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Starting and Exiting EPLAN

Starting and Exiting EPLAN

EPLAN Training 1
Starting and Exiting EPLAN

1 Starting EPLAN .............................................................................................3

2 Exiting EPLAN...............................................................................................5

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Starting and Exiting EPLAN

1 Starting EPLAN
After installation, you can start EPLAN via the Windows Start menu.


You have the required software protection dongle for EPLAN and the required

1. Click the Windows Start button and select All Programs.

2. Open the EPLAN program group and click the icon for your EPLAN version.

1. The EPLAN main window will open. By default EPLAN opens the Tip of the
Day dialog.

3. Deselect the Show tips at startup check box if you do not wish for it to
appear every time the program is started.

EPLAN Training 3
Starting and Exiting EPLAN
4. Click [Close].

You can set up EPLAN such that after the program is started the most recently
opened project, or the most recently opened page, appears. The settings for
this can be changed via the menu items Options > Settings > User >
Display > User interface.

If you use EPLAN Rights management you may (depending on the operating
mode) have to log on via Logon dialog before you can work in EPLAN.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Starting and Exiting EPLAN

2 Exiting EPLAN
You can exit EPLAN at any time. All of the data and settings, including those relating
to the user interface (i.e. open dialogs, displayed toolbars, etc.), are saved and used
again when the program is restarted.


You have closed all of the dialogs in the foreground using the [Esc] key or the
shortcut key [Alt] + [F4].

1. Select the menu item Project > Exit or use the shortcut key combination [Alt]
+ [F4].

2. EPLAN is exited.

EPLAN Training 5
Starting and Exiting EPLAN

EPLAN Training 6
User Interface

User Interface

EPLAN Training 1
User Interface

EPLAN Training 2
User Interface
1 Operating EPLAN with the Keyboard..........................................................5
1.1 Open a menu item ....................................................................................5
1.2 Select elements within a dialog.................................................................5
1.3 Select tabs ................................................................................................5
1.4 Open menus and popup menus................................................................6
1.5 Select / deselect check boxes...................................................................6
1.6 Open drop-down lists ................................................................................7
1.7 Use the keyboard in list or tree views .......................................................7

2 Changing Keyboard Shortcuts ..................................................................11

2.1 Create keyboard shortcuts ......................................................................11
2.2 Remove keyboard shortcuts ...................................................................12
2.3 Reset keyboard shortcuts .......................................................................13

3 Adjusting Toolbars .....................................................................................15

3.1 Activating Toolbars .................................................................................15
3.2 Activate tooltips.......................................................................................16
3.3 Changing the Button Display Type..........................................................16
3.4 Create user-defined toolbars ..................................................................17
3.5 Delete user-defined toolbars ...................................................................20
3.6 Extend pre-defined toolbars ....................................................................20
3.7 Delete buttons from toolbars ...................................................................22
3.8 Reset toolbars.........................................................................................22

4 Exporting and Importing Toolbars ............................................................24

4.1 Export user-defined toolbars ...................................................................24
4.2 Import user-defined toolbars ...................................................................25

5 Docking / Undocking Control Elements....................................................27

5.1 Undock the menu bar, toolbars and dockable dialogs ............................27
5.2 Dock the menu bar, toolbars, and dockable dialogs ...............................28
5.3 Undock editors ........................................................................................29
5.4 Dock editors ............................................................................................30
5.5 Setting Editors as Subordinate Windows ................................................31

6 Setting the Dialog Language......................................................................33

7 Working with Selection Dialogs.................................................................34

7.1 Searching for Objects in the List View ....................................................34
EPLAN Training 3
User Interface
7.2 Change the sorting sequence of list objects ...........................................36

8 Selecting Objects........................................................................................39
8.1 Select single objects ...............................................................................39
8.2 Select several objects in sequence.........................................................40
8.3 Select several objects not in sequence...................................................41
8.4 Remove selection ...................................................................................42

9 Copying and Pasting Data in Tables .........................................................43

9.1 Copy and paste single cells ....................................................................43
9.2 Multiple copying and insertion of several cells ........................................44
9.3 Copy and paste several cells once .........................................................45

10 Affecting List Displays ...............................................................................47

10.1 Optimize the display of individual columns .............................................47
10.2 Optimize the display of all columns.........................................................47
10.3 Changing the height or width of all rows / columns together...................48

11 Defining Display and Sorting Sequences .................................................49

11.1 Define display and sorting sequences using buttons ..............................49
11.2 Define display and sorting sequences using the popup menu ................49
11.3 Optimize the display of individual columns .............................................50
11.4 Optimize the display of all columns.........................................................51
11.5 Changing the height or width of all rows / columns together...................51

12 Using Drag & Drop......................................................................................53

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
User Interface

1 Operating EPLAN with the Keyboard

You can call up all menu items from the keyboard using the underlined identifier
letters in the menu designations. Within the dialog elements, you can control the
cursor using the keyboard and execute commands via key combinations.


You have opened the program.

1.1 Open a menu item

1. On the keyboard, hold down the [ALT] key and then press the key
corresponding to the underlined identifier of the desired item in the menu bar.

The menu is opened.

2. Enter the underlined identifier of the desired menu item within this menu.

3. Proceed in the same way until you reach the desired menu item.

1.2 Select elements within a dialog

1. Press the [TAB] key as many times as necessary until you have selected the
desired element.

1.3 Select tabs

1. In the dialog, press the [CTRL] + [TAB] keys together until you have selected
the desired tab. The "paging" through the tabs takes place from left to right.

EPLAN Training 5
User Interface
2. Or press the [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [TAB] keys together until you have selected
the desired tab. The "paging" through the tabs then takes place from right to

1.4 Open menus and popup menus

1. In the dialog, press the [TAB] key until you have selected the desired menu

2. Press the [SPACE] key.

The menu opens.

3. Use the arrow keys to reach the desired menu item.

4. Press [ENTER] to call up the menu item.

1.5 Select / deselect check boxes

1. In the dialog, press the [TAB] key as many times as necessary until you have
selected the desired check box.

2. Press [SPACE].

The check box is then selected or deselected, depending on the current


EPLAN Training 6
User Interface

1.6 Open drop-down lists

1. In the dialog, press the [TAB] key until you have selected the desired drop-
down list.

2. Press [ALT] + [DOWN ARROW].

The list is opened.

3. Use the arrow keys to reach the desired entry.

4. Press [ENTER] to accept the value.

1.7 Use the keyboard in list or tree views

1. Select the highest level in the tree structure, i.e. the project names for

EPLAN Training 7
User Interface
2. Press [*] on your numeric keypad. (If your keyboard does not have a numeric
keypad, e.g. a laptop keyboard, you can also use the key combination [Fn]
combined with the computer and country specific key for "X".)

The tree is opened.

EPLAN Training 8
User Interface
3. Switch between the tree and list views by pressing [CTRL] + [TAB] .

4. Use the arrow keys to select the desired object within the list and tree


At any time you can press the [Strg] + [F12] keys to switch between the "dockable"
EPLAN Training 9
User Interface

dialogs, e.g. between the Page Navigator, the Message Management and a
graphical editor.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
User Interface

2 Changing Keyboard Shortcuts

In EPLAN, you can edit and create key combinations assigned to particular menu

2.1 Create keyboard shortcuts

Options > Keyboard shortcuts

1. In the Keyboard shortcuts dialog, select the desired menu command from
the Select command list.

The fields Description and Assigned shortcut keys are automatically

filled with the appropriate data, if this exists.

2. Click [Create].

EPLAN Training 11
User Interface
3. In the Create keyboard shortcuts dialog, in the New shortcut key field,
enter the desired shortcut key for the selected command.

If you select a shortcut key that is already assigned then the Current
assignment is displayed. You can overwrite this. If you do not wish to
overwrite the assignment, enter a different shortcut key.

4. Click [OK].

The dialog is closed and the (new) shortcut key is displayed in the
Assigned shortcut keys field.

5. Perform all further assignments in a similar manner .

6. Click [OK].

2.2 Remove keyboard shortcuts

Options > Keyboard shortcuts

1. In the Keyboard shortcuts dialog, select the desired menu command from
the Select command list.

EPLAN Training 12
User Interface
The fields Description and Assigned shortcut keys are automatically
filled with the appropriate data, if this exists.

2. In the Assigned shortcut keys field, select the shortcut key to be deleted.
(Multiple selection isn't possible here).

3. Click [Remove].

The selected shortcut key is deleted.

4. Click [OK].

2.3 Reset keyboard shortcuts

Options > Keyboard shortcuts

1. Click [Reset all].

EPLAN displays a message window.

EPLAN Training 13
User Interface
2. Click [Yes], if all keyboard shortcuts that you have created are to be removed
and the original settings restored, otherwise click [No].

3. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14
User Interface

3 Adjusting Toolbars
EPLAN has pre-defined toolbars that you can activate or deactivate. You can also
change the display type of the buttons. You can also create your own toolbars and
equip them with the desired commands. These user-defined toolbars can be edited
and deleted. You can also edit the EPLAN pre-defined toolbars. Buttons can be
added or deleted. The pre-defined toolbars cannot however be deleted.

3.1 Activating Toolbars

Options > Toolbars > Customize

1. In the Customize dialog, select the Toolbars tab.

2. Select the check box for each toolbar in the list that is to be displayed.

3. If required, deselect the check boxes for toolbars that are not to be displayed.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 15
User Interface


As an alternative to activation via the dialog, toolbars can also be activated /

deactivated using the popup menu within a toolbar.

3.2 Activate tooltips

Options > Toolbars > Customize

1. In the Customize dialog, select the Toolbars tab.

2. Select the Show tooltips check box.

3. Click [OK].

When you now move the cursor over a toolbar symbol in EPLAN, then a small text
window is displayed below the symbol with a description of the symbol.

3.3 Changing the Button Display Type

Options > Toolbars > Customize

EPLAN Training 16
User Interface
1. In the Customize dialog, select the Toolbars tab.

2. Select the Cool look check box.

The buttons of the symbols are displayed as flat buttons.

3. Click [OK].

3.4 Create user-defined toolbars

Options > Toolbars > Customize

1. In the Customize dialog, select the Toolbars tab.

2. Click [New].

EPLAN Training 17
User Interface
3. In the New toolbar dialog, in the Toolbar name field, enter a designation for
your toolbar.

4. Click [OK].

The dialog is closed, the new toolbar is created and displayed in the user

5. Select the Commands tab.

EPLAN Training 18
User Interface
6. From the Categories list, select the desired category whose buttons are to be

Under Buttons, the button symbols, menu items or categories belonging to

the selected category are displayed.

7. Click the desired button and use "Drag & Drop" to pull it onto your toolbar.

If you select an Action or a Menu without pre-defined image data, then you
must specify further settings for the button in a subsequent dialog.

8. Repeat these steps until the toolbar contains all desired symbols.

Once you have created user-defined toolbars, you must save the current user
interface configuration as a new workspace or as a selected workspace (edit), so that
the user-defined toolbars are permanently available for use (in the current

EPLAN Training 19
User Interface

3.5 Delete user-defined toolbars

Options > Toolbars > Customize

1. In the Customize dialog, select the Toolbars tab.

2. In the Toolbars list, select the toolbar that is to be deleted.

3. Click [Delete].

The toolbar is removed from the list.

3.6 Extend pre-defined toolbars

Options > Toolbars > Customize

1. In the Customize dialog, select the Toolbars tab.

2. Select the check box of the toolbar to which you wish to add extra commands.

EPLAN Training 20
User Interface
3. Select the Commands tab.

4. From the Categories list, select the desired category whose buttons are to be

Under Buttons, the button symbols, menu items or categories belonging to

the selected category are displayed.

5. Click the desired button and use "Drag & Drop" to pull it onto the previously
activated toolbar.

If you select an Action or a Menu without pre-defined image data, then you
must specify further settings for the button in a subsequent dialog.

6. Repeat these steps until the toolbar contains all desired symbols.

Once you have extended the predefined toolbars, you must save the current user
interface configuration as a new workspace or as a selected workspace (edit), so that
the extended predefined toolbars are permanently available for use (in the current

EPLAN Training 21
User Interface

3.7 Delete buttons from toolbars

1. Select Options > Toolbars > Customize.

2. Click the desired button and use "Drag & Drop" to pull it off your toolbar.

Once you have removed buttons, you must save the current user interface
configuration as a new workspace or as a selected workspace (edit), so that the
modified toolbars are permanently available for use (in the current workspace).

3.8 Reset toolbars

Options > Toolbars > Customize

1. In the Customize dialog, select the Toolbars tab.

2. In the Toolbars list, select the predefined toolbars that you have modified and
now wish to reset.

EPLAN Training 22
User Interface
3. Click [Reset].

The added commands are removed from the toolbar.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 23
User Interface

4 Exporting and Importing Toolbars

In EPLAN, user defined toolbars are stored in a workspace. If you wish to use self-
created toolbars in another workspace, or make them available to another user, then
an export / import feature is available for this.

4.1 Export user-defined toolbars


You have created user-defined toolbars.

Options > Toolbars > Export

1. In the Export Toolbars dialog, select the toolbar(s) that you wish to export.

2. Click [OK].

3. In the subsequent dialog, select the directory to where you wish to export the

4. In the File name field, enter the name for the export file.

5. Click [Save].

EPLAN Training 24
User Interface
The toolbar is exported and saved as an XML file under the specified

4.2 Import user-defined toolbars


You have created and exported user-defined toolbars or another user has made an
appropriate export file containing toolbars available to you.

Options > Toolbars > Import

1. In the Import toolbars dialog, select the directory from which you wish to
import the toolbar(s).

2. Select the XML file to be imported.

EPLAN Training 25
User Interface
3. Click [Open].

The toolbars are imported. If the toolbars already exist then an appropriate
message is displayed.

After importing user-defined toolbars, you must save the current user interface
configuration as a new workspace or as a selected workspace (edit), so that the user-
defined toolbars are permanently available for use (in the current workspace).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26
User Interface

5 Docking / Undocking Control Elements

Different user interface control elements, such as the menu bar, the toolbars or the
"dockable" dialogs (e.g. Page Navigator), can be positioned inside or outside the
EPLAN main window. You can dock these elements to the frame of the EPLAN main
window or "couple" them to an already docked element.

When the program is exited, EPLAN notes the last settings of these elements
(docked, undocked, size, position) and restores them the next time the program is
started. If a particular configuration of dockable elements is to be permanently
retained, i.e. when changing workspaces, then these settings must be saved as a
new workspace or saved under the existing workspace.

The windows of open pages are also "dockable and undockable". However, the
settings of these editors cannot be saved with a workspace.

5.1 Undock the menu bar, toolbars and dockable dialogs


You have selected a workspace with docked control elements.

1. Using the left mouse button, click a "free" area within the menu bar, within a
toolbar, or in the title bar of a dockable dialog and keep the mouse button

EPLAN Training 27
User Interface
2. Press the [CTRL] key to avoid docking and pull the docked element to the
desired position.

If the borders of the respective control element are displayed with a thick
line, then EPLAN positions the control element as an independent, undocked
element on the Windows desktop.

5.2 Dock the menu bar, toolbars, and dockable dialogs


You have selected a workspace with undocked control elements.

1. Click the title bar of the desired undocked control element with the left mouse
button and keep the button pressed.

EPLAN Training 28
User Interface
2. Pull the element to the desired position in the EPLAN main window.

To dock the undocked element to the border of the EPLAN main window
(or the border of another dockable element), you must move the edge of the
element exactly to the border of the EPLAN main window. You can recognize
this by the border of the element being displayed as a thin line. This will be a
horizontal or vertical line, depending on whether you wish to position the
control element at the top, bottom, left or right. You can recognize the
orientation from the thinly drawn preview rectangle.

5.3 Undock editors


You have opened a page in an editor (graphical editor, symbol editor, form editor,
etc.). The editor is displayed as a subordinate window in the main window.

1. Click the Windows button of the respective editor.

EPLAN Training 29
User Interface
2. Click the title bar of the editor using the right mouse button, and select Popup
menu > Floating.

The editor is immediately undocked from the frame of the EPLAN main

3. Pull the editor to the desired position.

5.4 Dock editors


You have opened a page in an editor (graphical editor, symbol editor, form editor,
etc.). The editor is displayed in your user interface as an undocked window.

1. Click the title bar of the respective editor with the right mouse button.

EPLAN Training 30
User Interface
2. In the popup menu, first select Docked to and then select the docking
direction from the submenu (Top, Left, Bottom, Right).

The editor is docked in the selected docking direction to the frame of the
EPLAN main window.

5.5 Setting Editors as Subordinate Windows


You have opened a page in an editor (graphical editor, symbol editor, form editor,
etc.). The editor is displayed in your user interface as a docked or undocked window.

EPLAN Training 31
User Interface
1. Click the title bar of the editor using the right mouse button, and select Popup
menu > Child window.

The respective editor is adjusted to fit in the main window so that its
internal area is optimally used. The tile bar of the subordinate window is then
integrated into the title bar of the main window.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
User Interface

6 Setting the Dialog Language

EPLAN allows you to define a different language for the user interface.

You can only select another dialog language if this language was installed when the
system was initially installed.

Options > Settings > User > Display > User interface

1. Select the desired language from the Dialog Language drop-down list in the
Settings: User interface dialog.

2. Click [OK].

3. Exit EPLAN and restart the program.

The new language is now used in the user interface.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33
User Interface

7 Working with Selection Dialogs

In selection dialogs, objects are displayed in a list or tree structure and can be
selected for editing. The objects are hierarchically displayed in a tree structure, while
all objects in the list can be displayed in alphanumerically increasing or decreasing
order, or the original order, as desired.

Although the Page Navigator has both list and tree structures, the "list" in this case
is a table. This means that page overview lists are controlled in a different manner to
the "normal" selection dialog lists.

7.1 Searching for Objects in the List View


You have opened a selection dialog and selected the List tab.

EPLAN Training 34
User Interface
1. Enter a character

The cursor jumps to the first list entry beginning with this character.

2. Enter the character several times (slowly).

With every entry, the cursor jumps to the next object beginning with this

EPLAN Training 35
User Interface
3. Quickly enter several characters one after the other.

EPLAN interprets the entry as a string of characters and the cursor jumps
to the first object beginning with this string of characters.

The search direction is always from the top down and the first display column is
always searched. Once the last element in the list is reached, the search begins
again from the top.

7.2 Change the sorting sequence of list objects


You have opened a selection dialog and selected the List tab.

EPLAN Training 36
User Interface
1. Click one of the column headers.

If the displayed data is in the original sequence, then sorting first takes
place in increasing alphanumeric order of the column whose header you
clicked. (An arrow symbol in the column header shows the sorting direction.)

2. Click the same header once more.

The sorting now occurs in decreasing order, again of the column whose
header you clicked. (An arrow symbol in the column header shows the sorting

EPLAN Training 37
User Interface
3. Click the same header a third time.

The column data is now displayed in the original order.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38
User Interface

8 Selecting Objects
In selection dialogs, one or more objects can be selected.

8.1 Select single objects


You have opened a selection dialog.

1. Click the desired object.

The object is selected.

EPLAN Training 39
User Interface

8.2 Select several objects in sequence


You have opened a selection dialog.

1. Click the first object to be selected.

2. Hold down the [SHIFT] key and click the last object to be selected.

The first, last, and all objects in between are selected.

EPLAN Training 40
User Interface

8.3 Select several objects not in sequence


You have opened a selection dialog.

1. Click the first object to be selected.

2. Hold down the [CTRL] key and click the next object to be selected.

EPLAN Training 41
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3. Repeat this step for all desired objects.

All clicked objects are selected.

8.4 Remove selection


You have opened a selection dialog and selected at least one object.

1. To remove the selection of a single selected object, click next to the object.

2. To remove the selection of one or several selected objects, hold down the
[CTRL] key and click the desired objects.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 42
User Interface

9 Copying and Pasting Data in Tables

In tabular displays such as Message management, the Page navigator list display,
Structure identifier management, and when editing terminal strips and plugs, etc.,
you can copy and paste data in the tables in different ways. The following sources
and targets are possible:

Copying and pasting within the same EPLAN table

Copying from an EPLAN table to another EPLAN table in a different dialog
Copying from an EPLAN table and insertion into another program such as
Excel or Notepad.

9.1 Copy and paste single cells


You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

1. Select the cell whose content is to be copied.

2. Press [CTRL] + [C].

The content of the cell is written to the clipboard.

3. Select the cells where the contents of the clipboard are to be copied to.
Multiple selection is possible here.

EPLAN Training 43
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4. Press [CTRL] + [V].

9.2 Multiple copying and insertion of several cells


You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

1. Select the cells whose content is to be copied.

2. Press [CTRL] + [C].

The content of the cells is written to the clipboard.

3. Select the cells where the contents of the clipboard are to be copied to.
Multiple selection is possible here but the number of cells to be filled must be a
multiple of the number of originally copied cells.

4. Press [CTRL] + [V].


You have selected two cells with different content and pressed [CTRL] + [C]. If you
EPLAN Training 44
User Interface

now select five cells and press [CTRL] + [V], then EPLAN displays an error message
stating that this multiple selection is not possible. If you now select four or six cells
instead and press [CTRL] + [V] then the data is inserted.

9.3 Copy and paste several cells once


You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

1. Select the cells whose content is to be copied.

2. Press [CTRL] + [C].

The content of the cells is written to the clipboard.

3. Select the cell where the contents of the first source cell are to be copied to.

4. Press [CTRL] + [V].

Depending on whether you selected source cells lying next to each other or under
each other, the cells are filled with the copied data next to or under the first target

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If entire lines or columns are selected when copying, then the row / column
header is also copied.

The inserted value is ignored when inserting into read-only cells.

When illegal values are inserted into a cell, either the original value remains
unchanged or an automatic correction is made to the inserted value.


You can insert the content of an Excel cell using Drag & Drop, by clicking in the
upper left corner of the selected cell and then dragging it into a table in your

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 46
User Interface

10 Affecting List Displays

In the list view of the List tabs of the Symbol selection dialog, the navigators, etc.,
you can change and optimize the display options and sorting sequence of the

10.1 Optimize the display of individual columns

Individual columns can be displayed at an optimized width.


In a selection dialog, you have selected the List tab.

1. Double-click to the right of the column separator next to the heading of the
column whose width you wish to optimize.

The width of the column is adjusted so that all values contained in the column are
completely displayed.

10.2 Optimize the display of all columns

Proceed as follows to optimize the width of all columns:


In a selection dialog, you have selected the List tab.

1. Press the keys [CTRL] + ["plus sign"] on the numeric keypad of the

EPLAN Training 47
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All existing columns are optimized.

If your keyboard does not have a numeric keypad, e.g. a laptop keyboard, you can
also use the key combination [Fn] combined with the computer and country specific
key for "Plus".

10.3 Changing the height or width of all rows / columns



In a selection dialog, you have selected the List tab.

1. Select Popup menu > Select all.

The entire table is selected.

2. Pull the column or row separator with the mouse to the desired new position.

The change affects all selected cells, i.e. their height / width are changed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 48
User Interface

11 Defining Display and Sorting Sequences

In tabular displays such as Message management, Property assignment for
components, Structure identifier management, and when editing terminal strips
and plugs, etc., you can change and optimize the display options and sorting
sequence of objects.

11.1 Define display and sorting sequences using buttons


You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

1. Select the projects you wish to move. (Multiple selection is possible here).

In the dialog, the [Move <direction>] buttons possible for the current
selection are activated.

2. Click the desired button.

The selected objects are moved one position in the desired direction with
each click, as long as this is possible.

3. Click [OK].

The new sequence is adopted and (e.g.) displayed in the appropriate


11.2 Define display and sorting sequences using the

popup menu


You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

EPLAN Training 49
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1. Select the projects you wish to move. Multiple selection is possible here.

2. Select Popup menu > "Direction".

The selected objects are moved in the selected direction.

3. Click [OK].

The new sequence is adopted and (e.g.) displayed in the appropriate


Upon confirmation of a new ordering, EPLAN notes the positions of the table headers
and automatically jumps to the last focused cell when the dialog is reopened. If the
ordering within the table has changed, then a jump occurs to either the first or last
cell to be edited.

11.3 Optimize the display of individual columns

To optimally display a cell, i.e. at optimum width, proceed as follows:


You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

1. Double-click to the right of the column separator next to the heading of the
column whose width you wish to optimize.

The width of the column is adjusted so that all values contained in the column are
completely displayed.
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11.4 Optimize the display of all columns

Proceed as follows to optimize the width of all columns:


You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

1. Press the keys [CTRL] + ["plus sign"] on the numeric keypad of the

All existing columns are optimized.

If your keyboard does not have a numeric keypad, e.g. a laptop keyboard, you can
also use the key combination [Fn] combined with the computer and country specific
key for "Plus".

11.5 Changing the height or width of all rows / columns



You have opened a dialog containing a tabular display.

1. Select Popup menu > Select all.

The entire table is selected.

2. Pull the column or row separator with the mouse to the desired new position.

EPLAN Training 51
User Interface
The change affects all selected cells, i.e. their height / width are changed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 52
User Interface

12 Using Drag & Drop

You can directly pull a selected object from one dialog into another.


You have opened two dialogs with different views / applications.

1. Display both dialogs on the screen.

2. If necessary, change the dialog size of both views so that both dialogs are
displayed at the same time.

EPLAN Training 53
User Interface
3. Select the desired object in the first dialog.

4. Keep the mouse button pressed and pull the element from the first dialog into
the second dialog.

The mouse pointer changes its form and shows you whether or not
you can insert the object.

5. Release the mouse button.

The selected object is copied, moved or linked into the target, depending
on the source and target.

EPLAN Training 54
User Interface

EPLAN Training 55


EPLAN Training 1

1 Editing Schemes ...........................................................................................3

1.1 Create schemes........................................................................................3
1.2 Copy schemes ..........................................................................................5
1.3 Delete schemes ........................................................................................6

2 Importing and Exporting Schemes..............................................................7

2.1 Import schemes ........................................................................................7
2.2 Export schemes ........................................................................................8

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Editing Schemes
In EPLAN, you can create schemes for various settings, e.g., for device tags or
filters. Schemes can also be deleted, copied, edited, or imported and exported.

1.1 Create schemes


You have opened a dialog in which it is possible to select a scheme for settings.

1. In the dialog concerned, click (New) next to the Scheme drop-down list.

2. In the New scheme dialog, select a scheme from the Scheme list that you
would like to use as the template for the scheme to be generated.

The name and description will be placed into the fields in the lower area.

EPLAN Training 3
3. In the Name field, enter the name for the new scheme, i.e., overwrite the
name of the one that is currently selected.

4. In the Description field, enter a short descriptive text for the new scheme.

5. Click [OK].

The New scheme is closed, in which the new scheme will be set as the
current scheme.

6. Make the desired setting changes for the scheme.

7. Click [OK].

The scheme is saved.

EPLAN Training 4

1.2 Copy schemes


You have opened a dialog in which it is possible to select a scheme for settings.

1. Click (Copy) next to the Scheme drop-down list.

2. In the Copy scheme: <scheme name> dialog, in the Name field, enter the
name for the copy of the current scheme shown in the title bar of the dialog.

3. Provide a descriptive text for the copy of the scheme.

EPLAN Training 5
4. Click [OK].

The scheme will be saved under its new name.

1.3 Delete schemes


You have opened a dialog in which it is possible to select a scheme for settings.

1. Click (Delete) next to the Scheme drop-down list.

2. In the Delete Scheme dialog, click [Yes] if you would like to delete the
current scheme, or [No] if you would like to cancel the deletion process.

Only the schemes you yourself have created can be deleted. The standard schemes
included in the EPLAN delivery cannot be deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6

2 Importing and Exporting Schemes

In EPLAN, you can create schemes for various settings, e.g., for device tags or
filters. Schemes can also be deleted, copied, edited, or imported and exported.

2.1 Import schemes


You have opened a dialog in which it is possible to select a scheme for settings.

1. Click (Import) in the dialog.

2. In the Select import file dialog, choose the directory from where you would
like to import a scheme.

EPLAN Training 7
3. Select the scheme to be imported.

4. Click [Open].

If the scheme does not exist already, it will be imported; otherwise, an

appropriate message will be displayed.

2.2 Export schemes


You have opened a dialog in which it is possible to select a scheme for settings.

1. Click (Export) in the dialog.

EPLAN Training 8
2. In the Select export file, choose the directory where you would like to export
the scheme.

3. In the File name field, enter the name for the export file.

4. Click [Save].

The scheme is exported and saved as an XML file under the name that
was provided.

EPLAN Training 9

EPLAN Training 10
Project Management

Project Management

EPLAN Training 1
Project Management

1 Opening / Closing Project Management .....................................................3

2 Creating a Project Management Database..................................................5

2.1 Create in the project directory ...................................................................5
2.2 Create in a different directory....................................................................5

3 Selecting a Project Management Database ................................................8

4 Creating a Project from a Project Template (Project Management) .......10

5 Creating a Project from a Basic Project (Project Management) .............13

6 Reading Directories and Projects..............................................................16

7 Opening a Project (Project Management) .................................................18

8 Copying a Project .......................................................................................20

9 Searching / Filtering a Project ...................................................................23

9.1 Define filter..............................................................................................23
9.2 Use filter..................................................................................................29

10 Displaying the Project Information............................................................31

11 Editing Project Properties (Project Management)....................................32

11.1 Activate edit mode ..................................................................................32
11.2 Insert project properties ..........................................................................33
11.3 Delete project properties .........................................................................34

12 Renaming, Deleting a Project (Project Management) ..............................36

12.1 Rename a project....................................................................................36
12.2 Delete a project.......................................................................................37

13 Checking Projects Against Company Templates.....................................38

13.1 Check properties and project structure ...................................................38
13.2 View messages.......................................................................................40

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Project Management

1 Opening / Closing Project Management

Project management always occurs in connection with a project management
database Projects.mdb. You can load a directory into project management and then
have access to all projects in that directory through project management.


You have selected a project management database.

1. To open the project management, select the menu item Project >

Directories that have already been loaded are displayed in the Project
management dialog.

If no directories have yet been loaded into project management, then you
will be asked in a message to load the EPLAN project directory.

2. To load the EPLAN project directory, click [Yes].

3. To close the project management, click [Close].

EPLAN Training 3
Project Management
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Project Management

2 Creating a Project Management Database

Always begin the project management in connection with a project management
database Projects.mdb. All information displayed in the project management is
contained in this database. The project management database is saved in the project
directory as the standard. You can select a different storage location in the company
specific settings.

2.1 Create in the project directory


You have not yet created a project management database.

1. Select the menu item Project > Management.

EPLAN produces a message asking you to create a database.

2. Click [Yes] in the message dialog.

2.2 Create in a different directory

1. Select the menu item Options > Settings > Company > Management >
Project management database.

EPLAN Training 5
Project Management
2. In the Settings: Project management database dialog click [...] next to the
Project management database field.

3. Select a directory from the Browse for folder dialog and click [OK].

4. In the Settings: Project management database dialog, click [OK].

EPLAN Training 6
Project Management
5. Select the menu item Project > Management.

EPLAN produces a message asking you to create a database.

6. Click [Yes] in the message dialog.

The project management database is created in the directory you specified

in the company specific settings.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Project Management

3 Selecting a Project Management Database

Always begin the project management in connection with a project management
database Projects.mdb. All information displayed in the project management is
contained in this database.


You have created a project management database or have access to a project

management database.

1. Select the menu item Options > Settings > Company > Management >
Project management database.

2. In the Settings: Project management database dialog click [...] next to the
Project management database field.

EPLAN Training 8
Project Management
3. Select the directory where the project management database is located from
the Browse for folder dialog and click [OK].

4. In the Settings: Project management database dialog, click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Project Management

4 Creating a Project from a Project Template

(Project Management)
When you create a project from a project templates, then the new project adopts all
project-specific settings of the project template. Pages are not adopted. Once you
have created the project, you can edit the project structure.


You have created a project template *.ept, or have access to a project template.

Project > Management

1. In the left-hand list field, select Popup menu > New from project template.

EPLAN Training 10
Project Management
2. Search and select the desired template in the Select Project Template

Project information is displayed in the Info field.

3. Click on [Open].

4. In the Select target project dialog, enter the storage location and name of the
new project.

5. Click [Save].

If the Select PPE project template dialog opens, you can create the
project with or without PPE basic functionality. To create the project with PPE
EPLAN Training 11
Project Management
basic functionality, search and select a PPE template *.ppe and click [Open].
To create the project without PPE basic functionality, click [Cancel].

The new project *.elk is created in the target directory.

6. Check all entries in the Project properties <Project name> dialog.

7. To customize entries, select one of the tabs, make the changes, and then click

A target directory that is outside the project management is automatically

read into the project management by EPLAN.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Project Management

5 Creating a Project from a Basic Project (Project

When you create a project from a basic project, then the new project adopts all
project-specific settings and the pages of the basic project. The page structure is


You have created a basic project *.ebtp, or have access to a basic project.

Project > Management

1. In the left-hand list field, select Popup menu > New from basic project.

EPLAN Training 13
Project Management
2. Search and select the desired template in the Select basic project.

Project information is displayed in the Info field.

3. Click on [Open].

4. In the Select target project dialog, enter the storage location and name of the
new project.

EPLAN Training 14
Project Management
5. Click [Save].

The new project *.elk is created in the target directory.

6. Check all entries in the Project properties <Project name> dialog.

7. To customize entries, select one of the tabs, make the changes, and then click

A target directory that is outside the project management is automatically

read into the project management by EPLAN.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15
Project Management

6 Reading Directories and Projects

To access existing projects from the project management, you must load the project
directory containing the project into the project management.


There must be projects present in the directory that you would like to load.

Project > Management

1. In the Project management dialog, select the menu item [Extras] > Load

EPLAN Training 16
Project Management
2. Select a directory level from the Browse for Folder dialog as a starting
directory, and click [OK].

EPLAN searches all subdirectories for projects and loads these, with the
directory structure, into the project management.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Project Management

7 Opening a Project (Project Management)

You can open normal and packed projects from within the project management.
Already opened projects have a project name shown in bold text.

You have set up the project management.
In the tree structure of project management there is an imported directory with
at least one project.
Project > Management

1. Select the desired project from the tree structure in the Project management

2. Click [Open].

The project is opened in the Pages - <Project name> dialog.

The project name is highlighted in bold text in the project management.


You can open projects using drag and drop by dragging the selected *.elk project
file from the Windows Explorer to the page navigator.

EPLAN Training 18
Project Management
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19
Project Management

8 Copying a Project
You can create a project by copying and adapting an existing project.


In the tree structure of project management there is an imported directory with at

least one project.

Project > Management

1. Select the project name in the tree structure.

2. Select Popup menu > Copy.

EPLAN Training 20
Project Management
3. In the Copy project dialog, select the range of the project to be copied.

4. To copy the entire project with all reports, select the Entirely incl. report

5. To copy the entire project without reports, select the Entirely without report

6. To copy the entire project without reports and without pages, select the Only
header data option.

7. To copy only logic pages, select the Only logic pages option.

8. Next to the Target project field, click [...] and, in the Copy to dialog, enter the
storage location and the name of the target project.

9. Click [OK].

EPLAN copies the *.elk project file and the associated project directory
EPLAN Training 21
Project Management
*.edb to the target directory.

A target directory that is outside the project management is automatically

read into the project management by EPLAN.


You can also select and copy several projects. In this case, the Copy project dialog
opens several times, one after the other.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Project Management

9 Searching / Filtering a Project

You can search for a project using a filter. In the filter definition you can enter
properties as filter criteria. You can also specify a search directory where EPLAN is
to search for the project. Other directories documents are not included in the search.


In project management, you have loaded directories and projects.

Project > Management

9.1 Define filter

1. In the Project management dialog, next to the Filter field, click [...].

EPLAN Training 23
Project Management

2. In the Filter dialog, next to the Scheme field, click (New).

3. In the New sScheme dialog, in the Name field, enter a new meaningful name
for the filter.

If the Name field already contains the name of an existing filter, then
overwrite this entry.

4. In the Description field, enter text describing the filter in more detail and click

EPLAN Training 24
Project Management

5. In the Filter dialog, to the right above the table, click (New).

6. To determine a search directory, select the "Directory" entry in the Criteria

selection dialog and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 25
Project Management
7. Click [...] in the Value column.

EPLAN Training 26
Project Management
8. Select a directory from the Browse for folder dialog and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 27
Project Management
9. To enter a property as a criterion, in the Filter dialog, to the right above the
table, click (New).

10. Select the desired property from the Criteria selection dialog and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 28
Project Management
11. Click Operator column, and select an operator to link the property to a value.

12. Enter a value into the Value column and press [Enter]..

EPLAN creates a new line. You can enter further filter criteria in this line.

13. Click [OK].

9.2 Use filter

1. In the Project management dialog, select the desired filter from the Filter

EPLAN Training 29
Project Management
2. Select the Active check box.

EPLAN displays all projects satisfying the filter criteria in the tree structure.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 30
Project Management

10 Displaying the Project Information

1. In the project management you can display project-specific and non-project-
specific information.

Project > Management

1. Select the desired project from the tree structure in the Project management

Project properties, statistical project information, project status, and the

structure of devices and pages are displayed in the tabs.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 31
Project Management

11 Editing Project Properties (Project

If you edit a project without a project management database, then you can insert and
delete the project properties from within the page navigator, under Popup menu >
Project > Properties.

If you work with a project management database then you can also insert and delete
project properties from the page navigator. The changes are adopted in the project
management database and can be further edited in the project management.

You have selected a project management database.

You have imported directories and projects.

Project > Management

11.1 Activate edit mode

1. Select the desired project from the tree structure in the Project management
dialog and select the Properties tab.

The contents are displayed in display mode.

EPLAN Training 32
Project Management
2. To switch to editing mode, click [Edit].

11.2 Insert project properties

1. To reduce the quantity of displayed and selectable properties, in the
Properties tab, select an entry from the Category drop-down list.

2. Click (New).

3. Select a property from the Property selection dialog. To select several

properties, hold the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key down, and then click [OK].

The properties are transferred onto the Properties tab. Properties whose
values contain automatically generated entries are displayed in gray and
cannot be changed from this location.

4. To edit the value of a property, click the Value column and enter the value.

EPLAN Training 33
Project Management
5. Click [Save].

11.3 Delete project properties

1. Select the Properties tab.

2. In the Property name column, select one or more properties.

3. Click (Delete).

EPLAN Training 34
Project Management
4. Click [Save].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 35
Project Management

12 Renaming, Deleting a Project (Project


In the tree structure of project management there is an imported directory with at

least one project.

Project > Management

12.1 Rename a project

Filed off and archived projects cannot be renamed.

1. Select the project in the tree structure.

2. Select Popup menu > Rename.

3. Type the new project name.

EPLAN Training 36
Project Management
4. Press [Enter].

12.2 Delete a project

You can delete any EPLAN project. EPLAN deletes the project file and the project
directory with all data it contains. This includes (e.g.) project-specific cable lists,
contactor lists, and external files.


Data loss. If you have deleted a project then you can no longer restore that project.
Before deleting a project, make absolutely sure that you no longer need the data.

1. Select the project in the tree structure.

2. Select Popup menu > Delete.

The project is deleted with all project data.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 37
Project Management

13 Checking Projects Against Company Templates

You can check if one or more projects conform to a predefined company standard.
The properties that an entry must possess are defined in the company standard. A
company-specific project structure is also defined.

The company-specific project structure has been defined under Options >
Settings > Company > Compare properties > Project structure (default).

Under Options > Settings > Company > Compare properties > General is
defined what entry properties should be checked.

13.1 Check properties and project structure

1. Select the menu item Project > Management.

2. Select the desired project from the project's left tree structure in the Project
management dialog.

EPLAN Training 38
Project Management
3. Select [Extras] > Compare properties.

4. Select the Status tab.

5. To update the data, select [Extras] > Update data.

In the Project checks column in the Project comparison line, the date,
version number, build number, and number of messages generated are

The messages generated are displayed in the message management.

EPLAN Training 39
Project Management

13.2 View messages

1. In the Project management dialog, click [Close].

2. Select the menu item Project data > Messages > Management.

If a property to be checked contains no entry, the message "020021 The

value of property <...> does not correspond to the template" is

If the project structure does not match the company-specific project

structure, the message "020023 Setting <...> of the project
structure does not correspond to the template" is displayed.

EPLAN Training 40
Data Backup

Data Backup

EPLAN Training 1
Project Structure

Project Structure

EPLAN Training 1
Project Structure

1 Defining the Project Structure .....................................................................3

2 Defining a User-defined Project Structure..................................................6

2.1 Define user-defined prefixes and separators ............................................8

3 Changing the Device Structure Later........................................................10

3.1 Change the device structure from the project properties ........................10

4 Copying Pages Between Different Project Structures.............................13

5 Displaying Structure Identifiers in the Navigators...................................18

5.1 Hide / reveal structure identifiers.............................................................19
5.2 Change the ordering ...............................................................................21

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Project Structure

1 Defining the Project Structure

The project structure is composed of page and device structures. The device
structure itself also consists of further individual structures, for example "general
devices", "terminal strips", "cable", "black box", etc. Each of these structures can be
separately defined.

Page structure and device structure together can only be defined when creating a
project using the project wizard! In addition to this, it is possible to subsequently
change the device structure using the project properties dialog or the project
management dialog.

You define the page and device structures using identifier schemes. The use of the
various identifier blocks is defined in these schemes, which you fill with the
appropriate structure identifiers. EPLAN provides pre-defined identifier schemes. In
addition to this, you can define user-defined identifier schemes for your own project


You are creating a new project using Project> New (Wizard) and are currently in the
project wizard in the Create project dialog. You have selected a template and have
clicked [Next] until the Structure tab is in the foreground.

EPLAN Training 3
Project Structure
1. Select one of the available identifier schemes from the Page structure drop-
down list, or click [...], in order to specify a user-defined page structure in the
subsequent Page structure dialog.

2. Select one of the available designation schemes from a drop-down list for a
device, for instance for General devices, or click [...] in order to specify a
user-defined device structure in the following dialog, Device structure.

3. If desired, repeat the selection for additional devices.

EPLAN Training 4
Project Structure
4. If you would like to use sub-identifiers, use [...] and then select a separator in
the subsequent dialog.

5. Use the Superior check box to define whether terminal strips, plugs, cables,
and / or interruption points are to be handled in reports according to the
default identifier scheme or as fully numbered devices.

6. Click [Next] or [Back] to make further settings or click [Finish] to create the
new project with the selected structure.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
Project Structure

2 Defining a User-defined Project Structure

As well as the pre-defined identifier schemes for the project structure, you can also
create user-defined schemes and use them to define your own project structures. As
well as the "functional assignment", "higher-level function", "installation site", "higher-
level function number" and "document type", the user-defined identifier structure also
encompasses a user-defined identifier block for which you can freely define the
prefix. You can only specify a user-defined project structure, which consists of a user-
defined page structure and a user-defined device structure, when creating a project
using the wizard. In contrast to this, a user-defined device structure can be
subsequently changed using the project properties dialog or the project management
dialog. The definition of all structures follows the same procedure.


You are in the Structure tab of the Create project (project wizard) dialog.

1. Click [...] next to the page structure field or next to one of the device fields.

2. In the Page structure dialog, or the Device structure dialog, click (New).

3. In the subsequent New scheme dialog, define a new scheme and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 6
Project Structure
The dialog is then closed. In the Page structure or Device structure
dialogs, all identifier blocks can now be edited.

4. Use the drop-down list to assign every identifier block one of the three
possible properties "Identifying", "Describing" or "Not available".

EPLAN Training 7
Project Structure
5. If you wish to use a project structure according to the power station identifier
system (KKS), in the Page structure dialog, use the Document type in the
front check box to set the position of the "Document type" identifier block.

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN saves your settings in the new identifier scheme. The Page
structure or Device structure dialog is then closed.

2.1 Define user-defined prefixes and separators

In a user-defined project structure, you can define selectable and / or user-defined
prefixes and / or separators for identifier blocks. However, this is not possible for all
identifier blocks since some identifiers are pre-defined. The relationships are
described in the following table:

Identifier block Prefixes Separator for sub-identifiers

Functional assignment #

Higher-level function ==
Installation site ++
EPLAN Training 8
Project Structure

Mounting location +
Higher-level function number User-defined
Document type
User-defined User-defined User-defined
Prefixes and separators for identifier blocks can only be selected, or user-defined
entered, when the respective identifier block was specified with the "Identifying" or
"Describing" property when the new identifier scheme was created.

Proceed as follows:


You have created a new scheme for the page or device structure. You are in the
Structure tab of the Create project dialog.

1. Click [...] next to the Separator field.

2. In the Extended project structures dialog, select a main separator for the
functional assignment, higher-level function number, document type,
and user-defined identifier blocks, or enter an identifier of you own choice
where this is permitted.

3. Proceed in the same manner for the separator for the sub-identifier.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN adopts the prefix and separator settings for each identifier block.


The following prefix and separator characters may not be used for identifier blocks
because they are already used for other purposes:

/ Separator before page name

\ Directory structure

? Placeholder for offline numbering

: Separator for connection point designation.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Project Structure

3 Changing the Device Structure Later

The project structure is composed of page and device structures. Both structures can
only be changed together using the project wizard when a project is created.
However, EPLAN allows the device structure, which is composed of a multitude of
individual structures, to be changed at any time. The changes can be made in the
project properties dialog or project management dialog. EPLAN then automatically
adjusts all modified individual device structures in the project and, if available, adopts
the settings into the project management.

3.1 Change the device structure from the project



You have selected a project in the tree view of the page navigator.

Popup menu> Project> Properties

EPLAN Training 10
Project Structure
1. In the Project settings: 'project name' dialog, select the Structure tab.

2. Click [Edit].

All fields for the device structure can now be edited. The field for the page
structure remains grayed-out and can't be edited.

3. Select one of the available designation schemes from a drop-down list for a
device, for instance for General devices, or click [...] in order to specify a
user-defined device structure in the following dialog, Device structure.

EPLAN Training 11
Project Structure
4. If desired, repeat the selection for additional devices.

5. If you would like to use sub-identifiers, use [...] and then select a separator in
the subsequent dialog.

6. Use the Superior check box to define whether terminal strips, plugs, cables,
and / or interruption points are to be handled in reports according to the
default identifier scheme or as fully numbered devices.

7. Click [OK].

EPLAN adopts the new device tag structure.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Project Structure

4 Copying Pages Between Different Project

You can copy pages from one project into another project, even when the two
projects have different page structures.


In the navigator dialog Pages - 'project name' you have selected a page from the
source project.

EPLAN Training 13
Project Structure
1. Select Popup menu > Copy.

The selected page is copied into the Clipboard.

EPLAN Training 14
Project Structure
2. Open the target project.

3. Select Popup menu > Paste.

The Adjust page structure dialog opens. The page names of the source
and target pages and the appropriate identifier structures of both projects are
listed here.

EPLAN Training 15
Project Structure
4. If the target project has an identifier structure with a higher hierarchy structure
than the target project, then you must enter the appropriate structure
identifiers for the missing identifier blocks of the pages to be copied.

5. To number the pages, click [Number].

6. In the Number pages dialog, select the numbering method for the pages to be
inserted and click [OK].

7. If you wish to discard the selected numbering settings and return to the
original settings, select [Reset].

8. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 16
Project Structure
EPLAN inserts the pages into the target project, with adjusted identifiers
and numbering.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Project Structure

5 Displaying Structure Identifiers in the

All structure identifiers used are displayed in the Pages - 'project name' and
Devices - 'project name' navigator dialogs. To simplify the view of the project pages
and the project data, you can hide or reveal all structure identifiers for one or more
identifier blocks. You can also change the order of the structure identifiers.

You have opened a project.
You have specified the project structure.
Page> Navigator

EPLAN Training 18
Project Structure

5.1 Hide / reveal structure identifiers

1. Decide which structure identifiers in an identifier block are to be displayed and
which not.

2. Select the menu item Options> Settings.

EPLAN Training 19
Project Structure
3. Select Projects> 'project name'> Display> Project structure.

4. To hide the structure identifiers for an identifier block, select the desired
identifier block and deselect the check box in front of it.

5. To reveal the structure identifiers for an identifier block, select the desired
identifier block and select the check box in front of it.

6. Click [OK].

7. Press [F5] to update the view.

EPLAN Training 20
Project Structure

5.2 Change the ordering

1. Decide how the ordering of the structure identifiers of an identifier block is to
be changed.

2. Select the menu item Options> Settings.

3. Select Projects> 'project name'> Display> Project structure.

4. To change the ordering of the identifier blocks, select an identifier block and
click (Move up) or (Move down) until the identifier block is at the desired

5. Click [OK].

6. Press [F5] to update the view.

EPLAN Training 21
Project Structure

EPLAN Training 22
Project Wizard

Project Wizard

EPLAN Training 1
Project Wizard

1 Creating a Project - Project Wizard .............................................................3

2 Extending a Project with PPE Functionality - Project Wizard ...................8

3 Defining Page and Device Structure - Project Wizard .............................10

4 Defining the Plot Frame and Path Numbering - Project Wizard..............13

4.1 Define standard plot frame......................................................................13
4.2 Define path numbering............................................................................14
4.3 Select format for device numbering ........................................................15
4.4 Select format for PLC numbering............................................................17

5 Defining Project Properties - Project Wizard............................................20

6 Defining the First Schematic Page - Project Wizard ................................24

6.1 Select structure identifier ........................................................................24
6.2 Enter page description ............................................................................26
6.3 Complete project.....................................................................................26

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Project Wizard

1 Creating a Project - Project Wizard

With the wizard, you create a project containing a title page and an initial schematic
page. A project always requires a template. You can select an EPLAN Project
Template *.ept, an EPLAN Basic Project *.epb or an EPLAN Project *.elk as the
template. The Project Wizard allows you to create a project based on a Project
Template *.ept. Settings are imported from the template, which you can then
accept, modify or extend. Standard and sample templates are located in the
Templates directory. You can save projects to a drive and folder of your choice.


You have access to a template.

Project > New (Wizard)

1. In the Create project dialog, select the Project tab.

2. Specify a name, without a file suffix, in the Project name field.

3. Next to the Templates field, click [...] to select a template for the project.

EPLAN Training 3
Project Wizard
4. In the Open dialog, switch to the directory Templates\EPLAN.

5. Select the EPLAN project template file type *.ept.

6. Select the file and click [Open].

EPLAN Training 4
Project Wizard
7. To define a different storage location for the project, next to the Storage
location field, click [...].

EPLAN Training 5
Project Wizard
8. In the Find Folder dialog, select the directory where you want to save the new
project and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 6
Project Wizard
9. To check or modify the settings from the template for the project, click [Next].

The PPE tab opens. You can extend a project with PPE functionality.

10. Click [Next].

The Structure tab will open and you can define the page and device

11. To accept all further settings from the template without changes, click [Finish].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Project Wizard

2 Extending a Project with PPE Functionality -

Project Wizard
You can extend a project with PPE functionality. If you wish to accept PPE data and
settings from a template, then you can specify a PPE template *.ppe .


Project > New (Wizard). You have specified all of the settings in the Project tab and
clicked [Next].

1. In the PPE tab select the Create PPE project check box.

2. Next to the Template field, click [...].

3. In the Open dialog, switch to the directory containing the templates.

4. Select the EPLAN PPE project template file type *.ppe.

5. Select the file and click [Open].

6. To define which settings and data are to be accepted from the PPE template,
in the Apply from template group box select or deselect the Property
groups of PCT loops / PCT loop elements, Configuration of properties
and Forms check boxes.

EPLAN Training 8
Project Wizard
7. To check or customize further settings, click [Next].

The Structure tab will open, where you can specify the page and device

8. To accept all further settings without changes, click [Finish].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Project Wizard

3 Defining Page and Device Structure - Project

You define the identification of project pages and devices using the page and device
structure. Settings for identifiers are saved in identifier schemes. EPLAN provides
several pre-defined identifier schemes that you can't edit. If you do not wish to use
these, you can create user-defined identifier schemes with your own settings. The
predefined identifier schemes are taken from the template.


Project > New (Wizard). In the Project, and PPE tabs, you have defined all settings
and have clicked [Next].

1. To change the page structure, select an identifier scheme for the page
structure from the Pages drop-down list in the Structure tab.

2. To define editable separators for main identifiers and classification points for
sub-identifiers, next to the Separators field, click [...].

3. To define the device structure, select an identifier scheme from the General
Devices drop-down list.

EPLAN Training 10
Project Wizard
4. Select the identifier schemes for all further desired devices (terminal strips,
plugs, black boxes, PLC / bus boxes, cables, interruption points, busbars, fluid
devices, fluid distributors) in the same manner.

5. To treat terminal strips, plugs, cables and interruption points as fully numbered
devices, independently of the selected identifier scheme, select each Superior
check box.

6. To edit an existing, or create a new user-defined identifier scheme, click [...].

The Page structure / Device structure dialog opens, where you can
define a user-defined project structure.

7. To check or customize further settings, click [Next].

The Numbering tab will open, where you can define a plot frame and

EPLAN Training 11
Project Wizard
8. To accept all further settings without changes, click [Finish].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Project Wizard

4 Defining the Plot Frame and Path Numbering -

Project Wizard
The default settings for the standard plot frame and for path, devices and PLC
numbering are taken from the template. If you do not want to use these settings, you
can adjust them as desired.


Project > New (Wizard). In the Project, PPE, and Structure tabs, you have defined
all settings and have clicked [Next].

4.1 Define standard plot frame

1. In the Numbering tab, select the Browse entry from the Standard plot frame
drop-down list.

2. In the Select plot frame dialog, switch to the directory PlotFrames\EPLAN.

EPLAN Training 13
Project Wizard
3. Select the file type Plot frame *.fn1, and select a file.

4. To see a preview of the plot frame, select the Preview check box.

5. Click on [Open].

4.2 Define path numbering

1. To start the numbering of the paths on each page anew, in the Numbering tab
in the Path numbering group box, select the option Default (page-oriented).

2. To number the paths sequentially across page boundaries, select the option
Numbered consecutively (project-oriented).

EPLAN Training 14
Project Wizard

4.3 Select format for device numbering

1. Select a format in the Numbering tab in the DT numbering field.

EPLAN Training 15
Project Wizard
2. To create or customize a format, click [...].

The Numbering formats dialog opens.

EPLAN Training 16
Project Wizard

4.4 Select format for PLC numbering

1. Select a format in the Numbering tab in the PLC numbering field.

EPLAN Training 17
Project Wizard
2. To create or customize a format, click [...].

The Settings: PLC-specific dialog opens.

EPLAN Training 18
Project Wizard
3. To check or customize further settings, click [Next].

The Properties tab will open, where you can define project properties.

4. To accept all further settings without changes, click [Finish].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19
Project Wizard

5 Defining Project Properties - Project Wizard

The project properties are taken from the template. If you do not want to use the
properties from the template, you can adjust them.


Project > New (Wizard). In the Project, PPE, Structure, and Numbering tabs, you
have defined all settings and have clicked [Next].

1. To filter the project properties view, select a category in the Category field of
the Properties tab.

All project properties assigned to the selected category are displayed.

2. To add a property, click (New).

EPLAN Training 20
Project Wizard
3. In the Property selection dialog, select a property and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 21
Project Wizard
4. To change the property, click the corresponding line in the Value column,
enter the new value and press [ENTER].

5. To delete a property, select a property in the Property column and click


EPLAN Training 22
Project Wizard
6. To check or customize further settings, click [Next].

The Schematic tab will open, where you can define the first schematic

7. To accept all further settings without changes, click [Finish].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 23
Project Wizard

6 Defining the First Schematic Page - Project

In the project wizard you can define the structure identifier and the page description
for the first schematic page of the new project. The identifier blocks and structure
identifiers that are available depends on the template and the settings in the
Structure tab.


Project > New (Wizard). In the Project, PPE, Structure, Numbering, and
Properties tabs, you have defined all settings and have clicked [Next].

6.1 Select structure identifier

1. Click [...] in the Schematic tab next to an identifier block field.

EPLAN Training 24
Project Wizard
2. To use an existing structure identifier, select one in the subsequent dialog and
click [OK].

The structure identifier is entered in the identifier block field.

3. To create a new structure identifier, enter the desired text for the structure
identifier in the fields of the available identifier blocks.

EPLAN Training 25
Project Wizard

6.2 Enter page description

1. In the Page description field enter a descriptive designation for the schematic

6.3 Complete project

1. Click [Finish].

2. Select the menu items Page > Navigator.

In the Pages - <Project name> dialog ,the first schematic page is

displayed with the specified structure identifier.

3. Select the menu item Options > Settings.

4. In the tree structure select Projects > "Project name".

The project-related settings for the new project will be displayed in all
EPLAN Training 26
Project Wizard
subordinate tree structure levels. You can keep these settings or change them
as needed.

EPLAN Training 27
Project Wizard

EPLAN Training 28
Compressing the Project

Compressing the Project

EPLAN Training 1
Compressing the Project

1 Compressing Project Data ...........................................................................3

1.1 Determine scope of compression..............................................................3
1.2 Select compression scheme and filters.....................................................4

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Compressing the Project

1 Compressing Project Data

The settings for the scope of compression are stored in schemes. This allows you to
save the settings you use most often for easy reuse.


You have opened and selected a project in the page navigator.

Project > Organize > Compress

1.1 Determine scope of compression

1. Click [...] next to the Settings field in the Compress project data dialog.

2. In the Settings: Compression dialog, click (New).

EPLAN Training 3
Compressing the Project
3. In the New Scheme dialog, in the Name field, enter a name for your new
scheme. In the Description field, enter a descriptive text for the scheme, then
click [OK].

4. To select the project data for the Compression settings, in the Settings:
Compression dialog, in the Data to be compressed field, select the check
box for a layer.

If the level has sublevels, they will automatically be selected as well.

5. To save the settings, click (Save).

6. Click [OK].

1.2 Select compression scheme and filters

If you have already stored the scope of compression as a scheme, you only need to
select the existing scheme. To exclude layers of the project structure from
compression, you need to define a filter.

EPLAN Training 4
Compressing the Project
1. In the Compress project dialog in the Settings field, select a scheme for the
scope of compression.

2. To exclude project data from compression, select a filter from the Filter field,
and select the Active check box.

3. Click [OK].

The results of the compression are displayed in the System messages


EPLAN Training 5
Compressing the Project

EPLAN Training 6
Data Backup

Data Backup

EPLAN Training 1
Data Backup

1 Backing up Projects .....................................................................................3

1.1 Back up projects from the page navigator.................................................3
1.2 Back up projects from the project management........................................4

2 Packing and Unpacking a Project ...............................................................7

2.1 Pack projects in the page navigator ..........................................................7
2.2 Pack projects from the project management.............................................8
2.3 Open a packed project..............................................................................9
2.4 Unpack projects ......................................................................................10

3 Exchanging Projects via E-mail.................................................................12

3.1 Send projects from the page navigator ...................................................12
3.2 Send projects from the project management ..........................................13
3.3 Restore projects sent as e-mail...............................................................14

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Data Backup

1 Backing up Projects
Projects can be backed up from the page navigator and from the project

1.1 Back up projects from the page navigator


You have selected a project in the page navigator.

Project > Back up > Project

1. In the Back up projects dialog, enter a descriptive text for the project backup
into the Description field.

EPLAN Training 3
Data Backup
2. Select whether you wish to save additionally, file-off for external editing, or
archive the project from the Method drop-down list.

3. In the Medium group box, define whether the project is to be backed up to a

storage medium or whether it should be sent via e-mail.

4. Additionally, define whether the project is to be completely backed up and

whether external documents and image files should be considered.

5. Click [OK].

The project is backed up to the specified directory or e-mailed, according to

the entries you have made.

EPLAN notes these settings for each project and offers them again during later

1.2 Back up projects from the project management

You have set up the project management.

In the tree structure of project management there is an imported directory with at

least one project.

Project > Management

1. Select the desired projects from the tree structure in the Project management

EPLAN Training 4
Data Backup
2. Select Popup menu > Back up.

3. In the Back up projects dialog, define the settings for the backup.

EPLAN Training 5
Data Backup
4. Click [OK].

The projects are compressed, one after the other, and backed up to the
specified directory (or e-mailed). A progress bar is displayed allowing you to
cancel the process.

5. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the data backup.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Data Backup

2 Packing and Unpacking a Project

Projects can be packed either in the page navigator or in the project management.

2.1 Pack projects in the page navigator


You have opened a project.

Page > Navigator

1. Select the desired project.

2. Select the menu item Project > Pack.

EPLAN Training 7
Data Backup
The packing procedure will commence and a status bar will be displayed
with the option of canceling the process.

3. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the packing

The packed project is stored in the project directory with an *.elp

extension and closed in EPLAN.

2.2 Pack projects from the project management

You have set up the project management.

In the tree structure of project management there is an imported directory with at

least one project.

Project > Management

1. Select the desired projects from the tree structure in the Project management

EPLAN Training 8
Data Backup
2. Select Popup menu > Pack.

The packing procedure will commence and a status bar will be displayed
with the option of canceling the process.

3. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the packing

The packed projects are stored in the project directory with an *.elp
extension. Projects that were open during the packing process are closed.

2.3 Open a packed project

You can open a packed project in the same way as any other project.

Project > Open

1. Select the entry "Packed EPLAN project (*.elp)" in the Files of type field in the
Open project dialog.

EPLAN Training 9
Data Backup
2. Switch to the directory where the project is stored and select the desired

3. Click [Open].

The project is unpacked and a status bar is displayed with the option of
canceling the process. If you have opened the page navigator, then the project
is displayed there.


You can also open a packed project by double-clicking on a project with the *.elp
file name extension. The project is automatically unpacked and opened.

2.4 Unpack projects


Packed projects exist.

1. Select the menu items Project > Unpack.

In the Open project dialog the file type "Packed EPLAN project (*.elp)" is
preset, so that the packed projects are offered directly.

EPLAN Training 10
Data Backup
2. Select the desired project in the Open project dialog. If appropriate, change to
a different directory.

3. Click [Open].

The project is unpacked, but not opened.


In the project management you can unpack a selected packed project by using
[Organize] > Unpack.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Data Backup

3 Exchanging Projects via E-mail

In order to exchange e-mails, an e-mail editor must be installed and correctly set up
on your computer.

You can only send one project at a time via e-mail. When a project is sent, the project
properties remain unchanged; the write-protection of a project is also retained. The
information that this is a filed off project is also sent.

You can send a project via e-mail from the page navigator or from the project

3.1 Send projects from the page navigator

You have selected the desired project in the page navigator.

Under Options > Settings > User > Data backup > Settings > Default
settings you configured the presettings for the Medium "E-mail".

1. Select the menu item Project > Send by e-mail.

The project is split according to the settings into packed files of the
specified size, your installed e-mail editor is opened and the appropriate
number of e-mails are created.

2. Select the recipient and enter an accompanying text, if necessary.

3. Click [Send].

EPLAN Training 12
Data Backup
4. In EPLAN click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the
data backup.

The project is sent as an attachment - if necessary, split into several mails.

3.2 Send projects from the project management

You have opened the project management (Project > Management) and
selected the desired projects.

Under Options > Settings > User > Data backup > Settings > Default
settings you configured the presettings for the Medium "E-mail".

1. Select Popup menu > Send by e-mail.

The first selected project is split according to the settings into packed files
of the specified size, your installed e-mail editor is opened, and the
appropriate number of e-mails are created.

2. Select the recipient and enter an accompanying text, if necessary.

3. Click [Send].

The project is sent and the next selected project is split according to the
settings into packed files of the specified size, your installed e-mail editor is
opened, and the appropriate number of e-mails are created.

4. Select the recipient and enter an accompanying text, if necessary.

5. Click [Send].

EPLAN Training 13
Data Backup
6. Proceed in a similar way for all additional selected projects.

7. In EPLAN click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the
data backup.

3.3 Restore projects sent as e-mail


If the project is split into several e-mails, then the files must all be stored in a
common directory.

1. Double-click the project.

EPLAN is started (if necessary), and the Restore project dialog is opened.

2. Define whether the project is to be restored to the project directory under its
original name or using a new name.
If the project is split into several parts, EPLAN recognizes this and
automatically combines the files.

EPLAN Training 14
Data Backup

EPLAN Training 15
Multi-user Operation

Multi-user Operation

EPLAN Training 1
Multi-user Operation

1 Sending an E-mail if a Conflict Occurs .......................................................3

1.1 Send an e-mail to another user.................................................................3
1.2 Send an e-mail to all of the users simultaneously .....................................4

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Multi-user Operation

1 Sending an E-mail if a Conflict Occurs

An e-mail editor is installed and configured on your computer for sending e-

The Edit projects exclusively check box must be deselected for multiuser
operation (Options > Settings > User > Display > General). In addition, the
users working in multiuser operation must have their user information stored in
the settings (Options > Settings > User > Display > User code / address).

In multiuser operation the Multiuser conflict dialog will appear if a conflict arises.
Use the dialog to send an e-mail to other users that are currently working on the
same project data.

1.1 Send an e-mail to another user

1. In the Multiuser conflict dialog select the line with the desired user.

2. Select Send e-mail in the popup menu.

3. If you haven't run your e-mail editor yet, you must first select a profile for the
information service from a subsequent dialog. The e-mail editor will only start
after this has been performed

Finally, the e-mail program on your computer will run. The e-mail address

EPLAN Training 3
Multi-user Operation
field is already automatically filled in and the subject line is filled in with
"Multiuser conflict".

4. Enter your text and send the mail by clicking [Send].

You will then return to the Multiuser conflict dialog. After closing the dialog by
clicking [Close], the project data is displayed in the corresponding dialog. You can
read the data here, but not edit it.

1.2 Send an e-mail to all of the users simultaneously

If multiple users are listed in the Multiuser conflict, you can send an e-mail to all of
them at the same time.

1. To perform this, select the entire E-mail column.

2. Then select Send e-mail in the popup menu.

3. If you haven't run your e-mail editor yet, you must first select a profile for the
information service from a subsequent dialog. The e-mail editor will only start
EPLAN Training 4
Multi-user Operation
after this has been performed

Finally, the e-mail program on your computer will run. All selected e-mail
addresses will already be in the address field and the subject field will be filled
in with "Multiuser conflict".

4. Enter your text and send the mail by clicking [Send] to all of the other users.

EPLAN Training 5
Multi-user Operation

EPLAN Training 6
Page Navigator

Page Navigator

EPLAN Training 1
Page Navigator

1 Creating and Deleting Pages .......................................................................3

1.1 Creating pages..........................................................................................3
1.2 Delete pages.............................................................................................5

2 Opening and Closing Pages ........................................................................7

2.1 Open page ................................................................................................7
2.1.1Open page in new window ....................................................................... 8
2.1.2Open a page in multi-user operation........................................................ 8
2.2 Close page................................................................................................8
2.3 Save pages ...............................................................................................9

3 Showing the Graphical Preview.................................................................10

3.1 Open pages from the graphical preview .................................................10
3.2 Close graphical preview..........................................................................11

4 Copying Pages Within the Same Project ..................................................12

5 Copying Pages between Different Projects ..............................................16

6 Adjusting the Page Structure.....................................................................20

6.1 Behavior of the structure identifiers when copying..................................23

7 Numbering Pages .......................................................................................25

8 Editing Page Properties .............................................................................26

9 Configuring a Page Filter ...........................................................................27

9.1 Set a manual filter ...................................................................................27
9.2 Set prefilters............................................................................................28
9.3 Set postfilters ..........................................................................................29

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Page Navigator

1 Creating and Deleting Pages

In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog you can create new pages and
delete existing pages.

1.1 Creating pages


You have opened a project.

1. Select the menu item Page > New.

The New page dialog is opened. If a page was selected in the Pages -
<Project Name> navigator dialog, then its properties are loaded into the
dialog. If a structure level was selected, the properties of the first page below
this level are loaded. Only the grid defined in the plot frame is adopted.

2. Click [Clear fields] if you would like to clear the data fields of the new page,
i.e., delete their content.

The contents of all of the data fields are deleted. Only the page type of the
EPLAN Training 3
Page Navigator
currently selected page is retained. The automatically suggested page name is
also retained. Scale and grid are taken from the plot frame and are also

3. Enter the properties for the new page. You can select the structure identifiers
(such as higher-level function and mounting location) from the existing values
using [...] next to the Full page name. You can also manually enter the
identifiers and create new ones in the process.

4. Choose the desired Page type from the drop-down list.

5. If you would like to create several pages, then click [Apply] several times.

With every click on [Apply], EPLAN generates a new page. Your user code
is automatically entered into the Creator field.

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 4
Page Navigator
EPLAN checks if the page name that you have entered already exists and,
if so, an appropriate message is displayed, in which you can choose another

The (last) new page is then displayed in the graphical editor.

Once you have entered a new structure identifier, EPLAN then opens the Place
Identifiers dialog. Click [OK] to add the new identifier to the database.


You can use the button on the standard toolbar to create new pages.

In the Pages - <Project Name> dialog, select Popup menu > New. Any page or
structure level may be selected when you do this.

1.2 Delete pages

1. Select the relevant pages in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog .

EPLAN Training 5
Page Navigator
2. Select Popup menu > Delete.

After a security check, EPLAN deletes the selected pages from the project.

Positioned items are completely removed when the page is deleted.
Non-placed items are not removed, because they are not associated with the deleted


The page opened in the graphical editor can also be selected using Edit > Select >
Page and then deleted using [Del]. The page navigator does not need to be
open for this.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Page Navigator

2 Opening and Closing Pages


You have opened a project.

2.1 Open page

Use the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog to select the pages that you wish
to open in the graphical editor.


You have opened the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog and selected a
page in the tree or list view.

1. Select the menu item Page > Open.

The page is opened in the graphical editor. The page name is displayed as
a tab below the graphic, assuming that you have activated the workbook view
(View > Workbook).

When you open a second page, this is displayed in the graphical editor and the first
page is automatically closed.


To open a page, you can either double-click in it, or press the [Enter] key, or select
Popup menu > Open.

EPLAN Training 7
Page Navigator

2.1.1 Open page in new window

1. Select Popup menu > Open in new window.

The selected page is opened in another graphical editor window.

A tab is displayed below the graphic for every opened page, assuming that
you have activated the workbook view (View > Workbook). You can quickly
switch between pages by clicking these tabs.

2.1.2 Open a page in multi-user operation

A schematic page can only be edited by a single user. As soon as a user opens a
page, then it is locked. A second user can only open this page read-only and
receives a message stating this fact.
The message contains the Windows login name and the long name of the first user,
so that the second user knows who has locked the page and can then discuss this
with them if necessary.

2.2 Close page


You have opened a page in the graphical editor or selected pages in the Pages -
<Project Name> dialog of the page navigator.

EPLAN Training 8
Page Navigator
1. Select the menu item Page > Close.

The current page is then closed.


In the graphical editor, you can close the current page by clicking on the standard
toolbar or by pressing the [Ctrl] + [F4] keys at the same time.

2.3 Save pages

Changes to a page are automatically saved as soon as you switch to another page or
close the project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Page Navigator

3 Showing the Graphical Preview

The graphical preview enables you to show a preview of pages that you have
selected in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog. If you have selected
several pages, these are displayed above and next to each other in the preview. The
preview can display a maximum of 12 pages.

1. Select the menu item View > Graphical preview.

A check mark next to the menu item shows whether this is active or not.

3.1 Open pages from the graphical preview


EPLAN Training 10
Page Navigator
You have opened the graphical preview.

You have opened the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

You have opened a project and selected the project or individual pages in the
Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

1. Double-click on a page in the graphical preview.

The page is then opened in the graphical editor and the page preview also
remains open.

3.2 Close graphical preview


The graphical preview is open.

1. Select the menu item View > Graphical preview a second time, or click in
the graphical preview.

The graphical preview is then closed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Page Navigator

4 Copying Pages Within the Same Project

Within the same project, you can copy pages using either the page navigator or the
graphical editor. In the page navigator it is possible to copy individual pages or entire
blocks of pages. In the graphical editor you copy the currently open page.


You have selected at least one page in the Pages - <Project name> dialog.

1. Select the menu item Edit > Copy.

The selected pages are copied to the clipboard.

EPLAN Training 12
Page Navigator
2. If you work with multiple clipboards (definable in the user settings), then in the
Clipboard dialog, enter a description for the content of the relevant clipboard
and click [OK].

3. Select the menu item Edit > Paste.

If you work with multiple clipboards, then EPLAN opens the Paste dialog.
Select the desired page and click [OK].

In the Adjust page structure dialog, the page number, sheet number, and
structure identifier of the source and target pages are displayed.

4. Change the page number and / or the structure identifier if you would not like
to overwrite the existing pages, and deselect the Overwrite check box.

EPLAN Training 13
Page Navigator
5. Select [Number] to open the Number pages dialog and renumber the copied

6. Click [OK].

If the Overwrite check box is selected, and pages with the same name
already exist that would be overwritten, then a query dialog is displayed. Click
[Yes] to overwrite the pages. Click [No] to return to the Adjust page
structure dialog and change your settings.

If you have selected With prompt under Options > Settings > Projects >
"Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online), then the Insertion mode
dialog will appear. You specify here as to how device tags should be
numbered on the copied pages.

7. Click [OK].

The pages are inserted into the project, and the structure identifiers and DT
are modified appropriately according to the entered data.


The page opened in the graphical editor can also be selected using Edit > Select >
Page. The page navigator does not need to be open for this.

EPLAN Training 14
Page Navigator
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15
Page Navigator

5 Copying Pages between Different Projects

Pages can be copied within a project as well as between different projects. It is
possible to copy individual pages or entire blocks of pages.


You have selected at least one page in the Pages - <Project Name> dialog.

1. Select the menu item Page > Copy from / to.

In the Copy pages dialog, the source and target projects are displayed in
two tree views. Initially, the current project is displayed in both fields, since
copy operations most often take place within the same project.

2. In the left field Selected project select the source project where the data is to
be copied from. This can be an already open project or one that has not yet
EPLAN Training 16
Page Navigator
been opened. Using [...] you can open the project selection dialog and choose
any desired project from any directory.

3. In the right field Current project chose the target project where the data is to
be copied to. This must be a project that is already open in the page navigator.

4. If necessary, set a Filter for the source project to display only specific project

5. If necessary, use the Page Information field to select which page properties
are to be displayed in the table below this.

