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Moises Gamus Duek ©
Master in Advanced Architecture
Barcelona 2010

Chronological Index

Evolutionary Index________________________________5 Week 3

Introduction____________________________________6-7 Network Systems______________________________43-47
Work Developed During Masters’ Program___________8-11 Eco Machinic Apparatus 3.0______________________48-54
Thesis Framework________________________________12 Magnetic Fields Diagrams________________________55-60

Week 1 Week 4
Thesis Proposal________________________________13 Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.3______________________61-67
Brainstorming_______________________________14-15 Comments and Other Influences_____________________68
Urban Thermodynamics_______________________16-17 On Boundaries________________________________69-71
On Neighborhood Planning____________________18-19 On Density______________________________________72
Cellular Organization_________________________20-21
Dynamic Balance____________________________22-23 Week 5
Site_______________________________________24-28 Eco Machinic Apparatus 4.0_________________________73
Locating Urban Elements________________________74-79
Week 2 Apparatus 4.0 Strategy and Design_________________80-85
Eco Machinic Apparatus 1.0____________________29-31 Reflections______________________________________86
Eco Machinic Apparatus 1.1____________________32-33
On Thermodynamics _____________________34-35
Week 6
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.0____________________36-37
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.4 Design________________87-89
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.1____________________38-39
Results and Observations________________________90-99
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.2____________________40-41
Comments and Conclusions______________________42

Evolutionary Index. Natural selection of ideas.

Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.4 (87-99)

Eco Machinic Apparatus 4.0 (73-86)

On Density (72)
On Boundaries (69-71)
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.3 (61-67)

Eco Machinic Apparatus 3.0 (48-54)

Network Systems (43-47)
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.2 (40-41)
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.1 (38-39)
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.0 (36-37)

On Thermodynamics (34-35) Site Analysis (10-14)
Eco Machinic Apparatus 1.1 (32-33)

Eco Machinic Apparatus 1.0 (29-31)

Neighborhood Planning (18-19)

Urban Thermodynamics (16-17)


The present research has been developed as a final project and logics – energetic and informational flows.
for the Master in Advanced Architecture at the Institute These will be then synthesized in a first working model were
for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC), 2009-2010. the emergent patterns of self organization and potential for
systemic self regulation will be explored. This “Apparatus”
eco-Machinic Apparatus will then become the main tool of design research allowing
Advisors: ecoLogic Studio: Marco Poleto, Claudia Pasquero direct evaluation of architectural effects as a result of
material and organizational changes; every experimental
Thesis Advisors´ Introduction: iteration will lead to a refining of the model and its material
qualities, sensing capabilities and behavioral intelligence.
While systemic thinking provides the cultural substratum for As the experiment progresses a more complex behavior can
an understanding of the relationship between cause and be nurtured and qualitative differences can be appreciated.
effect in the realm of complexity, the discipline of architecture
still lacks operational instruments for the organization of LabBook:
complex material transformations [artificial ecologies]. While the “Apparatus” provides the main mean of research
This thesis framework will therefore concentrate on the and architectural expression, the LabBook will be the
development of such instrument, the “eco-Machinic recording instrument of the research activity. Formatted as a
Apparatus”, an architectonic platform where technology is diary, it will register any daily activity, experimental findings,
embedded in new forms of synthetic life. The ”Apparatus” background research, fabrication drawings, comments
offers the opportunity to incorporate scientific and and thoughts, conceptual and critical arguments. At the
technical ‘know how’ while testing in real time its effects end of the course it will be bound as hard covered book.
within the realm of architectural and urban design.
This research framework is organized around the A 2 min. video will be accompanying the final
development of the following 3 components: presentation as a mean to recreate a design scenario
based on the behavior and performance of the
The Apparatus: “Apparatus” and its architectural scope and or repercussions.
Students will be asked to formulate their initial Presented as a conceptual scenario it can integrate ‘extracted
research hypothesis by extracting from their previous scenes’ form research videos, stills or videos form the
projects: - material properties - organizational principles experiments, as well as staged scenarios of actualization.



The present research explores the possibility

of applying thermodynamic principles to the
form and evolution of the urban structure.

The analogies presented here are both physical and

conceptual, where the test results are read through
empiric thermodynamic behavior, offering the possibility
to speculate with similar behaviors in urban environments.

A specific site has been chosen in order to apply the resulting

observations and flow patterns. Evidently, the results are
influenced by the site´s unique context and local realities.

Above all, the intention is not to present an actual proposal

for a masterplan, but to speculate on the possibility of urban
renovation strategies based on thermodynamic behaviors.

Previous work during the Master’s Program
The present research is the culminating document of a series of projects, ideas, reflections and concerns during the Master in
Advanced Architecture program.

It is for this reason that selected work is included in this document, to be understood as a reference of a contiuous research line
based on the Emergent Territories Studio at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.

IaaC’s Brief
The IaaC works beyond the conven- will be studying India and the countries the multiscalar habitat that can be applied
tional scales of territorial design, town of North Africa, the Persian Gulf and anywhere in the world and at any scale, as a
planning, building or fabrication in de- Sub-Saharan Africa. The work done in basis for the construction of complete com-
signing a multiscale habitat. As in the these countries seeks to identify the plex ecosystems. This group also focuses
design of ecosystems, each level has its particular urban and territorial values on Barcelona as a site for ongoing urban
own rules of interaction and relation, of these places in order to construct experimentation, with a view to contrib-
and at the same time must comply E M E R G E N T uting to the discussions and re# ections in
with certain parameters that pertain to T E R R I T O R I E S relation to the urban progress of the city.
the system as a whole. The Emergent more intelligent territories anywhere in the
Territories group works on projects world, moving on from the Western idea
that range in scale from the territory to that there is a single model of city (be it Eu-
the neighbourhood. The idea of Emer- ropean or American) to work on the basis of
gent Territories is related to two issues: more complex and more open values. The
On the one hand, the IaaC is interested other issue related to emergent territories
in understanding those countries and has to do with the creation of intelligent
cities around the world with emerging territories that function in a multiscalar
economies and cultures that, by virtue way, in order that the relationship between
of their regional or economic position, natures, networks and nodes can foment
can contribute value to the planet as a the ‘emergence’ of an urban intelligence.
whole. In recent years we have studied To this end we are interested in pursuing
Brazil, Croatia, Taiwan, Romania, Co- what we call ‘Hyperhabitat’ research as a
lombia and Tunisia, or in the near future process of developing a general theory of
Previous work during the Master’s Program_ Arboreal Studio
Team: Jessica Lai, Gianluca Santosuosso, Moises Gamus D.

A tree is a reactive organism,

continuously adapting to its environment.
Similarly, our design for a tree house deals
with a reactive and adaptive behavior.
The house is a research tool, a living
organism spatially and structurally
related to the tree, always moving and
shifting its shape following environmental
conditions and the behavior of the tree.

The Tree-Lab, as we call it, offers shelter as

well as the possibility to extract data from the
tree and the environment. This information
is registered in the structural joints, which
are spherical joints allowing multidirectional
movement. The skin is a sensitive envelope
that reacts to the tree as well as the
environment: its substructure is defined by
a parametric system that monitors climate
conditions and reacts to them, becoming
a mechanized organism able to interact
with its environment, bringing closer the
dialogue between human and nature.

Previous work during the Master’s Program_ Emergent Territories Studio I


Uncontrolled urban growth has caused

social deterioration and environmental
disequilibrium, especially in emergent
global economies. Resources scarcity
has set an urgent agenda to switch to
renewable energetic resources and
more efficient ways to distribute them.

Current models of urban planning have

the limitation of extending the cities
sideways, whereas in this research we
explore the possibility of releasing the
city from the ground condition, creating
an infrastructural framework that can be
adapted to different built environments.

Resources are prioritized in the

morphology of this neighborhood, setting
up cyclic loops of energy, water and
waste, in order to generate an efficient
generation and distribution of energy.

Based on the geometry of a hyperbolic

paraboloid, the neighborhood
is arranged as a compact and
integrated urban system within itself.

Previous work during the Master’s Program_Emergent Territories Studio II
OPERATIONAL LANDSCAPES Team: Michael A. Harrison, Moises Gamus D.
There is no change without need, cities are continuously
evolving through time, as they need to grow and adapt to
new technologies, frequencies and modes of operation.

