ARIMA Models For Bus Travel Time Prediction

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ARIMA models for bus travel time prediction

Article January 2010


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2 authors:

Madzlan Napiah Ibrahim Kamaruddin

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


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Suwardo1, Madzlan Napiah2 and Ibrahim Kamaruddin3

Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Civil Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 Tronoh, Perak

In this paper, the time series model, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) is used to predict bus travel time.
ARIMA model is simpler used for predicting bus travel time based on travel time series data (historic data) compared
to regression method as the factors affecting bus travel time are not available in detail such as delay at link, bus stop,
intersection, etc. Bus travel time prediction is an important aspect to bus operator in providing timetable for bus operation
management and user information. The study aims at finding appropriate time series model for predicting bus travel time by
evaluating the minimum of mean absolute relative error (MARE) and mean absolute percentage prediction error (MAPPE).
In this case, data set was collected from the bus service operated on a divided 4-lane 2-way highway in Ipoh-Lumut corridor,
Perak, Malaysia. The estimated parameters, appropriate model, and measures of model performance evaluation are presented.
The analysis of both Ipoh to Lumut and Lumut to Ipoh directions is separately performed. The results show that the predicted
travel times by using the moving average, MA(2) and MA(1) model, clearly fit with the observed values for both directions,
respectively. These appropriate models are indicated by the minimum MARE and MAPPE values among the tentative models.
It is concluded that MA(2) and MA(1) models are able to be appropriately applied in this case, and those models can be used
for bus travel time prediction which helping in the timetable design or setup.

Keywords: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average, Bus Travel Time, Mean Absolute Percentage Prediction Error, Mean
Absolute Relative Error, Time Series Model

1.0 INTRODUCTION applied to predict bus travel time based on travel time series
Bus travel time is an important attributes of trip that many data (historic data). That is the reason to apply ARIMA model in
people asking for their traveling purpose by using bus service. predicting bus travel time.
Generally, people consider travel time as well as other factors Based on explanation above, ARIMA model is simpler used
such as ticket fare, bus facilities, comfort, safety, etc. They prefer for predicting bus travel time based on travel time series data
to minimize time spent for moving from a place to other place by (historic data) than regression method as the factors affecting bus
choosing the best bus service. Therefore, the transport planner travel time are not available in detail such as delay at link, bus
needs to elaborate the importance of bus travel time to improve stop, intersection and incident location.
the performance of bus service.
An important aspect of quality of bus service is service 2.0 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF STUDY
reliability. Reliability is used to ensure that the bus service The objective of this model is to predict the travel time of
will depart and arrive on time at certain distance accordingly. bus which running from end-to-end bus terminal based on the
Bus arrival time is affected by departure time, travel time and time series data or historic data of travel time. For further,
delay, therefore, travel time is important factor of bus service transportation engineer/planner will take the benefit of this study
reliability. The reliability is improved further for attracting more in the timetable design or setup.
passengers use bus. Then, bus travel time series data is compiled The time series data of bus travel time were collected starting
for predicting bus travel time. Autoregressive Integrated Moving from January to December 2007 for two typical days a month,
Average (ARIMA) model is simpler kind of time series data workday and weekend. The data collection was performed during
analysis than the regression method for prediction while the the running period of a two way bus trip as named on board
travel time series data is available. survey. This paper focuses on deriving and discussing model
Time series data was recorded in term of total bus travel of bus travel time prediction by using ARIMA model. Model
time from start to end terminal which including delay (at link, development stages is described in flow chart and followed with
bus stop, intersection, incident, etc.). In this case, delay is not model validation (See sub-section 5.2).
separated in detail from the total time. Thus, ARIMA was

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Suwardo, et al.