EPLAN Training 17
Page Navigator
The properties of the (first) selected page are displayed in the properties

6. Select the Preview check box if you would like to see a preview of the (first)
selected page in the graphical preview window.

7. In the left field Selected project, select the pages that you would like to copy,
and then copy these using the arrow button into the target project in the right
field Current project.

If you work with multiple clipboards (definable in the user settings), then in
the Clipboard dialog, enter a description for the content of the relevant
clipboard and click [OK]. The Insert dialog is then opened. Select the desired
page and click [OK].

In the Adjust page structure dialog, the page number, sheet number, and
structure identifier of the source and target pages are displayed.

You can either retain the page numbers and structure identifiers, or change
them. If the pages already exist in the target project, then the Overwrite check
box is automatically selected. Deselect this if you do not want to overwrite the
pages, and change the page properties.

EPLAN Training 18
Page Navigator
8. Select [Number] to open the Number pages dialog and renumber the copied

9. Click [OK].

If there are pages with the same names in the target project that would
consequently be overwritten, you will be shown a prompt. If you click [Yes] the
pages in the target project will be overwritten. Click [No] to return to the
Adjust page structure dialog and change your settings.

If you have selected With prompt under Options > Settings > Projects >
"Project name" > Devices > Numbering then the Insertion mode dialog will
appear. You specify here as to how device tags should be numbered on the
copied pages.

10. Click [OK].

The pages are inserted into the project, and the structure identifiers and DT
are modified appropriately according to the entered data.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19
Page Navigator

6 Adjusting the Page Structure

When you copy pages or insert page macros, you can modify the structure identifier
and page numbers before insertion.

The procedure for copying pages is described below. When inserting page macros,
you can customize the page structure in the same manner.


You have selected one or more pages in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator

1. Select Edit > Copy.

EPLAN Training 20
Page Navigator
2. In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, click the position where the
copied pages are to be inserted and select the menu item Edit < Paste>. (You
can also use the Copy and Paste menu items from the popup menu).

3. In the Adjust page structure dialog, change the page number, sheet number
and / or the structure identifier. The page numbers can be either manually
entered or, by clicking the [Number] item, you call up the Number pages
dialog, in which you can renumber the pages according to the settings defined

EPLAN Training 21
Page Navigator
4. To change the structure identifiers, click the appropriate field in the table. You
can either manually enter (new) identifiers or open a selection dialog using [...]

The selection dialog contains all of the existing identifiers in the project.

5. Select the desired structure identifier from the selection dialog and click [OK].

6. Select the Overwrite check box if pages of the same name in the target
project are to be overwritten.

EPLAN Training 22
Page Navigator
7. Click [OK].

If you have not made any changes, then EPLAN creates the structure
identifiers of the source pages in the target project.

If you have entered structure identifiers that are not present in the target
project, then the Position identifiers dialog is displayed before copying. Here
you define the sequencing of the structure identifiers in the target project.

If there are pages with the same names in the target project that would
consequently be overwritten, you will be shown a prompt. If you click [Yes] the
pages in the target project will be overwritten. Click [No] to return to the
Adjust page structure dialog and change your settings.

If you have selected With prompt under Options > Settings > Projects >
"Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online), then the Insertion mode
dialog will appear. You specify here as to how device tags should be
numbered on the copied pages.

8. Click [OK].

The pages are inserted into the project, and the structure identifiers and DT
are modified appropriately according to the entered data.

6.1 Behavior of the structure identifiers when copying

When copying pages from one project into another project with a smaller project
structure, all structure identifiers defined as "Not available" in the target project are
removed. Structure identifiers defined as "Describing" in the target project are


EPLAN Training 23
Page Navigator

When copying pages from a project containing "higher-level function" and

"mounting location" identifier blocks into a project having sequential numbering,
the structure identifiers are deleted from the page properties.

When copying pages from a project containing "higher-level function" and

"mounting location" identifier blocks into a project using only the "higher-level
function" identifier block (no descriptive mounting location) then the mounting
location is deleted from the page properties.

When pages are copied from a project containing structure identifiers (e.g. with
"higher-level function" and "mounting location" identifier blocks) into a project having
a page structure using "higher-level function identifying" and "mounting location
descriptive" identifier schemes, then you should renumber the pages. Without
renumbering, the page names may no longer be unique since the "mounting location"
identifier blocks are now descriptive only.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
Page Navigator

7 Numbering Pages

You have opened a project and selected one or morel pages in the Pages - <Project
Name> navigator dialog.

The Number command allows you to subsequently renumber pages. In this manner,
pages within a project can be renamed and thus moved.

For automated allocation of page names, EPLAN suggests the next available page
name in the target project. Subpages are automatically incremented. For DIN
projects, the suggestion is group referenced. You can either retain the suggested
(start) page names, or change them. For several pages, you can also customize the
increment defaults.

Page > Number

1. In the Number Pages dialog, enter a new starting number and the increment
size (and if necessary, further page numbering entries).

2. Click [OK].

EPLAN renumbers the pages if no existing pages will be overwritten by


If your choice of start number and increment means that page names will
be overwritten, then the Page numbering: Preview of Result dialog is opened.

3. Change the affected page properties and click [OK].

The pages are then renumbered.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25
Page Navigator

8 Editing Page Properties

In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, you can view and edit the
properties of pages.

1. Select the desired page in the tree or list view. Multiple selection is possible.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

3. Use the Page properties dialog to change the desired properties.

4. Click [OK].

The page properties are saved.

Changes to identifying page properties, such as the higher-level function, means that
all of the DT's for the same higher-level function on the page will also be renamed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26
Page Navigator

9 Configuring a Page Filter

In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, you can define a filter for displaying
the pages. You can use a combination of three filters:

A prefilter that limits the display of available pages.

A manual filter for combining desired pages per marker text

A postfilter that operates on pages selected by the manual filter.


You have opened the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog and opened (at
least) one project.

1. Click [...] next to the Filter field.

The Select pages is opened.

9.1 Set a manual filter

The manual filter allows you to combine any number of pages that do not have
common properties into a single filter. The two tree views show which pages are
selected by the filter. Several projects can be displayed on both sides.

1. In the Select pages dialog, select the desired pages from the Available
pages field.

If structure identifiers are selected then all subpages are also selected.

2. Use the arrow button to move the selected pages to the right side.

The selected pages will be shown in the Filtered pages field.

EPLAN Training 27
Page Navigator

9.2 Set prefilters

The prefilter supports the manual filter. This allows the number of displayed pages to
be reduced in large projects. The prefilters are stored in the project on a per-user
basis. When a manual filter is deleted, the prefilter is also deleted.

1. In the Select pages dialog, click [...] below the Available pages field.

2. In the Filter: Pages dialog select a user-defined scheme or create one.

3. Set the filter criteria to be used as a prefilter in the tree. To perform this, enter
search terms into the page properties fields. You can use MS Access regular
expressions. The prefilters can be used individually or combined with each
other. Multiple lines are AND combined; an OR combination is achieved by
entering an OR line.

4. Click [OK].

The pre-selection is marked in the Available pages field upon returning to

the Select pages dialog.

5. Use the arrow button to move the selection to the right side.

The selected pages will be shown in the Filtered pages field.

Date prefilter
Extended entries can be analyzed in the date fields:

EPLAN Training 28
Page Navigator
All pages containing a date entry older than a fixed date:
All pages containing a date entry newer than a fixed date:
All pages within a fixed timeframe.

9.3 Set postfilters

The postfilter allows further filter criteria to be used on the pages displayed in the
Filtered pages field.


In the Select pages dialog, you have already selected pages shown in the Filtered
pages field.

1. Click [...] below the Filtered pages field.

2. In the subsequent Filter: Pages dialog select a user-defined scheme or create


3. Set the filter criteria to be used as a postfilter in the tree. You can also use the
regular expressions in MS Access and / or combine several filters with each

4. Click [OK].

In the Select pages dialog, the Filtered pages field will only display those
pages that match the postfilter criteria.

EPLAN Training 29
Page Navigator

EPLAN Training 30
DXF / DWG Interface

DXF / DWG Interface

EPLAN Training 1
DXF / DWG Interface

1 Specifying Settings for DXF / DWG Export.................................................3

2 Specifying Settings for DXF / DWG Import .................................................6

3 Allocating Layers ..........................................................................................9

4 Allocating Colors ........................................................................................12

5 Allocating Fonts..........................................................................................14

6 Allocating Line Types.................................................................................16

7 Assigning Block Attributes ........................................................................18

8 Exporting Pages in DXF / DWG Format ....................................................21

9 Importing Pages in DXF / DWG Format.....................................................25

10 Inserting DXF / DWG Files in the Graphical Editor ..................................28

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
DXF / DWG Interface

1 Specifying Settings for DXF / DWG Export

In the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog you can manage and edit the
settings for the export and import of DXF / DWG data and store this as a scheme.
The settings in the Layers, Colors, Fonts and Line types tabs apply to exports and
imports. The Export tab is available to you for special settings that only affect
exports. Only the settings in this particular tab are described here.

Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and import

1. In the dialog Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog, select a
scheme from the drop-down list, and the settings in the selected scheme will
automatically be loaded.

2. Select the Export tab.

3. In the Output directory field select the default directory in which EPLAN
should output the files for DXF / DWG exports, or click [...] to select the

4. In the File type drop-down list, select the file type to be used when exporting.

EPLAN Training 3
DXF / DWG Interface
5. Select the desired ACAD format version from the Style version drop-down

6. In the Scaling factor field specify the enlargement / reduction scaling factor
for the DXF / DWG files.

7. Click [...] in the Line type file field.

8. In the Select AutoCAD line definition file dialog, select the file defining the
line pattern for adoption by ACAD and click [Open].

9. If necessary, click [...] in the Plot style file field.

10. in the Select AutoCAD Plot Style File dialog, select the file defining the plot
style for adoption by ACAD and click [Open].

11. In the Generate file names group box, specify the default method for
allocating names when exporting DXF / DWG files.

12. In the Block properties field specify how invisible ACAD attributes, placed
EPLAN symbols, plot frames, and standard forms should be handled.

13. If required, define further settings in the other tabs.

EPLAN Training 4
DXF / DWG Interface
14. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
DXF / DWG Interface

2 Specifying Settings for DXF / DWG Import

In the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog you can manage and edit the
settings for the export and import of DXF / DWG data and store this as a scheme.
The settings in the Layers, Colors, Fonts and Line types tabs apply to exports and
imports. The Import tab is available to you for special settings that only affect
imports. Only the settings in this particular tab are described here.

Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and import

1. In the dialog Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog, select a
scheme from the drop-down list, and the settings in the selected scheme will
automatically be loaded.

EPLAN Training 6
DXF / DWG Interface
2. Select the Import tab.

3. In the Initial directory field specify the default directory for import, or click [...]
to select it.

4. Select one of the options for the Assignment to EPLAN pages.

5. In the Start page field of the Generate pages group box, select the page
number under which the imported page should be created in the page
navigator for the project.

6. When importing more than one file, specify the desired value for the page
numbers in the Increment field.

EPLAN Training 7
DXF / DWG Interface
7. In the Correction settings group box, specify how the drawing size should be
handled when importing. If you select the Manual correction option here, the
Import formatting dialog will open during the import, in which you can then
revise the automatically determined drawing limits.

8. If required, define further settings in the other tabs.

9. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
DXF / DWG Interface

3 Allocating Layers
To be able to uniquely recognize a logical element on a page, the DXF / DWG file
must already be set up using different layers. Proceed as follows in order to assign
layer names used in AutoCAD to the default EPLAN standard and project layers:


In the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog you have selected a scheme
from the drop-down list. The default settings in the chosen scheme are automatically

Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and import

1. In the dialog Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog select the
Layers tab.

2. If required, click (New) on the toolbar to the right above the table in order to
create a new row (with default values) after the last entry in the table.

EPLAN Training 9
DXF / DWG Interface
3. In the Name field select (by clicking on the arrow in the field) the name of the
EPLAN layer that you would like to assign an ACAD layer, for example

The associated Description is automatically transferred into the

corresponding field. (This description cannot be edited!)

4. Overwrite the default layer name in the CAD name field with the CAD layer

5. Select / deselect the Visible, Save, and Print check boxes. The default
settings for these properties are taken from the entries in layer management
(under Options > Layer management).

6. Click [Add], in order to automatically add all of the layers in the current project
to the table and edit the assignments. If layer allocations have already been
defined, then these are not overwritten by this function.

7. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner.

EPLAN Training 10
DXF / DWG Interface
8. Click [OK].

Layers not contained in this assignment table are transferred unchanged and an
attempt is made to also transfer all of the layer properties (line thickness, text size,

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
DXF / DWG Interface

4 Allocating Colors
Proceed as follows to specify the allocation of CAD- and EPLAN-specific colors:


In the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog you have selected a scheme
from the drop-down list. The default settings in the chosen scheme are automatically

Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and import

1. In the dialog Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog select the
Colors tab.

2. If required, click (New) on the toolbar to the right above the table in order to
create a new row (with default values) after the last entry in the table.

EPLAN Training 12
DXF / DWG Interface
3. In the EPLAN column click [...] to open the color palette.

4. Select the EPLAN color that you would like to assign and click [OK].

5. In the CAD column specify the associated CAD color, for example "250".

6. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner.

7. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13
DXF / DWG Interface

5 Allocating Fonts
Proceed as follows to specify the allocation of CAD- and EPLAN-specific fonts:


In the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog you have selected a scheme
from the drop-down list. The default settings in the chosen scheme are automatically

Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and import

1. In the dialog Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog select the
Fonts tab.

2. If required, click (New) on the toolbar to the right above the table in order to
create a new row (with default values) after the last entry in the table.

EPLAN Training 14
DXF / DWG Interface
3. In the EPLAN column, click the arrow box in the field to display all EPLAN
fonts and select the one you would like to assign.

4. In the CAD column, specify the associated CAD font, e.g. "Standard".

5. In the Scaling column specify the desired scaling factor, for example"100".

6. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner.

7. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15
DXF / DWG Interface

6 Allocating Line Types

Proceed as follows to specify the allocation of CAD- and EPLAN-specific line types:


In the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog you have selected a scheme
from the drop-down list. The default settings in the chosen scheme are automatically

Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and import

1. In the dialog Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog select the Line
types tab.

2. If required, click (New) on the toolbar to the right above the table in order to
create a new row (with default values) after the last entry in the table.

EPLAN Training 16
DXF / DWG Interface
3. In the EPLAN column click the arrow box in the field to display all EPLAN line
types and select the one you would like to assign (for example, "solid").

4. In the CAD column specify the associated CAD line type, for example

5. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner.

6. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
DXF / DWG Interface

7 Assigning Block Attributes

The EPLAN properties are exported as block attributes. If not otherwise defined,
these attributes receive the original EPLAN designations. It is also possible to
rename the EPLAN properties so that they receive different names in ACAD. It is also
possible to force an "input prompt" for every renamed property.

Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and import

1. In the dialog Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog, select the
Block attribute tab.

2. In the Available properties list, select the element for whose properties you
wish to define an attribute definition.

3. Click (Move right).

EPLAN Training 18
DXF / DWG Interface
4. In the Attribute definition dialog, select the property and assign the new
name in the Attribute definition field.

5. If necessary, enter the input prompt text into the Prompt field and click [OK].

The Attribute definition dialog is closed and your entries are entered into
the Attribute definition table.

6. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner.

EPLAN Training 19
DXF / DWG Interface

7. If necessary, select a cell in Attribute definition, and click (Delete) to

remove the assignment.

8. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 20
DXF / DWG Interface

8 Exporting Pages in DXF / DWG Format

When exporting individual project pages or an entire project in DXF / DWG format, a
file is generated for every selected page.


You have opened a project.

1. In the page navigator, select the pages of a project (or the entire project) that
you wish to export.

EPLAN Training 21
DXF / DWG Interface
2. Select the menu items Page > Export > DXF / DWG.

The DXF / DWG export dialog is opened. The chosen files are displayed in
the Source field.

EPLAN Training 22
DXF / DWG Interface
3. In the Scheme field, select an appropriate scheme from the drop-down list. Or
click [...] to open the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog. You
can view the settings here for the standard scheme, and also create and edit
your own schemes. In the settings you also specify the file type (DXF or DWG)
for the export.

EPLAN Training 23
DXF / DWG Interface
4. In the Target field of the DXF / DWG export dialog, specify the target
directory for the files to be generated, or click [...] to select it interactively.

5. Select the Apply to entire project check box if in the first step you selected
individual pages of a project and would instead like to apply this selection to
the entire project.

6. Click [OK].

The DXF / DWG files are generated in the specified target directory
according to the <consecutive number>.DXF or
<consecutive_number>.DWG schemes. If DXF / DWG files already exist,
EPLAN starts the numbering with the next available number.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
DXF / DWG Interface

9 Importing Pages in DXF / DWG Format

When importing DXF / DWG files into the project layer a graphics page is generated
for every selected DXF / DWG file.


You have opened a project.

Page > Import > DXF / DWG

1. In the DXF / DWG file selection dialog, specify in the Files of type field
whether only DXF or only DWG files, or both file types, should be displayed.

EPLAN Training 25
DXF / DWG Interface
2. If necessary, navigate to the directory containing DXF or DWG files. Select the
desired file(s) and click [Open].

The DXF / DWG import dialog is opened. The chosen files are displayed in
the Source field.

3. In the Scheme field of the DXF- / DWG import dialog, select an appropriate
scheme from the drop-down list. Or click [...] to open the Settings: DXF /
DWG export and import dialog. You can view the settings here for the
standard scheme, and also create and edit your own schemes.

4. Click [OK].

5. In the Assign pages dialog specify how new project pages are to be handled.

EPLAN Training 26
DXF / DWG Interface
6. Click [OK].

7. If under Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and
import in the Import tab you have selected the option Manual correction,
then the Import formatting dialog will open, where you can then correct the
automatically determined drawing limits.

8. Click [OK].

The files are imported into the current project as newly generated graphic


You can import DXF / DWG files using Drag & Drop, by dragging the selected DXF /
DWG files from Windows Explorer and dropping them into the page navigator of
your project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 27
DXF / DWG Interface

10 Inserting DXF / DWG Files in the Graphical


You are in a page within the graphical editor.

Insert > Graphic > DXF / DWG

1. In the DXF / DWG file selection dialog, select the desired file and click
[Open]. (Multiple selection is not possible here.)

The DXF / DWG import dialog is opened. The selected files are displayed
in the Source field.

EPLAN Training 28
DXF / DWG Interface
2. In the Scheme field, select an appropriate scheme from the drop-down list. Or
click [...] to open the Settings: DXF / DWG export and import dialog. You
can view the settings here for the standard scheme, and also create and edit
your own schemes.

3. In the DXF / DWG import dialog, click [OK].

4. If under Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > DXF / DWG export and
import in the Import tab you have selected the option Manual correction,
then the Import formatting dialog will open, where you can then correct the
automatically determined drawing limits.

5. Click [OK].

6. Use the mouse to position the graphic from the file on the current page.

You can also insert DXF / DWG files into pages in the symbol editor and in the form
and plot frame editor. The menu path here is also Insert > Graphic > DXF / DWG.


EPLAN Training 29
DXF / DWG Interface

You can import DXF / DWG files using Drag & Drop, by dragging the selected DXF /
DWG files from Windows Explorer and dropping them into the graphical editor
of your project.

EPLAN Training 30
DXF / DWG Interface

EPLAN Training 31
PDF File Export

PDF File Export

EPLAN Training 1
PDF File Export

1 Outputting Pages as PDF Files....................................................................3

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
PDF File Export

1 Outputting Pages as PDF Files

To export project pages as a PDF file, proceed as follows:


You have opened a project.

1. In the page navigator, select the pages of a project (or the entire project) that
you wish to export.

EPLAN Training 3
PDF File Export
2. Select the menu item Page > Export > PDF.

EPLAN opens the PDF export dialog. The chosen files are displayed in the
Source field.

3. If necessary, in the PDF file field change the specified target directory and the
name of the PDF file to be created. The initial default is the documentation
directory DOC and the name of the selected project
(...\<Project.ebb>\DOC\<Project>.PDF). If necessary, select the Apply
to entire project check box if the entire project is to be exported as a PDF
and not just the selected pages. Click [OK] to close the dialog and begin the

EPLAN then creates the PDF file. Regardless of the selection made
(individual project pages or an entire project), only one PDF file is created.

Adobe Acrobat Reader (minimum version 5.0) must be installed on your computer
in order to read an exported PDF file.

EPLAN Training 4
PDF File Export

EPLAN Training 5
Exporting Image Files

Exporting Image Files

EPLAN Training 1
Exporting Image Files

1 Outputting Pages as Image Files.................................................................3

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Exporting Image Files

1 Outputting Pages as Image Files

Project pages can be exported in the following image file formats: BMP, GIF, JPG,
PNG, and TIFF.


You have opened a project.

Page > Navigator

1. In the Pages - <Project name> dialog, select the pages of a project (or the
entire project) that you wish to export.

2. Select the menu item Page > Export > Image file.

EPLAN Training 3
Exporting Image Files
EPLAN opens the Export of image files dialog. The chosen files are
displayed in the Source field.

3. In the Scheme field, select an appropriate scheme for the image file export.

4. If required, change the specified target directory and define all of the project
pages, or only the marked pages that are to be exported.

5. Check the Black-and-white output check box to print all elements on the
project pages in black on a white background.

6. Click [OK].

Every page is saved as a separate image file in the specified target


If an entire project is marked for export, then a subdirectory with the name
of the project is created in the target directory and the image files are stored in
this subdirectory.

The image file(s) are named with the complete page name.

EPLAN Training 4
Exporting Image Files


In the graphical editor, you can use Page > Export > Image file to export the
currently opened page.


In the Pages - <Project name> dialog, you have marked the project Project_1 and
exported the project pages as TIFF files.

The subdirectory Project_1 is created in the target directory. All pages in the project
are saved as TIFF files in this subdirectory.

EPLAN Training 5
Exporting Image Files

EPLAN Training 6


EPLAN Training 1

1 Printing Pages...............................................................................................3

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Printing Pages
You can print single pages or all pages of a project. You have the option of changing
the output of the project pages by using the print settings.

You have selected the desired number of pages (or the project) in the page
navigator in the tree or list view.

You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Project > Print

1. In the Print dialog in the Printer group box, select the desired printer from the
drop-down list.

2. In the Page range group box, you can determine whether you would like to
print the currently selected pages or all of the pages in the current project.
If you called up the Print dialog from the graphical editor, you can print either
the page currently in the foreground or all of the project pages.

3. Enter the number of copies and the collating order.

EPLAN Training 3
4. Use [Settings] to open the Print settings dialog in order to change the other
settings there.

5. With [Print preview] you have the option of checking the results of your
settings before printing. You can use [Back] and [Next] to page through the
pages selected for printing.

EPLAN Training 4
6. Start the print process using [OK] in the Print dialog or with [Print] in the
Print preview dialog.

You can work on a different project while printing is going on in the background. Just
start multiple copies of EPLAN.

EPLAN Training 5

EPLAN Training 6
Path Function Texts

Path Function Texts

EPLAN Training 1
Path Function Texts

EPLAN Training 2
Path Function Texts
1 Inserting and Editing Path Function Texts .................................................6
1.1 Insert a path function text..........................................................................6
1.2 Edit path function text .............................................................................10

2 Using the Display and Positioning Aids ...................................................11

3 Defining the Cursor Display.......................................................................12

4 Defining Increment Sizes ...........................................................................14

4.1 Select increments using the keyboard ....................................................15

5 Moving the Coordinate Base Point............................................................16

6 Working with Grids .....................................................................................18

6.1 Displaying the Grid..................................................................................18
6.2 Using Grid Snap......................................................................................19
6.3 Align on grid ............................................................................................20

7 Activating Object Snap...............................................................................22

8 Using the Design Mode ..............................................................................23

9 Using the Orthogonal Function .................................................................26

10 Displaying Insertion Points........................................................................27

11 Displaying Connection Point Directions and Designations ....................29

11.1 Display the connection point direction.....................................................29
11.2 Hide and Reveal connection point designations and descriptions ..........29
11.3 Rotating connection point designations and descriptions .......................30

12 Using Zoom Functions ...............................................................................31

12.1 Using window zoom ................................................................................31
12.2 Magnifying / shrinking sections ...............................................................31
12.3 Using the quadrant zoom........................................................................32
12.4 Zoom with the mouse..............................................................................32
12.5 Use the pan function ...............................................................................33

13 Editing Elements.........................................................................................34

14 Selecting Elements .....................................................................................35

14.1 Select multiple elements individually.......................................................35
14.2 Select an area of elements .....................................................................35
14.3 Select an area with the keyboard............................................................35
EPLAN Training 3
Path Function Texts
14.4 Select all elements..................................................................................36
14.5 Remove element selection......................................................................36

15 Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Schematic Elements ...............................37

16 Duplicating Elements .................................................................................39

17 Deleting Elements.......................................................................................40
17.1 Delete areas............................................................................................40

18 Moving Elements ........................................................................................41

18.1 Move elements using drag and drop.......................................................41

19 Working with Element Groups...................................................................42

19.1 Group elements ......................................................................................42
19.2 Ungroup ..................................................................................................42
19.3 Consider groupings.................................................................................43

20 Distributing Elements Evenly ....................................................................45

21 Moving Elements into the Foreground / Background..............................46

22 Changing Elements ....................................................................................47

22.1 Scale elements .......................................................................................47
22.2 Rotate elements......................................................................................47
22.3 Stretch elements .....................................................................................48

23 Changing Element Properties....................................................................49

24 Editing Text Properties...............................................................................50

25 Docking / Undocking Text ..........................................................................51

25.1 Dock text .................................................................................................51
25.2 Undock text .............................................................................................52
25.3 Dock property text...................................................................................52
25.4 Undock property text...............................................................................55

26 Moving Property Texts ...............................................................................56

26.1 Resetting moved property texts ..............................................................58

27 Inserting Graphical Elements ....................................................................59

28 Drawing Lines and Rectangles ..................................................................60

28.1 Draw lines ...............................................................................................60

EPLAN Training 4
Path Function Texts
28.2 Draw polylines.........................................................................................61
28.3 Draw rectangles ......................................................................................62

29 Drawing Circles, Arcs, and Sectors ..........................................................64

29.1 Draw circles ............................................................................................64
29.2 Draw arcs and sectors ............................................................................65
29.3 Draw ellipses...........................................................................................69

30 Drawing Splines ..........................................................................................70

31 Entering Coordinates when Drawing ........................................................72

31.1 Enter absolute coordinates .....................................................................73
31.2 Enter relative coordinates .......................................................................76

32 Inserting Text ..............................................................................................79

32.1 Find empty texts......................................................................................82

33 Inserting Image Files ..................................................................................84

34 Inserting Hyperlinks ...................................................................................87

34.1 Open hyperlinks ......................................................................................90
34.2 Select hyperlinks.....................................................................................91

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
Path Function Texts

1 Inserting and Editing Path Function Texts

Path function texts are inserted in the same way as graphical texts. The only
differences are that the title bar of the input dialog in the first tab shows a different
title, and that the path function texts are stored in a different layer from the other texts
(EPLAN110, Graphic.Path function texts). Moreover, there are additional
orientation options for path function texts, that are needed for editing projects
imported from EPLAN 5.


Path function texts are only evaluated on schematic pages with multi-line or single-
line display. On all other types of page, path function texts are treated like graphical
On PLC overview pages, no path function text is evaluated, but the "Function text
(automatic)" property on PLC connection points and channel symbols - if no other
function text has been entered - determines the automatic function text of the
corresponding PLC connection point on the circuit diagram side.

1.1 Insert a path function text


You have opened a schematic page or a page with a multi-line or a single-line


Insert > Path function text

1. In the Path funciton text tab of the Properties dialog, enter the desired text.
The popup menu provides you with many options to further edit the text. You
can, for instance, use the functions cut, copy, and paste, or insert line breaks
and special characters.


Line breaks can be entered using [Ctrl]+[Enter].

EPLAN Training 6
Path Function Texts

3. On the Format tab, you can specify text properties such as size, color, and
orientation, along with the layer on which the path function text is stored.

EPLAN Training 7
Path Function Texts

4. In the Language tab, define whether the text is to be displayed in only one
language or in all of the display languages. (The translation module must be
licensed in order to display multiple languages.)

EPLAN Training 8
Path Function Texts
5. In the Border tab, you define whether the text is placed within an alignment
box and how it fits into the alignment box.

6. Click [OK].

The dialog is closed and the text hangs on the cursor.

7. Place the text in the desired path. Be sure that the insertion point of the text is
aligned with the insertion point of the component which should receive the
path function text.

If no function text is entered for a component, the path function text is

stored in the "Function text (automatic)" property.

EPLAN Training 9
Path Function Texts

1.2 Edit path function text

1. Double-click a path function text.

2. In the Properties dialog, edit the text and its properties. Use the Path
function text, Format, and Language tabs as described under Insert a path
function text.

3. Click [OK].

The changes are adopted and are immediately visible on the page.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Path Function Texts

2 Using the Display and Positioning Aids

EPLAN offers a series of options which simplify the placement of graphical elements
and components.

You can select the behavior of the cursor, for instance, select different increments to
be taken into account when moving the cursor with the keyboard, specify the
distance between grid points, or set different zoom levels.

The options Snap to grid and Object snap make it possible to orient elements
directly to the grid points or element points when drawing.

The option Design mode helps when placing elements exactly at specific

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Path Function Texts

3 Defining the Cursor Display

The cursor can either be shown as a cross hair or as "small cross". You define this in
the User settings. In the small cross form, two short lines, at an angle of 45 to each
other, are displayed. Regardless of the cursor display settings, the form of the cursor
always reflects the currently active command.

Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing > General

1. In the Display field, you define whether the cursor is displayed as crosshairs
or as a "small cross".

2. You can use the Display crosshairs when placing symbols and macros
check box to specify regardless of the setting above how the cursor should
appear when placing symbols or macros.

3. Click [OK].

You can also affect the type of cursor displayed using the menu item View >
Crosshair for element selection in the graphical editor:

If this option is activated, then the predefined cursor display will always be used when
selecting elements. The cursor display can no longer be used to distinguish between
element selection and point entry.

If the option is deactivated, then the crosshairs are only displayed on the entry of

EPLAN Training 12
Path Function Texts
points. This makes it easier to distinguish between the entry of points and the
selection of elements.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13
Path Function Texts

4 Defining Increment Sizes

The increment defines how far the cursor jumps in a particular direction when the
cursor key is pressed. It is set and activated from the current cursor position.

For the Use logical coordinates setting, the step size is given in grid increments.
This depends on the grid increments used on the page. If the defined grid size is
(e.g.) 4 mm, then an increment setting of 1 means that the cursor jumps by 4 mm,
with a setting of 2 by 8 mm, etc. An increment setting less than 1 is not permitted.

For the Use graphical coordinates setting, the increment is defined in terms of the
drawing units (in mm or inches, depending on the settings).


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

Options > Increment

1. Select the Use graphical coordinates check box to display the increments for
Graphical coordinates in the list fields.
Deselect the check box to display the increments for Logic coordinates.

2. Enter the desired increment into the Increment field, or select an entry from
the Personal increments or Recently used increments lists.


The lists show the default increments (defined in the user settings) and the last

EPLAN Training 14
Path Function Texts

10 increments used, where the entries in the Recently used increments are
overwritten, from top to bottom, with each new increment used.

4. Click [OK].

The cursor can now only be moved using the keyboard in the increment
defined here.

4.1 Select increments using the keyboard

The personal increments are defined in the user settings. These are allocated to the
letters A to T. The list of recently used increments is filled from top to bottom and is
continually overwritten. These are allocated to the letters K to S. K is therefore the
last used increment, L the second to last etc.

1. Enter the letter for the relevant increment using the keyboard.

The cursor can now only be moved using the keyboard in the increment
defined here.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15
Path Function Texts

5 Moving the Coordinate Base Point

The Move base point function allows you to define an optional coordinate base
point. The new base point is displayed using a small coordinate cross and is
calculated with reference to the relative coordinate entries. The relative entry of
coordinates always relates to the most recently place point.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select the menu item Options > Move base point, and position the cursor at
the position where the new base point origin is to be located.

Instead of the normal coordinate display in the status bar, either the
(absolute) DX and DY coordinates are displayed, or the (relative) DRX and
DRY coordinates. The setting remains until you open a new page or perform
the command again.

If you have (e.g.) activated the command for drawing a line, after having placing the
first line point, you can then enter either the absolute or relative coordinates. The
entered values are then used to define the coordinates of the endpoint of the line. If
the relative coordinate entry is started without having first defined a starting point,
then the entry is treated as an absolute coordinate. If no command is active, then the
cursor is positioned to the entered coordinates; this may also change the displayed
screen section.

EPLAN Training 16
Path Function Texts


You wish to draw a line, and place the first line point. For the endpoint of the line, you
wish to place a point that is 50 mm in the X direction, and 20 mm in the Y direction,
from a corner point. The command for drawing a line is still active. Activate the move
base point function and set the base point to the relevant corner point. In the relative
coordinates field, enter the values x=50 mm and y=20 mm; the endpoint of the line is
then placed at the desired position.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Path Function Texts

6 Working with Grids

You can work with a grid to make the positioning of elements easier. The insertion
and element points are then placed on the grid points.

The size of the grid used (i.e. the clearance between the individual grid points) is
stored as a page property and displayed in the status bar. You can select one of the
default grid sizes from the drop-down list or enter you own values.

In the user settings, you can define up to five different grid sizes; in the graphical
editor, these can then be selected using the to buttons in the "View" toolbar.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

6.1 Displaying the Grid

1. Select the menu item View > Grid, to switch the grid display on and off.


Schematic section: Grid view off

Schematic section: Grid view on

EPLAN Training 18
Path Function Texts

6.2 Using Grid Snap

The use of grid snap is independent of the grid display options.

EPLAN Training 19
Path Function Texts
1. Select the menu item Options > Snap to grid to switch the grid snap on and

If the grid snap is activated, then all of the subsequent actions are
performed within the grid points.

In the status bar, the text "ON" or "OFF" in front of the grid size shows
whether the grid snap is switched on or off.

6.3 Align on grid

This function allows you to subsequently align objects to the grid settings without
having initially drawn them using the grid. If you subsequently switch on the grid
snap, then previously drawn objects may no longer be accessible if they aren't on a
grid point.

EPLAN Training 20
Path Function Texts
1. Select the objects and then select the menu item Edit > Other > Align on

The selected objects are realigned so that all of their important points (such
as line starting points, curve ends etc.) are on the grid.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21
Path Function Texts

7 Activating Object Snap

Text and logical elements (symbols, black boxes etc.) have insertion points.
Graphical elements have element points (e.g. start and end points).


In the following figure, insertion points (1) and element points (2) are both shown.

If the Object snap option is activated, then these points are used as snap points.
Graphical objects are then automatically joined at these points on insertion.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select the menu item Options > Object snap to activate or deactivate this

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Path Function Texts

8 Using the Design Mode

The design mode assists you in placing graphical elements at specific points and at
specific coordinates.

With the Design mode activated, do not use area selection for editing operations (i.e.
Move, Delete, Duplicate, etc.) on the elements to be changed, instead just click them.
To edit the element, define both the starting and target points for the action.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select the menu item Options > Design mode to activate or deactivate this


Moving elements with the design mode switched on

Assuming you would like to place the middle point of the rectangle on the starting
point of the line. To find the middle point, draw two auxiliary diagonal lines within the

You then select the menu item Edit > Move, and then select the rectangle.

EPLAN Training 23
Path Function Texts

Now select the starting point for moving by positioning the crosshairs on the
intersection of the diagonals and clicking.

Finally, select the target point by positioning the crosshairs on the desired point and
clicking. The rectangle is moved to the desired position and the middle point is on the
starting point of the line.

EPLAN Training 24
Path Function Texts

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25
Path Function Texts

9 Using the Orthogonal Function

The orthogonal function enables movement of the cursor in only the horizontal or
vertical direction. In the process, the cursor assumes a special form, known as the
Orthogonal cursor. The function can be used when all insertion points are to be
oriented either horizontally or vertically to each other upon symbol insertion.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Press [<] to activate the orthogonal function in a horizontal direction.

2. Press [<] a second time to activate the orthogonal function in a vertical


The cursor assumes the form of two arrows, indicating the direction setting.

3. Press [<] once more to deactivate the orthogonal function.

The cursor can be moved again in all directions.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26
Path Function Texts

10 Displaying Insertion Points

To edit the properties of symbols or texts, it is necessary to select their insertion
points. The Display insertion points option makes it easier to find the insertion
points: If this option is activated, the insertion points are highlighted from the symbols
and text by a black square.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select the menu item View > Insertion points, or press the [i] key.

The insertion points are displayed as small squares.

EPLAN Training 27
Path Function Texts
2. Select the menu item View > Insertion points, or press the [i] key again.

The insertion points are hidden again.


Display of insertion points

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 28
Path Function Texts

11 Displaying Connection Point Directions and

The following features are available for working with connection points in the
graphical editor.

11.1 Display the connection point direction


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

1. Select the menu items View > Connection point direction.

The connection point directions of all symbols on the page are displayed
using small arrows.

2. Select the menu item again.

The connection point directions are again hidden.

11.2 Hide and Reveal connection point designations and

The display of the connection point designations and descriptions in a project can be
influenced in the following ways:


You have opened a project.

1. Select the menu item Options > Layer management.

EPLAN Training 29
Path Function Texts
2. In the Layer management - <Project name> dialog, open the Property
placement list.

3. Select the Connection point designation and / or Connection point

description property placement options.

4. Deselect the Visible check box to hide the elements in the graphical editor.

11.3 Rotating connection point designations and

When creating symbols, two sets of connection point designations and descriptions
can be defined: one non-rotated, and one with text rotated by 90 degrees. These are
used for (e.g.) working according to DIN standards. To switch between the two sets,
proceed as follows:

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

You have used the symbol editor to allocate both sets of connection point
designations and descriptions to the symbol.

1. Select the menu items Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Graphical editing > General.

2. Select the Display rotated connection point designation check box.

3. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 30
Path Function Texts

12 Using Zoom Functions

The zoom functions can be controlled using the mouse or the keyboard. An optional
mouse wheel is also supported.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

12.1 Using window zoom

View > Zoom > Window

1. Draw a box over the desired area.

The selected area is displayed at maximum size.

If you would like to use the keyboard, then proceed as follows:

1. Move the cursor to the upper left corner of the desired window area and press

2. Move the cursor to the lower right corner of the desired window area and
press [Enter].

The selected area is displayed at maximum size.

12.2 Magnifying / shrinking sections

View > Zoom > In

View > Zoom > Out

The image section is magnified or shrunk by 10% each time.

View > Zoom > 100%

The drawing area within the plot frame is fitted to the graphical editor window.
EPLAN Training 31
Path Function Texts

12.3 Using the quadrant zoom

1. Press [+].

The quadrant where the cursor is currently located is displayed at

maximum size.

2. Press [-].

The entire page is displayed.

12.4 Zoom with the mouse

The behavior when zooming with the mouse depends on the user settings (Options
> Settings > User > Graphical Editing > General). There you define whether the
behavior reflects that of word processing or CAD programs.

1. Scroll up / down with the mouse wheel.

With the As for word processing option, the visible section is moved up /

With the As in CAD option, the page is magnified / shrunk.

2. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and scroll up / down with the mouse wheel.

With the As for word processing option, the page is magnified / shrunk.

With the As in CAD, the visible section is moved up / down.

3. Hold down the [Shift] key and scroll up / down with the mouse wheel.

The visible section is moved to the left / right.

EPLAN Training 32
Path Function Texts

12.5 Use the pan function

1. Hold down the middle mouse button and move the cursor in the desired

The contents of the page are moved in the same direction.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33
Path Function Texts

13 Editing Elements
When editing in the graphical editor, besides the usual Windows operating methods
(first select elements, then call command), in most cases the operating methods
familiar from EPLAN 5 (first call the command, then select elements) are also

Calling a command does not end the previous action in every case; if it is possible
from a processing point of view, the first action is simply interrupted. For instance, the
zoom function doesn't end the drawing of a line, but only interrupts that action. Once
the zoom has been completed, the drawing of the line is continued at the point of

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 34
Path Function Texts

14 Selecting Elements
An element is selected when you click it; in the case of filled graphical elements, you
can also click anywhere within the filled area.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

14.1 Select multiple elements individually

1. Press [Ctrl] while selecting the individual elements.

Selected elements are displayed in a different color.

14.2 Select an area of elements

1. If you want to select multiple elements which lie next to one another, open a
frame around the desired group with the mouse.

All elements lying within this frame are selected.


If you open the frame from left to right, only those elements are selected which
lie completely within the frame. But if you open the frame from right to left,
"partial" elements are also selected, which only partially lie within the frame.

3. To remove a single element from this selected group, press [Ctrl] and click the
element at the same time.

14.3 Select an area with the keyboard

Edit > Select > Area

EPLAN Training 35
Path Function Texts
1. Specify the first corner of the area to be selected using [Enter].

2. Open a frame using the cursor keys. You can open the frame in any direction.

3. You can use [Tab] to switch the cursor between the lower right corner and the
upper left corner, in order to stretch the area in all directions.

4. End area selection with [Enter].

All elements lying within the selection area are selected.

14.4 Select all elements

1. Select the menu item Edit > Select > All to select all elements on the current

14.5 Remove element selection

1. Press [Esc] to remove the selection from the elements.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 36
Path Function Texts

15 Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Schematic

EPLAN supports the familiar Windows commands for copying, cutting, and pasting of


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select the desired elements and select either the menu items Edit > Copy, or
Edit > Cut.

The selected elements are copied into the Windows Clipboard. When
copying, the selected elements stay in their original position, while during
cutting, they are removed (deleted) from their original position.

2. If you work with multiple clipboards (definable in the user settings), then in the
Clipboard dialog, enter a description for the content of the relevant clipboard
and click [OK].

3. If necessary, open a different page where you want to insert the copied / cut

4. Select the menu item Edit > Paste.

If you work with multiple clipboards, then EPLAN opens the Paste dialog.
Select the desired element and click [OK].

The graphic hangs on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 37
Path Function Texts
5. Move the cursor to the position where you want to insert the elements and
press [Enter].

The contents of the Clipboard are pasted into the currently open page.

Each call to Copy or Cut overwrites the current contents of the Clipboard, if you
are only working with one Clipboard.

If you press [X] or [Y] when inserting, the elements will be positioned
horizontally or vertically aligned with the original.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38
Path Function Texts

16 Duplicating Elements
Using the Duplicate command, you can insert multiple copies very easily at the
same time. Duplication only works within a single page, not between pages.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select the element(s) to be duplicated, and select the menu item Edit >

2. Place the first copy.

3. In the Duplicate dialog, enter the total number of elements to be created.

EPLAN automatically creates the specified number of copies and places

each of them using the clearance selected for the first copy.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 39
Path Function Texts

17 Deleting Elements

You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Delete (or press

The elements are completely deleted.

Unlike the Cut command, it is not possible to insert deleted elements into the page
again, because they are not stored in the Clipboard. You can, however, use the
Undo command to reinsert the elements.

17.1 Delete areas

1. Use the mouse to drag the frame around the desired elements.

Selected elements are displayed in a different color.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Delete (or press [Del]).

The elements within the area are completely deleted.

It is possible first to select the Delete command, then to select the elements to
be deleted. In this case, you must select the elements using area selection.

If you want to delete the entire page contents, use [Ctrl] + [A] to select all
elements on the page and then press [Del]. All components and graphical
elements will be deleted. Update the display if necessary using View >
Redraw .

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 40
Path Function Texts

18 Moving Elements

You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Move.

The graphic hangs on the cursor.

2. Move the cursor to the position where you want to place the elements and
press [Enter].

The elements are inserted at the appropriate position and deleted from the
original position.

18.1 Move elements using drag and drop

The moving of elements can also be performed using the Windows-compliant Drag
and Drop technique.

1. Select the elements to be moved.

2. Hold down the left mouse button, pull the elements to the new position, and
release the mouse button.

The elements are inserted at the appropriate position and deleted from the
original position.


If you use drag and drop in combination with [Ctrl], the selected elements are not
simply moved, but copied.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 41
Path Function Texts

19 Working with Element Groups

Elements can be grouped together into groups which can then be edited together.
Whether the groups or the individual elements are edited can be enabled and
disabled as needed. It is thus necessary to break up a group if you want to edit an
individual element of the group.

19.1 Group elements


The option Consider groupings is selected.

1. Hold down [Ctrl] and click the elements that you would like to group.
(Alternatively, you can open a frame around the desired elements using the

The elements are selected.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Other > Group.

The selected elements are grouped together into a group.

3. To move a single element of a group without removing the grouping, select the
element and then move it while holding down the [Shift] key.

The element is moved but remains part of the group.

Already grouped elements can also be combined into a new group. This allows the
nesting of groups. A combination of grouped and ungrouped elements is also

19.2 Ungroup


The option Consider groupings is selected.

EPLAN Training 42
Path Function Texts
1. Select the group you wish to ungroup.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Other > Ungroup.

The group is broken up into its components, but subgroups are retained.

19.3 Consider groupings

If the Consider groupings option is selected, all commands are applied to the entire
group. If you select an element of a group, the entire group is selected.
Correspondingly, actions like block editing, deletion, copying, moving, and so on, are
performed on the entire group.

To move a single element of a group without removing the grouping, or to temporarily
ignore the grouping, select the element and then move it while holding down the
[Shift] key.

If the option is deactivated, all elements are treated as individual elements. This
makes it possible to edit, delete, move elements, etc. which are in a group. If such
elements are copied, the new elements lose their group membership.

If group consideration is deactivated, the Group and Ungroup commands can also
no longer be executed.

1. Select the menu item Options > Consider groupings to activate or

deactivate this option.

Plot frames, symbols, and forms

Plot frames, symbols, and forms are special elements.

EPLAN Training 43
Path Function Texts
Plot frames cannot be selected, and so it is also impossible to group elements
with plot frames or to ungroup plot frame groups.

Forms cannot be selected, and so it is also impossible to group elements with

forms or to ungroup form groups.

Symbols can be arbitrarily grouped. The symbol itself is the smallest possible
unit. It is not possible to break a symbol down into pure graphics.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 44
Path Function Texts

20 Distributing Elements Evenly

Using the Space evenly command, you can position multiple selected elements
equal distances from one another in the horizontal or vertical direction.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select the elements in question, and choose the menu item Edit > Other >
Space evenly (horizontal) or Edit > Other > Space evenly (vertical).

EPLAN determines the distance between the first and last elements and
distributes all the others evenly between them.


The grid is not taken into account when distributing elements; if necessary, use the
Align on grid command to place the elements back onto the grid.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 45
Path Function Texts

21 Moving Elements into the Foreground /

You can use the two commands Bring to front and Send to back to influence the
order of elements on the screen and the order of access. For instance, if multiple
elements are on top of one another, then normally the element added last is on top.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Select an element and choose the menu item Edit > Other > Bring to front,
or Edit > Other > Send to back.

The element will now be shown as the topmost or bottommost element of

the stack.

If you edit one of the elements you have moved to the back, use the menu item View
> Redraw to reactivate the defined front/back properties.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 46
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22 Changing Elements

You have opened a page, form, plot frame, or symbol.

22.1 Scale elements

1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Scale.

2. Specify the origin point for the scaling.

3. In the Scaling dialog, select the scaling factor and click [OK].

The selected graphic will be scaled relative to the point of origin. Texts can
also be scaled; in this case, the font size is also changed.

22.2 Rotate elements

1. Mark the desired elements and select the menu items Edit > Rotate.

2. Specify the point of origin for the rotation.

3. Then rotate the selected elements around the point of origin with the mouse,
and click the left mouse button on the page to end the rotation.


EPLAN Training 47
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If the selected element group contains a symbol, or if the selected element is a

symbol, the action is not performed, since symbols cannot be rotated in EPLAN! If
you need a rotated symbol, create an appropriate symbol variant in the symbol editor.

22.3 Stretch elements

Using the Stretch command, you can stretch a selected line to a free point, snap
point, or an element (intersection). The line will be either lengthened or shortened.

Edit > Stretch

1. Open a frame around the desired element points in order to select them.

2. Move the marked element points to the desired position.

The line is lengthed or shortened to this point.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 48
Path Function Texts

23 Changing Element Properties


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Double-click an element with the left mouse button, or select the element and
choose the menu item Edit > Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog, you can edit the properties of the element . The
different editing options depend on the element selected.


If you double-click a text, the property dialog for texts is opened. Here, you can
change or complete your entries, or edit the display properties (color, font, etc.)

If you double-click a line, the property dialog for lines is opened. Here, you can
check the stretching and display properties of the line, and change them if

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 49
Path Function Texts

24 Editing Text Properties


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

1. Double-click a text.

2. In the Properties dialog, edit the text and its properties. Use the Text, Format,
Language, and Border tabs as described under "Inserting Texts".

3. Click [OK].

The changes are adopted and are immediately visible on the page.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 50
Path Function Texts

25 Docking / Undocking Text

Docked text retains its original color, size, font, and style. Angle and orientation
however, are adopted from the main text. This text also behaves as a block when

The text "remembers" the position where it was located prior to docking, and then
returns to this position when it is undocked.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

25.1 Dock text

Edit > Texts > Dock

1. Select the text you wish to dock. To do this, open a frame around the text.

2. Select the main text to which the main text should be docked.

The first text is oriented to the main text.

EPLAN Training 51
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25.2 Undock text

1. Select a component and then select the menu item Edit > Texts > Undock.

The text is moved back to the position where it was before it was docked.

25.3 Dock property text

Property texts are docked and undocked in the property dialog of the corresponding

EPLAN Training 52
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1. Select a component and then select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 53
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2. In the Display tab, select a non-docked property from the list (a prefixed
symbol indicates the configured docking direction) and select Popup menu >

The property text is correspondingly docked in direction specified in the

Docking template field.

EPLAN Training 54
Path Function Texts

25.4 Undock property text

1. Select a component and then select the menu item Edit > Properties.

2. In the Display tab, select a docked property from the list (these have no
prefixed symbol) and select Popup menu > Undock.

The property text is undocked and can now be moved separately.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 55
Path Function Texts

26 Moving Property Texts

You can use the Move property texts command to activate the insertion points of
the property texts on the selected components. These can then be moved using drag
and drop.

The contact image can also be manually moved in this way.


EPLAN Training 56
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You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

The property texts may not be docked. If necessary, undock the texts (using
(Undock) in the Display tab of the properties dialog).

1. Select the desired elements and choose the menu item Edit > Texts > Move
property texts.

The elements points of the property texts will be displayed as small empty
squared on all selected components.

2. Select a property text and move it.

The selection remains active until you select a different property text or end
the action.

EPLAN Training 57
Path Function Texts


If you hold [Shift] down while moving, the current grid snap is divided by four. The
insertion point can then be moved in steps of a one-fourth of the grid size.

26.1 Resetting moved property texts

You can use the Reset moved property texts option to delete all moved (thus
copied) property texts of selected symbols. The property texts are shown again which
are stored in the symbol. (Each symbol contains the information which property texts
are displayed by default when inserting this symbol.)

1. Select the desired elements and choose the menu item Edit > Texts > Reset
moved property texts.

In all selected components, the copied property texts are deleted and the
standard property texts of the symbol are shown.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 58
Path Function Texts

27 Inserting Graphical Elements

The Insert > Graphic menu provides you, among other things, commands to draw
graphical elements, that is, elements which contain no information relevant to the
schematic. These include:

Open or closed polylines
Circles, arcs, and sectors

Objects with a closed contour, e.g. ellipses, circles, rectangles, and closed polylines,
can be shown filled.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 59
Path Function Texts

28 Drawing Lines and Rectangles

Lines, polylines, and rectangles consist of line segments. To draw lines only in the
horizontal or vertical direction, use the Orthogonal function as a drawing aid.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

28.1 Draw lines

Insert > Graphic > Line

1. Specify the starting point of the line and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 60
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2. Specify the end point of the line and click the left mouse button.

28.2 Draw polylines

Insert > Graphic > Polyline
Insert > Graphic > Polygon

1. Specify the starting point of the polyline and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 61
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2. Specify the next points of the polyline, and click with the left mouse button
each of the points to place.

In the case of a closed polyline, a connection is automatically drawn

between the first and last points.

3. End the action using Edit > Cancel action.

28.3 Draw rectangles

Insert > Graphic > Rectangle

1. Specify the starting point of the rectangle and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 62
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2. Pull the rectangle out in any direction, and click with the left mouse button to
specify the end point.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 63
Path Function Texts

29 Drawing Circles, Arcs, and Sectors

Circles, curves, sectors, and ellipses can be defined using their center and the
radius. In addition, circles and circular arcs can be defined using points on the rim of
the circle.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

29.1 Draw circles

Circles can either be defined using the center and radius, or using three points on the

Insert > Graphic > Circle

1. Define the center of the circle, and click the left mouse button.

2. Pull the circle out from the center, and click the left mouse button to define the

Insert > Graphic > Circle through 3 points

EPLAN Training 64
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1. Define the first point on the circle, and click the left mouse button.

2. Define the second point on the circle, and click the left mouse button.

3. Define the third point on the circle, and click the left mouse button.

29.2 Draw arcs and sectors

Arcs can also be defined using the center or with three points on the circle. Sectors of
circles are defined using the center.

Insert > Graphic > Arc through center

Insert > Graphic > Sector

1. Define the center of the circle, and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 65
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2. Pull the circle out from the center, and click the left mouse button to define the

3. Define the first point on the arc or sector, and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 66
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4. Define the end point of the arc or sector, and click the left mouse button.

Insert > Graphic > Arc through 3 points

1. Define the first point on the arc, and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 67
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2. Define the second point on the arc, and click the left mouse button.

3. Pull the circle out from the center, and click the left mouse button to define the

EPLAN Training 68
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29.3 Draw ellipses

Insert > Graphic > Ellipse

1. Define the center of the ellipse, and click the left mouse button.

2. Pull the ellipse out from the center, and click the left mouse button to define
the size of the ellipse.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 69
Path Function Texts

30 Drawing Splines
Splines are defined using the two end points of a curve and the tangents through two
control points.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

Insert > Graphic > Spline

1. Specify the starting point of the spline and click the left mouse button.

2. Specify the end point of the spline and click the left mouse button.

3. Specify the first control point and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 70
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4. Specify the second control point and click the left mouse button.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 71
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31 Entering Coordinates when Drawing

While drawing graphical elements or inserting symbols, you have the option of
entering coordinates for starting and end points or for the insertion point. For this, you
can use absolute or relative coordinate entry.

You can either determine the starting and end points using coordinate input, or you
can determine the starting point manually and only use coordinate input for the end

The input is described here with the example of a line; in the same way, however,
you can also draw polylines, rectangles, circles, etc.

When inserting symbols, coordinate input is only necessary for the insertion point.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

EPLAN Training 72
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31.1 Enter absolute coordinates

1. Select the menu item Insert > Graphic > Line.

EPLAN Training 73
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2. Select the menu item Options > Coordinate input.

3. In the Coordinate input dialog, the current cursor position is displayed. Enter
the coordinates of the starting point. You can also select a coordinate pair
from the lists Personal coordinates or Recently used coordinates.


The lists show the default coordinates (defined in the user settings) and the
last 10 coordinates used, where the entries in the Recently used coordinates
are overwritten, from top to bottom, with each new coordinate used.

EPLAN Training 74
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5. Click [OK].

The cursor is placed on the given coordinate value.

6. Select the menu item Options > Coordinate input again.

EPLAN Training 75
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7. Enter the coordinates of the end point in the Coordinate input dialog. You
can also select a coordinate pair from the lists Personal coordinates or
Recently used coordinates.

8. Click [OK].

The line is drawn to the specified point.

31.2 Enter relative coordinates

1. Select the menu item Insert > Graphic > Line.

EPLAN Training 76
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2. Determine the starting point manually, and press [Enter]. Or determine the
starting point using absolute coordinate input (Options > Coordinate input).

EPLAN Training 77
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3. Select the menu item Options > Relative coordinate input.

4. In the Relative coordinate input, you can specify the position of the end
point. You have two options here: Either use the Distance field to enter the
amount by which the end point should be offset from the coordinates of the
starting point, in the X and Y directions. Or you can give an angle and the
length of the line. (For a rectangle, enter the length of the rectangle's

5. Click [OK].

The line is drawn to the specified point.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 78
Path Function Texts

32 Inserting Text

You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

Insert > Graphic > Text

1. In the Text tab of the Properties dialog, enter the desired text. The popup
menu provides you with many options to further edit the text. You can, for
instance, use the functions cut, copy, and paste, or insert line breaks and
special characters.


Line breaks can be entered using [Ctrl]+[Enter].

EPLAN Training 79
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3. On the Format tab, you can specify text properties such as size, color, and
alignment, along with the layer on which the text is stored.

EPLAN Training 80
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4. In the Language tab, define whether the text is to be displayed in only one
language or in all of the display languages. (The translation module must be
licensed in order to display multiple languages.)

EPLAN Training 81
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5. In the Border tab, you define whether the text is placed within an alignment
box and how it fits into the alignment box.

6. Click [OK].

7. Place the text on the page.

32.1 Find empty texts

If you accidentally enter empty texts while inserting text, then you can find and
remove them easily.

1. Select the menu item View > Empty text boxes in order to enable the display
of empty texts.

The empty texts are displayed using the string "Empty Text".

EPLAN Training 82
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2. Select the desired empty texts and select the menu item Edit > Delete.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 83
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33 Inserting Image Files

Image files in the GIF, JPG, BMP, ICO or TIFF formats can be inserted in EPLAN.


You have opened a page, form, plot frame or symbol.

Insert > Graphic > Image file

1. In the Select image file dialog, select a file using the file selector and click

EPLAN Training 84
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2. In the Copy image file dialog, you decide whether the file should be copied
into the project directory (that is, into the Images subdirectory of the project) or
the source directory should be kept. Click [OK].

3. Pull a frame open in which the image will be scaled.

The original page ratios are kept when placing.

4. In the Properties dialog, you can change the display properties of the image

EPLAN Training 85
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5. Click [OK].

The image appears on the page in the desired size.


Display of an image file in the schematic

Only image files located in the project directory are saved when backing up the

When copying a page, the image files copied into the project directory are not
copied. Only when the entire project is copied are the image files also copied.

When deleting a page, the image files copied into the project directory are not

If an image file has been deleted from its directory and can therefore no longer be
displayed, a rectangle with the file path is displayed in its place.


You can insert an image file using drag and drop, by dragging the selected image file
from the Windows Explorer into the graphical editor of your project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 86
Path Function Texts

34 Inserting Hyperlinks
You have the option of inserting a text on any page which contains a link to a


You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Insert > Graphic > Hyperlink

1. In the Properties dialog, select the Hyperlink tab.

EPLAN Training 87
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2. Click[...] beside the [Document] field in order to select a file using the file
selection dialog. You can also enter a URL into the Document field with copy
and paste.

3. Enter the text into the Text / designation field which should be displayed on
the page. When selecting a file, the file name is automatically suggested.

4. Enter a descriptive text into the Description field.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 88
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6. When you have selected a file, you can decide in the Copy hyperlink dialog
whether the file should be copied into the project directory (that is, into the
external document directory of the project) or the source directory will be
retained. (When inserting a URL, this dialog is not shown, since URLs are
always called from the source directory.)

7. Click [OK].

8. Place the hyperlink on the page like a normal text.


You have defined a hyperlink in the schematic to a document containing the technical
information for transformer "-T1". You have chosen "Info T1" as a designation.

The hyperlink will be displayed in the schematic as shown:

EPLAN Training 89
Path Function Texts


You can insert hyperlinks using drag and drop, by dragging a selected file from the
Windows Explorer into the graphical editor of your project.

34.1 Open hyperlinks

1. Move the cursor over the hyperlink.

The form of the cursor changes to a hand.

2. Click the left mouse button (or press [Enter]).

The linked document is opened.

Executed hyperlinks do not change their display color.

You can also first select a hyperlink and then call up the linked document using the
menu item Edit > Other > Open hyperlink.

EPLAN Training 90
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34.2 Select hyperlinks

1. Hold [Ctrl] down and click the hyperlink.

The hyperlink is selected.

EPLAN Training 91
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EPLAN Training 92


EPLAN Training 1

1 Inserting Linear / Aligned Dimensions........................................................3

2 Inserting Continued Dimensions.................................................................5

3 Inserting Incremental Dimensions ..............................................................9

4 Inserting Baseline Dimensions..................................................................12

5 Inserting Angular Dimensions ...................................................................15

6 Inserting Radius Dimensions.....................................................................16

7 Editing Dimensions ....................................................................................17

7.1 Move dimension......................................................................................17

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Inserting Linear / Aligned Dimensions

A linear dimension can only be drawn horizontally or vertically. An aligned dimension,
on the other hand, can be drawn at every angle. The dimension line will thus run
parallel to the dimension starting and end point.

Insert > Dimensioning > Linear dimension

Insert > Dimensioning > Aligned dimension

1. Specify the starting dimensioning point by clicking it with the left mouse button.

2. Specify the end dimensioning point.

EPLAN Training 3
3. Define the offset of the dimensions to the object being dimensioned. To do
this, move the mouse in the proper direction until the desired spacing is
reached and click with the left mouse button.

The dimension help lines are drawn with the corresponding height.

The dimension value is always centered on the dimension line.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4

2 Inserting Continued Dimensions

As long as the continued dimension is activated, the last dimension end point is
always interpreted as the dimension starting point for the next dimension line. The
next drawn point is then the new dimensioning end point.

Every section is separately dimensioned, i.e., the dimension value for a continued
dimension only relates to the associated section.

Insert > Dimensioning > Continued dimension

1. Specify the starting dimensioning point by clicking it with the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 5
2. Specify the first end dimensioning point.

EPLAN Training 6
3. Define the offset of the dimensions to the object being dimensioned. To do
this, move the mouse in the proper direction until the desired spacing is
reached and click with the left mouse button.

The dimension help lines are drawn at the corresponding height.

4. Specify the next end dimensioning point.

The dimension line is drawn to the height and direction of the preceding
dimension line and the dimension line is centered on the section.

EPLAN Training 7
5. Specify the other end dimensioning points.

6. After you have placed all of the dimensioning points, click Edit > Cancel
action to end the process.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8

3 Inserting Incremental Dimensions

As long as the incremental dimension is activated, the last dimension end point is
always interpreted as the dimension starting point for the next dimension line. The
next drawn point is then the new dimensioning end point.

The dimension value for incremental dimensions is calculated from the starting point
to the end point of the associated section. The dimension lines are all drawn to the
same height.

For incremental dimensions you can specify the overall dimension first and then the
section dimension. It is also possible to expand the overall dimension as you would

Insert > Dimensioning > Incremental dimension

1. Specify the starting dimensioning point by clicking it with the left mouse button.

EPLAN Training 9
2. Specify the first end dimensioning point.

3. Define the offset of the dimensions to the object being dimensioned. To do

this, move the mouse in the proper direction until the desired spacing is
reached and click with the left mouse button.

The dimension help lines are drawn at the corresponding height.

4. Specify the next end dimensioning point. This can be inside or outside of the
first placed dimension.

The dimension line is drawn to the height and direction of the preceding
dimension line and the dimension value is placed at the end of the section.

EPLAN Training 10
5. Specify the other end dimensioning points.

6. After you have placed all of the dimensioning points, click Edit > Cancel
action to end the process.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11

4 Inserting Baseline Dimensions

As long as the baseline dimension is activated, the last dimension end point is always
interpreted as the dimension starting point for the next dimension line. The next
drawn point is then the new dimensioning end point.

The dimension value for baseline dimensions is calculated from the starting point to
the end point of the associated section. Unlike incremental dimensions, the
dimension lines are drawn to different heights and the dimension line is centered in
the section.

Insert > Dimensioning > Baseline dimension

1. Specify the starting dimensioning point by clicking it with the left mouse button.

2. Specify the first end dimensioning point.

EPLAN Training 12
3. Define the offset of the dimensions to the object being dimensioned. To do
this, move the mouse in the proper direction until the desired spacing is
reached and click with the left mouse button.

The dimension help lines are drawn at the corresponding height.

4. Specify the next end dimensioning point. This can be inside or outside of the
first placed dimension.

The dimension line is drawn and the dimension value is centered in the
section. The height to which the following dimension line is drawn is taken
from the DIN standard.

5. Specify the other end dimensioning points.

EPLAN Training 13
6. After you have placed all of the dimensioning points, click Edit > Cancel
action to end the process.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14

5 Inserting Angular Dimensions

To dimension an angle, first specify the angle middle point and then the starting and
end points. The height of the dimension line is defined by the starting point.

Insert > Dimensioning > Angular dimension

1. Specify the angle middle point by clicking it with the left mouse button.

2. Specify the starting point of the angle.

The distance from the starting point to the angle middle point defines the
offset of the dimension line.

3. Drag the angle counterclockwise and define the end point.

The dimension value is always centered on the dimension line.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15

6 Inserting Radius Dimensions

To dimension a radius, first select the circle and then specify the position of the
dimension line (and the dimension value). The dimension value can be written in any
angle on the circle. Regardless of the end point position, the dimension value is
always the radius.

Insert > Dimensioning > Radius dimension

1. Select a radius.

The center of the circle is automatically selected as the dimension starting


2. Define the end point of the dimension line and click the left mouse button.

If the end point is within the circle, a small arrow on the inner edge of the
circle will be drawn as the dimension line. If the end point is outside, the
dimension line is drawn from the end point to the outer edge of the circle.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

7 Editing Dimensions
You have opened a project.

You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

You have added a dimension.

1. Double-click on the dimension or mark the dimension and select the menu
items Edit > Properties.

2. In the Properties dialog select the Dimensioning tab and edit the display
properties and dimension values, if necessary.

3. Select the Format tab and edit the dimension value display properties.

4. Click [OK].

The settings are saved and the dimension is displayed correspondingly.

7.1 Move dimension

1. Click a dimension, for example on the dimension line.

The elements associated with the dimension (the dimension values,

dimension lines, etc.) are highlighted.

EPLAN Training 17
2. Move the dimension with the mouse.

All elements are moved together.

3. Mark the insertion point of a dimension value and move it with the mouse.

Only the dimension value is moved.

EPLAN Training 18

EPLAN Training 19


EPLAN Training 1

1 Exchanging Symbol Libraries......................................................................3

2 Updating Symbols ........................................................................................5

3 Selecting Symbols ........................................................................................7

4 Placing Symbols .........................................................................................10

4.1 Connect symbols with other symbols in the schematic ...........................10
4.2 Multiply connecting symbols with other symbols in the schematic ..........11

5 Preventing a New Placement of a Symbol ................................................13

6 Exchanging Symbols or Components ......................................................15

7 Selecting Symbol Variants .........................................................................17

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Exchanging Symbol Libraries

The symbol libraries used in the project are entered into the project-specific settings
and can be exchanged for other libraries.

You have opened the project whose symbol library/libraries is/are to be

The symbols and variants used in the project must exist in both libraries. The
decisive factor here is the position of the symbols in the library, i.e. the symbol

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol

1. In the Settings: Symbol libraries dialog, in the field for the desired symbol
library, click [...].

The Select symbol library dialog is opened. If the symbol library should
not be removed, then a message is displayed.

EPLAN Training 3
2. Select the desired symbol library.

3. Click [Open]

The two symbol libraries are compared. If differences are found that
prevent the libraries from being exchanged, then an appropriate message is

4. If the two symbol libraries are compatible, in the Exchange symbol libraries
dialog, click [Yes].

The symbol library in the project is replaced with the new symbol library.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4

2 Updating Symbols
A symbol library stored within a project can be modified outside the project at any
time. In this case, the old symbol library stored in the project can be replaced with the
modified one. Only the graphic is changed by this, the function remains unchanged.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Synchronize current project

1. In the Synchronization of master data - <Project name> dialog, in the

System master data field, select the symbol library / libraries that have
changed outside the project. Multiple selection is possible here.

EPLAN Training 5

2. Click (Move to the left).

EPLAN compares the libraries with each other and displays a message
with the results.

3. Click [OK].

The project master data is updated, i.e. overwritten by the system master

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6

3 Selecting Symbols

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

Insert > Symbol

1. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the List tab.

2. If required, select Popup menu > Configure columns to customize the list
display to suit your requirements.

EPLAN Training 7
3. In the Column configuration dialog, select / deselect the check boxes for the
information that you wish to show / hide in the list.

4. Click [OK].

The display in the list is adjusted.

5. In the Direct entry field, enter a search term for the desired symbol, e.g., the
starting letters of the symbol name.

The cursor jumps to the first symbol matching your entry as soon as you
enter a single character, and selects it.

EPLAN Training 8
6. Select the Preview check box.

The selected symbol is displayed in the preview window, with all existing

7. Click the desired variant in the preview window to select it.

Multiple selection of symbols is not possible when inserting into schematic

9. Click [OK].

The symbol hangs on the cursor and can be placed on the current page in
the graphical editor.

Once a symbol has been placed on the page, the Properties <...> dialog
opens, where you can define the component-specific data or simply accept the
default values.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9

4 Placing Symbols
You can place a given symbol once or several times on schematic pages in the
graphical editor, however you cannot select multiple different symbols for a single
placement operation.

A preview of the autoconnection lines is shown in the graphical editor, which shows
where a connection from one symbol to another symbol is possible. As an extra aid
for placement, a line is also shown between the first placed symbol and the current
cursor position. This allows you to place symbols along a line.

Insertion points and connection points pointing in the same direction may not lie on
top of each other. If this occurs when inserting a symbol then an error message is
displayed and the action is cancelled. (Exceptions to this are symbols containing
opposing connections laid on top of each other at the same point, e.g. T-

4.1 Connect symbols with other symbols in the



You have opened a project and at least one symbol library and are viewing a
schematic in the graphical editor.

Insert > Symbol

1. Select the desired symbol in the Symbol selection dialog.

2. Click [OK].

The dialog is closed and the symbol hangs on the mouse cursor.

3. Move the cursor to the desired location in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 10
4. Use the cursor to position the symbol above or below a connection element.

The autoconnect lines preview is displayed.

5. Click the left mouse button.

The symbol is connected to the other element in the schematic and the Properties
<...> dialog opens, where you define the component-specific data or accept the
default values.

4.2 Multiply connecting symbols with other symbols in

the schematic


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library and are viewing a
schematic in the graphical editor.

Insert > Symbol

1. Select the desired symbol in the Symbol selection dialog.

2. Click [OK].

The dialog is closed and the symbol hangs on the mouse cursor.

3. Move the cursor to the desired location in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 11
4. Use the cursor to position the symbol above or below a connection element.
Click the left mouse button and keep it pressed.

The autoconnect lines preview is displayed.

5. Move the cursor to the left or right in the schematic page while keeping the left
mouse button pressed.

A preview of the autoconnection lines is displayed for all positions where a

connection to a symbol lying above or below the line is possible.

6. Release the left mouse button.

The symbols are placed and connected to the adjacent symbols in the
schematic. In this case, the Properties <...> dialog is not opened and the
component properties are taken from the default values and the current
numbering mode.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12

5 Preventing a New Placement of a Symbol

If you wish to edit a symbol, you can prevent the symbol from being used while you
are doing this. While the symbol is being edited, it can't then be newly inserted into a
project or edited by another user. Symbols already inserted into a project can still be
used normally.
Once you have finished editing the symbol you can then unlock it again. Only an
unlocked symbol can be edited or inserted by another user.


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Open

1. If you have not yet opened a symbol library, in the Open symbol library
dialog, you first open the symbol library containing the symbol you wish to edit.

2. In the Symbol selection dialog select the symbol(s) you would like to edit.
The preview on the right side of the dialog shows the symbols marked if you
have selected a node in the tree view, for instance, then all of the elements
under it are shown graphically. (For space reasons, the display of the available
variants is omitted in this case.)

3. Change to the List tab.

4. Choose the Popup menu > Configure columns.

5. In the Column configuration dialog, select the Prevent new placement

check box.

EPLAN Training 13
6. Click [OK].

7. In the Symbol selection dialog, click [OK].

The selected symbols are now locked and can be edited in the symbol

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14

6 Exchanging Symbols or Components

A symbol only serves to provide a graphical representation of a particular function, it
does not contain any logic information. A component, however, is a symbol placed in
the schematic to which a function (and thus logic) has been assigned. For this
reason, the following distinction is made when swapping: If you swap a Symbol, then
the logic (i.e. the function) remains unchanged. Only the graphical representation
changes. If, however, you swap a component then the function is also replaced. In
both cases, the new symbol is selected using the symbol selection.

You can only swap symbols when the new symbol matches the function of the
component. EPLAN checks the number of connection points of the symbol to be
replaced. In the symbol selection, you are only offered symbols having the same
number, or fewer, connection points as the symbol you wish to replace. Symbols
having more connection points than the symbol already in the schematic cannot be
selected. For function definitions with a variable number of connection points, all
symbols are offered. When swapping a symbol, the function definition remains

You have opened a project and at least one symbol library and are viewing a
schematic in the graphical editor.

You have selected the symbol to be swapped.

Popup menu > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Symbol / function data tab.

2. Click [...] in the Number / name field.

The Symbol selection dialog is opened. The symbol is selected in the tree
or list and is displayed in the preview window.

3. If you only wish to display symbols in the same function category, select the
Only display symbols of the same symbol function category check box.

EPLAN Training 15
4. If you only wish to swap the symbol while retaining the function definition,
select the Only exchange symbol check box.

5. Select the desired new symbol in the Symbol selection dialog.

6. Click [OK].

The Symbol selection dialog is closed and the new symbol is displayed in
the properties dialog.

7. Click [OK].

The symbol is exchanged in the the schematic.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

7 Selecting Symbol Variants

A symbol can have up to eight variants with names from A to H and a contact image
variant. Alll variants for a symbol have common properties. They also behave
identically, and have the same function. This way they always have the same number
of connection points and are only different in their graphical configuration of the
connection points.

You can select a different variant of a symbol by rotating the mouse pointer before
placing it.


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

Insert > Symbol

1. Select the desired symbol in the Symbol selection dialog.

2. Click [OK].

The dialog is closed and the symbol hangs on the mouse pointer, whereby
the current variant used is the first variant (standard variant).