We envision the contemporary city as a compact and

interrelated urban system, in which public space is able to
articulate urban program and integrate society. Contextual
realities are forces that give shape to built environments: It
is just a matter of acute observation and critical selection.

The present proposal attempts to adapt and reinterpret particular

spatial qualities that result from spontaneous (unplanned)
development and local tradition, following self organization logics,
as in the case of Saki-Naka/Asalfa neighborhood, in Mumbai.

Through careful observation of the site, dense and intricate

patterns emerge, suggesting inventiveness and economy
as people build their own homes, following simple rules
regarding the environment, the territory and local social fabric.
Informed by topographic opportunities and environmental
conditions, the main focus of the site plan is to disperse public
space throughout the land at comfortable walking distances,
articulating urban programs and detonating social interaction.

Public space defines the shape and geometry of the urban tissue, a
compact and intertwined pattern regulated by density constrains,
environmental performance and a sense of harmonious coexistence.

Conceiving the landscape as a microeconomic platform, a food

production cycle is organized, strategically locating food crops, trading
areas, industrial spaces and distribution networks. Such cycle will help
the community sustain itself, develop a healthier relationship with the
environment and allow the urban form to convey the vitality of the city.

By 2050 more than 70 % of the global population will be urban.

We cannot let this happen; we have to plan for it to happen in a
balanced, organized and sustainable manner. Let’s start now.
Thesis Framework
City forms are material constructs that are composed of a Metabolism is the ‘fire of life’, the system by which all living
spatial array of dewllings, a pattern of streets and public forms are able to live, to construct themselves and to grow, to
spaces together with differentiated buildings of varying sizes dynamically mantain themselves over time, and to reproduce.
associated with the regulation of energy and Metabolic processes enable and regulate the capture of energy
material flow, and the extension of a metabolic and materials from the exterior environment, and excreting
network across the surrounding territory. changed materials and energy back into the environment.

City forms emerged within different topographies and The metabolic processes of living forms produce changes in
ecological systems, evolving from regional variations of the their environment (...). The organization of whole ecological
founding system and the established patterns of settlements systems emerges from the multiple processes of all forms of
from which they condensed. The forms expanded and life that coexist within it. Many living forms externalize some
developed, strongly coupled to the dynamic changes of aspects of their metabolism by material constructions, often
climate and ecology within which they were situated. collectively arrayed and organized (such as nests and burrows).
- Michael Weistock,
“The Architecture
of Emergence”.


Inspired by processes of nature, urban renovation strategies

can be developed resulting in efficient and harmonious urban

Urban population is increasing at a fast pace. This is an opportunity

to redefine our conception of neighborhood and plan for a
sustainable urban environment, inspired on the logics of nature.

Develop an Eco-Machinic Apparatus as a tool to observe and

test natural behaviors of aggregation, expansion and boundary
(rezdefinition, based on density gradients and heat-induced
behaviors and deformations.




Urban Thermodynamics

The contemporary city should be understood as a hybrid

organism between self-organized, dynamic patterns,
and a continous application of urban planning policies.

Cities are the habitat of humans, the most complex

species of all, due to the wide number of fields
and networks it responds to: thermic, magnetic, symbolic, cultural,
biologic, psychologic, economic, historic, and many more.

Urban Thermodynamics

Understand the city as an urban ecosystem,

following logics of social dynamics and biologic
behavior. This research will attempt to deal with
the city from different perspectives, allowing
a holistic and non-linear approach.

URBAN PLANNING (architecture, urbanism, sociology, economy, engineering...)

NATURAL SCIENCES (biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy...)


Neighborhood Planning

Main principles of sustainable urban On the Gobal and Digital City, by Saskia Sassen:
planning and design, by N. Salingaros:
There is no such thing as one global city.
A) Implement geometry of The global city is a function of a network
compact, human-scaled cities. of cities. In that sense it is different from
the capitals of old empires where you
B) Use traditional building and urban have one city at the top. The kind of urban
planning techniques -- but not exclusively, space that the contemporary period
nor for nostalgic reasons -- but because makes possible is different -because of
these evolved along with humankind the simultaneity, the instantaneousness
in difficult energy conditions, and are of the communication - from any
therefore the most energy efficient. older period where you always had
cities connected to each other. This
C) Planning and design should be based is different because this is something
upon invariants such as socio-geometric that is happening simultaneously in
patterns. Patterns cannot be contradicted long-distance digital networks and
by some fancy innovative artistic in a very, very concentrated space. Place Diagram
"design" without causing seriousnegative
consequences, because the patterns However, this notion of the digital On Urban Boundaries, by Michael Leaf.
are based upon human nature itself. community -- the global village in
digital space -- I find it a concept that is The very nature of urban planning practice
D) Re-use models and typologies both attractive and terribly ambiguous. requires that we think carefully about
that have worked in the past. We are dealing with a certain kind the implications of boundaries. In the
of community in public digital space most fundamental sense of the term as
E) Innovate but only if an innovation adds which is only a part of digital space. it pertains to urban planning, boundaries
functionality in a sustainable sense, never refer to the basic parameters of problem
if it is just a flashy new-looking image, and definition, with the observation that
never if it totally replaces a sustainable older what lies beyond may be insufficiently
solution that works. Any improvement conceptualized, if not overlooked entirely.
on evolved solutions introduced too
suddenly could be catastrophic, so be
very suspicious of utopian schemes.

“Public space is for living, doing business, kissing and playing.It can’t be measured with economics; it must be felt with the soul.”

-Enrique Peñalosa, Bogata Major 1998-2000

Neighborhood Planning
Land use demand can be estimated as the
amount of land necessary for each urban
programme, considering population and
employment growth.

The concept of neighborhood must be able to

reproduc e how agents interact, considering
both spatial and functional levels of interaction.

Systems interdependent to each other, linking buckminster fuller + shoji sadao. dome over manhattan
scales and programs. Allow for exchange of
information between urban program , density,
urban fabric and public space.

Neighborhood definition must shift from

ComplexCity by Lee Jang Sub
the concept of a limited area to a larger and
Humanist urban theorists. interconnected part of the territory both at
Jane Jacobs. Christopher Alexander. Nikos regional and local scales.
From masterplanning as zoning to space Urban interactions can be measured using
occupation as process of growth and indicators of population, employment, and
differentiation. Emergence and cell aggregation commuting flows. Urban patterns as contextual mad et al. huaxi city center
allow for urban programs to develop naturally. tissues evolving in time.

Grid morphology has been driven mainly by a ‘planned’ top-down process where underlying forces
have been driven by political decisions that have
distorted market forces. First and foremost,

the impositions of the Spanish Empire’s orthogonal grid laid down tacit rules, embedded in the
geometry itself, that would guide its development from then on.

New neighborhoods, although developed without much governmental control and faster than they
could be planned responding to economic boom, happened in the context of the existing implicit
structure laid out by the original orthogonal geometry, hence the predominance of offset grids and
the resulting ‘patchwork’ morphology of the city. The only processes that could be regarded as modernist urban “dream” north africa. dense urban tissue
more‘naturally’ developed or organic are adaptations and subdivisions that have occurred in the
original Spanish grid of the Historic Centre, squatter settlements and prevailing indigenous pueblo
cores, but they are minimal.

Mexico City’s land use pattern selection developed driven by bottom-up movement economy forces
regardless of its top-down growth and resulting patchwork morphology. Market forces adapted to
the city’s ‘unnatural’ grid causing the complexity and at-first-glance distortion of the space-land-
use relation. The city developed a spatial hierarchy similar to that of organic cities. These findings
support urban economics ideas of agglomeration economies and network effects.
Land use patterns and access in Mexico City, By Claudia Ortiz-Chao. alfredo brillembourg. livespot 3xn & nord. aarhus masterplan

Cellular organization

bambusa cellular structure


Life exhibits varying degrees of

organization. Atoms are organized into
molecules, molecules into organelles,
and organelles into cells, and so on.
According to the Cell Theory, all living
things are composed of one or more
Epithelial tissue pathnet, by bruce pollock cells, and the functions of a multicellular
Cellular organization

cellular division
“Any complex system (...) is capable of simoultaneously generating
order and actively organizing itself into new structures and forms”.
organism are a consequence of the types of - Manuel De Landa
cells it has. Cells fall into two broad groups:
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Prokaryotic “The evolutionary development of all forms is regulated by the dynamics of energy
cells are smaller (as a general rule) and lack flow. An increase in complexity is always coupled to an increase in the flow of energy
much of the internal compartmentalization through the system. Nearly all systems tend to increase in complexity over time”
and complexity of eukaryotic cells. - Michael Weinstock
Dynamic Balance


An ecological system is a functional

dynamic organization, or steady state.
Steady state is understood as the phase
of an ecological system’s evolution
when the organisms are “balanced”
with each other and their environment.