3.0 PREVIOUS STUDY ON BUS TRAVEL operation, such as location, departure time, distance and travel
TIME time. The main bus stop locations are indicated in the figure, but
the bus actually can stop any where for boarding and alighting
The minimum total travel time spent by users is the one of typical
of passengers.
users objectives in using transit service among other measures
such as personal accessibility, excess time, congestion, total
travel cost, direct travel cost, coverage, traveler satisfaction,
accident rate, and criminal activity [1-2].
With the development of Intelligence Transportation System
(ITS), the concept of providing users with reliable information
about bus arrival time at bus stops has emerged as Advanced
Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and Advanced Public
Transportation Systems (APTS). Some of information for users
included bus travel time, bus location, speed, passengers on board
and dwell time. The information collected by agencies (manually
recorded or real time provided) becomes historical information
and assists transit agencies with planning, management, and
control of the system as well as the improvement of service.
The primary objective of APTS, relating to transit
passengers, is to improve the distribution of information about
the public transport system such as, travel time, delay, and Figure 1: Location and scheduled departure of case study
vehicle position [3]. Hence, the prediction of bus arrival time
at bus stop is found to be valuable information for passengers to In this study, data for analysis was collected during full one
help reduce their waiting time. day period (07:00-21:00), one week period (11:00-15:00) and one
The importance of bus arrival time prediction models year period (11:00-15:00). The data used is primarily collected
as a component of ATIS has been well argued by numerous by on-board survey over the Perak Roadwayss 14-hour weekday
researchers [4-6]. Bus arrival prediction has become a critical service, which is playing Ipoh-Lumut corridor. The number of
component of the systems [7]. In the prediction of arrival time, data points used for analysis was 12 months x 2 days per month
the travel time is a part of system as well as delay. In the analysis x 2 trips per day = 48 trips per year. The primary data collected
of historical bus travel time, the coefficient of variation differed for analysis comprise the following:
between time-points. The coefficient of variation is related to the a. arrival and departure times of the bus at stop points
mean absolute percentage prediction error (MAPPE) achieved b. location of stop points (bus station, bus stop and non bus
using time series (full autoregressive) prediction models. Links stop)
with a higher coefficient of variation had a higher MAPPE and c. name of location and environmental situation within the bus
links with a lower coefficient of variation had a lower MAPPE route
[8]. In addition, secondary data were also used to help surveyor
Some models were used to predict travel time such as, on the primary data collection, such as road network map,
regression method and neural network. Regression method timetable and other information on existing bus service.
requires the availability of dependent variable and whatever On-board survey was conducted with more accurate and
factors as being independent variables. Neural network is detailed information gathered about vehicle movement and
more complicated approaches and not simple in application. boarding and alighting of passengers compared to at check point
As generally known, ARIMA From above reason, ARIMA is survey. As the survey is conducted by observer getting on a
chosen to predict bus travel time based on the bus travel time vehicle traveling over the route along a period of time, so that
series data. it is called as on-board survey. The observer records the data
of location and the time at which the vehicle stop for boarding
4.0 CASE STUDY AND DATA COLLECTION and alighting of passengers and other data need. For this case
Ipoh-Lumut corridor is located at Perak State in Peninsular the handheld GPS was used for recording the spatial and timely
Malaysia which link the Ipoh City (State Center) and Lumut data. For addition, the observer also could count the boarding
Port (where the Malaysia Navy and Pangkor Island, tourism and alighting passengers over an entire route for a specified time
place located). A long this corridor, there are many attractive period. At this point, there was no device installed in the bus
and potential land uses which potentially generate and attract the service system as well as used in more advanced bus service in
trips of people. This corridor is categorized into rural area with other city, so that, there was no GPS data collected with advance
some important central business district (CBD) including such as system in this case.
residential area, school, state building, and universities. The 82.6 In this paper, GPS is merely used as instrument or tools in
km length of divided multiple lane highway is the main road in data collection which support in recording the spatial and time
this corridor connecting three districts, Kinta (Ipoh City), Perak based data of bus operation. Here, GPS is not applied specifically
Tengah and Manjung. The regular bus services are operated from in estimating bus arrival in term of providing the real time
07:00 to 21:00. Figure 1 shows the illustration of bus service information.