3. Move the cursor to the desired location in the graphical editor.

4. Press the [Ctrl] key and move the mouse around the symbol to switch
between all symbol variants.
Or press the [Shift] key and move the mouse to switch between the mirrored
variants E to H.
Or press the [Tab] key to switch the symbol through the rotated variants (A to

5. Place the desired symbol variant in the schematic (simple click).

EPLAN Training 17
6. Enter the desired data for the device in the Properties <...> dialog.

7. Click [OK].

8. Proceed in a similar manner for all further insertions of the selected symbol.

9. End the action using Popup menu > Cancel action.

EPLAN Training 18

EPLAN Training 19


EPLAN Training 1

1 Editing Device Properties ............................................................................3

2 Displaying Device Properties.......................................................................7

3 Defining and Formatting Device Tags.......................................................13

4 Defining Connection Point Designations..................................................15

5 Assigning Parts Data..................................................................................17

6 Exchanging Devices ...................................................................................19

7 Changing the DT at the Functions.............................................................20

7.1 Change the device tag in all functions and displays of a device .............20
7.2 Change device tags in all views of a function .........................................21
7.3 Change device tags in the selected function...........................................22

8 Defining the Search Direction for DT Adoption........................................24

9 Adopting Connection Point Designations ................................................26

10 Editing the DT in Individual Fields ............................................................29

10.1 Determine DT components .....................................................................29
10.2 Specify the names of the additional format elements..............................31
10.3 Edit DT components ...............................................................................31

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Editing Device Properties

In the <Function category> tab of the <Properties <...> dialog, you can delete
properties assigned to the selected function. The tab is labeled with the function
category of the corresponding function definition, e.g., "Motor", "NO contact", "Safety
fuse", etc. The most important properties are entered into the fields in the top of the
tab, e.g., the displayed or the full DT, the connection point designation, the function
text, etc. In the table of the Properties group box, you have the option of determining
additional properties.

You have opened a project.

You have selected a component in the graphical editor or one or more functions
in a navigator.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the <Function category > tab.

2. Specify the data in the various fields.

EPLAN Training 3
3. From the Category drop-down list, select the type of properties to be
displayed in the Properties table.

Depending on the category selected, the possible properties are displayed

in the table.

4. Click on (New) to display additional properties in the table.

5. In the Property selection dialog select the desired property and click [OK].

In the table, additional rows will be shown with the selected properties.
Depending on the property, these may already be filled with values, or empty.

6. Enter the values for the properties into the Value column as needed.

EPLAN Training 4
7. Select Popup menu > Configure to determine the property arrangement.

In the Property arrangement dialog, all properties are displayed which are
currently shown in the table.

8. Use the arrow buttons to specify the order in which the properties are to be

9. Check the check box before the properties which should be shown for all
functions of the same type in the Properties <...> dialog, and click [OK].

The settings are saved by user.

Properties for which the check box is checked are always shown the next
time the dialog is called, even if they are empty.

Properties for which the check box is not checked are displayed if they are
filled in. The predetermined order applies.

Filled-in, manually modifiable properties are always displayed, even if they

aren't listed in the Property arrangement dialog. Such properties are sorted
down to the end of the table.

EPLAN Training 5

The selected properties are only displayed for components of the same type in
the properties dialog. You can specify a selection of properties for general
devices, terminals, PLC connection points, etc., which should be shown in the

Manually modifiable properties which are filled in cannot be deleted. They are
automatically replaced.


You can also open the properties dialog by double-clicking a component in the
graphical editor or a function in a navigator. Or select Popup menu >
Properties (this way, multiple part placements can also be selected).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6

2 Displaying Device Properties

The Properties <...> dialog shows all properties of the selected devices in topic-
oriented tabs. Arbitrary properties can be placed and thus displayed individually, and
it is possible to enter multi-line text as well. Such individually placed properties can
be docked with each other and made into a single block; when moving, this allows all
the (desired) text to be moved at once and avoids overlapping of multi-line text with
other text.

In general, all properties are stored in symbols which are significant for the symbol
(and the component created later). The position and order of properties and their
display properties (e.g., layers) are already specified. In the Display tab you can then
control whether these preset values fit your requirements or whether certain
properties should be displayed differently.

You have opened a project.

You have selected a component in the graphical editor or one or more functions
in a navigator.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Display tab.

EPLAN Training 7
2. From the Property arrangement drop-down list, select the User defined
entry to define your own display layout.

3. In the list of properties, select the property for which you would like to define
the display settings. (The default values for the individual fields are taken from
the Default settings).

4. Specify the data in the fields.

5. Select Popup menu > Undock to undock a property, that is, to remove it from
the block.

The symbol in front of the property showns this.

6. Select Popup menu > Move up / down to move a selected property up or

down, and thus to allow assignment to another main property.

EPLAN Training 8
7. Select the Invisible check box if the property should not be visible in the
graphical editor.

8. Click (New) on the toolbar above the property list.

9. In the Property selection dialog, select further properties that you would like
to place. (Multiple selection is possible.)

EPLAN Training 9
10. Click [OK].

11. Edit the display settings of these new properties as described above.

12. Select the properties that you no longer require. (Multiple selection is

EPLAN Training 10

13. Click (Delete) in the toolbar above the property list.

The properties are deleted from the list, i.e., without the values that you
previously allocated in the Property selection dialog, so that they may be re-
allocated, if needed.

14. Select an entry from the contact image drop-down list to specify the display of
the contact image.

15. Click [OK].

The properties display is updated.

To use the default values again, simply open the Properties <...> dialog again and,
in the Display tab, select the property arrangement Default value. All your settings
will be discarded and replaced with the default values.


EPLAN Training 11

You can also open the properties dialog by double-clicking a component in the
graphical editor or a function in a navigator. Or select Popup menu >
Properties (this way, multiple part placements can also be selected).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12

3 Defining and Formatting Device Tags

The device tag identifies a device, and can be structured according to different
standards. You can use DIN-compliant structure identifiers or user-defined structures.

You have opened a project.

You have selected a component in the graphical editor or one or more functions
in a navigator.

In the Settings: General dialog (under Options > Settings > Project >
"Project name" > Devices > General), you can have specified how upper-
and lower-case letters and the assignment of preceding signs should be
handled for particular devices.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the <Function category > tab.

2. In the Displayed DT field, enter the DT which should be displayed in the

graphical editor.

The entry in the Full DT field is automatically updated.

3. Click [...] in the Full DT field.

4. In the Full DT dialog, edit the components of the device tag and click [OK].

5. Select the Display tab.

EPLAN Training 13
6. Select the Device tag (visible) property in the list of properties on the left side
of the dialog.

7. Change the display and docking settings from the default values.

The Property arrangement is automatically changed to User-defined.

8. Click [OK].

The device tag is displayed in the graphical editor according to your



You can also open the properties dialog by double-clicking a component in the
graphical editor or a function in a navigator. Or select Popup menu >
Properties (this way, multiple part placements can also be selected).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14

4 Defining Connection Point Designations

Entry of the connection point designation offers all connection point designations
stored in the function definition.

You have opened a project.

You have selected a component in the graphical editor or one or more functions
in a navigator.

Edit > Properties

1. Select the Symbol / function data tab.

In the graphical symbol preview, the connection point designations stored

in the function definition are displayed.

2. Click [...] in the Function definitions field if necessary.

3. In the Connection point data dialog, select the Function definitions tab.

4. Click [OK] if the function definition of the component matches your needs;
otherwise, you can select another function definition.

5. Select the <Function category> tab.

6. In the Connection point designation field, enter the connection point

designations for the current function, or select the data from the drop-down

EPLAN Training 15
7. In the Connection point description field, enter the connection point
descriptions for the current function, or select the data from the drop-down list.

8. Click [OK].

The new or modified data is saved to the component.


You can also open the properties dialog by double-clicking a component in the
graphical editor or a function in a navigator. Or select Popup menu >
Properties (this way, multiple part placements can also be selected).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

5 Assigning Parts Data

Parts data can be assigned to the main functions in the circuit diagram. EPLAN
accesses the master data stored in parts management, making it possible to select
the correct data for the current device with a parts selection dialog.

You have opened a project.

You have selected a component in the graphical editor or one or more functions
in a navigator.

The Main function check box on the Symbol / function data tab is checked.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Part tab.

2. Click [Settings] and select a menu item if you would like to change the
settings for device selection and the data sources for the project and user.

3. Click [...] in the Part number field.

4. In the Part selection dialog select the desired parts. (Multiple selection is

5. Click [OK].

The data is adopted in the corresponding fields of the Parts tab, whereby
the Number of units / quantity field is preset to "1".

EPLAN Training 17
6. If necessary, change the number of units / quantity.

7. If necessary, edit the properties of the part in the right-hand side of the dialog.

8. Click (Delete) to remove parts if they are no longer needed.

9. Click [OK].

The new or modified data is saved to the component.


You can also open the properties dialog by double-clicking a component in the
graphical editor or a function in a navigator. Or select Popup menu >
Properties (this way, multiple part placements can also be selected).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18

6 Exchanging Devices
By exchanging two devices, all functions of the devices are changed, that is, this
action applies to all function definitions of the selected devices.

You have opened a project.

You are in the graphical editor.

1. Select the two devices you wish to exchange.

2. Select the menu items Project data > Devices > Exchange.

All function definitions of the two selected devices are exchanged.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19

7 Changing the DT at the Functions

You can change the DT of all functions and displays of a device in a single action. It
is also possible to change the DT only in the displays, that is single-line, in one
function, or only in the selected function.

You have opened a project.
You have opened the graphical editor or the device navigator.

7.1 Change the device tag in all functions and displays of

a device
If a device contains, for instance, main functions, auxiliary functions, and different
displays of functions, then you can change the DT for all functions and displays at the
same time.

1. Select the function of a device.

2. In the Options menu, select the menu item Properties (device).

3. Double-click a function.

4. In the Properties (device): <...> dialog, select the tab of the main function
<Functional category> (device).

The tab shows the properties of the Device.

5. Click [...] next to the Full DT field.

EPLAN Training 20
6. In the Full DT dialog, change the DT and click [OK].

If functions are changed in a device-wide change which are not identical

with the selected function, then the warning dialog Save change to DT is
shown. Click [Yes].

7. Click in the dialog Properties (device): <...> on [OK].

8. Press [F5] to update.

The DT will be changed in all functions and views of the device.

7.2 Change device tags in all views of a function

If a device contains, for instance, main functions, auxiliary functions, and different
displays of functions, then you can change the DT for all views of one function at the
same time.

1. Select a function.

2. In the Options menu, select the menu item Properties (device).

3. Double-click a function.

4. In the Properties (devices) <...> dialog, select the tab of the main function
<Functional category>.

The tab shows the properties of the Function.

EPLAN Training 21
5. Click [...] next to the Full DT field.

6. In the Full DT dialog, change the DT and click [OK].

7. Click in the dialog Properties (device): <...> on [OK].

8. Press [F5] to update.

The DT is changed in all views of the selected function.

7.3 Change device tags in the selected function

If a device contains, for instance, main functions, auxiliary functions, and different
displays of functions, then you can change the DT exclusively for the selected

1. Select a function.

2. In the Options menu, deselect the menu item Properties (device).

3. Double-click a function.

4. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the tab of the main function <Functional

The tab shows the properties of the selected function.

EPLAN Training 22
5. Click [...] next to the Full DT field.

6. In the Full DT dialog, change the DT and click [OK].

7. In the Properties <...> dialog, click [OK].

8. Press [F5] to update.

The DT is changed in the selected function.



This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 23

8 Defining the Search Direction for DT Adoption

By default, device tags are adopted corresponding to the plot frame orientation.
However, you can change the search direction for any function in which DT adoption
is possible.

You have opened a project.

In the project settings, you have defined that devices and macros are to be
numbered online on insertion (Options > Settings > Projects > "Project
name" > Devices > Numbering (online)).

1. Select a function in the graphical editor or in one of the navigators and select
the menu item Edit > Properties.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the <Function category> tab.

3. In the Properties field of the table, select the "Search direction for transferring
the device tag" property, and select one of the possible settings from the drop-
down list in the Value column.

If the search direction is "According to orientation of plot frame" then the DT

is taken from the left in projects on the IEC standard and from above in
projects on the NFPA standard.

If the search direction is "As as alternative to orientation of plot frame" then

the DT is taken from above in projects on the IEC standard and from the left in
projects on the NFPA standard.

4. Click [OK].

To prevent DT adoption in general, deselect online numbering.

EPLAN Training 24

To prevent DT adoption for individual functions, set the alternative search

direction for those functions. Then no function may lie in the changed search
direction from which the DT can be adopted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25

9 Adopting Connection Point Designations

The connection point designation can as with DT adoption be adopted from a
function lying in the search direction.

You have opened a project.

In the project settings, you have defined that devices and macros are to be
numbered online on insertion (Options > Settings > Projects > "Project
name" > Devices > Numbering (online)).

1. Select a function in the graphical editor or in one of the navigators and select
the menu item Edit > Properties.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the <Function category> tab.

3. In the Connection point designation field, select an entry from the drop-
down list or enter the desired connection designation manually. The field
should contain all connection point designations which should be assigned to
the current and subsequent components.

4. Depending on the plot frame, place an additional component to the right of or

below the component:

5. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the <Function category> tab.

EPLAN Training 26
6. In the Connection point designation field, select an entry from the drop-
down list.

In the list, the superfluous connection point designations are listed which
are not needed for the first component.

7. Click [OK].

Three power NO contacts (depending on the plot frame used) lie next to one another
or one above the other in the circuit diagram. When generating symbols for the power
NO contact, the possible connection point designations are preset to "1;2", "3;4", and

For the first contact, the following possible connection point designations are offered:


If you select the entry "1;2,3;4;5;6", the power NO contact can pass the unneeded
connection point designations on to the following components. For the second power
NO contact, then, the following connection point designations are offered:


The following table illustrates the behavior for different entries for the connection
point designations of the first power NO contact:

Connection point
The connection point designations of all three component
are influenced.
Only the first component is affected. The connection point
designations of the following components are not changed.
EPLAN Training 27

The first and second components are affected, but the third
component is not changed.
In the first component, "1;2" is entered as the connection
1;2;;;;; point designation, and the connection point designations of
the other two components are deleted.
In the first component, the connection point designations are
deleted. The two other components are not changed.
In the first component, the first connection point designation
is filled with a "1", and the second connection point
designation is deleted. The two other components are not
In the first component, the first connection point designation
;2 is deleted, and the second connection point designation is
filled with a "2". The two other components are not changed.
In the first component, the connection point designations are
deleted. The two other components are not changed.
The connection point designations of all three components
1;2;3;4;5;6;A;B;C;D are influenced. Superfluous connection point designations
are removed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 28

10 Editing the DT in Individual Fields

If you do not use the standard DT format for the identification and numbering of
devices, you can specify an extended user-defined DT format with additional
format elements. All components of the DT can be edited in the individual fields.

You have opened a project.

10.1 Determine DT components

Page > Navigator

1. Select a project and select Popup menu > Project > Properties.

EPLAN Training 29
2. Select the DT structure tab.

3. Check the Edit DT in individual fields check box.

4. For each desired category, specify the components of the DT by checking or

unchecking the corresponding check boxes in the rows.

5. To specify the order of the components in the DT, click on the buttons in the

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 30

10.2 Specify the names of the additional format elements

If you have selected a "DT: Supplementary field <...>" as a DT component, then you
can given this additional format element a name.

Options > Settings > Project > "Project name" > Management > Supplementary

1. Select the DT tab.

2. In the New name column, specify a name for the "Supplementary field"

10.3 Edit DT components

In the DT structure tab of the Project properties dialog, the Edit DT in
individual fields check box is checked.

You have placed a function using Insert > Symbol or double-clicked on a


1. In the Properties (components) <Function category> dialog, select the DT


The visible and full DT are shown. In the Property name and Value
columns, the DT components of the full DT are shown.

EPLAN Training 31
2. To edit a DT component, click next to a DT component in the Value column.

3. To select a different existing structure identifier for a DT component, click [...]

in the Value column of an identifier block and select a structure identifier from
the dialog which appears.

EPLAN Training 32

EPLAN Training 33
DT Syntax Check

DT Syntax Check

EPLAN Training 1
DT Syntax Check

1 Checking Device Tags..................................................................................3

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
DT Syntax Check

1 Checking Device Tags

A device typically contains all of the identifying information (such as higher-level
function, mounting location, and identifier) in its device tag. An identifier check
function is available for checking the length and validity of the characters in the
specifications for the DT.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > DT syntax check

1. In the Settings: DT syntax check dialog, check the Enable check check box.

2. In the group boxes Identifier blocks, Device tags, and Count numbers,
specify the scope of the test for the components of the DT.

3. Click [OK].

After specifying the device data in the Properties <...> dialog, EPLAN checks
whether the syntax for the specified device tag identifier is correct.

If this is not the case, EPLAN opens a message dialog in which the incorrect
elements are displayed. Via [Settings], you can go from this message dialog to the
setting for DT syntax checking. There you can check, and if necessary, correct your
syntax settings. If the "error" is a an intentional deviation from the syntax, you can
EPLAN Training 3
DT Syntax Check
select [Ignore] to leave the dialog and accept your entry without having to change
the settings.

EPLAN Training 4
DT Syntax Check

EPLAN Training 5


EPLAN Training 1

1 Performing Settings for Cross-reference Display......................................3

2 Performing Settings for Contact Image Display.........................................6

2.1 Define contact image settings on a project-specific basis.........................6
2.2 Define the contact image at the component..............................................9
2.2.1Change the contact image position........................................................ 10

3 Creating Device Cross-references ............................................................13

3.1 Create device cross-references between multi-line and single-line
displays ...................................................................................................15

4 Creating Pair Cross-references .................................................................18

5 Creating Interruption Point Cross-references ..........................................20

5.1 Create star cross-references...................................................................20

6 Creating Mounting Panel Cross-references .............................................22

6.1 Mark mounting panel cross-references...................................................25

7 Creating PLC Cross-references.................................................................26

7.1 Create cross-references between PLC connection points ......................26

8 Creating Device Tag List Cross-references..............................................29

8.1 Display device tag list cross-references to auxiliary functions ................31
8.2 Mark device tag list cross-references......................................................31

9 Manually Creating Cross-references.........................................................33

10 Optimizing the Cross-reference Display...................................................35

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Performing Settings for Cross-reference

The cross-reference is important in order to locate a component within a multitude of
pages. For this reason, the cross-reference must uniquely designate the page that is
being searched. An orientation within the page is also required, the column. Since a
column can also be relatively large, the row provides a further orientation within the


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact

1. Select the Interruption points settings section.

2. In the Display group box, define how the cross-references to interruption

points are to be displayed.

3. Select the settings area General.

EPLAN Training 3
4. In the Display group box, define how the cross-references at the item are to
be displayed.

5. In the Separator group box, you define which character is to be used as a

separator betweenPage and column as well as Row and column.

6. In the Marker for group box, you define which character is to be used as a
marker to visually distinguish between the various cross-reference types.

7. Select the Display settings section.

8. For each of the different page types, you define here which cross-references
to other page types are to be displayed and in what order.

9. You also use the Display overview cross-references group box in the
Display section to specify the treatment of overview cross-references.

10. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 4
The settings are adopted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5

2 Performing Settings for Contact Image Display

The contact image settings can be pre-defined on a project-specific basis, but they
can also be individually defined for every device. The component settings have
priority over the project settings.

2.1 Define contact image settings on a project-specific



You have opened a project.

1. Select Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references
/ contact image.

EPLAN Training 6
2. Select the General settings section.

3. In the Contact image table group box, enter the character for labeling the
contact image table.

4. In this group box, you also enter the Width and Height values for the contact
image table.

5. Select the Motor overload switch settings section.

EPLAN Training 7
6. Here you define how cross-references and contact images for Motor overload
switches are to be displayed.

7. Select the Show in tabular form check box if page number and column
designation in the cross-reference are to be entered in tabular form; the table
headings for NC and NO contacts are taken from the Contact image table
headings: Labeling ( General settings section.

8. Select the Table cross with variable length check box if the table cross
should be automatically adjusted to suit the maximum size of the contact
image entries, in this case, the setting Contact image table: Width / height
(settings area General) is not taken into account.

9. In the Rotation field, select the desired value if the contact image is to be
displayed at a different angle to the default value.

10. If the part and / or type numbers on the contact image of the motor overload
switch are to be displayed at different positions, select the appropriate entries
in the Display of 1st / 2nd part number and Display of 1st / 2nd part type
drop-down lists.

EPLAN Training 8
11. Select the Contactors settings section.

12. Here you define how cross-references and contact images for Contactors are
to be displayed. (The data entry possibilities are identical to those for motor
overload switches).

13. Click [OK].

The settings are adopted.

2.2 Define the contact image at the component


EPLAN Training 9
You have opened a project and selected a schematic page for editing.

You have used a double-click to open the properties dialog of a component for
which you can define a contact image (e.g. general device, cable, or shield).

1. In the Display tab of the property dialog, in the Contact image drop-down list,
select the Coil or Motor overload switch entry.

EPLAN displays the Contact image settings tab.

2. Select the Contact image settings tab.

3. Select the User-defined check box if you do not want to use the default
settings from the project settings.

4. In the Display group box, define how the contact image for the currently
selected device is to be displayed.

5. Click [OK].

The contact image is displayed according to the component settings.

You can change the component-specific settings at any time by double-clicking the
device and then selecting a different entry from the Contact image drop-down list, or
by changing the settings in the Contact image settings tab.

2.2.1 Change the contact image position


You have selected the Coil or Motor overload switch entry in the Display tab of the
property dialog from the Contact image drop-down list.

EPLAN Training 10
1. Click [...] next to the Contact image drop-down list.

2. In the Contact image position dialog, select the Automatically aligned

check box if EPLAN is to automatically position the contact image vertically
below the associated main function.

3. Deselect the check box if you wish to define the contact image position
yourself, and enter the distances by which the contact image is to be offset in
the X position and Y position fields.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 11
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12

3 Creating Device Cross-references

A device may be composed of different items for which different components may be
used for the graphical display in the schematic. The components belonging to a
device may be distributed over several project pages; in this case we refer to a
"distributed display" of the device. All components belonging to the same device
receive the same device tag. EPLAN automatically adds a cross-reference to all
components with the same device tag.

You have opened a project that contains several multi-line schematic pages.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /
contact image > General, you have defined the display settings for cross-

You have placed a function on one of the schematic pages (e.g. a contactor

You have placed further functions on other schematic pages (e.g. NO contacts).

All functions have different device tags.

1. Select the menu item Project data > Devices > Navigator.

EPLAN Training 13
2. Select all newly inserted functions in the device navigator.

3. Select Popup menu > Properties.

EPLAN Training 14
4. In the Displayed DT field of the <Function category> tab of the DT
Properties <...> dialog, specify the DT that is to receive all selected functions.

5. Click [OK].

Cross-references are now created and displayed at the affected

components in the schematic. The display of the cross-references depends on
the display settings.

3.1 Create device cross-references between multi-line

and single-line displays
Cross-references can also be created between devices in schematic pages having
multi-line and single-line displays.


EPLAN Training 15
You have opened a project.

You have loaded a multi-line and a single-line symbol library into your project.

You have created a multi-line schematic page.

You have created a single-line schematic page.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross references /
contact image > Display, in the Display device cross-references group
box, you have specified that cross-references between multi-line and single-
line displays are to be displayed, and vice-versa.

1. Open the multi-line schematic page and insert a multi-line symbol from the
Multi-line symbol library.

2. Enter the device tag into the properties dialog and click [OK].

3. Open the single-line schematic page and insert an appropriate symbol from
the Single-line symbol library.

4. Enter the same device tag into the properties dialog and click [OK].

5. Open both pages in separate editors to observe the cross-reference display.


On a multi-line schematic page you have inserted a 3-pole switch from a multi-line
symbol library and given it the device tag "-Q1" (left side of the illustration). You have
also inserted the same symbol into a single-line schematic page from a single-line
symbol library and given it a device tag of "-Q1" (right side of the illustration). The
cross-reference is now created and displayed with the components on both pages.

EPLAN Training 16

The 3-pole switch "Q1" on the multi-line schematic page (left) points to the 3-pole
switch "Q1" on the single-line display (right) and vice-versa.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17

4 Creating Pair Cross-references

A pair cross-reference is usually used with motor overload switches or power circuit
breakers. It is created by doubly placing a contact in the schematic. The first-placed
pair cross-reference contact, at the main function, points to its counterpart, the
second contact, which is "wired" in the schematic. This wired contact in turn points
back to the associated pair cross-reference contact at the main function. To allow
EPLAN to create a pair cross-reference, the Representation type of the pair cross-
reference contact must be set to Pair cross-reference.


Display of a pair cross-reference

You have opened a project and are in a schematic page.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /
contact image > General, you have defined the display settings for cross-

The schematic contains a motor overload switch or a power circuit breaker which
you have defined as a main function.

1. Double-click the component that you wish to define as a pair cross-reference.

2. In the Displayed DT field of the <Function category> tab of the properties

dialog, enter the DT of the device with which the component is to be cross-

EPLAN Training 18
3. In the Representation type drop-down list of the Symbol / Function data
tab, select the Pair cross-reference setting.

4. Click [OK].

The "Pair cross-reference" and the "logical" device are cross-referenced,

i.e., the cross-references point to each other and no longer to the main
element. The existence of a pair cross-reference symbol thus changes the
cross-reference behavior of the main and auxiliary functions.


A motor overload switch Q1:1;2;3;4;5;6 (main function) and the two contacts
Q1:13;14 and Q1:23;24 (both auxiliary functions) are placed in the schematic. As
with a normal device cross-reference the motor overload switch points to both
contacts, and the contacts each point to the motor overload switch.
A pair cross-reference Q1:13;14 is now inserted. This changes the cross-reference
behavior as follows:

The contact Q1:13;14 now points to the pair cross-reference symbol but no
longer to the main function.

The pair cross-reference symbol points to the contact Q1:13;14.

The main function still points to the contact Q1:23;24, but no longer to the
contact Q1:13;14.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19

5 Creating Interruption Point Cross-references

Interruption points carrying the same displayed DT form cross-references. Two forms
of cross-references are distinguished:

Star cross-reference: With a star cross-reference, an interruption point is defined

as the starting point. All other interruption points of the same name refer to this
starting point. At the starting point, a formattable list of the cross-references to
the other interruption points is displayed. Here, you can define how many
cross-references are to be displayed alongside or between each other.

Chain cross-reference: With chain cross-references, the first interruption point

refers to the second, the third to the fourth, etc., meaning that the references
follow from page to page.

5.1 Create star cross-references

You have opened a project.

You have inserted several interruption points with the same displayed DT.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /
contact image > Interruption points, you have defined the display settings
for interruption point cross-references.

1. Double-click one of the interruption points in the schematic.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Star source check box in the
Interruption point tab.

3. Click [OK].

The interruption point defined as the star source now points to all other
interruption points with the same DT in the project. These in turn now point to
the star source.

EPLAN Training 20

You automatically receive a Chain cross reference if you deselect the Star
source check box.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21

6 Creating Mounting Panel Cross-references

At a part or device placed on a mounting panel, you can create a cross-reference
pointing to the associated main function in the schematic. You can also do the
reverse and create a cross-reference at the main function in the schematic that points
to the placed part or device on the mounting panel.

You have opened a project.

You have created a multi-line schematic page.

You have created a page of the type "Panel layout".

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross references /
contact image > Display, in the Display device cross-references group
box, you have specified that cross-references between multi-line schematic
pages and pages of type "Panel layout" are to be displayed.

1. Open the multi-line schematic page in the graphical editor and insert a symbol,
for example, a contactor coil.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter a Device tag for the contactor coil, for
example, "K1".

3. Select the Symbol / function data tab of the properties dialog and, if not
already selected, select the Main function check box in the Function data
(logic) group box.

4. Switch to the Part tab, and in the first free field under Part Number click [...].

5. Navigate through the Part selection tree view under "Electrical engineering"
to the "Relays / contactors" product group.

EPLAN Training 22
6. Select the appropriate part containing width and height information.

7. Click [OK].

The part selection dialog is then closed and you are back in the properties

8. Click [OK].

9. Open the page of "Panel layout" type.

10. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
Mounting panel, and draw a rectangular mounting panel.

11. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Device tag of the mounting panel and
click [OK].

12. Select the menu item Project data > Devices / parts > Panel layout

13. In the tree view of the Panel layout - <Project Name> dialog, select the
current project and navigate under >Unplaced" to the part number of the

14. Select the part and then select Popup menu > Place on mounting panel.

EPLAN Training 23
A rectangular graphic now hangs on the cursor whose dimension EPLAN
has taken from the part information of the selected contactor.

15. Move the graphic inside the mounting panel and place it there with a mouse

A cross-reference is now created at the contactor coil in the schematic,

pointing to the placed part on the "Panel layout" page. Conversely, a cross-
reference is created pointing to the contactor coil in the schematic on the
"Panel layout".

16. Open both pages in separate editors to observe the cross-reference display.


The contactor "-K1" in the schematic (left side of the illustration) points within the
panel layout (left side of the illustration) to the part "001ART" placed inside the
mounting panel "U1" and vice-versa.

EPLAN Training 24

6.1 Mark mounting panel cross-references

To use a marking for highlighting mounting panel cross-references to main functions
in the schematic, proceed as follows:

1. Select the menu item Options > Settings > Projects > "Project Name" >
Cross-references / contact image > General.

2. In the Settings: General dialog, in the Marker for group box, enter any
desired character for the Panel layout.

3. Click [OK].

4. Update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.


You have entered the "%" character as marker text for cross-references to the
mounting panel (panel layout). In the schematic, this setting is displayed at the main
function as follows:

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25

7 Creating PLC Cross-references

A PLC usually consists of several PLC cards, each of which may contain a different
number of PLC connection points in the form of inputs and outputs. A PLC card is
represented in EPLAN using a PLC box, where a physical PLC card can be placed
distributed over several schematic pages. In this case, there are then several PLC
boxes with the same device tag that are actually all part of a single PLC card. For
example, a PLC card with 32 inputs can be displayed on four pages, with a PLC box
with eight inputs being drawn on each page.

For distributed display of PLC cards, the so-called PLC card overview eases the
process of finding PLC connection points within the schematic. It represents the
physical cards of the PLC, which are represented in the distributed schematic view by
the individual PLC boxes. It graphically displays which inputs / outputs are occupied
and which are available, which actuators and sensors they are connected to, and on
which schematic page they are displayed. This type of overview can depending on
the manufacturer and type contain a different number of inputs and outputs. You
draw PLC card overviews on pages of type "Overview". A synchronization in the form
of cross-references occurs between the PLC card overview and the schematic
pages. The PLC cross-reference then points to its reference in the overview page
and vice-versa.

In order for EPLAN to create and display PLC cross-references between a PLC
connection point in the schematic and a PLC connection point in the overview, the
following properties of both connection points on both pages must agree:

The device tag

The connection point number

The function definition.

The PLC address does not provide identification and has no importance in the
formation of cross-references.

7.1 Create cross-references between PLC connection



EPLAN Training 26
You have opened a project.

You have created a multi-line schematic page.

You have created a page of type "Overview".

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references /
contact image > Display, you have selected all check boxes in the Display
overview cross-references group box.

1. Open the multi-line schematic page in the graphical editor.

2. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
PLC box , and draw a rectangular PLC box representing the PLC card.

3. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Device tag of the PLC card and click

4. Open the overview page and draw a PLC box representing a PLC card.

5. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Same device tag as the PLC card on
the schematic page and click [OK].

6. Select Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel > PLC connection
point (DI) and place a PLC connection point inside the PLC box in the
overview page.

7. In the Properties <...> dialog of the PLC connection point, enter the
Connection point designation and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 27
8. Open the schematic page and insert a PLC connection point within the PLC

9. In the Properties dialog, enter the Same connection point designation as the
PLC connection point on the overview page.

Both PLC cards now "inherit" the PLC connection point device tags, since
the connection points are located within the drawn boxes. Since the DT,
connection point designation, and function definition of both PLC connection
points are identical, EPLAN creates cross-references between both
connections and displays them at the components in the schematic and in the
overview page.

10. Open both pages in separate editors to observe the cross-reference display.


The PLC connection point "-A1:1" in the schematic (left side of the illustration) points
to the PLC connection point "-A1:1" in the overview page (right side of the illustration)
and vice-versa. The address "I1.0" has no effect on the cross-reference creation.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 28

8 Creating Device Tag List Cross-references

For all main functions and auxiliary functions in the schematic, an extra cross-
reference can be created and displayed that points to the device tag list containing
the respective device. The cross-reference can be identified by marker text, a special
character that allows it to be distinguished from other cross references.

You have opened a project.

You have created a multi-line schematic page.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross references /
contact image > Display, in the Display device cross-references group
box, you have specified that cross-references between multi-line schematic
pages and pages of type "Device tag list" are to be displayed, and vice-versa.

1. Open the multi-line schematic page in the graphical editor and insert a few
symbols, e.g., a transformer, a fuse, and a signal lamp.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the Device tag for each of the
components, for example, "-T1" for the transformer, "-F1" for the fuse and "H1"
for the signal lamp.

3. Switch to the Symbol / Function data tab of the Properties <...> dialog for
each component and, if not already selected, select the Main function check
box in the Function data (logic) group box.

4. Also switch to the Parts tab for each part, and use the Parts selection to
assign a suitable part number to each component.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 29
6. Select the menu item Utilities > Reports > Generate.

7. In the Reports - <Project name> dialog, click [New].

8. In the Select report dialog, in the Select report type list, select the "Device
tag list" entry and click [OK].

9. In the Filter / sorting - Device tag list dialog, click [OK].

10. In the Device tag list <...> dialog, enter the appropriate structure identifier for
the classification of the device tag list in the project, define the page number
and click [OK].

The device tag list is created.

Cross-reference information is now displayed at the main function of the
components in the schematic, which points to the appropriate components in
the device tag list. Conversely, cross-reference information is now displayed in
the device tag list, which points to the associated components in the

11. Close the Reports - <Project name> dialog.

12. Open the schematic page and the device tag list in separate editors to observe
the cross-reference display.


The transformer T1, the fuse F1, and the signal lamp H1 in the schematic (left side of
the illustration) point to the appropriate components in the device tag list (right side of

EPLAN Training 30

the illustration). Conversely, the cross-references in the device tag list point to the
appropriate components in the schematic.

8.1 Display device tag list cross-references to auxiliary

If you wish device cross-references from distributed displayed devices in the
schematic also to be displayed at the auxiliary functions, then proceed as follows:

1. Select Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references
/ contact image > General, and select the Auxiliary functions also refer to
the device tag list check box.

2. Click [OK].

3. Update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.

8.2 Mark device tag list cross-references

To use a marking for highlighting device cross-references in the schematic, proceed
as follows:

EPLAN Training 31
1. Select Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references
/ contact image > General , and in the Marker for group box enter a marker
text character for Device tag lists.

2. Click [OK].

3. Update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.


You have entered the ">" character as marker text for cross-references to the device
tag list. This setting is presented in the schematic as follows:

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32

9 Manually Creating Cross-references

Manual cross-references are simple multi-line texts that can be displayed at the
component together with the "normal" cross-reference. EPLAN positions the manual
cross-reference before the automatically created cross-reference.


You have opened a project.

1. Select a schematic page for editing.

2. Double-click the component where you wish to display a manual cross-


3. In the <Function category> tab of the Properties <...> dialog, in the

Properties group box, click (New).

4. In the Property selection dialog, select the Manual cross-reference


5. Click [OK].

6. In the Value field of the Manual cross-reference property, enter the desired

EPLAN Training 33
7. Select Popup menu > Line break to force a line break, or select Popup
menu > Multi-line input to enter multi-line text in the Multi-line editing
dialog. A line break is then forced using [Ctrl]+[Enter].

8. Click [OK].

The text is entered into the Value field.

9. Click [OK].

The manual cross-reference is written to the symbol.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 34

10 Optimizing the Cross-reference Display

The cross-references displayed in the project are basically composed of the full
device tag, the page (including the defined separator before the page) and the
position in the plot frame used, which is output as a column and/or row designation.
Cross-references allow you to quickly find the functions of a device represented as
distributed over a project. The relevant function can be quickly found through the
page, column and/or row information. Page, column, and row are only displayed
when a device identifier (for example, for the "Higher-level function" identifier block) is
not equal to the superior level (page). The following rules apply to this display

As the superior level, only the current page is visible, meaning that no location
box, etc., is taken into account.

[Separator]Page number[Separator]column[Separator]row is displayed when a

device identifier (for example, for the "Higher-level function" identifier block) is
not equal to the superior layer (page).

If the identifying identifier blocks are identical to the superior level, they can be

If all identifying properties are identical, the page number can also be

[Separator]Page[Separator]Line is never hidden.

If the cross-reference only points to the column (the row), the cross-reference
element is on the same page.

The following settings can be made in addition to the automatic optimization:


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Cross-references / contact
image > General

1. Select the Apply cross-reference abbreviation rules to DTs check box if the
rules above are not only to be used for the page information but also for the
full DT.

EPLAN Training 35
2. Select the Suppress identical page check box, if the page number is also to
be suppressed; this is only possible for cross-references for which all
identifying properties are identical.

3. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 36

EPLAN Training 37
Connection Symbols

Connection Symbols

EPLAN Training 1
Connection Symbols

1 Drawing Nodes as Target or Point Wiring ..................................................3

2 Specifying the Settings for the Display of Wiring ......................................4

3 Inserting Connection Symbols ....................................................................5

3.1 Insert angles .............................................................................................5
3.2 Insert T-nodes, double junctions, and jumpers .........................................6

4 Inserting Dynamic Connection Symbols ..................................................10

4.1 Insert dynamic symbols for diagonal connections...................................10

5 Interrupting Connections ...........................................................................13

6 Exchanging Connection Symbols .............................................................15

7 Inserting Busbars .......................................................................................18

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Connection Symbols

1 Drawing Nodes as Target or Point Wiring

For connection symbols there is a series of user-specific settings regarding the
drawing of symbols. Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Graphical editing > General, there are also additional project-related settings which
influence the display of connection symbols.

Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing > Connection symbols

1. In the Draw connection junctions group box in the Settings: Connection

symbols dialog specify how the connection symbols should be drawn in the
graphical editor.

2. Select the Connection symbols with prompt check box if a prompt dialog
regarding the wiring should be shown when drawing connection symbols. (If
you have selected the Target or Point wiring option in the Display
connection junction as group box, this check box is automatically selected
and grayed out.)

3. Click [OK].

The connection symbols are then prepopulated accordingly when drawing.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3
Connection Symbols

2 Specifying the Settings for the Display of

The general project-specific settings for graphical editing include various areas that
influence the work in the graphical editor.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Graphical editing > General

1. In the Display connection junctions as group box specify how connection

symbols are to be displayed in the graphical editor.

2. Specify other general settings by selecting / deselecting the check boxes.

3. Click [OK].

The connection symbols are then displayed accordingly.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Connection Symbols

3 Inserting Connection Symbols

Connection symbols are managed in the SPECIAL.slk symbol library. They
represent the flow of connections and have no function definitions.

3.1 Insert angles

There are four angle variants. An angle always has a 90 "bend".


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

Insert > Connection symbol

1. From the submenu select the angle you would like to insert.

The angle hangs on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 5
Connection Symbols
2. If required, hold down the [Ctrl] key and move the mouse to page through the
previous variants.

3. Click the left mouse button to place the angle on the page.

4. Proceed this way for all additional angles that you would like to insert on the

5. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

3.2 Insert T-nodes, double junctions, and jumpers

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

Under Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing > Connection symbols
you have selected the Target or point wiring option or you have selected the
Connection symbols with prompt check box.

Insert > Connection symbol

EPLAN Training 6
Connection Symbols
1. From the submenu select the connection symbol you would like to insert.

2. In the subsequent dialog select the desired target-specific variant.

EPLAN Training 7
Connection Symbols
3. Select the Draw as point check box if the connection symbol should be drawn
as point wiring.

4. Click [OK].

The connection symbol hangs on the cursor.

5. If required, hold down the [Ctrl] key and move the mouse to page through the
previous variants.

6. Click the left mouse button to place the connection symbol on the page.

7. Proceed this way for all additional connection symbols of this type that you
would like to insert on the page.

EPLAN Training 8
Connection Symbols
8. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Connection Symbols

4 Inserting Dynamic Connection Symbols

Dynamic connection symbols are managed in the SPECIAL.slk symbol library.
Dynamic symbols are symbols without fixed graphics. These include:

Dynamic symbols for diagonal connections

Cable definitions
Connection definition points
Potential definition points
Potential connection points.

4.1 Insert dynamic symbols for diagonal connections

It is often the case that a phase rotation must be generated over diagonal lines.
Dynamic symbols are used to draw these connections over diagonal lines.


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection symbol > Diagonal.

The symbol hangs on the mouse pointer.

EPLAN Training 10
Connection Symbols
2. Click to place the starting point of the diagonal connection line.

3. Click to place the ending point of the diagonal connection line.

4. Proceed in a similar manner for all further diagonal connection lines.

5. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

EPLAN Training 11
Connection Symbols
The diagonal connection line is drawn.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Connection Symbols

5 Interrupting Connections
Autoconnecting can sometimes create unwanted connections in the schematic (e.g.,
to motor overload switch auxiliary contacts). You can interrupt these connections by
inserting a break point between the connection points. A break point is an invisible
symbol without connection points that prevents autoconnecting or that interrupts an
existing autoconnect line.

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

The page contains autoconnect lines.

Insert > Connection symbol > Break point

1. Click between the two connection points on the autoconnect line to be


The autoconnect line is interrupted, i.e., the connection is deleted.

EPLAN Training 13
Connection Symbols
2. Proceed in a similar way for all additional autoconnect lines that are to be

3. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14
Connection Symbols

6 Exchanging Connection Symbols

Connection symbols can be exchanged using the "Draw over" function.

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

The page contains connection symbols.

You have selected the Connection symbols with prompt check box in the user
settings (Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing > Connection

1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection symbol.

2. Select the connection symbol you would like to insert from the menu that

EPLAN Training 15
Connection Symbols
3. In the subsequent dialog select the desired target-specific variants for T-
nodes, double junctions, and jumpers.

4. Select the Draw as point check box if the connection symbol should be drawn
as point wiring.

5. Click [OK].

The connection symbol hangs on the cursor.

6. If required, hold down the [Ctrl] key and move the mouse to page through the
previous variants.

7. With the left mouse button click the insertion point of an existing connection
symbol in order to place the new connection symbol on this location.

8. Proceed in a similar manner for all additional connection symbols.

EPLAN Training 16
Connection Symbols
9. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

The original connection symbol is replaced by the new one. The following restriction
applies to interruption points: An interruption point can draw over other connection
symbols but not vice-versa.

As soon as you double-click the connection symbol with the left mouse button, a
dialog containing the list of variants for the selected connection symbol opens. Select
a variant to replace the current variant. This does not apply to angles.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Connection Symbols

7 Inserting Busbars
The busbar symbol is stored in the SPECIAL.slk symbol library. It has four variants
and the text positions are managed like device connection points.


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

1. Select the menu items Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
Busbar connection point.

The symbol for the busbar connection point hangs on the cursor.

2. If required, hold down the [Ctrl] key and move the mouse to page through the
previous variants.

3. Click the left mouse button to place the connection point symbol on the page.

4. Specify the busbar connection point properties in the Properties <...> dialog.

5. Click [OK].

6. Proceed in a similar manner for all of the other busbar connection points.

7. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

EPLAN Training 18
Connection Symbols

EPLAN Training 19


EPLAN Training 1

1 Editing the Connections...............................................................................3

1.1 Designate connections..............................................................................3
1.2 Update connections ..................................................................................4
1.3 Interrupt connections ................................................................................5
1.4 Delete connections ...................................................................................6

2 Using Smart Connect .................................................................................10

3 Drawing Connection Definition Points......................................................11

4 Predefining Connection Properties...........................................................13

5 Specifying Connection Properties for the Potential ................................15

6 Specifying Connection Properties via Connection Definition Points ....17

7 Viewing and Editing the Connection Properties ......................................19

8 Using Existing Connections ......................................................................21

9 Placing Connections ..................................................................................23

9.1 Delete connection placements ................................................................24

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Editing the Connections

Here, you will see how you draw, update, interrupt, and delete connections.

1.1 Designate connections

Autoconnect lines are automatically generated in EPLAN as soon as two connection
points are aligned, horizontally or vertically, directly opposite each other.

You can use connection symbols to specify the course of the connections.

1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection symbol and select the
appropriate symbol from the submenu.

EPLAN Training 3
2. If you want to rotate the symbol, hold the [Ctrl] key down and move the mouse
in a circle.

The symbol is rotated in 90 steps.

3. Click in the schematic to place the symbol on the page.


Autoconnecting initially generates only a graphical line, not a connection with data.
For certain actions (e.g., closing a page) the connections are first automatically
updated. In doing this, new connections are generated based on the available
information or existing connections are updated. You can also manually call up the
update of connections at any time.

1.2 Update connections

Connection properties are defined at four different locations: in the project settings, at
potential connection points, potential definition points, and connection definition
points. Connection data is not immediately automatically updated after changes. You
can manually update them if you need to.


You can tell if connections are up-to-date by looking at the right edge of the status
bar: If the "#" sign is displayed, the project has out-of-date connections. If the "*" sign
is displayed, the open page has out-of-date connections.


You have opened a page in the graphical editor or selected pages in the page

EPLAN Training 4
1. Select the menu items Project data > Connections > Update.

EPLAN regenerates all connections in the project. A progress bar is

displayed allowing you to cancel the process.

1.3 Interrupt connections

A connection can be interrupted using a break point.

EPLAN Training 5
1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection symbol > Break point and place
the break point on a connection line.

EPLAN separates the corresponding connection.

1.4 Delete connections

Connections are automatically deleted if you move a component in the schematic
and its connection points can no longer find its counterpart. Any existing connection
definition points remain.

Unplaced connections can be deleted in the Connections - <Project name> dialog:

EPLAN Training 6
1. Select the menu items Project data > Connections > Navigator.

EPLAN Training 7
2. In the Connections - <Project name> dialog select the unplaced connections
you want to delete.

EPLAN Training 8
3. Select Popup menu > Delete.

After a confirmation prompt the connections in question are deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9

2 Using Smart Connect

Smart connect allows the movement of symbols in the schematic while retaining the


You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Options > Smart connect

1. Hold down the left mouse button and move a symbol in the schematic.

After releasing the left mouse button, the autoconnect lines are
automatically redrawn.

2. If you no longer wish to use smart connect, reselect the menu item Options >
Smart connect.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10

3 Drawing Connection Definition Points

Connections also be assigned properties via connection definition points.

1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection definition point.

The symbol for the connection definition point hangs on the cursor.

2. Click in the schematic to place the connection definition point.

EPLAN Training 11
3. In the Properties <...> dialog specify the connection properties in the
Connection definition point tab (and other properties in the other tabs, if

4. Click [OK].

The properties are assigned to the connection passing through the

connection definition point.


You can insert multiple connection definition points at the same time by holding the
left mouse button down and pulling the cursor over multiple autoconnect lines.
At each autoconnect line intersected, a connection definition point is then

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12

4 Predefining Connection Properties

Connections are given properties once from the defaults in the project and the
properties of the potential. All other properties are specified in the connection
definition points.

You can specify certain properties for connections in the project settings that are then
assigned to every connection generated.

The properties specified in the project are inherited by the potential. The potentials
then pass on their properties to the signals and then the connections. You can
manually change the data on the individual levels and define additional properties.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Connections > Properties

1. Select the desired tab, Electrical Engineering, Hydraulic, Pneumatic,

Cooling , or Lubrication.

2. In the individual fields specify the default values for the connection properties.

EPLAN Training 13
3. Click [OK].

The default values are saved. When generating a connection it is

automatically assigned the corresponding default values.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14

5 Specifying Connection Properties for the

Properties can also be assigned to a connection via the potential connection points
or potential definition points. If a connection with a potential connection point is
connected, or it intersects a potential definition point, it automatically inherits the
connection properties.


The connection leads to a potential connection point or intersects a potential

definition point.

1. Double-click the potential connection point or potential definition point.

2. Specify the name of the signal and the potential in the Potential definition tab
of the Properties <...> dialog in the Name of potential and Signal name
fields. Click [...] to open a selection dialog with signal and potential names
defined in the project.

EPLAN Training 15
3. In the Properties field change the values for the already specified properties,
or create new ones.

4. In the Display tab you can change how properties are displayed in the
schematic and in the Connection graphic tab you can change the graphical
properties of the connection lines.

5. Click [OK].

The defined properties are assigned to all connections attached to the

potential in question.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

6 Specifying Connection Properties via

Connection Definition Points
Connection definition points define the properties of connections which run under

1. Double-click the connection definition point.

2. In the Connection definition point tab of the Properties <...> dialog, change
the default connection properties or create new ones.

EPLAN Training 17
3. In the Display tab you can change how properties are displayed in the
schematic and in the Connection graphic tab you can change the graphical
properties of the connection lines.

4. In the Parts tab you can assign parts data to the connection.

5. Click [OK].

The defined properties are only assigned to the connection that intersects
the connection definition point in question. You can change the properties of
more than one connection if you make a multiple selection of connection
definition points.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18

7 Viewing and Editing the Connection Properties

Connection properties can be viewed and edited in the Connections - <Project
name> dialog.

Project data > Connections > Navigator

1. In the Connections - <Project name> dialog mark the desired connections

and select Popup menu > Edit.

EPLAN Training 19
2. In the Properties <...> dialog change the connection properties in the
Connection tab and the graphical properties in the Connection graphics tab.

3. Click [OK].

The changes are adopted.

Connections can be assigned additional properties via Connection definition points.

Edit these properties at the connection definition point.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 20

8 Using Existing Connections

In EPLAN you can generate unplaced connections that predefine certain properties.
These connections can be used on existing Connection definition points. The placed
connection in question thus gets the properties of the unplaced connection. It is also
possible to use existing placed connections. The connection in question then exists
more than once in the project and must be edited at a later point in time.

1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection definition point and place the
connection definition point on a connection line.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog select the Connection definition point tab and
click [...] next to the Displayed DT field.

All unplaced and placed connections of the project are listed in the Use
existing connections dialog. Connections where both targets match the
targets of the selected connections are at the top of the list. After that are the

EPLAN Training 21
connections where one target is identical, then the unplaced connections
without targets and finally all other placed and unplaced connections.

3. Select the desired connection and click [OK].

The connection is used, i.e., its properties are transferred to the connection
definition point.

An unplaced connection is always deleted after it has been used. It is also

deleted if it previously had completely different targets and if a completely
different connection is created by the combination of multiple connection
definition points.

4. Click [OK].

You can only use existing if the connection definition point is uniquely assigned to
one individual connection. If this is not the case, then an appropriate message is

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22

9 Placing Connections
In general, it is possible to place unplaced connections, or to place already placed
connections again.

Project data > Connections > Navigator

1. Select the connections you wish to place.

EPLAN Training 23
2. Select Popup menu > Place.

The symbol for a connection definition point hangs on the cursor.

3. Click in the schematic to place the connection definition point.

A connection definition point with the connection data is placed. Unplaced

connections are deleted after the placement.

9.1 Delete connection placements

A connection placement can only be deleted via its connection definition point. The
connection will then exist as an unplaced connection in the project.

EPLAN Training 24
1. Mark the desired connection definition points and select the menu items Edit >
Delete placement.

The connection definition points in question will disappear and unplaced

connections will appear. This also applies if the connection it is associated
with does not disappear. Then there are two connections: one placed without
special properties and one unplaced with special properties.

If an unplaced connection already exists with identical targets, an additional

unplaced connection is added. Because multiple connection definition points
can be located on the same connection, this can result in inconsistencies.

If you delete the placements on multiple connection definition points of one

connection, multiple unplaced connections will be created. You can use or
place these unplaced connections again on multiple connection definition
points of one connection, in which case you again have the same result as
before deleting the placements.


EPLAN Training 25

If placements from connected components are deleted, the associated connections

only remain as unplaced if the connection definition points were marked (that is, if
their placements were also deleted). If the placements of the connection definition
points are not deleted, no unplaced connections will result, but the connections will
be completely deleted.

You can only delete a placement if the connection definition point is uniquely
assigned to one individual connection. If this is not the case, then an appropriate
message is displayed.

EPLAN Training 26

EPLAN Training 27
Potentials and Signals

Potentials and Signals

EPLAN Training 1
Potentials and Signals

1 Drawing the Potential Definition Points or Connection Points.................3

2 Highlighting the Potentials or Signals ........................................................5

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Potentials and Signals

1 Drawing the Potential Definition Points or

Connection Points
Potentials are defined by potential definition points or potential connection points.


You have opened a project and are in a schematic page.

1. Select the menu items Insert > Potential definition point or Insert >
Potential connection point.

The symbol for the potential definition or point hangs on the cursor.

2. Click in the schematic to place the potential definition or connection point.

EPLAN Training 3
Potentials and Signals
3. In the properties dialog, in the Potential definition tab, enter the potential
properties (and other properties in the other tabs if required).

4. Click [OK].

The properties are assigned to the connections running through the

potential definition point or the connection joined to the potential connection

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Potentials and Signals

2 Highlighting the Potentials or Signals

Potentials or signals can be temporarily highlighted in color to allow a quick overview
of their extent. The currently selected potential or signal is then colored according to
the colors you have define in the user settings.

The highlighting of signals is described below; potentials can be highlighted in the

same manner using the menu item View > Potential tracking. (In this case the
coloring is extended beyond the signal to include the entire potential).


In the user settings, you have defined the color to be used for highlighting the signal
or potential (Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing > General, in the
Track potential drop-down list).

View > Signal tracking

EPLAN Training 5
Potentials and Signals
1. Click a connection symbol or a connection line.

EPLAN searches for the associated signal and colors this completely (i.e.,
also over page boundaries).

2. Click another connection.

The highlighting of the first signal is removed and the signal associated with
this connection is colored.

3. Select the menu item View > Signal tracking a second time.

The signal highlighting is removed.

EPLAN Training 6
Potentials and Signals

EPLAN Training 7
Black Boxes

Black Boxes

EPLAN Training 1
Black Boxes

1 Inserting Black Boxes ..................................................................................3

2 Editing Black Boxes .....................................................................................5

3 Inserting Device Connection Points............................................................6

4 Editing Device Connection Points...............................................................8

5 Evaluating Device Connection Points.......................................................10

6 Grouping Components ...............................................................................12

6.1 Group components through the graphical position within a box..............12
6.2 Group components through manual allocation of the appropriate DT.....13
6.3 Group components using DT adoption ...................................................13

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Black Boxes

1 Inserting Black Boxes

A black box represents a physical item composed of several graphical elements, all
of which are within the black box rectangle. When a black box is created, EPLAN
allocates a DT to it.


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel > Black box

1. Draw the rectangle representing the box.

EPLAN Training 3
Black Boxes
2. Enter the item data in the black box specific Properties dialog.

3. Click [OK].

4. Proceed in a similar manner for all black boxes that you would like to insert.

5. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

The black box is inserted into the project with all its properties.

If grip-snap is switched on (Options > Snap to grid) then a newly created black box
will be exactly on the grid on which it is placed. If grid-snap is not active, the black
box can be drawn at any desired position next to the grid.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Black Boxes

2 Editing Black Boxes

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

The page contains at least one black box

1. Double-click the black box that you would like to edit. (Or select Popup menu
> Properties, in this case you can select more than one black box.)

2. Edit the desired data in the Properties dialog.

3. Click [OK].

The data is rewritten into the project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
Black Boxes

3 Inserting Device Connection Points


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

1. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
Device connection point or Insert > Box / connection point / mounting
panel > Device connection point (two-sided).

The symbol for the device connection point hangs on the cursor.

2. If required, use the [Ctrl] key to browse the existing connection point variants.

3. Click the left mouse button to place the connection point symbol on the page.

4. Define the device connection point data in the Properties dialog.

5. Click [OK].

6. Proceed in a similar manner for all further device connection points.

7. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

The connection points with their device tags and connection point designations are
inserted into the page.

EPLAN Training 6
Black Boxes

Two sided device connection points only have a common connection point
designation (as with terminal numbers in terminals). They are represented by a
symbol with which you can distinguish between the external and internal sides. The
symbol has four variations accordingly. The associated function definition has the
following properties (Connection point logic dialog):
Transfer potential: Yes
PLC target tracking: No
One direct connection point each for the internal side, and a general connection point
for the external side.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Black Boxes

4 Editing Device Connection Points

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

The page contains at least one device connection point.

1. Double-click the device connection point that you would like to edit. (Or select
Popup menu > Properties, in this case you can select more than one
connection point.)

2. Edit the desired data in the Properties dialog.

3. Click [OK].

The data is rewritten into the project.

EPLAN Training 8
Black Boxes

For device connection points with only one connection point, no relationship to
other device connection points can be defined; for this reason, the fields used
for defining the connection point logic are grayed out.

Device connection points lying within a box, and which have no DT of their own,
are always auxiliary functions. Cross-references are never displayed for these,
since the cross-reference to the box is sufficient.

Device connection points that are not within a box are cross-referenced. The
main function can be a device connection point or a box.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Black Boxes

5 Evaluating Device Connection Points

As with all "normal" functions, device connection points also have a DT, a connection
point designation, connection point description, and other properties. As with all other
(normal) functions, it is also possible to enter the connection point designation into
the Displayed DT field of the Properties dialog for device connection points.

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

The page contains at least one device connection point.

1. Double-click the device connection point that you would like to edit. Or select
Popup menu > Properties, in this case you can select more than one
connection point.

2. In the Displayed DT field of the Device connection point tab in the

Properties dialog, enter (e.g.) -H4.

EPLAN interprets this entry as a device tag without a connection point


3. Change your entry to -H4:1.

The string after the (first) ":" character (1 in the example above) is entered
into the Connection point designation field.

4. Change the entry in the Displayed DT field one more time, by entering the
same data without the colon.

The entry in the Connection point designation is removed again.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 10
Black Boxes
The string from the Displayed DT is displayed at the appropriate device connection
point on the schematic page (assuming it is not set to Invisible in the Display tab).

The full DT contains no connection point designation.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Black Boxes

6 Grouping Components
Black boxes provide grouping of components (connection points, functions, or
devices). The allocation of a component to a device can occur in a number of
different ways:

Through the graphical position within a box

Through manual allocation of the appropriate DT

Through the "acquisition from left (or above)" an existing component with a DT
that is located there.

A component that is located outside the box, or is not allocated to a device, or for
which no "acquisition from left (or above)" is possible, has no DT. A component
without its own DT that is located within a black box and is then subsequently "pulled
out" of the box and becomes a component without a DT.

6.1 Group components through the graphical position

within a box


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

1. Move the component into a black box.

The component is automatically nested.

2. Move a component without a DT into the black box.

The component receives the DT of the black box.


Move the lamp -H1 into the black box -U1. The lamp automatically becomes the
nested lamp -U1-H1.
Move a lamp without a DT into the black box -U2. The lamp receives the DT of the

EPLAN Training 12
Black Boxes

box, i.e. -U2.

6.2 Group components through manual allocation of the

appropriate DT

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

You have activated nesting for the respective component (using Popup menu >
Project Properties > Structure > Separator > [...] from the Page Navigator).

1. Insert a component into a black box.

The component is automatically nested.

2. Insert another component outside the box.

3. Allocate this new component to the DT of the previously nested component

(the Displayed DT field in the <Function Category> tab of the Properties

Both components are cross-referenced by their DT.


Insert the lamp -H2 into the black box -U1. The lamp automatically becomes the
nested lamp -U1-H2. Insert another lamp outside the box, and allocate this new lamp
the DT -U1-H2.

6.3 Group components using DT adoption

When a symbol without its own DT is located within a box, it receives the DT of the
box. Devices outside of the box are not taken into consideration.

EPLAN Training 13
Black Boxes


The lamp in -U1 is thus called -U1, and the lamp in -U2 is called -U2. If the box -U2
did not have its own name, then it will be called -U1 (i.e. it would assume the DT of
the box to the left), and the lamp within will also be called -U1.

The insertion point of the boxes must be at the same height.


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

1. Draw two black boxes (Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
Black box), whose insertion points are at the same height.

2. Allocate the left-hand box to a DT using the Black Box tab of the Properties
dialog in the Displayed DT field.

The Full DT is adjusted accordingly.

3. Open the Properties dialog for the box on the right.

The Full DT is identical.

EPLAN Training 14
Black Boxes
4. Click [OK].

Only when you allocate the right-hand box with its own independent Displayed DT,
will the Full DT be updated; and only when the two device tags are different will they
be displayed with the respective boxes.

EPLAN Training 15
Black Boxes

EPLAN Training 16
Location Boxes

Location Boxes

EPLAN Training 1
Location Boxes

1 Adding Location Boxes ................................................................................3

2 Editing the Location Boxes..........................................................................7

3 Working with the Nested Location Boxes.................................................10

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Location Boxes

1 Adding Location Boxes

Everything inside a location box is allocated to a different DIN group from that which
is defined in the page properties. The components then have the same relationship
to the location box as they normally have to the page. This assumption of the DT also
occurs if only identifier blocks like installation and location are entered in a
component in the location box.

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

In the settings, the check box Use Place identifiers dialog (Options > Settings
> User > Display > Identifiers) is selected.

Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel > Location box

1. Draw the rectangle representing the box.

EPLAN Training 3
Location Boxes
2. Enter the item data in the location box specific Properties dialog.

EPLAN Training 4
Location Boxes
3. In the Identifier tab, click [...] in the Full DT field.

4. Accept the default for the DT or make new entries for the identifier blocks if
you would like to modify the structure.

5. Click [OK].

6. Specify additional settings in the other tabs of the Properties dialog.

7. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 5
Location Boxes
8. Specify the position for the new identifier in the Place identifiers dialog using
the buttons.

9. Click [OK].

10. Proceed in a similar manner for all of the location boxes you would like to

11. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

The location box is inserted into the project with all its properties.

If grid-snap is switched on (Options > Snap to grid) then a newly created location
box will be placed exactly on the grid on which it is placed; if grid-snap is not active,
the location box can be drawn at any desired position next to the grid.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Location Boxes

2 Editing the Location Boxes

You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

The page contains at least one location box.

In the settings, the check box Use Place identifiers dialog (Options > Settings
> User > Display > Identifiers) is selected.

1. Double-click the location box you would like to edit. (Or select Popup menu >
Properties, in this case you can select more than one location box.)

2. Edit the desired data in the property dialog specific to the location box.

EPLAN Training 7
Location Boxes
3. In the Identifier tab, click [...] in the Full DT field.

4. Accept the default for the DT or make new entries for the identifier blocks if
you would like to modify the structure.

5. Click [OK].

6. Specify additional settings in the other tabs of the Properties dialog.

7. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 8
Location Boxes
8. Specify the position for the new identifier in the Place identifiers dialog using
the buttons.

9. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Location Boxes

3 Working with the Nested Location Boxes

If the Location box check box is selected in the Nesting group box in the Extended
project structures dialog, then location boxes can be nested. In this case, the
display (the entry) of points is omitted in the innermost identifier in the schematic.


If you have multiply nested location boxes =A2+O2, =A3+O3, and =A4+O4, and have
made the setting Nesting = Yes (left part of the illustration), then the fuse receives
the DT =A2.A3.A4+O2.O3.O4-F3; if Nesting = No is set (right side) then the fuse is
called =A4+O4-F3.

When this setting is changed, therefore, all components located in location boxes
must be edited.

The view is always from outside inwards, i.e., in the outermost location box the
missing parts are taken from the page. A box located within this box then completes
its missing parts from the box outside it, and so on. Finally, the components fill in
their missing parts from the innermost box. That means that missing or incomplete
identifiers in the displayed DT entry are completed from the superordinate unit,
where a superordinate unit can be a page, a location box, or a black box.


You have opened a project.

EPLAN Training 10
Location Boxes
1. In the tree view of the page navigator, select popup menu > Project

EPLAN Training 11
Location Boxes
2. In the Project properties dialog, bring the Structure tab to the front.

3. Click [...] in the Separator field.

EPLAN Training 12
Location Boxes
4. In the Extended project structures dialog, select the Location box check
box in the Nesting group box.

5. Click [OK].

6. Click [OK].

The project structures are changed and the device identifier adjusted.

7. Switch to a schematic page.

8. Insert multiple nested location boxes.

In the Full DT field, the nesting for each inner box will be shown using the
nested device tag.

Identifiers in the displayed DT of the location box will always be interpreted as sub-
identifiers, regardless of whether the separator for sub-identifiers (period) was
entered or not.

EPLAN Training 13
Location Boxes

EPLAN Training 14
Block Editing

Block Editing

EPLAN Training 1
Block Editing

1 Selecting Objects for Block Editing ............................................................3

1.1 Select objects directly ...............................................................................3
1.2 Highlight objects of the same type ............................................................4
1.3 Select objects within an area ....................................................................6

2 Editing Function-independent Properties of Different Object Types .......8

3 Block Editing of Object Properties..............................................................9

3.1 Blockwise editing of project properties......................................................9
3.2 Blockwise editing of page properties.........................................................9
3.3 Blockwise editing of component properties .............................................10
3.4 Block editing of format properties of text and graphical elements using
toolbars ...................................................................................................11
3.5 Block editing properties of functions and project data.............................12

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Block Editing

1 Selecting Objects for Block Editing

There are several methods available for the selection of object for block editing.

1.1 Select objects directly

Using direct selection, objects like projects, pages, project data, and components can
be selected for block editing.


You have opened a project.

1. Click on the desired object in project management, in a navigator, or in the

graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 3
Block Editing
2. To select additional objects, hold down the [Ctrl] key and click the objects.

The selected objects are selected. Selected objects are colored differently
in the graphical editor, and the insertion points are displayed.

1.2 Highlight objects of the same type

Using a different method it is possible to select objects of the same type quite
precisely for block editing.


You have opened a project and are viewing a page in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 4
Block Editing
1. Move the mouse pointer over the desired object.

The object is shown in a different color.

2. Select Popup menu > Highlight objects of the same type.

All objects of the selected types are marked in color on the currently open
page and shown with their insertion points.


EPLAN Training 5
Block Editing

Your schematic page includes cables -W20, -W21, and -W22. To perform a block edit
on these cables, you use the option of selecting objects of the same type.

Use the mouse to move the crosshair onto the definition line of -W20. Cable -W20 is
marked in color.

You then select Popup menu > Highlight objects of the same type. Cables -W20,
-W21, and -W22 are marked in color and shown with their insertion points. Now you
can change the properties of these cables in one step using block editing.

1.3 Select objects within an area

EPLAN also offers the option of selecting objects for block editing within an arbitrary
page area.


You have opened a project and are viewing a page in the graphical editor.

1. In the graphical editor, hold the left mouse button down and move the mouse
pointer to draw a frame around the desired objects.

All selected objects within the frame are marked in color and shown with
their insertion points.

EPLAN Training 6
Block Editing

Highlight objects of the same type in an area

Within the area you have defined with a frame, it is also possible to select objects of
the same type.


You have drawn a frame on the page. All objects within the frame are marked in color
and shown with their insertion points.

1. Move the mouse pointer inside the area onto the desired object.

2. Select Popup menu > Highlight objects of the same type.

The insertion points of all objects of the chosen type are kept within the
area. For all other objects, the selection within the area is removed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Block Editing

2 Editing Function-independent Properties of

Different Object Types
You can block edit non-function-related properties of different object types.


You have selected multiple objects in the graphical editor.

1. Select Popup menu > Non-function-specific properties.

The Non-function-specific properties dialog is opened.

2. Click in the corresponding input field and enter the desired value.

3. Click [OK].

The properties are saved.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Block Editing

3 Block Editing of Object Properties

When block editing objects, the procedure is basically the same. There are still
object-specific differences for objects like projects, pages, components, and project

3.1 Blockwise editing of project properties

Project properties can only be edited by blocks in the project management.


You have opened project management and selected multiple projects in the tree
view. The project properties are visible, but grayed out and can't be edited.

1. In the Project management dialog, click [Edit].

All fields and tables of the property dialog into which you can write values
are shown in white and can now be edited.

2. Switch to the appropriate tab and enter the desired values for the properties
and / or select values.

3. Click [OK].

The properties are saved.

3.2 Blockwise editing of page properties

Page properties can only be block edited in the navigator dialog Pages - <Project
name>. Only pages in the currently selected project can be edited.


You have opened a project and displayed the navigator dialog Pages - <Project
Name>. You have selected multiple pages in the overview. Whether you choose the
tree or the list view doesn't matter.
EPLAN Training 9
Block Editing
1. Select Edit > Properties.

EPLAN opens the Page properties dialog.

2. Enter the desired values for the properties and / or select values.

3. Click [OK].

The properties are saved.

3.3 Blockwise editing of component properties

Component properties can be block edited only in the currently open schematic page
of a project. The properties of objects of identical and different types (components of
the same and different types) can be block edited.


You have opened a project. You have also opened a schematic page in the graphical
editor and selected multiple objects of the same type (same type of component) or in
the case of objects of different types (different kinds of component) you have
selected an object type.

1. Select Edit > Properties.

EPLAN opens the dialog Properties (component): <...>.

2. Enter the desired values for the properties and / or select values.

EPLAN Training 10
Block Editing
3. Click [OK].

The properties are saved.

3.4 Block editing of format properties of text and

graphical elements using toolbars
Format properties of text and graphical elements can be block edited in a quick and
convenient way using toolbars.


You have opened a project. You have also opened a page in the graphical editor.

1. Select View > Text format or View > Graphical format.

EPLAN displays the Text format or Graphical format toolbars. The fields
are still grayed out at first.

2. On the page, draw a frame around a block of texts or graphical elements.

The selected texts or graphical elements are marked in color and their
insertion points displayed. At the same time, the buttons on the toolbar are
shown in white and can now be edited.

3. Change the format as desired.

4. Then click the currently open page.

EPLAN accepts the changed properties into the selected text objects or
graphical elements on the page.

EPLAN Training 11
Block Editing

3.5 Block editing properties of functions and project data

Properties of functions and project data can only be block edited in the corresponding
project data dialogs of the current project, e.g., in the navigator dialog Devices -
<Project Name>. The properties of objects of identical and different types (functions
and project data of the same and different types) can be block edited.


You have opened a project. You have also opened a project data dialog (for instance
the navigator dialog Devices - <Project Name>) and selected multiple objects of the
same type there (same kinds of functions or project data). Or you have selected an
object type in the case of objects of different types (different functions or project

1. Select Edit > Properties.

EPLAN opens the dialog Properties (component): <...>.

2. Enter the desired values for the properties and / or select values.

3. Click [OK].

The properties are saved.

EPLAN Training 12
Block Editing

EPLAN Training 13
Single-line Display

Single-line Display

EPLAN Training 1
Single-line Display

1 Drawing Schematics in Single-line Representation...................................3

1.1 Create a page for single-line display.........................................................3
1.2 Place the symbol.......................................................................................4
1.3 Place the connection definition point.........................................................6

2 Showing Bus Topologies .............................................................................9

2.1 PLC card overview..................................................................................10
2.2 Insert bus ports .......................................................................................12
2.3 Insert bus cables.....................................................................................14

3 Single-Line Display Compliant with the GOST Standard ........................18

4 Creating a Bundle Connection Point Symbol...........................................25

5 Comparing Functions / Components between Single-Line and Multi-

Line Displays...............................................................................................32

6 Numbering Cables by the GOST Standard ...............................................33

7 Converting Macros .....................................................................................34

8 Using the Numbering Functions................................................................35

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Single-line Display

1 Drawing Schematics in Single-line

For the single-line display of schematics, you can use pages with a special page
type. The placed symbols are connected together via autoconnecting. Using a
connection definition point, you can display the number of conductors in the cable.


You have opened a project.

Page > New

1.1 Create a page for single-line display

1. In the New page dialog, select Schematic single-line from the drop-down list
in the Page type field.

EPLAN creates a page of type Schematic single-line.

EPLAN Training 3
Single-line Display

1.2 Place the symbol

1. Select Insert > Symbol.

EPLAN Training 4
Single-line Display
2. Select the desired symbol from the Symbol selection dialog.

If you have selected a page of type Schematic single-line, only predefined

single-line symbols will be offered for selection.

3. Click [OK].

4. Place the symbol on the page in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 5
Single-line Display

1.3 Place the connection definition point

1. Select Insert > Connection definition point.

EPLAN Training 6
Single-line Display
2. Place the connection definition point on the autoconnection line between
the desired symbols in the graphical editor.

3. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Connection definition point tab, enter
the desired data.

EPLAN Training 7
Single-line Display
4. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Single-line Display

2 Showing Bus Topologies

In EPLAN, bus topologies can be shown using PLC boxes and bus ports, which you
insert on schematic pages in single-line display. Depending on the bus topology, PLC
boxes can be used for different components. From a physical point of view, PLC
cards can be stacked and combined into a so-called "bus node". The individual bus
nodes can then be located in different places and are connected together using
corresponding bus cables. To create a bus topology with PLC cards, proceed as


You have opened a page of type Schematic single-line in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 9
Single-line Display

2.1 PLC card overview

1. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
PLC box.

EPLAN Training 10
Single-line Display
2. Draw the PLC box representing a PLC card as a rectangle.

3. In the properties dialog, enter the device data for the PLC box.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 11
Single-line Display
5. Repeat the previous steps for all the other PLC cards.

2.2 Insert bus ports

1. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
Bus port.

EPLAN Training 12
Single-line Display
2. Place the bus port within the PLC cards.

3. In the properties dialog that appears, enter the device data for the bus port; for
the function definition select "Bus input" or "Bus output".

EPLAN Training 13
Single-line Display
4. Click [OK].

5. Connect the corresponding bus nodes together for each bus system by
generating autoconnect lines between the bus ports on the PLC cards.

2.3 Insert bus cables

Bus cables for bus systems are generally implemented using connection definition

EPLAN Training 14
Single-line Display
1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection definition point.