This balance is regulated through various

types of interactions, such as predation,
parasitism, mutualism, commensalism,
competition, and amensalism.
Introduction of new elements, whether
abiotic or biotic, into an ecosystem
tend to have a disruptive effect.

“The processes of complex systems produce, elaborate and mantain all the forms of natural and
cultural systems, and those processes include exchanges of energy and material with their environment.”
- Michael Weinstock
Dynamic Balance, local and global

Water Cycle Historic Balance:

Thermic balance
The Milky Way, a dynamic system


Mexico City > Las Lomas de Chapultepec > Molino del Rey
Chapultepec, lung of the city and core of the metropolitan area. This
forest remains one of the biggest green spaces of the city, providing
both a natural relaxation field as well as a social gathering place.
Surrounded by high value residencial areas, commercial facilities and services, and
right next to major avenues and roads, this neighbourhood has remained partially
untouched by the real estate force and the end of century´s construction boom.
As the city expands and acquires new lands for its growth, there is no doubt
that there will be a reconfiguration of this neighborhood. Wheather this urban
renovation will happen in an organized and coordinated fashion, or in a dispersed and
unplanned way, will have very different effects and reactions at the regional scale.
This proposal deals with the reorganization of the neighborhood, using biologic
behaviors as models for growth and interaction in spatial and temporal dimensions.

Site Analysis
Site Analysis







Site Analysis

Currently this “neighborhood” can not be considered as a dynamic sustainable environment.
There is a lack of identity in terms of legibility and social interaction, which translates into a disfunctional and
isolated entity in relation to the urban environment. There is no Barrio feeling, no community interaction.
Unsusteinble both economically as well as ecologically, based on the fact that there are no internal cycles for
production / consumption / systematic recycling of matter nor energy. No networked solutions.

Cannot be considered as a vibrant and dynamic environment in terms of urban planning, since there is no specific public
space that allows social interaction of the people living on the immediate suroundings. Lack of community values.
Infrastructural boundaries have delimited the urban site, as in the case of the cycling track, which could
potentially help integrate the site with the city, but as of now it represents a phyisical and symbolic boundary.

This specific sector of the urban form has remained partially abandoned by real estate development, allowing an hollistic and
strategical approach to neighborhood planning, in terms of scale, behavior simulations and potential realistic interventions.

Legal framework Site Analysis

Licencia de relotificación en superficies mayores a 10 veces Lote tipo II En caso de licencia de fusiones, subdivisiones y relotifiaciones adicionalmente:
Descripción Constancia de alineamiento y número oficial.
Trámite mediante el cual se trata de relotificar predios ubicados en el suelo urbano que no Croquis en original y dos tantos que contengan, en la parte superior, la situación actual del
impliquen la modificación de la vía pública; y cuya superficie total sea como máximo de 10 o de los inmuebles, consignando las calles colindantes, la superficie y linderos reales del
veces la del lote mínimo determinado en los programas para la zona que se trate. predio y, en la parte inferior, el anteproyecto de fusión o subdivisión, consignando también
las calles colindantes, la superficie y linderos del predio o predios resultantes, de acuerdo
Documentación a obtener: al formato que para tal efecto autorizará la Secretaría y publicará en la Gaceta con cargo al
Licencia de fusión de predios. particular.
Copia certificada de la escritura de propiedad del o de los inmuebles que pretende
Tiempo de respuesta: subdividir,
Hasta 33 días hábiles. Si la solicitud está completa, la autoridad notificará la Identificación del propietario o representante legal;
resoluciónaprobatoria en un plazo de 5 días hábiles, contados a partir de la fecha recepción II Tratándose de licencias de relotificación, adicionalmente a los que señala la fracción I de
de la solicitud. este precepto, cuando se trate de predios mayores a 10 veces el lote tipo que marquen los
Una vez recibida la notificación, el solicitante deberá presentar o los avalúos, así como el Programas Delegacionales, cumpliendo con lo siguiente:
comprobante de pago de derechos, en un plazo de quince días hábiles.
La autoridad expedirá la licencia en un término de dos días hábiles contados a partir de la Uso actual de los inmuebles, que deberá ser acorde a lo que determinen los Programas.
fecha de recepción del o los avalúos y del comprobante de pago de derechos. Si transcurrido En el caso de que requiera estudio de impacto urbano o urbano-ambiental, dictaminen
el plazo de respuesta la autoridad no ha notificado la resolución al solicitante, se entenderá aprobatorio de la Secretaría.
otorgada la licencia, conforme a los artículos 89 y 90 de la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo Los que determinen en el Reglamento de Construcciones en el caso de obra nueva,
del Distrito Federal. ampliación, modificación, cambio de uso con modificaciones estructurales, reparación o
Una vez expedida la licencia correspondiente, deberá constar en escritura pública, dentro de demolición.
los 3 años posteriores a aquel en que se otorgue, en su caso quedará sin efecto. Sin embargo Registros de declaración de apertura o licencias de funcionamiento, en su caso.
podrá ser prorrogada. Registro de manifestación de construcción, en su caso.
Manifestación de Obra en su caso.
Fundamento Jurídico: Copia certificada de la escritura de propiedad de los inmuebles.
Ley Orgánica de la Administración Pública del Distrito Federal.- Artículos 13 fracción II, 21 Croquis de localización del polígono a relotificar, a escala 1:500 a 1:5000, según sea su
fracción XIII y 32 fracción III. dimensión, y
Ley de Desarrollo Urbano del Distrito Federal.- Artículos 12 fracciones IV, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, Proyecto de relotificación.
47, 48 y 49. IV La información documental, se entregará impresa y en medio magnético
Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo del Distrito Federal.- Artículos 41, 89 y 90. compatible con el que use el Registro y consistirá en:
Código Financiero del Distrito Federal- Artículo 209. La memoria descriptiva.
Reglamento Interior de la Administración Pública del Distrito Federal.- Artículos 25 fracción La relación de propietarios e interés, con expresión de la naturaleza y cuantía de su
I, 46 fracción I y 77 fracciones VII y VIII. derecho.
Reglamento de la Ley de Desarrollo Urbano del Distrito Federal.- Artículos 130, 131, 132, La propuesta de adjudicación de inmuebles resultantes, con determinación de su uso y
133, 134 y 135. designación nominal de los adjudicatarios.
Reglamento de Construcción del Distrito Federal.- Artículo 63. El avalúo de los inmuebles que se adjudicarán.
Manual de Procedimientos para la expedición de Licencias de Uso del Suelo; Autorización El avalúo de los derechos, edificaciones, construcciones o plantaciones que deben extinguirse

de Subdivisiones, Fusiones y Relotificaciones; Placas de Control de Uso y Ocupación o destruirse para la ejecución del proyecto de relotificación, y
de Inmuebles; Conservación de Placas de Nomenclatura de Vías y Espacios Públicos; La cuenta de liquidación provisional;
Regeneración o Rehabilitación de Cavidades en Zonas Minadas. V La información gráfica, que se entregará impresa y en medio magnético compatible con la
que use el Registro y será la siguiente:
Requisitos: Los planos catastrales con división de predios.
De acuerdo al artículo 135 fracción I, II, III, IV, V y VI Reglamento de la Ley de Desarrollo El plano de situación y relación con el entorno urbano.
Urbano Vigente, El plano de delimitación del polígono a relotificar, en el que se expresen su superficie en
metros cuadrados, los limites del polígono, linderos de los terrenos afectados, construcciones
I En todos los casos: y demás elementos existentes sobre el terreno.
Nombre, denominación o razón social de o de los solicitantes y, en su caso, del representante Los planos de zonificación que contengan la expresión gráfica de las rmas de ordenación a
legal, señalando su registro federal de contribuyentes, los documentos que acrediten su que se refieren los Programas.
personalidad; cuando sean varios los solicitantes designarán un representante común. El plano de clasificación y avalúo de las superficies adjudicadas;
Domicilio para oír y recibir notificaciones. El plano de adjudicación con expresión de los linderos de los inmuebles adjudicados, y
Domicilio del inmueble a que se refiera la solicitud. Los planos impresos que se entregaran en una escala comprendida entre 1:500 y 1:5000,
Croquis de ubicación y superficie del predio que se trate. con la calidad suficiente para que puedan percibirse los linderos y la simbología utilizada.
Descripción de la obra o actividad. VI Tratándose de la relotificación adicionalmente a lo señalado en la fracción I, lo siguiente:
Boleta predial del último bimestre, y Avalúo vigente de los terrenos, para cálculo de los derechos.
Certificado de zonificación. Costo: Estipulado en el Código Financiero del Distrito Federal, Artículo 209.