50 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2010)
Arima Models for bus travel time prediction

The type of bus service is regular stage-bus service which 5.1.3 Autoregressive Moving Average Model
operates in mixed traffic. It is true that its travel time is affected As a combinatory model, the Autoregressive Moving
by some factors, such as delay at intersection, delay at link and Average Model is generally noted as ARMA(p,q) which has the
delay at bus stop. The data used for prediction is total bus travel general form,
time from the start to the end terminal which is compiled in time
series based data. So that this study focus on the total travel time Yt = 0 + 1Yt1 + 2Yt2 + + pYtp + t
from start to end terminal. The bus travel time in mixed traffic 1t1 2t2 qYtq (3)
is influenced by factors, such as level of traffic, delay (at link,
Since the time series data prepared, then it can be produced
junction and bus stop), departure time, and number of bus stop.
the graph of sample autocorrelation function (ACF) and the
In this case, the focus is not on the detail factors affecting bus
sample partial autocorrelation function (PACF) to determine
travel time. Otherwise, the model is just applied to data series of
the form of models, which the processes can be summarised by
bus travel time.
referring Table 1 as follows:
Table 1: How to determine the model by using ACF and PACF
5.1 Time Series Analysis Using Arima Model
In this section, it is shortly reviewed the non-seasonal Box-
Jenkins Models for a stationary time series data. The Box-Jenkins Model ACF PACF
methodology refers to the set of procedures for identifying, AR(p) Dies down Cut off after lag q
fitting, and checking the ARIMA models with time series data.
MA(q) Cut off after lag p Dies down
Prediction or forecasts follow directly from the form of the fitted
model [9]. ARMA (p,q) Dies down Dies down
Identification of the type of time series formula within
ARIMA models are discussed briefly below. 5.1.4 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average is abbreviated
5.1.1 Autoregressive Model as ARIMA. ARIMA is a general model widely used in time
Autoregressive (AR) is defined as the model of a time series series analysis. Based on the prior investigation of the behavior
in which the current value of the series is a linear combination of a series, it is specified three numbers that represent the order
of previous values of the series, plus a random error. A pth-order of autoregressive (p), the degree of differencing (d), and the
autoregressive model which is noted as AR(p) has the general order of moving average (q). Thus, the general form of model
form, is written as ARIMA(p,d,q). The model can be extended to
incorporate seasonality.
Yt = 0 + 1 Yt1, 2 Yt2 + + p Ytp + t (1)
5.2 Steps In The ARIMA Model Building
Yt = Response (dependent) variable at time t
The steps in the ARIMA model-building are briefly
Yt1, Yt2, , Ytp = Response variable at time lags t1, t2, explained below. Figure 2 shows the flow chart of model
, tp, respectively development stages and model validation.
0, 1, 2, , p = Coefficients to be estimated
t = Error term at time t 5.2.1 Model Identification
First step is to create ACF and PACF graph. A graph of
5.1.2 A.2 Moving Average Model autocorrelation function (ACF) is used to determine whether the
A Moving Average (MA) is simply a numerical average of series is stationary or not. The time series is considered stationary
the last N data points. The simple moving average is intended for if the graph of ACF of the time series values either cuts off fairly
data of constant and no trend nature. A qth-order moving average quickly or dies down fairly quickly. If the graph of ACF dies
model which is symbolised as MA(q) has the general form, down extremely slowly, then the time series values should be
considered non-stationary. If the series is not stationary, it can
Yt = + t 1t1 2t2 qtq (2) be converted to a stationary series by differencing. The original
Where, series is replaced by a series of differences. An ARMA model
Yt = Response (dependent) variable at time t is then specified for the differenced series. Differencing is done
= Constant mean of the process until a plot of the data indicates that the series varies about a
fixed level, and the graph of ACF either cuts off fairly quickly or
1, 2, , q = Coefficients to be estimated
dies down fairly quickly.
t = Error term at time t
Model for non-seasonal series are called Autoregressive
t1, t2, , tq = Errors in previous time periods that are integrated moving average model, denoted by ARIMA(p,d,q).
incorporated in the response Yt Here, p indicates the order of the autoregressive part, d indicates
the amount of differencing, and q indicates the order of the

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moving average part. If the original series is stationary, d = 0 and Where,

the ARIMA models reduce to the ARMA models. p = Coefficient to be estimated
ARIMA (p,d,q) has the general form, B = Lag or backward linear operator defined by
p (B) (1 B) dYt = + q(B) t BYt = Yt-1.
or p (B)Wt = + q(B)t (4) Wt = Stationary series obtained as the dth difference of Yt.,
that is Wt = (1-B)dYt
= Constant mean of the process
q = Coefficient to be estimated
t = Error term at time t