EPLAN Training 15
Single-line Display
2. Place the connection definition points on the connection lines between the

3. For each connection definition point, enter the connection data in the
properties dialog.

EPLAN Training 16
Single-line Display
4. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Single-line Display

3 Single-Line Display Compliant with the GOST

In the GOST standard, it is permitted to combine multiple connections together into
one line. In the vicinity of the connection points, the individual connections must be
shown in individual form (multi-line) again.

Combined connections must be labeled on the points at which they leave the bundle
and where they enter the bundle.


You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

1. Place the desired symbols on the page in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 18
Single-line Display
2. Place several bundle connection point symbols (T-node, angle, etc.) at the
desired component to combine them to a bundle connection point.

EPLAN Training 19
Single-line Display
3. Generate another bundle connection point for the component to be connected.

The bundle connection points are connected together via autoconnecting.

EPLAN Training 20
Single-line Display
4. Select Insert > Connection definition point.

EPLAN Training 21
Single-line Display
5. Place the connection definition point on the autoconnection line between
the symbols.

EPLAN Training 22
Single-line Display
6. Enter the desired data in the Properties <...> dialog, in the Connection
definition point tab.

EPLAN Training 23
Single-line Display
7. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
Single-line Display

4 Creating a Bundle Connection Point Symbol

Bundle connection point symbols are special symbols which make it possible to
transition from the multi-line to the single-line display.

A bundle connection point symbol is combined from multiple individual symbols. You
can put together your own bundle connection point symbol. The individual parts are
connected together with a special colored autoconnection line. The following symbols
are available in all four angle variants:


Double junction for the combined connection point

Two angles for the ends (right and left)

T-node for the connection points between the ends.

The thin ends of the bundle connection point symbols are the connection points to
the components, while the wide ends are the connection points to the autoconnection


You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Insert > Symbol

EPLAN Training 25
Single-line Display
1. From the Symbol selection, select the symbol Angle bundle left.

EPLAN Training 26
Single-line Display
2. Place the angle at the desired component.

EPLAN Training 27
Single-line Display
3. From the Symbol selection, select the symbol Angle bundle right.

EPLAN Training 28
Single-line Display
4. Place the angle at the desired component.

EPLAN Training 29
Single-line Display
5. From the Symbol selection, select the symbol Double junction - bundle.

6. Place the symbol at the middle component.

The Edit bundle connection point data dialog is opened.

7. In the Edit bundle connection point data dialog, enter the desired
designation for the connection point into the Bundle connection point
designation field and click [OK].
EPLAN Training 30
Single-line Display

The Bundle connection point designation is accepted and displayed in

the graphical editor.

Bundle connections (autoconnecting and symbols) are graphically not influenced by
entries for the connection graphics on potentials or on connections.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 31
Single-line Display

5 Comparing Functions / Components between

Single-Line and Multi-Line Displays
If you make a change to a multi-line object or a single-line object belonging to one,
you can synchronize the objects with one another. You can be sure in this way that
the change has been transferred to the matching counterpart object.


You have changed an object in the overview or the graphical editor.

1. Select the desired object.

2. Select the menu item Utilities > Synchronization and, for a multi-line object
select Multi-line --> single-line and overview, for a single-line object select
Single-line --> multi-line and overview and for an object in the overview,
select Overview--> multi-line and single-line.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
Single-line Display

6 Numbering Cables by the GOST Standard

According to the GOST standard, the numbers of the cables are shown in circles.
This circle interrupts the connection (autoconnecting) in the vicinity of the connection


You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Insert > Symbol

1. From the Symbol selection, select the symbol for the two-sided cable

2. Place the symbol on the autoconnecting line between the desired objects.

3. In the properties dialog, enter the connection data for the cable.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33
Single-line Display

7 Converting Macros
You can convert single-line symbols to multi-line symbols and vice versa on a page in
the graphical editor. The representation type changes accordingly. The other
properties remain unchanged.


You have placed a macro in the graphical editor.

1. Select the desired macro in the graphical editor.

2. Select the menu items Utilities > Exchange symbols single-line <--> multi-

The representation type in the Symbol / function data tab of the

properties dialog switches from single-line to multi-line or vice versa.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 34
Single-line Display

8 Using the Numbering Functions

You can number devices in the graphical editor.


You have placed one or more objects in the graphical editor.

1. Select the desired objects in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 35
Single-line Display
2. You select the menu item Project Data > Devices > Number.

All selected devices are listed in the Number dialog.

3. Select Default from the drop-down list in the Filter field.

4. Activate the filter.

5. Select the Preview of result check box and click [OK].

In the Preview of result dialog, the devices are shown with the new

6. Click [OK].

The device numbering is adopted.

EPLAN Training 36
Single-line Display

EPLAN Training 37


EPLAN Training 1

1 Inserting Terminals and Terminal Strip Definitions ...................................3

1.1 Insert terminals .........................................................................................3
1.2 Insert terminal strip definition ....................................................................4

2 Creating and Editing Terminal Strips..........................................................6

2.1 Create terminal strips................................................................................6
2.2 Generate terminal strips with default properties........................................8
2.3 Edit terminal strips ..................................................................................12
2.4 Edit terminal strip properties ...................................................................14

3 Generating and Editing Terminals.............................................................17

3.1 Create terminals......................................................................................17
3.2 Create terminals with default properties..................................................19
3.3 Edit terminals ..........................................................................................22

4 Defining Terminal Strip Structure..............................................................24

4.1 Generate function templates ...................................................................24
4.2 Delete function templates .......................................................................25

5 Adding or Deleting Strip Accessories.......................................................27

5.1 Display strip accessories ........................................................................27
5.2 Add strip accessory.................................................................................27
5.3 Delete strip accessories ..........................................................................30

6 Sorting Terminals .......................................................................................32

7 Numbering Terminals .................................................................................34

8 Moving Terminals / Pins .............................................................................36

9 Editing Terminal Targets ............................................................................37

10 Generating Jumpers ...................................................................................39

10.1 Generate saddle jumpers on a terminal ..................................................39

11 Defining Multi-level Terminals ...................................................................41

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Inserting Terminals and Terminal Strip

Terminals and terminal strip definitions can be created upon inserting the appropriate
symbol. You can also predefine terminals or terminal strip definitions in the terminal
strip navigator or the device navigator and then place them from there (using the
Popup menu). Terminal strip definitions must be placed if you want to copy them later

1.1 Insert terminals

Insert > Symbol

1. Scroll through the tree structure in the Symbol selection dialog, select the
desired terminal, and click [OK].

2. Place the terminal on the page.

EPLAN Training 3
3. In the Properties <...> dialog specify the device data for the terminal in the
Terminal tab.

4. In the Displayed DT field, enter a new or existing DT. Click [...] to open the
DT selection dialog and register an existing function or create a new DT using
[Next] .

5. Click [OK].

If you specified an existing DT, the terminal will be assigned to the

corresponding terminal strip.

If you specified a new DT that does not already exist, then EPLAN will
generate a new terminal strip. However, this strip will have no terminal strip

1.2 Insert terminal strip definition

Insert > Terminal strip definition
EPLAN Training 4
1. Place the terminal strip definition on the page.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, specify the device data for the terminal strip in
the Terminal Strip Definition tab.

3. Click [OK].

EPLAN generates a terminal strip definition with the specified properties.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5

2 Creating and Editing Terminal Strips

Terminal strips are managed via the terminal strip definition. If you would like to
create a default terminal strip (with an established terminal strip construction), you
must first generate a terminal strip definition.

If you would like to just create a new terminal strip (without other properties), simply
enter the DT for the terminal strip in the Properties <...> dialog when you insert the
terminal. A non-default terminal strip will be generated that has no terminal strip
definition. A non-default terminal strip of this sort is visible in reports but you cannot
assign properties to it (this is only possible via the terminal strip definition).

Initially, you can create non-default terminal strips and then edit their properties later
on. However, you can also specify settings for the terminal strips upon creation. You
can use the function definition to generate a terminal strip with default properties.

In the Terminal strip definition tab of the Properties dialog you can edit the
properties of a terminal strip.

2.1 Create terminal strips

Project data > Terminal strips > Navigator

EPLAN Training 6
1. Select Popup menu > Generate terminal strip.

EPLAN Training 7
2. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Terminal strip definition tab, enter the
desired data for the new terminal strip.

3. Click [OK].

A terminal strip definition with the appropriate properties will be created.

If you do not enter any data, a non-predefined terminal strip will be created.
You can then define this at a later time.

2.2 Generate terminal strips with default properties

When creating a terminal strip using the menu item New, terminal strip definitions
with default properties are available to you in the Function definitions dialog.

Project data > Terminal strips > Navigator

EPLAN Training 8
1. Select a DT and select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN Training 9
2. Select a terminal strip definition in the Selection field of the Function
definitions dialog.

The data in the terminal strip definition is displayed on the Attributes and
Connection data tabs.

3. To obtain a preview of the symbol, in the Attributes tab, select the Basic
symbol preview check box.

4. Click [OK].

5. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Terminal strip definition tab, enter the
desired data for the new terminal strip.

EPLAN Training 10
6. Click [OK].

Below the selected DT, a terminal strip definition with the appropriate
properties will be created.

If you do not enter any data, a non-predefined terminal strip will be created.
You can then define this at a later time.

EPLAN Training 11

2.3 Edit terminal strips

1. Select a terminal strip definition or a terminal in the graphical editor or the
terminal strip navigator:

EPLAN Training 12
2. Select the menu item Project data > Terminal strips > Edit.

3. Edit the selected terminal strip in the Edit terminal strip dialog. Use the
editing features of the popup menu for this.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 13

2.4 Edit terminal strip properties

1. Select a terminal strip definition in the graphical editor or the terminal strip

2. Select Popup menu > Properties or double-click on the selected terminal

strip definition.

EPLAN Training 14
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Terminal strip definition tab, edit the
data for the selected terminal strip.

4. Click [OK].


You can copy and place terminal strips using Drag & Drop, by dragging selected
terminal strips from the navigator and dropping them into an open page in the
graphical editor within your project.

EPLAN Training 15
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

3 Generating and Editing Terminals

You can create terminals in the graphical editor by placing a terminal and specifying
its properties in the Properties dialog. Also, in the terminal strip navigator or the
device navigator, you have the option of predefining terminals with certain properties
that you can place at a later time.

Initially, you can create non-default terminals and then edit their properties later.
However, you can also specify settings for the terminal upon creation. You can use
the function definition to generate terminals with default properties.

3.1 Create terminals

Project data > Terminal strips > Navigator

1. Select a terminal strip definition or a terminal below a terminal strip.

2. Select Popup menu > Generate terminal.

EPLAN Training 17
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Terminal tab, enter the desired data for
the new terminal.

4. Click [OK].

A terminal with the appropriate properties will be created.


You can also create terminals in the same manner in the Edit terminal strip dialog.

EPLAN Training 18

Using Popup menu > New functions you can create several terminals at the same

3.2 Create terminals with default properties

When creating a terminal using the menu item New, terminals with default properties
are available to you in the Function definitions dialog.

Project data > Terminal strips > Navigator

1. Select a DT or a terminal strip definition and select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN Training 19
2. In the Function definitions dialog in the Selection field scroll through the tree
structure and select the desired terminal.

The terminal data is displayed on the Attributes and Connection point

data tabs.

3. To obtain a preview of the symbol, in the Attributes tab, select the Basic
symbol preview check box.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 20
5. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Terminal tab, enter the desired data for
the new terminal.

6. Click [OK].

Below the selected DT a terminal with the appropriate properties will be


EPLAN Training 21

3.3 Edit terminals

1. Select the desired terminal in the graphical editor, the terminal strip navigator,
or in the device navigator.

2. Select Popup menu > Properties or double-click on the selected terminal.

EPLAN Training 22
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Terminal tab, edit the data for the
selected terminal.

4. Click [OK].


You can copy and place terminals using Drag & Drop, by dragging selected terminals
from the navigator and dropping them into an open page in the graphical editor
within your project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 23

4 Defining Terminal Strip Structure

Terminal strips exist in a variety of combinations of terminal types, quantities, and
accessories. Using a device definition you can specify a custom terminal strip
construction that cannot be subsequently changed in any way (e.g., by deletion of
terminals). The function template is saved in the terminal strip definition. The terminal
strip construction can then only be deleted by deleting the individual function
templates or the terminal strip definition. Unlike other devices, you do not create the
device definition for terminal strips in the parts management but rather in the Edit
terminal strip dialog.

The individual terminals are identified in the function template by the terminal
designation, the function definition, and the level. If there is no terminal designation in
the function template, the template works for any terminal designation in the project.
If any terminal is deleted in the schematic, it will remain in the terminal strip and can
be used or placed again.

The function template (i.e., the terminal strip construction) can be transferred using
the copy function or macros.

4.1 Generate function templates


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator or the graphical editor.

Project data > Terminal strips > Edit

EPLAN Training 24
1. In the Edit terminal strip dialog select all terminals that belong to the function
template (as a rule, all terminals in the strip). To mark individual terminals,
press and hold down the [Ctrl] key and click the first field of each desired

2. Select Popup menu > Generate function templates.

Function templates are created for the selected terminals and the line
number is moved to the foremost field.

4.2 Delete function templates


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator or the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 25
Project data > Terminal strips > Edit

1. In the Edit terminal strip dialog, select all or just individual terminals. To mark
individual terminals, press and hold the [Ctrl] key and click the first field of
each desired terminal.

2. Select Popup menu > Delete function templates.

The function template for the selected terminal is deleted and the row
number will be removed from the foremost field.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26

5 Adding or Deleting Strip Accessories

In the Edit terminal strip dialog you can assign accessories to a terminal strip. The
strip accessory is saved as a parts entry in the terminal strip definition. It will be
displayed in the dialog if the Display strip accessories option is switched on.

5.1 Display strip accessories


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator or the graphical editor.

Project data > Terminal strips > Edit

1. Select Popup menu > Display strip accessories.

The strip accessory is displayed in the dialog.

5.2 Add strip accessory


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator or the graphical editor.

Project data > Terminal strips > Edit

EPLAN Training 27
1. In the Edit terminal strip dialog select a row and click in the foremost field
with the row number.

2. Select Popup menu > Add strip accessories.

3. In the Part selection dialog scroll through the tree structure and select the
desired strip accessory.

4. Click [OK].

The strip accessory is added to the end of the list, but you can move it if
you would like to.
EPLAN Training 28

The part is displayed as a separate line if it belongs to one of the following

product subgroups:

o End plate (partition plate)

o End angle (end bracket)

o Strip label

o Rail

o Plug housing

o Plug accessory

o Test accessory

o Mounting rail

o Partition plate

EPLAN Training 29
o Jumper (Potential rail)

o Other labels

o Tools.

5.3 Delete strip accessories


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator or the graphical editor.

Project data > Terminal strips > Edit

1. In the Edit terminal strip dialog click in the foremost field with the position
specification in order to select the strip accessory.

2. Select Popup menu > Delete strip accessories.

The selected strip accessory is deleted, i.e., the parts entry is deleted from
the terminal strip definition.

EPLAN Training 30
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 31

6 Sorting Terminals
In the Edit terminal strip dialog, you can change the order of the terminals within the
terminal strip.


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator, or the graphical editor.

Project data > Terminal strips > Edit

1. In the table in the Edit terminal strip dialog click in foremost field of the
desired terminal in order to select the terminal.

2. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and select any other terminals that you would like to

EPLAN Training 32
3. Move the selected terminals with the arrow keys to the desired position on the
terminal strip.

A sort code is assigned to the terminals, which is entered in the "Sorting"


The terminals are sorted according to the order of the sort code on the terminal
strips. If multiple terminals have the same sort code or if the sort code is empty, these
terminals are sorted according to the order of the terminal designation.


The [Sort] button allows you to automatically sort all terminals in a terminal strip.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33

7 Numbering Terminals
The terminal designation uniquely identifies the terminal on the terminal strip. In the
Number terminals dialog you can specify settings for the terminal designation and
renumber the selected terminals. Use the numbering template to specify the terminal


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator or the graphical editor.

Project data > Terminal strips > Number terminals

1. From the Scheme drop-down list of the Number terminals dialog, select the
desired numbering scheme, or click [...] in the Settings: Numbering dialog to
create a new scheme.

2. In the fields Start value and Increment define the appropriate values, and in
the Number of digits field, define the number of displayed characters for the

EPLAN Training 34
3. Select the desired options for the sequence and extent of the numbering.

4. Specify how PE and N terminals and contacts should be handled when


5. Select the corresponding check boxes in order to specify additional options for

6. Click [OK].

Numbering is carried out according to the settings and the new terminal
designations are assigned to the appropriate terminals.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 35

8 Moving Terminals / Pins

You can move terminals or pins in order to change their position, reassign the
terminals / pins, or to resort them. This is sometimes necessary in order to create a
gap between terminals and to create space in the terminal strip for new terminals to
be added.

The following describes the process of moving terminals in the terminal strip
navigator. Move pins in the same way using the plug navigator.

Project data > Terminal strips > Navigator

1. Select one or more terminals.

2. Select Popup menu > Move.

3. In the By how many field of the Move dialog, select the desired value or
specify a value directly in the field.

4. Click [OK].

The terminals will be moved by the specified distance.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 36

9 Editing Terminal Targets

The terminals in EPLAN contain properties as well as target information. In the
Connections tab of the Properties dialog you can edit this information for every
terminal connection point.


You have selected one or more terminals in the terminal strip navigator, the device
navigator or the graphical editor.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Connections tab.

There is an entry here for every terminal target.

2. In the 1st connection or the 2nd connection field click an entry.

EPLAN Training 37
3. Specify the desired settings.

4. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38

10 Generating Jumpers
You can generate saddle jumpers automatically or specify manually whether a saddle
jumper should be used on a terminal.

Wire jumpers are automatically generated if the terminal has no saddle jumper.

Manually generate a jumper on a connection definition point by specifying the jumper

type for the connection there. You can also define an insertable jumper, for example.

10.1 Generate saddle jumpers on a terminal


You have selected one terminal in the terminal strip navigator, the device navigator or
the graphical editor.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Terminal tab.

EPLAN Training 39
2. Select the desired setting from the Saddle jumper drop-down list.

3. Click [OK].

A saddle jumper is generated for the selected terminal.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 40

11 Defining Multi-level Terminals

The levels in the terminal housing are designated with level numbers. The level with
the number "1" is the lowest of the levels.

Within the terminal strip there are terminals with the same designation but with
different values for the levels of a multi-level terminal.


You have selected one terminal in the terminal strip navigator, the device navigator,
or the graphical editor.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Terminal tab.

2. Enter the desired value in the Level field.

A value > 0 defines the terminal as a multi-level terminal; the value "0"
defines the terminal as a "simple" terminal.

3. Click [OK].

The specified value is used for the terminal.

EPLAN Training 41

EPLAN Training 42


EPLAN Training 1

1 Drawing Cable Definition Lines or Shields .................................................4

1.1 Draw cable definition lines ........................................................................4
1.2 Draw shields .............................................................................................7

2 Editing the Cable Properties ......................................................................10

2.1 Edit cable properties in the graphical editor ............................................11
2.2 Edit cable properties in the cable navigator ............................................13

3 Generating Cables Automatically..............................................................17

3.1 Change automatically generated cables into manually generated cables20

4 Defining Cables and Conductors Manually ..............................................23

4.1 Define cable connections on connection definition points.......................23
4.2 Define cable connections on connection points ......................................27

5 Assigning Conductors ...............................................................................30

5.1 Move connections ...................................................................................30
5.2 Exchange connections............................................................................33

6 Placing Cables ............................................................................................37

6.1 Place cables again..................................................................................37
6.2 Place cables with matching properties....................................................37

7 Selecting the Cables Automatically ..........................................................39

8 Selecting the Cables Manually...................................................................42

9 Using Existing Cables, Conductors, and Shields ....................................43

9.1 Use existing cables or shields.................................................................43
9.2 Use existing conductors..........................................................................48

10 Numbering Cables ......................................................................................52

11 Adding up Cable Lengths...........................................................................55

11.1 Exclude cables from the addition of the cable lengths ............................56

12 Outputting Cable Parts in Report Lists.....................................................58

12.1 Predefine the cable parts output for the project ......................................59

EPLAN Training 2
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3

1 Drawing Cable Definition Lines or Shields

Cables can be defined using cable definition lines or shields. To do this, the cable
definition line or the shield symbol must cross the connections in question.

1.1 Draw cable definition lines

1. Select the menu items Insert > Cable definition.

The symbol for the cable definition line hangs on the crosshair.

EPLAN Training 4
2. Drag the line over the connections to be included in the cable. Click with the
left mouse button to establish the start and end point of the line.

A connection definition point is set automatically on every intersection of

connections with this cable definition line.

EPLAN Training 5
3. In the Properties <...> dialog you can change the DT and specify additional
properties for the cable.

4. Click [OK].

If you want to retroactively reduce the cable definition line, the connection
definition points on connections that are no longer intersected will be deleted.
If you enlarge the cable definition line, new connection definition points are set
for newly intersected connections.

Single-line display of cables:

If you pull a cable definition line over a "cable" type connection in the single-
line display, a connection definition point will be set there and the
representation type "Single-line" will automatically be entered. In the case of a
mixed view (single-line symbols on multi-line pages) you must enter the
representation type into the connection definition point yourself.

EPLAN Training 6

1.2 Draw shields

1. Select the menu items Insert > Shield.

The symbol for the shield hangs on the crosshair.

2. Drag the shield (like a rectangle) over the connections to be shielded. Click
with the left mouse button to establish the start and end point of the shield.

A connection definition point is set automatically on every connection within

the shield.

EPLAN Training 7
3. In the Properties <...> dialog you can change the DT and specify additional
properties for the shield.

EPLAN Training 8
4. If you want to suppress the display of properties on the shield, select the entry
"No display" in the Property arrangement field on the Display tab.

5. Click [OK].

If you want to retroactively reduce the shield, the connection definition points on
connections that are no longer within the shield will be deleted. If you enlarge
the shield, new connection definition points are set for newly included

In the user settings (Options > Settings > User > Graphical editing >
Connection symbols) you can determine whether the property dialog will be
shown or not when inserting shields.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9

2 Editing the Cable Properties


You have defined a cable or a shield.

In addition to properties that all other devices also have, there are special properties
for cables and shields. These are displayed in the Cable tab in the Properties dialog
and can be edited there. The property dialog can be called from the graphical editor
or from the navigator dialogs Devices - <Project name> or Cables - <Project

EPLAN Training 10

2.1 Edit cable properties in the graphical editor

1. Select a cable definition line or a shield in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 11
2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 12
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Cable tab.

4. Edit the properties and then click [OK].

2.2 Edit cable properties in the cable navigator

Project data > Cables > Navigator

EPLAN Training 13
1. Select a cable definition in the Cables - <Project name> dialog.

EPLAN Training 14
2. Select Popup menu > Properties.

EPLAN Training 15
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Cable tab.

4. Edit the properties and then click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

3 Generating Cables Automatically

Cables are generated based on data from connections. Since connections are not
refreshed immediately when drawing, cables also can only be generated and
updated after the connections have been refreshed.

When automatically generating cables, free conductors are automatically assigned to

an existing cable. If no suitable cable is found, EPLAN generates a new DT. A
connection definition point is automatically set on the connection in question and the
DT for the cable is entered there.

The "Generate cables automatically" functionality can be called from different places
in the program. These include from selections in the graphical editor or in the
navigator dialogs Pages - <Project name>, Connections - <Project name>,
Cables - <Project name>, or Devices - <Project name>. It can be used on the
entire project.

After generating the cable, they are automatically numbered and a cable selection is


The connections have been generated and are up-to-date (Project data >
Connections > Update).

Project data > Cables > Generate cables automatically

EPLAN Training 17
1. Click [...] in the Settings field of the Generate cables automatically dialog.

2. In the Settings: Cable generation dialog you specify the objects on which
cable properties are to be placed and which objects are to be taken into
consideration when generating cables. Select the appropriate check boxes
and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 18
3. In the Cable numbering group box in the Generate cables automatically
dialog specify the settings for cable numbering. Select a suitable scheme from
the Settings drop-down list, or click [...] to open the Settings: Cable
numbering dialog to create or change a scheme.

4. In the Start value and Increment fields specify the value at which the DT
counter should begin as well as the value by which the counter should

5. Specify whether you want to keep the DT from already numbered cables,
whether you want to number only the selected cables or all the cables in the
project, and whether you want to see a preview before the final numbering
takes place. Check the corresponding check boxes.

6. Specify the settings for the automatic cable selection in the Automatic cable
selection group box . Select a suitable scheme from the Settings drop-down
list, or click [...] to open the Settings: Automatic cable selection dialog to
create or change a scheme.

7. Specify whether the cable selection should be made for the entire project or
only for the selected elements, and whether it should be made only for
automatically generated cables or also for manually generated cables. Select
or deselect the Apply to entire project check box accordingly.

8. Click [OK].

Cable definition lines and connection definition points are generated in the
schematic. Only one cable definition line and one connection definition point
will be placed on the first graphical connection of a cable. Connection
definition points with the same DT will be placed on all other connections.

If you checked the Preview of result check box, you will see the Number
cables: Preview of result dialog. The old and new device tags for the newly
generated or already existing but unnamed cable definition lines, shields, and
connection definition points are displayed here. You can accept or change the
new device tags or keep the old ones.
EPLAN Training 19

If an unnamed cable definition line receives a name in the course of the

automatic run, it will be identified as "automatically set" (Property "Name
automatically set"). Automatically set names are deleted and newly assigned
in the next automatic run and manually assigned names will be kept.

The cable device tags are then numbered and the cable selection is made.
Whether or not the selection is made for newly generated cables or for all
cables depends on the settings. This results in completely designated cables
with devices.

When automatically generating cables, only connections with the "Cable
connection" property activated and no "full DT" will be taken into
consideration. That could be conductors that belong to an existing cable. In
this case connection definition points will be set that immediately have the
right DT.

Shields are not automatically generated.

No cable is generated for connections with at least one target that is a graphical
or external function.

Cable definition lines are placed on a separate layer but not connection definition

3.1 Change automatically generated cables into manually

generated cables
The Automatically generated property is set for automatically identified cable
definition lines and connection definition points. Objects identified in this way are first
deleted each time the cable is newly generated. After that the connections in
question are newly generated and new cable definition lines and connection
definition points are drawn.

Automatically generated cables and connection definition points can be converted to

manually generated ones.

EPLAN Training 20
1. Select cables in the graphical editor or select pages or a project in the page

2. Select the menu items Project data > Cables > Automatic -> Manual.

The "Automatically generated" property is reset for the selected cables.

The cables are then treated as manually generated cables and remain
unchanged in subsequent automatic processes.

Switching this property for cable definition lines automatically also switched

EPLAN Training 21
the layer where the cable definition line is located (if the standard layer is set).
The layer is unchanged if you have selected a different standard layer.

To change individual cables to manually generated, open the Properties <...> dialog.
(for instance, by double-clicking on the cable.) Deselect the Automatically
generated check box in the Cables tab.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22

4 Defining Cables and Conductors Manually

Cables are manually generated when you draw cable definition lines and connection
definition points. Only one cable definition line is required for each DT (more are
possible). Any additional connections can be assigned using connection definition

You can display cables in a distributed form by drawing multiple cable definition lines
and assigning them the same DT.

Cable connections can be defined either on the connection definition point or on the
connection point. The setting on the connection definition point overwrites all other

4.1 Define cable connections on connection definition

Individual connections can be assigned to a cable by placing connection definition
points and assigning the cable DT to them:

EPLAN Training 23
1. Select the menu items Insert > Connection definition point.

EPLAN Training 24
2. Place the connection definition point on a connection.

EPLAN Training 25
3. In the Displayed DT field of the Properties <...> dialog specify the DT of the
cable to which you want to assign the connection.

4. Select the Cable connection property in the table and select the check box in
the cell next to it.

5. Specify any additional conductor properties in the dialog and click [OK].

The conductors are assigned to the cable.

EPLAN Training 26

4.2 Define cable connections on connection points

1. Select a component in the graphical editor and then select the menu items
Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 27
2. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Symbol / function data tab and click

EPLAN Training 28
3. In the Connection point logic dialog select the Cable connection point
check box for the desired connection points.

4. You can also change the connection point type, the potential type, and other
properties of the connection point.

5. Click [OK].

The connection point data is stored to the function.

The connections attached to the function get the properties from the
respective connection point and thus become cable connections.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 29

5 Assigning Conductors
You can manually change the assignment of connections to conductors in the Edit
cable dialog. That dialog displays the existing function templates in the cable part
(i.e., the part conductors) as well as the functions of the cable defined in the project
(i.e., the connections) and their assignments.

A function (i.e., a placed or unplaced connection) superimposes the function template

(i.e., the part conductor) if it has the same identifying properties. In this case the
name of the shield is taken into consideration first. If no suitable connection with
shield is found for a function template with shield, this template is assigned a
connection without shield (as long as the remaining identifying properties match). The
shields thus do not necessarily have to be drawn into the schematic.

Moving or exchanging connections are displayed in the changes on the right side of
the dialog. The order of the function templates on the left side always remains the

5.1 Move connections

Connections can only be moved to free function templates. Other connections are not
changed when doing so.

PE and SH potential type connections cannot be moved to function templates with

other potential types. Nor can they be moved to another shield. Connections without
shields, however, can be assigned to a function template with shielding.

Project data > Cables > Navigator

EPLAN Training 30
1. In the Cables - <Project name> dialog, select a cable definition, a (placed)
conductor, or a shield.

EPLAN Training 31
2. Select Popup menu > Edit.

All connections to the associated cable are displayed in the Edit cable

3. In the Connections table select a connection and move it using the arrow
buttons to the position where there is a free function template.

The connection transfers the data from the function template into the still
free properties. Existing properties of the connection superimpose the
EPLAN Training 32

The data on the connection definition points are correspondingly updated.


To open the Edit cable dialog, you can also select a cable definition line, a shield, or
a connection definition point in the graphical editor and select the menu item
Project data > Cables > Edit .

5.2 Exchange connections

Connections can only be exchanged if the potential type matches. PE and SH
connections can be exchanged amongst themselves but not with other connections.
Nor can connections in different shields be exchanged.

Project data > Cables > Navigator

EPLAN Training 33
1. In the Cables - <Project name> dialog, select a cable definition, a (placed)
conductor, or a shield.

EPLAN Training 34
2. Select Popup menu > Edit.

All connections to the associated cable are displayed in the Edit cable

EPLAN Training 35

3. Select two connections in the Connections table and click (Exchange).

Rows are exchanged in the table.

The values of the Pair index, Color / number, and Cross-section

properties are exchanged on the connection definition points.


To open the Edit cable dialog, you can also select a cable definition line, a shield, or
a connection definition point in the graphical editor and select the menu item
Project data > Cables > Edit .

If you exchange two shields in the Edit cable dialog, it has an indirect effect on the
shielded conductors. If the shield name of the shielded conductors change, they will
no longer match their function templates. The changes resulting from this are
displayed immediately.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 36

6 Placing Cables
In EPLAN there are two different options for creating cables: When performing a
Place again in the Edit cable dialog, only the potential type is compared. When
performing a Place in the cable navigator or through the main menu, all identifying
properties of the connections and conductors are compared and only matching
conductors are placed.

6.1 Place cables again


You have selected a cable definition line in the graphical editor, or a cable definition
in the Cables - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Cables > Edit

1. In the Edit cable dialog, select Popup menu > Place again.

The conductors of the cable part are assigned to the connections, if the
potential type matches.

Existing properties of the connections are overwritten by the conductor


The structure of shields is retained, but the shield designations can change.

The sequence of the connections is defined by the rules for determining the
source and target of the cable or with terminals according to the order of
terminals on the terminal strips.

6.2 Place cables with matching properties


You have selected a cable definition line in the graphical editor, or a cable definition
in the Cables - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Cables > Place

EPLAN Training 37
The conductors of the cable part are assigned to the connections if their
identifying properties match. If a property of the cable conductor is filled in, the
connection must have the same value. Blank properties of the cable conductors
match any value on the connection. Shielded conductors also match non-shielded
connections; however, if a matching shielded connection has already been found, it
will be assigned preferentially.

The property "Cross section" has the following values for the cable conductors and
the connection:

Cable conductor Connection matching

0.01 in 0.01 in yes
0.01 in 0.00 in no
0.01 in no
0.01 in yes
0.00 in yes

Existing properties of the connections are not overwritten; additional properties

are completed.

The sequence of the connections is defined by the rules for determining the
source and target of the cable or with terminals according to the order of
terminals on the terminal strips.

Identifying properties for the assignment of conductors to the connections are:

Function definition
Shielded by
Pair index
Potential type
Color / number

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38

7 Selecting the Cables Automatically

Cables can be selected automatically or manually. The automatic cable selection
only exchanges the main part (this is the first part from the "Cable" product group).

In the project settings you can define a preselection list of cable types (cable parts)
for the automatic selection. Then only the cables from this list will be used for
automatic cable selection.


You have selected a cable definition in the graphical editor, or in the Cables -
<Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Cables > Generate cables automatically

1. In the Settings field of the Automatic cable selection dialog select a scheme
that specifies the settings for the automatic cable selection, or click [...] to
open the Settings: Automatic cable selection dialog and create a new
scheme there.

EPLAN Training 39
2. Select the Only automatically generated cables check box if you only want
to assign parts to only those types of cables. Otherwise, the automatic cable
selection will also be made for manually generated or named cables.

3. Use the Apply to entire project check box to specify whether the cable
selection should be made for all cables in the project or only for the selected

4. Click [OK].

According to the settings specifying which properties should be taken into

consideration for the automatic cable selection, the suitable cable is searched
for in parts management. The voltage entered for the cable, the voltage of the
conductors (defined via the potentials), the number of conductors present, and
the number of reserve conductors are compared. If there is no information on
the manufacturer, the first one to be found will be taken.

The quantity of PE conductors (0, 1, or 2) specified in the PE conductors field is
taken into consideration when determining the quantity of conductors. If the
cable has no PE conductor and there is no cable in the corresponding voltage
range without PE, then a cable with PE conductors will be taken. The PE
conductor will be added to the number of conductors needed.

Arbitrary values can be predefined for the individual cables. This way, for
example, a cable type can already be entered on a cable in the schematic that
is not in the settings for the cable selection. A cable will then be selected
which corresponds to the cable type entered and has a suitable number of
conductors. A missing cross-section is taken from the defaults depending on
the voltage. The same values are used here as for manual cable selection.

EPLAN Training 40
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 41

8 Selecting the Cables Manually

Cables can be selected automatically or manually.

Using the Allow manual cable selection only property for each cable you can
specify that the cable can only be manually selected. Those types of cables are then
not considered for the automatic cable selection.

Select a part from the parts database when making manual cable selections. The
procedure is exactly like selecting any other part.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 42

9 Using Existing Cables, Conductors, and

Using existing cables and conductors is similar to using terminals and plugs and is
done in the DT selection dialog. If a DT is selected there, you can accept this one or
generate a new one. In this case, the respective functions must match or the DT
selection is not possible. It is thus only possible to use existing cable definition lines
on cable definition lines, and only connections on connections.

If a connection definition point or a connection is assigned the "Cable connection"

property "Yes", the dialog for either using existing cables or connections opens. In
this case the corresponding structure level in the environment (page, location box) is
marked. If the DT is already known, it is selected and can be accepted.

9.1 Use existing cables or shields

When manually defining cables you can select an existing DT, generate a new DT, or
generate a new cable definition for an existing DT. If you use an existing unplaced
cable definition line, all data for this function is transferred to the cable definition line
in the schematic.

EPLAN Training 43
1. Select a cable definition line, a shield, or a connection definition point in the
graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 44
2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

3. In the Properties <...> dialog select the Cable (or Connection definition
point) tab, and assign the "Cable connection" property to the component.

EPLAN Training 45
4. Click [...] next to the Displayed DT field.

In the DT - selection dialog, all cable DTs used in the project are shown.

EPLAN Training 46
5. Scroll through the tree or the list and select a DT. Or, independent of the
selection, generate a new DT using [Next].

6. Click [OK].

The DT is inserted in the Properties <...> dialog, and the connection is

assigned to the cable.

The following behavior applies when generating a new DT using [Next]:

EPLAN Training 47

If a DT is selected, a new DT is generated with the next available counter.

If a cable definition is selected, another cable definition is generated for the

same DT.

If a conductor is selected, another cable definition is generated for the same DT.

Special considerations when using existing shields

If you select the DT when using an existing shield, only the DT is used.

You can also use an existing unplaced cable definition line. This is then deleted from
the list.

If you select a connection that represents a shield, the DT and the shield designation
are transferred. (The shield cable definition is not meant here, but rather the
connection on which the shield is attached.) The connection can be placed or
unplaced. It is not deleted because the actual connection is not used here.

9.2 Use existing conductors


The "Cable connection" property is set for the connection definition point.

EPLAN Training 48
1. Select a connection definition point in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 49
2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Cable definition point tab and
assign the "Cable connection" property to the connection definition point.

4. Click [...] next to the Displayed DT field.

EPLAN Training 50
5. Select a connection in the DT selection dialog.

6. Click [OK].

The DT is inserted in the Properties <...> dialog, and the connection is

assigned to the cable.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 51

10 Numbering Cables
There is a special numbering function for cables, which compared to the "normal" DT
numbering function has additional setting options.


You have selected a cable definition in the graphical editor, or in the Cables -
<Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Cables > Number

1. In the Settings field of the Number cables dialog select a scheme that
specifies the settings for the cable numbering, or click [...] to open the
Settings: Cable numbering dialog and create a new scheme there.

2. In the Start value and Increment fields specify the value by which the DT
counter should begin as well as the value by which the counter should be

3. Select the Keep existing cable DTs check box if you want to keep the device
tags of already numbered cables. Otherwise, they will be renumbered and the
existing device tags will be overwritten.

EPLAN Training 52
4. Specify whether you want to number only the selected cables or all of the
cables in the project, and whether you want to preview the results before the
final numbering. Check the corresponding check boxes.

5. Click [OK].

If the Preview of result check box was checked, you will see the Number
cables: Preview of result dialog. This displays the old and new device tags of
the cable.

If the Preview of result check box was not selected, the new device tags
of the cable are immediately written to the project and displayed on the cable
definition lines.

6. If necessary, change the new device tags of the cable in the preview dialog.

7. Select the cables that are to keep their old device tags and select Popup
menu > Apply original DT.

EPLAN Training 53
8. Click [OK].

The new device tags of the cables are saved in the project and displayed
on the cable definition lines.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 54

11 Adding up Cable Lengths

The cable lengths used in the project can be automatically totaled up for each cable
type, in order to determine the number of cable drums needed. The same types of a
cable will be combined into one cable project part and the lengths of the individual
cables added together. The parts do not have to match, but the physical properties of
the cables must match.

Multiple cables in EPLAN have the same cable type if the following properties match:

Type (e.g., NYM)

Number of conductors (e.g., 3)
Conductor cross-section / diameter (e.g., 1.5)
Conductor: cross-section / diameter unit (e.g., mm or cm).

If all properties of the cable are specified, the complete cable type is available.

You can only calculate the cable quantities for the entire project.

Cable lengths are entered for the cables.

A project is selected in the page navigator.

Project data > Cables > Add up cable lengths

The cable types and their calculated lengths are displayed in the Add up cable
lengths dialog. In addition, the length of the longest individual cable is displayed. A
part and its length are also shown, which is taken from the longest cable. The
required quantity of the part is also displayed.

1. If necessary, change the value displayed in the Required quantity field. (This
can be necessary if cutting problems arise: For three single lengths of 57 m,
three 100-m drums will be needed, not two.)

2. Select Popup menu > Parts selection if you want to select a new cable part.

EPLAN Training 55
3. Select Popup menu > Delete in order to delete a part and thus exclude it from
later reports.

4. Click [OK].

The old cable project parts are deleted and new ones are entered.

The quantity of parts is reset to zero on the individual cables.

You can view, edit and delete the project parts in the Bill of materials - <Project
name> dialog. The changes, however, are overwritten in the next cable length

11.1 Exclude cables from the addition of the cable lengths

You have the option of excluding premade cables from the cable length addition.

1. Double-click a cable definition line.

2. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Cable tab.

3. Select the check box for the Do not use cable when adding up cable
lengths property.

4. Click [OK].

If the main part of the cable has a quantity of zero, a message will appear
because this value may have been generated while adding up the cable

EPLAN Training 56
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 57

12 Outputting Cable Parts in Report Lists

In the parts reports you can decide whether cable parts (from the individual cables)
and cable project parts should be output. Cable parts with the quantity zero can be
excluded from the output using a filter (product group = "Cable" AND quantity = "0").

It may make sense to output the cable parts with quantities of zero: In this case the
accessory parts of cables as well as the premade cables that were not taken into
consideration for the cable calculation are output. The parts with quantities of zero
then display which cable is used there, and the project parts specify what needs to
be ordered.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. In the Reports dialog select [Settings] > Parts list.

2. In the Settings: Parts dialog select the Cable part check box so that cable
project parts are included in the parts list.

3. Activate the Cable project part check box, so that cable project parts will be
inserted into the parts list.

4. Select the Connection part check box so that cable parts of the individual
cables are included in the parts list.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 58
6. Select [Settings] > Display / output.

7. In the Settings: Display / output dialog select the Restrict output of cables
check box if you want to restrict output to cables that have a certain minimum
number of conductors.

8. In the Output when number of conductors reaches field, enter a minimum

number of conductors.

9. Click [OK].

10. Click [New] to generate a new report, or select an existing report and update
this by clicking [Update].

12.1 Predefine the cable parts output for the project

In the project settings you can predefine the output of cable parts for the project:

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Reports > Part

1. Select the Cable part check box, the Cable project part check box, and / or
the Connection part check box in order to output the appropriate parts in the
parts list.

2. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 59

EPLAN Training 60


EPLAN Training 1

1 Inserting Pins and Plug Definitions.............................................................3

1.1 Insert pins .................................................................................................3
1.2 Insert plug definitions ................................................................................5

2 Creating and Editing Plugs ..........................................................................7

2.1 Create plugs..............................................................................................7
2.2 Create plugs with predefined properties ...................................................9
2.3 Edit plug ..................................................................................................13
2.4 Edit plug properties .................................................................................15

3 Creating and Editing Pins ..........................................................................17

3.1 Create pins .............................................................................................17
3.2 Create pins with predefined properties ...................................................19
3.3 Edit pins ..................................................................................................22

4 Numbering Pins ..........................................................................................25

5 Sorting Pins.................................................................................................27

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Inserting Pins and Plug Definitions

Pins and plug definitions can be defined directly during the insertion of the
corresponding symbol. You can also predefine pins and plug definition in the plug
navigator or in the device navigator and place them from there (with the popup
menu). Plug definitions must be placed if you would like to copy them.

1.1 Insert pins

Insert > Symbol

1. In the Symbol selection dialog, page through the tree structure, select the
desired pin, and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 3
2. Place the pin on the page.

3. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the device data of the pin in the Pin tab.

EPLAN Training 4
4. In the Displayed DT field, enter a new or existing DT. Or click [...] to open the
DT selection dialog and register an existing function, or create a new DT
using [Next] .

5. Click [OK].

If you give an already existing DT, the pin will be assigned to the
corresponding plug.

If you give a DT that doesn't exist yet, EPLAN generates a new plug.
However, this doesn't have a plug definition yet.

1.2 Insert plug definitions

Insert > Plug definition

1. Place the plug definition on the page.

EPLAN Training 5
2. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the device data of the plug in the Plug
definition tab.

3. Click [OK].

EPLAN generates a plug definition with the given properties.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6

2 Creating and Editing Plugs

Plugs are managed via the plug definition. If you want to create a predefined plug
(with a fixed number of male and / or female pins), you have to set up a plug
definition first. When you define a plug, specify whether it contains only male, only
female, or both pins.

If you only want to create a new plug (without any other properties), just enter the
plug DT in the Properties <...> dialog when you insert a pin. This creates a non-
predefined plug without a plug definition. Such a non-predefined plug is visible in
reports, but you can't assign it any properties (this can only be performed via a plug

You can create non-predefined plugs first and then edit the properties at a later date.
You can also determine the properties for plugs immediately as you create them. You
can create a plug with predefined properties using the function definitions.

In the Plug definition tab of the properties dialog, you can edit the properties of a

2.1 Create plugs

Project data > Plugs > Navigator

1. Select Popup menu > Generate plug.

EPLAN Training 7
2. Select one of the submenu items in order to determine whether the plug
consists of female pins, male pins, or a combination of male and female pins.
When managing the male and female pins together, select the entry Male and
female pins; when managing them separately, select Female pins or Male
pins in order to determine the female or male pin side of the plug.

EPLAN Training 8
3. In the Properties <...> dialog in the Plug definition tab, enter the desired
data for the new plug.

4. Click [OK].

A plug definition was created with the corresponding properties.

2.2 Create plugs with predefined properties

If you generate a plug using the menu command New, plug definitions with
predefined properties are available to you in the Function definitions dialog.

Project data > Plugs > Navigator

EPLAN Training 9
1. Select a DT and select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN Training 10
2. In the Function definitions dialog in the Selection field, mark a plug

The data in the plug definition is displayed on the Attributes and

Connection point data tabs.

3. To obtain a preview of the symbol, in the Attributes tab, select the Basic
symbol preview check box.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 11
5. In the Properties <...> dialog in the Plug definition tab, enter the desired
data for the new plug.

6. Click [OK].

Below the highlighted DT, a plug definition with the corresponding

properties is created.

EPLAN Training 12

2.3 Edit plug

1. Highlight a plug definition or a pin in the graphical editor or in the terminal strip

EPLAN Training 13
2. Select the menu items Project data > Plugs > Edit.

3. In the Edit plugs dialog, edit the selected plug. Use the editing features of the
popup menu for this.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 14

2.4 Edit plug properties

1. Highlight a plug definition in the graphical editor, in the plug navigator, or in the
device navigator.

2. Select Popup menu > Properties, or double-click on the selected plug


EPLAN Training 15
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, edit the properties of the selected plug in the
Plug definition tab.

4. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

3 Creating and Editing Pins

You either create pins in the graphical editor, by placing a pin and specifying its
properties in the Properties dialog. The plug navigator and the device navigator allow
you to predefine pins with specific properties, which you can place at a later date.

When you create a pin, specify whether it's a male, a female or a male/female
combination, and then edit its properties. You can create a pin with predefined
properties using the function definitions.

In the Pin tab of the Properties dialog, you can edit the properties of a plug.

3.1 Create pins

Project data > Plugs > Navigator

1. Highlight a plug definition or a pin below a plug definition.

EPLAN Training 17
2. Select Popup menu > Generate pin then one of the subitems Male and
female, Male, or Female.

EPLAN Training 18
3. In the Properties <...> dialog in the Pin tab, enter the data you want for the
new pin.

4. Click [OK].

A pin is created with the corresponding properties.


In the same way, you can also create pins in the Edit plug dialog.

Popup menu > New functions allows you to create several pins at the same time.

3.2 Create pins with predefined properties

If you generate a pin using the menu command New, pins with predefined properties
are available to you in the Function definitions dialog.

Project data > Plugs > Navigator

EPLAN Training 19
1. Select a DT or a plug definition, and select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN Training 20
2. In the Function definitions dialog in the Selection field, page through the
tree structure and mark a pin.

The data for the pin is displayed on the Attributes and Connection point
data tabs.

3. To obtain a preview of the symbol, in the Attributes tab, select the Basic
symbol preview check box.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 21
5. In the Properties <...> dialog, go to the Pin tab (or Male pin or Female pin) to
enter the desired data for the new pin.

6. Click [OK].

Below the highlighted DT, a pin with the corresponding properties is


3.3 Edit pins

1. Highlight a the pin in the graphical editor, in the plug navigator, or in the device

EPLAN Training 22
2. Select Popup menu > Properties, or double-click on the selected pin.

EPLAN Training 23
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, edit the data of the selected pin in the Pin tab.

4. Click [OK].


You can place the pins using Drag & Drop, by dragging a highlighted pin from the
navigator onto your open page in the graphical editor.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24

4 Numbering Pins
The pin is uniquely identified in the plug using the pin designation. In the Number
pins dialog, you can change the settings for the designation and renumber the
selected pins. Use a numbering scheme to determine the designations for the pins.


You selected one or more plugs in the plug navigator, the device navigator or in the
graphical editor.

Project data > Plugs > Number pins

1. Select the numbering scheme you want from the Scheme drop-down list, or
click [...] to open the Properties : Numbering dialog and create a new scheme

2. In the fields Start value and Increment define the appropriate values, and in
the Number of digits field, define the number of positions for the numbering.

3. Select the desired options for the sort order and the range of numbering.

EPLAN Training 25
4. Select the corresponding check boxes to determine whether alphabetical
components should be retained and whether pins influenced by the PLC
should be numbered as well.

5. Click [OK].

Numbering is executed according to the settings, and the new pin

designations are assigned to the appropriate pins.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26

5 Sorting Pins
In the Edit plug dialog, you can change the order of the pins within the plug.


You highlighted a plug definition or a pin in the graphical editor, in the plug navigator,
or in the device navigator.

Project data > Plugs > Edit

1. Click in the table in the Edit plug dialog in the first field of the desired pin in
order to select the row.

2. Hold the [Ctrl] key down and mark all of the additional pins that you would like
to move.

3. Move the selected pins into the desired position in the plug using the arrow


EPLAN Training 27

Use the [Sort] button to automatically sort all the pins in a plug.

EPLAN Training 28

EPLAN Training 29


EPLAN Training 1

1 Inserting PLC Cards and Connections .......................................................3

1.1 PLC card overview....................................................................................3
1.2 Insert PLC connection points ....................................................................6

2 Creating PLC Cards and Connection Points ............................................10

2.1 Create PLC boxes or PLC connection points..........................................10
2.2 Place PLC boxes or PLC connection points ...........................................13

3 Editing the Properties of PLC Cards or Connection Points ....................15

3.1 Edit PLC data in the graphical editor.......................................................15
3.2 Edit PLC data in the navigator ................................................................16

4 Addressing the PLC Connection Points ...................................................19

5 Using the Existing PLC Connection Points ..............................................22

5.1 Re-use single PLC connection points .....................................................22
5.2 Use existing PLC addresses blockwise ..................................................23

6 Using Existing PLC Addresses..................................................................26

6.1 Re-use single PLC addresses.................................................................26
6.2 Use existing PLC addresses blockwise ..................................................27

7 Importing or Synchronizing Assignment Lists ........................................30

8 Exporting Assignment Lists ......................................................................33

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Inserting PLC Cards and Connections

You can insert PLC cards and connection points on schematic pages and also on
pages of type "Overview". Synchronization occurs between the overview pages and
the schematic pages. All of the PLC connection point data can be entered in both the
overview and in the schematic.

1.1 PLC card overview

A PLC card is represented in the schematic by one or more PLC boxes. To insert a
PLC box, proceed as follows:

EPLAN Training 3
1. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
PLC box.

EPLAN Training 4
2. Draw the PLC box as a rectangle.

EPLAN Training 5
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the device data of the PLC card.

1.2 Insert PLC connection points

You normally place PLC connection points inside the associated PLC box. It is
however possible to place PLC connection points outside a PLC box.

EPLAN Training 6
1. Select the menu item Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel >
PLC connection point <...>.

EPLAN Training 7
2. Place the PLC connection point in the PLC box.

The PLC connection point adopts the DT of the PLC box. A number of
additional properties are also displayed, but these are not editable.

EPLAN Training 8
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter the device data of the PLC connection

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9

2 Creating PLC Cards and Connection Points

You can create PLC cards and connection points in the following places:

In the graphical editor (drawn, as described in "Inserting PLC Cards and

Connection Points"

In the navigator dialogs PLC - <Project name> or Device - <Project name>

(here you can also create and re-use unplaced connection points).

The creation of PLC functions in the PLC - <Project name> dialog is described

2.1 Create PLC boxes or PLC connection points

Project data > PLC > Navigator

EPLAN Training 10
1. In the PLC - <Project name> dialog, select Popup Menu > New.

EPLAN Training 11
2. In the Function definitions dialog, select a PLC box or a PLC connection
point and click [OK].

3. In the Properties <...> dialog, edit the properties of the PLC box or the PLC
connection point. For example, enter a new DT for the PLC box.

EPLAN Training 12
4. Click [OK].

The new (unplaced) PLC box or PLC connection point is displayed in the
tree or the list.

2.2 Place PLC boxes or PLC connection points

Project data > PLC > Navigator

1. Select a PLC box or connection point and then select Popup menu > Place >
Multi-line, to place the function on a schematic page. (Select ...> Single-line
or ...> Overview, to place the function in the single-line display or on an
overview page.)

EPLAN Training 13
2. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol to be placed with the

3. Click [OK].

The symbol hangs on the mouse pointer.

4. Place the symbol in the schematic and click the left mouse button to insert it.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14

3 Editing the Properties of PLC Cards or

Connection Points
You can edit the data for a PLC at every position in the project where this data
occurs: On the schematic page, the overview page, in the bus configuration, and in
the navigators. Changing the hardware data (e.g., the connection point designation)
in the schematic does not change this data on the overview page.

In the graphical editor, you edit the properties of placed PLC boxes and
connection points.

In the navigator dialogs PLC - <Project name> or Devices - <Project name>

dialog, you edit the properties of all PLC boxes and connection points in the
project (placed or unplaced).

3.1 Edit PLC data in the graphical editor

1. Double-click a PLC box or a PLC connection point.

EPLAN Training 15
2. In the Properties <...> dialog, change the properties of the PLC box or the
PLC connection point.

3. Click [OK].

The changed properties are adopted.

3.2 Edit PLC data in the navigator

Project data > PLC > Navigator
Project data > Devices > Navigator

1. Select a PLC box or a PLC connection point. (Multiple selection is also


EPLAN Training 16
2. Select Popup menu> Properties.

EPLAN Training 17
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, change the properties of the PLC box or the
PLC connection point.

4. Click [OK].

The changed properties are adopted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18

4 Addressing the PLC Connection Points

It is possible to re-address specific or entire areas of PLC connection points within a
PLC controller (several PLC connection points, one or more PLC cards). The settings
and formats from the PLC settings are taken into account.


You have selected several PLC connection points in the schematic, or in the PLC -
<Project name> navigator dialog; or project pages (or a project) containing PLC
connection points are selected in the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > PLC > Address

1. In the Readdress PLC connection points dialog, select a scheme defining

the settings for the addressing from the drop-down list. Or click [...] to create a
new scheme in the dialog which appears, to save changes to a scheme, copy
a scheme, or delete one. Schemes can also be imported or exported.

EPLAN Training 19
2. Select the Digital connection points and / or the Analog connection points
check boxes to define which connection points are to be addressed.

3. In the Digital start address and Analog start address fields, enter the
starting address for the first digital and analog PLC connection points. The
currently defined addressing format is displayed as an aid.

4. Use the Sorting drop-down list to define the order in which the PLC
connections are to be sorted. The connection points are fundamentally sorted
by the DT of the card; in addition, sorting can occur by the graphical order in
the schematic, in the order of channel designations or in the order of the
connection point designations.

5. Select the Preview of result check box to see a preview of the results before
the new addresses are adopted.

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 20
In the Address PLC: Preview of result dialog the results of the
addressing are shown.

7. Change the new addresses if necessary and click [OK].

The new addresses are adopted in the project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21

5 Using the Existing PLC Connection Points

If your project contains unplaced PLC connection points, you can re-use these and
assign their properties to the placed connection points.

At a single PLC connection point, you can use the Properties <...> dialog to re-use
another connection point. In the Use existing PLC connection points blockwise
dialog, you can re-use several connection points at the same time (also for different

5.1 Re-use single PLC connection points


You have opened the Properties <...> dialog for a single PLC connection point.

1. Select the <Function category> tab and click [...] next to the Displayed DT

In the DT - selection dialog, all PLC connections used in the project are

EPLAN Training 22
2. Navigate through the tree or list and select an unplaced PLC connection point,
or - depending on the selection - select a new one using [Next].

3. Click [OK].

The DT is inserted in the Properties <...> dialog, and the property is

assigned to the PLC connection point.

5.2 Use existing PLC addresses blockwise


EPLAN Training 23
You have selected multiple PLC connection points in the graphical editor or in the
navigator dialogs PLC - <Project name> or Devices - <Project name>.

Project data > PLC > Use connection points blockwise

1. In the Select unplaced PLC connection points to place them blockwise

dialog, navigate through the tree or list and select the unplaced PLC
connection points that you wish to use.

2. Click [OK].

The selected unplaced PLC connection points are displayed in the From

3. Use the arrow keys to move the unplaced PLC connection points in the right-
hand table and assign them to the existing placed PLC connection points in
the left-hand table To.

When moving, the entries may only be moved to another free position; no
EPLAN Training 24
change occurs to the unselected, occupied positions.

If the selected quantities are different, then this is balanced by appended

empty lines.

4. In the Use existing PLC connection points blockwise dialog, above the
table From, click [...] if you wish to re-open the Select unplaced PLC
connection points to place them blockwise dialog. Select the desired PLC
connection points and click [OK].

5. Click [OK].

The PLC connection points are re-used, i.e., their properties are adopted
by the assigned, placed PLC connection points.

If, for a function in the schematic, you have also selected the associated function
in the overview page, then the same connection point is re-used for both
functions. Both placements then belong together after this. (If only one
placement was selected, then the relationship is lost!) Only one common entry
is displayed for both placements in the left-hand table. If the addresses of the
two placements are different, then the <<...>> character string is displayed in
the table. The <<...>> character string is also displayed for different
representation types.

If multiple PLC connection points exist in the project (with the same DT and
connection point designation), then both are listed. If the PLC connection point
occurs several times in the schematic and the associated PLC connection
point on the overview page only once, then only the graphically first PLC
connection point in the schematic is assigned to the relevant connection point
in the overview page.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25

6 Using Existing PLC Addresses

If your project contains free PLC addresses, then you can re-use these and assign
them to the connection points existing in the project.

At a single PLC connection point, you can use the Properties <...> dialog to re-use
an address. In the Use existing PLC connection points blockwise dialog, you can
use several addresses at the same time (also for different PLC connection point

6.1 Re-use single PLC addresses


You have opened the Properties <...> dialog for a single PLC connection point.

1. Select the <Function category> tab and click [...] next to the Address field.

The Select unplaced PLC addresses to place them blockwise dialog

displays all PLC addresses in the project.

2. Select a processor from the PLC CPU drop-down list.

The PLC addresses assigned to this processor are displayed in the table.

3. Select the desired PLC address from the table.

EPLAN Training 26
4. Click [OK].

The PLC address is inserted in the Properties <...> dialog.

6.2 Use existing PLC addresses blockwise


You have selected several PLC connection points in the graphical editor, the PLC
navigator, or in the device navigator.

Project data > PLC > Use existing addresses blockwise

1. In the Use existing PLC addresses blockwise dialog, above the table From,
click [...].

EPLAN Training 27
2. In the Select unplaced PLC addresses to place them blockwise dialog,
select a processor from the PLC CPU drop-down list.

The PLC addresses assigned to this processor are displayed in the table.

3. Select the PLC addresses that you wish to use and click [OK].

The selected PLC addresses are displayed in the From table.

4. Use the arrow keys to move the PLC addresses in the right-hand table and
assign them to the existing PLC connection points in the left-hand table To.

When moving, the entries may only be moved to another free position; no
change occurs to the unselected, occupied positions.

If the selected quantities are different, then this is balanced by appended

empty lines.

5. Click [OK].

The PLC addresses are re-used and assigned to the PLC connection

At power supply connection points, the address, the symbolic address, and
the function text are only transferred if these properties already contained

If you have also selected the associated power supply connection points

EPLAN Training 28
and representations on the overview pages for a PLC connection point, then
the address is re-used for all representations.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 29

7 Importing or Synchronizing Assignment Lists

Assignment lists can be imported in the Siemens formats *.SDF and *.SEQ, or as
ASCII data *.ASC. In addition to this, files with any file name extension can be
imported if they conform to the structure rules for assignment lists.

Project data > PLC > Addresses / assignment lists > [Extras] > Import
assignment list

1. Select an assignment list from the Select file dialog.

2. Click on [Open].

3. In the Import / synchronize assignment list dialog, define what PLC

controller data is to be read using the PLC CPU field.

All CPUs existing in the project are offered in the drop-down list.

oIf you wish to perform a pure Import (i.e., without overwriting any PLC
data in the project) enter a CPU here that is not in the project.

EPLAN Training 30

oIf you select an existing CPU then the data is Synchronized.

oIf you do not enter a CPU, the entries from the assignment list are
assigned to the unnamed CPU. If an unnamed CPU already exists in
the project, then existing entries are overwritten according to the
reference value.

5. In the PLC-specific settings field, select a scheme from the drop-down list
defining the settings for the addressing format.

6. In the Language selection field, select a suitable language for the

assignment list.

All languages defined in the translation settings for the project are
displayed in the drop-down list.

7. In the Reference value field, you define the criteria used by the system to
recognize existing entries. The CPU is always compared; within a CPU, either
the address or the symbolic address serve as the base value. Identical entries
are overwritten and the others are added to the list.

In the case of a pure import (i.e., a new CPU), the value in this field is not
relevant, since no addresses exist for this CPU yet.

9. Select the Import / synchronize all identifiers check box if you want to
import all addresses existing in the assignment list. The designations are not
accounted for, i.e., addresses that are not defined in EPLAN are also imported

EPLAN Training 31
(e.g., timer, tag etc.). Otherwise, only the identifiers specified in the PLC-
specific settings dialog, in the Addresses tab are defined.

10. Click [OK].

The addresses in the assignment list are imported according to the project

Existing addresses or symbolic addresses are overwritten according to the

setting in the Reference value field.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32

8 Exporting Assignment Lists

Project data > PLC > Addresses / assignment lists > [Extras] > Export
assignment list

1. In the Export assignment list dialog, in the PLC CPU field, select the CPU
whose assignment data you wish to export. You can create a common
assignment list for all processors, or a separate list for each processor.

All CPUs existing in the project are offered in the drop-down list.

2. In the PLC-specific settings field, select a scheme from the drop-down list
defining the settings for the addressing format.

3. In the Language selection field, select a suitable language for the

assignment list.

All languages defined in the translation settings for the project are
displayed in the drop-down list.

4. In the File name field, enter the name of the file where the exported data is to
be stored.

EPLAN Training 33
5. Click [OK].

The addresses from the assignment list are written to the export file.

EPLAN Training 34

EPLAN Training 35
PLC Address Formats

PLC Address Formats

EPLAN Training 1
PLC Address Formats

1 Defining Address Formats ...........................................................................3

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
PLC Address Formats

1 Defining Address Formats

Separate address formats are possible for digital and analog inputs and outputs. How
you define the address format for digital inputs and outputs is described below. You
also define the address format for analog inputs and outputs in the same manner.

1. Select the menu item Project data > PLC > Settings.

2. In the Settings: PLC, click [...] next to the Settings: PLC-specific field.

EPLAN Training 3
PLC Address Formats
3. In the Settings: PLC-specific dialog bring the Address formats tab into the

4. Select a user-defined scheme from the drop-down list or create a new


5. Next to the Digital I/Os field, click [...].

EPLAN Training 4
PLC Address Formats
6. In the Format of PLC address dialog, you define the address format using
the format elements Counter and Separator. In the Available format
elements list, select the Counter element and use the arrow key to copy it to
the right into the Selected format elements list.

7. In the Format: Counter dialog, you define the format for the counter. Select
the number system to be used for displaying the counter, define the start and
end values for the addressing and also the number of digits.

8. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 5
PLC Address Formats
9. In the Available format elements list, select the Separator element and use
the arrow key to copy it to the right into the Selected format elements list.

10. In the Format: Separator dialog, you define the character to be used for
displaying the separator.

11. Click [OK].

12. Format the next counter and separator in the manner described above and
continue until the desired address format has been built. Every counter and
separator can be defined separately from each other.

EPLAN Training 6
PLC Address Formats
13. Click [OK].

A preview of the address format is displayed in the preview field, where the
format elements are represented by identifiers.

EPLAN Training 7
PLC Address Formats

EPLAN Training 8


EPLAN Training 1

1 Creating Macro Projects...............................................................................3

2 Using Macro Boxes.......................................................................................5

2.1 Generate macros automatically from macro projects................................5
2.2 Recreate macros.......................................................................................9
2.3 Exchange macros ...................................................................................11
2.4 Select macro objects...............................................................................13
2.5 Assign individual objects to a macro box ................................................14
2.6 Move handles..........................................................................................15

3 Creating Placeholder Objects ....................................................................17

4 Extending Placeholder Objects .................................................................22

5 Editing Placeholder Objects ......................................................................24

6 Inserting Macros .........................................................................................26

6.1 Insert window macros and symbol macros .............................................26
6.2 Insert page macros .................................................................................28

7 Creating Macros..........................................................................................31
7.1 Create window macros and symbol macros ...........................................31
7.2 Create page macros ...............................................................................35

8 Creating Macros from DXF / DWG Files ....................................................39

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Creating Macro Projects

You can use macro projects to manage and automatically create window macros.


You have created a basic project *.epb or project template *.ept .

Project > Management

1. In the Project management dialog you create a new project as described

under Creating a Project from a Project Template or Creating a Project from a
Basic Project.

EPLAN opens the Project properties: <Project name> dialog.

2. In the Properties tab select the "Settings" category.

The "Type of project" setting will still be displayed.

EPLAN Training 3
3. Click here in the Value column on the associated field and select the "Macro
project" setting from the drop-down list.

4. Click [OK].

The new macro project is created and can be edited like a "normal" project.

Creating a new project is not the only way to create macro projects. You can
also first create a schematic project, prepare corresponding schematics cut-
outs for the macros to be generated, and then convert to a macro project by
changing the project properties. To do this you only have to change the project
setting "Type of project" to "Macro project" as described in step 3.

Macro projects do not contain cross-references, and connections are not


This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4

2 Using Macro Boxes

Use the macro boxes to specify the outline and data for the macros to be generated.
You can then use the EPLAN utilities to automatically generate macros from these
prepared macros.

When writing window or symbol macros a macro box is also saved in the macro for
the specified cut-out. If you insert the macros on project pages, you will have the
option of inserting the macro box as well. To do this you have to select the Insert
macro boxes too check box (under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project
name" > Graphical editing > General). The inserted macro boxes are placed on a
certain layer (EPLAN308 = Symbol graphic.Macro.Macro boxes). In layer
management you can then specify the settings for this layer.

Special program functions in the macro box enable you to retroactively change the
objects associated with an inserted macro and thus exchange variables for a macro,
for example.

A macro box cannot be located within a macro box. The inner box is deleted
when the macro is written.

There are no macro boxes in a page macro. The macro name, version, source,
etc., are stored on all of the pages available. You can find this data in the page
properties under the "Macro" category.

When compressing projects, there is a setting available for deleting all of the
inserted macro boxes in a project. To do this, select the Macro boxes check
box (in the Remove placed functions compression settings) and execute the
subsequent compression (see also Compress project).

2.1 Generate macros automatically from macro projects

You can use macro boxes to automatically generate macros in macro projects.


EPLAN Training 5
You are in a macro project.

You have inserted objects on at least one page (e.g., schematics cut-outs,
graphics, etc.), from which macros are to be automatically generated.

1. Select Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel > Macro box.

EPLAN Training 6
2. Click with the mouse to determine the first corner of the box (request displayed
in the status bar).

3. Use the mouse to drag the frame around the desired objects.

4. Click once more with the mouse to determine the second corner of the box.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until all macro boxes are drawn.

6. Finish this action via the Popup menu > Cancel action.

EPLAN Training 7
7. Double-click a macro box.

EPLAN opens the Properties <...> dialog.

8. In the Macro box tab specify the data for the macro to be generated. In order
to create a macro, you have to specify at least one macro name in the Name

9. Click [OK] to confirm your entries and close the Properties <...> dialog.

10. Repeat steps 7-9 for all other macro boxes.

11. Select the menu items Utilities > Generate macros > Automatically from
macro project.

The areas identified above the macro boxes are written as window macros
(*.ema) in specified directory (default is <Drive_EPLAN>:<Program

EPLAN Training 8
folder>\<Macros>\<Company code>). When doing this the necessary data
is taken from the macro box properties.

2.2 Recreate macros

Using a macro box that is inserted with a macro you have the option of editing the
objects associated to a macro and saving the macro anew. Possible changes for the
macro objects would be, for example, a symbol exchange for a component, changed
data in a properties dialog, or a new value set for a placeholder object.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Graphical editing >
General, you have defined that macro boxes must also be inserted.

You are in a project and have inserted a macro.

1. Make the desired changes to the macro objects.

EPLAN Training 9
2. Click the associated macro box.

3. Select the menu items Popup menu > Create macro.

EPLAN opens the Save as dialog. The file name and variant of the macro
are predefined.

4. Click [OK] to confirm the overwrite.

EPLAN Training 10
5. Confirm the prompt regarding overwriting the macro variant with [Yes].

2.3 Exchange macros

Using a macro box inserted with the macro you have the option in the schematic of
replacing an inserted macro with a different onefor example a different variant to
be swapped.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Graphical editing >
General, you have defined that macro boxes must also be inserted.

You are in a schematic project and have inserted a macro.

1. Click the desired macro box.

EPLAN Training 11
2. Select the menu items Popup menu > Exchange / rotate / update macro.

EPLAN opens the Macro file selection dialog. If the selected macro is in a
pre-defined directory, then the file name is already predefined.

3. Here you select another macro, variant, or nothing. In the latter case the
macro is updated.

4. Click [Open].

The macro inserted previously into the schematic is deleted and the new
macro is attached to the cursor.

EPLAN Training 12
5. Position the new macro with a click at the desired position.

Additional dialogs are possible afterwards, if you insert window macros and symbol

2.4 Select macro objects

If you would like to check whether objects belong to a macro (to which a macro box is
assigned), there is a function that enables you to do this.

Under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Graphical editing >
General, you have defined that macro boxes must also be inserted.

You are in a schematic project and have inserted a macro.

1. Click the desired macro box.

EPLAN Training 13
2. Select the menu items Popup menu > Select associated objects.

All objects belonging to the macro are selected.

You can then copy, move, or edit all of the macro objects in a table, for example.

2.5 Assign individual objects to a macro box

Normally, all objects located in a macro box belong to one macro. In a macro project
you have the option of changing this macro object assignment.

You are in a macro project.

You have inserted one or more objects in a project page, from which a macro is
to be automatically generated, and you have defined the plan of the macro to
be created, using a macro box.

1. Select the objects that should belong to the macro. When doing this you can
also select objects that are not within the macro box, or exclude objects that
do lie within the macro box.

EPLAN Training 14
2. Click the desired macro box and select the menu items Popup menu >
Assign objects to macro box.

The objects are assigned to the macro. You can check the assignment by
selecting Popup menu > Select macro box for the respective macro box.

By making this assignment the Individual object assignment check box will be
selected in the Macro box tab in the properties dialog. If you want to remove the
individual object assignment, you have to deselect the corresponding check box. The
associated objects in the macro box will then be back in the future macro.

2.6 Move handles

The handle is defined as the point where the cursor "sticks" when the macro is
inserted. Normally, the macro hangs at the "top left" on the first insertion point. Use
the macro box to define the position of the handle.

You are in a macro project.

You have inserted one or more objects in a project page, from which a macro is
to be automatically generated, and you have defined the plan of the macro to
be created, using a macro box.

1. Click the desired macro box.

EPLAN Training 15
2. Select the menu items Popup menu > Move handle.

3. Move the cursor to the desired position and with a single mouse click define
the position where the contact point of the macro is to be located.

When generating macros automatically from the macro project, the handle
is also written to the macro with the macro box.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16

3 Creating Placeholder Objects

To insert placeholder objects, i.e., to define variables, proceed as follows:


You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Insert > Placeholder object

1. Drag a frame around the objects for which you wish to define placeholders.

2. In the Placeholder dialog, specify a name for the placeholder object in the
Name field.

3. Select the Show preview check box if you would like to display the graphical
preview of the selected elements.

4. In the Assignment tab select the Category of elements (for example, devices
or revision data) to be displayed.

EPLAN Training 17
5. Select the Page properties check box if these should also be displayed in the

6. Change to the Values tab.

7. Select Popup menu > New variable.

EPLAN Training 18
8. In the Name new variable dialog specify the name of the new variable.
EPLAN will automatically check whether the specified name is valid.

The new variable is inserted as a new cell below the Variable column

9. Select Popup menu > New value set.

10. Specify the new value set in the newly created column.

11. Repeat these steps for all additional variables and value sets to be generated.

EPLAN Training 19
12. Change back to the Assignment tab.

13. In the Placeholder field, click the desired schematic objects with the right
mouse button in order to open the popup menu and select Popup menu >
Select variable.

14. In the subsequent dialog select the desired variable and click [OK].

The variable is inserted into the selected column in the form


15. Repeat this variable assignment for all desired schematics objects.

16. Click [OK].

The new placeholder object is automatically placed on the left above the
previously marked area.

If you marked nothing when you called the Insert > Placeholder object menu
items, you first have to determine the desired object (for example via Edit >

EPLAN Training 20

Select > Area) (request displayed in the status bar).

If you have selected individual schematic objects instead of an area, then you
must next define the position of the placeholder object with a mouse click
(request displayed in the status bar).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21

4 Extending Placeholder Objects

In order to expand placeholder objects, select other objects that should also belong
to the placeholder object.


The cursor is positioned on a placeholder.

1. Select Popup menu > Select associated objects.

The schematics elements that belong to the current placeholder object are

2. Select other objects to be assigned by holding the [Ctrl] key.

EPLAN Training 22
3. Right-click the placeholder object and select Popup menu > Assign objects
to placeholder object.

The selected objects are assigned to the placeholder object (new).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 23

5 Editing Placeholder Objects

You are editing placeholder objects by specifying variables.

1. Double-click on the desired placeholder object (graphical symbol of an


2. In the Placeholder - <Placeholder name> dialog edit the variables in the

Assignment tab. Use the popup menu for this as well.

3. Select the Show preview check box in order to display the graphical preview
for the selected schematics object, i.e., the location, where the variable value
is defined.

