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absorb in
account for
add to
adjust to
admit to
agree with
apply for
appeal to
argue with
argue about
arrange for
arrive in / at (byk mekanlarda in ,kk mekanlarda at)
apologize for
approve of
ask for
of smt
arrest for smt

base on
beg for
begin with
benefit from
believe in
belong to
boast about
borrow from
blame smb for smt
blame smt on smb

care for / about

cater for
choose between
comment on
collide with
communicate with
compare with / to
compete with
complain about
compose of
concern about / with
concentrate on
confess to
confuse with
congratulate on
consist of
contribute to
cope with
correspond with
count on
cover with
crash into
charge smb with smt (sulamak)
charge smb for smt (para tahsil etmek)
convict smb of smt
convince smb of smt
cure smb of smt

decide on / against
dedicate to
depend on
despair of
deter from
differ from
disagree with
disapprove of
discuss with
devote to
dream of / about
dress in
drink to
demand smt from smb
derive smt from smt
discourage smb from smt
distinguish smb/smt from/between smb/smt
distract smb from smt

face with
feel like
feel about
fight against/with/for
forget about
forgive someone for something
guess at
get married to
get rid of
get tired of
grumble about

hear of / about
hide from
hope of / for
help smb with smt
hinder smb/smt from smt

impress on
insist on
insure against
interfere with / in
invest in
involve smb/smt in smb/smt

joke about

know about

laugh at/about
listen to
long for
lend smt to smb

meet with
mistake for
get married to

object to
operate on

participate in
pay for
persist in
pray for
prepare for
prohibit from
praise smb for smt
present smb with smt
prevent smb from smt
provide smb with smt
provide smt for smb
punish smb for smb

quarrel about smt

quarrel with smb

react against / to
recon on
recover from
refer to
rely on
reply to
resign from
respond to
result in
retire from
room for
remind smb of smt
rob smb of smt

search for
see to
shout at
smile at
specialise in
speak to
stand for
stare at
stem from
subscribe to
substitute for
succeed in
suffer from
save smb from smt
sentence smb to smt
share smt with smb
subject smb to smt
suspect smb of smt

talk to
talk about
think of/about
turn to
tell smb about smt
thank smb for smt
translate smt into smt
trust smb with smt