Second step is to identify the form of the model to be used

by using the theory in Table 1, after a stationary series has been

5.2.2 Model Estimation

Estimate the parameters for a tentative model has been

5.2.3 Model Checking (Verification and Validation)

In this step, model must be checked for adequacy or
accuracy by considering the properties of the residuals whether
the residuals from an ARIMA model must has the normal
distribution and should be random. An overall check of model
adequacy is provided by the Ljung-Box Q statistic.
If the p-value associated with the Q statistic is small (p-value
< ), the model is considered inadequate. The analyst should
consider a new or modified model and continue the analysis until
a satisfactory model has been determined.
Moreover, it can be checked that the properties of the residual
with the graph as follows:
1) Check the normality by considering the normal probability
plot or the p-value from the One-Sample Kolmogorov
Smirnov Test.
2) Check the randomness of the residuals by considering the
graph of ACF and PACF of the residual. The individual
residual autocorrelation should be small and generally
within 1.96/ N of zero.

5.2.4 Forecasting with the Model

Forecasts for one period or several periods into the future
with the parameters for a tentative model have been selected.
Evaluation of forecasting was performed by using mean absolute
relative error (MARE) and mean absolute percentage prediction
error (MAPPE).


The results obtained and finding models are presented in the
following sub-sections.

6.1 Graphical Data Presentation

Data for analysis were series data of bus travel time
collected from January to December 2007. Observation was done
Figure 2: Location and scheduled departure of case study for two typical days, workday and weekend each month. The

52 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2010)
Arima Models for bus travel time prediction

(a) From Ipoh (TP=1) to Lumut (TP=7) (b) From Lumut (TP=7) to Ipoh (TP=1)

Figure 3: Histogram and normal distribution of bus travel time

unit of travel time is measured in minute, thus, unit of minute is was N(x, 122.25, 8.109). The difference of average travel time of
consistently used in the discussion. Descriptive statistics of bus both directions is 5.9 minutes (5% difference). This is due to the
travel time series was summarised in Table 2. From the Figure 3, operating speed for Lumut to Ipoh direction is lower (40km/h)
it was shown that the distribution of travel time met with normal with the higher variation of travel time (6.6%) compared to
distribution N(x, 116.38, 7.192) for Ipoh to Lumut direction those of Ipoh to Lumut direction. For Ipoh to Lumut direction,
(from time point TP=1 to time point TP=7). Meanwhile, for the the operating speed and variation of travel time are 43 km/h and
opposite direction, Lumut to Ipoh, the normal distribution fitting 6.1%, respectively.

Table 2: Descriptive statistics of bus travel time (ARIMA_TT)

TP1_7 : TP7_1 :
Travel time from TP=1 to TP=7 Travel time from TP=7 to TP=1

Mean 116.375 122.25

Std.Dv. 7.191858 8.109308

Minimum 102 110

Maximum 129 139

First 1 1

Last 24 24

N 24 24

Based on the Box & Whisker plot (See Figure 4), for both directions, the standard deviation and standard error of travel time
changed increasing as the distance traveled increased from the starting time point to the downstream time points. The standard
deviation plot, for instance, between time points of 1_2, 1_3, 1_4, 1_5, 1_6 and 1_7 tended to increase because there was delay
propagation due to various traffic conditions and bus operating speed. The same changes were experienced for other pairs of time

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Figure 4: Standard deviation and standard error of bus travel time Figure 5: Time series plot of the bus travel time