The idea of the apparatus is to test dynamic environments, where cells can react to
each other under an exterior stress, causing a deformation in the tissue.
What can be the maximum saturation level?
What is stress dependant to? Maybe volume (number of units).

If maximum stress is achieved, what happens?

How is that critical point like?
Periodic increments can lead to a spontaneous collapse?


Simulation of different organization scenarios, respondig to self containig rules.

Apparatus 1.0 __Cell aggregation


simulating saturation

The natural environment is composed

of innumerable interrelated systems.
In this same logic, urban environents
should be understood as continuously
interacting systems, in multiple
scales both in space and in time.

Formal and stylistic impositions generative drawings, by andreas fischer rhotekin domain

are giving way to a more adaptable

behavior, where flows of energy, “(...) avoiding typical analogue relationships, biological metaphors or
material and information allow for the quasi-scientific rationales in favor of a preformative model of investigation.”
structures and geometry to emerge. -Michael Beaman

Apparatus 1.0 __Cell organization
Apparatus and collective
1.0 __Cell behavior
First experiment on cell organization strategies, using rubber bands as flexible
units reacting to stress inputs. The rubber bands have a given elasticity,
which is directly proportional to their diameter: + diameter = + deformation.
The bands represent urban clusters, where a given density (flexibility) will allow
more or less adaptation to environmental stress, thus creating a collective behavior
between all cells, represented by the geometric deformation of the biggest bands.

The result of the experiment is compromised by an intolerance to higher

degrees of stress, and the system‘s balance is broken when bands burst out.

Next simulations should introduce a liquid in order to avoid friction.

Apparatus 1.1 __Cell aggregation: Uncontrolled growth. Simulating current conditions.

Simulation of current urban (unplanned) growth in emerging economies, where urban expansion does not
follow any internal logic nor organizational pattern.

As the surrounding stress increases, the internal behavior gets more chaotic and dissoluted, resulting in
negative urban / social / health conditions.

Different ways to see the World

Dymaxion. Geodessic representation of the Globe. R Buckminster Fuller, 1946.

Extensive map of the world: area, lenght, volume...

Networked Nights, 2000.

Intensive map of the world: Temperature, pressure, density, speed ...

Voronoi cell structure map.

On Thermodynamics
“A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and
the more extended is its area of applicability. Therefore, the deep impression which classical thermodynamics made upon me.

It is the only physical theory of universal content concerning which I am convinced that, within the framework of the
applicability of its basic concepts, it will never be overthrown.”
- Albert Einstein

In physics and chemistry, thermodynamics (from the Greek θέρμη therme, meaning “heat” and δύναμις, dynamis, meaning
“power”) is the study of energy conversion between heat and mechanical work, and subsequently the macroscopic variables
such as temperature, volume and pressure.

1st. Law of Thermodynamics:

The change in the internal energy of a closed thermodynamic system is equal to the sum of the amount of heat energy
supplied to or removed from the system and the work done on or by the system: “Energy is neither created nor destroyed”.

2nd. Law of Thermodynamics:

The total entropy of any isolated thermodynamic system always increases over time, approaching a maximum value:
“In an isolated system, the entropy never decreases”.

Internal energy of a system = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy.
Heat Conduction
Entropy is a macrostate variable. Energy and Matter tend to disperse in disorder.

Deluzian Intensive Thinking:

Extensive properties: Length, volume, area, weight.
Intensive Properties: Speed, pressure, temperature.
Intensive properties drive processes.

Apparatus 2.0 __Cellular clustering

In order to define patterns and understand behaviors, there must be a minimum amount of bodies with certain propperties
that will bring them together or make them reject each other. In this version of the experiment, such propperties are
expressed through the densities of different liquids, specifically water and oil. By having different densities and resistance to
dissolve into each other, certain patterns are observed, as a first attempt to simulate biological organization on the urban scape.

The liquid working as a container is water with an orange/reddish color, and the environment for the system to happen is
vegetable oil. Drops are once again water with same colorant, though in different proportinos for visual clarity.
Understanding heat flows and density gradients

As this experiment proceeds, different behaviors can be observed:

1. Turbulent pattern when mixing water with food colorant.
2. Boundary extension as oil is poured into water container.
3. Drops isolation as colored water is dropped into oil environment.
4. Boundary flexibility and merging as external force is applied.
5. Boundary trasgression as drops leave oil environment into water.

Apparatus 2.1 __Self organization based on density gradients and temperature increments

This version of the apparatus will try to resolve the issues of surface occupation, allowing the system the freedom to
react and find its own balance. Once this balance has been reached -meaning that the environment has found its
minimal surface for its contained cells to be comfortably arranged- a new form of turbulence is introduced . This turbulence
is represented by thermal energy (heat), which will agitate the oily environment. Since the oil and water have different
heat capacities, the cells will try to leave the oil surface looking for a cooler environment. As this tension grows,
a pattern emerges. Once all the cells have left the warm environment, the next step is to bring
them back, and it is through mineral deposition in form of salt that the boundaries of cells and container are finally merged.
Threshold condition: Increased tension between environments. Redefining boundaries (rigid > flexible)

“All forms emerge from the dynamic processes by which natural systems
produce organized arrangements of material in space and time.”

“Coherent behavior of a group arises from the repetition of simple actions by many different individuals,
in response to stimuli from their immediate neighbors and from their close environment.”

-Michael Weinstock
Apparatus 2.2__ Controlled aggregation
Methodical approximation. Organizing the space with a grid: behavior of the cells can be more readable and interpreted.

This iteration tries to look at the behavior of the material with controlled volume inputs.
An abstract grid is pre-established, in order to relate to a measure system wich has an immediate traslation into distance units.
As the material accumulates, its surface grows and so increases its “clustering” capabilities, merging with neighboring cells.
Surface occupation strategies in this experiment are left solely to density gradients between oil (host environment)
and water (red). The unpredicted “explosion” of the drops was due to the surface friction with tne envelope (glass),
which eliminated the possibility of continuing the test of boundary redefinition and cell clustering.
Growth and organization measured by volume. Matter accumulation = space occupation.

Further research based on this experiment could be to introduce the site, both as reference background and also as
organizational field. In such a case, more than one input can be tested to see how the system reacts in relation to the site.
Such tests could include: social gathering places, accesibility points, most/least desired living areas, commercial programmes,
resources&networks connections (water, electricity, wi-fi, garbage collection, drainage maintenance, cleaning systems...)
Each organizational pattern can be tested in different levels, bringing them together to have a multilayered reading and
perhaps a more complex emergent behavior based on the strongest trends observed and selected through artificial selection.
Presentation and comments
Dynamic systems naturally tend Urban agitations.
to balance themselves.
How to find urban reorganization
Energy transactions. patterns?
The beauty of networks is that you don´t
need to design them, you set them up Defining the comfortable environment
and they start interacting. for a system to happen, both in terms of
its position and its shape. What kind of
Develop a set of criteria... Spatial networks does this patterning produce?
manifestations of network systems.
Optimization as change... Define a Fields with different density gradients
mechanism to generate a iterative Dynamic diagram on affected by the environment and
process. the flows of the city. immediate urban context.
Declaring the expected behacior of Urban reconfiguration according
the cells is like “Cell Masterplanning”. to bio-logics: cell reproduction and
Concentrate on the boundary conditions aggregation.
as dynamic processes of exchange;
explore on the potential flows that could Observe natural phenomena in which cell
generate built environments. relationships can be clearly translated
into urgan environments.
Triggering the reactions of the material.
Blurred boundaries
Strong graphic diagrams... Keep that
symbolism and translate into urban
In order for self emerging patterns to environments, without having a too
raise, there needs to be minimum direct traslation.
number of elements reacting. Is like How each cell is reacting to their
having 10 people and 10,000 people in a neighbours and the environment, as the
beach: the pattern will only be read when heat is changing their equilibrium state.
a minimum theshold is reached. Compared to an ecosystem that attracts
biodiversity, and when there is a change
KNOW HOW VS. KNOW WHAT in the environment, the biosphere will
Theory VS. Craftman change, reacting and resulting in new
Occupation/Abandonment strategies.
Interventions in the city that detonate Boundary (re)definition, from very clear
urban renovation against speculative and rigid into a more flexible, blured,
growth. permeable field of operation. E.M. Escher


Understanding the site´s logics, context and internal flows.

