Capt. Denise Duguay Speaks To The Professional Standards Division

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Holyoke Police Department Professional standards Division Wednesday, June 29, 2016 This statement is being recorded at the Holyoke Police Department on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 6:05 p-m. Present while this statemopt is being recorded “are Lieutenant Manuel Reyes and Captain Denise Duguay. ‘his statenent is being taken from Denise vuguay reyatding an ineident that is alleged to have occurred on May 26", 2016. This statement commenced at 6:05 p.m. eee eee eee ee STATEMENT A AEE E EEE ©. Denotes questions by Lieutenant Manuel Reyes. A. Denotes answers by Captain Denise Duguay. 0. ‘This statement is being recorded at the Holyoke Police Department on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 in the Professional Standards Division, Present while this statement is being recorded is Lieutenant Manuel Reyes ‘and Captain Denise Duguay. This statement is being faken fron Captain Duguay in relations to an incident which occurred on May 26" concerning Sergeant Charles Monfett. This statement is commencing at 6:05 p.m. Uh, Captain Duguay, could you please state your full ame to include any middle initial and spell your last name for the record? Denise M. Duguay, D-U-G-U-A-Y. o: And my name is Lieutenant Manuel 7. Reyes, R-E-Y-B-5. Shay,” Captain duguay, um, when I interviewed Sergeant Honfore. sergeant Nonfett said that hie receldection of vous conversation you had ordering hin tol cee rent sen POtamediacely was thee eee Gtr xe station and report to Captain Moriarty. To hin he seid it sounded like he just had to check in Wun coptain Moriarty at sone point. And because you an’t even elude to why he was supposed to weet with fim, he didn't think St meant right away. Do you fecal] how you phzased that order? Initials: Page 1 of 4 Statement Format on ‘Tuesday, May 24, 2016, I ordered Sergeant Monfett to report to the Holyoke Police Department immediately upon completion of th: TSI onc report to Captain Matthew Moriarty. Sergeant Monfett said he would do that. Okay. Um, do you think there was any room for confusion? You think there, there was any room for misunderstanding in your, in the way you, uhy explained it to him? No. Okay. ALL right. Um, Sergeant Monfett claims he doesn’t have any recollection of asking you for a two month's postponement, but that he doesn’t deny it. Did you in fact ask him for a.did, did.t'm sorry. Did he in fact ask you for a two months’ postponement on A: Yes, he did. T asked him what he was looking for when he told ne he didn’t vant (0 arene C~ ‘And he said he was asking for a postponement of ‘two months Q: Okay. Um, do you think, do you think that’s something that he would remenber or do you think that's he may forge-, may have forgotten? a ny opinion, it would be disingenuous of hin to say hat he doesn’t renaebes ashing os on os tgoraonth Q: Isn't it true that you, uh, you also spoke with his attorney regarding, uh, ke two months forwer, oF at Stethorhood of Police Officers, the TBPO. And Sergeant Nonfett. take as ne CH Rad'bocn ordered to derby capeain Manny. Febo Initials Page 2 of 4 Statement Format A ee ed A: Yes, he did admit to me that ther: wv why he was asking for a two-month extension. Q: Okay. Um A:T did make reference to that in an email that I wrote on May 25" which was Wednesday, the day before the MMB and the day after 1 told him I was not going to ‘Override Captain Febo's order for Sergeant Monfett to E:T S Captain febo"s order and that Sergeant Nonfett was to report Raise mate reference to the same statement Monon different email, May 25, Wednesday, at 3:49 p.m. addressed to the chief in regards to my Conversation that day with Sergeant Chuck Monfett. And in that I will quote, “Sergeant Monfett asked me Febo's order and that he was as originaltepranned ana that Ube! completion of he is to report to Captain Mi Moriarty.” Okay. Um, well, well those are basically the Questions that { wanted to clarify. Um, it’s contrary fo what Sergeant Monfett stated to me during our interview. Un, is there anything else you'd like to take, add or take away from this statement? A: No. Init Page 3 of 4 Statement Format Q: Okay. Tf this statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, uh, this statement is completed at 6:03, June 29", 2016. Ave ER CONCLUDEDH HHH HERESY This statement was completed at 6:09 p.m. on Wednesday, June 29, 2016. Captain Denise Dagaay t Page 4 of 4 Statement Format

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