6.2 The Aart of ARIMA Model Building and ARIMA(0,0,2), ARIMA(1,0,0) and ARIMA(2,0,0). And, for the
Forecasting Lumut to Ipoh direction, the tentative models considered were
By following of the steps in the models-building, the as follows: ARIMA(0,0,1), ARIMA(0,0,2), ARIMA(1,0,0), and
results can be obtained, as shown in Figures 3-5. The time series ARIMA(2,0,0).
data are considered stationary at around the mean value. Most Table 3 shows the estimated parameters of selected model
of the autocorrelation values are smaller than 1.96 times their of bus travel time prediction. Parameter estimation in ARIMA
standard errors (i.e., the probability of 95% confidence limit) as models is completely achieved by maximising the likelihood
indicated by the dotted line in the ACF plot in Figure 4 and 5. (probability) of the data. The method for computing maximum
The time series is stationary because the graph of ACF of the likelihood value for ARIMA is Exact (Melard algorithm) [11].
time series values either cuts off fairly quickly or dies down For Ipoh to Lumut direction (from TP=1 to TP=7), the model
fairly quickly. Thus, it was not necessary to make transformation was without transformation (the amount of difference, d=0),
and differencing of the data, in this case d=0. To build the proper named ARIMA(0,0,2) = MA(2) with MS Residual = 46.722.
model, it was reasonable to applied some tentative ARIMA Furthermore, the model for Lumut to Ipoh direction (from
models for Ipoh to Lumut direction such as, ARIMA(0,0,1), TP=7 to TP=1) is ARIMA(0,0,1) = MA(1) with MS Residual
= 68.102.

Figure 6: ACF of the bus travel time Figure 7: PACF of the bus travel time

54 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2010)
Arima Models for bus travel time prediction

For the Ipoh-Lumut corridor, the fitted models are formed More details, all the tentative ARIMA models were shown
as follows: below. Based on the estimated model parameters of respective
a) Ipoh to Lumut direction: bus travel time resulted by using STATISTICA 7 software, it
could be obtained the models in the form as the following in
Yt = 116.1627 + 0.0447*t-1 0.4289*t-2 (5)
Table 4.
b) Lumut to Ipoh direction:
Yt = 122.2072 0.1218*t-1 (6)

Table 3: Estimated mode parameters of bus travel time

Input: TP1_7 : Travel time from TP=1 to TP=7 (ARIMA_TT)

Transformations: none
Model:(0,0,2) MS Residual= 46.722
Param. Asympt.Std.Err. Asympt.t( 21) p Lower 95% Conf Upper 95% Conf
Constant 116.1627 0.9341 124.3513 0.0000 114.2200 118.1053
q(1) -0.0447 0.2039 -0.2191 0.8287 -0.4687 0.3794
q(2) 0.4289 0.1885 2.2757 0.0335 0.0370 0.8208
Input: TP7_1 : Travel time from TP=7 to TP=1 (ARIMA_TT)
Transformations: none
Model:(0,0,1) MS Residual= 68.102
Param. Asympt.Std.Err. Asympt.t( 22) p Lower 95% Conf Upper 95% Conf
Constant 122.2072 1.5267 80.0476 0.0000 119.0411 125.3734
q(1) 0.1218 0.2855 0.4266 0.6738 -0.4703 0.7139

Table 4: Model results of bus travel time

Models Equations Note

1. For Ipoh to Lumut direction:
a) ARIMA(0,0,1) = MA(1) Yt = 116.2890 0.2602*t-1 1st-order moving average
b) ARIMA(0,0,2) = MA(2) Yt = 116.1627 + 0.0447*t-1 0.4289*t-2 2nd-order moving average
c) ARIMA(1,0,0) = AR(1) Yt = 116.3530 0.1107*Yt-1 1st-order autoregressive
d) ARIMA(2,0,0) = AR(2) Yt = 116.1699 0.1828*Yt-1 0.4606*Yt-2 2nd-order autoregressive
2. For Lumut to Ipoh direction:
a) ARIMA(0,0,1) = MA(1) Yt = 122.2072 0.1218*t-1 1st-order moving average
b) ARIMA(0,0,2) = MA(2) Yt = 121.9329 0.5090*t-1 - 0.4910*t-2 2nd-order moving average
c) ARIMA(1,0,0) = AR(1) Yt = 122.2269 0.0794*Yt-1 1st-order autoregressive
d) ARIMA(2,0,0) = AR(2) Yt = 122.1416 0.0979*Y t-1 - 0.1519*Y t-2 2nd-order autoregressive