Organizing the urban structure following internal observed logics,
instead of imposed and abstract lines and geometries.
What kind of materials can be used to simulate flows on the site,
in order to test different condition and reactive behaviors?
Develop an Eco-Magnetic Apparatus as a tool to observe and test
Planet Earth’s Electromagnetic Field, simulation.Kirk korista.
natural behaviors of aggregation, dissasociation and boundary
(re)definition, using magnetic fields to shift the system´s

Observing network systems in biologic communities.
The example of ants efficiency.

Without a central controlling intelligence, without blueprints or managers, ants are

able to build astonishing networks and colonnies, both in terms of their efficiency and
their collective behavior.

Pheromones are chemicals released by an organism into its environment enabling it to

communicate with other members of its own species.

Alarm Pheromone. Trail Pheromone.

When an ant is disturbed, it releases a Certain ants, as they return to the nest
pheromone that can be detected by other with food, lay down a trail pheromone.
ants several centimeters away. They are This trail attracts and guides other ants to
attracted by low concentrations of the the food. It is continually renewed as long
pheromone and begin to move toward as the food holds out. When the supply
the region of increasing concentration. begins to dwindle, trailmaking ceases.
As they get nearer to their disturbed The trail pheromone evaporates quickly
nestmate, their response changes to one so other ants stop coming to the site and
of alarm. The higher concentration causes are not confused by old trails when food is
them to run about as they work to remedy found elsewhere. A little experiment to
the disturbance. attract ants (and other
insects) and observe
possible patterns.
Results will be
compromised by short
time and rough settings.

Ant network pattern. Each ant lays down pheromone so others can follow: collective behavior. Ant colony optimization algorithm
As obstacles appear, ants respond in the simplest and fastest way: optimized pathways

Lisbon Traffic, Pedro Cruz

Choreography of agents in the urban space

Air Lines, Mario Freese

Urban Systems

CONCEPT OF SYSTEM: All biological organisms and many non-

living systems are maintained by the
Science systems thinkers consider that: flow of energy through the system.

A system is a dynamic and complex whole, Energy enters the ecological system as
interacting as a structured functional unit. light, is transformed into chemical energy
in organic molecules by photosynthesis in
Energy, material and information plants, and is converted into heat energy
flow among the different elements by hervibores that feed on the plants, and
that compose the system. then by carnivores that feed on them or
other carnivores. Other organisms process
A system is a community dead organic matter, and release a great
situated within an environment. deal oh heat energy during the process.

Energy, material and information Matter is recycled but energy is

flow from and to the surrounding not. Energy in biological systems is
environment via semi-permeable dissipated, lost to the system as heat.
membranes or boundaries.

Systems are often composed - Michael Weinstock,
of entities seeking equilibrium “The Architecture of Emergence”
but can exhibit oscillating,
chaotic, or exponential behavior.

Understanding the urban site as a system

Attracting nodes
The city is a dynamic field, a process of continuous reactions.
The site can be seen, under this same scope, as a system composed of continuosly operating force fields, where different attractors
generate behaviors among residents and bypassers.
How can the city block adapt to such flows? Can this neighborhood, now chaotic and without identity, be turned into a model for
“bio-logic” growth?
From grid to tissue, from block to cluster. Redefinition of boundaries according to flows and their interaction in space and time.


Commercial Space Green Space Access Points


Cultural Program Cycling Track All
Apparatus 3.0__First Studies
Cell boundaries can be flexible to adapt to the forces of the environment and immediate neighbors.
System: Vegetable Oil / Metalic Powder.
Attractor: Magnet
Conductor: Water

Define a comfortable environment for a system; oil drops mixed with powder will have the minimal unstressed configuration.
Density gradients between oil and water will prevent them to merge.
Bundary becomes critical threshold.

Once the system is balanced, introduce a turbulence: a shift in the environment to trigger dynamic fields to operate.

A magnet is brought closer to the system, in order to generate a magnetic field which will attract powder - along with its oily
membrane- allowing responsive patterns to emerge: tracks of metal, new boundary definitions, change of geometry and location
of elements in the system.

Triggering feedback processes.

As different magentic fields are

introduced, the system will respond
immediately, leaving as it goes
a history of itself, a track which
will be used to map it’s evolution.

Once the magnetic force has been

balanced and the system has found a
new level of equilibrium, the resulting
pattern can be digitalized (vectorized)
allowing parametric simulations,
such as the value of stress of each
attractor, the number of elements being
attracted, time of response, pace...
Magnetic Lab

Apparatus 3.0__Material research
A ferrofluid is a liquid which becomes strongly polarised in the presence of a magnetic field. Ferrofluids were originally discovered
in the 1960`s at the NASA Research Center, where scientists were investigating different possible methods of controlling liquids
in space. The benefits of a magnetic fluid were immediately obvious: The location of the fluid could be precisely controlled
through the application of a magnetic field, and, by varying the strength of the field, the fluids could be forced to flow.

Since the Apparatus being developed is based on the idea of the dynamics of organization (site, flows, patterns...), the use
of a material such as a ferrofluid could help induce a more controlled manipulation of the patterns and their responsiveness.
The magnetic field can be transpositioned (and not translated) into the
urban domain as a planned or unplanned reality that attracts people,
such as green open spaces, commercial areas, accessibility points, cultural
programs, and other spatial arrangements that trigger ecomomic growth,
social interaction, cultural manifestations and technological innovations.

In this way, attractors can be represented with magnets (with different intensitites),
and flows can be represented with metalic powder and oil, in order to generate a
controlled magnetic field. Each kind of attraction will be tested independently, so
there is a better understanding and a measurable behavior of each field, which are:
1. Accessibility points 2. Green Space 3. Commercial Space 4. Cultural Program

The apparatus should be useful to inform on the pattern of energy flow.

Apparatus first tests

materials setting

water site photograph

oil site cutout in
natural dye plexiglass 3mm
metalic powder


Material research

After a few structural colapses of the model itself, plus

some other unpredicted flaws on the system (filtrations,
density and material limitations), the first tests result in a
somewhat succesful frustration. There is a great potential
for the apparatus to produce interesting simulations, but
the flaws have to be fixed soon to present the first results.
Patience and expectation.......

flaws on the simulations

Meteorite on Spaceship Earth

“Form generating models developed for architectural

purposes, may be valuable if they model a
In the meantime... phenomenon that scientists are seeking to explain.”
First parametric explorations with Grasshopper.
Attractors and current grid center points: A shift in geometry. - John Frazer. An Evolutionary Architecture, 1995.

Site Attractor Points


Locating attractor points for each of the urban programs, according to the site analysis.

“Attractors are features of topoligal spaces

which represent tendencies in material systems.”
-Maunel De Landa

Apparatus 3.0__ Magnetic urban fields
Attractor: Commercial Space
Attractor: Cultural Program
Attractor: Green Space
Attractor: Access Points

As the metallic powder is attracted to the strategically located magnets, the liquid flows towards the areas with less attraction.
The urban grid can be transpositioned into dynamically generated urban patterns.
Apparatus 3.0__ Magnetic urban fields

magnetic charge
Material description:
Metalic powder is attracted to magnets strategically distributed on the testing bed.
The coloured liquid represents the areas under less stress of the magnetic field.

