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Week 2 Unit 1: Geocoding and

Reverse Geocoding
Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding

You have the address of an entity, e.g. a

To analyze the spatial distribution of your
customers, you need the geolocation. Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
Mapping addresses to geolocation is called
The reverse operation mapping geolocations Latitude = 49.2936957
to addresses is called reverse geocoding. Longitude = 8.6394329

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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
Process Flow

SAP HANA supports geocoding, reverse Geocoding service,

geocoding, and address cleansing. e.g. HERE

This data transformation/enrichment can

either run locally (reference data is stored in
SAP HANA*) or via a remote service.
Local geocoding and address cleansing is Geocode
handled by SAP HANA smart data quality. Address transform or Longitude,
Data geocode Latitude

Geocode reference data

*additional licenses might be required SAP HANA

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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
SAP HANA smart data quality Geocode transform

SAP HANA smart data quality

No communication with external data
Geocoding as ONE step within a larger
ETL/data quality pipeline

Address Geocode Longitude,

Data transform Latitude

Geocode reference data


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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
SAP HANA smart data quality Geocode transform

Generates latitude and longitude from an address, and generates addresses from
latitude and longitude coordinates.

Download and install the geocode directories from SAP Service Marketplace
Set up appropriate permissions

The accuracy of the point is based on the completeness of the address.
The Geocode node falls back to a lower-level point when the finer level cannot be obtained.
The value in the GEO_ASMT_LEVEL output column identifies the level that the point
SAP HANA smart data quality may require additional licenses.

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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
SAP HANA smart data quality Geocode transform (SAP Web IDE)

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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
SAP HANA smart data quality Geocode transform

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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
Geocode index

SAP HANA geocode index Geocoding service,

e.g. HERE
Uses local reference data or
an external service
Geocodes are stored in a column
of the data table insert

Automatic updates
ID City Str Lon Geocode
/Lat index

Geocode reference data


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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
Geocode index

Generates latitude and longitude from an address

Use the SAP HANA smart data quality geocode provider
Or use a custom provider

Set up SAP HANA smart data quality
Or implement a custom geocode provider, e.g. using JavaScript on XSC

The assignment of the point may fail if the address cannot be resolved on a specific
address level.

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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
Geocode index



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Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
Additional information

SAP HANA Spatial Reference

5.2 Geocoding

SAP HANA Smart Data Integration

Configuration Guide
5.3 Geocode

SAP HANA Academy

Smart Data Quality/Integration:
Geocode Transformation

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Week 2 Unit 2: Spatial Aggregation
and Set Operations
Spatial Aggregation and Set Operations

Set operations
Operations performed on a set of geometries, e.g. the intersection of the trading
areas of your sales stores and the downtown business area.

Grouping operations on a set of geometries, e.g. the convex hull over the
customer location of a sales store.

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Spatial Aggregation and Set Operations
Set operation methods

You use set operation methods to relate two geometries.


Analogous to arithmetic functions over numerical data

Shape A

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Spatial Aggregation and Set Operations
List of available set operation methods




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Spatial Aggregation and Set Operations

You use aggregate methods to group geometries.


Analogous to aggregation methods over numerical data


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Spatial Aggregation and Set Operations
List of available geometry aggregation methods

Returns a complete or partial SVG document that renders the
geometries in a group

ST_ConvexHullAggr ("SHAPE")
Returns the convex hull for all of the geometries in a group

ST_EnvelopeAggr ("SHAPE")
Returns the bounding rectangle for all of the geometries in a group

ST_IntersectionAggr ("SHAPE")
Returns the spatial intersection of all of the geometries in a group

ST_UnionAggr ("SHAPE")
Returns the spatial union of all of the geometries

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Spatial Aggregation and Set Operations
Further information

SAP HANA Spatial Reference

Aggregate Methods
Set Operation Methods

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Week 2 Unit 3:
Spatial Predicates and Joins
Spatial Predicates and Joins

You use spatial predicates to evaluate the relationship of

two geometries.

Example: Identify customers within a specific sales area.


WHERE "LOCATION".ST_Within([geometry]) = 1;

Analogous to comparisons over numerical data



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Spatial Predicates and Joins

g1 g2 g1
g1 g2 g1
g2 g2

g1.ST_Within(g2) g1 g1 g2
g1 g2 = g1 I(g1) E(g2) = g1

g2 g2
g1.ST_Contains(g2) g1 g1.ST_Crosses(g2)

g1 g2 = g2 I(g1) I(g2) g2 I(g1) I(g2) (g1 g2 g1) (g1 g2 g2)]

g2 g1.ST_Touches(g2)
g1.ST_Intersects(g2) g1
g1 (g1 g2 ) (B(g1) B(g2) = )
g1 g2

g1 g2
g1 g1.ST_Overlaps(g2)
g2 g2
g1 g2 (I(g1) I(g2) )
g2 (I(g1) E(g2) )
g1.ST_Equals(g2) g1.ST_Covers(g2) *
g1 g2 (E(g1) I(g2) )
g1 g2 =
g1 = g2 g1 g2 = g2
* No OGC standard
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Spatial Predicates and Joins

The ST_WithinDistance method tests if the

smallest distance between two geometries is
within a specified distance, taking tolerance
into consideration.