use for

vote for

wait for
wonder at
work on
worry about
write to / about
warn smb about/against
abstain from The doctor advised me to abstain from the use of alcohol and tobacco.
account for (explain)How do you account for the unusually cold weather weve been having late
accuse (someone) of
He accused me of taking some important papers from his desk.
adapt to When you travel you have to adapt to the habits and customs of the country you vis
adhere to This glue will not adhere to glass or leather.
agree on They couldnt agree on the subject of foreign policy.
agree with I dont agree with a word you say, but Ill defend to the death your right to say it.
apologize for I have to apologize for the way this room looks. I havent gotten around to cleaning
approve of She doesnt approve of alcohol in any form.
argue with I wont argue with you; I can see your minds made up already.
arrive at (a place) He arrived at my house just at supper time.
arrive in (city, country) They arrived in New York last Tuesday.
ask about We asked about the condition of the roads between there and the Capital.
ask for I asked for a quite room on the second floor of the hotel.
assure of I assured him my willingness to help him.
bargain with (someone) for I bargained with the dealer for more than two hours for that old sofa. He finally let m
(something) eight dollars.
(accept as real or true, or morally desirable)Do you believe in Darwins Theory of Ev
believe in
doesnt believe in letting the children have money unless they have earned it.
(be a possession of)This book doesnt belong to me. Its a library book.(be a memb
belong to
or organization)What clubs do you belong to, if any?
beware of My father told me to beware of strangers, women, and mad dogs.
blame(someone) for
I blame myself for all that happened yesterday.
break (someone) of (some)
Im trying to break myself of the habit of biting my nails when Im nervous.
buy from (a person) I bought it from a salesman who came to the door.
but at (a shop or store) I bought it at a department store.
buy in (a city or country) He bought it in Rome.
(take care of)Who cares for the children when you go out of town?(enjoy, be fond o
care for
negative)I dont care much for hillbilly music or western ballads.
caution (someone) against
I want to caution you against believing everything he says. He is not always to be t
complain about What are you complaining about? You got your share.
consent to Her parents wouldnt consent to her marriage to a man almost twice her age.
consist of The student body of this school consists of students from nearly fifty countries.
This students present grades contrast very favorable with those he made when he
contrast with
contribute to Do you want to contribute a dollar to the Red Cross?
convict of sentence to He was convicted of murder and sentenced to death.
correspond with This signature does not correspond with the one on his ID card.
count on (relay on)Can I count on your cooperation in this matter?
cure of(an illness or bad He claims he was cured of dysentery by a diet of peanuts and bananas. Do you thi
habit) possible?Demosthenes cured himself of stammering by taking with his mouth full o
deal in He deals in diamonds and precious stones.
a. (do business with)I dont like to deal with that store: theyre overcharged me too m
deal with (handle, control)How you deal with a situation like that?c. (treat)My next lecture will
so-called law of supply and demand.
decide against We thought for a while of buying a large house, but weve decided against it, at leas
decide on We havent yet been able to decide on a name of the baby.
defend from (against) The city is well defended from (against) attack by land or sea but not, of course, fro
delight in He delights in telling jokes about Texas and Texans.
a. (relay on)You can depend on him to do a good job.b. (be contingent on)My going
depend on
with you tonight depends on how soon I can finish my homework.
deprive of We were deprived of a great many luxuries during the war.
die of (a disease)He died of a heart attack.
die from (cause other than disease)He died from falling off the roof.
a. (have a different size, shape, color, etc)He differs from his brother in both his app
differ from his manner.b. (hold a different opinion)I differ from him on a few minor details; but w
the basic issues.
disagree with I disagree with you completely.
entrust to (intrust) (delegate responsibility to someone)Im afraid to entrust anything valuable to him.
entrust with (intrust) (delegate responsibility for something)Im afraid to entrust him with anything valuab
excel in He is not much of a student, but he excels in all outdoor sports.
excuse from Can I be excused from class this afternoon?
fall in love with He fell in love with her at first sight.
Their house is furnished in Southern Colonial Style, all except the kitchen, which is
furnish in
furnish with They furnished him with all that was necessary for his trip.
(foresee and prevent)In this work you have to guard against letting your feelings inf
guard against
guess at The gauge is broken; well just have to guess at the amount of gas in tank.
(receive information from.. by various means)We havent heard from him since he m
hear from
a. (know existence of)There may be such a place, but Ive never heard of (about) it.
hear of (about)
information concerning)Have you heard about (of) Joes trip to South America?
hinder from Dont let me hinder you from doing your work. (obstaculizar, entorpecer)
hint at He couldnt tell us the real story behind the headlines, but he hinted at it. (nos dio
hope for Ive been hoping for an answer to the letter I wrote him.
The weather is so bad youd better spend the night here.Youre very kind, but Im af
impose on
