1.2.NO - Fibrous and Globular Protein - UUBiochem PDF

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Biochemistry Weston Holzinger

Globular Proteins Hemoglobin

Venous Blood
O2 O2 HHb


CO2 H+ HbO2
HCO3 HHb O2 O2
HbO2 H+
Arterial H2O
A common example of a globular protein is ______________________.
o Heme is a special cofactor in which the metal __________ is bound by _______________ in what is
called a _________________ ring.
o The heme group is bound to the globin which is a quaternary-structure protein with _____
Hemoglobin has the ability to bind to oxygen, but it also interacts closely with hydrogen ions.
o It can be seen that as more H+ ions are present, Hb binds less Oxygen.
This is called the ____________ effect.
As the pH decreases, hemoglobins affinity for oxygen __________.
o This is an important feature that increases the bodys ability to transport oxygen.
Starting with oxygenated blood from arteries, the goal is do drop off the oxygen to peripheral tissues.
o _______ is a byproduct of aerobic cellular metabolism.
In a water environment this is seen as _______ due its dissociation to _____ and ________.
o Thus in peripheral capillaries the pH ______________.
o This binds with Hb and causes it to release the oxygen, of which the cell is in need.
In a reverse manner starting with deoxygenated blood from venous origin (pulmonary arteries) the
goal is to pick up oxygen from pulmonary alveoli.
o Atmospheric concentrations of both O2 and CO2 are relatively ___________.
o Thus rather than being driven by an influx of ____________, the equilibrium is pulled by the low
concentration of ___________ in the alveolus.
o As CO2 leaves, the ph ______________ causing Hbs affinity for O2 to ______________.
Thus it can be seen that Ogygen is transported in the ____________.
CO2, however, is transported in the _________________________.
o Thus after the dissociation of CO2, the HCO3 must leave the cell.
o Since a charged ion cannot cross a membrane on its own without creating a gradient, the
charge is counterbalanced by the migration of _______.
This is called the _____________ shift or the __________________ shift.
1.2.N Globular Protein Hemoglobin
Weston Holzinger - Understanding Biochemistry

Fibrous Proteins Collagen

Fibrous proteins typically have long chains woven together for strength.
One of the most common examples of fibrous protein in the body is ______________________.
o Collagen winds itself in a ____________ _____________ formation.
This tightly wound structure requires amino acids with small R groups.
This is why approximately every _______ amino acid is ______________ (H-).
Collagen is many of these small parts connected, a single triple helix, once properly
formed is called _______________________.
Even after being wound, it is still important for the separate peptide chains to be
bonded together. This is a form of _________________ structure.
__________________, and its derivitives, is the next most common amino acid.
o In order for these to attach to each other, they must be _____________________.
This turns _________________ into _________________________.


Proline 3 (or 4), hydroxyproline

Prolyl Hydroxylase
o the process of changing one of the -H groups into an -OH; Proline to hydroxyproline.
This also happens with the amino acid _______________.
o This process requires that __________ (Fe) remain in the ______ oxidation state.
This is its __________________ form.
After being used, however, it can deteriorate into the ______ oxidation state.
In order to convert it back we must use a ____________________ agent.
____________________________ is the agent used to _______________ Fe_____ into Fe_____.
This is one of the major roles of Vitamin ____.
o When people are deficient in this vitamin, they present with easy
bruising, and deteriorated tissues due, in part, to the inept ______________.
This is a disease called ______________.
After hydroxylation has occurred, another process called ____________________ must also take place.
Together, both of these protein modifications allow for ___________________ of the tropocollagen.

Fibrous Protein Collagen 1.2.N

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