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Spatial Predicates and Joins
ST_Relate predicate use

The ST_Relate method tests if a geometry is spatially related to another geometry by looking for
intersection between the interior, boundary, and exterior.
"SHAPE_A".ST_Relate("SHAPE_B" , 'T*F**F***') = 0
You pass a DE-9IM string reflecting the intersection results to test for. If the conditions are satisfied,
ST_Relate returns 1; if not, 0 is returned.

g2 I g2 B g2 E T = one of: 0, 1, 2 (an intersection of any dimension)

F = -1
g1 I 1 2 3
* = -1, 0, 1, 2 (any value)
g1 B 4 5 6 0=0
g1 E 7 8 9 1=1
I = Interior
B = Boundary
E = Exterior

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Spatial Predicates and Joins
Using spatial predicates in SAP HANA SQL

In the SELECT clause


In the WHERE clause


As JOIN condition

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Spatial Predicates and Joins
Additional information

SAP HANA Spatial Reference


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Week 2 Unit 4: Access, Computation,
and Transformation Functions
Access, Computation, and Transformation Functions

Besides set operations and aggregation functions,

SAP HANA provides methods to
Access properties of a geometry
e.g. the X coordinate/longitude of a point
Compute properties of a geometry
e.g. the area of a polygon
Transform a geometry
e.g. a point into a circle given a buffer

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Access, Computation, and Transformation Functions
Access functions

SAP HANA supports methods to access ST_YMax()

geometry properties.
"GEOM".ST_XMax(), "GEOM".ST_XMin()
2nd Point
"LINE".ST_NumPoints(), "LINE".ST_PointN([n]) NumPoints = 3
"GEOM".ST_Dimension() Start End
"LINE".ST_StartPoint(), "LINE".ST_EndPoint()
"GEOM".ST_Srid() Geometry Type
"GEOM".ST_ExteriorRing() = ST_Polygon
Exterior Ring

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Access, Computation, and Transformation Functions
Computation functions

SAP HANA supports methods to compute

geometry properties.
Length Perimeter Area
Centroid Distance
"GEOM".ST_isValid(), "GEOM".ST_isEmpty(),
"LINE".ST_isClosed(), "GEOM".ST_isSimple()

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Access, Computation, and Transformation Functions

The ST_Relate method tests if a geometry value is spatially related to another geometry value by
testing for the intersection between the interior, boundary, and exterior of two geometries.
"SHAPE_A".ST_Relate("SHAPE_B") = '212111212'
The result is a 9-character string in DE-9IM format, where each character of the string represents the
dimension of the result of an intersection test.

g2 I g2 B g2 E
g1 I 1 2 3 In the above example, the first digit is '2', which means the
g1 B 4 5 6 intersection of the interiors of SHAPE_A and SHAPE_B
g1 E 7 8 9 has dimension 2.

I = Interior
B = Boundary
E = Exterior

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Access, Computation, and Transformation Functions
Transformation functions

SAP HANA supports methods to transform

Boundary Buffer
Convex Hull Envelope


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Access, Computation, and Transformation Functions
Additional information

SAP HANA Spatial Reference

Supported Methods

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Week 2 Unit 5:
Spatial Clustering
Spatial Clustering

SAP HANA supports clustering of spatial data (points).

You use clustering to divide/separate points into
meaningful groups.

SAP HANA supports three clustering algorithms

spherical clusters

When clustering, you can

Associate each data point with a cluster non-spherical clusters
Derive cluster properties, like centroid and envelope
Aggregate data of the clusters data points

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Spatial Clustering

Quick and easy way to use clustering


Cells tessellate the grid.

4*3 grid clustering
Every cell has a unique identifier.
SELECT ST_ClusterID(), ST_ClusterEnvelope(), COUNT(*) AS C

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Spatial Clustering

Centroid-based, iterative clustering method


Suitable for spherical clusters.

Initialization methods: RANDOM PARTITION, FORGY k-means clustering

SELECT ST_ClusterID(), ST_ClusterCentroid(), COUNT(*) AS C

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Spatial Clustering

Density-based clustering method


Suitable for non-spherical clusters.

Parameters: EPS, MINPTS

SELECT ST_ClusterID(), COUNT(*) AS C DBSCAN clustering

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Spatial Clustering
Window functions

Spatial clustering is supported in window functions.



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Spatial Clustering
Example UI

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Spatial Clustering
Additional information

SAP HANA Spatial Reference

Spatial Clustering

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