4. Edit the value sets in the Values tab. Use the popup menu for this as well.

When opening the placeholder object, EPLAN checks whether all objects defined for
the placeholders in the placeholder object are still available. If this is not the case,
then an appropriate message is displayed. You can still call the editing mode for the
placeholder object. In this case, the object is simply reduced by the number of
missing elements.

EPLAN Training 24
When leaving the cell and closing the dialog with [OK], every specified value is
verified for validity for the properties in question. If an error occurs, a message will
appear. This check only takes the data type into consideration. This check also takes
place after editing a placeholder assignment, but only when the corresponding
variable is not empty.

It is not possible to block edit multiple placeholder objects.

When compressing projects there is a compression setting available that

enables you to delete all placeholders from a project. To do this, select the
Placeholder object check box (in the Remove placed functions
compression settings) and execute the subsequent compression.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25

6 Inserting Macros
Macros can be inserted on project pages as window or symbol macros. New project
pages are created when inserting page macros.

The macros are generally broken up when inserted, but it is still possible to change
data via the placeholder objects.

6.1 Insert window macros and symbol macros

You have opened a project page.

Under Options > Settings > User > Display > General you have selected the
Open value set selection dialog for placeholders when inserting macros
check box.

1. Select the menu items Insert > Window macro or Insert > Symbol macro.
Window macros can also be inserted via Popup menu > Insert macros.

EPLAN opens the Select macro dialog.

2. Select the desired macro. If a selected macro has variables, you can use the
Variant drop-down list to specify which variant should be inserted.

EPLAN Training 26
3. Click [Open].

The macro is attached to the cursor and can be positioned wherever you
want (one click).

If value sets are available, select a suitable value set for the placeholder in
the Value set selection dialog. The inserted components contain the data
from the value set.

If there are device tags in the macro, and you have selected the With
prompt check box under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Devices > Numbering (online) in the On insertion of macros and copies
group box, EPLAN opens the Insertion mode dialog.
Specify here how the device tags in the inserted macro should be numbered.

4. The macro is still attached to the cursor. Insert the macro again if you want.

5. Press [Esc] to finish the action.

When positioning the macro with the mouse you can also use the additional
following keys:
[Y] + mouse movement: The macro can only be moved horizontally on its
original position.
[X] + mouse movement: The macro can only be moved vertically on its original
[Y] + [X]: The macro is fixed to its original position and cannot be moved.

If there are variants in a macro, you can select among the different variants
when positioning the macro with the mouse. To do this press [Ctrl] and move
the cursor in a circle. The various macro variants are displayed.

If you return to inserting macros, the most recently selected macro is selected by
default in the Select macro dialog.

Below the graphical preview of the dialog is a comments field. For window and
symbol macros, the source project from which the macro originates is
displayed here along with the description, if available. For window macros
created from DXF / DWG files this field only displays a note regarding their
"source" ("DXF" for macros from DXF files; "DWG" for macros from DWG

EPLAN Training 27


If the macro box should be inserted with the macro when inserting window or
symbol macros, you have to select the Also insert macro boxes check box in
the settings (under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Graphical editing > General).

6.2 Insert page macros

1. Select the menu items Page > Page macro > Insert.

EPLAN opens the Select macro dialog.

2. Select the desired macro. When doing this you can select window (*.ema) or
symbol macro file types (*.ems) in the Files of type field in addition to page
macros (*.emp).

EPLAN Training 28
3. Click [Open].

EPLAN opens the Adjust page structure dialog.

4. Here you specify the placement of the new pages in the page structure of your

5. In the Adjust page structure dialog, click [OK]. The continuation of this
process is the same as for copying pages (see Adjusting the Page Structure).

The pages are created or overwritten.

If you return to inserting macros, the most recently selected macro is selected by
default in the Select macro dialog.

Up to 12 pages are shown for page macros in the graphical preview of this
dialog. The source project from which the macro originated is displayed below
this graphical display in a comments field along with the description and the
number of pages, if available.

The special property "Macro: Inserted by" is available in the page properties for
inserting page macros (Category: "Macro"). When manually inserting a page
macro, the user who inserted the macro is automatically entered here.


You can insert macros using drag and drop, by dragging a selected file from the

EPLAN Training 29

Windows Explorer into the graphical editor or the page navigator of your project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 30

7 Creating Macros
In EPLAN you have the option of saving certain selected elements or areas of project
pages as window or symbol macros. In addition, you can save one or more pages as
page macros if you have either selected them in the page navigator or opened them
in the graphical editor. For all these actions, stored image files are saved along with
the macro.

7.1 Create window macros and symbol macros


You are in graphical editing and have either selected the area on the page that
contains the elements you want, or selected individual elements ([Ctrl] + mouse

EPLAN Training 31
1. Select the menu items Edit > Create window macro or Edit > Create
symbol macro. The menu item Create window macro is also available as an
option in the Popup menu after you have selected the elements on the page.

EPLAN opens the Save as dialog. In the Directory field, the default target
directory is displayed.

EPLAN Training 32
2. In the File name field, enter the name of the macro. Click [...] to select another
name and / or another target directory.

3. If necessary, select one or more variant designations for the macro in the
Variant field. This is an interesting option if you want to create different
variants for one macro. By default, one macro is saved as "variant A". You can
create up to eight variants for one macro under the same file name.

4. If desired, enter a description of the macro into the Description field. The text
entered here is displayed in a comments field when inserting macros and
simplifies the selection for you.

5. If the page scale should be taken into consideration when inserting macros,
you have to select the To page scale check box.

EPLAN Training 33
6. Click the Handle button if you want to manually determine the point in the
macro on which the cursor depends when inserting.

The Save as dialog will close briefly as it waits for a selection.

7. Move the cursor to the desired position and specify the new location of the
handle with a mouse click.

The Save as dialog will open again.

8. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 34
The macro is saved to the specified directory under the name <Name>.ema
(window macros) or <Name>.ems (symbol macros). EPLAN checks whether a
variant already exists under the specified name. If so, you will be requested to
decide whether the old macro variant should be overwritten or not.

If nothing is selected on the page, you can still select that area / individual
elements after selecting the menu item (request displayed in the status bar).

Angular and other macro variations are not created automatically, but must be
manually generated by you on the project pages, and then finally stored under
the same name with a different variant designation. If you have created
different variants of a macro, then you can choose between the variants when

The macro box is saved in the window or symbol macro according to the
specified cut-out.

7.2 Create page macros

If the cursor is on a project page in the graphical editor, you can only save related
pages in a page macro. On the other hand, you also can't write unrelated pages into
a page macro in the page navigator.


You have opened the page navigator.

EPLAN Training 35
1. Select the desired page(s) in the page navigator.

EPLAN Training 36
2. Select the menu items Page > Page macro > Create. Page macros can also
be created via Popup menu > Create page macro.

EPLAN opens the Save as dialog. In the Directory field, the default target
directory is displayed.

3. In the File name field, enter the name of the macro. Click [...] to select another
name and / or another target directory.

EPLAN Training 37
4. If desired, enter a description of the macro into the Description field. The text
entered here is displayed in a comments field when inserting macros and
simplifies the selection for you.

5. If necessary, in the Number of pages field specify the number of pages to be

written into the macro. The default in this field can only be changed if you have
not selected more than one page in the page navigator.

6. Click [OK].

The macro is saved in the specified directory under the name <Name>.emp
and EPLAN checks whether a macro with the specified name already exists. If
so, you will be requested to decide whether the old macro should be
overwritten by the new one or not.


You can create page macros with drag and drop, by dragging selected pages from
the page navigator of your project into the Windows Explorer.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38

8 Creating Macros from DXF / DWG Files

Utilities > Generate macros > From DXF / DWG files

1. In the DXF / DWG files selection dialog select the desired DXF / DWG files.

2. Click on [Open].

3. In the DXF / DWG import dialog select the desired scheme and specify the
target directory.

4. Click [OK].

The selected files are saved in the specified directory (default is

<Drive_EPLAN>:<Program folder>\Macros\<Company code>) as window
EPLAN Training 39
macros <original_name>.ema and can be inserted like "normal" window
macros in EPLAN. When inserting the resulting window macros, a "DXF" is
displayed for macros from DXF files and a "DWG" is displayed for macros
from DWG files.

EPLAN Training 40

EPLAN Training 41
Connection Numbering

Connection Numbering

EPLAN Training 1
Connection Numbering

1 Specifying Settings for Connection Numbering ........................................3

2 Creating Format Groups ..............................................................................7

3 Editing Format Groups...............................................................................11

3.1 Delete format groups ..............................................................................15

4 Defining Net Extensions.............................................................................18

5 Placing Connection Definition Points .......................................................21

6 Designating Connections...........................................................................22
6.1 Change numbering results ......................................................................24

7 Realigning and Formatting Connection Designations ............................27

8 Deleting Connection Designations............................................................29

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Connection Numbering

1 Specifying Settings for Connection Numbering

Settings for connection numbering are saved in schemes. This way you can access
previously specified settings at any time and even change them, if necessary.


You have opened a project.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Settings

1. In the Settings: Connection numbering dialog, select a user-defined

scheme from the drop-down list, or create a new scheme using (New).

2. In the Filter tab select the check box for the trade and connection type you
want to number.

EPLAN Training 3
Connection Numbering
3. In the Placement tab select where and how often you want to place the
connection definition points on the connections.

EPLAN Training 4
Connection Numbering
4. In the Designation tab, define the format groups that are to be formatted

EPLAN Training 5
Connection Numbering
5. In the Display tab specify formatting for connection designations generated on
the connection definition point. Among these formatting options are, for
example, horizontal and vertical increments of the connection designation from
the connection line, as well as text color, size, etc.

6. Click [OK].

The scheme is now set up and will be used when you are numbering

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Connection Numbering

2 Creating Format Groups


You have opened a project.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Settings

1. In the Settings: Connection numbering dialog, select a user-defined

scheme from the drop-down list, or create a new scheme using (New).

EPLAN Training 7
Connection Numbering
2. Move the Designation tab to the foreground and in the toolbar above the
Format groups field, click (New).

EPLAN Training 8
Connection Numbering
3. In the Connection numbering: Formats dialog, in the Connection group
field, select one of the predefined connection groups or the "Browse..." entry.

4. If you selected "Browse..." and opened the Device tag list dialog, select one
of the DT's in the project and click [OK].

5. In the Extent field specify the range of connections that are to receive the
same format for their connection designations. Select an entry from the drop-
down list.

If you have selected the "Net" entry, you can use the net extension to expand
the area of influence for numbering.

7. In the Available format elements field select a format element and move it
over to the right using the arrow button into the list of selected format

EPLAN Training 9
Connection Numbering
Different subsequent dialogs will appear, depending on the formatting
element. Depending on the format element selected, this can be one of the
following dialogs: Format: Properties, Format: Counter, Format: Page / column
/ row or Format: Separator.

8. Define the formatting in the subsequent dialog.

In the Preview field, a preview of the designation format is displayed. The

individual formatting elements are displayed in the connection designations in
the same sequence as they currently exist in the list.

9. If desired, you can change the sequence of the formatting elements using the
arrow buttons.

10. Click [OK].

The values entered will be saved in the selected scheme.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Connection Numbering

3 Editing Format Groups


You have opened a project.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Settings

1. In the Settings: Connection numbering dialog, select the Designation tab.

2. In the Format groups field select a format group and click (Edit).

3. In the Connection numbering: Formats dialog in the Extent field, change if

necessary, the range of connections that are to receive the same format for
their connection designations. Select an entry from the drop-down list.


EPLAN Training 11
Connection Numbering

If you have selected the "Net" entry, you can use the net extension to expand
the area of influence for numbering.

EPLAN Training 12
Connection Numbering


5. In the Selected format elements field select an entry and click (Edit) to
change the formatting. Or, in the Available format elements field select a
format element and move it over to the right using the arrow button into the list
of selected format elements in order to define an additional format element.

Different subsequent dialogs will appear, depending on the formatting


EPLAN Training 13
Connection Numbering

EPLAN Training 14
Connection Numbering
6. In the subsequent dialog (Format: Properties, Format: Counter, Format:
Page / column / row or Format: Separator) define the desired formatting.

In the Preview field, a preview of the designation format is displayed. The

individual formatting elements are displayed in the connection designations in
the same sequence as they currently exist in the list.

7. If desired, you can change the sequence of the formatting elements using the
arrow buttons.

8. Click [OK].

The changed values entered will be saved in the selected scheme.

3.1 Delete format groups


You have opened a project.

EPLAN Training 15
Connection Numbering
Project data > Connections > Numbering > Settings

1. In the Settings: Connection numbering dialog, select the Designation tab.

EPLAN Training 16
Connection Numbering

2. In the Format groups field select a format group and click (Delete).

The format group is deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Connection Numbering

4 Defining Net Extensions

In the Net extension dialog you can add to a net definition. This setting affects the
designation if the range is selected as "Net". Typically a net ends at item terminals
and connection points. Use the net extension function to expand the net with
terminals and plugs.


You have opened a project.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Settings

1. In the Settings: Connection numbering dialog, select a user-defined

scheme from the drop-down list, or create a new scheme using (New).

EPLAN Training 18
Connection Numbering
2. Select the Designation tab and click [Net extension].

EPLAN Training 19
Connection Numbering
3. In the Net extension dialog use the arrow button to move the desired
functions from the Selection list into the Net extended with following
objects list.

The net will then no longer end at the selected functions, but rather it will be
extended by them.

The net extension applies to all format groups contained in the "Net" scope.

4. Click [OK].

The setting will be saved in the selected scheme.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 20
Connection Numbering

5 Placing Connection Definition Points


You have selected connections in the graphical editor, or you have selected one or
more pages or a project in the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Place

Once you have called up the menu item, the connections are first automatically
newly generated.

1. In the Settings field of the Place connection definition points dialog select
a scheme from the drop-down list that will specify the settings for connection
numbering. Click [...] to open the Settings: Connection numbering dialog.
Define the numbering settings here and store them in a scheme.

2. Activate the check box Apply to entire project in order to extend the
connection numbering for the entire project. If you have called up the dialog for
a selected project from the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog, the
check box is already selected and grayed out.

3. Click [OK].

The connection definition points are placed on the schematic pages. They
receive "????" as a designation if the associated connection still has no

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21
Connection Numbering

6 Designating Connections
Via the Designate connections dialog you can designate those connection definition
points that are able to possess a connection designation.

Connection designations are assigned using connection definition points. A

connection can only be designated if all of its connection definition points are
selected. If a page is open in the graphical editor you can individually select the
definition points. Otherwise they are selected via the pages or the project. If the
connection has definition points that are not selected, it cannot be designated.


You have selected connections in the graphical editor, or you have selected one or
more pages or a project in the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Enter designation

Once you have called up the menu item, the connections are first automatically
newly generated.

EPLAN Training 22
Connection Numbering
1. In the Settings field of the Designate connections dialog select a scheme
from the drop-down list that will specify the settings for connection numbering.
Click [...] to open the Settings: Connection numbering dialog. Define the
numbering settings here and store them in a scheme.

2. In the table specify the start value and the increment for numbering each
displayed connection group.

3. In the Overwrite group box specify the connection definition points for which
the designation should be overwritten.

4. Select the Mark as "manually set" check box to assign the "Manually set"
property to all connection definition points for which a connection designation
is set during this numbering process.

5. Activate the check box Apply to entire project in order to extend the
connection numbering for the entire project. If you have called up the dialog for

EPLAN Training 23
Connection Numbering
a selected project from the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog, the
check box is already selected and grayed out.

6. Select the Preview of result check box so that before the new connection
designations are adopted, the Designate connections: Preview of result
dialog is displayed.

7. Click [OK].

The connection designations are displayed on the connections that are

selected for the numbering, as long as the connection definition points have
been placed there.

6.1 Change numbering results

In the Designate connections: Preview of result dialog, the connections whose
designations are to be changed are listed. You can confirm the acceptance of the
new connection designations, abort, or manually modify the new designations.


You have selected connections in the graphical editor, or you have selected one or
more pages or a project in the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Enter designation

EPLAN Training 24
Connection Numbering
1. In the Designate connections dialog specify the settings for connection
designations and select the Preview of result check box.

2. Click [OK].

3. In the Designate connections: Preview of result dialog, browse through the

table and, if necessary, change the connection designation in the New
connection designation field.

4. Select Popup menu > Keep old connection designations if you would like
to enter the old connection designation in the New connection designation
field for the selected connection.

5. Click [OK].

The connection designations are displayed on the connections that are

EPLAN Training 25
Connection Numbering
selected for the numbering, as long as the connection definition points have
been placed there.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26
Connection Numbering

7 Realigning and Formatting Connection

Use the Realign and reformat command to reset the original positions of any
connection definition points that were already set but were later moved / reformatted.
In doing so, the original formatting specified in the settings will be restored for the
selected connection definition points.


You have selected connections in the graphical editor, or you have selected one or
more pages or a project in the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Realign and reformat

Once you have called up the menu item, the connections are first automatically
newly generated.

1. In the Settings field of the Align and Format Connection Designations

dialog select a scheme from the drop-down list that will specify the settings for
connection numbering. Click [...] to open the Settings: Connection
numbering dialog. Define the numbering settings here and store them in a

2. In the Connection definition points group box specify which connection

definition points should be realigned and formatted.

EPLAN Training 27
Connection Numbering
3. Select the Retain "manually set" numberings check box to retain the
alignment and formatting for connection definition points with the "Manually
set" setting.

4. Activate the check box Apply to entire project in order to extend the
connection numbering for the entire project. If you have called up the dialog for
a selected project from the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog, the
check box is already selected and grayed out.

5. Click [OK].

Connection definition points will be realigned and formatted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 28
Connection Numbering

8 Deleting Connection Designations


You have selected a connection in the graphical editor, or in the Connections -

<Project name> navigator dialog. Or you have selected one or more pages or a
project in the Pages - <Project name> navigator dialog.

Project data > Connections > Numbering > Delete

Once you have called up the menu item, the connections are first automatically
newly generated.

1. Select a scheme from the drop-down list in the Settings field of the Delete
connection designations dialog.

The filter settings defined in this scheme are taken into account when
deleting the connection designations.

2. If you wish to change the filter settings, click [...] next to the Settings field.

3. Define the desired filter settings using the Settings: Connection numbering
dialog. Select the appropriate check boxes for the desired connection types
and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 29
Connection Numbering
4. In the Delete connection designations dialog use the radio buttons to
specify whether you only want to delete the connection designations or also
the empty connection definition points.

5. Select the Retain "manually set" check box to retain the alignment and
formatting for connection definition points with the "Manually set" setting, to
not delete them, and to retain their designation.

6. Select the check box Apply to entire project in order to extend the deletion to
the entire project.

7. Click [OK].

According to the settings, the connection designations and if selected

the empty connection definition points will be deleted from the project.

EPLAN Training 30
Connection Numbering

EPLAN Training 31
Numbering Devices Online

Numbering Devices Online

EPLAN Training 1
Numbering Devices Online

1 Specifying Online Numbering Format.........................................................3

2 Setting Preceding Signs in Displayed DT ...................................................9

3 Numbering Devices Online ........................................................................10

3.1 Online numbering....................................................................................10
3.2 Number online and set flags ...................................................................11

4 Not Numbering Devices Online .................................................................12

4.1 Exclude device groups from numbering..................................................12
4.2 Insert devices without a DT.....................................................................14

5 Specifying Online Numbering for Macros and Copied Devices..............16

5.1 Define global settings..............................................................................16
5.1.1Insert macros and copies unchanged .................................................... 16
5.1.2Online numbering of macros and copies................................................ 17
5.1.3Online numbering of macros and copies and setting flags..................... 17
5.2 Define settings on insert .........................................................................18

6 Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Schematic Elements ...............................20

6.1 Copy or cut .............................................................................................20
6.2 Insert at a position...................................................................................22
6.3 Insert at multiple places ..........................................................................24

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Numbering Devices Online

1 Specifying Online Numbering Format

The online numbering format applies to devices that you newly place in the
schematic using the menu item Insert > Symbol. It also applies to copied devices
and devices in newly inserted macros.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)

1. In the Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, click [...] next to the Numbering
format field.

EPLAN Training 3
Numbering Devices Online

2. To create a numbering format click (New) next to the Scheme field.

3. Enter a descriptive name into the Name field and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 4
Numbering Devices Online
4. Change to the DT tab.

5. To allow all devices in the "General DT" device group to be numbered online,
select the General DT check box.

6. Click [...] next to the General DT field.

EPLAN Training 5
Numbering Devices Online
7. In the Available format elements field of the DT format dialog, select the
"Counter" format element and click (Move right).

8. In the Format dialog, in the Minimum number of digits field, enter the
number of positions to be used for the DT counter and click [OK].

The format element is entered into the Selected format elements field.

9. Select all of the desired format elements sequentially. Pay attention to the
rules for the Online numbering format.

10. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 6
Numbering Devices Online
11. To define the online numbering for all other device groups and connections,
proceed in the same manner in the DT and Connection Points tabs.

EPLAN Training 7
Numbering Devices Online

12. Click (Save) and then click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Numbering Devices Online

2 Setting Preceding Signs in Displayed DT

The displayed DT can be displayed with a prefix, e.g. -M1 or without a prefix e.g. M1.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > General

1. In the Settings: General dialog, in the Set preceding sign group box, select
the General functions check box.

2. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Numbering Devices Online

3 Numbering Devices Online

When you insert new devices into the schematic then you can define that these
devices are to be automatically numbered.

A DT is determined and assigned online for every device that you insert. The counter
for DT is incremented by one in the process.

You have opened a project.
You have selected an online numbering format in which the online numbering
for the selected device group is activated.
Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)

3.1 Online numbering

1. In the dialog Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, in the On symbol
insertion group box, select the Number option.

2. Click [OK].

All of the symbols that you insert into the schematic are numbered.

EPLAN Training 10
Numbering Devices Online

3.2 Number online and set flags

1. In the dialog Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, in the On insertion of
symbols group box, select the Number with flag "?" option.

2. Click [OK].

All of the devices that you insert into the schematic are numbered. The DT
contains a question mark as a flag.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Numbering Devices Online

4 Not Numbering Devices Online

When you insert new devices into the schematic then you can define that these
devices are not to be automatically numbered.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)

4.1 Exclude device groups from numbering

Devices that are excluded from the numbering are allocated an identifier and a
counter. The counter is not incremented.

1. In the Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, click [...] next to the Numbering
format field.

EPLAN Training 12
Numbering Devices Online
2. Select a user defined scheme from the Schemes field.

EPLAN Training 13
Numbering Devices Online
3. Change to the DT tab.

4. Deselect the check box for each device group that is not to be numbered

5. Click (Save) and then click [OK].

4.2 Insert devices without a DT

A device can be inserted without a DT. In this case, the entries for the displayed and
full DT remain empty.

EPLAN Training 14
Numbering Devices Online
1. In the dialog Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, in the On insertion of
symbols group box, select the Empty field option.

2. Click [OK].

You can now insert a device without a DT.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15
Numbering Devices Online

5 Specifying Online Numbering for Macros and

Copied Devices
On insertion of macros and cut or copied devices, you can decide if these schematic
elements should be online numbered or not.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)

5.1 Define global settings

Global settings apply project-wide to all macros placed in the schematic and to all
devices inserted into the schematic from the Clipboard.

5.1.1 Insert macros and copies unchanged

1. In the Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, in the On insertion of macros
and copies group box, select the Do not modify option.

EPLAN Training 16
Numbering Devices Online
2. Click [OK].

All of the devices that you insert via macros or copies into the schematic
are inserted unchanged.

5.1.2 Online numbering of macros and copies

1. In the Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, in the On insertion of macros
and copies group box, select the Number option.

2. Click [OK].

All of the devices that you insert via macros or copies into the schematic
are numbered on insertion.

5.1.3 Online numbering of macros and copies and setting flags

Devices whose DT contains a flag in the form of a question mark can be

subsequently renumbered independently of non-tagged devices.

EPLAN Training 17
Numbering Devices Online
1. In the Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, in the On insertion of macros
and copies group box, select the Number with flag "?" option.

2. Click [OK].

All of the devices that you insert via macros or copies into the schematic
are numbered on insertion. The DT contains a question mark as a flag.

5.2 Define settings on insert

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)

EPLAN Training 18
Numbering Devices Online
1. In the Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, in the On insertion of macros
and copies group box, select the With prompt option.

2. Click [OK].

When you insert devices via macros or copies into the schematic, the
Insertion mode dialog opens.

3. Select the desired option from the Insertion mode dialog and click [OK].

and inserting

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19
Numbering Devices Online

6 Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Schematic

You have opened a project.
The project contains pages in which functions have been placed.
Page > Navigator

6.1 Copy or cut

1. Double-click a schematic page in the Pages <Project name> dialog.

The schematic page is opened in the graphical editor.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Select > Area.

A rectangle hangs on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 20
Numbering Devices Online
3. With the left mouse button pressed, pull a rectangle around all the schematic
elements that you wish to copy or cut.

EPLAN Training 21
Numbering Devices Online
4. Select the menu item Edit > Copy or Edit > Cut.

The schematic elements are inserted into the EPLAN Clipboard.

6.2 Insert at a position

1. In the Pages <Project name> dialog, click the schematic page where you
wish to insert the schematic elements.

EPLAN Training 22
Numbering Devices Online
2. Select the menu item Edit > Paste.

When you move the cursor over the schematic, the schematic elements
hang on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 23
Numbering Devices Online
3. Click the position in the schematic where the schematic elements from the
EPLAN Clipboard are to be inserted.

If, in the Settings: Numbering (online) dialog, the With prompt option is
selected, then the Insertion mode dialog opens.

4. Define the manner in which the schematic elements are to be numbered and
click [OK].

6.3 Insert at multiple places

1. If you wish to insert schematic elements at further positions, click again in the

The selected insertion mode does not change.

2. To change the selected insertion mode, press [Esc].

The action is canceled.

3. Select the menu item Edit > Paste, and insert the schematic elements in the
same manner.

In this procedure, you can again specify the manner in which the schematic
elements are to be numbered, using the Insertion mode dialog.

EPLAN Training 24
Numbering Devices Online

EPLAN Training 25
Numbering Devices Offline

Numbering Devices Offline

EPLAN Training 1
Numbering Devices Offline

1 General Procedure........................................................................................3

2 Numbering the Devices Offline....................................................................4

2.1 Selecting the scope of numbering.............................................................4
2.2 Specify offline numbering..........................................................................5

3 Editing and Accepting the Device Numbering ...........................................7

3.1 Edit device numbering ..............................................................................7
3.1.1Change new DT directly........................................................................... 7
3.1.2Copy and paste device tags..................................................................... 8
3.1.3Reassign the original DT.......................................................................... 9
3.2 Accept device numbering........................................................................10

4 Creating and Deleting the Numbering Formats........................................11

4.1 Create numbering formats ......................................................................11
4.2 Delete numbering format ........................................................................15

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Numbering Devices Offline

1 General Procedure
Device numbering consists of the following possible steps:

Selecting Scope of Numbering: In the page navigator, the graphical editor, or in

a device navigator, select a project, a page, or the devices to be numbered.

Limiting the Scope of Numbering: You limit the scope of numbering using filters.

Specifying the Type of Numbering: You select an existing numbering format or

define your own by specifying the numbering type.

Number: You start the numbering.

Viewing and Adjusting the Result: You view the numbering result and adjust it.

Accepting the Numbering in the schematic: You accept the numbering in the

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3
Numbering Devices Offline

2 Numbering the Devices Offline


You have opened a project.

2.1 Selecting the scope of numbering

You can number devices in the page navigator, the device navigator, or the graphical
editor. Which option you choose depends on which scope of numbering you need.

1. Select a project, pages, functions, or structure identifier layers.

EPLAN Training 4
Numbering Devices Offline

2.2 Specify offline numbering


You have selected a project, a page, a function, or a structure identifier layer.

1. Select Project data > Devices > Number.

In the Number (offline) dialog, all devices contained in the numbering

range are listed.

2. In the Format column of the Number (offline) dialog, select a numbering


3. Select the Preview of result check box.

4. Click [OK].

In the Number (offline): Preview of result dialog the devices are shown
with the new numbering. In this dialog you can edit the DT numbering.

EPLAN Training 5
Numbering Devices Offline
5. To accept the DT numbering, click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Numbering Devices Offline

3 Editing and Accepting the Device Numbering

Before you accept the new numbering of the devices into the schematic, you can edit
the individual numberings.

In the page navigator, the graphical editor or the device navigator, you have
selected devices for numbering and under Project data > Devices >
Numbering in the Number (offline) dialog, you have selected the Preview of
results check box.
The Numbering (offline): Preview of result dialog is opened and contains newly
numbered devices.

3.1 Edit device numbering

3.1.1 Change new DT directly

1. In the Number (offline) dialog, click: Preview of result, click in a field in the
New DT column.

2. Change the new DT and press [ENTER].

The changed DT is highlighted.

EPLAN Training 7
Numbering Devices Offline

3.1.2 Copy and paste device tags

For longer DTs with similar structure, there is the option of copying one or more DTs
and inserting them in a different place.

1. Hold down the [SHIFT] key and select all the rows to be copied.

2. Select Popup menu > Copy.

3. Position the mouse pointer in the row into which the selected contents should
be copied.

EPLAN Training 8
Numbering Devices Offline
4. Choose Popup menu > Paste.

3.1.3 Reassign the original DT

1. In the Numbering (offline): Preview of result dialog, click in the row with the
device you want to edit.

2. Select Popup menu > Use original DT.

The new DT will be removed. The original DT is inserted into the row and

EPLAN Training 9
Numbering Devices Offline

3.2 Accept device numbering

1. To accept the new numbering directly into the schematic, click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Numbering Devices Offline

4 Creating and Deleting the Numbering Formats

If you don't want to use any existing numbering format, you can specify a new
numbering format.

You have selected devices for numbering in the page navigator, the graphical
editor, or in the device navigator.
You have opened the Number dialog (Project data > Devices> Number).
[Extras] > Numbering

4.1 Create numbering formats

1. In the Settings: Number (offline) dialog, click (New).

EPLAN Training 11
Numbering Devices Offline
2. In the New scheme dialog, enter a name in the Name field and a description
into the Description field for the numbering format.

3. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 12
Numbering Devices Offline
4. In the Available format elements field, select the "Page", "Column", or "Row"
format element, and click (Accept).

5. In the Format Page / Column / Row dialog in the Minimum number of digits
field, specify the number of digits to be displayed for the selected format
element, and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 13
Numbering Devices Offline
6. To define the sequence of format elements, select a format element in the
Selected format elements field and click (One line up) or (One line
down) as many times as necessary until the element is in the desired position.

EPLAN Training 14
Numbering Devices Offline

4.2 Delete numbering format

1. In the dialog Settings: Number (offline) dialog, select the format in the
Scheme field that you want to delete.

2. Click (Delete).

EPLAN Training 15
Numbering Devices Offline

EPLAN Training 16
Numbering with PLC Data

Numbering with PLC Data

EPLAN Training 1
Numbering with PLC Data

1 Determining the Format and Range for Numbering...................................3

2 Defining Net Extensions...............................................................................8

3 Continuing the Numbering behind a Function .........................................10

4 Excluding the PLC Connection Points from Numbering .........................11

5 Numbering the Devices Connected to PLC ..............................................13

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Numbering with PLC Data

1 Determining the Format and Range for


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Number using PLC

1. In the dialog Settings: Number using PLC data select a user-defined

scheme from the drop-down list, or create a new scheme using (New).

2. In the Settings: Number using PLC data dialog, click (New) above the
Format groups field.

EPLAN Training 3
Numbering with PLC Data
3. In the Number using PLC data: Format dialog, select the group of devices
from the Group drop-down list for which you want to determine the format.
You can choose between terminals, pins, and devices.

4. In the Extent drop-down list, select the scope of numbering for the selected

If you have selected the "Net" entry, then you can use the net extension to
increase the area affected by the numbering scheme, as described in the
section Defining Net Extensions.

EPLAN Training 4
Numbering with PLC Data

6. In the Available format elements field select a format element and move it
over to the right using into the list of selected format elements.

Different subsequent dialogs will appear, depending on the formatting

element. Depending on the format element selected, this can be one of the
following dialogs: Format: PLC data, Format: Identifier, Format: Page / column
/ row, or Format: Separator.

EPLAN Training 5
Numbering with PLC Data
7. Define the formatting in the subsequent dialog.

In the Preview field, a preview of the numbering format is displayed. The

individual formatting elements are displayed in the connection designations in
the same sequence as they currently exist in the list.

8. If desired, you can change the sequence of the formatting elements using the
arrow buttons.

9. Click [OK].

The values entered will be saved in the selected scheme.

EPLAN Training 6
Numbering with PLC Data
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Numbering with PLC Data

2 Defining Net Extensions

Typically a net ends at terminals, plugs, or connection points of functions. Use the net
extension function to expand the net with terminals and plugs. To do this, specify in
the net extension dialog which functions should not be treated as a boundary for the
net. This setting affects the designation if the range is selected as "Net".


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Number using PLC

1. In the dialog Settings: Number using PLC data select a user-defined

scheme from the drop-down list, or create a new scheme using (New).

2. Click [Net extension].

3. In the Net extension dialog use the arrow button to move the desired
functions from the Selection list into the Net extended with following
objects list.

The net will then no longer end at the selected functions, but rather it will be
extended by them.

EPLAN Training 8
Numbering with PLC Data

The net extension applies to all format groups contained in the "Net" scope.

4. Click [OK].

The setting will be saved in the selected scheme.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Numbering with PLC Data

3 Continuing the Numbering behind a Function

If the numbering should be continued after a function at which (based on the scope
configuration) the numbering would stop, then specify this at the function involved.


You have selected a function in the graphical editor.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog in the <Function category> tab, activate the
"Continue numbering with PLC data beyond this function" property
(Properties group box).

2. Click [OK].

When numbering with PLC data, those devices will also be numbered
which are connected to this function.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Numbering with PLC Data

4 Excluding the PLC Connection Points from

When numbering with PLC data, all devices connected to PLC connection points are
numbered by default if they are included in the scope. However, you can exclude
certain PLC connection points from the numbering.


You have selected a PLC connection point in the graphical editor.

Edit > Properties

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the PLC connection point tab, activate the
Prevent numbering with PLC data property.

2. Click [OK].

When numbering with PLC data, devices connected to this function will not
be numbered.

EPLAN Training 11
Numbering with PLC Data
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Numbering with PLC Data

5 Numbering the Devices Connected to PLC

When numbering with PLC data, devices included in the scope of numbering are
numbered. General devices take the PLC data into their DT corresponding to the
settings; terminals and pins incorporate it into their designations.

When numbering with PLC data, only digital or analog inputs and outputs are taken
into account. Devices connected to general PLC connection points are not

In the graphical editor, PLC connection points are selected, or one or more
pages are selected in the page navigator on which PLC connection points are

You have specified the scope and format of numbering.

Project data > Devices > Number using PLC data

EPLAN Training 13
Numbering with PLC Data
1. Select a scheme defining the settings for the numbering from the drop-down
list in the Setting field.

In the Format groups used field, the groups of devices which will be
numbered are shown.

2. In the Overwrite group box, specify which DT / designations should be

overwritten during the numbering.

3. Select the Mark as "Numbered using PLC data" check box so that functions
changed by numbering will be flagged.

During numbering, the "Numbered using PLC data" property will be set for
these functions.

4. Select the Preview of result check box to see a preview of the numbering
results before the new device tags / designations are adopted.

EPLAN Training 14
Numbering with PLC Data
5. If necessary, change the device tags or designations in the Number using
PLC data: Preview of result dialog, and click [OK].

6. Click [OK].

The devices included in the scope of numbering will be numbered

according to the formatting settings and accept data from the PLC connection
point into the DT or designation.

EPLAN Training 15
Numbering with PLC Data

EPLAN Training 16


EPLAN Training 1

1 Inserting Functions.......................................................................................3
1.1 Add functions via symbols ........................................................................3

2 Changing Functions .....................................................................................6

2.1 Change properties ....................................................................................6
2.2 Select connection point designations and descriptions.............................7

3 Editing Connection Point Logic.................................................................10

3.1 Assign connection points between function and symbol .........................12

4 Swapping Function Definitions .................................................................16

5 Swapping Symbols .....................................................................................20

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Inserting Functions
Functions can be added to the project as follows:

You work with the graphics-oriented interface. In the graphical editor, call up
symbol selection and select a symbol. A function definition is defined at the
symbol, with which it is inserted. (The symbol and the function are grouped
together to make a component.)

You insert a macro into the project which contains functions (components). A
function definition is assigned to the component, or it has a special logic
function stored in it.

You work with the logic-oriented engineering approach and want to work with
predefined devices. You select a device (and thus a part); this device has data
concerning its functions. Now, select one of these functions. All symbols are
offered which are suitable to the display of this function. Now, select a symbol
and place it. At the same time, the device is created with all its functions. The
information on the functions come in with the part.

You select (in the navigator) a function (or definition) directly and add it (placed
or unplaced) into the project.

1.1 Add functions via symbols

Functions can easily be added by placing a symbol on a schematic page.


You have opened a schematic page in the graphical editor.

Insert > Symbol

EPLAN Training 3
1. Select the desired symbol from the Symbol selection dialog and click [OK].

2. Place the symbol in the schematic.

A function definition is defined at the symbol; this is placed with the symbol
as a function.

EPLAN Training 4
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, you can edit the properties of the function.

4. Click [OK].

The new and changed properties are stored in the component and
displayed there (as long as they are selected for display).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5

2 Changing Functions
If a function is used in a project, then the function definition in turn provides particular
pre-defined properties. The function definition data is only comprised of default
values and can be overwritten for every individual component. You can also add
extra properties.

2.1 Change properties


You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have
generated a function in one of the navigators.

1. Select the function.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 6
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, you can change the properties of the function.
Use the different tabs and input fields to do this.

4. Specify if necessary additional properties which were not predefined in the

function definition.

5. Click [OK].

The new and changed properties are stored to the function.

The current properties are displayed on the component (as long as they are
selected for display).

2.2 Select connection point designations and

For each function definition, ten sets of connection designations and connection
descriptions can be specified. When creating a function, the first set of connection
designations is used as a default value.
EPLAN Training 7

You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have
generated a function in one of the navigators.

1. Select the function.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 8
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the <Function category> tab.

4. In the Connection point designation field, select an entry from the drop-
down list or enter the connection point designation manually.

5. In the Connection point description field, select an entry from the drop-down
list or enter the connection point description manually.

6. Click [OK].

The connection point data is assigned to the function.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9

3 Editing Connection Point Logic


You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have
generated a function in one of the navigators.

1. Select the function.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 10
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Symbol / function data tab and click

EPLAN Training 11
4. In the Connection point logic dialog, edit the table of properties for the
desired connection points of the function, such as the connection point type,
the potential type, or the number of targets.

5. Click [OK].

6. In the Properties <...> dialog, click [OK].

3.1 Assign connection points between function and

If the number of connection points is the same for function and symbol, then the
connection points are automatically correctly assigned by the system. For the case of
a NO contact symbol, or also for an NC contact symbol representing a change-over
contact (function), the assignment is automatically set by the system. If the number of
connection points in the function is greater than that in the symbol, however, then
you must specify the assignment yourself.
EPLAN Training 12

You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have
generated a function in one of the navigators.

1. Select the function.

2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 13
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, select the Symbol / function data tab and click

EPLAN Training 14
4. In the Connection point logic dialog in the Symbol connection point field,
assign the connection points of the symbol to the connection points of the
function. Normally, connection point "1" of the function is allocated to
connection point "1" of the symbol etc. You can change this allocation by using
the drop-down list.

5. Click [OK].

6. In the Properties <...> dialog, click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15

4 Swapping Function Definitions

You can switch the assigned function definitions for a function. Only those function
definitions are offered which match the correct number of connection points. The
number of connection points of the new function definition must be the same or
greater than those of the symbol used. For instance, it is possible to use the function
definition "change-over contact" for an NO contact.

If the function should have fewer connection points than the symbol used, you need
to switch the symbol. The new symbol then brings the new function with it.

You can also exchange function definitions using search and replace.


You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have
generated a function in one of the navigators.

1. Select the function.

EPLAN Training 16
2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 17
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Symbol / function data tab, click [...]
next to the Definition field.

4. In the Function definitions dialog, page through the tree and select the
desired function definition.

In the tabs to the right of the dialog, the properties and connection point
data of the selected function definition are displayed.

5. Click [OK].

6. If necessary, edit the connection point data in the Connection point logic
dialog, or switch the symbol.

7. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 18
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19

5 Swapping Symbols

You have placed a function (i.e. a component) on a schematic page. Or you have
generated a function in one of the navigators.

1. Select the function.

EPLAN Training 20
2. Select the menu item Edit > Properties.

EPLAN Training 21
3. In the Properties <...> dialog, in the Symbol / function data tab, click [...]
next to the Number / name field.

4. Select the desired symbol from the Symbol selection dialog and click [OK].

5. In the Properties <...> dialog, click [OK].

EPLAN Training 22

EPLAN Training 23
Device Navigator

Device Navigator

EPLAN Training 1
Device Navigator

1 Displaying and Sorting the Project Data in the Device Navigator ............3
1.1 Hierarchical sorting of project data............................................................3
1.2 Tabular sorting of project data ..................................................................4

2 Filtering Project Data in the Device Navigator ...........................................7

2.1 Activate filter .............................................................................................7
2.2 Deactivate filter .........................................................................................8

3 Editing Project Data in the Device Navigator .............................................9

4 Creating an Unplaced Function in the Device Navigator ........................10

4.1 Create a function with a new device .......................................................10
4.2 Create a function for an existing device ..................................................13

5 Deleting Unplaced Functions.....................................................................17

6 Placing a Function Regardless of Page Type...........................................19

6.1 Place functions........................................................................................19
6.2 Select a different symbol.........................................................................21
6.3 Define the position and place the symbol ...............................................22

7 Placing a Function Depending on Page Type ..........................................23

8 Showing a Graphical View of the Placed Function ..................................25

8.1 Activate graphical preview ......................................................................26
8.2 Jump to component ................................................................................27

9 Inserting Project Data into the List of Search Results ............................29

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Device Navigator

1 Displaying and Sorting the Project Data in the

Device Navigator
You can configure different views for project data. In the process, the project data is
sorted hierarchically or in tabular form.

Project data > Devices > Navigator.

1.1 Hierarchical sorting of project data

1. Select the Tree.
The project data is displayed as a hierarchy according to structure identifier
or device identifier.

EPLAN Training 3
Device Navigator

1.2 Tabular sorting of project data

1. Select the List tab.

EPLAN Training 4
Device Navigator
2. Select Popup menu > Configure columns.

In the Column configuration dialog all of the properties are displayed that
you can in turn use as column names.

3. To select a property as a column name, select the check box in front of the

4. To define which property is to be displayed in the first column of the list view,
first select the desired property.

EPLAN Training 5
Device Navigator

5. Then click (Move up) as many times as necessary until the property is at
the top of the list.

6. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Device Navigator

2 Filtering Project Data in the Device Navigator

You can use a filter to display a portion of the project data. You can use filters in both
the tree and list views. Defined filters are stored on a per-user basis.


You have defined a filter.

Project data > Devices > Navigator.

2.1 Activate filter

1. In the Filter field select a filter.

EPLAN Training 7
Device Navigator
2. Select the Active check box.

EPLAN displays a portion of the project data.

2.2 Deactivate filter

1. Deselect the Active check box.

EPLAN again displays the entire project data.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Device Navigator

3 Editing Project Data in the Device Navigator

You can edit the project data properties in the device navigator.

Project data > Devices > Navigator.

1. In the Tree or List tab, select a function / device.

2. Select Popup menu > Properties.

The Properties <...> dialog opens. The name of this dialog depends on the
device you have selected to edit..

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Device Navigator

4 Creating an Unplaced Function in the Device

You can create a function by selecting a function definition. In the device navigator
you can create a function with a new device or a function for an existing device. The
new function is not placed in the schematic.


You have opened a project.

Project data > Devices > Navigator.

4.1 Create a function with a new device

In this procedure, you create a function in connection with a new device.

EPLAN Training 10
Device Navigator
1. Select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN Training 11
Device Navigator
2. Select a function definition in the Selection field of the Function definitions

The function definition data is shown in the Attributes and Connection

point data tabs.

3. To obtain a preview of the symbol, in the Attributes tab, select the Basic
symbol preview check box.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 12
Device Navigator
5. In the Properties <...> dialog select the <Function category>.
In the Displayed DT field, the visible device tag of the selected device is

6. Enter a new displayed DT and click [OK].

7. Press [F5] to refresh the view.

4.2 Create a function for an existing device

In this procedure, you create a function for an existing device. No new device is

1. Select a device.

EPLAN Training 13
Device Navigator
2. Select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN Training 14
Device Navigator
3. Select a function definition in the Selection field of the Function definitions

The function definition data is shown in the Attributes and Connection

point data tabs.

4. To obtain a preview of the symbol, in the Attributes tab, select the Basic
symbol preview check box.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 15
Device Navigator
6. In the Properties <...> dialog select the <Function category> tab.

7. To accept the same device for the function, click [OK].

8. Press [F5] to refresh the view.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16
Device Navigator

5 Deleting Unplaced Functions

In the device navigator you can only delete functions that aren't placed. You can
recognize non-placed functions by the icon.

You have opened a project.
You have created a non-placed function.
Project data > Devices > Navigator.

1. In the Tree or List tab, select a non-placed function.

2. Select Popup menu > Delete.

EPLAN Training 17
Device Navigator
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18
Device Navigator

6 Placing a Function Regardless of Page Type

With the device navigator you can place each function as many times as you like on
a page. In the process, it does not matter if the function has already been placed, is
unplaced, or is of a different representation type. Specify the representation type
when you place a function. The specified representation type does not depend on the
type of page on which the function is placed.

You have opened a project.
You created a function in the device navigator.
You have opened a symbol library.
You opened a symbol library.
Project data > Devices > Navigator.

6.1 Place functions

When you are placing, the first suitable symbol from the symbol library is used, or the
symbol that you have allocated to the function.

1. Select a function.

EPLAN Training 19
Device Navigator
2. To place a function multi-line, select Popup menu > Place > Multi-line.

EPLAN Training 20
Device Navigator
3. To place a function single-line, select Popup menu > Place > Single-line.

4. To place a function as an overview function, select Popup menu > Place >

The symbol hangs on the mouse pointer.

6.2 Select a different symbol

1. To select a different symbol, press [Backspace].

EPLAN Training 21
Device Navigator
2. Select the desired symbol from the Symbol selection dialog and click [OK].

6.3 Define the position and place the symbol

1. To define the symbol position, press [Left arrow], [Right arrow], [Up arrow],
or [Down arrow], or use the mouse.

2. To place the symbol, press the left mouse button.


You can place the function using Drag & Drop, by dragging a highlighted function
from the navigator onto your open page in the graphical editor. The function's
representation type is automatically chosen independent of the page type.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Device Navigator

7 Placing a Function Depending on Page Type

When you drag a function straight from a navigator into your graphical editor, the
function's representation type is automatically chosen regardless of the page type.
EPLAN automatically adjusts the function to the open page type.


You have opened a navigator and a graphical editor

1. Select your desired function in a navigator.

2. Keep the mouse button pressed and pull the element from the navigator into
the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 23
Device Navigator
EPLAN tells you if you can insert the function by indicating this with the

mouse .

3. Release the mouse button.

The function hangs on the cursor.

4. Position the cursor and click the left mouse button.

EPLAN adapts the function to your page type, regardless of the function's
representation type in the navigator.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
Device Navigator

8 Showing a Graphical View of the Placed

With the quick overview tool in the device navigator, you can show the position of a
placed function in the schematic. Once a device is selected, all components
belonging to this device are displayed in the quick view. If the functions are placed in
several pages, EPLAN displays all associated pages in nested form.


You have placed a function in the schematic.

Project data > Devices > Navigator.

EPLAN Training 25
Device Navigator

8.1 Activate graphical preview

1. Select a device.

EPLAN Training 26
Device Navigator
2. Activate the menu items View > Graphical preview.

In the Graphical preview dialog, EPLAN displays the schematic page(s)

on which the associated devices are placed.

8.2 Jump to component

In the device navigator you can jump straight to the placed function in the schematic.

1. Select a device.

EPLAN Training 27
Device Navigator
2. Select Popup menu > Go to (graphic).

EPLAN opens the schematic page in the graphical editor and positions the
cursor on the component.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 28
Device Navigator

9 Inserting Project Data into the List of Search

You can insert project data from the device navigator into the search results list. In
this manner you can select specific devices in the graphical editor.

Project data > Devices > Navigator.

1. Select one or more devices.

EPLAN Training 29
Device Navigator
2. Select Popup menu > Insert into list of search results.

EPLAN Training 30
Device Navigator
3. Select Find > Show results > Results List 1 tab.

The project data is displayed in the search results list.

EPLAN Training 31
Device Navigator

EPLAN Training 32


EPLAN Training 1

1 Creating Device Definitions .........................................................................3

2 Editing a Device List.....................................................................................6

2.1 Create entries ...........................................................................................6
2.2 Edit entries ................................................................................................8
2.3 Delete entries............................................................................................8

3 Placing Devices...........................................................................................10
3.1 Insert symbols in the graphical editor......................................................10
3.2 Place devices from the navigator ............................................................11
3.3 Delete placements ..................................................................................13

4 Placing Devices from the Device List .......................................................14

4.1 Place devices with parts data .................................................................14
4.2 Place using function, symbol, or macro selection ...................................16

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Creating Device Definitions

A device definition is composed of a set of x function templates. You define these in
the parts management.

Utilities > Parts > Management

1. Browse the tree structure and select a part.

EPLAN Training 3
2. In the Function template tab define a function template for every function in
the device: To do this, click (New).

A new row is created in the table.

3. In the first cell, use [...] to open the function selection and select a function

EPLAN Training 4
4. Click [OK].

5. Enter the technical data of the function into the other cells on the Function
template tab.

6. In the Special group box, you can allocate a symbol and technical data to the

The symbol is placed when no function templates exist, i.e. the table is

If function templates exist, then the data entered here is not accounted for,
but you can still use this for filtering.

7. Click [Apply].

The device definition is stored in the part.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5

2 Editing a Device List


You have opened a project page.

Project data > Devices / parts > Device list

2.1 Create entries

You have two ways of inserting parts into the device list: Either insert a part using the
part selection, or create a new part directly in the device list.

Popup menu > Add part

1. In the Part selection dialog select the desired part.

EPLAN Training 6
2. Click [OK].

The part is added to the device list with the permitted unit quantity of "1".

Popup menu > New

1. In the Properties <...> dialog, enter a part number. Click [...] to open the part
selection and select an existing part.

2. In the Number allowed field enter the number of these parts that may be used
in the project.

EPLAN Training 7
3. In the System part and Device description field, enter the installation
requirements and a description of the functionality of the part. The device list
can be sorted according to these descriptions by clicking the column headers.

4. Click [OK].

The part is added to the device list with the permitted unit quantity.

2.2 Edit entries


You have selected a part in the device list.

Popup Menu > Properties

1. If required, in the Properties <...> dialog, change the values in the Part
number, Number allowed, System part, and Device description fields.

All other fields are automatically filled and can't be changed.

2.3 Delete entries


You have selected a part in the device list.

EPLAN Training 8
Popup menu > Delete

The selected parts are deleted from the device list. This has no effect on the
placement of the relevant part. It merely means that the relevant part is no longer

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9

3 Placing Devices
Devices can be placed from the device list, graphical editor, or the navigators.

Placing devices in the schematic is a quicker way of connecting devices to parts than
the customary procedure of symbol placement with subsequent part selection.

You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

You have entered a symbol or macro for the part in the parts management, or
defined a device using the function templates.

3.1 Insert symbols in the graphical editor

Insert > Device

1. Select a part from the Part selection dialog.

The symbol or macro assigned to the part hangs on the cursor.

2. Place the symbol or macro in the schematic.

The parts data will be written to the main function.

EPLAN Training 10

3.2 Place devices from the navigator

In the navigators, it is possible to place parts in the representation forms Multi-line,
Single-line, or Overview. The following describes the placement of a multi-line


You have opened a navigator, e.g. Project data > Cables > Navigator or Project
data > Terminal strips > Navigator.

1. Select a part in the navigator.

EPLAN Training 11
2. Select Popup menu > Place > Multi-line.

The symbol or macro assigned to the part hangs on the cursor.

3. Place the symbol or macro in the schematic.

The parts data will be written to the main function.


You can placed devices using drag and drop, by dragging a selected device from the
navigators onto your opened page in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 12

3.3 Delete placements


You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

1. Select a component and then select the menu item Edit > Delete placement.

The graphical representation of the function in the circuit diagram will be

deleted. The function and its data remain in the database as an unplaced
function and can, for instance, be placed again from the device navigator.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13

4 Placing Devices from the Device List

In the device list, you have the option of placing a device immediately with its
corresponding parts data. If no symbol or macro is assigned to the part, use the
symbol or macro selector to select and place a symbol or macro. Or you can select a
function using the function selector and place the corresponding symbol.

You have opened a page in the graphical editor.

You have entered a symbol or macro for the part in the parts management, or
defined a device using the function templates.

4.1 Place devices with parts data

Project data > Devices / parts > Device list

1. Select the desired part in the device list.

EPLAN Training 14
2. Select Popup menu > Place via > Parts data.

The symbol or macro defined for the part in the parts management, hangs
on the cursor.

3. Place the symbol or macro in the schematic.

If the part has several functions, then the next function will subsequently
hang on the cursor.

The parts data will be written to the main function.

EPLAN Training 15
4. Place the further functions of the device, or cancel the process using Edit >
Cancel action.

If you place all the functions of a device sequentially, then the "Acquire DT
from left" is also accounted for in the process.

4.2 Place using function, symbol, or macro selection

Project data > Devices / parts > Device list

1. Select the desired part in the device list.

2. Select Popup menu > Place with and subsequently a menu item from the
submenu: Function selection, Symbol selection, or Macro selection.

Depending on your selection, the function selection, symbol selection or

macro selection dialog will be opened.

EPLAN Training 16
3. Select the desired function, symbol or macro and click [OK].

The symbol hangs on the mouse pointer.

4. Place the symbol or macro in the schematic.

The parts data will be written to the main function.


You can placed devices using drag and drop, by dragging a selected device from the
device list onto your opened page in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 17

EPLAN Training 18
Part / Device Selection

Part / Device Selection

EPLAN Training 1
Part / Device Selection

1 Selecting Parts ..............................................................................................3

1.1 Selecting parts in the Properties <...> dialog ............................................3

2 Selecting Parts in the Navigators or the Device List .................................6

2.1 Create devices in the device navigator .....................................................6
2.2 Select parts from the Bill of materials navigator ........................................6
2.3 Select parts from the device list ................................................................8

3 Selecting Devices .......................................................................................11

3.1 Select devices in the Properties <...> dialog ...........................................11
3.2 Select devices in the bill of materials navigator.......................................18

4 Saving Parts Data to Function ...................................................................20

4.1 Deleting Parts by Function ......................................................................21

5 Saving Parts Data in Project ......................................................................22

5.1 Synchronize parts with the parts database .............................................23

6 Generating Parts Based on Schematic Data ............................................25

7 Deleting Stored Parts Properties...............................................................26

8 Parts Preselection.......................................................................................28

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Part / Device Selection

1 Selecting Parts
In part selection, you assign one or more parts to a device. This assigns the data to
the device, as it was entered in the parts manager in the Function Templates tab in
the Specific group field.

Part selection can be called up from different places:

From the Properties <...> dialog

From the Device navigator

From the bill of materials navigator

From the device list.

1.1 Selecting parts in the Properties <...> dialog


You have opened the Properties <...> dialog and moved the Parts tab to the

EPLAN Training 3
Part / Device Selection
1. Click [...] in the Part number field.

2. In the Part selection dialog, navigate through the tree structure and select
one or more desired parts.

EPLAN Training 4
Part / Device Selection
3. Click [OK].

The part numbers are transferred to the Properties <...> dialog.

4. Click [OK].

All part numbers entered in the Properties <...> dialog are searched for in
the parts database and the corresponding parts are stored in the project. In
the process, the relevant data source for each part is also read, according to
the parts data. The function templates for the part are also saved.

The part properties of the first part selected are written to the current device
(e.g. cable type, conductor cross-section, etc.).

The data entered for the component (e.g., the connection point
designation) is retained and is not overwritten by data from parts
management. These deviations are flagged during a project check.

If a part or technical characteristic was already assigned to the device

(such as technical dimensions, connection designations, cable type, etc), the
Conflict dialog opens. This contains the previous data from the device and the
new properties from the first part selected. Also, the previous part reference
properties (function group, part type, etc.) are shown across from the new part
properties for all parts.

5. If you want to, change the properties and close the Conflict dialog by clicking

The new data is accepted. Function templates from the parts are ignored.
If you click [Cancel] the old properties are retained.

If you want to assign multiple part numbers to a symbol, you must make sure that an
empty row is highlighted for each new assignment. Otherwise the highlighted part
number will be overwritten with the new one.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
Part / Device Selection

2 Selecting Parts in the Navigators or the Device

In the device navigator, the bill of materials navigator and the device list you can
open the parts selection tool via the context menu.

2.1 Create devices in the device navigator

You can create devices in the device navigator with the parts selection tool.

Project data > Devices > Navigator.

1. Highlight an element and select Context Menu> New Device.

2. In the Part selection dialog search through the tree structure and select one
or more desired parts.

3. Click [OK].

A new device is created. The device is sorted into the project structure
independently from the marked element.

The parts data is written to the device. In this way, a new device is created
through part selection.


Assume that you have marked an arbitrary device under the installation location PT1.
Now open part selection through the New device function, and select a conctactor.
Under PT1, the device K1 is created with all the functions of a contactor.

2.2 Select parts from the Bill of materials navigator

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

EPLAN Training 6
Part / Device Selection
1. Highlight an entry and go to Popup menu > Add part or Popup menu >
Exchange part.

EPLAN Training 7
Part / Device Selection
2. In the Part selection dialog search through the tree structure and select one
or more desired parts.

3. Click [OK].

The new part is assigned to the marked device. In Exchange part, the old
part is replaced, while in Add part existing part references are retained.

2.3 Select parts from the device list

Project data > Devices / parts > Device list

EPLAN Training 8
Part / Device Selection
1. Select Popup menu > Add part.

EPLAN Training 9
Part / Device Selection
2. In the Part selection dialog search through the tree structure and select one
or more desired parts.

3. Click [OK].

The parts data is written into the device list. A new entry is created for the
part to be monitored.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Part / Device Selection

3 Selecting Devices
In device selection, you assign one device to another device; the assigned device
may contain one or more parts. The data from the function definitions is assigned to
the device. These are entered in the parts management, in the function definitions
table of the Function template tab.

Device selection can be called up from different places:

From the Properties <...> dialog

From the Bill of materials navigator

3.1 Select devices in the Properties <...> dialog


You opened the Properties <...> dialog for a component and brought the Parts tab
to the front.

EPLAN Training 11
Part / Device Selection
1. Click [OK].

In the Parts list all items are shown from the parts management that
correspond to the selected device.

In the list Selected part: Functions / templates, the functions of the

current device are displayed.

EPLAN Training 12
Part / Device Selection
2. If you want to, for example, change the selection criteria for the device
selection, click [Properties].

EPLAN Training 13
Part / Device Selection
3. In the Settings dialog edit: Device selection the settings and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 14
Part / Device Selection
4. If you want to enter additional functions, click [...] next to Automatic filter.

5. In the Automatic Filter dialog: Device selection, make the filter settings for
the technical values of the parts and click [OK].

The Parts list shows the filtered parts.

EPLAN Training 15
Part / Device Selection
6. Highlight a part in the Parts.
The Accessories list shows the accessories of the highlighted part (if

In the list Selected part: Functions / templates is shown as a preview

, to which device functions a function template of the part is assigned and
whether there are any remaining empty function templates.

7. Select the part you want from the Parts list (or an accessory from the
Accessories list), and click below the list. (If you highlighted an accessory
you can transfer the accessory and the part by using .)

You have completed the parts selection. This is shown in the Selected
Parts list: Functions / templates with an additional icon (a check mark)
before the function template of the part.

EPLAN Training 16
Part / Device Selection
8. If not all of the device functions have templates assigned to them, select
another part from the Parts or Accessories.
In the list Selected part: Functions / templates the corresponding
function templates of the part are shown in alternating colors. Preview rows
are shown in italics.

9. Click below the list to transfer the parts in the Selected Parts list:
Functions / templates . If you want to, select more parts until all functions are

10. Click [OK].

The part numbers are transferred to the Properties <...> dialog.

11. Quit the Properties <...> dialog with [OK].

All part numbers entered in the Properties <...> dialog are searched for in
the parts database and the corresponding parts are stored in the project. In
the process, the relevant data source for each part is also read, according to
the parts data. The function templates for the part are also saved.

The part properties of the first part selected are written to the current device
(e.g. cable type, conductor cross-section, connector designation, technical
dimensions, etc.).

The data from the function templates of the stored parts are written to the
current device (main function) and its auxiliary functions.

If a part was already assigned to a device, its data is overwritten without

any warning.

The data entered for the component (e.g., the connection point
designation) is retained and is not overwritten by data from parts
management. A project check will display messages highlighting any of these

EPLAN Training 17
Part / Device Selection

3.2 Select devices in the bill of materials navigator

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. Highlight a parts reference and go to Popup menu > Select devices.

EPLAN Training 18
Part / Device Selection
2. In the Select Devices dialog, select the part(s) you want as described above.

3. Click [OK].

The parts data is transferred into the Bill of materials <Project name>
dialog, to update the parts references.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19
Part / Device Selection

4 Saving Parts Data to Function

In the Parts tab of the Properties <...> dialog, you can assign part data to a function.
The table on the tab serves for both the display and entry of part data.

Data entry is possible either manually or using part selection or using device
selection, which is where you can reference data that is saved in parts management.
You can assign up to 50 different parts records to a function. The parts data is stored
in the project.

You have double-clicked on a component and in the Properties <...> dialog you
have moved the Parts tab to the foreground.

You have either entered a part number manually or performed a part selection or
a device selection.

1. From the drop-down list Category, select the "Part reference data" entry.

After a part or device selection, the corresponding values from the part are
displayed there; for manual entry of the part number, the fields are empty.

EPLAN Training 20
Part / Device Selection
2. Change the existing values, or enter new ones.

3. Click [OK].

The data is stored to the function.

4.1 Deleting Parts by Function

In the Parts tab of the Properties <...> dialog, you can delete part data assigned to a


You have double-clicked on a component and in the Properties <...> dialog you
have moved the Parts tab to the foreground.

1. Mark the desired part numbers in the list, and click .

The parts selected will be deleted from the function and the part data
removed from the project. Manually entered data will be irretrievably lost, but
the data entered using the part selection can be re-entered by reselecting the

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21
Part / Device Selection

5 Saving Parts Data in Project

Stored part properties are a fixed component of the project, while non-stored
properties must be accessed through parts management.

The configuration of commercial data for part selection also applies to device
selection, i.e., there is only one common configuration.


You have double-clicked on a component and in the Properties <...> dialog you
have moved the Parts tab to the foreground.

1. Next to the Data source field, click [...].

EPLAN Training 22
Part / Device Selection
2. In the dialog Settings: Part selection dialog select a user-defined template
from the drop-down list.

3. Select the Internal option and click [...].

4. In the Settings: internal parts selection the check box in the column Stored,
so that the corresponding parts properties can be stored in the project. You
can select multiple lines from the table.

5. Click [OK].

The selected part properties are stored in the project.

5.1 Synchronize parts with the parts database

Utilities > Parts > Parts Database > Current Project

The parts stored in the project are updated with data from the internal parts
database. This stores a new part.

Any messages are written to message management.

EPLAN Training 23
Part / Device Selection
Utilities > Parts > Current Project > Parts Database

The parts stored in the projects are transmitted to the internal parts database.
During this process, the function templates of the stored parts are stored into the
parts in the internal database.

Only the parts not yet present in the parts database are synchronized. Already
existing parts are not updated.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
Part / Device Selection

6 Generating Parts Based on Schematic Data

You have marked a comonent that represents a main function.

Exactly one parts reference is entered in the DT.

Popup menu > Generate type

A part is generated from the part data stored in the schematic. It is saved as a part
stored in the project.

The part generated contains function templates for all functions of the device.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25
Part / Device Selection

7 Deleting Stored Parts Properties

You can delete selected properties from the parts stored in the project. For instance,
before providing the project to an end customer, you can remove the price


You highlighted a project or individual pages in the page navigator, or you highlighted
a component in the graphical editor.

Utilities > Parts > Delete stored properties

1. Click [OK] to confirm the safety warning reminding you that deleting the part
properties from the project can't be undone.

EPLAN Training 26
Part / Device Selection
2. In the Delete Stored Parts Properties dialog, select the check box for the
properties you want to delete.

3. Click [OK].

The selected parts properties are deleted from the project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 27
Part / Device Selection

8 Parts Preselection
The parts preselection is a list of parts that you create yourself and save under a
specific name. It can be used as a filter in parts selection and device selection (with
the exception of parts selection via the COM interface.) The parts preselection is
saved specifically for a project.


You have double-clicked on a component and in the Properties <...> dialog you
have moved the Parts tab to the foreground.

[Settings] > Device selection

1. In the Settings: Device selection dialog, next to the Selection list field, click

EPLAN Training 28
Part / Device Selection
2. From the expanded list, select a user defined scheme that you want to
change or create a new scheme.
by using (New).
If the parts preselection already contains parts, they will be displayed in the

EPLAN Training 29
Part / Device Selection

3. Using (New) above the parts list open the Select Parts dialog.

EPLAN Training 30
Part / Device Selection
4. Page through the tree structure, and mark the parts that you would like to
place in the parts preselection.

5. Click [OK].

The parts will be placed in the list.

6. In the Parts preselection dialog, click [OK].

The scheme for pre-selecting parts is saved and shown in the Settings
dialog: Select devices in the drop-down selection list.

7. In the Settings dialog close: Device selection by clicking [OK].

EPLAN Training 31
Part / Device Selection

EPLAN Training 32
Spare Items

Spare Items

EPLAN Training 1
Spare Items

1 Returning Placed Functions ........................................................................3

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Spare Items

1 Returning Placed Functions

The Return mode allows the removal of a component for a placed function in the
schematic while leaving the data contained in the then unplaced function in the
database. Regardless of the representation type, returning a function always creates
an unplaced function (without representation type).

The following placement types can be returned:

Schematic (single-pole and multi-pole)

Pair cross-reference.

The following placement types cannot be returned:

Graphical placements
External placements
Part placements
All elements that are not functions or that cannot exist "unplaced" (angle, T-
node, interruption points, ...)


You have opened a project and are viewing a schematic in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 3
Spare Items
1. Use the mouse to select the placed function(s) that are to be returned.

EPLAN Training 4
Spare Items
2. Select the menu item Edit > Delete placement.

The selected functions that can be returned are converted into unplaced functions
(and deleted from the page).

If a single object is selected that cannot be returned, then the menu item is

If multiple objects are selected that cannot be returned, then the menu item is
also grayed-out.

Otherwise, If multiple objects are selected then only the returnable functions are
considered and all other functions in the selection remain unchanged.

EPLAN Training 5
Spare Items

EPLAN Training 6
Structure Identifier Management

Structure Identifier Management

EPLAN Training 1
Structure Identifier Management

1 Creating an Identifier ....................................................................................3

2 Creating an Identifier when Inserting New Pages, Device Tags, and

Macros ...........................................................................................................5
2.1 Create identifiers during page processing.................................................5
2.2 Create identifiers during DT processing....................................................9
2.3 Create identifiers during macro processing.............................................14

3 Editing an Identifier ....................................................................................18

3.1 Move identifier.........................................................................................18
3.2 Rename identifiers ..................................................................................20
3.3 Rename sub-identifier.............................................................................22
3.4 Merge identifiers .....................................................................................23

4 Sorting Identifiers .......................................................................................25

5 Finding and Replacing Identifiers .............................................................26

6 Checking Identifiers....................................................................................28
6.1 Check usage ...........................................................................................28
6.2 Check syntax ..........................................................................................28

7 Updating Identifiers ....................................................................................31

8 Deleting Identifiers......................................................................................33

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Structure Identifier Management

1 Creating an Identifier

You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used, for instance "Higher-
level function" and "Mounting location".

Project data > Structure identifier management

In the Identifiers dialog, new structure identifiers can be created for each identifier
block, whereby the positioning depends on the current selection in the table: New
structure identifiers are sorted above the currently selected identifier.

The project setting Conversion to uppercase (under Options > Settings >
Projects > "Project name" > Devices > General) is used here.

1. In the Identifier dialog, select the tab of the identifier block that you want to

2. Click (New).

A new line is created above the current cursor position in the table, which is
empty except for the entry "No" in the Usage column. (If there is still another
empty identifier in the table, then the Status column will show a yellow
warning triangle and the Message description field will show the explanation
of this symbol).

3. Enter the designation of the new structure identifier into the Designation field.

If you enter a designation which already exists, then the Status will show a
yellow warning triangle and the Message description field will show the
explanation of this symbol.

EPLAN Training 3
Structure Identifier Management
4. Enter an additional description into the Description box.

5. Proceed analogously for all other structure identifiers to be created.

6. Use the buttons on the toolbar to copy, add, delete, or move structure

7. Click [Apply].

8. Answer the confirmation prompt to update the project.

If you confirm your entries with [OK] (instead of with [Apply], the Identifiers dialog
will close after you have responded to the confirmation prompt.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Structure Identifier Management

2 Creating an Identifier when Inserting New

Pages, Device Tags, and Macros
If new structure identifiers are added by creating new pages or devices or due to the
addition of pages and macros to the project, you can access the identifier data of the
selected identifier blocks in the Place identifiers dialog. In this dialog, existing
structure identifiers are grayed out and cannot be edited. All new structure identifiers
are added into the table corresponding to the identifier settings (option Enter new
identifiers in alphabetical order or Add new identifiers to the end) and are
colored differently from the existing identifiers. In addition to the search function, only
the positioning buttons (Move down), (Move up), (Move to the beginning),
and (Move to the end) are available here; these functions are identical to those in
the Identifiers dialog.

The project setting Conversion to uppercase (under Options > Settings >
Projects > "Project name" > Devices > General) is used when creating new

2.1 Create identifiers during page processing

When creating a new page or when renaming / moving an existing page, you can
specify a new structure identifier which does not yet exist in the database. In this
case, the Place identifiers dialog is opened, enabling the sorting of the structure
identifier into the list of existing structure identifiers. How the new structural identifier
is sorted in the list by default (alphabetically or at the end of the list) depends on the
identifier settings which have been made. Existing structure identifiers cannot be
changed here.


EPLAN Training 5
Structure Identifier Management
In the settings, the Use Place identifiers dialog check box (Options > Settings
> User > Display > Identifier) is selected.

You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used, for instance
"Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

1. Select the menu item Page > New.

The New page dialog is opened.

EPLAN Training 6
Structure Identifier Management
2. If you would like to obtain an overview of the existing structure identifiers, click
[...] next to the Full page name box.

3. In the Full page name dialog, click [...] next to the corresponding box for the
identifier block.

The <Identifier block> dialog lists all existing structure identifiers. The
display shows the contents of both Designation and Description.

EPLAN Training 7
Structure Identifier Management
4. Click [Cancel] to close the list.

5. In the Page name dialog, enter a new structure identifier into one of the fields
for the identifier block (e.g. for higher-level function or mounting location).

6. Click [OK].

The Page name dialog is closed. In the New page dialog, the full page
name is correspondingly updated.

7. In the New page dialog, click [Apply].

8. Edit the position of the new structure identifier in the Place identifiers dialog
by using the buttons.

EPLAN Training 8
Structure Identifier Management
9. In the Description box enter a descriptive text for the new structure identifier.

10. Click [OK].

11. Proceed analogously for all of the other pages to be generated in the New
page dialog.

12. Click [OK].

2.2 Create identifiers during DT processing

When creating a new device, cable, etc. or when renaming / moving an existing one,
you can provide a new structure identifier which does not yet exist in the database. In
this case, the Place identifiers dialog is opened, enabling the sorting of the identifier
into the list of existing structure identifiers. How the new structural identifier is sorted
in the list by default (alphabetically or at the end of the list) depends on the identifier
settings which have been made. Existing structure identifiers cannot be changed


EPLAN Training 9
Structure Identifier Management
In the settings, the Use Place identifiers dialog check box (Options > Settings
> User > Display > Identifier) is selected.

You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used, for instance
"Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

You have opened a schematic page.

1. Select the menu item Insert > Symbol.

EPLAN Training 10
Structure Identifier Management
2. Select the desired symbol in the Symbol selection dialog.

3. Click [OK].

4. Position the symbol using the mouse.

EPLAN Training 11
Structure Identifier Management
5. In the Full DT box of the component-specific Properties <...> dialog, click [...].

The Full DT dialog is opened.

EPLAN Training 12
Structure Identifier Management
6. If you would like to obtain an overview of the existing structure identifiers, click
[...] next to the appropriate field for the identifier block.

The <Identifier block> dialog lists all existing structure identifiers.

7. Click [Cancel].

8. In the Full DT dialog, enter a new structure identifier into one of the fields for
the identifier block (e.g. for "higher-level function" or "mounting location").

9. Click [OK].

10. In the component-specific Properties dialog, click [OK].

EPLAN Training 13
Structure Identifier Management
11. Edit the position of the new structure identifier in the Place identifiers dialog
by using the buttons.

12. In the Description box enter a descriptive text for the new structure identifier.

13. Click [OK].

2.3 Create identifiers during macro processing

When adding macros with devices with identifier blocks you can also enter a new
structure identifier which does not yet exist in the database. In this case, the Place
identifiers dialog is opened, enabling the sorting of the structure identifier into the list
of existing structure identifiers. How the new structural identifier is sorted in the list by
default (alphabetically or at the end of the list) depends on the identifier settings
which have been made. Existing structure identifiers cannot be changed here.

EPLAN Training 14
Structure Identifier Management
In the settings, the Use Place identifiers dialog check box (Options > Settings
> User > Display > Identifier) is selected.

