final project lacked Final project did Final project included all Final project included
Elements more than one item not include one information that was more information than
that was required. item that was required. was required.

Content There is confusion The content is Most of the content is All content throughout
Accuracy in the content and it generally accurate, accurate but there is one the project is accurate.
contains more than but one piece of piece of information that There are no factual
one factual error. information is might be inaccurate. errors.
clearly flawed or

Spelling and Final project has Final project has Final project has 1-2 Final project has no
Grammar more than 2 1-2 grammatical misspellings, but no misspellings or
grammatical and/or errors but no grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
spelling errors. misspellings
Itinerary Itinerary Sheet was Itinerary Sheet was Itinerary Sheet was Itinerary Sheet was
not completed on not completed on completed on time, but completed on time and
time and contained time or contained included a limited number with all necessary
incomplete facts incomplete facts of facts and opinions. information, including
and opinions. and opinions. multiple (at least 2 per
question) facts and
opinions about all 3

Map of solar Map was not an Map was a Map was an accurate Map was an accurate
system and accurate somewhat accurate representation of solar representation of solar
travel path representation of representation of system and indicated a system, including at
solar system and did solar system and travel path. least 3 accurate details
not indicate a travel indicated a of each planet and
path. primitive travel indicated an intricate
path. travel path.

Welcome Back Welcome Back from Welcome Back Welcome Back from Space Welcome Back from
from Space Space Sheet was not from Space Sheet Sheet was completed on Space Sheet was
completed on time was not completed time, but included a completed on time and
and contained on time or limited number of facts with all necessary
incomplete facts contained and opinions. information, including
and opinions. incomplete facts multiple (3) facts and
and opinions. opinions about all 3
Travel The travel The travel The travel advertisement is The travel
Advertisement advertisement was advertisement is created in a unique and advertisement is
not completed or not completed in a creative way but only created in a unique and
contained creative or unique includes two-three of the creative way with at
inaccurate details way and is missing details about the planet. least five details about
about the planet of majority of the the planet of choice.
choice. details or includes
in accuracies.

Description of Description Description Description conveyed a Description conveyed

Day in Space conveyed a limited conveyed a mastery of science the highest level of
understanding of movement toward objectives and reflected mastery of science
science objectives mastery of science mastery level writing objectives and reflected
and reflected a objectives and performance. mastery level writing
beginning level of reflected an performance. This
writing intermediate level would also be an
performance. of writing exemplary and
performance. interesting TV or radio

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