Urban description:
Generating a pattern of energy flows through the urban site, in order to understand its massing propperties, namely
geometrical dispersion of matter. Density represented here as the quantity of matter in a given space. It corresponds to a
bidimensional reading of the site, in order to understand the horizontal relationships in terms of direction, distance, strenght.
Magnetic fields as urban patterns

Commercial flow pattern Cultural flow pattern

Green space flow pattern Access flow pattern

Field outlines

“A diagram is a graphic assemblage that specifies relationships between

activity and form, organizing the structure and distribution of functions.”
-Stan Allen
From grid to fields

commercial field

public field

cultural field

access field

imposed grid

Results evaluation
After obtaining a series of patterns of the
energy flows on the site, it is necessary
to reconsider where these results might
lead. Cricital thinking on the process and
on the materials being used give rise to
doubts on the continuity and coherence
of the apparatus manifestations.

Magnetism is another kind of energy,

which represents another level of
information and behavior simulation; at
this stage and for the sake of the research’s
clarity, the number of factors and
variables must be reduced to a minimal.

By this criteria, magnetic fields and such

kind of attractors can be considered
for further research, concentrating
for now on thermodynamics and the
patterns generated by heat intensities
Images of flow, by Andy Lomas
in a system with density gradients.
“These images are composed of the layered trajectories
One interesting observation was followed by millions of particles as they flow in fields of forces.
achieved through this process
though, and it is the possibility Each individual trajectory is essentially an independent random process,
of generating tracking patterns with the trail terminating when it reaches a deposition zone. Collectively,
however, the paths combine to form delicate complex shapes of filigree
as a behavior of the material. and shadow in the areas of negative space that the paths don’t reach.
By having the paths of the energy There are no actual defined boundaries, simply intricately
flows, the simulation trascends the structured gradients of tone formed by the end points of trajectories.”
instantaneous character of a reaction
and becomes a history of its own -Andy Lomas
behavior, an evidence of itself.

On site flows and behaviors.

Heat Capacities and thermodynamic flows.
Turbulence patterns:
From periodic cyclic behaviors to turbulent flows.
Turbulence sketches, Leonardo da Vinci.

Theoretical Background
On Thermodynamics Thermal energy is generated and measured by heat of any kind. It is caused by the increased activity or velocity of
molecules in a substance, which in turn causes temperature to rise accordingly. Heat capacity is a measurable physical
quantity that characterizes the amount of heat that is required to change a body’s temperature by a given amount.Heat
Capacity values indicate how much thermal energy ΔQ a physical body can absorb for a change in temperature ΔT.

Thermoregulation is the ability of an organism to keep its body temperature within certain boundaries, even when the
surrounding temperature is very different.

Entropy is the the tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of disorder. Irreversibility.

In physics, fluid dynamics is a sub-discipline of fluid mechanics that deals with fluid flow—the natural science of fluids
On Fluid Dynamics

(liquids and gases) in motion. Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments
on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding
nebulae in interstellar space and reportedly modeling fission weapon detonation. Some of its principles are even used in
traffic engineering, where traffic is treated as a continuous fluid.

The solution to a fluid dynamics problem typically involves calculating various properties of the fluid, such as velocity,
pressure, density, and temperature, as functions of space and time
On Emergence and New Materialism

Unlike extensive properties, intensive properties have critical points of intensities, thresholds where matter changes from
one set of properties to another one: vaporization, cristalization, gasification.

Turbulence is a specific form that emerges spontaneously at a critical point of intensity.

Understand what is driving the process (...) Extensive properties drive processes.

- Manuel De Landa, “A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History”

Humans and all other living beings emerge from, and exist within, the dynamic processes and phenomena of the natural
world, and they have had and continue to have a profound effect upon it. All forms of nature and all forms of civilisation
have ‘architecture’, an arrangement of material in space and over time that determines their shape, size, behavior and
duration, and how they come into being. Energy, information and material flow through all the forms of the world, and
human forms and culture have coevolved and developed within those flows.

- Michael Weistock, “The Architecture of Emergence”

Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.3__Speculation





+ Temperature

Site’s program current distribution. Heat supply: direct flame under Speculated redistribution by
Follows the organization of grid, which testing bed. Trigger process of heat driven process.
is a planar drawing on the landscape. reorganization of program on site. Program attracted by stronger nodes.

Cells merging together following self organizatIon patterns. They can respond to the impulse of their immediate
neighbours and the stress of the environment. In this case, such stress will be represented as a direct heat application.

Allow for internal forces to resolve their distribution (and eventually their form and structure), in order to find optimal
geometries, movility patterns and networks for local metabolic processes (energy and water distribution, waste colletction).
Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.3

Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.3

Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.3

Due to different heat capacities between fluids (oil and water), a turbulent pattern emerges. After a critical point, the
liquid cells can't resist the heat concentration, and as they try to reach the cooler environment, their boundaries collapse.

Eco Machinic Apparatus 2.3

The behavior of the material in response to periodic heat increments generates unpredictable and unique patterns.
Applying the behavior of thermodynamic flows to urban environments, can provide potential
organization strategies for energy and matter distribution through the urban landscape.
Presentation, comments and other influences. June 18, 2010

Site Boundary is an unnecesary limit. Why FROM TYPOLOGICAL THINKING

constraining the behavior of the system to TO SYSTEMIC THINKING
an abstract border? In the urban scope, Systems thinking is the process of
other organisms do NOT respond to such understanding how things influence
limits imposed by this abstract limitation... one another within a whole. In nature,
Birds and cats, for example, don’t systems thinking examples include
repond to the neighborhood boundary. ecosystems in which various elements
such as air, water, movement, plant
and animals work together to survive
Urban fields diagram is not accurate. or perish. In organizations, systems
Fields cannot work on simultaneous consist of people, structures, and
levels... Impossibility to mix “public space processes that work together to make
field” with “cultural field”. Even though an organization healthy or unhealthy.
they caninfluence one another, it has to be Systems thinking has been defined as an
mapped on a more specific approach to problem solving, by viewing
level... have to be more punctual. “problems” as parts of an overall system,
rather than reacting to specific part,
E N T I T I E S outcomes or events and potentially
contributing to further development
of unintended consequences.
Drop benches... Drop Trees...
Define strategic and precise location Systems thinking is not one thing but
for specific elements. The distribution a set of habits or practices within a
of entities should respond to a framework that is based on the belief
that the component parts of a system
given logic (i.e: every cross street, can best be understood in the context of
every plot, every two meters...) relationships with each other and with “Don’t fight Nature, collaborate with Her.”
Test different scenarios with apparatus. other systems, rather than in isolation. - Proffesor Julius Sumner Miller .
Systems thinking focuses on cyclical
Spatial manifestation of processes. rather than linear cause and effect.
“Whatever we can simulate through
The technique of density gradients is Science systems thinking attempts to digital tools, is not as sophisticated as
understood, now run the apparatus illustrate that events are separated natural material coumputation, the way
and from the result start to speculate by distance and time and that a wave or a sand dune computes itsel”
on simple ideas for specific scenarios. small catalytic events can cause -Neil Leach.
large changes in complex systems.
On Boundaries





Fixed Boundaries

Military field

Boundaries not only contain entities and/or systems, they

also suggest the potential interactions an organism may have
with neighboring organisms and the immediate environment.

Historically, human kind has referred to boundaries as a safety procedure:

stronger boundaries mean higher protection from the outside. In this mentality,
mankind has built, designed and conceptualized dwellings and possessions.

Nature, on the other hand, has a consistent and subtle way to define
container and contained; organisms of multiple scales show boundaries that,
as they contain and protect the entity, also provide an opportunity to link
to the exterior, becoming flexible and sometimes permeable boundaries.

The regulatory mechanisms to define boundaries in the urban environment

do NOT respond to natural phenomena: they are imposed organizational
Yellow and Orange, Mark Rothko.
forms that in turn generate chaotic flows and desorganized networks.

Humankind´s obssession to delimitate.

Flexible Boundaries

Nature’s boundary definitions

Contained growth possibilities

Growth and networking patterns, dynamic and flexible.

On Density
In thermodynamics, hot air becomes
Density: The density of a material is defined as its mass per unit volume. less dense, wich means its mass
MASS occupies more volume. This is due to an
DENSITY = increase in the agitation of the atoms,
VOLUME caused by the increase in temperature.
Population density is a measurement of population per unit area or unit volume. The atomic agitation (heat) translates
It is frequently applied to living organisms, and particularly to humans. It is a key into an expansion of the volume
geographic term. that the air molecules occupy, even
though the mass remains constant.
Urban density is a term used in urban planning and urban design to refer to the The hot air, being less dense, will raise in
number of people inhabiting a given urbanized area. the environment, displacing the colder
mass of air to a lower level, creating thus
convection currents which will remain
active as long as there is a difference in
temperature between to masses of air.