You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used, for instance
"Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

1. Select the menu item Page > Page macro > Insert.

2. In the Select macro dialog, select the macro to be inserted.

3. Click on [Open].

EPLAN Training 15
Structure Identifier Management
4. In the Adjust page structure dialog, specify the handling of page
designations for the target macro.

5. If you would like to obtain an overview of the existing identifiers, click [...] next
to the respective block for the target identifier block.

The <Identifier block> dialog lists all the existing identifiers.

6. Click [Cancel].

EPLAN Training 16
Structure Identifier Management
7. In the Adjust page structure dialog, enter a new structure identifier into one
of the boxes for the target identifier block (e.g. for "Higher-level function" or
"Mounting location").

8. Click [OK].

9. Edit the position of the new structure identifier in the Place identifiers dialog
by using the buttons.

10. In the Description field, enter a descriptive text for the new identifier.

11. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Structure Identifier Management

3 Editing an Identifier
Different options for editing structure identifiers are available. These can be activated
either through the popup menu or by using the buttons.

3.1 Move identifier

Moving of structure identifiers is necessary if the order of identifiers in the page
navigator is to be changed. The order of pages in the page navigator is oriented to
the order in the Position column.


You have opened a project which uses structure identifiers, for instance "Higher-level
function" and "Mounting location" in the project structure.

Project data > Structure identifier management

1. In the Identifier dialog select the tab of the identifier block you want to edit.

EPLAN Training 18
Structure Identifier Management
2. Select the structure identifier to be moved in the table. Multiple selection is
possible here.

3. Click one of the buttons (Move Down) or (Move Up).

The selected lines are moved one position down / up.

4. Or click one of the buttons (Move to top) or (Move to end).

The selected lines are moved to the top / to the end of the table.

5. Click [Apply].

EPLAN Training 19
Structure Identifier Management
6. Answer the prompt.

Movement is also possible by holding the left mouse button down; here, however, the
entire line and not just a single column must be selected. The selected structure
identifiers can then be dragged over several lines into a new position. A moving
rectangle, which hangs on the mouse pointer, indicates that this function is active. A
red line indicates the two other structure identifiers between which the line will be
inserted as soon as the mouse button is release.

3.2 Rename identifiers

This editing function makes it possible to change an existing structure identifier
without changing its position in the order of structure identifiers.


You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project structure,
for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

Project data > Structure identifier management

EPLAN Training 20
Structure Identifier Management
1. In the Identifier dialog, select the tab of the identifier block that you want to

2. Click in the Designation field of the structure identifier you want to rename.

3. Enter the new designation.

4. Click [Apply].

5. Answer the prompt.

Using this function, not just the pages but also the structure identifiers are changed in
the devices. Any existing formatting (e.g. a line break) remains unchanged.

EPLAN Training 21
Structure Identifier Management

3.3 Rename sub-identifier

EPLAN allows you to divide structure identifiers into main identifiers and sub-
identifiers, for instance "HLFUNCTION1" (main identifier) and "HLFUNCTION1.UA1"
(sub-identifier). If a main identifier that contains sub-identifiers is to be renamed, a
question is displayed as to whether all sub-identifiers should also be changed. If you
click [Yes], the main identifier and all sub-identifiers are renamed; if [No], the
renaming of sub-identifiers is canceled but the main identifier is still renamed.

You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project
structure, for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

In your project there is at least one main identifier with a sub-identifier.

Project data > Structure identifier management

1. In the Identifier dialog, select the tab of the identifier block that you want to

2. Click in the Designation field of the main identifier you want to rename.

3. Enter the new designation.

EPLAN Training 22
Structure Identifier Management
4. Click [Apply].

5. Answer the question regarding the renaming of sub-identifiers.


In the project, the identifier block "Higher-level function" is used. The structure
identifier INST1 assigned to the identifier block has the sub-identifiers HLF1.1 and
The structure identifier HLF1 is now renamed to HLF3. If the question regarding the
renaming of sub-identifiers is answered with [Yes], then EPLAN changes HLF1.1
and HLF1.2 to HLF3.1 and HLF3.2. For [No], only the main identifier is changed, but
not the sub-identifiers. In this case, then, after the action is complete the identifiers
HLF3, HLF1.1, and HLF1.2 exist.

3.4 Merge identifiers

If the designation of an existing structure identifier in the same identifier block is
entered when renaming a structure identifier, the Status column of the structure
identifier affected will automatically show a yellow warning triangle, and the detailed
information will appear in the Message description field. If you ignore this, that is,
you enter the structure identifier into the database with [Apply] or [OK], then the
renamed structure identifier will take on all the properties of the existing identifier of
the same name. If they exist, sublevel functions and mounting locations will be
moved into the target identifier.


You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project structure,
for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

Project data > Structure identifier management

EPLAN Training 23
Structure Identifier Management
1. In the Identifier dialog, select the tab of the identifier block that you want to

2. Click in the Designation field of the structure identifier you want to rename.

3. Enter the designation of an existing structure identifier.

Status and Message description are automatically updated.

4. Click [Apply].

5. Answer the confirmation prompt to update the project.

If pages with the same name result from the merging of structure identifiers, then the
process is canceled with an appropriate message.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
Structure Identifier Management

4 Sorting Identifiers
The structure identifiers in the respective tabs can be sorted using the [Sort] editing
function. The default setting when the structure identifier management is called up is
sorting by position.


You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project structure,
for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

Project data > Structure identifier management

1. In the Identifier dialog, select the tab of the identifier block whose structure
identifiers you want to sort.

2. Select [Sort] > Alphanumeric ascending or [Sort] > Alphanumeric

descending, to sort the structure identifiers in alphanumeric order, either
ascending or descending.

The lines in the table will be sorted.

3. Select [Sort] > By position, to again show the structure identifiers in the order
in which they were ordered in the original database.

4. Click [Apply].

5. Answer the prompt.

The new sort order is written to the database when the structure identifiers are
updated; until that time this is only a temporary order.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25
Structure Identifier Management

5 Finding and Replacing Identifiers

The "search and replace" functionality in structure identifier management makes it
possible to search through the table of structure identifiers for existing data and then
to replace it if needed.


You have selected a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project
structure, for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

Project data > Structure identifier management

1. Click [Extras] > Find in the Identifiers dialog.

2. In the Replace dialog, enter the search terms and replacement text.

3. Select the Match case check box if upper and lower case should be taken into
account during the search and replace.

4. Use the buttons to execute the search and replace.

5. If an illegal character is found (configuration under Options > Settings >

Projects > "Project name" > Devices > DT syntax checking), then decide
in the DT syntax checking dialog how the corresponding structure identifier
should be handled.

6. Click [Apply].

EPLAN Training 26
Structure Identifier Management
7. Answer the prompt.

Searching is always performed only in one column and always downwards, and
replacement is limited to Designation and Description.

The default value in the Find what field is the character string of the field
currently selected or, in the case of a multiple selection, the content of the field
last selected.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 27
Structure Identifier Management

6 Checking Identifiers

6.1 Check usage

The option of usage checking checks whether the currently displayed structure
identifiers are actually used in the project and, if so, how often.


You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project structure,
for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

Project data > Structure identifier management

1. In the Identifier dialog, select [Extras] > Check usage.

The Usage column is filled with the number of times each structure
identifier appears in the schematic, or with the text "No" if the identifier is not
(or is no longer) used in the schematic. If the structure identifier is not used,
but a sub-identifier exists, then the entry "*" is displayed.

2. Edit the structure identifiers as usual.

Since the values in the Usage column are not stored, there is always a "?" value in
the column when structure identifier management is opened, until you call up the
command (or call it up again).

During this check, graphical pages are also processed to which a structure identifier
has been assigned, or on which objects with structure identifiers are located.

6.2 Check syntax

The structure identifiers used are subject to a suppressible test for legal characters.


EPLAN Training 28
Structure Identifier Management
You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project structure,
for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > DT syntax check

1. In the DT syntax checkdialog, select the Enable check check box, if the
syntax of device tags is to checked during entry.

2. In the group boxes Identifier blocks, Device tags, and Count numbers,
specify the scope of the test for the components of the DT.

3. Click [OK].

4. Select the menu item Project data > Structure identifier management.

5. Edit the structure identifiers as usual.

6. Click [Apply] or [OK].

If an illegal character is found, the DT syntax check dialog is opened with

the corresponding character highlighted.

7. Click [Settings] to view the settings for the DT syntax check and to change
them if necessary.

8. Click [Ignore] if the entry error was intentional but should be retained as an

EPLAN Training 29
Structure Identifier Management
9. Or click [Cancel] to edit the designation of the structure identifier again.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 30
Structure Identifier Management

7 Updating Identifiers
Use this option to update all structure identifiers in the project.

Updating of structure identifiers via [OK] or [Apply] is a process which cannot be

You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used, for instance
"Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

You have created a new structure identifier, changed a structure identifier, or

changed the position of structure identifiers in the Identifiers dialog. (This is
shown in the title bar of the dialog with an * character appended to the name
of the project.)

Project data > Structure identifier management

1. Click [OK] or [Apply] in the Identifiers dialog.

2. Answer the prompt.

Depending on your answer to the prompt, the project is updated. If you started the
update with [Apply], the Identifiers dialog stays open and you can continue to edit
structure identifiers. If you started the process with [OK], structure identifier
management is closed.

When updating the data, the device tags in the schematic and the page data is
updated. A changed sort order for structure identifiers is also written back to the
project and can have far-ranging effects on the order of pages and connections.

EPLAN Training 31
Structure Identifier Management
Placeholders for device tags in automatically generated pages, such as the table of
contents, terminal plan, and so on, will be adjusted only after the corresponding
update of report pages.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
Structure Identifier Management

8 Deleting Identifiers
The deletion of structure identifiers is only possible if they are no longer used as page
identifiers or on devices. (Such identifiers show the value "No" in the Usage column
of the Identifiers dialog once you have selected [Extras] > Check usage).


You have opened a project in which identifier blocks are used in the project structure,
for instance "Higher-level function" and "Mounting location".

Project data > Structure identifier management

1. In the Identifier dialog, select [Extras] > Check usage.

The table is updated, meaning that the "?" characters in the Usage column
are replaced with the current values.

2. Select the identifiers to be deleted in the table ("No" entry in the Usage

EPLAN Training 33
Structure Identifier Management

3. Click (Delete).

The lines are deleted and all lines under them move up one position.

4. Click [Apply].

5. Answer the confirmation prompt to update the project.

Alternatively to this procedure, you can also remove structure identifiers no
longer in use from the database globally with [Extras] > Clean up all.

If you attempt to delete a structure identifier that is still in use in the schematic, a
message appears to that effect and the action is canceled.

If a page or a device is deleted whose structure identifiers are not used in any
other place in the project, then this identifier is still not removed from the
database. Deletion of structure identifiers is only possible in structure identifier

EPLAN Training 34
Structure Identifier Management


EPLAN Training 35
Structure Identifier Management

EPLAN Training 36
Layer Management

Layer Management

EPLAN Training 1
Layer Management

1 Working with Layers.....................................................................................3

1.1 Create layers.............................................................................................3
1.2 Delete layers .............................................................................................5
1.3 Rename layers..........................................................................................7
1.4 Export the layer management configuration .............................................8
1.5 Import the layer management configuration............................................10

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Layer Management

1 Working with Layers

All elements are allocated to different layers in EPLAN. This affects simple graphical
elements as well as symbol graphics, autoconnecting lines, property placements,
special text and other text elements. In the layer management, every layer can be
defined as visible and / or printed, and if the allocated elements can be edited.

There are standard EPLAN layers that are always present and cannot be deleted.
The layer names and descriptions of these standard layers are also write-protected.
The layer names of the standard layers always begin with "EPLAN". For example, the
layer for general symbol graphics is called EPLAN300. The other properties of the
standard layers, such as color, line type, etc., can be configured on a project basis.
You can also create your own layers and define their names and properties.


Prior to changing the layer management settings for a project, you should first export
a configuration file. In this way you have saved the default settings and can restore
them for those layers by importing them at a later date.

1.1 Create layers


You have opened a project.

EPLAN Training 3
Layer Management
1. Select the menu item Options > Layer management.

2. In the Layer Management - <Project Name> dialog, select the node (or a
layer below the node) for which you want to create a layer, and click on

A new row is created in the table. The Layer field automatically contains
the standard value NEW_LAYER_1. The properties will be copied from the
selected layer. (If a node is selected, the properties of the first layer below the
node are copied.) If you immediately create further layers, then these receive
the names NEW_LAYER_2, NEW_LAYER_3 etc.

3. If desired, change the default layer name and the entry in the Description
field. If you change the layer description, then EPLAN automatically sorts the
layer into the appropriate node.


The special characters <>^"?:*|'`.=/ are not permitted in layer names.

EPLAN Training 4
Layer Management

5. In the table, determine the properties of the layer, such as color, line type, etc.

6. Click [Apply], to save the layer. ([OK] also saves the layer and closes the

The layer will be sorted into the tree structure depending on the description
given. Periods within the layer description are treated as substructure

1.2 Delete layers


The layers used in a project, as well as the EPLAN default layers, cannot be deleted.


You have opened a project.

EPLAN Training 5
Layer Management
1. Select the menu item Options > Layer management.

2. In the Layer management <Project name> dialog, select the desired layer(s)
and click (Delete).

3. Click [Apply], to delete the selected layer(s). ([OK] also deletes the layer(s)
and closes the dialog.)

EPLAN Training 6
Layer Management

1.3 Rename layers

The name and description of each layer with the exception of the EPLAN standard
layers can be changed at will. Duplicate layer names are not permitted.


If you rename a layer with a name that already exists, then the two layers are
combined into a single layer. The properties of the edited layer are lost.


You have opened a project.

1. Select the menu item Options > Layer management.

EPLAN Training 7
Layer Management
2. In the Layer management <Project name> dialog, select the desired layer
and change the layer name in the Layer field.

3. Click [Apply], to save the changes. ([OK] also saves the changes and closes
the dialog).

All objects in the edited layer are transferred to the new layer and the
edited layer is deleted.

1.4 Export the layer management configuration

The export and import of layer configuration data (*.elc) allows you to save the
layer configuration of the current project as a standard setting, to transfer this to
another project or to make it available to another user.


You have opened a project.

EPLAN Training 8
Layer Management
1. Select the menu item Options > Layer management.

2. In the Layer management - <Project name> dialog, click (Export)

The Layer export dialog is opened. Initially, in the File name field is the
current project name, as the standard name of the configuration file to be

EPLAN Training 9
Layer Management
3. If desired, change the target directory and the name of the file to be exported
and click [Save].

The Layer export dialog is closed and the configuration is exported.

1.5 Import the layer management configuration


If you import a configuration file containing user-defined layers that are not present in
the current project, then these layers are created. User-defined layers that exist in
both the configuration file and in the current project are reconfigured according to the
settings in the configuration file.


You have opened a project.

1. Select the menu item Options > Layer management.

EPLAN Training 10
Layer Management

2. In the Layer management - <Project name> dialog, click (Import).

The Layer import dialog is opened.

3. If necessary, navigate to the directory containing the desired configuration file

(*.elc). Select the file and click [Open].

The Layer import dialog is closed. The layer management adopts the
settings in the imported configuration file.

EPLAN Training 11
Layer Management

EPLAN Training 12
Message Management

Message Management

EPLAN Training 1
Message Management

1 Configuring Project Checks.........................................................................3

2 Checking Project Data..................................................................................5

2.1 Check offline .............................................................................................5
2.2 Check online .............................................................................................6

3 Viewing and Editing Messages....................................................................8

3.1 View messages.........................................................................................8
3.2 Filter messages.........................................................................................8
3.3 Edit messages ........................................................................................10
3.4 Update the display ..................................................................................12

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Message Management

1 Configuring Project Checks


You have opened a project. You have selected one or more pages or a project in the
page navigator, or you have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Project data > Messages > Check project

1. Click [...] next to the Settings field of the Check project dialog.

2. In the dialog Settings: Messages and checks, select a user-defined scheme

from the dropdown list, or create one using the toolbar.

3. Select a message class on the left in the list.

In the table on the right side of the dialog, the messages possible for this
class are displayed.

EPLAN Training 3
Message Management
4. Use the drop-down list in the Category field to determine whether the
message should be displayed as an error, a warning, or a note.

5. Use the drop-down list in the Type of check field to determine whether the
check should be run both online and offline (setting "Online / offline") or only
offline (setting "Offline"), or whether the corresponding check should not be
run (setting "No").

6. Click [OK].

The settings will be saved in the selected scheme.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Message Management

2 Checking Project Data

You can check projects online or offline. For online checking, the list of messages in
message management is filled directly during project planning. If you check particular
pages or want to update the display of message management, it is necessary to start
a check run.

2.1 Check offline


You have opened a project. You have selected one or more pages or a project in the
page navigator, or you have opened a page in the graphical editor.

Project data > Messages > Check project

1. In the Check project dialog, select a scheme from the Setting drop-down list,
which specifies the settings for the check run. Via [...] open the Settings:
Messages and checks dialog, where you can define your own scheme.

2. If you have selected individual pages for the check or have called the dialog
from the graphical editor, you can still extend the check run to the entire
project. To do so, select the Apply to entire project check box.

EPLAN Training 5
Message Management
3. Click [OK].

EPLAN checks the project or the selected pages according to the settings
specified in the scheme. The results of the check run are written to the
message database. The results of any previous check run are removed.

If messages occur during the check (because certain checks could not be
executed, for instance), these are written into the list of system messages. A
notification informs you of this fact.

4. Select the menu item Project data > Messages > Management.

The messages stored in the message database are displayed in the

Message management - <Project name> dialog.

5. If systems messages occurred during the check run, open the list of system
messages using Utilities > System messages.

The system messages which occurred are displayed in the System

messages dialog.

2.2 Check online


EPLAN Training 6
Message Management
In the Settings: Messages and checks dialog, certain function areas are
assigned the check type "Online / offline".

You have opened a schematic page in the graphical editor.

1. Select the menu item Project data > Messages > Management.

If messages are already stored in the message database, they are

displayed in the Message management - <Project name> dialog.

2. Execute the processing steps in the project.

EPLAN checks all check criteria assigned the check type "Online / offline"
in the project settings. Any messages occurring are written to the message
database and displayed in the Message management - <Project name>
dialog immediately.

For processed messages, you can select the Completed check box and filter on
this property in order to hide them.

To remove processed messages from message management, execute a check


This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Message Management

3 Viewing and Editing Messages

In the Message management - <Project name> dialog, the messages of the
currently selected project are listed. The project name is displayed in the title bar of
the dialog. If the dialog is opened and you select a different project in the page
navigator, the display of messages is updated.

The messages are marked with icons depending on the type of error. Critical
messages can therefore be identified immediately, even if the messages in the table
are not sorted or filtered.

3.1 View messages


You have selected one or more pages or a project in the page navigator, or you have
opened a page in the graphical editor.

1. Select the menu item Project data > Messages > Management.

In the Message management - <Project name> dialog, all messages are

shown which are present in the message database at that time.

2. Double-click the column headings to sort the messages. By clicking multiple

times, you can switch between ascending and descending sort orders.

Use the [F1] key to call up thorough help for each message, including examples and
suggestions for correction.

3.2 Filter messages

Project data > Messages > Management

EPLAN Training 8
Message Management
1. In the Message management - <Project name> dialog next to the Filter field,
click [...].

2. In the Filter: Messages dialog, specify the message classes in the table for
which messages should be displayed, e.g. terminals, plugs, cables, etc. To do
this, select the Selection check box in the column.

3. Using the check boxes below the table, specify the trades from which
messages should be displayed (Electrical engineering, Fluid power, and

EPLAN Training 9
Message Management
4. Specify the categories (error, warning, note) to be displayed. Check the
corresponding check boxes.

5. Select the Completed messages check box if you also would like to display
messages already flagged as resolved.

6. Click [OK].

7. In the Message management - <Project name> dialog, select the Active

check box so that only those messages will be displayed which correspond to
the filter.

The last filter criteria selected also remain in effect after the dialog is
closed, and are again active when the dialog is reopened.

When opening a project or switching projects, the current state of project-wide
messages is always displayed when message management is called up. However,
the existing filters can influence this display.

3.3 Edit messages

Project data > Messages > Management

1. Select a message in the table.

EPLAN Training 10
Message Management
2. Double-click the message.

The erroneous object is selected in the graphical editor and the cursor is
placed on the insertion point of the object.

3. Double-click the selected object in the graphical editor.

The Properties <...> dialog is opened.

EPLAN Training 11
Message Management
4. Change the data which caused the error and click [OK].

5. Use Project data > Messages > Check project to start a new check run to
check whether the error has been resolved.

The message display is updated in the Message management - <Project

name> dialog.

3.4 Update the display

Project data > Messages > Management

1. Choose Popup menu > Refresh.

All messages present in the project are read in again. The updating of the
project messages always applies to the entire project, and in multi-user
operation, for all users working on the project.

EPLAN Training 12
Bills of Materials

Bills of Materials

EPLAN Training 1
Bills of Materials

1 Using the Tree and List View of Bill of Materials Navigator ......................3
1.1 Use tree view ............................................................................................3
1.2 Using the List View ...................................................................................5
1.3 Switch from tree view to list view ..............................................................8

2 Editing Bill of Materials Parts ....................................................................12

2.1 Edit non-placed parts ..............................................................................12
2.2 Edit items with parts placement ..............................................................17
2.3 Edit project parts .....................................................................................22
2.4 Place part................................................................................................24
2.5 Exchange parts .......................................................................................29
2.6 Delete part ..............................................................................................31

3 Adding Parts................................................................................................33

4 Adding Project Parts ..................................................................................34

5 Editing Project Parts...................................................................................36

6 Synchronizing Parts Data...........................................................................40

7 Renumbering Items ....................................................................................41

8 Exporting Bills of Materials........................................................................45

9 Importing Bills of Materials ........................................................................47

10 Taking Parts on Connections into Account..............................................49

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Bills of Materials

1 Using the Tree and List View of Bill of Materials

As in all navigators, there is also a tree and a list view available for the bill of

1.1 Use tree view

The tree view of the bill of materials is parts-oriented, i.e. as standard, only those
device tags that already have a part are shown.


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the Tree tab.

EPLAN Training 3
Bills of Materials
2. Select Popup menu > View and then in the following menu select the
hierarchical level to be shown in the tree view.

The tree view will be adapted.

3. Use the popup menu to edit parts, insert, compare, etc.

The following tree views are possible:

EPLAN Training 4
Bills of Materials
View > Part number: The display includes the part number, identifier, and full

View > Part number / structure identifier: The display includes the part
number, structure identifier, and DT short designation.

View > Manufacturer: The display includes the manufacturer, part number,
identifier, and full DT.

View > Supplier: The display includes the supplier, part number, identifier, and
full DT.

1.2 Using the List View

The bill of materials list view is device-oriented and can display different information
for the individual DTs.


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

EPLAN Training 5
Bills of Materials
1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the List tab.

EPLAN Training 6
Bills of Materials
2. Choose the Popup menu > Configure columns.

EPLAN Training 7
Bills of Materials
3. In the Column configuration dialog, you can determine which information
should be displayed in the list (i.e. part number, DT, quantity, and so on).
Select the corresponding check boxes.

4. Click [OK].

The list view will be adapted.

5. Use the popup menu to edit parts, insert, compare, etc.

1.3 Switch from tree view to list view

In order to accelerate the switch from tree view to list view, you have the option of
displaying only a limited number of elements. Proceed as follows:


EPLAN Training 8
Bills of Materials
You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the Tree tab.

2. Select the items / parts which you would like to edit in the list view or whose
data you would like to view.

EPLAN Training 9
Bills of Materials
3. Select Popup menu > List with preselection.

4. Change to the List tab.

The list view is opened with an automatic filter (preselection), in which the filter
contains the currently selected elements, that is, the properties that are used as
structure identifiers are consolidated in a filter.


In the tree view, there is a higher-level function =A1 containing a location +O1. This in

EPLAN Training 10
Bills of Materials

turn contains pages 1 and 2.

If you now mark +O1 in the tree view and select Popup menu > List with
preselection a filter will then be generated with the following contents:

If no filter can be derived from the mark (for instance in the case of a multiple
selection) then this menu item cannot be called up.

Automatic preselection generates the "Selection" filter, which appears in the drop-
down list in the Filter field in the upper portion of the Bill of Materials- <Project
name> dialog. To suppress it temporarilty, deselect the Active check box. You can
also simply rename it in the Filter dialog in order to be able to reuse it at any time.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Bills of Materials

2 Editing Bill of Materials Parts

The editing of the bills of materials parts includes the following possibilities:

Edit non-placed parts

Edit items with parts placement
Edit project parts
Place parts
Replace part
Delete parts.

2.1 Edit non-placed parts


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the List tab.

EPLAN Training 12
Bills of Materials
2. Choose the Popup menu > Configure columns.

EPLAN Training 13
Bills of Materials
3. In the Column configuration dialog, select the Placement check box.

4. Click [OK].

The list view is extended with the Placement column.

EPLAN Training 14
Bills of Materials
5. Select Popup menu > Edit part for the non-placed part to be edited, i.e. for a
part which has no entry in the Placement column. You can select multiple

EPLAN Training 15
Bills of Materials
6. Click [...] in the Part number field of the Edit part dialog.

7. In the Parts selection dialog, select a different part if necessary. (Multiple

selection is not possible here, that is, the first marked part is always taken.)

EPLAN Training 16
Bills of Materials
8. Click [OK].

The part is written into the Part number field.

9. If necessary, overwite the quantity.

10. Assign different values to the properties on the right side by overwriting the
entries in the fields.

11. Click [OK].

The parts data is applied to the device.

2.2 Edit items with parts placement

The term "Part Placement" describes a placed part on a panel layout page. One
placement is possible per unit part. You can recognize part placements from the
"Panel layout" entry in the Representation type column of the list view of the bill of
materials navigator.

EPLAN Training 17
Bills of Materials

You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the List tab.

EPLAN Training 18
Bills of Materials
2. Choose the Popup menu > Configure columns.

EPLAN Training 19
Bills of Materials
3. In the Column configuration dialog, select the Placement and
Representation type check boxes.

4. Click [OK].

The list view is extended with the Placement and Representation type

EPLAN Training 20
Bills of Materials
5. Double-click the part to be edited that has already been placed and which has
the "Panel layout" entry in the Representation type column.
Or select Popup menu > Properties (in this case, multiple selection is

6. In the Properties <...>: Part placement dialog, define the required settings for
the Part placement itself, the Display and the Format.

7. Click [OK].

The parts data is applied to the device.

EPLAN Training 21
Bills of Materials

2.3 Edit project parts


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the List tab.

EPLAN Training 22
Bills of Materials
2. Choose the Popup menu > Configure columns.

EPLAN Training 23
Bills of Materials
3. In the Column configuration dialog, select the Project part check box.

4. Click [OK].

The list view is extended with the Project part column.

5. Double-click the project part that you wish to edit and assign it the appropriate
data in the Edit part dialog.

6. Click [OK].

2.4 Place part


EPLAN Training 24
Bills of Materials
You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the List tab.

EPLAN Training 25
Bills of Materials
2. Choose the Popup menu > Configure columns.

EPLAN Training 26
Bills of Materials
3. In the Column configuration dialog, select the Placement check box.

4. Click [OK].

The list view is extended with the Placement column.

EPLAN Training 27
Bills of Materials
5. Select Popup menu > Place for the non-placed part to be edited, that is, for a
part which has no entry in the Placement column, then select an option from
the subsequent menu. You can't select multiple parts here.

EPLAN Training 28
Bills of Materials
6. Select Place > With parts data, if at least one graphical macro and the values
for width and height are defined. In this case no other input is required and the
part can be placed into the graphic as described in the next step.
If you selected Place > With symbol selection, then select the symbol you
would like to assign to the part from the Symbol selection dialog, then click
If you selected Place > With function selection, then select the function you
would like to assign to the part from the Function selection dialog, then click
If you selected Place > With macro selection, then select the macro that you
would like to assign to the part from the Select macro dialog, then click [OK].

7. Place the part in the graphic.

2.5 Exchange parts

You can exchange parts by replacing existing parts in the bill of materials with others.


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

EPLAN Training 29
Bills of Materials
1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the part to be

EPLAN Training 30
Bills of Materials
2. Select Popup menu > Replace Part.

3. In the Parts selection dialog, select the parts to be exchanged. (Multiple

selection isn't possible here).

4. Click [OK].

The parts previously assigned to the device will be replaced by the newly
selected ones. The quantity of the parts remains the same.


Device with part reference -> Results after exchange

K1, 0815 replaced by 0915 -> K1, 0915
K1, 0815; K2, 0816 replaced by 0915 -> K1, 0915; K2, 0915

2.6 Delete part


You have opened at least one project.

EPLAN Training 31
Bills of Materials
Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select the part to be deleted.

2. Select Popup menu > Delete.

3. Answer the prompt.

Depending on the answer to the safety warning, the selected part

references will be deleted. The corresponding part reference position in the
device is empty after this action, and is unfilled.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
Bills of Materials

3 Adding Parts
In contrast to the adding of project parts, you use this menu item to assign one (or
more) parts to the current device.


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Parts List- <Project name> dialog, select the device(s) that are to be
assigned further part(s).

2. Select Popup menu > Add Part.

3. In the Parts selection dialog, select the part or parts to be added. (Multiple
selection is possible.)

4. Click [OK].

The new part(s) is/are assigned to the device(s).

All functions of the Parts selection can be used, and the parts-specific presettings
will be taken into account.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33
Bills of Materials

4 Adding Project Parts

Project parts are parts that are not assigned to any special device, i.e., the parts to
be included with delivery.


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select Popup menu > Add
project part.

EPLAN Training 34
Bills of Materials
2. In the Parts selection dialog, select the part or parts to be added. (Multiple
selection is possible.)

3. Click [OK].

The new project parts will be inserted into the tree in alphabetical order.

All functions of the Parts selection can be used, and the parts-specific presettings
will be taken into account.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 35
Bills of Materials

5 Editing Project Parts

If you have added project parts to the current project, i.e. parts which are not
assigned to any special device, then you can edit them as follows:


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, double-click a project part,

i.e. a part with no entry in the Device tag column or is listed as a Project part
(in the list view).

EPLAN Training 36
Bills of Materials
2. Click [...] in the Part number field of the Edit Part dialog.

3. Select one or more parts from the Parts selection. (Multiple selection is

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 37
Bills of Materials
5. Edit the Number of units / quantity of the new part or parts, if necessary.

6. Click (Delete) to remove parts from the device if they are no longer needed.

7. Select [Settings] > Part Selection (project), in order to edit the settings for
parts selection. Or select [...] in the Data source field to change the default
settings for the data source.

EPLAN Training 38
Bills of Materials
8. Click [OK].

The changed data is written back into the project part.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 39
Bills of Materials

6 Synchronizing Parts Data

To synchronize the master data of selected project parts with data from the parts
database, proceed as follows:

You have opened at least one project.

You have selected the parts whose data should be synchronized with the master

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select Popup menu >
Synchronize Parts Data.

Parts synchronization is performed for the selected parts from the parts
database and overwrites the stored project parts.

If no parts are selected when this menu item is called up, then the synchronization
will be performed for the entire project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 40
Bills of Materials

7 Renumbering Items
You have opened at least one project.

You have marked the items in the bill of materials to be renumbered.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select Popup menu > Add
item numbers.

EPLAN Training 41
Bills of Materials
2. In the Number items dialog, select a sorting scheme from the Sorting drop-
down list.

3. Or click [...], to edit an existing scheme or create a new scheme using the
Sorting dialog..

4. Enter the starting value for numbering into the Start field.

5. In the Increment field, enter the increment by which the numbers are

6. In the Field width field, determine the number of digits planned for the item

7. If you have marked individual items, select the Apply to entire project check
box if you would like to renumber all of the items of the project, regardless of
the current selection. (If you haven't marked any items, the field will be
deselected, since in this case the entire project is taken automatically).

EPLAN Training 42
Bills of Materials
8. Select the Preview of results check box to open the Number items: Preview
of Results dialog, which allows you to view and, if necessary, edit the new

9. Click [OK].

If the Preview of result check box is not selected, the new numbering will
be written directly to the bill of materials. Otherwise the Number items:
Preview of Results dialog opens.

EPLAN Training 43
Bills of Materials
10. In the Number items: Preview of Results dialog, enter the Item numbers
into the Target column.

11. Click [OK].

The new numbering will be written to the bill of materials.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 44
Bills of Materials

8 Exporting Bills of Materials

You can use this menu item to export all of the parts data from a bill of materials,
regardless of the settings or active filters, that is, all of the parts and all of the data
fields are output.


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select Popup menu >

EPLAN Training 45
Bills of Materials
2. In the Export Bill of Materials dialog, select the drive and directory defining
where the export file should be generated from the Save in drop-down list .

3. In the File name field, enter the name for the export file to be generated.

4. Select one of the entries defining the format for the export file to be generated,
from the File Type drop-down list.

5. Click [Save].

The bill of materials will be exported to the specified file name in the
specified directory.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 46
Bills of Materials

9 Importing Bills of Materials

Use this menu item to import the parts data of a bill of materials into the current


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select Popup menu >

EPLAN Training 47
Bills of Materials
2. In the Import Bill of Materials dialog, use the Search in drop-down list to
define the drive and directory where the import file is located.

3. Select one of the entries defining the import file type from the File Type drop-
down list.

4. Select the desired import file from the list.

5. Click [Open].

The records are imported. If errors occur during the import, then a
corresponding message is displayed, the details of which can be seen in the
message management (Project data > Messages > Management) .

If a part reference is imported that is already assigned to a DT, the DT must already
exist. Otherwise, a part reference for a Project part will be created.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 48
Bills of Materials

10 Taking Parts on Connections into Account

Parts that were stored in a connection definition point, and were written from there to
the connections during the generation of a connection list, can also be accounted for
in the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog.


You have opened at least one project.

Project data > Devices / parts > Bill of materials navigator

1. In the Bill of materials - <Project name> dialog, select Popup menu >

2. In the Settings: Parts dialog, select the Connection part check box in the
Include parts group box.

3. Click [OK].

The connection parts will be displayed in the bill of materials.

If a part is stored in a connection definition point though which more than one
connection runs, this part will be written to each of those connections. The part
quantity can in this case only be obtained through a connection list report.

If, on the other hand, a connection runs through more than one connection
definition point, and each of these connection definition points has the same
part definition, then the part appears only once.

For parts in connections, it is therefore necessary to generate a connection list

(Utilities > Reports > Generate > Connection list) to obtain the actual

EPLAN Training 49
Bills of Materials

EPLAN Training 50
Finding and Replacing

Finding and Replacing

EPLAN Training 1
Finding and Replacing

1 Finding Project Data .....................................................................................3

1.1 Show search results..................................................................................5

2 Replacing Project Data.................................................................................7

3 Editing Search Entries..................................................................................9

4 Synchronizing a Selection .........................................................................11

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Finding and Replacing

1 Finding Project Data

You can start a search from a variety of different locations:

from the EPLAN main menu

from the graphical editor
from the Pages - <Project Name> Navigator Dialog
and from the list of results.
Find > Find

1. In the Find dialog enter the search term in the Find what field.
You can also use placeholders (such as * or ?) in the search.
It is possible to search for multiple related terms. However, you cannot search
for multiple independent phrases.

EPLAN Training 3
Finding and Replacing
2. Use the check box to determine whether upper / lower case will be taken into
account during the search, and whether only entire texts (i.e. exactly as the
text is entered into the input field) will be searched.

3. In the Search in group box you can specify the objects in which you would like
to search for the term. Select the check boxes for the objects in which you
would like to search.

4. Define the search location in the Search location group box. For searches in
the graphical editor you can exclude certain page types from the search here.
If you begin searching for multiple selected pages, the corresponding page
types are preset. Select the check boxes for the page types in which you
would like to search for the term.

5. Specify the list of results in which you would like to save the search results.

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN begins the search and then opens the Search results - <project
name> dialog and displays the entries found.

EPLAN Training 4
Finding and Replacing

1.1 Show search results

1. Select the menu items Find > Show results.

EPLAN calls up the Search results - <project name> dialog for the active
project. The list of results specified in the menu will be displayed in the

If the Search Results - <Project Name> dialog is already open but not in
the foreground it will be filled with data from the active project and brought to
the foreground.

If the Search Results - <Project Name> dialog is open, and in the

foreground, it will be closed when you select this menu command.

EPLAN Training 5
Finding and Replacing
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Finding and Replacing

2 Replacing Project Data

After the search, you can select project data and begin replacing the existing values
with other ones.

Find > Show results

1. In the Search Results - <Project Name> dialog select the entry in the results
list whose value you would like to replace. (Multiple selections are possible).

EPLAN Training 7
Finding and Replacing
2. Select Popup menu > Replace.

The value from the (first) selected entry will be displayed in the Search for
field of the Replace dialog.

3. In the Replace with field specify the value that you would like to use to
replace the value shown in the Search for field.

4. Use the check box to determine whether upper / lower case will be taken into
account during the search, and whether only entire texts (i.e. exactly as the
text is entered into the input field) will be searched.

5. Click [OK].

The value will be replaced in the selected entries.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Finding and Replacing

3 Editing Search Entries


You have performed a search and the Search results - <project name> dialog is

1. Select an entry in the list of search results and select Popup menu >
You can also select multiple entries. In this case only the properties common
to all of the objects are displayed.

EPLAN Training 9
Finding and Replacing
2. In the Properties dialog make the desired changes to the object properties.

3. Click [OK].

The Properties dialog will close and you will be returned to the search
results list.

Edit schematic objects, project, and page data

Page data, project data, and schematic objects can only be separately edited, not
If you have selected a mix of entries a message will appear prompting you to change
your selection.

Multi-user operation
All objects to be edited are locked when you select the Properties menu command in
multi-user operation. If all of the objects can't be locked, these objects also can't be
edited, in which a message to that effect will appear. Change your selection if this is
the case.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Finding and Replacing

4 Synchronizing a Selection
If you have several navigators open, you can use the Synchronize selection
command in these dialogs to display the same object. If an object is selected in a
navigator or in the graphical editor, it will also be selected in the other navigators.
This makes it easier to find project data.


You have opened a project and have several navigators open.

1. Select an object in a navigator or in the graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 11
Finding and Replacing
2. Select the menu items Find > Synchronize selection.

The selected object will also be selected in all of the other open navigators
that contain this object.

You have opened the graphical editor, the device navigator and the terminal strip
navigator. Now, in the graphical editor, select a terminal, and then select the menu
items Find > Synchronize selection. In the device navigator, and the terminal strip
navigator, the selected terminal will also be marked. The tree can also be opened at
the appropriate location.

EPLAN Training 12
Finding and Replacing

EPLAN Training 13


EPLAN Training 1

1 Assigning a Form to a Report Type ............................................................3

2 Creating a Report Template .........................................................................6

2.1 Generate report templates from scratch ...................................................6
2.2 Generate report templates from existing reports.......................................8

3 Creating a Report Overview Without a Template .....................................11

4 Creating a Function-related Report Without a Template .........................16

5 Creating a Report From a Template ..........................................................22

6 Generating Project Reports .......................................................................23

7 Manually Placing a Report in a Page.........................................................24

8 Manually Updating a Report.......................................................................27

8.1 Update in the page navigator ..................................................................27
8.2 Update in the report overview .................................................................29

9 Updating a Report Automatically / Not Automatically .............................30

9.1 Automatically updating report pages.......................................................30
9.2 Not automatically updating report pages.................................................32

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Assigning a Form to a Report Type

You have opened a project.
You have a form which matches a report type.
Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. Select [Settings] > Output to pages.

EPLAN Training 3
2. In the Report type column, decide on a report type.

3. In order to assign a form to the report type, click on the corresponding line in
the Form column, and select "Browse..."

EPLAN opens the Select form dialog and shows the directory defined in
the settings as the form directory.

4. To preview a form, select the form and activate the Preview check box.

EPLAN Training 4
5. To accept the selected form, click [Open].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5

2 Creating a Report Template

You can specify settings for reports in a report template. These settings can always
be reused when generating new reports. Report templates can be generated
completely from scratch or based on an existing report.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Reports > Generate

2.1 Generate report templates from scratch

1. Select the Templates tab.

2. Click [New].

EPLAN Training 6
3. Select a report type in the Select report dialog and click [OK].

4. In the Filter / sorting - <Report type> dialog, select schemes for the filtering,
sorting, and page breaks, and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 7
5. In the <Report type> dialog, specify a start page for the report.

2.2 Generate report templates from existing reports


You have created a report.

EPLAN Training 8
1. In the Reports - <project name> dialog, select the Reports tab.

2. Select a report and select Popup menu > Create report template.

The report template is generated.

EPLAN Training 9
3. To check or adapt the settings of the report template, select the Templates

4. Select the template and change the settings in the right-hand area in the
Value column.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10

3 Creating a Report Overview Without a Template

Report overviews may occur multiple times in the project. Report overviews generate,
for example, the report types "Terminal strip overview", "Title page / coversheet". The
way in which the report pages are sorted into the existing page structure depends on
the type of page sorting defined in the report settings for the particular report type.

You have opened a project.
You have assigned a form to the desired report type.
In the Settings: Output to pages dialog, you have specified all of the desired
Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. In the Reports- <project name> dialog, select the Reports tab and click

2. Select the output format Page from the Output format drop-down list.

3. Check whether the project where the report is to be generated has been
entered into the Output project field.

EPLAN Training 11
4. To select a different project click [...] in the Project selection dialog, select
the desired project and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 12
5. Select a report overview in the Select report type field.

If a report overview is selected, then the Manual selection check box is

not available.

6. Click [OK].

7. In the Filter / sorting dialog, define the filtering, sorting, and page breaks, if
desired, and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 13
8. In the <Report type> dialog, enter the page name of the start page into the
first structure identifier.

9. If desired, enter an optional page description and sheet number and then click

10. Define the properties of the start page for all other structure identifiers in the
same manner. The structure identifiers that are available depend on the page
sorting assigned to the report type in the Settings: Output to pages dialog.

EPLAN Training 14
11. To adopt the start page properties for all structure identifiers, select the check
box Apply start to all structure identifiers.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15

4 Creating a Function-related Report Without a

Function-related reports can only occur once in the project. Function-related reports
generate, for example, the report types "Terminal diagram", "Cable diagram".

You have opened a project.
You have assigned a form to the desired report type.
Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. In the Reports- <project name> dialog, select the Reports tab and click

2. Choose the output format Page from the Output format drop-down list.

3. Check whether the project where the report is to be generated has been
entered into the Output project field.

EPLAN Training 16
4. To select a different project click [...] in the Project selection dialog, select
the desired project and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 17
5. Select a function-related report type on the Select report type field.

If a function-related report type is selected, the Manual selection check

box is available.

6. Select the Manual selection check box and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 18
7. In the Available field, select the device that is to be included in the report and
then click (Move to the right).

The component will be moved into the Selected field.

8. Choose all the desired components in the same manner.

9. To alphabetically sort the devices for the report, click [Sort].

10. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 19
11. In the <Report type> dialog, enter the page name of the start page into the
first structure identifier.

12. If desired, enter an optional page description and sheet number and then click

13. Define the properties of the start page for all other structure identifiers in the
same manner. The structure identifiers that are available depend on the page
sorting assigned to the report type in the Settings: Output to pages dialog.

EPLAN Training 20
14. To adopt the start page properties for all structure identifiers, select the check
box Apply start to all structure identifiers.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21

5 Creating a Report From a Template

If you generate a report from a report template, then you no longer need to specify all
the settings. All settings already specified in the template are used for the report.

You have opened a project.
You have access to a fixed or user-defined report template.
Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. In the Reports - <project name> dialog, select the Templates tab.

2. Select a template and click [Generate report].

The report is generated based on the template.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22

6 Generating Project Reports

If you report on the entire project, then reports are generated from all existing report
templates. In addition, all existing reports are updated.

You have opened a project.
You have already generated reports and / or created report templates.

1. Select the menu item Utilities > Reports > Generate project reports.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 23

7 Manually Placing a Report in a Page

You have opened a project.
You have assigned a form to the desired report type.
You have opened the page in the graphical editor in which you want to place
the report.
Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. In the Reports - <Project name> dialog, select the Reports tab and click

EPLAN Training 24
2. Choose the output format "Manual placement" from the Output format drop-
down list.

3. Check whether the project where the report is to be generated has been
entered into the Output project field.

EPLAN Training 25
4. In the Select report type field, select the report type and click [OK].

When the Filter / sorting dialog opens, define any optional filtering and
sorting and then click [OK].

The report hangs on the mouse pointer.

5. Position the mouse pointer at the location on the page where the report should
be placed.

6. Click the left mouse button.

The report is inserted in the page.

The report is listed in Utilities > Reports > Generate in the report overview
as an "embedded report".

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26

8 Manually Updating a Report

During updates, all reports are always updated which belong to a report block.

You have created report pages.
You have opened the project with the report pages in the navigator dialog
Pages - <project name> .

8.1 Update in the page navigator

1. Select a structure identifier layer from the Pages - <project name> dialog.

2. Select the menu items Utilities > Reports > Update.

EPLAN Training 27
All report pages and all embedded reports below the structure identifier
layer will be updated.

EPLAN Training 28

8.2 Update in the report overview

1. Select the menu item Utilities > Reports > Generate.

2. Select a report layer in the tree structure of the Reports tab.

3. Click [Update].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 29

9 Updating a Report Automatically / Not

An existing report page can be automatically updated upon opening.

You have created report pages.
You have opened a project in the page navigator.

9.1 Automatically updating report pages


If you update report pages automatically, then opening pages takes somewhat longer
than opening without automatic updating.

1. Select the menu item Options > Settings.

EPLAN Training 30
2. Select User > Display > General.

3. In the Settings: General dialog, select the Update reports when opening
pages check box, and click [OK].

If you now open a report page, then the report page will be updated.

EPLAN Training 31

9.2 Not automatically updating report pages

1. Select the menu item Options > Settings.

2. Select User > Display > General.

EPLAN Training 32
3. In the Settings: General dialog, uncheck the Update reports when opening
pages check box, and click [OK].

If you now open a report page, then the report page will not be updated.

EPLAN Training 33

EPLAN Training 34


EPLAN Training 1

1 Creating a Labeling Scheme ........................................................................3

2 Defining the Header, Label, and Footer ......................................................6

2.1 Select format elements .............................................................................7
2.2 Edit selected format elements.................................................................10

3 Specifying Settings for *.txt Output ..........................................................11

4 Specifying Settings for Excel Output........................................................15

5 Outputting Labeling....................................................................................19

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Creating a Labeling Scheme

The settings for labeling are stored in schemes.

You have opened a project.
Utilities > Reports > Labeling

1. Click [...] in the Settings field of the Output labeling dialog.

EPLAN Training 3

2. In the Settings: Labeling dialog, click (New).

3. In the New scheme dialog, enter a name and description, and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 4
4. In the Report type dialog, select a report type, and click [OK].

The report type is shown in the Settings: Labeling dialog in the Report
type field.

The new scheme is now available as a user-defined scheme in the

Scheme drop-down list.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5

2 Defining the Header, Label, and Footer

You use format elements to specify which data is to be output in the header, labels,
and footer of the labeling page, and how these texts are to be formatted.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Reports > Labeling

1. Click [...] in the Settings field of the Output labeling dialog.

EPLAN Training 6
2. In the dialog Settings: Labeling dialog in the Scheme field, select a user-
defined scheme, or create one.

2.1 Select format elements

You select the format elements for the header, labels, and footer in the same way.
Which format elements are available depends on the report type selected. The format
elements "Page break" and "Page break on change of DT" are only available for the

EPLAN Training 7
1. Select the Header, Label, or Footer tab.

2. In the Available format elements field, select a property and then click
(move right).

3. Select the desired property in the Property field in the Property dialog.

EPLAN Training 8
4. In the Length group box, select an option for the length of the labeling field,
and click [OK].

The format element is entered into the Selected format elements field.

5. To output a separator after the labeling text of a property, select the format
element "Separator" in the Available format elements field, and click
(move right).

6. In the Separator dialog, select an option for the separator to be output.

7. Repeat this procedure until you have selected all the format elements you

In the Preview field, you will see a preview of all the selected format

EPLAN Training 9

2.2 Edit selected format elements

1. To change the order of the format elements, select a format element in the
Selected format elements field, and click (Move up) or (Move down).

The format element is moved up or down one line.

2. To delete a format element from the selection, select the format element in the
Selected format elements field, and click (Delete).

3. To change the settings of a format element, select the format element in the
Selected format elements field, and click (Edit).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10

3 Specifying Settings for *.txt Output


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Reports > Labeling

1. Click [...] in the Settings field of the Output labeling dialog.

EPLAN Training 11
2. In the dialog Settings: Labeling dialog in the Scheme field, select a user-
defined scheme, or create one.

3. On the File tab in the Type of file field, select the file type Text file

EPLAN Training 12
4. Click [...] next to the Target file field, and enter the storage location and the
name of the labeling file into the Open dialog.

5. Click [Options].

EPLAN Training 13
6. To generate a text file for a Windows application, select the ANSI character set
in the Character set field of the Settings: Text export dialog.

7. If needed, check the Allow umlauts check box.

8. Click [...] next to the Application field, and use the Open dialog to select the
*.exe of the editor to use to open the labeling file.

9. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14

4 Specifying Settings for Excel Output

You have opened a project.
You have defined an Excel template.
Utilities > Reports > Labeling

1. Click [...] in the Settings field of the Output labeling dialog.

EPLAN Training 15
2. In the dialog Settings: Labeling dialog in the Scheme field, select a user-
defined scheme, or create one.

EPLAN Training 16
3. On the File tab in the Type of file field, select the file type Excel file

EPLAN Training 17
4. Click [...] next to the Target file field, and enter the storage location and the
name of the labeling file into the Open dialog.

5. Click [...] next to the Template field, then use the Open dialog to select an
Excel template *.xls.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18

5 Outputting Labeling
You have opened a project.
In the Settings: Labeling dialog, you have specified the settings for a fixed or
user-defined labeling scheme.
Utilities > Reports > Labeling

1. Select one of the possible labeling scheme from the Settings drop-down list.

In the Report type field, the report type is displayed on which the scheme
is based.

2. To limit the output of labeling data, select the Active check box next to the
Filter drop-down list and select a filter scheme.

3. To specify the order of labeling data, select the Active check box next to the
Sorting drop-down list and select a sorting scheme.

EPLAN Training 19
4. In the Language drop-down list, select the language in which the labeling text
should be output.

5. Click [...] next to the Target file field, and enter the storage location and the
name of the labeling file into the Open dialog.

6. In the Repetitions per label field, specify how many times the labeling text of
each label should be output to the labeling file.

7. In the Repetitions of total output field, specify how many times the entire
labeling text should be output to the labeling file.

8. Click [OK].

The labeling file is generated in the directory you selected as a storage


EPLAN Training 20

EPLAN Training 21
Parts Management

Parts Management

EPLAN Training 1
Parts Management

EPLAN Training 2
Parts Management
1 Creating a Part ..............................................................................................5
1.1 Create a part .............................................................................................5
1.2 Create variants..........................................................................................6

2 Editing a Part.................................................................................................7
2.1 Copy / cut parts.........................................................................................7
2.2 Add a part .................................................................................................8
2.3 Paste technical data..................................................................................9
2.4 Paste function templates...........................................................................9
2.5 Enter parts data ......................................................................................10

3 Working with a Part Variant .......................................................................11

3.1 Create variants........................................................................................11
3.2 Delete variants ........................................................................................12
3.3 Copy, cut, and paste variants..................................................................13

4 Creating Assemblies ..................................................................................14

4.1 Assign assembly positions ......................................................................14

5 Creating Modules........................................................................................17
5.1 Assign module items...............................................................................18

6 Filtering Parts..............................................................................................23
6.1 Filter based on fields...............................................................................23
6.2 Text-based filtering .................................................................................28

7 Exporting Parts Data ..................................................................................30

7.1 Export subsets of the database...............................................................30
7.2 Export selected records ..........................................................................31

8 Importing Parts Data...................................................................................33

9 Editing Master Person Data .......................................................................34

9.1 Create master person data .....................................................................34
9.2 Copy / cut master personal data .............................................................35
9.3 Paste master personal data ....................................................................35
9.4 Enter master personal data.....................................................................37

10 Editing Prices ..............................................................................................38

10.1 Specify price information.........................................................................38
10.2 Calculate purchase price ........................................................................38
EPLAN Training 3
Parts Management
10.3 Convert currencies..................................................................................40

11 Managing Multilingual Parts Data..............................................................42

11.1 Translate text automatically ....................................................................42
11.2 Enter translation texts .............................................................................43
11.3 Delete translation texts ...........................................................................45

12 Using the List View .....................................................................................46

12.1 Configure list view...................................................................................46

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Parts Management

1 Creating a Part
Utilities > Parts > Management

In the Parts management dialog, you can create, edit, and organize your master
data. Using [Extras] > Settings, select the database you want to edit.

In the left area of the dialog, the data to be managed is displayed in a tree or list,
where the hierarchical structure of the tree contains the following main groups:

Electrical engineering
Fluid power
Connection points
Manufacturers / suppliers.

Within a trade, the parts are divided into "Components", "Assemblies", and possibly
"Modules". Cables and housings are included in the individual parts group.

The part type Components of the various trades is further broken down into product
groups according to DIN and / or manufacturer ([Extras] > Settings).

For parts which cannot be clearly categorized as electrical components or fluid

technology components, the trade "Mechanics" is available, which contains general
and mechanical data (for instance from EPLAN Cabinet).

The product groups are only displayed if they contain at least one part.

1.1 Create a part

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have selected the Part types level in the tree, or if the tree view of the
components has been specified in more detail, the level of product groups. Or you
have selected a part entry in the list.

EPLAN Training 5
Parts Management
1. Select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN automatically generates a new part with the part number


2. Enter the data for the part into the tabs on the right side of the dialog, first
assigning a descriptive part number.

1.2 Create variants

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have marked the level of the part number.

1. In the tree or list, select Popup menu > New variant.

2. Provide the designation for the new variant of the current part in the New
variant dialog. Valid designations are 0 through 9 and A through Z.

Part and variant numbers must be unique. If you accidentally enter a designation
which already exists, EPLAN warns you as soon as you click [Apply] or [Close]. The
record can only be saved after you have assigned a new part number.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Parts Management

2 Editing a Part
Utilities > Parts > Management

In the Parts management dialog, you can create, edit, and organize your master
data. Using [Extras] > Settings, select the database you want to edit.

In the left area of the dialog, the data to be managed is displayed in a tree or list,
where the hierarchical structure of the tree contains the following main groups:

Electrical engineering
Fluid power
Connection points
Manufacturers / suppliers.

Within a plant, the parts are divided into "Components", "Assemblies", and possibly
"Modules". Cables and housings are included in the individual parts group.

The part type Components of the various trades is further broken down into product
groups according to DIN and / or manufacturer ([Extras] > Settings).

For parts which cannot be clearly categorized as electrical components or fluid

technology components, the trade "Mechanical" is available, which contains general
and mechanical data (for instance from EPLAN Cabinet).

The product groups are only displayed if they contain at least one part.

2.1 Copy / cut parts

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have marked one part.

1. Select the Popup menu > Copy or Popup menu > Cut.

EPLAN Training 7
Parts Management
The part is copied into the buffer. When cutting, it is also removed from the

2.2 Add a part

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have copied or cut a part into the Clipboard.

1. Choose Popup menu > Paste.

EPLAN creates the new part in the current level of the hierarchy with the
part number <original_part_number>_1.


Copies of the part SIE.ABC are named SIE.ABC_1, SIE.ABC_2, etc.

2. Edit the copied data in the tabs on the right side of this dialog, or enter new

During insertion, only the relevant data is taken, i.e., copied data might
possibly not be inserted because the target part cannot store that data.


You copy the cable HELU.33 with order number ABC and a bending radius of
50 cm, and you add this part as a general single part. As a result, you have
the single part HELU.33_1 (in the "General" product group) with order number
ABC. Since individual parts have no bending radius, the value of 50 cm has no

EPLAN Training 8
Parts Management

2.3 Paste technical data

After copying a part, its technical data can be pasted into another part.

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have copied the part whose technical data should be copied to the Clipboard
using Popup menu > Copy or Popup menu > Cut, and selected the parts or
variants into which the technical data should be copied.

1. Select Popup menu > Paste technical data.

The data is copied into the appropriate fields of the part or parts, while any
already existing data is discarded. The technical data (the data on the General
tab (all fields), function templates, and special technical data) are taken into
account. It is here too that only the relevant data is inserted, i.e., copied data
possibly might not be inserted because the target part can't store that data.

2.4 Paste function templates

After copying a part, its function definitions can be pasted into another part.

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have copied the part whose function definitions should be copied to the
Clipboard using Popup menu > Copy or Popup menu > Cut, and selected the parts
or variants into which the function definitions should be copied.

1. Choose Popup menu > Paste function templates.

2. Answer the security question.

The data is copied into the corresponding fields of the part or parts.

EPLAN Training 9
Parts Management

2.5 Enter parts data

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have selected the desired part or variants.

1. Use the tabs on the right side of the dialog to enter data for the selected part
or parts.

If multiple parts are selected, then only that data is shown which is identical
or undetermined (i.e., "empty"); this can be entered or changed globally for all
selected parts. Compare the dialog-specific information with the fields in the
individual tabs.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Parts Management

3 Working with a Part Variant

Utilities > Parts > Management

Part variants have identical part numbers with identical sales data, but with partly
differing technical data. The variants are displayed as the last nodes in the tree
structure of parts management, once multiple variants are stored in an part. (In the
list view, the parts are displayed under one another, so for three variants the part
number will be listed three times in a row.)

A part always has at least one variant. When a part is created, it receives one variant
with the unique designation "1", but it is only displayed in the tree with its part
number. If a part has more than one variant, then all variant designations are
displayed under the part number. This display behavior applies for filtered data as
well: If a filter is set, then variants are also filtered, meaning that only those variants
are displayed which correspond to the filter.

3.1 Create variants

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have marked the level of the part number.

1. In the tree or list, select Popup menu > New variant.

2. Provide the designation for the new variant of the current part in the New
variant dialog. Valid designations are 0 through 9 and A through Z.

When the variant designation is entered, it is checked for uniqueness; if the

variant name already exists, then a corresponding message is displayed and
you must repeat the procedure. This applies especially to the variant
designation "1", since this is assigned to the first variant of each part by
default. Only after a unique variant designation is entered will the new variant
be inserted into the tree or list structure.


EPLAN Training 11
Parts Management

If more than one part is selected, then this function can't be executed.

3.2 Delete variants

Utilities > Parts > Management


In the tree, you have selected exactly one entry at the variant level, or you have
selected the part number of the variant to be deleted in the list.

1. Select Popup menu > Delete.

2. Answer the security question.

Depending on your response, the variant is deleted. If it was the next-to-last variant,
i.e., if the part now has only one variant left, then the hierarchical level of the variants
is closed.

Only a single variant may be deleted at a time. If more than one variant is selected,
the action is canceled with a corresponding message.

EPLAN Training 12
Parts Management

3.3 Copy, cut, and paste variants

Utilities > Parts > Management

These options in the popup menu are impossible for variants, since they always
apply to the entire part. Therefore, if you call up one of these options on the level of a
variant designation, then the part to which the variant belongs to is cut or copied, and
then inserted, along with all of its current variants.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13
Parts Management

4 Creating Assemblies
An assembly is a collection of parts belonging to one device (e.g., a pushbutton with
an NO contact, the appropriate bracket, and the pushbutton head). The assembly
has its own part number and can contain subassemblies. The parts contained in
assemblies also contain information about part variants. Specially for device selection
and for reports, then, the technical data for variants will also be taken into account.

Utilities > Parts > Management


In the tree, you have selected the assemblies level or you have selected an assembly
part in the list.

1. Select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN automatically generates a new assembly with the part number


2. Enter the data for the assembly into the tabs on the right side of the dialog,
first assigning a descriptive part number.

4.1 Assign assembly positions

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have selected an assembly and opened the Assembly tab.

1. Click on (New) to generate a line in the list of assembly positions.

The new line will be appended to the end of the list.

EPLAN Training 14
Parts Management
2. Click [...] in the Part number field.

3. Select the desired part from the tree or list structure of parts selection.
Multiple selection is not possible here, i.e., the uppermost selected part is
always used.

4. Click [OK].

The part is written into the Part number field of the Assembly tab.

5. If necessary, overwrite the value in the Quantity field.

6. If necessary, overwrite the value of the current variant in the Variant field.

7. Repeat these steps for each additional assignment.

8. Click (delete), to remove assignments again.

9. Click (move up) and (move down), in order to change the order of

10. Click [Apply] to write the entries and changes to the database without leaving
parts management.

EPLAN Training 15
Parts Management

The default values for a newly generated line are taken from the line currently
selected, i.e., its data on number and part number are used. If no entry is marked,
then an empty line (with preset quantity = 1) will be generated.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16
Parts Management

5 Creating Modules
Modules are needed for working with devices. They have the same properties as
parts, but additionally contain lists of subparts structured by device tag (DT) (so-
called module items). A module is thus set of parts that belong to several nested
devices (for example, a motor control unit installed in a 19" rack). It can also contain
assemblies. The parts contained in modules also contain information about part
variants. Specially for device selection and for reports, then, the technical data for
variants will also be taken into account.

Utilities > Parts > Management


In the tree, you have selected the modules level or you have selected a module part
in the list.

1. Select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN automatically generates a new module with the part number


2. Enter the data for the module into the tabs on the right side of the dialog, first
assigning a descriptive part number.

EPLAN Training 17
Parts Management

5.1 Assign module items

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have selected a module and opened the Module tab.

1. Click (New) to generate a line in the list of module positions.

The new line will be appended to the end of the list.

2. Click [...] in the Part number field.

EPLAN Training 18
Parts Management
3. Select the desired part from the tree or list structure of parts selection.
Multiple selection is not possible here, i.e., the uppermost selected part is
always used.

4. Click [OK].

The part is written into the Part number field of the Module tab.

EPLAN Training 19
Parts Management
5. Assign the device tag in the DT cell.

6. If necessary, overwrite the value in the Quantity field.

7. If necessary, overwrite the value of the current variant in the Variant field.

8. Repeat these steps for each additional assignment.

EPLAN Training 20
Parts Management

9. Click (delete), to remove assignments again.

10. Click (move up) and (move down), in order to change the order of

11. Click [Apply] to write the entries and changes to the database without leaving
parts management.

The default values for a newly generated line are taken from the line currently

EPLAN Training 21
Parts Management

selected, i.e., its data for number, part number, and DT are used. If no entry is
marked, then an empty line (with preset quantity = 1) will be generated.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Parts Management

6 Filtering Parts
Utilities > Parts > Management

The filtering of parts offers an effective option for limiting the number of parts
displayed, increasing ease of use. You can filter in parts management in two ways:


The text-based filter shows in the left-hand side of the window only those parts for
which an arbitrary field in the field contains the text specified by the filter. The field-
based filter performs the search only in particular record fields (e.g., for the field
"Type number"). In this filter, the entire field contents are checked to ensure that they
match the search text.

The filtering of records is possibly only in part-indexed databases. This means that in
the "manufacturer / supplier" and "customer" databases, no filtering can be

6.1 Filter based on fields

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have opened a parts database using [Extras] > Settings in the Parts
management dialog.

EPLAN Training 23
Parts Management
1. Click [...] in the Field-based filter field.

2. In the Filter dialog, select a scheme from the drop-down list and edit it as
needed, or click (New) to create a new scheme.

3. Click (New) on the toolbar for the filter criteria in order to insert a new

EPLAN Training 24
Parts Management
4. In the Criteria selection dialog, select the property to be used as a filter
criterion, or select the "OR" entry in order to specify an OR combination.

5. Click [OK].

6. Select the Active check box to use the filter settings.

EPLAN Training 25
Parts Management
7. Select the Negated check box to invert the filter settings.


You have selected the "Manufacturer" criterion and set the filter to "= SIE".
Select Negated for all of the parts to be found that do not come from the
manufacturer SIE.

8. In the Operator cell, open the drop-down list of possible operators and select
the desired one.

9. In the Value cell, enter the text to be searched.

10. Repeat these steps in order to specify additional filter criteria and further limit
the selection of parts. If multiple fields are selected, they are logically
combined with AND (by default), but you can force an OR combination by
selecting OR from the Criteria selection dialog.

11. Click [OK].

12. Activate the filter setting by selecting the Active check box beside the Field-
based filter field.

A filter criterion can also be opened in the Criteria selection dialog by double-
clicking it.

Once the filter criteria have been specified, they can be replaced by others by
clicking [...] in the Criterion field, and by simply replacing them with a different

EPLAN Training 26
Parts Management

criterion from the Criteria selection dialog.

For a field-based filter, the text entered is checked to ensure that it corresponds
exactly to the data field contents.


If you filter the parts databases on, for instance, on the manufacturer short name
"HER", then parts where "HER1" is entered in the corresponding data field will not be

Wildcard characters such as * and ? must not be used in the text to be found; they
will be interpreted as "normal" characters. If data with Units are used as filter criteria,
e.g., the "Installation distance" or the "Weight" (Mounting data tab), you must enter
the corresponding value without the units if it should be used for filtering. When
filtering based on file names like the names for a graphical macro or an external
document, each file name must be entered with path and file extension.

Once a filter is used, the entire parts database is filtered, i.e., the number of parts will
be reduced and the name of the scheme displayed in the drop-down list on the left
beside the [...] button. The evaluation of filtration takes only those parts into account
which contain all the fields selected.


The following filters are defined:

Field Order number = 69932
Field Voltage type = AC.
In this case, the cable database is not searched, because a cable has an order
number, but it doesn't have a voltage type. The individual parts, however, will be
searched, because they have an order number and voltage type.

To delete an entire line from a field-based filter (Filter dialog), proceed as follows:

1. Move the cursor into a cell of the line to be deleted.

EPLAN Training 27
Parts Management

2. Click (Delete) on the toolbar for the filter criteria, in order to delete the line
and its criteria.

6.2 Text-based filtering

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have opened a parts database using [Extras] > Settings in the Parts
management dialog.

1. Click [...] in the Full text filter field.

2. Enter the text to be searched for in the Partial text field of the Full text
search dialog. The text entered can be in this case only a part of the term to
be searched. For instance, if you filter the individual part database on the text
"capacitor", then parts will also be displayed in which the text "power
capacitor" appears.

3. Select the Match case check box if a difference should be noted between
texts such as SIE and Sie when filtering.

4. Select the part type for which you want to execute the search by selecting the
appropriate check box.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 28
Parts Management
6. Activate the filter setting by selecting the Active check box beside the Full
text filter field.

The search text can be extended with logical operators. These are && (AND) and ||
(OR). The search always applies to one field of the part.


You are searching for SIE&&39. The part with order number SIE.62392 is found. The
part with order number SIE.55 and type number 39, on the other hand, will not be

Once a filter is used, all properties of the different part types are searched, the
number of parts correspondingly reduced, and the search text is displayed in the filter
field on the left next to the [...] button.

Wildcard characters such as * and ? must not be used in the text to be found; they
will be interpreted as "normal" characters.

When parts management is closed, text-based filters are deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 29
Parts Management

7 Exporting Parts Data

When exporting part data, there is a difference noted between:

The export of subsets of the database

The export of selected records.

7.1 Export subsets of the database


You have opened a parts database using [Extras] > Settings in the Parts
management dialog.

Utilities > Parts > Management > [Extras] > Export

1. In the File field of of the Export records dialog, enter the file name for the
export file or click [...] to select the file interactively. The export type is
determined based on the extension of the file type (XML, text, CSV, etc.).

2. Select the desired file type from the File type drop-down list. Depending on
the export format determined here, another dialog is opened in which the
export behavior is given in more detail (e.g., how to handle separator
characters, etc.).

3. In the Part type group box, select the check boxes of the data that you would
like to export.

4. In the Trade group box, select the check boxes of the trades that you would
like to export.

EPLAN Training 30
Parts Management
5. Change the scope of the fluid data to be exported by selecting / deselecting
the check box.

6. Click [OK].

The data is exported and a progress bar shows the process.

7.2 Export selected records

You have opened a parts database using [Extras] > Settings in the Parts
management dialog.

You have marked the records to be exported in the tree or in the list.

Utilities > Parts > Management > Popup menu > Export

1. In the File field of of the Export records dialog, enter the file name for the
export file or click [...] to select the file interactively. The export type is
determined based on the extension of the file type (XML, text, CSV, etc.).

2. Select the desired file type from the File type drop-down list. Depending on
the export format determined here, another dialog is opened in which the
export behavior is given in more detail (e.g., how to handle separator
characters, etc.).

3. Click [OK].

The selected data is exported and a progress bar shows the process.

If the current selection contains nodes (in the tree view) then all the records under

EPLAN Training 31
Parts Management

those nodes will be exported.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
Parts Management

8 Importing Parts Data


You have opened a parts database using [Extras] > Settings in the Parts
management dialog.

Utilities > Parts > Management > [Extras] > Import

1. In the File field of of the Import records dialog, enter the file name for the
import file or click [...] to select the file interactively. The import type is
determined based on the extension of the file type (XML, text, CSV, etc.).

2. Select the desired file type from the File type drop-down list. Depending on
the import format determined here, another dialog is opened in which the
import behavior is given in more detail (e.g., how to handle separator
characters, etc.).

3. Use the options to specify the treatment of new or existing records during

4. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33
Parts Management

9 Editing Master Person Data

Utilities > Parts > Management

In the Parts management dialog, you can create, edit, and organize your master
data. Using [Extras] > Settings, select the database you want to edit.

In the left area of the dialog, the data to be managed is displayed in a tree or list,
where the hierarchical structure of the tree contains the following main groups:

Electrical engineering
Fluid power
Connection points
Manufacturers / suppliers.

The master person data can only be viewed and edited in the tree structure; the list
shows only the parts data but no manufacturers, suppliers, or customers.

9.1 Create master person data

Utilities > Parts > Management


In the tree, you have selected the level of customers or manufacturers / suppliers.

1. Select Popup menu > New.

EPLAN automatically generates a new record with the short name


EPLAN Training 34
Parts Management
2. Enter the data for the customer or manufacturer / supplier into the Address
tab on the right side of the dialog, first assigning a descriptive short name.

The short names of customers and manufacturers / suppliers must be unique. If you
accidentally enter a name which already exists, EPLAN warns you as soon as you
click [Apply] or [Close]. The record can only be saved after you have assigned a
new name.

9.2 Copy / cut master personal data

Utilities > Parts > Management


In the tree, you have selected exactly one customer or manufacturer / supplier.

1. Select the Popup menu > Copy or Popup menu > Cut.

The customer (manufacturer / supplier) is copied into the Clipboard. When

cutting, it is also removed from the list.

9.3 Paste master personal data

Utilities > Parts > Management
EPLAN Training 35
Parts Management

You have copied or cut a customer (manufacturer / supplier) into the buffer.

1. Choose Popup menu > Paste.

EPLAN creates the new record in the current level of the hierarchy with the
short name <original_short_name>_1.

2. Edit the copied data in the Address tab on the right side of this dialog, or enter
new data.


EPLAN Training 36
Parts Management

The copies of the customer AEG are AEG_1, AEG_2, etc.

9.4 Enter master personal data

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have selected the desired customers or manufacturers / suppliers.

1. Use the Address tab on the right side of the dialog to enter data for the
selected record or records.

If multiple records are selected, then only that data is shown which is
identical or undetermined (i.e., "empty"); this can be entered or changed
globally for all selected records.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 37
Parts Management

10 Editing Prices

10.1 Specify price information

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have defined the currencies and currency abbreviations in the settings ([Extras]
> Settings > [Currency]).

1. Select the Prices / Other for the selected part or parts.

2. Enter the data.


Assume you want to order cables. The manufacturer sells the cables in lots of 4 rolls
at 25 m each for 200 US dollars per lot. The minimum order amount is thus 100 m of
cable. The price unit is "25", the quantity unit "m", and the quantity per packaging "4".
So you enter the following values into the fields:
Price unit: 25
Quantity unit: m
Quantity/packaging: 4
Purchase price/unit: 50 USD
Purchase price/package: 200 USD

10.2 Calculate purchase price

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have defined the currencies and currency abbreviations in the settings ([Extras]
> Settings > [Currency]).

EPLAN Training 38
Parts Management
1. Select [Extras] > Prices for the selected part or parts.

2. Specify which purchase prices should be calculated by selecting the

appropriate option.

You can only select one option at a time for a currency, i.e., you can calculate either
the "Purchase price/unit" or the "Purchase price/package".


Assume that the purchase price per package is 200 US dollars for the cable, and the
Quantity/packaging is "4". You can now calculate the other purchase price by
selecting the option Purchase price/unit for currency 1 in the Calculate prices
dialog, and clicking [OK]. The purchase price/unit will then be displayed as "50 USD"

EPLAN Training 39
Parts Management

for currency 1 on the Prices / Other tab.

There is no currency conversion via the options for the Currency 2 field in the
Calculate prices dialog, but rather a purchase price calculation. For this to work,
however, you must enter a purchase price in the field for currency 2 in the Prices /
miscellaneous tab.

10.3 Convert currencies

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have defined the currencies and currency abbreviations in the settings ([Extras]
> Settings > [Currency]).

1. Select [Extras] > Currencies for the selected part or parts.

EPLAN Training 40
Parts Management
2. In the Convert group box of the Convert currencies dialog, specify the
direction in which conversion should be performed.

3. In the Selection group box, specify which prices should be converted. Select
the appropriate check box or check boxes.

In the Currencies group box of this dialog, the specified exchange rate configured
under [Extras] > Settings > [Currency] is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 41
Parts Management

11 Managing Multilingual Parts Data

Utilities > Parts > Management

If you want to use foreign-language designations, for instance for deliveries overseas,
you can create and edit the master parts data in different languages. A display
language can then be defined for parts management which is independent of the
display language currently selected in EPLAN, and foreign-language entries for the
following fields can be managed:

Designation 1 3 (General tab)

Description (General tab)
Function group (Technical data tab)
Mounting site (Mounting data tab)
Description 1 - 100 (Free properties tab).

11.1 Translate text automatically

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have positioned the mouse cursor in one of the fields listed above for one or
more part(s) and entered the text in the source language.