imposing on you.
I dont want to inflict my troubles on you any longer. (that is, burden you with having
inflict on
about my troubles)
inform against I dont like to inform against anybody, but its my duty to report this to the authorities
inquire into The committee is going to inquire into the possible misuse of public funds in this ca
insist on I insist on an answer to my question.
(take an active but unwanted part in a situation)Im not going to interfere in their qua
interfere in
business of mine.
interfere with (disturb)Dont let me interfere with your work.
a. (deride) mofarseIts better to have people laugh with you than laugh at you.b. (l
laugh at
of)My wife often laughs at my jokes.
(share laughter sympathetically)When we studied a new language we laugh with ea
laugh with
our mistakes.
lecture on What subject is the professor going to lecture on today?
During the war we used to sit in the shelter, listening for all clear signal to tell us w
listen for
back to work.
listen to Id rather listen to music than watch TV.
live for We should learn to live for other people, not for ourselves.
look at Would you like to look at these photographs of my children?
look alike (resemble)Look at that man over there! Doesnt he look like my brother?
object to I dont object to people having fun, but youre keeping the whole neighborhood awa
pay for How much did you pay for that overcoat?
prefer_ to _ I prefer swimming to fishing.He prefers John to his brother.
present (someone)with
When he retired, they presented him with a gold watch. (entregaron)
prevent (someone/thing)
I tried to prevent the dog from following me, but it was no use.
with (something)
There are certain parts of the city that military personnel are prohibited from visiting
prohibit from
protect (someone/thing)
Put on this coat, itll protect you from rain.
from (someone/thing)
punish for He was punished for a crime he didnt commit.
quarrel with (someone)
I wont quarrel with you about (over) a nickel.
about (or over something)
quote from The teacher likes to quote long passages from Shakespeare.
reason with You cant reason with an angry man.
rebel against Im beginning to rebel against this quite life Ive been leading.
reconcile to (something) Im not reconciled to being without a car here.
reconcile with (someone) Hed like to be reconciled with her, but she refuses to speak to him.
recover from He has just recovered from a serious illness.
refrain from All personnel are expected to refrain from talking during briefings. (abstenerse de)
rely on Can I relay on you to close the window when you leave?
a. (recall by resemblance to)She reminds me of my mother. She looks so much like
remind of
attention to)May I remind you of your obligations to your country?
reply to That remark was in bad taste and I dont intend to reply to it!
That course is too easy. It doesnt require anything of (from) the student except his
require of (from)
result from (be the result of)Most of my difficulties resulted from my lack of money.
result in (cause a result)His bad behavior resulted in his losing weekend privileged for a mon
reward (someone) for
(something) with He was rewarded for his heroism with a medal.
rob of He was robbed of fifty dollars in some border town.Nothing ever fobs him of his self
scoff atburlarse, mofarse The townspeople used to scoff at his ideas and call him a crackpot, but he knows m
of them.
sentence to He was sentenced to five years in prison.
stare at He stared at me as though he ware seeing a ghost.
start on Were starting on our trip early tomorrow morning.
struggle against In his youth he had to struggle against poverty and prejudice.
struggle with Ive been struggling with this problem for fifteen minutes.
speak on (speak about)He will speak on the necessity of international cooperation.
speak to Dr. Hartman will speak to our group on Monday.
a. (pay for regular delivery of newspaper, magazine, etc)I subscribe to two daily pap
subscribe to several magazines.b. (assent to the ideas, opinions, policies, etc. of)I dont subscrib
ideas by any means, but I voted for him.
substitute for Miller is substituting for Brown in tomorrows game.
He succeeded quite well in business but not so well in his personal life.I succeeded
succeed in
him to come on the trip with us.
surrender to The Rebels still refuse to surrender to the central Government.
sympathize with I can sympathize with your point of view, but, frankly, I dont share it.
take advantage of You should take advantage of his offer; you may never have such an opportunity ag
a. (give advise or reproof)Youll have to talk to Willy; youre his father, and he wont
talk to
(make an informal speech)Mr. Brown will talk to the new students at 10:00 in Room
think about Ill think about it tonight and let you know tomorrow.
trust in We have to trust in the integrity of our leaders.In God we Trust (Motto on U.S. coins
trust with Id trust him with my last dollar!
vote against (in opposition to)I voted against amendment No. 3, but for all the others.
vote for (in favor of)Who are you going to vote for?
wait for Ill wait for you on the corner of 6th Av. and 8th St.
wish for If you had three wishes, what would you wish for first?
wonder at I wonder at the way some people act in public.
(work intermittently toward a goal that is not taken very seriously)I hear youre work
work at
novel.Not really. I just work at it, when I have a little spare time, or feel in the mood
(do serious work of some duration, toward a particular goal)What are you working o
work for
This is going to be a chair, if I ever finish it.
If youre the kind of person who yearns for peace and quite and plenty of sunshine,
yearn for
place for you!

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