According to the Second Law of

thermodynamics, the heat transfers
from the hotter body to the cooler one,
never the opposite way (that is, without
an external force or system, like a pump).

In the urban environment, heat can

be understood as an increase in
the activity of a specific territory;
in different terms, where more
people are attracted towards,
causing that particulary territory to
become more vibrant and dynamic.
The increase of heat in a certain site
can be due to a commercial attraction,
an event, a shift in the regular pace
of the site that is recognized as an
improvement, a reorganization of
form or information that will make
Relationship between urban density and transport energy use. P Newman, JR Kenworthy. 1989 people feel inclined to participate.

Redefining Boundaries in the system through heat induction.
Generating a spontaneous shift in the system´s balance to observe
dynamic behavior on self defining boundaries between entities.
Fixed or flexible?
Permeability and energy exchange through envelope surface.
Urban systems, as well as thermodynamic systems, have a tendency
towards irreversible disorder. More people, more movement,
more interaction, more, more, more.
Is there a possible analogy between a critical point in a
thermodynamic system and the urban environment?

Organizing urban elements. Bottom up approach

Trees every 10 meters

Urban elements located on site

Benches every 3 trees Lamp post next to each bench

Organizing urban elements, parametric setting of elements

Grasshopper definition to locate elements on site.

Trees, benches and lamp posts are the initial testing entitites.

Trees are located every 10 meters on each block, benches are

located every third tree, and next to a bench there is a lamp post.

This layout can shift in terms of distances and number of elements,

and so the testing results will also respond to the change.

The repetition of the same simple rules and the interaction

beteween them, should raise a complex behavior of the system.

Mapping elements on the site: benches

Locating benches in a specific location. Once they are all set up, the system is heated to trigger the reactions between elements.

As the heat increases, the drops representing benches cluster together in an unpredictable yet orderly manner.

Once the heat capacity of the drops is exceeded, they loose their molecular cohesion and dissolve into the environment.

Mapping elements on the site: lamp posts

Locating lamp posts in a specific location, according to the location of the benches. Internal logic of space distribution.

As the system is gaining heat from an exterior source, the behavior is starting to
emerge, until the container collapses due to an overheating of the glass surface.

The refinement of the apparatus is indispensable. Heat must be supplied gradually and evenly in order to test different
scenatrios under similar conditions. In this sense, temperature and time become controllable variables on the simulations.

Behavior observation

Observing the behavior of “benches” and “lamp posts”, where the quantity of elements and their spatial location will generate
flow patterns once the system is activated (heated). This patterns can be understood as potential organizations of elements
in the urban environment, responding to local flows and spatial relationships, as oposed to an imposed grid approach.

The process of heating the liquids must be more subtle and controlled, otherwise the drops representing the elements
are heated above their critical point and evaporate or rather disolve into the environment. The behaviors that are
meant to be observed in further detail are the clustering and merging of the elements; the location where they actually
merge is unpredictable and random, and does not respond to the reading of the site plan, so at this point they lack
rigor and consistency to be mapped. Potentially, another reading would be to actually insert three-dimensional volumes
representing the blocks, which will prevent the drops to flow freely in the environment and limit their behavior
to the streets or “open spaces”, voids and other irregularities on the grid system.

Nevertheless, this would represent a contradiction on the simulations themselves, since the idea of the apparatus is
to test the behaviors of different elements and observe as they reorganize themselves “freely” in the environment.
The empiric observation of such organizations can lead to certain speculations on the development and application
of a potential Masterplan for this specific site, that could include notions such as:

How to reorganize the urban form in order to optimize flows of energy, matter and information, how
to promote healthy and harmonious living environments, locating specific areas that lend themselves
for aggregation into land use districts or zones; promote mixed-use development within most of the
land uses to minize external travel; provide for flexibility within each land use to allow the entire site to respond
to internal logics and external stresses (market conditions); provide a local hierarchy from low density to high density
development, given the tendencies and locations of the urban elements such as trees, benches and lamp posts.

In this way, a bottom up approach is conducted, inspired by the behaviors of nature, specifically the principles
of thermodynaimc and the aggregation/dissolution of liquids based on their densities and heat capacities.

Apparatus 4.0
MORE ON THERMODYNAMICS: The goal of the apparatus is to be able
to observe the resulting patterns that
The spontaneous processes occur emerge form the interactions between
because of two main tendencies: water and oil when heat is supplied
(and the system has been “activated”).
1. Tendency of a system to acquire a
state of minimum energy (EQUILIBRIUM) Flows will be first periodic and then
2. Tendency of a system to acquire a state turbulent, and they will be influenced
of maximum randomness (ENTROPY) by volume (of the substances),
heating time and intensity.
Based on these principles, we can
infer that the “urban system” will be in More specifically, the behavior
of the system will be periodic
equilibrium before the heat is supplied.
as long as the heat capacity of
Since the entropy always tends to the substances is not exceeded.
maximization, the heat supply will
necessarily shift the system’s state, Turbulent behaviors will start to
bringing a new level of organization. emerge after passing the critical
threshold, that is, the substance’s
Heat respresents thus a triggering effect heat capacity. After crossing such
on the system, the introduction of more point, the boundaries will start to give
way to new material configurations,
energy which will detonate a new process A P P A R A T U S and the dynamic behavior can be
of regulation and adaptation. This process collected as periodic snapshots or a
will obey the logics of density gradients Heat should be constant and continuous video of the testing bed.
(H2O and Oil), molecular cohesion and evenly distributed on the surface
thermal capacity of each substance. so it does not affect the resulting It is crucial to understand that
behavior of the liquid environment. these simulations DO NOT have
The scenarios to be tested are to be based immediate translations into the urban
on simulations in the urban environment. Multiple layers of simultaneous behaviors environment. It would be naive to
can offer comparative scenarios, reduce the complexity of the city
The resulting flow patterns can be used to
having the possibility to develop to a series of material simulations.
speculate on potential urban behaviors more complexity in the simulations. Rather, these observations can offer
when dealing with energy and matter a window to speculate on different
flows, as well as programmatic Drops must be strategic and specific. approaches to urban behaviors
distribution along an urban site and the Simulate entities, not fields: and resulting networks, based on
human networks that emerge from/on it. Trees, benches, lamp posts, etc... the principles of thermodynamics.
Apparatus 4.0__Constructive diagram







Apparatus 4.0__Design, sources of inspiration

Thermosyphon principle

Maestro Benjamin, @ Residencial Cigale, Maharishi Arquitectos Sketches on apparatus design

Apparatus 4.0__Design

Control Valve

Plan View

Heat Exchanger

Electric Heater

Copper Pipe 12 mm

Side View

Apparatus 4.0__Plans

15 cm
30 cm
15 cm
30 cm Perspective
Plan View 18 cm
6 cm

Front View Side View

Apparatus 4.0

The design of the apparatus responds to the need to supply heat in a distributed and even manner along the testing bed.
Control valves are strategically located to regulate the heat flow along the pipes, in such a way that flow can be allowed or blocked in
different paths. Temperature is a crucial factor in the behavior of the system: it has to be in a minimum range so it
actually generates a reaction and not too strong to overheat the system and go beyond the critical point of heat capacity.
The design of the Apparatus 2.3 led to valuable observations and reflections on the behavior of heat; nevertheless,
due to a limitation of time and resources it is strongly recommended to reformulate the apparatus and simplify it.

The Apparatus, more than a machine to generate water and heat flows, is the coherent and precise setting of the drops of
water in the oil container, as well as the potential repetition of simulations in order to understand consistent behaviors.

As for the urban reading, the drops will be still representing precise and concrete elements, such as trees and benches.
Following the logics of a “Bottom Up” approach in urban planning, the precise distribution of this urban elements -and
their further reaction to heat- will allow for certain patterns to emerge, which can give way to speculations on
more complex relationships in the urban landscape as an active field of flows and structures.

Trees and benches... a whole book can be written about this lifelong couple: the infinite possibilities that emerge
when there is a place to seat next to the presence of a tree. Strategically located or spontaneously set, a bench and a tree
will always trigger an event, a moment, a distraction; for grown-ups and children, for lovers and strangers, for men,
women, birds and squirrels... a bench and a tree, the simplest expression of public space.