1. Choose the Popup menu > Translate.

If there are already translations in the dictionary for the term entered, the
Found words dialog is opened, listing all the texts in the source language
beginning with the letters entered.

2. In the Found words dialog, select the matching translation text by double-
clicking or by clicking [OK].

EPLAN Training 42
Parts Management
3. Edit the translation text in the Multilingual input.

If no translations are entered in the dictionary, then the Multilingual input

dialog is opened, in which you can enter a new translated text.

4. Click [OK].


Enter the text "Tacho" into the "Designation 2" field. Select Popup menu >
Translate. The Found words dialog lists the following entries:
DE: Tacho EN: Tachometer
DE: Tachogenerator EN: Tachometer generator
Double-click the entry you want. The Multilingual input is opened and you can edit
the translation.

11.2 Enter translation texts

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have positioned the mouse cursor in one of the fields listed above for one or
more part(s) and entered the text in the source language.

EPLAN Training 43
Parts Management
1. Select Popup menu > Multilingual input.

2. In the Multilingual input dialog, enter the translation text.

3. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 44
Parts Management

11.3 Delete translation texts

Utilities > Parts > Management


You have positioned the cursor in one of the fields listed above for one or more parts.

1. Select Popup menu > Remove translations.

The translation texts of the currently selected field are deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 45
Parts Management

12 Using the List View

Utilities > Parts > Management

In addition to the tree view, which shows the data in a hierarchical structure, the List
tab is available, with which you can display all parts, but not manufacturers,
suppliers, or customers; only those properties are displayed which all parts have (for
instance, part numbers, product group, etc.).

List and tree update each other. This means that if a part is selected in the tree, it is
also selected in the list (and vice versa). If a node (that is, a hierarchical level) is
selected in the tree, then in the list, the first part is selected which is located below
that level.

The field-based, full text, and automatic filters are also used in the list view.

12.1 Configure list view


You have selected the List tab.

Popup menu > Configure columns

EPLAN Training 46
Parts Management
1. In the Column configuration dialog, select the properties which should be
displayed in the list, by selecting the corresponding check box.

EPLAN Training 47
Parts Management
2. Use the buttons on the toolbar to influence the order of the display.

3. Select two properties and click (Exchange).

The positions of both properties are exchanged.

4. Click [OK].

The display in the list is adjusted.

EPLAN Training 48
Parts Management

EPLAN Training 49
Rights Management

Rights Management

EPLAN Training 1
Rights Management

1 Managing Users ............................................................................................3

1.1 Create users .............................................................................................3
1.2 Edit users ..................................................................................................4
1.3 Delete users..............................................................................................6
1.4 Assign users to groups .............................................................................7

2 Managing User Groups ................................................................................9

2.1 Create user groups ...................................................................................9
2.2 Edit user groups......................................................................................10
2.3 Delete user groups..................................................................................11
2.4 Assign editing rights to groups ................................................................11

3 Logging on or Changing Users .................................................................13

3.1 Log on users ...........................................................................................13
3.2 Switch users............................................................................................13

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Rights Management

1 Managing Users
The rights management allows you to create users and assign them to particular user
groups. You can also subsequently edit or delete users.

1.1 Create users

Utilities > Rights management

1. To the left of the Rights management dialog, select the User folder, and click

2. In the User dialog, enter a name and short description of the new user.

In EPLAN, the user name is always managed in capital letters (as in
Windows). This means that, in EPLAN, the users "Paul Smith" and "PAUL
SMITH" define the same person with the same rights.

EPLAN Training 3
Rights Management

4. You can assign a password in the Password field. To avoid typing errors on
entry, you must enter the password a second time into the Confirm password

To ensure protection of your input, the password is not displayed in plain

text but rather as * characters.

5. Click [OK].

The dialog is closed and you are returned to the Rights management
dialog. The user is now created in EPLAN, but still has no editing rights since
they do not yet belong to a group.

6. Assign the user to one or more groups as described in the section "Editing

The user received the appropriate editing rights.

1.2 Edit users

Utilities > Rights management

EPLAN Training 4
Rights Management
1. To the left of the Rights management dialog, select the User folder.

2. Select a (self-defined) user name in the right-hand field and click [Edit].

3. In the User dialog, change the name, description and password and then click

The dialog is closed and the changed data is displayed in the Rights
management dialog.

EPLAN Training 5
Rights Management

1.3 Delete users

Utilities > Rights management

The EPLAN pre-defined users cannot be changed or deleted.

1. To the left of the Rights management dialog, select the User folder.

EPLAN Training 6
Rights Management
2. Select a (self-defined) user name in the right-hand field and click [Delete].

After confirmation of the warning message, the user name is deleted.

1.4 Assign users to groups

Utilities > Rights management

EPLAN Training 7
Rights Management
1. in the Rights management dialog, click the plus sign next to the User folder
to open the folder and select a user name.

The existing user groups are displayed in the right-hand side of the dialog.

2. Select the check box corresponding to the user groups for which you wish the
user to be a member of.

The editing rights of the respective groups are assigned to the user. The
assignments are stored as soon as you leave the dialog by clicking [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Rights Management

2 Managing User Groups

The rights management allows you to create user groups and assign particular
editing rights to them. You can also subsequently edit or delete user groups.

2.1 Create user groups

Utilities > Rights management

1. To the left of the Rights Management dialog, select the Groups folder, and
click [New].

2. In the Group dialog, enter a name and short description of the allowed editing
rights of the new user group.

EPLAN Training 9
Rights Management
3. Click [OK].

The group is created but editing rights have not yet been assigned.

4. Assign editing rights to the group as described under "Editing user groups".

2.2 Edit user groups

Utilities > Rights management

1. To the left of the Rights management dialog, select the Group folder.

2. Select a (self-defined) user group in the right-hand field and click [Edit].

3. In the Group dialog, change the name or description.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 10
Rights Management
The dialog is closed and the changed data is displayed in the Rights
management dialog.

2.3 Delete user groups

Utilities > Rights management

The EPLAN pre-defined user groups cannot be changed or deleted.

1. To the left of the Rights management dialog, select the Group folder.

2. Select a (self-defined) user group in the right-hand field and click [Delete].

After confirmation of the warning message, the group name is deleted.

2.4 Assign editing rights to groups

Utilities > Rights management

1. in the Rights management dialog, click the plus sign next to the Group folder
to open the folder and select a user group.
EPLAN Training 11
Rights Management

The existing editing rights are displayed in the right-hand side.

2. Select the check box in front of the user groups in which the current user is to
be a member. Click the plus sign to open the subordinate rights.

If all subordinate rights are deselected, then the check box for the
superordinate entry is displayed in gray.


The editing rights are thematically grouped. You can assign the entire editing
rights for a particular thematic area by selecting the check box in front of
the superordinate entry.

4. Click [OK].

The editing rights are assigned to the respective groups.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Rights Management

3 Logging on or Changing Users


You are using the "Logon" operating mode.

3.1 Log on users

The Logon dialog is automatically displayed when EPLAN starts.

1. Enter the user name and password and click [OK].

EPLAN checks if the user is correctly set up and the password is correct. If
this is the case then you are logged on under your user name.

3.2 Switch users

1. Select the menu item Project > Switch user.

2. Enter the user name and password into the Logon dialog and click [OK].

EPLAN checks if the user is correctly set up and the password is correct. If
this is the case then you are logged on under the new user name.

EPLAN Training 13
Rights Management

EPLAN Training 14
Revision Control

Revision Control

EPLAN Training 1
Revision Control

1 Completing Projects and Pages ..................................................................3

1.1 Complete pages........................................................................................3

2 Generating Revisions ...................................................................................5

3 Generating Comparison Projects ................................................................6

3.1 Show revisioned project / comparison projects .........................................6

4 Comparing Projects......................................................................................8

5 Specifying Comparison Settings...............................................................10

6 Adding Revision Markers ...........................................................................12

6.1 Add revision markers after a project comparison ....................................12

7 Displaying or Hiding Revision Markers ....................................................14

7.1 Display revision markers.........................................................................14
7.2 Hide revision markers .............................................................................14
7.3 Find revision modifications in properties .................................................15

8 Removing Revision Markers ......................................................................16

9 Removing Write Protection ........................................................................17

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Revision Control

1 Completing Projects and Pages

In EPLAN, projects can be completed at any time. The project is then write-protected
and can no longer be changed. A completed project is stored in the project directory
with the extension *.elr.


You have opened a project.

1. Select the menu item Utilities > Revision control > Complete project.

If you have not yet completed all of the pages of the project, a message will
be displayed.

2. Click [Yes] in the message window in order to use the comments on the
revision as the description for the page modification. (If you click [No], the
process will be canceled, and you can complete the pages manually).

First, all of the pages are completed. The project is then write-protected
(i.e. it is written as an *.elr project).

1.1 Complete pages

1. Select the project or the modified pages in the page overview, and select the
menu item Utilities > Revision control > Complete pages.

2. In the Description of the page modification dialog, you can enter the
revision data (index, description, and reason for change) for the modified

3. Click [OK].

The marker on the pages as "draft" is removed.

EPLAN Training 3
Revision Control

The revision data is saved to the modified pages.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Revision Control

2 Generating Revisions

You have opened a project.

Utilities > Revision control > Generate revision

1. In the Generate revision dialog, enter a name for the revision in the Revision
name field.

2. In the Comment field you can enter a short description of the revision, but the
field may also be left blank.

3. Click [OK].

EPLAN generates the revision and is then saved with the extension *.ell.

If a page is then modified, it is marked as a "draft".

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
Revision Control

3 Generating Comparison Projects


You have selected a project in the page navigator.

Utilities > Revision control > Generate comparison project

1. In the Generate comparison project dialog, enter a name for the comparison
project in the Project name field.

2. In the Comment field you can enter a short description of the comparison
project, but the field may also be left blank.

3. Select the check box Generate temporary comparison project if you would
like to generate a non-write-protected project that you can delete again later.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN generates the comparison project with the file extension *.elr.

3.1 Show revisioned project / comparison projects

In order to show revised projects or comparison projects in the page navigator,
proceed as follows:

1. Select the menu item Project > Open.

2. In the Open project dialog in the Files of type field, select the entry "Revision
of EPLAN project (*.elr)".

EPLAN Training 6
Revision Control
3. Select the desired project (if necessary, switch to a different directory) and
click [Open].

The selected project is shown in the page navigator.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Revision Control

4 Comparing Projects
Differences between two projects are registered by comparing particular properties
with one another. In the Compare projects dialog, you can determine which projects
will be compared. The properties to be compared are determined in the Comparison
settings dialog. If the value of the properties is identical for two projects, then no
difference is registered between them.

The result of the comparison is written to a MS Access database. To be able to
interpret a comparison run, you therefore need to have the program MS
Access installed on your computer.

The database for the result of the project comparison is determined in the project
settings in the Settings: Revision dialog.

1. Select the desired project in the page navigator and select the menu item
Utilities > Revision control > Compare projects.

2. In the Compare projects dialog, select the check box Show only associated
comparison projects.

Then only the comparison projects of the marked project will be shown in
the list. Otherwise, the list will show all of the projects in the project directory
(except for the one marked).

3. In the list, select Compare with to select the comparison project you would
like to compare with the currently opened project.

4. In the Comparison settings field, select the scheme which determines the
settings for the comparison. (If you have not stored your own schemes, then
only the standard scheme will be offered here. In this case create a new
scheme by Specifying comparison settings.)

EPLAN Training 8
Revision Control
5. In the Text field, enter the text to be used to mark the revision changes in the

6. Click [OK].

The comparison run is executed and the result of the comparison is written
to the given database.

To make the modifications visible in the project, you must generate revison

Such a comparison run can take a relatively long time for large projects; this also
depends on the number of properties you have selected for comparison. It can
therefore make sense to execute runs overnight or on a dedicated computer.

To evaluate the results of a comparison run, you will need an external database
program, such as MS Access.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Revision Control

5 Specifying Comparison Settings

In the Comparison settings dialog, you have the option of determining in detail
which properties should be compared with one another. The settings are stored in a
scheme. You can create different schemes for different tasks, and retrieve settings
together whenever needed.

1. In the Compare projects dialog, click [...] beside the Comparison settings

2. From the drop-down list in the Comparison settings dialog, select a user-
defined scheme that you would like to change, or use (New) to create a
new scheme.

3. In the tabs in the lower part of the dialog, you can determine the properties of
the different objects which should be compared. These tabs are all structured
in the same way: In the Do not compare field, all of the properties are initially
selected that can be compared. The properties in the Compare field are those
which have been selected for comparison.

4. In the field Do not compare, select the desired properties, and move them
using the arrow button into the Compare field.

5. To undo the selection, if necessary, use the second arrow button to move the
property selected in the Compare field back into the Do not compare field.

6. Click [OK].

Your settings are saved in the scheme selected, and then you are returned
to the Compare projects dialog.

EPLAN Training 10
Revision Control
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Revision Control

6 Adding Revision Markers

Revision markers can be generated in two ways:

If you have created a revision and are still working in it, changes are
automatically marked ("change tracking").

If you have compared two projects, you must first generate the revision markers
in order to show the changes in the project.

Revision changes in the schematic are shown with graphical markers. Under the
project settings in the Settings: Revision dialog, define the appearance and size of
this graphic.

Changes in properties are shown with marker text entered into the "Revision marker
(change tracking)" or "Revision marker (project comparison)" properties. In addition,
the modified object is shown with a graphical marker.

In change tracking, this text is generated automatically, but it can be changed.

Formatting is determined in the project settings in the Settings: Revision dialog.

In a project comparison, you enter this text in the Compare projects dialog.

6.1 Add revision markers after a project comparison

You have already executed a comparison run, so that changed information is
present in the database for the comparison result.

The project into which you would like to write the revision markers is open.

Utilities > Revision control > Add revision markers

1. In the Open dialog, select the database in which the results of the comparison
run are stored. By default, the database Revision.mdb is set in the
..\Projects directory.

2. Click [OK].

EPLAN writes the revision markers into the project.

EPLAN Training 12
Revision Control
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13
Revision Control

7 Displaying or Hiding Revision Markers

The revision markers can be displayed or hidden as needed. This is independent of
whether they were generated through change tracking or by project comparison.

7.1 Display revision markers


You have generated revision markers in the project.

1. Select the menu item View > Revision markers.

A check mark before the menu item signifies that the item is activated.

The revision markers are displayed in the project.

2. If necessary, update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.

7.2 Hide revision markers


The display of revision markers is activated.

1. Select the menu item View > Revision markers.

The revision markers will be hidden.

2. If necessary, update the display using the menu item View > Redraw.

EPLAN Training 14
Revision Control

7.3 Find revision modifications in properties

Modified objects (even the objects to where their hidden properties have been
changed) are shown on the page with a graphical marker.

If you move the mouse pointer over a changed object in a revision, then a tooltip is
displayed containing information about the revision.

To make it easier to find changes in the properties of objects, you can use the Find

Find > Find

1. In the Find function in the Find what field, enter the text that you provided for
the idenfication of revision changes in the Compare revision dialog.

2. In the Search in group box, select the All properties of all components
check box.

3. In the Search location group box, determine whether the entire project or only
the current page should be searched, and then select the Logic pages check

4. Click [OK].

The results of the search are displayed in the Search results dialog.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15
Revision Control

8 Removing Revision Markers

You can remove revision markers created via change tracking or a project
comparison from the project separately.


You have opened a project containing revision markers.

Utilities > Revision control > Delete revision markers

1. In the Delete revision markers dialog, select which markers you would like to
delete: Check the corresponding check boxes.

2. Click [OK].

The selected revision markers will be deleted from the current revision.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16
Revision Control

9 Removing Write Protection

Completed projects and comparison project are always write-protected. Only
temporary comparison projects are not write-protected. However, it is possible to
remove the write protection if necessary.


You have opened a write-protected project.

Utilities > Revision control > Remove write protection

EPLAN removes the write protection from the project.

You can reactivate the write protection by completing the project.

EPLAN Training 17
Revision Control

EPLAN Training 18


EPLAN Training 1

1 Opening a Dictionary....................................................................................3

2 Creating a Dictionary....................................................................................5
2.1 Add dictionary language ...........................................................................6
2.2 Delete dictionary language .......................................................................7

3 Creating Keywords .......................................................................................9

4 Searching, Editing, and Deleting Keywords .............................................11

4.1 Find and edit keywords ...........................................................................11
4.2 Deleting Keywords ..................................................................................11

5 Not Translating a Word in the Project Pages ...........................................13

6 Entering a Separator Suggestion ..............................................................14

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Opening a Dictionary
As standard, EPLAN dictionaries are stored in the ..\Translation directory.

1. Select Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary > Management tab.

2. Click [...] next to the Dictionaries field.

EPLAN Training 3
3. Select the directory where the dictionary is located.

4. Select the Microsoft Access-Datenbanken (*.mdb) file type and then

select the desired file.

5. Click [Open].

The dictionary is entered into the Dictionary field. You can now edit it.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4

2 Creating a Dictionary
You can create and manage multiple dictionaries. Select the appropriate dictionary
for each of your projects.

Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary > Management tab

1. Select [Extras] > New.

2. To create a new database for the dictionary, enter a file name into the File
name field and select the Microsoft Access databases (*.mdb) file type.

EPLAN Training 5
3. Click [Save].

2.1 Add dictionary language

1. In the Management tab, use [...] to select the dictionary to which you wish to
add a dictionary language.

2. Click (New) next to the Dictionary language field.

EPLAN displays all of the languages that can be accepted into the

EPLAN Training 6
3. One after the other, select all of the languages that should be available in the

2.2 Delete dictionary language

1. In the Management tab, use [...] to select the dictionary from which you wish
to remove a dictionary language.

EPLAN Training 7
2. Select a language in the Dictionary languages field.

3. Click (Delete).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8

3 Creating Keywords
You can add an unlimited number of keywords to the dictionary. Keywords are case-
sensitive. Each keyword has a source language. The keyword always must contain a
translation text in the source language, because this text is used as a reference for all
of the other target languages.

You have created a dictionary or have access to a dictionary.
You have opened a dictionary.
Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary > Edit words tab

1. Select the source language for the current keyword in the Source language


If you specify de_DE, German will be the source language for all of the other
target languages.

2. To create a keyword, click (New).

EPLAN places the insertion mark in the Keyword field in the line for the
source language translation text.

3. First enter the source language translation text in the Keyword field.

4. Then enter the translation texts for the other dictionary languages in the
Keyword field.

EPLAN Training 9
5. If desired, enter a short description into the Comment field.

6. Click (Save).

The keyword is added on the left in the list of keywords.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10

4 Searching, Editing, and Deleting Keywords

A keyword is always stored in the dictionary in a source language.

You have access to a dictionary containing keywords.
You have opened a dictionary.
Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary > Edit words tab

4.1 Find and edit keywords

1. In the Source language field, select the language that is used for the keyword
in the dictionary.

2. Specify the desired keyword in the Find field.

If the keyword is in the dictionary, EPLAN shows the matching keyword in

the keyword list.

3. Select the keyword and edit the translation texts in the Keyword field.

4. Click (Save).

4.2 Deleting Keywords

1. Select the keyword in the keyword list.

EPLAN Training 11

2. In the Keyword field click (Delete).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12

5 Not Translating a Word in the Project Pages

You can define the words that are not to be translated. These words are therefore
fixed terms and are ignored in the translation process. The setting is only valid for
word-by-word translation.

You have access to a dictionary containing keywords.
You have opened a dictionary.

Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary > Do not translate tab

1. Click (New).

2. Specify the desired word in the Word not to be translated field.

3. Click (Save).

The word is added to the word list.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13

6 Entering a Separator Suggestion

A separator enables you to separate a keyword at a desired location. If you add a
line break to a project text, the translated texts will have a line break at the location
indicated by the separator suggestion.

You have access to a dictionary containing keywords.
You have opened a dictionary.
Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary

1. Select the Edit words tab.

2. In the Source language field, select the language that is used for the keyword
in the dictionary.

3. In the Find field enter the existing keyword, and select it in the keyword list.

4. Place the mouse pointer in the Keyword field where it is that you would like to
insert the separator suggestion in the translation text.

The mouse pointer changes into an insertion marker.

5. Press the "Pipe" key [|].

EPLAN inserts a vertical line.



EPLAN Training 14

6. Click (Save).

EPLAN Training 15

EPLAN Training 16


EPLAN Training 1

1 Defining a Dictionary ....................................................................................3

2 Generally Translating / Not Translating Texts and Properties..................4

2.1 Text elements ...........................................................................................4
2.2 Path function texts ....................................................................................5
2.3 Properties .................................................................................................6

3 Generally Translating / Not Tanslating Page Types...................................8

3.1 Select page types for translation...............................................................8
3.2 Exclude page types from the translation ...................................................9

4 Defining the Translation and Display Languages ....................................11

4.1 Specify translation languages .................................................................11
4.2 Specify display languages ......................................................................12

5 Performing a Test Translation of the Text ................................................13

6 Translating During Data Entry ...................................................................14

7 Performing a Translation ...........................................................................19

8 Deleting Translation From a Project .........................................................20

9 Exporting the Missing-word List ...............................................................23

9.1 Export individual words or sentences......................................................23
9.2 Specify source language.........................................................................24
9.3 Specify and export target languages.......................................................27

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Defining a Dictionary
You have to select a dictionary in order to translate a project. This selection is saved
on a user basis.


You have access to a dictionary containing keywords.

Utilities > Translation > Settings

1. Select the User tab.

2. Next to the Dictionary field click [...] and select the desired dictionary in the
Open dictionary dialog.

All languages in the dictionary are displayed in the Dictionary languages


This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3

2 Generally Translating / Not Translating Texts

and Properties
If you do not want to translate all of the texts and properties in the project, you can
generally exclude texts and properties from the translation. These settings are stored
on a per project basis.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Translation > Settings

2.1 Text elements

Text elements are schematic elements that you insert in the schematic via the menu
items Insert > Graphic > Text. Text elements are not generated from project data.

1. Select the Extent tab.

EPLAN Training 4
2. To select text elements for translation, select the Free texts check box.

3. To exclude text elements from translation, deselect the Free texts check box.

2.2 Path function texts

1. Select the Extent tab.

2. To select path function texts for translation, select the Path function texts
check box.

3. To exclude path function texts from translation, deselect the Path function
texts check box.

EPLAN Training 5

2.3 Properties
Texts whose contents are generated from properties and project data are placed in
project pages. Texts whose contents are generated from descriptive properties can
be translated. These properties are divided into the item, form, plot frame, project,
page, symbol, and symbol library areas.

1. Select the Extent tab.

2. Select the desired file range from the Extent drop-down list.

3. To select a property for the translation, select the check box in front of the
desired property.

4. To exclude a property from the translation, deselect the check box in front of
the desired property.

EPLAN Training 6
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7

3 Generally Translating / Not Tanslating Page

If you do not want to translate all of the pages from a project you can generally
exclude page types from the translation. Pages of that type will then be excluded
from the translation. These settings are stored on a per project basis. The page type
of a selected page is displayed in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog via
Popup menu > Properties in the Page type field.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Translation > Settings

3.1 Select page types for translation

1. Select the Translatable pages tab.

All of the available page types in EPLAN are displayed.

EPLAN Training 8
2. To select one page type for the translation, select the check box in front of the
desired page type.

3. To select multiple page types, hold down the [CTRL] key or the [SHIFT] key,
select all of the desired page types, and then select the check box in front of
one of the selected page types.

3.2 Exclude page types from the translation

1. Select the Translatable pages tab.

All of the available page types in EPLAN are displayed.

2. To exclude one page type for the translation, deselect the check box in front of
the desired page type.

EPLAN Training 9
3. To exclude multiple page types from the translation, hold down the [CTRL]
key or the [SHIFT] key, select all of the desired page types, and then deselect
the check box in front of one of the selected page types.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10

4 Defining the Translation and Display

The translation languages determine the languages in which the text is translated. All
translated texts are stored in the project and can be removed from the project via
Remove translation. The display languages, determine which of the translation
languages will be displayed in the project pages.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Translation > Settings

4.1 Specify translation languages

1. Select the Project tab.

2. In the Translation group box next to the Languages field click (New).

EPLAN Training 11
3. From the drop-down list select all of the languages into which the project
should be translated.

4.2 Specify display languages

1. Select the Project tab.

2. In the Display group box next to the Languages field click (New).

3. From the drop-down list select all of the languages in which the project pages
should be displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12

5 Performing a Test Translation of the Text

If for individual project texts you would like to check whether translation texts exist in
the right language in the dictionary, you have to first create a text project. You have
the option of performing test translations of texts.

You have opened a project.
You have defined the translation settings.

Utilities > Translation > Test input

1. Enter a text in the input field that is to be translated.

2. Click [Translate].

If EPLAN finds translated texts assigned to the source text, they will be
entered into the list below.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13

6 Translating During Data Entry

Translate during data entry means that EPLAN will translate the project text while you
are entering it.

You have opened a project.
You have defined a dictionary.
You have defined the translation and display languages.

Utilities > Translation > Settings

1. Select the Project tab, then select the Translate on input check box and click

EPLAN Training 14
2. Select the menu item Page > Navigator.

EPLAN Training 15
3. Double-click a page.

EPLAN Training 16
4. Select the menu item Insert > Graphic > Text.

EPLAN Training 17
5. In the Properties dialog in the Text tab, enter a word that is already in the
selected dictionary as a keyword with translation texts.

6. Click [OK].

The translated text is shown.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18

7 Performing a Translation
During translation you can translate across multiple pages.

You have opened a project that contains translatable texts.
You have defined a dictionary.
You have determined which texts and page types can generally be translated.
You have defined the translation and display languages.

1. Select a project, pages, or schematic elements.

2. Select the menu items Utilities > Translation > Translate.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19

8 Deleting Translation From a Project

When removing the translation from the project the translation texts of one or more
translation languages will be deleted from the project. In doing so, the translation
texts not shown in the project will also be deleted.

You have opened a project.
The project contains translation texts.

Page > Navigator

1. In the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog, select the project from which
the translation texts are to be deleted.

EPLAN Training 20
2. Select the menu items Utilities > Translation > Remove translation from

In the Select languages dialog, all of the translation languages that you
have selected in the project-related settings as translation languages are

3. Press the [CTRL] key and in the Select language dialog select all of the
translation languages whose translation texts should be deleted.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 21
The translation texts are deleted. The selected languages are no longer
translation languages.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22

9 Exporting the Missing-word List

You can export project texts that EPLAN couldn't translate as missing-word lists.
These project texts can then be translated into one or more languages outside of
EPLAN and reimported.


You have opened a project.

9.1 Export individual words or sentences

A project can be translated by word or sentence. It is therefore possible to export the
missing-word list in individual words or in full sentences.

1. Select the menu item Utilities > Translation > Settings.

EPLAN Training 23
2. Select the Project tab.

3. To export full sentences select the Translate whole sentences only check

4. To export individual words deselect the Translate whole sentences only

check box.

9.2 Specify source language

The source language here is the language for which you already have translation
text. The source language is the language at the top of the list of display languages.


The project must contain texts in the source language.

EPLAN Training 24
1. Select the menu item Utilities > Translation > Settings.

EPLAN Training 25
2. Check whether the desired source language is listed as the translation
language in the Translation group box in the Languages field.

3. If the language is not present, click (New), and select the desired language.

4. Check whether the desired source language is listed as the translation

language in the Display group box in the Languages field.

5. If the language is not present, click (New), and select the desired language.

6. Select the desired language in the Display group box in the Languages field.

EPLAN Training 26

7. Click (up one row) until the language is in the first row.

9.3 Specify and export target languages

The target languages are the languages for which you have no translation text. The
missing-word list can be exported for one or more target languages.

1. Select the menu item Utilities > Translation > Settings.

EPLAN Training 27
2. Check whether the desired target languages are listed as the translation
languages in the Translation group box in the Languages field.

3. If the languages are not present, click (New), and select the desired

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 28
5. Select the menu item Page > Navigator.

EPLAN Training 29
6. To export a missing-word list for the entire project, select the project name in
the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

7. To export a missing-word list for one or more pages, select one or more pages
in the Pages - <Project Name> navigator dialog.

8. To export a missing-word list for individual, translatable schematic elements,

double-click a page, and select the desired schematic elements in the
graphical editor.

EPLAN Training 30
9. Select the menu items Utilities > Translation > Export missing-word list.

10. In the Export missing-word list select and save the location as well as a file

11. In the File name field enter a file name and click [Save].

EPLAN Training 31
12. Press [Ctrl] and select the desired target languages in the Languages dialog.

13. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 32

EPLAN Training 33
Panel Layout

Panel Layout

EPLAN Training 1
Panel Layout

1 Placing Mounting Panels..............................................................................3

1.1 Place mounting panels from parts management.......................................3
1.2 Freely placing mounting panels ................................................................5

2 Placing Items on the Mounting Panel .........................................................7

3 Placing Items Without Schematic..............................................................10

4 Placing Items on the DIN Rail ....................................................................13

5 Plotting Locked Areas ................................................................................15

6 Editing and Displaying Part Placement Properties..................................17

7 Checking the Part Placements...................................................................21

8 Generating Legends ...................................................................................23

8.1 Create page legends...............................................................................23
8.2 Create window legends...........................................................................27
8.3 Prevent window legends .........................................................................30

9 Editing Legend Positions ...........................................................................33

10 Updating the Main Elements ......................................................................37

11 Updating the Part Dimensions...................................................................39

12 Using Jump Functions ...............................................................................41

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Panel Layout

1 Placing Mounting Panels

When placing mounting panels on "Panel layout" pages, a distinction is made
between placing a part from the parts management system and "free" placement
using the properties dialog.

1.1 Place mounting panels from parts management

You have opened a project.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

Project data > Devices / parts > Panel layout > Generate mounting panel

1. In the Part selection dialog, in the generic product group Mechanics, open
the hierarchy level Housing.

2. Select the desired housing part.

EPLAN Training 3
Panel Layout
3. Click [OK].

The mounting panel symbol is scaled to the entered size (only values larger
than 0.0 are accepted!) and hangs on the cursor.

4. Place the symbol.

The Properties <...>: Mounting panel dialog is opened.

5. Enter a device tag in the Displayed DT field on the Mounting panel tab.

6. If necessary, assign further properties to the mounting panel.

7. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 4
Panel Layout
The mounting panel is created.

1.2 Freely placing mounting panels

You have opened a project.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

1. Select Insert > Box / connection point / mounting panel > Mounting panel.

The box symbol representing the mounting panel hangs on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 5
Panel Layout
2. Place the rectangle representing the mounting panel.

The Properties <...>: Mounting panel dialog is opened.

3. Enter a device tag in the Displayed DT field on the Mounting panel tab.

4. If necessary, assign further properties to the mounting panel.

5. Click [OK].

The mounting panel is created.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Panel Layout

2 Placing Items on the Mounting Panel

When placing items on the mounting panel, a distinction is made between single
placement, multiple placement, and the placement of locked areas. For this the
installation spacing for every item / device must be stored in the parts data to where
the device walls are not on top of each other, but rather next to each other. For
multiple placements, the clearances are automatically accounted for, otherwise the
single placement and multiple placement interactions are identical.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

You have added a mounting panel.

There are no parts in the tree view with an "Unplaced"part status.

In the Settings: Panel layout dialog, (Popup menu > Settings) you have not
selected the Manual input option.

1. Select the items in the tree view that have not yet been placed. (Multiple
selection is possible.)

EPLAN Training 7
Panel Layout
2. Select Popup menu > Place on mounting panel.

The first part placement hangs on the cursor.

3. Position the part placement on the mounting panel with a mouse click.

4. Proceed in this way for all additional part placements selected in the tree.

The newly placed parts are removed from the "Not placed" hierarchy level and
moved to the hierarchy level of the populated mounting panel.

EPLAN Training 8
Panel Layout

Even if you do not move the cursor during placement, the symbols will be placed
from left to right. If a symbol extends over the edge of the mounting panel, an
error message will inform you of this.

If you have selected the Manual input option in the Panel layout dialog (Popup
menu > Settings) you must first specify the dimensions of the device in the
Extension and distance dialog prior to placing the device.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Panel Layout

3 Placing Items Without Schematic

In order to support the various working methods of builders and engineers, it is also
possible to create panel layouts without an existing schematic.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

You have added a mounting panel.

In the Settings: Panel layout dialog, (Popup menu > Settings) you have not
selected the Manual input option.

Popup menu > New device

1. In the Part selection dialog select the desired part.

2. Click [OK].

The part symbol is scaled to the entered size (only values larger than 0.0
are accepted!) and hangs on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 10
Panel Layout
3. Place the part on the mounting panel.

The Properties <...>: Part placement dialog opens.

4. In the Part placement tab allocate a device tag to the part.

5. Edit the other properties of the part placement as required.

6. Click [OK].

7. Proceed in a similar manner for all the parts that you would like to place.

When the part is placed, a check is performed that the current page is of type "Panel
layout" and that the part placement is within a mounting panel. If these conditions are
not met, the part is not placed and an appropriate message is displayed.
EPLAN Training 11
Panel Layout
When generating part placements, the function definition is derived from the part
master data (Technical data tab in the Parts management dialog) in the following

Product group Function definition
Terminals Mounting rail Part placement terminal strip
Terminals (no preference) Part placement terminal
Part placement plug male pin /
Plugs (no preference)
female pin
PLC (no preference) Part placement PLC card
(all product groups except terminals
(no preference) Part placement normal item
/ plugs / PLC)
If you have selected the Manual input option in the Panel layout dialog (Popup
menu > Settings) you must first specify the dimensions of the device in the
Extension and distance dialog prior to placing the device.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Panel Layout

4 Placing Items on the DIN Rail

As an alternative to equipping a mounting panel, the items can be placed on a DIN
rail. An "Auxiliary function" for performing this is available, with which you must define
the position of the items. A DIN rail can currently be represented on a "Line", a
"Polyline", a "Closed polyline", a "Rectangle" or a "Spline". Not allowed are "Circle",
"Ellipse", etc.
The insertion point of the part placement is then placed on the selected object. The
clearances defined in the parts management are also accounted for here when

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

You have added a mounting panel.

There are no parts in the tree view with a "Unplaced"part status.

In the Settings: Panel layout dialog, (Popup menu > Settings) you have
selected the Manual input option.

1. Select the items in the tree view that have not yet been placed. (Multiple
selection is possible.)

2. Select Popup menu > Place on mounting panel.

The first part placement hangs on the cursor.

3. Select the object on which the part placement is to be positioned.

EPLAN Training 13
Panel Layout
4. Define the dimensions of the part placement using the Extension and
distance dialog.

5. Click [OK].

6. Move the cursor along the object to move the part placement.

7. Confirm the position with a mouse click.

8. Proceed in this way for all additional part placements selected in the tree.

The newly placed parts are removed from the "Unplaced" hierarchy level and moved
to the hierarchy level of the populated DIN rail. If part placements already exist on the
DIN rail, then new placements can only occur in free areas.

Even if you do not move the cursor during placement, the symbols will be placed
from left to right. If a symbol extends over the edge of the mounting panel, an error
message will inform you of this.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14
Panel Layout

5 Plotting Locked Areas

Areas on the mounting panel can be locked for placement so that no part placement
can occur on these areas. Locked areas are independent objects drawn as

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

1. In the graphical editor, select the panel layout page where you would like to
draw a locked area.

2. Select Popup menu > Locked area.

3. Draw the rectangle representing the mounting panel.

The locked area is drawn.

As soon as part placement is attempted in a locked area, the placement is prevented,
and an appropriate message is displayed.

EPLAN Training 15
Panel Layout
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16
Panel Layout

6 Editing and Displaying Part Placement

In the Display of part placement properties, the following point should be noted:
Individually placed properties can be docked with each other and made into a single
block; when moving, this allows all the (desired) text to be moved at once and avoids
overlapping of multi-line text with other text.

You have opened a project.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

You have inserted a part placement or have double-clicked a part placement (or
selected Popup menu > Properties; in this way, multiple part placements can
be selected).

1. In the Part placement tab, click [...] in the Displayed DT field.

2. In the DT selection dialog, select the DT that is to be displayed on the part

placement in the graphical editor.

3. Click [OK].

The DT is entered into the Displayed DT field.

4. Click [...] in the Part field to allocate a part to the part placement.

5. In the Part selection dialog, select the desired part.

EPLAN Training 17
Panel Layout
6. Click [OK].

The part number is entered into the Part field.

7. Edit the part placement properties by entering a string of characters into the
Value field, selecting a value from a drop-down list, etc.

8. Click (New) on the toolbar above the property list.

9. In the Property selection dialog, select further properities that you would like
to set. (Multiple selection is possible.)

10. Click [OK].

The properties are appended to the end of the list in the Property name

11. Allocate the desired values to the new properties.

12. Select the properties that you no longer require. (Multiple selection is

13. Click (Delete) on the toolbar above the property list.

The properties are deleted from the list, i.e., without the values that you
previously allocated in the Property selection dialog, so that they may be re-
allocated, if needed.

EPLAN Training 18
Panel Layout
14. Change to the Display tab.

15. From the Property arrangement drop-down list, select the User defined
entry to define your own display layout.

16. In the list of properties, select the property for which you would like to define
the display settings.

The default values for the individual fields are taken from the Standard

17. Define the display settings in the fields.

18. Change to the Format tab.

19. Define the formatting settings for the part placement by selecting entries from
the drop-down list, selecting / deselecting check boxes, etc.

20. Click [OK].

The properties display is updated.

Every device can contain several part references with different quantity values.
However, a part reference can only be placed with a quantity of "1". This means that
several part placements with the same device tags may be placed on a mounting

EPLAN Training 19
Panel Layout
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 20
Panel Layout

7 Checking the Part Placements

When part placements are placed, the part placement assumes the mounting
location of the mounting panel. In the process, a check is performed to see if the part
placement has been performed on the correct mounting panel, based on the
structure identifier blocks of the mounting panel and the placed device. In addtion to
this, you can compare the Mounting site (describing) property of the mounting
panel with the main function.


Mounting panel Devices Status

=A1MP1 =A1K1 Correct
=A1MP1 =A1K1 Errors
MP1 (Mounting location =O1) K1 (Mounting location =O1) Correct
MP1 (Mounting location =O1) K1 (Mounting location =O2) Errors

You have opened a project.

You have selected Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Management > Message management and in the Settings: Message
management dialog, in the Check-related settings field you have clicked

1. If required, in the Settings: Messages and checks dialog, select a Scheme

for the settings or create a new one.

2. Select the Class "Panel layout".

3. Define the individual errors and messages in the table on the right-hand side
of the Category and Type of check dialogs by selecting an entry from the
drop-down list for each one.

EPLAN Training 21
Panel Layout
4. Click [OK].

Once you have performed this, when making part placements on the mounting panel,
these are then checked according to the settings; if disagreement is found, then a
suitable message is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Panel Layout

8 Generating Legends
Legends gather and display information, or store information from the graphic in a
free area.

If the legends are created on the same page where the mounting panel is located,
then we speak of a Window legend; Window legends are freely positionable
graphical objects, and have an insertion point and symbol properties, and / or a
device tag.

The legend can also be output as a separate form. In this case no legend is shown in
the graphical editor on the panel layout page. However, items will display item
numbers but no device tags. We call this type of legend a Page legend.

8.1 Create page legends


You have opened a project that contains mounting panels.

1. Select Utilities > Reports> Generate.

EPLAN Training 23
Panel Layout
2. If in the Reports - <Project name> dialog, the enclosure legend is not yet
contained in the Pages hierarchy level, select [Settings] > Output to pages.

3. In the Settings: Output to pages dialog, select a form for the Panel layout
report type, and if necessary, specify any additional settings.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 24
Panel Layout
5. In the Reports - <Project name> dialog, click [New].

6. In the Select report dialog, define the Output format and Output project.

7. Select Enclosure legend from the list of available report types.

EPLAN Training 25
Panel Layout
8. Select the Manual selection check box if you would like to select the
mounting panels for which a legend is to be generated.

9. Click [OK].

10. In the Manual selection dialog, select the mounting panels for which a legend
is to be generated.

11. Click [OK].

12. In the Enclosure legend <...> dialog, define the structure identifier and
designation of the pages on which the legends are to be generated.

13. Click [OK].

The page legends are generated.

14. In the Reports - <Project name> dialog, click [Close].

The page legends are generated according to their settings.

EPLAN Training 26
Panel Layout

8.2 Create window legends

Window legends are directly placed on creation of the Enclosure legend report type,
by defining the following entries in the Report selection dialog:

You have opened a project that contains mounting panels.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

The Suppress generation of legend check box (Category "Settings") in the

Mounting panel tab is not selected.

1. Select Utilities > Reports> Generate.

EPLAN Training 27
Panel Layout
2. If in the Reports - <Project name> dialog, the enclosure legend is not yet
contained in the Embedded reports hierarchy level, select [Settings] >
Output to pages.

3. In the Settings: Output to pages dialog, select a form for the Panel layout
report type, and if necessary, specify any additional settings.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 28
Panel Layout
5. Click [New].

6. In the Select report dialog, in the Output format list, select the Manual
placement entry.

7. Select Enclosure legend from the list of available reports.

8. Click [OK].

The legend hangs on the cursor.

9. Place the legend on the panel layout page.

The program checks which items are on the page and creates a provisional bill of
materials with all of the part data for the items positioned on the mounting panel.

EPLAN Training 29
Panel Layout

8.3 Prevent window legends

For every mounting panel, a Window legend is generated as the standard. To
prevent this, proceed as follows:

You have opened a project.

You are in the graphical editor on an "Panel layout" page.

You have inserted a mounting panel, or have double-clicked a mounting panel

(or selected Popup menu > Properties; in this way, multiple mounting panels
can be selected).

1. In the Mounting panel tab of the Properties <...> dialog, click (New) on
the toolbar above the property list.

EPLAN Training 30
Panel Layout
2. In the Property selection dialog, select the Suppress generation of legend

3. Click [OK].

The property is appended to the end of the list in the Property name

4. Select the check box in the Value column of the Suppress generation of
legend property.

EPLAN Training 31
Panel Layout
5. Click [OK].

The legend is not generated.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
Panel Layout

9 Editing Legend Positions

In the case of changes to the equipping of a mounting panel it may become
necessary to renumber the legend positions.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

In the tree view you have selected the mounting panel whose legend items are
to be updated. (Multiple selection is not possible here).

Project data > Devices / parts > Panel layout navigator > Popup menu > Edit
legend item

EPLAN Training 33
Panel Layout

1. In the Edit legend item dialog, use the buttons to move the
legends up / down, or to the beginning / end of the list.

EPLAN Training 34
Panel Layout
2. Click [Number].

3. In the Number dialog, define the numbering settings.

4. Click [OK].

The entries in the Legend item column are updated.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 35
Panel Layout
The legend items are updated. The updated entries can be displayed in the List of
project data (Popup menu > Configure columns in the list and selection of the
Legend item check box).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 36
Panel Layout

10 Updating the Main Elements

Once the part placements have been generated, and thereafter the components,
alignment problems may occur since different data can exist for the placements. The
main function usually thereafter has no part references because there may be one or
more placements matching the devices. This menu item allows all of the part
references to all of the relevant part placements to be adopted in the main function,
where the device to be updated must be selected in the graphical editor or the panel
layout navigator.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

1. In the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog, select the part placements that
are to be updated.

EPLAN Training 37
Panel Layout
2. Select Popup menu > Update main elements.

The elements are updated.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38
Panel Layout

11 Updating the Part Dimensions

The dimensioning of the parts can be subsequently changed, consequently
necessitating an update.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

1. In the graphical editor, open the panel layout page for which the update is to
be performed.

EPLAN Training 39
Panel Layout
2. Select Popup menu > Update part dimensions.

3. Click [Yes], to adopt the new part dimensions.

4. Click [Yes] for each further part.

The current part dimensions are added to the part placements. In the process, the
current dimensions of the part are internally checked for every part and for every
differing value, a message is displayed allowing you to accept or discard the update.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 40
Panel Layout

12 Using Jump Functions

Jump functions allow jumping to all cross-referenced "Parts" of a particular item,
where the main function is always jumped to.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the Panel layout - <Project name> dialog.

You have inserted mounting panels and part placements.

1. Select the item to whose graphical representation in the graphical editor you
would like to spring to, in the tree or the list in the Panel layout - <Project

EPLAN Training 41
Panel Layout
2. Select Popup menu > Go to (graphic).

The graphical editor forks to the page where the main function is located. The main
funtion is optically highlighted in the process.

EPLAN Training 42
Panel Layout

EPLAN Training 43
Change of Standard

Change of Standard

EPLAN Training 1
Change of Standard

1 Setting up the Target Project - Changing Standards.................................3

2 Specifying the Template and Rotation / Mirroring Scheme - Changing

Standards ......................................................................................................5

3 Creating Rotation / Mirroring Schemes - Changing Standards ................7

4 Replacing Plot Frames, Forms, and Function Definition Libraries -

Changing Standards.....................................................................................9

5 Replacing Symbol Libraries and Symbols - Changing Standards .........11

5.1 Assign target symbol libraries .................................................................11

6 Creating Allocation Schemes for Symbols...............................................15

6.1 Create a scheme.....................................................................................15
6.2 Select source and target symbol library ..................................................17
6.2.1Enter and assign source and target symbols automatically ................... 19
6.2.2Enter and assign source and target symbols manually.......................... 20

7 Defining the Project Structure - Changing Standards .............................23

8 Defining Device Numbering - Changing Standards .................................26

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Change of Standard

1 Setting up the Target Project - Changing

You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have a template containing country- or standards-specific settings.
Utilities > Change of standard

1. Specify a recognizable project name without file name extension in the Target
Project Name field of the Project tab.

2. Click [...] next to the Storage location field to select a location for the project.

EPLAN Training 3
Change of Standard
3. In the Find folder dialog select the directory where you want to save the new
project and click [OK].

4. Click [Next].

Specify the template and rotation / mirroring scheme

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Change of Standard

2 Specifying the Template and Rotation /

Mirroring Scheme - Changing Standards
You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have a template containing country- or standards-specific settings.
You have set up a target project.
Utilities > Change of standard

1. To specify a template for the target project, use [...] on the Rotation /
Mirroring tab to select a project template *.ept .

2. From the Rotation / Mirroring drop-down list, select the way in which you
want to rotate and mirror.

EPLAN Training 5
Change of Standard
3. Click [Next].

Replacing Plot Frames, Forms and Function Definition Libraries

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Change of Standard

3 Creating Rotation / Mirroring Schemes -

Changing Standards
The rotation / mirroring scheme determines how the schematic elements are rotated
and mirrored. Symbols are rotated in their configuration on the schematic. Text
elements and special texts are rotated in their configuration on the schematic as well
as within themselves.

You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have set up a target project.
Utilities > Change of standard > Project tab > [Next]

1. To create a rotation / mirroring scheme, go to the Rotation / mirroring tab

and click [...] next to the Rotation / mirroring field.

2. In the Settings: Rotation / Mirroring dialog click (New).

3. In the New scheme dialog enter a recognizable name and a descriptive text
for the scheme in the Description field and click [OK].
In the Settings: Rotation / mirroring dialog the new scheme is now
available as a user-defined scheme in the Scheme drop-down list.

EPLAN Training 7
Change of Standard
4. From the Rotate drop-down list select the number of degrees the schematic
elements should rotate in their configuration in the schematic.

5. To mirror the configuration of the schematic elements on the page, select the
Mirror check box.

6. Click (Save) and then click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Change of Standard

4 Replacing Plot Frames, Forms, and Function

Definition Libraries - Changing Standards

To adjust a project to a different standard you can replace existing plot frames and
forms with different ones.

You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have set up a target project.
You have specified template and rotation / mirroring schemes.
Utilities > Change of standard > Project tab > [Next] > Rotation / mirroring tab >

1. In the Master data tab in the Name column, select a form, a plot frame, or a
function definition library to be replaced.

EPLAN Training 9
Change of Standard
2. Within the same row, click [...] in the New name column.

3. In the following dialog select the form, the plot frame, or the function definition
library to be used for the target project and click [Open].

The selected file is entered in the New name column.

Next, you can replace symbol libraries and symbols.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Change of Standard

5 Replacing Symbol Libraries and Symbols -

Changing Standards
You can replace basic symbol libraries, symbol libraries, and individual symbols. The
basic symbol library contains the symbols for the basic symbol preview. When
exchanging the basic symbol libraries and symbol libraries, the source data is saved
in the target project. Individual symbols are replaced there.

You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have set up a target project.
You have specified template and rotation / mirroring schemes.
Utilities > Change of standard > Project tab > [Next] > Rotation / mirroring tab >

5.1 Assign target symbol libraries

1. In the Master data tab in the Name column select the symbol library to be

EPLAN Training 11
Change of Standard
2. Within the same row, click [...] in the New name column.

3. In the Select Symbol Library dialog, select the symbol library to be used for
the target project and click [Open].

The symbol library is entered in the New Name column.

4. To assign the entire symbol library click [Next] in the Master data tab and do
the same in the Symbols tab.

Defining the Project Structure.

EPLAN Training 12
Change of Standard
5. To assign the source symbol library symbols to the target symbol library
symbols, select the Individual assignment check box in the Master data tab
and click [Next].

The source and target symbol libraries are entered in the Symbols tab.

6. In the Symbols tab in the Scheme column select an assignment scheme.

If you do not want to use an existing assignment scheme, click [Scheme]

and create your own assignment scheme.

EPLAN Training 13
Change of Standard
7. Click [Next].

Defining the Project Structure.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14
Change of Standard

6 Creating Allocation Schemes for Symbols

In the assignment scheme assign the symbols from the target symbol library to the
symbols of the source symbol library. When changing standards the symbols of the
source symbol library are replaced by the symbols of the target symbol library.

You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have set up a target project.
You have replaced the necessary forms and plot frames.
You have selected a target symbol library in the Master data tab and selected
the Individual assignment check box.
Utilities > Change of standard > Project tab > [Next] > Rotation / mirroring tab >
[Next] > Master data tab > [Next]

6.1 Create a scheme

1. Click [Schemes] in the Symbols tab.

EPLAN Training 15
Change of Standard
2. In the dialog Settings: Symbol assignment dialog, in the Scheme field,
select the scheme you want to edit or click and create a scheme.

EPLAN Training 16
Change of Standard

6.2 Select source and target symbol library

1. Select [Extras] > Select source and target symbol library.

2. In the Select Source Symbol Library dialog select the symbol library you
want to create for the assignment and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 17
Change of Standard
3. In the Select Target Symbol Library dialog select the symbol library you
want to create for the assignment and click [OK].

EPLAN Training 18
Change of Standard

6.2.1 Enter and assign source and target symbols automatically

1. Select [Extras] > Enter source symbols automatically.
All symbols from the source symbol library are entered in the Assign
symbols table.

2. Select [Extras] > Suggest matching target symbols.

The symbols from the selected target symbol library are entered in the
Assign symbols table and assigned to source symbols.

3. Check the symbol assignments.

If EPLAN finds suitable symbols then the status changes to "OK" .

4. Click (Save) and then click [OK].

The scheme is entered into the Symbols tab.

EPLAN Training 19
Change of Standard
5. Click [Next].

Defining the Project Structure.

6.2.2 Enter and assign source and target symbols manually


You have selected source and target libraries.

1. In the Settings: Symbol Assignment dialog, click next to the Assign

Symbols field on (New).

In the Assign Symbols table an empty row is inserted.

2. Click in the Source Symbol Name column.

The source symbol library opens in the Symbol selection dialog.

EPLAN Training 20
Change of Standard
3. Select a symbol and click [OK].

4. Click in the Target Symbol Name column in the Settings: Assign Symbols

The target symbol library opens in the Symbol selection dialog.

5. Select a suitable symbol and click [OK].

The assignment of symbols is checked.

6. Assign other symbols in the same way.

7. Click (Save) and then click [OK].

The scheme is entered into the Symbols tab.

EPLAN Training 21
Change of Standard
8. Click [Next].

Defining the Project Structure.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Change of Standard

7 Defining the Project Structure - Changing

User-defined and existing schemes for page and device structure are taken from the
template that you specified when creating the target project.

You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have set up a target project.
You have specified template and rotation / mirroring schemes.
You have replaced the necessary plot frame, forms, symbol libraries, and
Utilities > Change of standard > Project tab > [Next] > Rotation / mirroring tab >
[Next] > Master data tab > [Next]

1. To change the page structure, select an identifier scheme for the page
structure from the Pages drop-down list in the Structure tab.

EPLAN Training 23
Change of Standard
2. To change separators click [...] next to Separator and specify the desired
separator in the Extended Project Structures dialog.

EPLAN Training 24
Change of Standard
3. To change the identifier schema for devices, select an identifier scheme in the
corresponding drop-down list.

4. Click [Next].

Specifying Device Numbering.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25
Change of Standard

8 Defining Device Numbering - Changing

User-defined and existing schemes for device numbering are taken from the template
that you specified when creating the target project.

You have opened a project.
If multiple projects are open: You have selected a project in the page
You have set up a target project.
You have specified template and rotation / mirroring schemes.
You have replaced the necessary plot frame, forms, symbol libraries, and
You have specified the project structure.
Utilities > Change of standard > Project tab > [Next] > Rotation / mirroring tab >
[Next] > Master data tab > [Next] > Structure tab > [Next]

1. In the Number tab select the Number Device check box.

EPLAN Training 26
Change of Standard
2. Select a numbering format from the Device Numbering drop-down list.

3. Click [Make available].

The page description is displayed in the page navigator.

EPLAN Training 27
Change of Standard

EPLAN Training 28
Symbol Editor

Symbol Editor

EPLAN Training 1
Symbol Editor

1 Editing Connection Points ...........................................................................3

2 Editing Symbol Library Properties ..............................................................7

3 Working with Symbol Variants ....................................................................9

3.1 Generate symbol variants .........................................................................9
3.2 Delete symbol variants............................................................................11
3.3 Toggle symbol variants ...........................................................................11

4 Creating Symbol Libraries .........................................................................13

5 Editing Symbol Libraries............................................................................15

6 Documenting Symbol Libraries .................................................................17

7 Importing / Exporting Symbol Libraries....................................................19

7.1 Import symbol libraries............................................................................19
7.2 Export symbol libraries............................................................................19

8 Copying Symbol Libraries..........................................................................21

9 Closing Symbol Libraries...........................................................................23

10 Creating Symbols .......................................................................................24

11 Editing Symbols..........................................................................................28
11.1 Insert symbols in the graphical editor......................................................28
11.2 Edit symbols in the symbol editor............................................................29

12 Importing / Exporting Symbols..................................................................32

12.1 Import symbols........................................................................................32
12.2 Export symbols .......................................................................................33

13 Copying Symbols........................................................................................36

14 Deleting Symbols........................................................................................38

15 Scaling Symbols .........................................................................................39

16 Checking Symbols......................................................................................41

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Symbol Editor

1 Editing Connection Points


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Open

1. Select the menu items Utilities > Number connecting points.

2. In the Sequence group box specify whether the connection points should be
numbered according to the "from top to bottom and left to right " method or the
"from left to right and top to bottom" method.

3. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 3
Symbol Editor
4. Select Insert > Connection point " Direction".

The connection point arrow hangs on the cursor.

5. Place the connection point.

Or, before placement, press [Ctrl] and move the mouse to switch back and
forth between the connection point directions.
Or press the [TAB] button to rotate the connection point counterclockwise
through the possible directions.

EPLAN Training 4
Symbol Editor
6. In the Connection point number field in the Connecting point dialog specify
the connection point number (or use the "Next free number" default).

7. Select the desired Connection point direction from the drop-down list.

8. From the drop-down list on the left select one or more of the property sets
(Connection point designation and Connection point description).

9. Specify the settings for the corresponding texts in the field on the right of the

10. Click [OK].

11. Proceed in a similar way for any additional connection points.

EPLAN Training 5
Symbol Editor
12. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

Multiple symbol connection points can't be located on top of another.

Connection point data will be applied according to your settings for the symbol. The
graphic for the connection point will indicate the connection point direction explicitly,
but later on it is not an integral element of the symbol.

If you have already drawn connection points, and then have inserted the basic
symbol graphic via Insert > Basic symbol, the connection points inserted via the
basic symbol will be renumbered according to the existing connection points (i.e.
counted upwards).

The menu items View > Properties as numbers displays the property text
(device tags, function text etc.) to be switched in order to make the display

To display and switch between the Connection point designation /

Connection point description property sets, use the menu items View >
Non-rotated connection point designations or View > Rotated connection
point designations.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Symbol Editor

2 Editing Symbol Library Properties

The Symbol Library Properties - <Library Name> dialog is automatically opened
after creating a symbol library. It can also be opened later for a symbol library.


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > Properties

1. If you have more than one symbol library open, go to the Symbol library
selection dialog to select the symbol library whose properties you would like
to edit.

2. Click [OK].

3. In the Symbol library properties - <Library name> dialog use the drop-down
list to select the library you would like to use as the basic symbol library.

EPLAN Training 7
Symbol Editor
4. In the Category drop-down list select the category (data, revision, etc.) whose
properties should be displayed in the lower section of the table.

5. Assign values to the desired properties by entering text in the Value cell or
selecting a value from the drop-down list, etc. Please note read-only properties
cannot be edited.

6. Use the (New) and (Delete) buttons to add additional properties to the
list or delete unnecessary ones. Deletions are also limited to certain

7. Use the Popup menu to translate texts, configure the display sequence, etc.

8. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Symbol Editor

3 Working with Symbol Variants

A symbol can have up to eight variants with names from A to H, a contact image
variant, and a variant for point wiring whereby all variants for a symbol all have
common properties. The variants all behave identically and they each represent the
same function. This way they always have the same number of connection points
and are only different in their graphical configuration of the connection points.

3.1 Generate symbol variants


You have opened a project and are editing a symbol in which all of the variants do
not exist yet.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > New variant

1. In the Create variant dialog select the target variant that you would like to
generate from the list of variants that are not available yet.

EPLAN Training 9
Symbol Editor
2. In the subsequent Create variant dialog select the variant that is to be used
as the Source variant. In this dialog only the already available variants will be
listed as possible target variants.

3. In the Rotate by field select how many degrees the source variant should be
rotated in order to generate the new variant.

4. Select the Mirror graphic across Y-axis check box if the graphic for the
symbol should be mirrored across the Y-axis (through the point of origin).

5. Select the Rotate connection point designation check box if the text for the
connection point designation should be rotated.

6. Select the Rotate placed properties check box if placed properties should be

7. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 10
Symbol Editor
The variant is generated and displayed on a new page <Symbol
Library>;<Symbol Name>:<Symbol Number>;<Variant Designation>
(e.g. new.test:1;A for variant A for the test symbol with the internal symbol
number 1 in symbol library new.slk). On the Symbol editor toolbar the button
for the new variant will be switched on so that it is easy to move back and forth
between the variants of a given symbol.

If all variants have been generated, the New variant function is inactive.

3.2 Delete symbol variants

To delete symbol variants, proceed as follows:


You are editing a symbol for which at least one variant exists, in which you have
activated the graphical view of the variant to be deleted.

1. Select the menu items Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Delete variant.

2. Answer the prompt.

Depending on your response, the variant is deleted.

3.3 Toggle symbol variants

To toggle between graphical views of symbol variants, proceed as follows:


You are editing a symbol for which at least one variant exists.

EPLAN Training 11
Symbol Editor
1. Open the Symbol editor toolbar if it is not already displayed (Popup menu >
Symbol editor in the EPLAN main menu or on any toolbar).

2. Click the variant button for the graphical view you would like to display.

3. If necessary, answer the prompt if changes were made on the current page
that have not yet been saved.

The selected symbol variant is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Symbol Editor

4 Creating Symbol Libraries


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > New

1. In the Create symbol library dialog select a drive and a directory where you
would like to save the new symbol library from the Save in drop-down list.

2. Overwrite the preset file name <New symbol library.slk> with a name of
your choice.

3. If you have changed the drive and directory, but you would like to return to the
EPLAN-specific setting or the setting under Options > Settings > User >
Management > Directories, click the menu items Popup menu > Go to
default in the Path field.

4. Click [Save].

5. If a symbol library with that name already exists in the selected drive and
directory, reply to the prompt regarding overwriting the file.

6. In the Symbol library properties- <Library name> dialog select the basic
symbol library and assign values to the desired properties.

7. Click [OK].

The new symbol library is created, added to the list of open symbol libraries
and can now be edited. The EPLAN then extracts the company code,
EPLAN Training 13
Symbol Editor
workstation number, and the short name of the employee from the system and
user settings and stores this data in the symbol library.

A project configuration (Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Management > Symbol libraries) can be used to assign an arbitrary number of
symbol libraries to a project. The symbol libraries selected are then stored in the

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14
Symbol Editor

5 Editing Symbol Libraries


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > Open

1. In the Open symbol library dialog select the desired symbol library from the
list. Multiple selection is possible.

Once a symbol library is selected in the list on the left, information including
comments, date of creation, creator, company, and the number of symbols is
displayed on the right.

2. Click on [Open].

EPLAN Training 15
Symbol Editor
3. In the subsequent Symbol selection dialog select the symbols you would like
to open.

4. Click [OK].

Every opened symbol is shown in a separate symbol editor and can be

edited there.

A project configuration (Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Management > Symbol libraries) can be used to assign an arbitrary number of
symbol libraries to a project. The symbol libraries selected are then stored in the

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16
Symbol Editor

6 Documenting Symbol Libraries

Symbol library documentation can be generated either in the original project or in a
separate project. In a separate project you are allowed, for example, to add plot
frames or edit text information, but you can't edit the symbols!

Proceed as follows to generate a symbol overview, i.e. the index of symbols for a
symbol library:

You have opened a project and haven't opened the symbol editor.

You have selected a form via Options > Settings > Projects > "Project Name"
> Reports > Graphical output > Symbol overview and specified the settings
for the pages you would like to create.

Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. If the symbol overview is not listed under the reports, click [New].

2. In the Select report dialog select the Symbol overview report type.

3. If necessary, change the settings for Output project, Created by, and
Created on.

4. Select the Manual selection check box if all of the symbol overviews should
not be automatically documented.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 17
Symbol Editor
6. If you have selected Manual selection then you have to specify in the Manual
selection which symbol libraries should be taken into consideration: Use the
arrow buttons to make a selection from the available libraries.

7. Click [OK].

8. In the Symbol overview dialog specify the settings for the pages to be

9. Click [OK].

The symbol overview is generated but this process depends on the size of
the selected symbol libraries and may take some time.

10. Exit the Reports dialog by clicking [Close].

The generated report pages are inserted into the specified target project.

The list of reports is extended with the level Symbol overview and, under
this, with the list of documented symbol libraries.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18
Symbol Editor

7 Importing / Exporting Symbol Libraries

7.1 Import symbol libraries


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > Import

1. In the Import symbol library dialog select the desired symbol library (*.esl)
from the list. Multiple selection is not possible.

Once a symbol library is selected in the list to the left of the dialog,
information including comments, date of creation, creator, company, and the
number of symbols is displayed on the right-hand side.

2. Click on [Open].

3. In the Create symbol library dialog select a drive and a directory where you
would like to save the imported symbol library from the Save in drop-down list.

4. Overwrite the file name if you would like to.

5. Click [Save].

The symbol library is imported and can now be edited in the current project.

7.2 Export symbol libraries


EPLAN Training 19
Symbol Editor
You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > Export

1. In the Export symbol library dialog select the symbol library (*.esl) to be
exported from the list. Multiple selection is not possible.

Once a symbol library is selected in the list to the left of the dialog,
information including comments, date of creation, creator, company, and the
number of symbols is displayed on the right-hand side.

2. Click on [Open].

3. In the Create export file dialog select a drive and a directory where you would
like to save the exported symbol library from the Save in drop-down list.

4. Overwrite the file name if you would like to.

5. Click [Save].

The export file is generated with the name provided in the designated drive
and the directory.


You can import symbol libraries using Drag & Drop by dragging the selected symbol
library from Windows Explorer and dropping it into the Pages - <Project name>
Navigator dialog of your project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 20
Symbol Editor

8 Copying Symbol Libraries


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > Copy

1. In the Copy symbol library dialog select the file to be copied. Multiple
selection is not possible here.

2. Click on [Open].

3. In the Create symbol library dialog select a drive and a directory where you
would like to save the copied symbol library from the Save to drop-down list.

4. If necessary, overwrite the preset file name of the original with a name you can

5. Click [Save].

6. In the Symbol library properties - <Library name> dialog, select the basic
symbol library and assign (new) values to the desired properties of the copied
symbol library.

EPLAN Training 21
Symbol Editor
7. Click [OK].

The copy of the new symbol library is generated, added to the list of open
symbol libraries, and can now be edited.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Symbol Editor

9 Closing Symbol Libraries


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > Close

1. If multiple symbol libraries are open, select the one(s) you would like to close
in the Symbol library selection dialog and click [OK].

If only one symbol library is open, this one will be closed without any further

If changes have been made to a symbol and would be lost if the library is
closed, you are prompted whether to save the page or not.

If the Close / Save action is canceled for a symbol, the symbol library will also not be

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 23
Symbol Editor

10 Creating Symbols

You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > New

1. If multiple symbol libraries are open, select the symbol library in which you
would like to create the new symbol in the Symbol library selection dialog.

2. Click [OK].

3. In the Create variant dialog select which symbol variant you would like to

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 24
Symbol Editor
5. In the Symbol properties - <Library name> dialog, specify the data for the
symbol to be generated. The next available number will be assigned as the
Symbol number.

6. In the Function definition field click [...] in order to specify the symbol logic in
the Function definitions dialog.

EPLAN Training 25
Symbol Editor
7. Select the Basic symbol preview check box to display the appropriate basic
symbol for the function definition in the preview area.

8. Click [OK].

You will return to the Symbol properties - <Library name> dialog.

9. Click [OK].

10. Click [Basic symbol] (toolbar Symbol editor) or select Insert > Basic

The basic symbol hangs on the cursor.

11. Now place the symbol in order to insert its graphic and use it as a basis for
further editing.

12. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

EPLAN Training 26
Symbol Editor
The symbol is created and opened in a separate graphical editor so it can
be edited directly. Please note that the insertion point can only be moved, and
can't be deleted.

The symbol number "0" is offered as the starting value in an empty symbol.

Negative values and values that exceed the maximum number of 32,000 are not
allowed as symbol numbers.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 27
Symbol Editor

11 Editing Symbols

11.1 Insert symbols in the graphical editor

You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

You are on a schematic page.

Insert > Symbol

1. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol(s) you would like to insert.
The preview on the right of the dialog shows the graphic for the selected
symbol as well as all available variants.

2. For faster selection, click [...] in the Filter field if necessary, and then select
the filter criteria or create new ones.

3. Or, enter a character string in the Direct entry field in the list view.

The cursor jumps to the first symbol matching your entry as soon as you
enter a single character, and selects it.

4. In the Tree view select Popup menu > Function-oriented if the hierarchical
display of the symbols should not be performed according to the symbol
library, but according to their functional Category (such as "Coils and
contacts", "Signal devices", etc.).

5. In the list view select Popup menu > Configure columns if you would like to
change the display and / or the order of the symbol properties in the list.

EPLAN Training 28
Symbol Editor
6. Click [OK].

The symbol hangs on the mouse pointer.

7. Place the symbol using the mouse.

8. Specify the device-specific properties in the Properties <...> dialog.

9. Click [OK].

10. Proceed as follows for every placement of the selected symbol.

11. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

11.2 Edit symbols in the symbol editor


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Open

1. In the Symbol selection dialog select the symbol(s) you would like to edit.
The preview on the right side of the dialog shows the symbols marked; if you
have selected a node in the tree view, for instance, then all of the elements
under it are shown graphically. (For space reasons, the display of the available
variants is omitted in this case.)

EPLAN Training 29
Symbol Editor
2. For faster selection, click [...] in the Filter field if necessary, and then select
the filter criteria or create new ones.

3. Or, enter a character string in the Direct entry field in the list view.

The cursor jumps to the first symbol matching your entry as soon as you
enter a single character, and selects it.

4. In the Tree view select Popup menu > Function-oriented if the hierarchical
display of the symbols should not be performed according to the symbol
library, but according to their functional Category (such as "Coils and
contacts", "Signal devices", etc.).

5. In the list view select Popup menu > Configure columns if you would like to
change the display and / or the order of the symbol properties in the list.

6. Click [OK].

7. Edit the symbol graphic, i.e. by adding connection points and other graphic-
and function-relevant information.

Every open symbol is displayed in a separate graphical editor, whereby the

first available symbol variants are always taken into consideration. Use the
Clipboard to exchange data between multiple open symbols.

The defaults for line properties (type, thickness, color, etc.) as well as the
display-specific properties from the connection point designation and the
connection point description are extracted from the corresponding layers
(Options > Layer management > Symbol graphic or Options > Layer
management > Property placement).


EPLAN Training 30
Symbol Editor

The grid used is saved in the symbol library properties and applies to all symbols
in this library.

The insertion point for a symbol can be moved but not deleted because it marks
the location where the symbol hangs on the cursor when being placed. The
insertion point is also decisive for the symbol position and therefore also for
the cross-reference.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 31
Symbol Editor

12 Importing / Exporting Symbols

12.1 Import symbols


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Import

1. If multiple symbol libraries are open, select the symbol library to which you
would like to import the new symbol in the Symbol library selection dialog.

2. Click [OK].

3. In the Import symbol dialog select the desired symbol (*.esl) from the list.
Multiple selection is not possible.

Once a symbol is selected in the list on the left of the dialog, information
including description, date of creation, creator, company, and the number of
variants is displayed on the right.

4. Click on [Open].

EPLAN Training 32
Symbol Editor
5. In the Symbol properties - <Library name> dialog you specify data about the
symbol that is to be imported and the following defaults will be shown:
Symbol number: next available number
symbol name: "<name of the original>" if this is not already available in the
current symbol library,otherwise "<name of the original> (copy)"
function definition: function definition of the original.

6. Click [OK].

The symbol is imported and can now be edited in the current project.

12.2 Export symbols

You can export symbols in order to import them into other symbol libraries.


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Export

EPLAN Training 33
Symbol Editor
1. In the Symbol selection dialog select the symbol to be exported. Multiple
selection is not possible.

2. Click [OK].

3. In the Export symbol library dialog select a drive and a directory where you
would like to save the new symbol from the Save in drop-down list.

EPLAN Training 34
Symbol Editor
4. Overwrite the file name if you would like to.

5. Click [Save].

The export file is generated with the name provided in the designated drive
and the directory.

During the export all existing variants of the symbol are also taken into consideration.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 35
Symbol Editor

13 Copying Symbols
When copying symbols an exact copy of the original symbol is created and it is
possible to transfer symbols from one symbol library to another.


You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Copy

1. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol(s) you would like to copy.
Multiple selection is possible here.

2. Click [OK].

3. In the Copy symbols dialog under Target select the symbol library to which
you would like to copy the symbols: Open the drop-down list in the Symbol
library field.

4. In the Number field overwrite the default or open the drop-down list of
unallocated numbers.

5. In the Name field enter the symbol name by overwriting the default
(<Original name (copy)> for copies in symbol libraries where this name
already exists or <Original name> if no symbol exists with this name).

6. In the Description field enter a descriptive text for the symbol.

EPLAN Training 36
Symbol Editor
7. If necessary, select Popup menu > Multi-line input to open the Multi-line
editing dialog and enter the desired text using [Ctrl]+[Enter] to create line

8. Or select Popup menu > Line break to insert a line break in the field at the
current cursor position.

9. Select the check box in the With variants field if the symbol should be copied
together with its existing variants . If the check box is deselected, then only the
first existing variant will be copied.

10. Click [OK].

The symbols are copied.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 37
Symbol Editor

14 Deleting Symbols

You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Delete

1. Select the symbol to be deleted in the Symbol selection dialog.

2. Click [OK].

3. Answer the prompt.

The symbols are deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38
Symbol Editor

15 Scaling Symbols

You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

Utilities > Master data > Symbol > Open

1. In the Symbol selection dialog select the symbol(s) you would like to edit.
The preview on the right side of the dialog shows the symbols marked; if you
have selected a node in the tree view, for instance, then all of the elements
under it are shown graphically. (For space reasons, the display of the available
variants is omitted in this case.)

2. Click [OK].

3. Select the menu items Edit > Scale in the symbol editor.

4. Click once with the left mouse button in the editing window to specify the
starting point for the frame around the elements to be scaled.

5. Move the mouse pointer in the direction you would like to stretch the frame
around the elements to be scaled.

The rectangle lines "move" with the mouse.

6. Click a second time with the mouse to snap the end point of the rectangle.

The selected symbol parts will be colored.

EPLAN Training 39
Symbol Editor
7. Click in the symbol editor.

8. Enter the desired value into the Scaling factor field of the Scale dialog.

9. Click [OK].

The symbol will be scaled according to the specified value.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 40
Symbol Editor

16 Checking Symbols
The following problems can occur when editing symbols:

Double connection point numbers: automatically corrected by the system

during editing
Gaps in the connection point numbers: automatically removed by the system
during verification
Differing number of connection points in the variants: documented in message
Differing number of connection points in the symbol and the function definition:
documented in message management
Overlapping connection points: automatically corrected by the system during
Referencing symbols are not broken up: automatically broken up by the
system during verification
User-defined layers in the symbol: automatically converted during verification
to the "EPLAN300" layer.

You can also start the check function manually in order to verify the quality of a
certain symbol. Proceed as follows:

You have opened a project and at least one symbol library.

You have opened the symbol to be checked in the symbol editor.

