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Running head: Persona Doll 1

Persona Doll: Pepper

Susana Ramirez

Pacific Oaks College

HD4121P Working with Children in a Diverse World

Persona Doll: Pepper 2

Pepper is born being the eldest of what came to be three other peppers in the Serrano

family of five. Rich in family values and culture is the contrast of Peppers world being raised in

a poor and crime stricken neighborhood. Peppers home purchased by Peppers hardworking

parents is a two bedroom and one restroom house that is decorated by love and understanding.

Pepper is ten years old and is about to begin a new chapter in her life as a 4th grader. Pepper

being well versed in Spanish came to an impasse with the English world. Being robbed of her

voice dear little Pepper went out and sought her voice. This came with tribulations that would

change young Pepper forever. Peppers body started to change. It began to be molded into a

womens body and this greatly disconcerted Pepper. Amidst the distractions of Peppers changing

body was still the matter of her voiceless new nature. This inability to communicate soon became

Peppers worst nightmare. Peppers world became upside down as she was trapped in a

confinement room with utter silence. Pepper soon learned that in order to get to heaven you

must go through hell first. Drawing strength from the love and support of her family she began to

battle her personified demons. Conquering the English language was no simply task for Pepper.

Blood, sweat, and tears would soon be employed in overcoming this gigantic task. Bullying by

ignorant minds would tempt to hinder Peppers quest in opening the first key in finding her

voice. Peppers resilience proved too much for the wicked in which they gave up as the cowards

they were. Peppers first stages of dominion of the English language soon made Pepper realize

that finding her voice was more than conquering a foreign language. It meant standing for your

own individualism. Too long has Pepper sat by quietly letting her needs be shoved aside over

someone else. Peppers helpful and loving nature had made her into a victim of a selfish world.

Peppers voiceless nature impedes her from saying no. Gentle, submissive, and hardworking
Persona Doll: Pepper 3

allowed Pepper to camel flash in this world. Happiness on the other hand kept eluding Pepper. As

God was her witness young Pepper began working on recovering her much yearned voice.
How can we help Pepper find her voice?
What strength can she find in herself?

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