Park Bench, Erdal Redjep ©

Simplify apparatus.
Establish a logic to distribute trees and benches.
Run simulations

A tree on every street corner A bench between 2 trees

Apparatus 2.4__Design and fabrication


4 6

1 Plexiglass Structure Apparatus pieces nesting: to be lasercut from 5mm plexiglass

2 Dropping guides
3 Gas Heater
4 Regulation valve
5 Testing bed (ceramic container)
6 Substance holder

Apparatus 2.4__Design Process

The Apparatus has finally proven to be

simple in its fabrication, though there were
some delays with the laser cutting process.

As of now, technology on digital

fabrication is evolving at giant steps,
allowing the possibility for prototyping
simple machines relatively fast and easy.

The total time for drawing the pieces needed for

this apparatus was close to four hours, and one
more hour for the actual cutting of the pieces;
assembly and setting was less than thirty minutes.
The total time of design and fabrication (without
counting the time invested in “shopping”
and transportation) was less than six hours.

The main focus on the design of the apparatus

was the possibility to apply heat to the
system in a partial and even manner, in order
to test gradual increments of temperature
and their corresponding levels of influence.

Another consideration on the design was to be

able to insert and remove the “dropping guides”
without obstacles, since the process of simulation
needs to change between one guide and the other.

Tests should be run without further distraction

or technical delays, except maybe for the
lighting technique in order to get clear
and colorful images of the simulations.

Apparatus 2.4__First simulation. System is activated when trees and benches are in equilibrium

1. Dropping tree entities in every street corner, following dropping guide.

00:00 01:00 02:00

0º 0º-10º 10º-20º

4. When the system is balanced, turn heater on, observe behavior.

05:00 06:00
70º-100º 100º-120º

6. Oil begins to dissipate drops, causing bubbles and oil splatters. Tendency of system to move towards the south-east.
Apparatus 2.4__First simulation. Balanced dispersion

2. Dropping bench entities between trees, following dropping guide. 3. System is self-balanced.

03:00 04:00
20º-40º 40º-70º

5. Increment in the agitation level between drops.

07:00 08:00
120º-130º > 130º

7. System reaches a new level of organization and equilibrium. 8. Comparing patterns.

Apparatus 2.4__Second simulation. Benches are added when trees have been reorganized
00:00 03:00
0º 10º-20º

1. Dropping tree entities in every street corner. 2. Turn heater on to activate tree system

07:00 08:00 09:00

80º-100º 100º-120º > 120º

4. Tree environment reaches a new stage of equilibrium after reorginizing itself. 5. Let oil cool down

02:00 02:00 04:00 05:00

20º-30º 30º-40º 40º-60º 60º-80º

7. Both systems start interacting. Grid pattern can still be read. 8. Maximum activity in both systems.

Apparatus 2.4__Second simulation. Dispersed Equilibrium
04:00 05:00 06:00
20º-40º 40º-60º 60º-80º

3. When temperature reaches a minimum of 50º, more activity is observed.


6. Dropping bench entities on the already reorganized environment

06:00 07:00 08:00

80º-100º 100º-120º 120º-130º

9. The system rebalances itself: a more intense concentration of drops towards the south side is observed.

Apparatus 2.4__Evaluating results

00:00 00:00 01:00

0º 0º 10º - 20º

Dropping “urban elements” on the System before activation (heating). System starts to respond to heat
environment. The urban grid dictates Elements mantain the pattern increments. Some elements merge,
the distribution of elements in space. in which they were deposited. others divide into smaller units.

Gradual temperature increments. Process is driven by intensive propperties of materials (temperature, density, speed
Apparatus 2.4__Evaluating results

03:00 07:00 10:00

20º - 40º 100º - 120º 80º - 0º

As thermal energy flows through the system, Maximum agitation in the system As heat is reduced, the system balances
dynamic behavior intensifies. Tendencies: (entropy). Boiling starts; concentration itself and stops moving. A new
Clustering, division and spreading. of elements towards south side. organization level has been reached.

of response). The pattern will never be identical, but through the repetition of tests certain tendencies are observed
Apparatus 2.4__Results and observations
Through the repetition of the experiment and the reduction patterns will never be the same. The disorder on
of the number of variables to a minimum, a consistent the system will respond to internal fluid convection
pattern emerges, both for the behavior of the substances as forces produced by heat. As there is a finite number
well as for the heat dynamics, which allow to observe that: of drops inserted in the system, and for all the tests it
has remained constant, the different patterns do not
1. The system will remain balanced for as long as there change as for the amount of material being tested.
is a change in the energy distribution. This observation
confirms the 1st. Law of Thermodynamics, demonstrating Nevertheless, there is a strong relationship between
that the system will tend to acquire a state of minimum the location of the material inserted and the resulting
energy. There is no spontaneous generation or patterns that emerge. In other words, there is a consistent
dissipation of energy: all systems tend to be balanced. tendency on the system to flow towards the area of
maximum material available. Since the drops were
2. Once there is a shift in the energy supply in the injected in a specific and almost identical location every
form of heat, the system will acquire a state of time the test was run, we can induce that the patterns
maximum randomness: entropy. The system will gain are responding to this first input. It is easy to observe
heat, and as it does its internal behavior will change, that in the original distribution of drops, there are more
attempting to adapt to the temperature increments. elements towards the southern area of the testing bed,
which respond to strategic locations on the urban site.
Since the two substances used on the tests have different
heat capacities, there will necessarily be a difference in As much as the results are unpredictable and always
the behavior of each one. Oil, having more heat capacity different, the tendency of the drops to flow to and
than water, will remain more stable and will become the accumulate on a specific area of the testing bed, leads
environment for the reactions of the other substance. to the hypothesis that surface occupation responds
Water drops, on the other hand, will become agitated and to density gradients, to material distribution and
will try to change their surface area to resist heat, sometimes to the material’s own extensive properties, in this
merging with other bodies to gain surface area, and some case heat capacity and molecular cohesion ratios.
other times they will divide into smaller units that will
eventually gain heat faster, going through a phase change Such observations can have relative analogies on the
and liberate from the environment in the form of vapor. urban environment. As a continuity of this research
and the possibility to find interesting relationships, such
3. Although the conditions and setting of the experiment analogies will be taken forward, remaining as generic
remain constant and almost identical, the resulting observations on the physical behavior of elements.
The city is an organism in a continuous Through the patient observations developed in the
metabolic process, as the rest of the current research, as well as the seemingly dispersed
organisms that populate the planet. information collected here, I support my initial
hypothesis based on the idea of developing urban
Cities grow and exchange energy with the environment, renovation strategies based on the logics of nature.
and in doing so they modify it in a continuous feedback
process (sometimes positive and some others negative). As the present document shows, there were
different simulations driven on the behavior
The pattern of such expansion and growth responds of water and oil, attempting to relate it to the
to collective flows of energy and material through the urban environment and trace analogies between
urban environment: electricity and water distribution urban patterns and the logics of natural behavior.
channels are built forms that represent the necessity
of resource network systems, so are all transportation Some iterations are more powerful and directly
systems in our cultural and technological evolution: applicable than others, but all simulations
networks of roads, train tracks and airways. present tendencies and consistent behaviors when
And, for the last ten years, information and observed in detail. Weather the substances merge,
communication technologies have been exponentially divide, cluster or dissipate, they will react under ta
developed in a network system pattern as well. specific pattern to the environmental stress (heat).
These tendencies have to do with the intensive
Such network patterns are composed of the repetition of properties of the material and the way they react to
“similar” elements and behaviors at smaller scales: in the each other and the environment; in all simulations
case of a city it is the repetition of neighborhoods, and these elements react to themselves, as a collective behavior.
last ones emerge from the repetition of built structures
and open spaces that allow all possible human processes. Potentially, these behaviors can be understood as driving
processes for urban renovation strategies, in the terms
The way such built structures and open spaces link to of adapting to existing stresses and local conditions,
each other has to do with many factors, from technical and developing more coherent flows and structures
efficiency to symbolic meaning, and the geometry that will benefit inhabitants as well as the environment.
used to define the differentiations of boundaries
has been imposed on the landscape rather than Trees and benches, finally, don’t require thermodynamics
emerging from it. What defines the boundaries? nor magnetic fields to be set up, and the potential they
Can there be improvements in the way we plan our cities? have to generate public space are silently immense.

Apparatus_ Simulated Clustering

Global Urban Clustering


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