From Figure 8-10, proof that the selected ARIMA(0,0,2) The equation of the final result can be used to approximately
or MA(2) is an appropriate model for bus travel time from Ipoh generate the historical patterns of bus travel time in a time series and
to Lumut direction, and is better than other tentative ARIMA forecast the future value of the time series of bus travel time.
models. Similarly, by using the other graph for Lumut to Ipoh From Figure 8, the histogram shows that it looks like the
direction it can be obtained the ARIMA(0,0,1) or MA(1) which residuals are normally distributed. Apparently, it seems how well
is proper model for bus travel time in the case. the normal distribution fits the actual distribution of residuals.
The models were checked for accuracy by considering the Moreover, it can be checked the properties (randomness) of the
properties of the residuals whether the residuals from an ARIMA residuals with the graph of ACF and PACF of the residual (See
model has the normal distribution and should be random. For Figure 9-10). The individual residual autocorrelation was small
overall, as shown in Figure 9, the models are considered adequate and generally falling within limit 1.96/ N of zero (there is
as the p-value of associated with the Ljung-Box Q statistic is no residual serial correlation). In other words, the residuals are
large (p-value > ). independent of each other as second criteria of ARIMA models.

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Figure 8: Histogram of the residuals of the bus travel time

Figure 9: ACF of the residuals of the bus travel time Figure 10: PACF of the residuals of the bus travel time

7.0 APPLICATION OF BUS TRAVEL TIME was measured by calculating MARE and MAPPE for each
PREDICTION tentative models as being formulated:
Data set used for prediction (validation) consists of data set n
for model estimation and being added with any observed data ActualValuei ForecastValuei

else. i1
MARE = (7)
The performance of model is measured by the degree n

of accuracy. Accuracy of the model is indicated by statistical
closeness such as mean absolute relative error (MARE) and
mean absolute percentage predicting error (MAPPE). Both are
ActualValuei ForecastValuei
indicator of model performance. The model which has minimum i1
value of MARE and MAPPE is the accurate model (the best) ActualValuei
among the several tentative models in predicting bus travel MAPPE = (8)
time. In other word, the minimum residual (error) indicate high
accuracy model.
In this application, the prediction of bus travel time with where,
the model obtained is properly done by considering the value n : number of cases or data points
of MARE (mean absolute relative error) and MAPPE (mean MARE in respective unit of minute
absolute percentage prediction error). Performance of models MAPPE is measured in %

56 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2010)
Arima Models for bus travel time prediction

The proper model is determined by comparing the MARE and month of the year and bus travel time series. Most of data
and MAPPE values among the tentative models as indicated and predicted travel time for both Ipoh to Lumut and Lumut to
by the minimum value of MARE and MAPPE. Table 5 shows Ipoh direction fell within 95% confidence limit, meaning that the
the MARE and MAPPE values. ARIMA(0,0,2) = MA(2) and models are reasonable and acceptable.
ARIMA(0,0,1) = MA(1) are selected because of the smallest As shown in Figure 11-12, also, the forecasting results
MARE and MAPPE values. indicated that there was no specific trend line showing the changes
The MA(2) and MA(1) equations can be used to of bus travel time in the following period. In the following period,
approximately generate the historical patterns of bus travel time the average travel time for both directions would be 117 and 123
in a time series and forecast the future value of the time series minutes, respectively.
of bus travel time. For instant, the residual of travel time of 10% The prediction was only based on the historical travel
was tolerable, therefore, the route distance of 82.6 km which was time data, other factors, like as road and traffic conditions were
traveled in a round trip within 240 minutes (4 hours), then the not considered. As well known, the upgrading of the existing
delay would likely being 24 minutes. The assumption of delay highway to be divided 4-lane 2-way highway in this corridor
of 10% travel time seemed still reasonable for the regular stage was done from middle of 2006 and finished totally in September
bus which traditionally operated in mixed traffic. Meanwhile, for 2007. The traffic volume might change from time to time before
bus rapid transit (BRT) system generally concern with delay of 5 and after upgrading work. Those factors were not accounted to
minutes which was tolerable. this study as the upgrading of road was done per segment while
In this case, both the model results could describe well the data was collected by on board survey. In addition, the mixed-
traffic condition would be varies per segment along the corridor
historical pattern of bus travel time with the minimum MAPPE
regarding the constructing work.
values less than 10% (See Table 5). On the other hand, the delay
as indicated by MARE values, both 4.44 and 6.77 minutes, were
quite tolerable because those were not significant delay compared
to the bus travel time of 117 and 123 minutes, respectively.
Predicted and actual (observed) bus travel times were plotted
with 95% confidence limit in Figure 11-12. It was clearly shown
that the bus travel time series vary stationary in mean value of
116.38 minutes for Ipoh to Lumut direction. Similarly, it varies
in mean value of 122.25 minutes for Lumut to Ipoh direction. For
both directions, there is no trend or linear relation between date

Table 5: Residual analysis and performance of models

(minute) (%)

1. Ipoh to Lumut Direction:

a) ARIMA(0,0,1) = MA(1) 5.74 4.67 Figure 11: Travel time prediction (Ipoh to Lumut direction)

b) ARIMA(0,0,2) = MA(2) 4.44 3.88

c) ARIMA(1,0,0) = AR(1) 12.83 10.30

d) ARIMA(2,0,0) = AR(2) 74.34 64.24

2. Lumut to Ipoh Direction:

a) ARIMA(0,0,1) = MA(1) 6.77 5.64

b) ARIMA(0,0,2) = MA(2) 7.86 6.42

c) ARIMA(1,0,0) = AR(1) 10.10 8.06

d) ARIMA(2,0,0) = AR(2) 30.56 24.66

Figure 12: Travel time prediction (Ipoh to Lumut direction)

Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2010) 57
Suwardo, et al.

8.0 CONCLUSION prediction in the case and they were statistical acceptable to be
The results show that the predicted travel times by using the used in timetable design.
moving average model, MA(2) and MA(1) are close to the
observed values. Those are indicated by the MARE and MAPPE 9.0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
values. The moving average models obtained had minimum The author would thank to the Perak Roadways Sdn. Bhd. for the
MARE and MAPPE values compared to other tentative ARIMA help to facilitate on conducting the on board survey during data
models which being assessed. Those mean that MA(2) and collection. A good appreciation is awarded to the anonymous
MA(1) models are appropriate to be applied for the bus travel reviewer for their valuable suggestion on the previous manuscript.
And, many thanks are delivered to Universiti Teknologi
time prediction for Ipoh to Lumut and Lumut to Ipoh direction,
PETRONAS for the facilities provided and financial support in
respectively. And, those models can be used for bus travel time
this research.

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Suwardo Madzlan B Napiah
Currently, he is pursuing PhD in Transportation Engineering His current address is Civil Engineering Department,
and Traffic, Civil Engineering Department, Universiti Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar,
Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar, 31750 31750 Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. His academic
Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia. experience is as follow:
Tel: +6053688191, Fax: +6053654090. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Leeds
E-mail: Masters of Science (Engineering), University of Leeds
or Bachelor of Science, Michigan State University
His permanent address is Civil Engineering Department, Areas of specialization:
Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. Jl. Highway and Transport Planning Engineering
Yacaranda 1, Sekip, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia. Tel: +605-3687281
Tel: +622747112126, Fax: +62274545193 E-mail:
He received his certificate of education and B. Eng in Civil
Engineering (Teknik Transportation) from Gadjah Mada Ibrahim B Kamaruddin
University in 1996. He obtained his M.Sc. (Magister Teknik, His current address is Civil Engineering Department,
Rekayasa Transportasi) from Bandung Institute of Technology Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Bandar Seri Iskandar,
in 2001. His field of study and the research interest are in 31750 Tronoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia.
urban transportation engineering, public transport, transport His academic experience is:
project evaluation, traffic engineering, and road safety Doctor of Philosophy, University of Leeds
engineering. He is involved in professional association such Masters of Science in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State
as member of Inter-University Transportation Study Forum University
(FSTPT, Forum Studi Transportasi Perguruan Tinggi), Bachelor of Science, University of Sussex
member of Indonesian Road Development Association
Areas of specialization: Highway and Transportation
(HPJI, Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia), member
Tel: +605-3688585
of Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI), member of
Eastern Asian Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS).

58 Journal - The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (Vol. 71, No.2, June 2010)

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