Utilities > Check symbol

1. Confirm the prompt regarding the quality of the symbol: Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 41
Symbol Editor

EPLAN Training 42
Master Data

Master Data

EPLAN Training 1
Master Data

1 Managing Master Data..................................................................................3

2 Defining Master Data Directories.................................................................4

3 Master Data: Managing Parts Data ..............................................................7

3.1 Synchronize project data with master data ...............................................7
3.2 Synchronize master data with project data ...............................................8
3.3 Delete stored part properties.....................................................................8

4 Master Data: Managing Forms...................................................................11

4.1 Store form in project................................................................................11

5 Master Data: Managing Plot Frames .........................................................18

5.1 Store plot frame in project .......................................................................18

6 Master Data: Managing Macros .................................................................25

6.1 Manage macros with parts data ..............................................................25
6.2 Manage macros with plot frames and forms ...........................................25

7 Master Data: Managing Symbol Libraries.................................................27

7.1 Store symbol libraries (copy to the project).............................................27
7.2 File off symbol libraries (delete from the project) ....................................29

8 Master Data: Defining Form Settings ........................................................30

9 Finding and Storing Missing Project Master Data ...................................32

10 Synchronizing Master Data ........................................................................34

10.1 Synchronize individual master data objects ............................................34
10.2 Globally synchronize master data ...........................................................36

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Master Data

1 Managing Master Data

Master data files to be edited or stored in the project can be opened in the standard
dialog, which is in a default directory. You can specify settings for this via Options >
Settings > User > Management > Directories.

Actual storage and management depends on the type of master data in question, in
which the program distinguishes between the management of:

Parts data
Plot frames
Symbol libraries.

If the specified form / plot frame is not in the master data pool, it can be found using
the Complete project function and can even be automatically stored. If missing
master data can't be found in the master data pool, a message is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3
Master Data

2 Defining Master Data Directories

Options > Settings > User > Management > Directories

The paths to the required databases and files are defined in the defaults for
directories when selecting or editing master data. This information is used by certain
program elements and functions when particular data is required. The settings are
user dependent in order for you to manage and organize your own pool of master

1. In the Projects field of the Settings: Directories dialog, click [...].

EPLAN Training 4
Master Data
2. In the Browse for Folder dialog select the desired drive and directory.

3. Click [OK].

4. Proceed this way for all further master data types with default directories that
you would like to change. (The default after installing EPLAN is
<Drive_EPLAN>:\<Programs folder>\<Master data type>\<Company

5. Click [OK].

The settings are accepted and taken into consideration when calling up the
corresponding data (e.g. when opening or exporting), or they can be reset to
EPLAN Training 5
Master Data
the default directory specified here by selecting Popup menu > Go to default
in the Path field of the appropriate dialog.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Master Data

3 Master Data: Managing Parts Data

In addition to the general parts database there is a project-related Parts project
database, in which the parts data used in the project are managed separately. Data
for a part is taken from the internal parts database and transferred to the project for
each part, even if only the part number is stored on the component in the graphical
editing at the time the part is selected.

Project data can be synchronized later in both directions with the system master
data. Furthermore, certain stored parts properties can be removed from the project.

3.1 Synchronize project data with master data

1. Open the project whose master data is to be synchronized.

2. Select Utilities > Parts > Current project --> parts database.

Project parts are synchronized with the master data parts, i.e. they are
accepted into the parts database and overwrite the datasets stored there.

EPLAN Training 7
Master Data

3.2 Synchronize master data with project data

1. Open the project whose master data is to be synchronized.

2. Select Utilities > Parts > Parts database --> current project.

Master data parts are synchronized with the project-related data, i.e. the
parts database data is accepted into the project and overwrites the data in the

3.3 Delete stored part properties

1. Open the project whose master data is to be synchronized.

EPLAN Training 8
Master Data
2. Select Utilities > Parts > Delete stored properties.

EPLAN Training 9
Master Data
3. In the Delete stored parts properties dialog, select the Delete check box for
each part property that you would like to delete from the part stored in the

4. Click [OK].

The selected parts properties will be deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Master Data

4 Master Data: Managing Forms

Forms are edited as individual files and added individually to the project as soon as
they are used in the project. This means: As soon as a form is selected for use in a
project (e.g. on a page) the selected form if it does not already exist in the project
it is automatically stored. An original form is not deleted from the project when
another form is selected, but rather it remains embedded even if it is no longer used.

If the selected form is not in the master data pool it can be found via the menu item
Utilities > Master data > Complete current project and, if necessary, automatically
corrected. If missing master data cannot be found in the master data pool, then an
appropriate message is displayed.

4.1 Store form in project


You have opened a project.

1. Select Utilities > Master data > Form > Open.

EPLAN Training 11
Master Data
2. Select the form to be edited in the Open forms dialog.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Edit the form in the forms editor.

5. In the page navigator, select the page to which you would like to assign the

EPLAN Training 12
Master Data
6. Select Popup menu > Properties.

EPLAN Training 13
Master Data

7. If the Form name property is not yet in the list of properties, click (New)
next to the Category field in the Properties group box of the Page properties

EPLAN Training 14
Master Data
8. In the Property selection dialog select the Form name property.

9. Click [OK].

The property is added to the end of the Property name list.

EPLAN Training 15
Master Data
10. Open the drop-down list in the Value field for the Form name property.

11. Click [Browse].

12. Select the changed form in the Select form dialog.

13. Click [Open].

The form is transferred to the Value column.

14. If required, you can change the values of the other properties of the page.

15. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 16
Master Data
The form is stored in the project and can be assigned to a page at any time
without having to open it again.

Form master data is referenced as follows:

All forms used on pages

All forms stored in the settings for reports (Options > Settings > Projects >
"Project name" > Reports > Graphical output)
All forms saved in the following function types: mounting panel objects,
terminal and plug definition texts, cables
Placed forms (e.g. enclosure legends).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 17
Master Data

5 Master Data: Managing Plot Frames

Plot frames are edited as individual files and added individually to the project as soon
as they are used in the project. This means: As soon as a plot frame is selected for
use in a project (e.g. on a page) if it does not already exist in the project it is
automatically stored. An original plot frame is not deleted from the project when
another plot frame is selected, but rather it remains embedded even if it is no longer

If the selected form is not in the master data pool, it can be found via the menu item
Utilities > Master data > Complete current project and, if necessary, automatically
corrected. If missing master data cannot be found in the master data pool, then an
appropriate message is displayed.

5.1 Store plot frame in project


You have opened a project.

1. Select Utilities > Master data > Plot frame > Open.

EPLAN Training 18
Master Data
2. Select the plot frame to be edited in the Plot frame selection dialog.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Edit the plot frame in the plot frame editor.

5. In the page navigator, select the page to which you would like to assign the
plot frame.

EPLAN Training 19
Master Data
6. Select Popup menu> Properties.

EPLAN Training 20
Master Data
7. If the Plot frame name property is not yet in the list of properties, click
(New) next to the Category field in the Properties group box of the Page
properties dialog.

EPLAN Training 21
Master Data
8. In the Property selection dialog select the Plot frame name property.

9. Click [OK].

The property is added to the end of the Property name list.

EPLAN Training 22
Master Data
10. Open the drop-down list in the Value field for the Plot frame name property.

11. Click [Browse].

12. Select the changed plot frame in the Select plot frame dialog.

EPLAN Training 23
Master Data
13. Click [Open].

The plot frame is transferred to the Value list.

14. If required, you can change the values of the other properties of the page.

15. Click [OK].

The plot frame is stored in the project and can be assigned to a page at
any time without having to open it again.

Plot frame master data is referenced as follows:

All plot frames used on pages

The plot frame specified under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project
name" > Management > Pages as the Standard plot frame.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
Master Data

6 Master Data: Managing Macros

Macros are broken up in the project as soon as they are inserted. Data is then
undistinguishable from manually inserted individual elements. All data in a macro are
referenced when stored (except foreign language texts).

The name of the symbol library from which the macro was generated (drawn) is
stored in the macro. This way the macro preview will use the correct symbol library
for the display.

In the operating system layer, macros are individual files that can be sent to end
customers, for example.

6.1 Manage macros with parts data

If a macro contains parts, they are not automatically stored. To do this at a later
stage, proceed as follows:

Please note that this action will overwrite all other project-related parts data with
master data.


You have opened a project.

1. Select Utilities > Parts > Parts database --> current project.

Project parts in macros are synchronized with the master data parts, i.e.
the data in the parts database is accepted into the macros.

6.2 Manage macros with plot frames and forms

If the macro contains a plot frame or form, it will not be automatically stored. To do
this at a later stage, proceed as follows:


You have opened a project.

EPLAN Training 25
Master Data
1. Select Utilities > Master data > Complete current project.

The project searches for the missing master data contained in the macro, in
which these are then automatically stored.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26
Master Data

7 Master Data: Managing Symbol Libraries

Symbols are compiled, edited, and managed in symbol libraries. The project settings
(inherited by symbols, e.g. line thickness of the symbol) for the current project are
used in managing the symbol libraries.

Symbol selection (Insert > Symbol) only displays those symbols from the stored
symbol libraries and symbol libraries are identified by name (without the path) in

7.1 Store symbol libraries (copy to the project)

Symbol libraries are added to the project as soon as they are entered into the project
settings, or they are opened or generated in the project.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol

1. In the Settings: Symbol libraries dialog, click [...] in a column below Symbol

2. In the Select symbol library dialog select the new symbol library.

3. Click on [Open].

4. If you have clicked [...] in the column of an already assigned symbol library,
EPLAN checks whether the original symbol library and the newly selected one
are both compatible. If this is not the case, the process will be interrupted with
a prompt.
If the two symbol libraries are compatible, you have to confirm the exchange in
the Exchange symbol libraries dialog. Click [Yes].

EPLAN Training 27
Master Data
5. If you have clicked [...] in an empty column, the storage process is
automatically started.

6. Select the Synchronize check box if the symbol library should be managed on
a project basis.

7. If necessary, change the preceding sign (the default is the first letter of the
symbol library) so that you can differentiate between the symbol libraries in the
list view in the Symbol selection if you select Popup menu > Name with
preceding sign.

8. Proceed this way for all of the further symbol libraries that you would like to
store in the project.

9. Click [OK].

The new symbol libraries are stored in the project.

Symbol libraries are referenced as follows:

All symbol libraries specified under Options > Settings > Projects > "Project
name" > Management > Symbol libraries
All symbol libraries opened via Utilities > Master data > Symbol library >
Open or generated via Utilities > Master data > Symbol library > New
Symbol libraries contained in the Assignment 'Property / value to graphic',
Assignment 'Function definition to graphic' and Assignment 'Index to
graphic' form properties.
If you initiate a symbol library update in the Synchronization of master data
<Project name> dialog (menu items Utilities > Master data > Synchronize current
project), the individual symbols will be checked before the symbol library is replaced.
If incompatible data is found the process is interrupted with a prompt.

EPLAN Training 28
Master Data

7.2 File off symbol libraries (delete from the project)

Before deleting a symbol library from the settings, and therefore from the project, the
library is checked for symbols that are still used in the project. It is possible to delete
if the symbol library is not being used.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol

1. In the Settings: Symbol libraries dialog, select the symbol library that you
would like to delete from the project.

2. Click (Delete).

3. If symbols from the selected symbol library are still being used in the project,
click [OK] to confirm the prompt.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 29
Master Data

8 Master Data: Defining Form Settings

Master data is stored on a project-related basis and can be synchronized with the
master data pool when opening, saving, or restoring the project. There are project
settings especially for forms, which you can specify as follows:


You have opened (at least) one project.

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Reports > Output to page

1. In the Settings: Output to page dialog, open the Form drop-down list for the
reporting type whose settings you would like to edit.

2. Click [Browse].

3. Select the desired form in the Select form dialog. Only the data type
appropriate to the currently selected report type will be displayed under Files
of type.

4. Select the Preview check box in order to display the graphic for the form that
is selected in the list.

5. Click [Open].

The form will be displayed in the Form column and the associated text will
be displayed in the Description (form, plot frame) form property below the

EPLAN Training 30
Master Data
6. Select the Project related check box if the form should be managed on a
project basis.

7. Specify additional settings for the form.

8. Click [OK].

The form will be stored in the project with the new / changed settings.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 31
Master Data

9 Finding and Storing Missing Project Master

By copying pages, for example, it can occur that new master data references to
forms, plot frames, etc. will be inserted in the project. These do not necessarily have
to be in the target project because referenced master data is not automatically
embedded. Such projects can still be updated / completed, i.e., the used but unsaved
master data is taken from the master data pool and copied into the project.

You have opened the project whose master data is to be completed.

You have no editor open for working on master data (Plot frame editor, Form
editor ...).

1. Select Utilities > Master data > Complete current project.

The project will search for the missing master data and, if it exists, it will be
automatically stored.

The result of this action is logged in the system messages. This records, for example,
when no data is in the master data pool for missing project master data or when an
error occurs during completion. The relevant information can then be found under

EPLAN Training 32
Master Data

Utilities > System messages.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33
Master Data

10 Synchronizing Master Data

The master data (e.g. a symbol library) is not referenced, but rather stored in the
project, i.e. copied into the project. The storage of the master data being used thus
occurs within the Project. Depending on the project settings specified under Options
> Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > General, Options >
Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Symbol libraries, and
Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Reports > Display / output you
can, if necessary, manually start the synchronization of project master data with the
system-specific data.

The master data comparison is not case-sensitive with regard to file names. The file
name ABC.XYZ is identical to

10.1 Synchronize individual master data objects

You have opened the project whose master data is to be synchronized.

You have no editor open for working on master data (Plot frame editor, Form
editor, etc.).

Utilities > Master data > Synchronize current project

EPLAN Training 34
Master Data
1. In the Synchronization of master data <Project name> dialog click the
column heading in the tables in order to sort the data alphanumerically either
ascending or descending by column. For example, if you click the column
Type, all entries will be sorted and displayed according to the Master data

2. In the Project master data list select the master data objects that you would
like to transfer to the system master data. (Multiple selection is possible.)

3. Click .

4. In the System master data list select the master data objects that you would
like to transfer to the project master data. (Multiple selection is possible.)

EPLAN Training 35
Master Data

5. Click .

6. Click [Close].

In both actions, EPLAN informs you in a message window as to how many project /
system master data files were updated and, if the project / system master data were
identical, in which a message is also generated.

10.2 Globally synchronize master data

You have opened the project whose master data is to be synchronized.

You have no editor open for working on master data (Plot frame editor, Form
editor, etc.).

Utilities > Master data > Synchronize current project

EPLAN Training 36
Master Data
1. In the Synchronization of master data <Project name> dialog select
[Update] > Project in order to globally replace all outdated project master
data with newer system master data.

2. Select [Update] > System to globally replace all outdated system master data
with newer project master data.

3. Click [Close].

In both actions, EPLAN informs you in a message window as to how many
project / system master data files were updated and, if the project / system
master data were identical, in which a message is also generated.

When updating Symbol libraries the files in question are checked for
compatibility (e.g. regarding connection point designations). If they are not
compatible the process will be interrupted with a prompt.

EPLAN Training 37
Master Data

EPLAN Training 38
Form and Plot Frame Editor

Form and Plot Frame Editor

EPLAN Training 1
Form and Plot Frame Editor

EPLAN Training 2
Form and Plot Frame Editor
1 Generating Forms .........................................................................................5

2 Editing Forms................................................................................................9
2.1 Edit static components..............................................................................9
2.2 Insert placeholder texts...........................................................................13
2.3 Add special texts.....................................................................................14

3 Editing Forms Properties ...........................................................................15

4 Copying Forms............................................................................................20

5 Dynamically Placing Graphics...................................................................22

6 Checking Forms..........................................................................................27

7 Inserting and Editing Placeholder Texts...................................................28

8 Repeating Main Sub-headers on Form Pages ..........................................33

9 Automatically Assigning Page Information ..............................................36

10 Defining General Graphics in Forms.........................................................39

11 Defining Graphics Depending on Property Values in Forms ..................41

12 Defining Graphics Depending on Function Definitions in Forms...........44

13 Inserting Form Graphics ............................................................................47

14 Generating Plot Frames .............................................................................50

15 Editing Plot Frames ....................................................................................52

15.1 Edit static components............................................................................52
15.2 Add special texts.....................................................................................53

16 Editing Plot Frame Properties....................................................................54

17 Copying Plot Frames ..................................................................................56

18 Inserting and Editing Special Texts ..........................................................57

18.1 Insert project and page properties in forms and plot frames ...................57
18.2 Insert column and row texts in plot frames..............................................59

19 Configuring the Display of Placeholder and Special Texts.....................61

19.1 Hide placeholder texts ............................................................................61
19.2 Display properties as numbers................................................................61
19.3 Display column division...........................................................................62

EPLAN Training 3
Form and Plot Frame Editor
20 Updating the Column and Row Designations of Plot Frames.................64
20.1 Specify column and row numbering ........................................................64
20.2 Update column and row numbering ........................................................65

21 Deleting a Column and Row Numbering and Placing Them Again ........66

22 Documenting Forms and Plot Frames ......................................................68

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Form and Plot Frame Editor

1 Generating Forms
When generating a form, the Form properties - <Form name> dialog is opened, in
which you specify the most important properties of the new form. (This dialog can
also be called up for an opened form after the event to allow you to change the
properties at any time).


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Form > New

1. In the Create form dialog, select the drive and directory, in which the new
form should be saved.

2. In the File name field, enter a descriptive name for the form.

EPLAN Training 5
Form and Plot Frame Editor
3. From the Save as type drop-down list, select the form type (e.g. table of
contents, cable diagram, etc.) that you want to create.

4. In the Path field, select Popup menu > Go to default if you would like to
return to the standard settings for drive and directory. (The default directory is
either the EPLAN-specific default path <Drive_EPLAN>:<Program
Folder>\Forms\<Company Code> or the setting specified under Options >
Settings > User > Management > Directories.)

5. Click [Save].

EPLAN Training 6
Form and Plot Frame Editor
6. If necessary, in the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, select another
form type for the new form from the Form type drop-down list.

7. From the Category drop-down list, select which properties should be

displayed in the list within the category.

EPLAN Training 7
Form and Plot Frame Editor
8. Specify the values for the properties by either entering or overwriting an entry
or selecting a template value from a drop-down list, or jump to a special dialog
in which you can enter additional data.

9. Click [OK].

The new form is stored according to your entries. The file extension
depends on the form type selected and is displayed in the form editor.

If necessary, you can check the form during editing to quickly be made aware of and
to immediately resolve incorrect entries.


You can use Drag & Drop to insert existing forms by pulling a marked form from
Windows Explorer into the Pages <Project name> navigator dialog of your

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Form and Plot Frame Editor

2 Editing Forms
As soon as you have opened the form you want to edit in the form editor, you can
edit its components.

2.1 Edit static components

Static components are elements that have no influence on the data generated by the
program when the schematic logic is evaluated. These are, for example, frames,
graphical elements such as rectangles, lines, embedded bitmaps, etc. These are
edited exactly like the corresponding objects on schematic pages. That is, they can
be filled, moved, or pulled to a different position and you can assign them certain
properties, such as line type, text direction, etc.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form that you would like to edit in the form editor (Utilities
> Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

Proceed as follows:

EPLAN Training 9
Form and Plot Frame Editor
1. Select Insert > Graphic to add (more) graphic elements such as rectangles,
lines, and so on.

EPLAN Training 10
Form and Plot Frame Editor
2. Select Insert > Graphic > Text to enter text information

EPLAN Training 11
Form and Plot Frame Editor
3. Select Insert > Graphic > Image file to select a graphic in the Select image
file dialog and to insert it, for example, as a logo in the footer of your form.

EPLAN Training 12
Form and Plot Frame Editor
4. Double-click an already added element in order to open the element-specific
Properties dialog and view or change the properties.

5. Proceed in a similar manner for all static components of the form.


You can use Drag & Drop to insert text by dragging a selected text from an Office
application into your open form.

2.2 Insert placeholder texts

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form that you would like to edit in the form editor (Utilities
> Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

Insert > Placeholder text

EPLAN Training 13
Form and Plot Frame Editor
Placeholder texts are used in forms to define the position for the placement of fields
in a record. They are evaluated and automatically multiplied for each object, where
the position is determined by a predefined offset in the X and Y directions. Use the
"Column width" and "Row height" form properties to specify the offset. Placeholder
texts are only filled during the evaluation run and not updated online.

2.3 Add special texts

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form that you would like to edit in the form editor (Utilities
> Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

Insert > Special text

Special texts for forms are special placeholders for project or page properties. They
are automatically filled in by the program with the appropriate properties depending
on the data entered.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14
Form and Plot Frame Editor

3 Editing Forms Properties

The Form properties - <Form name> dialog is automatically opened when creating
a form; it can also be called up for an opened form after the event.

You have opened a project.

You have opened a form in the form editor (Utilities > Master data > Form >
Open > [Open]).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the Page - <Project Name> navigator dialog, select the form whose
properties you would like to view and edit.

EPLAN Training 15
Form and Plot Frame Editor
2. Select Popup menu > Properties.

EPLAN Training 16
Form and Plot Frame Editor
3. In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, select a different form type
from the drop-down list, if necessary.

4. From the Category drop-down list, select which properties should be

displayed in the list within the category.

EPLAN Training 17
Form and Plot Frame Editor
5. Specify the values for the properties by either entering or overwriting an entry
or selecting a template value from a drop-down list, or jump to a special dialog
in which you can enter additional data.

6. Click (New) on the toolbar above the table Property name / value.

7. In the Property selection dialog, select a new property that you would like to
assign to the form.

EPLAN Training 18
Form and Plot Frame Editor
8. Click [OK].

9. Assign the property a value.

10. Proceed in a similar manner for all of the other properties.

11. Click [OK].

The form is displayed with changed / new data in the form editor.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 19
Form and Plot Frame Editor

4 Copying Forms
To copy a form with all its content, save it to another location and / or under a
different name.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Form > Copy

1. In the Form selection dialog, select the drive and directory of the form to be

2. Select the form file to be copied. (Multiple selection isn't possible here).

3. Click on [Open].

4. In the Save as dialog, specify the storage location for the copy of the form.

5. In the File name field, enter a descriptive name for the new form.

EPLAN Training 20
Form and Plot Frame Editor
6. Click [Save].

The form is copied and the copy opened for editing.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 21
Form and Plot Frame Editor

5 Dynamically Placing Graphics

To create header, data areas, and footers within a page as well, there is the concept
of dynamic forms. Since the positions of these areas are dynamic and they should
normally stand out in the table graphic, each row generated in an evaluation is able
to draw a frame in a dynamic form.

Dynamic forms can be identified by the Dynamic entry in the drop-down list for the
Form handling form property.


A device tag list should be created with the following dynamic areas:
Device tag list (page header)
DT / Quantity / Designation
Manufacturer: H1 (group header)
K1 / 10 / Designation 1
K2 / 5 / Designation 2
Kn / 99 / Designation n
Manufacturer: H2 (group header)
K1 / 10 / Designation 1
K2 / 5 / Designation 2
Kn / 99 / Designation n

This information is drawn in the form editor as graphic row frames and written with
each generated row in a report page. In addition, it is also possible to define graphic
or text objects as header, data, or footer elements, i.e. not only placeholder texts.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the dynamic form that you would like to edit in the form editor
(Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

Insert > Dynamic form

1. Select whether you want to define a header, a heading, a data area or a

footer from the subsequent menu.

The rectangle representing the area hangs on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 22
Form and Plot Frame Editor
2. Click with the mouse to place the initial corner of the rectangle to be drawn.

3. Click to specify the end position of the rectangle.

The rectangle displayed in the respective area is drawn; in addition,

information about which area type it is (header, data or footer or heading) is
displayed in the upper left.

4. Select the newly defined rectangle.

5. Select Insert > Placeholder text.

EPLAN Training 23
Form and Plot Frame Editor
6. In the Placeholder text dialog, click [...] in the Property field of the
Placement tab.

7. In the Placeholder text - <Form type> dialog, select the property that you
want to define as a placeholder for the respective area.

8. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 24
Form and Plot Frame Editor
9. If necessary, edit other placeholder text properties in the Placeholder text
dialog's tabs.

10. Click [OK].

The various defined ranges are combined with form alignment by row (property Form
structure) from "lower left" to "upper left":

If the form alignment is by column, the defined ranges are combined from "lower
right" to "lower left":

(In both illustrations:

1 = Header
2 = Data area
3 = Footer)

If several of the same defined ranges (e.g. several data areas) are placed, only
one is taken into consideration for the reports.

Additional selection functions are available as an optical control function for

dynamic forms (Edit > Select) that each display all elements of the header,
the footer or data area, or the heading. In general, it is a normal selection, i.e.

EPLAN Training 25
Form and Plot Frame Editor

all marked elements can be deleted, copied, moved, etc.

Like all other forms, dynamic forms can also be automatically checked during
editing (Utilities > Check form), e.g. for the correct use of defined ranges.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 26
Form and Plot Frame Editor

6 Checking Forms
A special function is available to check at any time during form editing whether your
form is correct or there are errors.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form that you would like to edit in the form editor (Utilities
> Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

Utilities > Check form

1. Confirm the prompt in the Check form dialog by clicking on [OK].

2. Click [Save] in the System messages dialog.

3. Specify drive and directory in which the log file should be saved using the
Open dialog.

4. In the File name field, enter a descriptive name for the log file.

5. Click on [Open].

6. Click [Close] in the System messages dialog.

The system messages that apply to the current form are saved in the
corresponding file and can be printed as needed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 27
Form and Plot Frame Editor

7 Inserting and Editing Placeholder Texts

Placeholder texts are used in forms to define the position for the placement of fields
in a record. During the evaluation of the form, EPLAN automatically replaces these
placeholders with the corresponding values of project objects on which the report is
being run, such as components, pages, symbols, etc.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form in which you want to define placeholder texts in the
form editor (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

Insert > Placeholder text

1. In the Placeholder text dialog, click [...] in the Property field of the
Placement tab.

2. In the Placeholder text - <Form type> dialog, select the element for which
you want to define a placeholder text.

3. If needed, limit the display of possible properties by selecting an entry from the
Category drop-down list.

4. Select the property text.

5. Click [OK].

The selected property is entered in the Property field.

EPLAN Training 28
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6. Change to the Format tab.

7. Specify the formatting settings of the placeholder text.

EPLAN Training 29
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8. Change to the Language tab.

9. Specify the language settings for the placeholder text.

EPLAN Training 30
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10. Change to the Border tab.

11. If needed, select the Activate alignment box check box and enter the size
and treatment of the text within the frame.

EPLAN Training 31
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12. If the alignment boxes are not only to be taken into account on the report
page, but also drawn, then also select the Draw alignment box check box.

13. Click [OK].

The element hangs on the cursor.

14. Position the placeholder text on the form page.

The element hangs on the cursor.

15. Position the placeholder text a second or third ... time.

16. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

The placeholder text is inserted on the form page and can be revised by
double-clicking it.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
Form and Plot Frame Editor

8 Repeating Main Sub-headers on Form Pages

If you want to place a new main sub-header on the report page as soon as certain
properties change, you can use the Regenerate main sub-header form property to
control for which properties this should take place.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form whose properties you would like to edit in the form
editor (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

You have opened the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, (Popup menu>
Properties in the form in the navigator dialog Pages - <Project name>).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, click [...] in the Value column
of the Regenerate main sub-header property.

2. In the New main sub-header for changes dialog, click (New).

3. In the Property selection dialog, select the property(s) that when change, a
new main sub-header is generated on the report page. Multiple selection is
possible here.

4. Click [OK].

5. Click (Delete) in the Main sub-header for changes dialog if necessary to

again remove a property from the list.

EPLAN Training 33
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6. Click (Move up) / (Move down) to move a selected property up or down,

if possible. (Multiple selection of properties is not possible here).

7. Click [OK].

The specified properties are transferred as numeric values in the Value

column of the Regenerate main sub-header property.


A "normal" device tag list looks like this:

Device name Cross-reference

=A1+O1-A1 /1.2
=A1+O1-A2 /1.3
=A1+O1-K1 /2.2
=A1+O1-K2 /2.3
=A2+O2-A1 /1.2
=A2+O2-A2 /1.3
=A2+O2-K1 /2.2
=A2+O2-K2 /2.3

In the New main sub-header for changes dialog, the Identifier property is selected,
so that a new main sub-header is generated each time the identifier changes.

Main sub-header "Identifier = "A""

=A1+O1-A1 /1.2
=A1+O1-A2 /1.3
=A2+O2-A1 /1.2
=A2+O2-A2 /1.3

Main sub-header "Identifier = "K""

=A1+O1-K1 /2.2
=A1+O1-K2 /2.3
=A2+O2-K1 /2.2
=A2+O2-K2 /2.3

In the New Main sub-header for changes dialog, the Higher-level function

EPLAN Training 34
Form and Plot Frame Editor

property is also selected next, so that a new main sub-header is generated each time
the identifier and structure identifier for the higher-level function identifier block

Main sub-header "Identifier = "A" Higher-level function = "A1""

=A1+O1-A1 /1.2
=A1+O1-A2 /1.3

Main sub-header "Identifier = "A" Higher-level function = "A2""

=A2+O2-A1 /1.2
=A2+O2-A2 /1.3

Main sub-header "Identifier = "K" Higher-level function = "A1""

=A1+O1-K1 /2.2
=A1+O1-K2 /2.3

Main sub-header "Identifier = "K" Higher-level function = "A2""

=A2+O2-K1 /2.2
=A2+O2-K2 /2.3

When generating a report (Utilities > Reports > Generate), you must appropriate
specify the additional sort in the New page if property value has changed field.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 35
Form and Plot Frame Editor

9 Automatically Assigning Page Information

The Format for automatic page description form property can be used to specify
the page information (page name, page description, higher-level function, etc.) for the
page description automatically assigned when generating report lists.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form whose properties you would like to edit in the form
editor (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

You have opened the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, (Popup menu >
Properties in the form in the navigator dialog Pages - <Project name>).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, click [...] in the Value column
of the Format for automatic page description property.

2. In the Format for automatic page description dialog, select the element that
should be used for the automatic page designation from the Available format
elements list. (Multiple selection isn't possible here).

3. Click (Move right).

The element is entered into the Selected format elements list.

4. Proceed in a similar way for all additional format elements.

5. Select the Separators entry in the Available format elements list.

EPLAN Training 36
Form and Plot Frame Editor

6. Click (Move right).

7. In the Format: Separator dialog, specify which character you want to use as a

8. Click [OK].

9. In the Selected format elements list of the Format for automatic page
description dialog, select an entry if necessary and click (Delete) to
remove the selected element from the list.

10. Click (Move up) / (Move down) to move a selected format element up or
down, if possible. (Multiple selection of elements is not possible here).

11. Double-click an entry of the Separator type to revise a separator in the

Format: Separator dialog.

12. Click [OK].

The format elements are saved.

In the Form properties - < Form name> dialog, the assignments are displayed as
follows in the Value column:

<Number of the available format element>;<Number / length>|<Number of the

available format element>;<Number / length>|...
where the numbers are assigned as follows:

EPLAN Training 37
Form and Plot Frame Editor
Page type / form type: 1

Name of first header object: 2

Name of first data object: 3

Name of last data object: 4

Separators: 5.


2;1|5;4 for:
Name of first header object, number / length: 1
Separator, number / length: 4

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38
Form and Plot Frame Editor

10 Defining General Graphics in Forms

The Assignment: Index to graphic form property is required, for example, for
displaying a (fixed) graphic in the data area in the terminal diagram.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form whose properties you would like to edit in the form
editor (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

You have opened the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, (Popup menu >
Properties in the form in the navigator dialog Pages - <Project name>).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, click [...] in the Value column
of the Assignment: Index to graphic property.

2. In the Assignment of "Index to graphic" dialog, click (New) to create a

new row in the list of assignments.

3. In the Index field, enter a different value, if necessary. The default is always

4. Click [...] in the Symbol name field.

5. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol whose graphic you want to
assign to the index.

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 39
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The associated data is entered into the Symbol library and Description

7. In the Symbol variant field, select the desired symbol from the drop-down list
of all the existing variants of the current symbol.

8. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner .

9. Click [OK].

The assignments are stored and can be inserted into the form using

In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, the assignments are displayed as
follows in the Value column:

<Index number>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol number>;<Variant>|<Index

number>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol number>;<Variant>|...



Take care that only the symbols of the included symbol libraries are displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 40
Form and Plot Frame Editor

11 Defining Graphics Depending on Property

Values in Forms
The Assignment of property / value to graphic form property is required to display
a specific graphic in the data area for a property that has a specific value.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form whose properties you would like to edit in the form
editor (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

You have opened the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, (Popup menu >
Properties in the form in the navigator dialog Pages - <Project name>).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, click [...] in the Value column
of the Assignment of property / value to graphic property.

2. In the Assignment "Property / value to graphic" dialog, click (New) to

create a new row in the list of assignments.

3. In the Category / property field, click [...].

4. In the Property selection dialog, select the property to which you want to
assign a graphic.

5. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 41
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6. In the Value field, enter the value that the property should have.

7. In the Symbol name field, click [...].

8. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol whose graphic you want to
assign to the property.

9. Click [OK].

The associated data is entered into the Symbol library and Description

10. In the Symbol variant field, select the desired symbol from the drop-down list
of all the existing variants of the current symbol.

11. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner .

12. Click [OK].

The assignments are stored and can be inserted into the form using

In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, the assignments are displayed as
follows in the Value column:

<Property number>;<Category>;<Value>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol

<Property number>;<Category>;<Value>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol

EPLAN Training 42
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Take care that only the symbols of the included symbol libraries are displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 43
Form and Plot Frame Editor

12 Defining Graphics Depending on Function

Definitions in Forms
The Assignment: Function definition to graphic form property is required to place
different graphics depending on concrete values of the function definition, e.g.
symbols for terminals depending on terminal type.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form whose properties you would like to edit in the form
editor (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

You have opened the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, (Popup menu >
Properties in the form in the navigator dialog Pages - <Project name>).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the Form properties - <Form name> dialog, click [...] in the Value column
of the Assignment: Function definition to graphic property.

2. In the Assignment of "Function definition to graphic" dialog, click

(New) to create a new row in the list of assignments.

3. In the Function definition field, click [...].

4. In the Function definitions dialog, select the function definition to which you
want to assign a graphic.

EPLAN Training 44
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5. Click [OK].

The associated data is entered in the Category, Group, and Description


6. In the Symbol name field, click [...].

7. In the Symbol selection dialog, select the symbol whose graphic you want to
assign to the function definition.

8. Click [OK].

The associated data is entered into the Symbol library and Description

9. In the Symbol variant field, select the desired symbol from the drop-down list
of all the existing variants of the current symbol.

10. Perform all further allocations in a similar manner .

11. Click [OK].

The assignments are stored and can be inserted into the form using

In the Form properties dialog, the assignments are displayed as follows in the Value

<Category>;<Group>;<Function definition>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol

EPLAN Training 45
Form and Plot Frame Editor
<Category>;<Group>;<Function definition>;<Symbol library>;<Symbol



Take care that only the symbols of the included symbol libraries are displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 46
Form and Plot Frame Editor

13 Inserting Form Graphics

Certain placeholders can't be replaced by text during the evaluation run, but rather
are replaced by graphical symbols, where the assignment to the respective graphic is
defined in the Form properties - <Form name> dialog. The following placeholder
texts are available:

Assignment: Index to graphic [1-100]: Replaces the placeholder by the

symbol that was stored in the Assignment "Index to graphic" dialog for the
respective index.

Assignment: Function definition to graphic: Replaces the placeholder by the

symbol that was stored in the Assignment "Function definition to graphic"
dialog for the corresponding function definition.

Assignment of property / value to graphic [1-2]: Replaces the placeholder by

the symbol that was stored in the Assignment "Property / value to graphic"
dialog for the corresponding property

There are also special placeholders for generated graphics that are used in terminal
diagrams, terminal bills of materials, and terminal connection diagrams as jumper
graphics. For example, these include the placeholders "Jumper graphics (jumper
level)", "Graphic for internal wire jumpers", "Graphic for saddle jumpers", etc.

You have opened a project.

You have opened a suitable form in the form editor in which you want to replace
placeholder texts with graphics (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open >

You have specified the Index to graphic, Function definition to graphic, and
Property / value to graphic assignments in the Form properties - <Form
name> dialog.

Insert > Placeholder text

1. In the Placeholder text dialog, click [...] in the Property field of the
Placement tab.

EPLAN Training 47
Form and Plot Frame Editor
2. In the Placeholder text - <Form type> dialog, select the element (e.g.
terminal properties) for which placeholder text is available for graphics.

3. Limit the scope of possible data by selecting the Settings entry from the
Category drop-down list.

4. Select the desired assignment type.

5. Click [OK].

The property is entered in the Property field on the Placement tab.

6. If necessary, change the property defaults related to format, language and


7. Click [OK].

The element hangs on the cursor.

8. Position the placeholder text on the form page.

The element hangs on the cursor.

9. Position the placeholder text a second or third ... time.

10. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

EPLAN Training 48
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The placeholder text is inserted on the form page and can be replaced in
the appropriate report by the graphic selected in the form properties.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 49
Form and Plot Frame Editor

14 Generating Plot Frames

When generating a plot frame, the Plot frame properties - <Plot frame
name>dialog is opened, in which you specify the most important properties of the
new plot frame. (This dialog can also be called up for an opened plot frame after the
event to allow you to change the properties at any time.)


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Plot frame > New

1. In the Create plot frame dialog, select the drive and directory, in which the
new plot frame should be saved.

2. In the File name field, enter a descriptive name for the plot frame.

3. In the Path field, select Popup menu > Go to default if you would like to
return to the standard settings for drive and directory. (The default directory is
either the EPLAN-specific default path <Drive_EPLAN>:<Program
Folder>\PlotFrames\<Company Code> or the setting specified under
Options > Settings > User > Management > Directories.)

4. Click [Save].

5. In the Plot frame properties- <Plot frame name> dialog, select the
properties to be shown in the list from the Category drop-down list.

6. Specify the values for the properties, either by making or overwriting an entry
or by selecting a preset value from a drop-down list.

EPLAN Training 50
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7. Click [OK].

The new plot frame is saved according to your entries and displayed in the
plot frame editor.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 51
Form and Plot Frame Editor

15 Editing Plot Frames

As soon as you have opened the plot frame you want to edit in the plot frame editor,
you can edit its components.

15.1 Edit static components

Static components are elements that have no influence on the data generated by the
program when the schematic logic is evaluated. These are, for example, frames, and
graphical elements such as rectangles, lines, embedded bitmaps, etc. These can be
edited just like the corresponding objects on schematic pages. That is, they can be
filled, moved, or pulled to a different position and you can assign them certain
properties, such as line type, text direction, etc.


You can show the column division of the plot frame via View > Columns. This makes
the overview easier when inserting new elements.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the plot frame that you would like to edit in the plot frame
editor (Utilities > Master data > Plot frame > Open > [Open]).

Proceed as follows:

1. Select Insert > Graphic to add (more) graphic elements such as rectangles,
lines, and so on.

2. Select Insert > Graphic > Text to enter text information

3. Select Insert > Graphic > Image file to select a graphic in the Select image
file dialog and to insert it, for example, as a logo in the footer of your plot

EPLAN Training 52
Form and Plot Frame Editor
4. Double-click an already added element in order to open the element-specific
Properties dialog and view or change the properties.

5. Proceed in a similar manner for all static components of the plot frame.


You can use Drag & Drop to insert text by dragging a selected text from an Office
application into your open plot frame.

15.2 Add special texts

You have opened a project.

You have opened the plot frame that you would like to edit in the plot frame
editor (Utilities > Master data > Plot frame > Open > [Open]).

Insert > Special text

In addition to static elements, plot frames consist of and this is the more important
aspect special texts. This includes placeholders for project and page properties that
are filled in accordance to the data entered from the program. You can also insert
row and column texts that are then taken into consideration in the reports.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 53
Form and Plot Frame Editor

16 Editing Plot Frame Properties

The Plot frame properties - <Plot frame name> dialog is automatically opened
when creating a plot frame; it can also be called up for an opened plot frame after the

You have opened a project.

You have opened a plot frame in the plot frame editor (Utilities > Master data >
Plot frame > Open > [Open]).

Proceed as follows:

1. In the Page - <Project Name> navigator dialog, select the plot frame whose
properties you would like to view and edit.

2. Select Popup menu > Properties.

3. In the Plot frame properties- <Plot frame name> dialog, select the
properties to be shown in the list from the Category drop-down list.

4. Specify the values for the properties, either by making or overwriting an entry
or by selecting a preset value from a drop-down list.

5. Click [New] on the toolbar above the table Property name / Value.

6. In the Property selection dialog, select a new property that you would like to
assign to the plot frame.

EPLAN Training 54
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7. Click [OK].

8. Assign the property a value.

9. Proceed in a similar manner for all of the other properties.

10. Click [OK].

The plot frame is displayed with changed / new data in the plot frame

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 55
Form and Plot Frame Editor

17 Copying Plot Frames

To copy a plot frame with all its content, save it to another location and / or under a
different name.


You have opened a project.

Utilities > Master data > Plot frame > Copy

1. In the Plot frame selection dialog, select the drive and directory of the plot
frame to be copied.

2. Select the desired plot frame file. (Multiple selection isn't possible here).

3. Click on [Open].

4. In the Save as dialog, specify the storage location for the copy of the plot

5. In the File name field, enter a descriptive name for the new plot frame.

6. Click [Save].

The plot frame is copied and the copy opened for editing.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 56
Form and Plot Frame Editor

18 Inserting and Editing Special Texts

18.1 Insert project and page properties in forms and plot

The special texts available for forms and plot frames are placeholders for project and
page properties that are automatically replaced by EPLAN with the corresponding

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form in which you want to define special texts in the form
editor (Utilities > Master data > Form > Open > [Open]). You have opened
the plot frame in which you want to define special texts in the plot frame editor
(Utilities > Master data > Plot frame > Open > [Open]).

Insert > Special text

1. In the subsequent menu, select whether a page property or project property

should be inserted.

2. In the Special text <...> dialog, click [...] in the Property field of the
Placement tab.

3. In the Property selection dialog, select the page or project property that
should be inserted in the plot frame / form.

4. If needed, limit the display of possible properties by selecting an entry from the
Category drop-down list.

EPLAN Training 57
Form and Plot Frame Editor
5. Click [OK].

The selected property is entered into the Property field.

6. Change to the Format tab.

7. Specify the formatting settings of the special text.

8. Change to the Language tab.

9. Specify the language settings for the special text.

10. Change to the Border tab.

11. If needed, select the Activate alignment box check box and enter the size
and treatment of the text within the frame.

12. If the alignment boxes are not only to be taken into account on the report
page, but also drawn, then also select the Draw alignment box check box.

13. Click [OK].

The element hangs on the cursor.

EPLAN Training 58
Form and Plot Frame Editor
14. Positioning the special text on the plot frame / form page.

The element hangs on the cursor.

15. Positioning the Special text a Second or Third Time time.

16. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

The special text is inserted on the plot frame / form page and can be
revised by double-clicking it.

EPLAN internally notes the last selected property and suggests it again when next
inserting. All settings made during the placement are also used.

18.2 Insert column and row texts in plot frames

There are also column and row texts available for plot frames in addition to the
project and page properties.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the plot frame in which you want to define row and column
texts in the plot frame editor (Utilities > Master data > Plot frame > Open >

Insert > Special text

1. In the subsequent menu, select whether a column text or a row text should
be inserted into the plot frame.

EPLAN Training 59
Form and Plot Frame Editor
2. In the Format tab of the Special text <...> dialog, specify the formatting
settings for the row and column text.

3. Click [OK].

The element hangs on the cursor.

4. Position the special text on the plot frame page.

The element hangs on the cursor.

5. Positioning the Special text a Second or Third Time time.

6. Select Popup menu > Cancel action to terminate the action.

The special text is inserted on the plot frame page and can be revised by
double-clicking it.

The Utilities > Place column and row text again can be used to delete these
special texts and automatically placed on the border areas of the defined columns
and rows.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 60
Form and Plot Frame Editor

19 Configuring the Display of Placeholder and

Special Texts
To arrange form and plot frame editing more clearly, so that inserting graphical
elements like lines and graphics is easier, there are the options described in the

19.1 Hide placeholder texts

You can temporarily hide the placeholder text.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form that you would like to edit in the form editor (Utilities
> Master data > Form > Open > [Open]).

Proceed as follows:

1. Select the menu items View > Hide placeholders.

The placeholder texts will be hidden.

2. Edit the graphical elements of the form.

3. Select View > Hide placeholders to display the placeholder texts again.

19.2 Display properties as numbers

The property texts are displayed as texts by default. However, this can be
bothersome if there are several entries in a row, for example.


EPLAN Training 61
Form and Plot Frame Editor
You have opened a project.

You have opened the form that you would like to edit in the form editor (Utilities
> Master data > Form > Open > [Open]). Or you have opened the plot frame
that you would like to edit in the plot frame editor (Utilities > Master data >
Plot frame > Open > [Open]).

Proceed as follows:

1. Select View > Properties as numbers.

The property texts are replaced by their internal ID numbers.

2. Edit the form / plot frame as desired.

3. Select View > Properties as numbers to display the property texts as texts

19.3 Display column division

It can helpful to display columns, if you want to make sure that you are placing a
certain object in a certain column.

You have opened a project.

You have opened the form that you would like to edit in the form editor (Utilities
> Master data > Form > Open > [Open]). Or you have opened the plot frame
that you would like to edit in the plot frame editor (Utilities > Master data >
Plot frame > Open > [Open]).

Proceed as follows:

1. Select View > Columns.

The column division is displayed in the form / plot frame using lines.

EPLAN Training 62
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2. Edit the form / plot frame as desired.

3. Select View > Columns to return to the display without columns.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 63
Form and Plot Frame Editor

20 Updating the Column and Row Designations of

Plot Frames
Both columns and rows can be predefined alphanumerically and numerically via the
numbering formats in the plot frame. Such a default can then be later updated.

20.1 Specify column and row numbering


You have opened a project.

1. Select Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management >

2. In the Path numbering group box, specify whether the numbering should be
page or project related or by structure identifier by selecting the appropriate

3. Click [OK].

With the page-dependent counting method, counting of column areas starts from
scratch for each page, i.e., EPLAN always starts with the configured starting value
and increments it until the last column of the page is reached. For numbering by
project, column numbers are counted through each page, so that counting starts with
the starting value on page 1 and counted to x on the last page. (Please note that all
pages are counted here, unless you activate the plot frame property Display column
designations on non-logic pages.)

The following plot frame properties (Category Settings) are established for the

EPLAN Training 64
Form and Plot Frame Editor
Start value (column): The column numbers of the grid are normally numbered
from left to right (starting with 0). A different starting value can be provided

Start value (row) The row numbers of the grid are normally numbers from top to
bottom (starting with 0). A different starting value can be provided here.

Column numbering format: Format of column numbers. If no format is

specified, the column number is hidden.

Row numbering format: Format of row numbers. If no format is specified, the

row numbers are hidden.

Page orientation / paper format: Specifies the way in which the schematic
pages are divided into areas: Landscape or Normal Format.

20.2 Update column and row numbering

You have opened a project.

You have opened a schematic page to which a plot frame has been assigned.

1. Select Utilities > Update path designations.

The path designations are updated according to the selection made under

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 65
Form and Plot Frame Editor

21 Deleting a Column and Row Numbering and

Placing Them Again
This function supports you in the labeling of column and row areas, in that all placed
column and row numbers are deleted and automatically reset. An automatic placing
function sets the column and row placeholder texts exactly on the edges of the
defined columns and rows.

You have opened a project.

You have opened a plot frame in the plot frame editor.

You have placed column or row texts in the plot frame (Insert > Special text >
Column text or Insert > Special text > Row text).

1. Select Utilities > Place column and row text again.

The column and row numbers are deleted and placed again. During the generation of
special texts, the formatting last used is selected.


The two illustrations below show column and row numbers before and after selection
of the menu item, where P1 through P3 symbolized the columns and A through C the

EPLAN Training 66
Form and Plot Frame Editor


This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 67
Form and Plot Frame Editor

22 Documenting Forms and Plot Frames

It is possible to manage and output forms and plot frames in a special report, where a
table of contents is generated and change information can be entered. The report on
forms / plot frames can be a project into which the forms / plot frames are read. For
this purpose there are the special reports Form documentation and Plot frame
documentation. Form / plot frame documentations are overviews of all documents /
plot frames used in a project.


You have selected a form via Options > Settings > Projects > "Project" > Reports
> Graphical output > Forms documentation or Plot frame documentation and
specified the settings for the pages you would like to create.

Utilities > Reports > Generate

1. If the form documentation / plot frame documentation is not listed under the
reports, click [New].

2. In the Specify report dialog select the Form documentation or the Plot
frame documentation option.

3. If necessary, change the settings for Output project, Creator, and Creation

4. Click [OK].

5. In the Forms documentation (Total) (or Plot frame documentation (Total))

dialog specify the settings for the pages to be generated.

6. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 68
Form and Plot Frame Editor
The documentation is generated. This process can take some time,
depending on the number and complexity of the data.

7. Click [Close].

The newly generated pages are inserted into the target project selected. In
the list of reports, the level Form documentation / Plot frame
documentation is inserted, and the list of pages contained in the
documentation appears there.

EPLAN Training 69
Form and Plot Frame Editor

EPLAN Training 70
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

Connection Point Designations and


EPLAN Training 1
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

1 Updating Function Definitions.....................................................................3

1.1 Replace the function definition library .......................................................3

2 Creating Your Own Connection Point Designations and Descriptions ...4

2.1 Create connection point designations .......................................................4
2.2 Create connection point descriptions ........................................................4

3 Creating Your Own Identifier Sets...............................................................6

3.1 Select identifier sets..................................................................................7

4 Exporting Your Own Sets of Identifiers, Connection Point Designations,

and Connection Point Descriptions ............................................................8
4.1 Export identifier sets .................................................................................8
4.2 Export connection point designations and descriptions ............................9

5 Importing Your Own Sets of Identifiers, Connection Point Designations,

and Connection Point Descriptions ..........................................................10
5.1 Import identifier sets................................................................................10
5.2 Import connection point designations and descriptions...........................11

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

1 Updating Function Definitions

The function definition library is managed and expanded by EPLAN Software &
Service. If a new function definition library is made available (online, for example),
you have to integrate it into your system. You must take the following steps to do this:

Export your own identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection
point descriptions (if you have created any)

Replace the function definition library

Import your own identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection
point descriptions (the EPLAN entries are overwritten during this import)

Add your own identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection
point descriptions to the new function definitions.

1.1 Replace the function definition library

1. Copy the file FctDefLib.flk into the
..\EPLAN\FunctionDefinition\EPLAN directory.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

2 Creating Your Own Connection Point

Designations and Descriptions
For each function definition, ten sets of connection designations and connection
descriptions can be specified. These sets can then be selected later on from the

2.1 Create connection point designations

Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

1. Select the Connection point designations tab.

The Connection point designations tab lists the function definitions with
their connection points. One line is shown for each connection point.

2. In the fields 1 - 10, enter up to 10 different connection point designations per

connection point.

3. Click [OK].

2.2 Create connection point descriptions

Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

EPLAN Training 4
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers
1. Select the Connection point descriptions tab.

The Connection point descriptions tab lists the function definitions with
their connection points. One line is shown for each connection point.

2. In the fields 1 - 10, enter up to 10 different connection point descriptions per

connection point.

3. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

3 Creating Your Own Identifier Sets

In EPLAN you can create your own sets of identifiers taking into consideration
different standards, countries, and customers.

Utilities > Master data > Identifier

1. Select Popup menu > New.

2. In the New identifier set dialog specify the designation for the identifier set
and click [OK].

A new column with the appropriate heading is displayed.

3. Enter the identifiers for the individual functions into the various cells. Identifiers
can consist of multiple characters.

EPLAN Training 6
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers
4. Click [OK].

The identifiers entered are saved.

3.1 Select identifier sets

Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > Numbering (online)

1. In the Current identifier set box select the desired identifier set from the
drop-down list.

2. Click [OK].

The corresponding identifier is used when creating a function.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

4 Exporting Your Own Sets of Identifiers,

Connection Point Designations, and
Connection Point Descriptions
Your self-defined identifier sets, connection point designations, and connection point
descriptions can be exported in XML files. This file can be used, for instance, as a
backup for the exchange of data.

4.1 Export identifier sets

Utilities > Master data > Identifier

1. Select the columns with the identifier sets you want to export.

2. Select Popup menu > Export.

3. In the Export dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

EPLAN Training 8
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers
4. Click [Save].

The selected identifier sets are saved in an XML file.

4.2 Export connection point designations and

Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

1. Select the Connection point designations or Connection point

descriptions tab.

2. Select Popup menu > Export.

3. In the Export dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

4. Click [Save].

All sets of connection point designations and descriptions are saved in an

XML file.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 9
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

5 Importing Your Own Sets of Identifiers,

Connection Point Designations, and
Connection Point Descriptions
You can import sets of identifiers, connection point designations, and connection
point descriptions from an XML file and then use them for project planning in EPLAN.

5.1 Import identifier sets

Utilities > Master data > Identifier

1. Select Popup menu > Import.

EPLAN Training 10
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers
2. In the Import dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

3. Click [Open].

The identifier sets are transferred from the XML file into the dialog.

5.2 Import connection point designations and

Utilities > Master data > Connection point designation / description

1. Select Popup menu > Import.

EPLAN Training 11
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers
2. In the Import dialog, switch to the desired directory and enter a file name.

3. Click [Open].

All sets of connection point designations and descriptions are transferred

form the XML file into the dialog.

EPLAN Training 12
Connection Point Designations and Identifiers

EPLAN Training 13
Automating Project Actions

Automating Project Actions

EPLAN Training 1
Automating Project Actions

1 Creating a Simple Script in EPLAN .............................................................3

1.1 Create script..............................................................................................3
1.2 Select project actions................................................................................4

2 Automatically Processing a Project ............................................................6

2.1 Define active script....................................................................................6
2.2 Enter directory for log files ........................................................................6
2.3 Executing automated processing ..............................................................8

3 Automatically Processing Multiple Projects.............................................11

4 Extending a Script in the Editor.................................................................15

4.1 Connect the editor...................................................................................15
4.2 Edit script ................................................................................................16

5 Calling Up a Script from the Command Line ............................................19

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Automating Project Actions

1 Creating a Simple Script in EPLAN

The project actions to be automatically executed are defined in the script. Scripts are
stored on a per-project basis.


You have opened and selected a project in the Page navigator.

Utilities > Automated processing > Settings

1.1 Create script

1. In the Settings: Automated processing dialog click (New).

EPLAN Training 3
Automating Project Actions
2. In the New script dialog, in the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the

3. Click [OK].

The name of the script is entered into the Settings: Automated

processing dialog.

1.2 Select project actions

1. In the dialog Settings: Automated processing dialog select the script you
want to edit from the Script name drop-down list.

2. In the Available actions field, select a project action and then click .

3. Once EPLAN has opened a dialog, define the settings for the selected project
action and click [OK].

The project action is entered into the Selected actions field.

EPLAN Training 4
Automating Project Actions
4. Select all of the project actions that you would like to automate, in the same

5. To define the sequence in which the project actions are to be executed, select
a project action in the Selected actions field and click (Move up) or
(Move down), as many times as necessary until the element is in the
desired position.

6. Click (Save).

The script is created.

7. Click [OK].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 5
Automating Project Actions

2 Automatically Processing a Project

To automatically process a project, in the settings, select a script from all the project
related scripts as the currently active script.

You have opened a project.
You have created a script.

2.1 Define active script

1. Select the menu item Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Management > Automated processing.

2. Select the desired script from the Active script drop-down list.

2.2 Enter directory for log files

If you enter a different directory for an existing log file, the log file will not be

EPLAN Training 6
Automating Project Actions
1. Select the menu item Options > Settings > Projects > "Project name" >
Management > Automated processing.

2. Click [...] next to the Log file field.

3. If you have not yet created a log file, in the [Open] dialog, select a storage
location and enter a file name with the type *.log.

4. If you have already created a log file, in the [Open] dialog, select the existing
*.log log file.

EPLAN Training 7
Automating Project Actions
5. Click on [Open].

2.3 Executing automated processing

1. Select the menu item Page > Navigator.

EPLAN Training 8
Automating Project Actions
2. Select a project in the page navigator.

EPLAN Training 9
Automating Project Actions
3. Select the menu items Utilities > Automated processing > Run.

The project actions are executed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Automating Project Actions

3 Automatically Processing Multiple Projects

You have imported directories and projects into Project management.
You have created a script.
Project > Management

1. To select several projects, hold down the [Ctrl] key and select the desired

EPLAN Training 11
Automating Project Actions
2. Select Popup menu > Automated processing.

The Automated processing dialog is opened.

3. To use the currently active project-related script for each project, select the
Use separate script for each project option.

4. To use the same project-spanning script for all projects, select the Use script
from selected project for all projects option.

EPLAN Training 12
Automating Project Actions
5. In the Name field, select the project whose script is to be used for all other
selected projects.

6. Click [Settings] to verify or change the settings, then click [OK].

7. In the Automated processing dialog, click [OK].

In the Project selection dialog, all of the projects are displayed that will be
automatically processed.

8. Click [OK].

The status is shown in the System messages dialog.

9. Click [Close].

The projects are automatically processed, one after the other.

EPLAN Training 13
Automating Project Actions
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 14
Automating Project Actions

4 Extending a Script in the Editor

4.1 Connect the editor

1. Select the menu items Options > Settings > User > Management >
Automated processing.

2. Click [...] next to the Editor for direct editing field.

3. In the Open dialog, select the executable *.exe file of a text editor and click

EPLAN Training 15
Automating Project Actions
4. In the Settings: Automated processing dialog click [OK].

4.2 Edit script


You have opened and selected a project in the page navigator.

1. Select the menu items Utilities > Automated processing > Settings.

EPLAN Training 16
Automating Project Actions
2. In the dialog Settings: Automated processing dialog select the script you
want to edit from the Script name field.

3. Click (Edit).

The script is opened in the editor.

EPLAN Training 17
Automating Project Actions
4. Edit the source code, save the script and close the editor.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18
Automating Project Actions

5 Calling Up a Script from the Command Line

You have created a script.
EPLAN is closed.

1. In the windows taskbar start menu, select Start > Run.

EPLAN Training 19
Automating Project Actions
2. In the Run dialog, in the Open field, enter the command cmd.

A command line window is opened.

3. After the Drive:\> prompt, enter the file path and file name of the executable
file EPLAN.exe and a space.


C:\>D:\Program Files\EPLAN\EPLAN\Version\BIN\EPLAN.exe

4. After this, enter ExecuteScript and a space, the parameter /ScriptFile:,

and then the file path and file name of the automation script and a space.


C:\>D:\Program Files\EPLAN\EPLAN\Version\BIN\EPLAN.exe
ExecuteScript /

5. After this, enter the parameter /ProjectName: and the file path and file name
of the *.elk project.


C:\>D:\Program Files\EPLAN\EPLAN\Version\BIN\EPLAN.exe
EPLAN Training 20
Automating Project Actions


6. Press [Enter].

The command line opens EPLAN and performs the project actions defined
in the script.

7. To examine the status, select the menu item Utilities > System messages.

EPLAN Training 21
Automating Project Actions

EPLAN Training 22


EPLAN Training 1

1 Viewing and Changing the Settings ............................................................3

2 Exchanging the Settings ..............................................................................5

2.1 Save the project as a template..................................................................5
2.2 Create projects from templates .................................................................7

3 Restoring the Settings to Standard Values ................................................9

4 Changing the Settings for Individual Objects ..........................................12

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2

1 Viewing and Changing the Settings

In the Settings dialog, you can view and edit all settings for the Project, User,
Workstation, or Company categories.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings

1. Double-click the Settings dialog on one of the possible categories Project,

User, Workstation, or Company.

Multiple folders / subfolders are opened in the tree view.

EPLAN Training 3
2. Double-click the desired folder / subfolder.

The settings areas in the folders / subfolders are shown in a subordinate

branch of the tree view.

3. To display the settings, select the desired settings area in the tree.

4. Change the desired settings in the right-hand side of the settings dialog.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4

2 Exchanging the Settings

You can pass project-specific settings to other projects. To do this, you must save the
source project settings, together with the project, as a template and then create the
new project from the template.

2.1 Save the project as a template

Project > Management


In the tree structure of project management there is an imported directory with at

least one project.

1. Select your source project in the Project management dialog.

EPLAN Training 5
2. Select [Extras] > Create project template.

3. Select the storage location and the name of the project template.

EPLAN Training 6
4. Click [Save].

A project template is created.

2.2 Create projects from templates

1. Select the menu item Project > New (Wizard).

You reach the Create project dialog, the so-called Project Wizard.

EPLAN Training 7
2. Give the new project a name.

3. Click [...] next to the Template field.

4. Select the desired template in the Open dialog and click [Open].

5. Select a storage location for the project.

6. Click [Finish].

A project is created on the basis of the project template.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8

3 Restoring the Settings to Standard Values

In the settings dialog, you can use a command in the popup menu to return the
individual settings to standard starting values defined by EPLAN. Any settings that
you have made are lost and they return to their default values.


You have opened a project.

Options > Settings

1. Double-click the Settings dialog on one of the possible categories Project,

User, Workstation, or Company.

Multiple folders / subfolders are opened in the tree view.

EPLAN Training 9
2. Double-click the desired folder / subfolder.

The settings areas in the folders / subfolders are shown in a subordinate

branch of the tree view.

3. To display the settings, select the desired settings area in the tree.

4. Click the desired field or check box in the right-hand side of the settings dialog.

5. Select Popup menu > Go to default.

The setting is returned to the default value.

EPLAN Training 10
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11

4 Changing the Settings for Individual Objects

The settings made for an object are adopted at all levels in your project, i.e. if you
make a setting at a particular level then the setting applies to all levels below. You
can also change the settings for individual objects.


You have selected an object in the page navigator or the graphical editor.

Popup menu > Properties

1. In the Settings dialog, in the Category drop-down list, select the Settings

The settings are displayed in a table.

2. Click the setting whose value you wish to change.

EPLAN Training 12
3. Enter the desired value.

4. Click [OK].

The setting for the object is saved.


You wish to use a plot frame in all pages of a project. You also wish to use a different
plot frame on one specific page. To do this, you define the plot frame <Plot frame
name> for all pages in your project and then only change the plot frame setting for
the single page that you wish to be different.

EPLAN Training 13

EPLAN Training 14
System Messages

System Messages

EPLAN Training 1
System Messages

1 Calling up System Messages.......................................................................3

2 Storing System Messages ...........................................................................4

3 Setting the Path and Size of the System Message File .............................5

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
System Messages

1 Calling up System Messages

When you open a project, the System messages dialog lists errors which occur
during the program run in the currently opened project.

You can open the system messages at any time, even when no project is currently

1. Select the menu item Utilities > System messages.

The System messages dialog appears. This includes a list of system


This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3
System Messages

2 Storing System Messages

You can save the displayed system messages as a text file. You define the directory
for the file in the workstation settings. The file name EplLog.txt is predefined by the

1. Select the menu item Utilities > System messages.

The System messages dialog appears.

2. Click [Save] in the dialog.

All messages output during the session until now are stored to the system
message file.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
System Messages

3 Setting the Path and Size of the System

Message File
The path and size of the system messages file can be defined in the workstation-
related settings.

1. Select the menu item Options > Settings > Workstation > Messages >

The Settings: System dialog appears.

2. If you want to change the path of the system messages file, enter the new
path in the field Path of system messages file.
Alternatively, click on [...] next to the field and explore the tree structure of the
Browse for folder dialog to define a new path.

3. If you want to limit the size of the system messages file, enter a new value in
the field Size of system messages file. (The default value is 30 MB.)

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 5
System Messages

EPLAN Training 6
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

EPLAN Training 1
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

1 Transferring Symbol Libraries from EPLAN 5............................................4

2 Assigning Function Definitions (Loading data from EPLAN 5) ................7

3 Editing the Connection Point Assignments (Loading data from EPLAN


4 Transferring Plot Frames from EPLAN 5 ..................................................12

5 Specifying Project Parameters for Plot Frames from EPLAN 5 ..............14

6 Reading out Project Parameters for Plot Frames from EPLAN 5 ...........16

7 Transferring Forms from EPLAN 5............................................................17

8 Transferring Parts Data from EPLAN 5 .....................................................19

9 Specifying Part-Specific Settings..............................................................21

10 Transferring Contactor Data from EPLAN 5 .............................................23

11 Transferring Cable Data from EPLAN 5 ....................................................26

12 Transferring Plug Data from EPLAN 5 ......................................................29

13 Import Terminal and Plug Numbering Scheme ........................................31

14 Exporting Parts Data to EPLAN 5 ..............................................................32

15 Transferring Foreign Language Data from EPLAN 5 ...............................34

16 Exporting Foreign Language Data to EPLAN 5 ........................................37

17 Transferring Macro Data from EPLAN 5 ...................................................39

18 Specifying a Language Assignment for the EPLAN 5 Macro Transfer ..43

19 Specifying a Symbol Library Assignment for the EPLAN 5 Macro

Transfer .......................................................................................................44

20 Transferring Projects from EPLAN 5.........................................................47

21 Transferring Projects in Default Mode from EPLAN 5: Specifying

Languages Assignments............................................................................51

22 Transferring Projects in Default Mode from EPLAN 5: Specify Symbol

Library Assignments ..................................................................................53

EPLAN Training 2
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 3
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

1 Transferring Symbol Libraries from EPLAN 5

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Symbol library

1. In the EPLAN 5 symbol library import select a master data drive from the
Master data drive drop-down list where you want to save the imported data.
The drives where an ...\EPLAN4\... directory can be found are displayed as
the default here.

2. Click [...] in the Source field.

3. In the Symbol file selection dialog, select the EPLAN 5 symbol library to be
imported. In doing so, the Path with <Selected_master data
drive>:\EPLAN4\N is made available. (The File type "Symbol file (*.sym)"
cannot be changed).
Multiple selection is not possible here.

EPLAN 5 is installed under C:\Programme\EPLAN4. The path is
C:\Programme\EPLAN4\N where the customer identifiers BMW and ESS are
located and each of them contain the symbol libraries.

4. Click on [Open].

5. In the Connection point designation position group box specify the entries
for the horizontal and vertical position of the connection point designations.
These fields are prepopulated with the default values "1.30 mm" and "2.0

EPLAN Training 4
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
6. In the Mulit-line or Single-line option fields in the Symbols group box specify
whether the symbol library is for single-line or multi-line symbols.

7. From the Original library drop-down list select the table to be used for
assigning old and new symbols. Based on an internal comparison the program
suggests an assignment table here. If no suitable table can be found, the
drop-down list remains empty and you can select the table manually.

8. Click [...] in the Target field.

9. In the Symbol library selection dialog, specify where and under what name
the file should be saved.

10. Select Popup menu > Go to default in the Path field to specify the standard
path indicated in the settings for symbol libraries (Options > Settings > User
> Management> Directories). The File type "Symbol library (*.slk)" is
assigned automatically.

11. Click [Save].

12. From the EPLAN 5 character set drop-down list select the character set (not
the language!) for the symbol library. The entry is prepopulated with 437.

13. Click [OK].

The symbols are transferred and a progress bar shows the process.
Original EPLAN 5 symbols are not converted, but rather assigned to the
corresponding symbols. Symbols generated or changed by the user, on the
other hand, are saved in a new symbol library and any problems are stored as
properties in this symbol library.
EPLAN Training 5
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

The Function definition assignment - <Symbol library> dialog opens

and displays the symbols of the newly generated symbol library. The program
uses the information from the assignment table as well as the symbol types
from unknown symbols from EPLAN 5 to assign the correct function definitions
to symbols from the new symbol library. It is then checked as to whether the
respective function definition matches. If the function definition was only
allocated based on the symbol type, or it did not match, a property is saved for
the symbol, which helps to select inaccurate function definitions. In this case a
function definition was assigned by the system that was determined from the
separate assignment "EPLAN 5 symbol types for function definitions". These
are only partially correct (NO contacts, but never delayed NO contacts).

The processing symbol for contacts and coils are automatically created in the
new symbol library (according to the EPLAN 5 method).

The rotated set of connection designations is automatically created on the

symbols (according to the EPLAN 5 method).

All properties that can be switched on via the EPLAN 5 parameter setting
Described block (Utilities > Parameters > Project > Graphic > Device tag,
Device tag 1 tab) are placed on those symbols. The properties are then
placed on the corresponding layers and docked next to one another in the
sequence they were shown in EPLAN 5. The text sizes for the properties are
set to From layer.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 6
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

2 Assigning Function Definitions (Loading data

from EPLAN 5)
The Function definition assignment - <Symbol library> dialog is automatically
opened after the symbol library import, but it can be manually called up via Utilities >
Master data> Symbol library > Function definition assignment. This dialog
displays the symbols and their assigned function definitions in a list, and the list can
be sorted (click the column heading to sort the contents). For every selected symbol,
the graphic of the imported basic symbol and the corresponding associated basic
symbol are shown in the lower portion of the dialog so you can quickly recognize
what type of problem you have.

Any problems that occurred during the data transfer are shown in the upper right
portion of the dialog. One click on a property will select the corresponding symbol in
the list. If the problem is solved, the property can be manually set to "Completed".

The symbols should be revised as follows:


You have selected an EPLAN 5 symbol library for transfer and defined the
appropriate entries in the EPLAN 5 symbol library import dialog.

1. Click a problem message in the upper right portion of the dialog.

The corresponding symbol will be selected in the list.

Or click the symbol in the list that you would like to revise.

2. Click [...] in the Function definition field of the Symbol data group box (right
portion of the dialog).

3. Select the appropriate function definition in the Function definitions dialog.

The corresponding data will be transferred to the Attributes and

Connection point data tabs.

EPLAN Training 7
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
4. Click [OK].

5. If necessary, click [Extras] >Basic symbol library in order to select a

different basic symbol library.

6. If necessary, click [Extras] > Symbol variant assignment in order to assign

other connection points.

7. In the Completed column select the check box to indicate that the problem
has been "solved".

8. Proceed in the same way for all other symbols you would like to revise.

9. Click [Close].

The modified settings are adopted.

Default for the basic symbol library is Base_DIC if "DIC", "DIN" or "IEC" occur in the
symbol library names. If the symbol library name contains the character string "JIC",
the Base_JIC basic symbol library is set. The same process applies to "MSR"
(Base_MSR), "Single" (Base_Single) and "PNE" (Base_Pneumatic).

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 8
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

3 Editing the Connection Point Assignments

(Loading data from EPLAN 5)
In P8, the sequence of symbol connection points can be freely selected, while in
EPLAN 5 the sequence is typically always defined independently of the symbol
variants and, for four connection points in the symbol, they are assigned as follows:

1 = upper left
2 = lower left
3 = upper right
4 = lower right.

The sequence of connection points is important, however, for correctly assigning the
function definition connection points to the symbol so that every function definition
matches the connection point assignment of every variant of a symbol without
changes. After the transfer of a symbol library, the symbols are assigned function
definitions. In order to avoid problems associated with having to revise the sequence
of connection points, the sequence of connection points can be defined for individual
symbol variants to where they match the function definition: The individual symbol
variant connection points are each assigned to a function definition connection point.

Because most variants are just rotations and mirrors of the template variant (one of
eight default variants), they are analyzed during the symbol transfer, and each
identified with one of the A-H variants. Some of them can be securely assigned while
others do not allow a secure assignment. Because the Function definition
assignment - <Symbol library> dialog displays all of the variants of every symbol
as well as the basic symbol with its four associated variants, and the connection point
numbers are displayed in the symbol preview, you can recognize in one glance
whether the transferred symbol variants are different from the basic symbol variants.
If a difference is found, proceed as follows:


EPLAN Training 9
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
You have selected an EPLAN 5 symbol library for transfer and defined the
appropriate entries in the EPLAN 5 symbol library import dialog.

You have started the transfer.

The Function definition assignment - <Symbol library> dialog is open.

The function definition matches the first variants for the symbol.

The rotation direction of the variants is clockwise.

The 1, 2, 3, and 4 variants have a rotation angle of 0, 90, 180 and 270.

1. Select [Extras] > Symbol variant assignment.

2. In the Symbol variant assignment dialog you assign a basic symbol variant
to the variants of the imported symbol.

The variant number of the basic symbol (A-H) is saved as the variant
number on the imported symbol and the connection points from the basic
symbol variant are written to the variants of the imported symbol. In addition,
the P8 variant (A-H) to which the previous EPLAN 5 variants 0-3 were
assigned are saved with the symbol. This information is necessary for
correctly assigning the connection point designations to the function in a later
project or macro transfers.

3. Click [OK].

4. Proceed in a similar manner for all other problems that may occur.

Symbols that have been edited in EPLAN 5, where P8 cannot identify the connection
points during the transfer, must be revised in the symbol editor.


EPLAN Training 10
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

In this case the program cannot recognize that "X3" is also mirrored. The PE
connection point should be on the left and not on the right. In this case, you also
have to switch the variant C connection points in the symbol editor to solve this

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 11
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

4 Transferring Plot Frames from EPLAN 5

In EPLAN 5, a variety of plot frames result from the combination of plot frame files
and settings. In P8, however, all of the information is saved in the plot frame. You
must thus transfer the same plot frame multiple times with different settings in order
to generate different plot frames for P8. To do this, there is a function available that
allows you to import the EPLAN 5-specific project settings.

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Plot frame

1. In the EPLAN 5 plot frame import select a master data drive from the Master
data drive drop-down list where you want to save the imported data. The
drives where an ...\EPLAN4\... directory can be found are displayed as the
default here.

2. Click [...] in the Source field.

3. In the Plot frame selection dialog select EPLAN 5 plot frame to be imported.
In doing so, the Path with <Selected_master data drive>:\EPLAN4\N is
made available. (The File type "Plot frame (*.skg)" can't be changed).
Multiple selection is not possible here.

EPLAN 5 is installed under C:\Programme\EPLAN4. The path is
C:\Programme\EPLAN4\N where the customer identifiers BMW and ESS are
located and each of them contain the plot frames.

4. Click on [Open].

5. Click [...] in the Target field.

EPLAN Training 12
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
6. Specify in the Find folder dialog where the file should be saved. In doing this
the default path specified in the settings will be given (Options > Settings >
User > Management > Directories).

7. Click [OK].

8. From the EPLAN 5 character set drop-down list select the character set (not
the language!) for the plot frame. The entry is prepopulated with 437.

9. Click [...] in the From field in the EPLAN 5 project parameters group box to
easily read out all of the necessary EPLAN 5 project parameters from the
Or use the settings options below From in order to manually specify the

10. Click [OK].

The plot frame is transferred and a progress bar shows the process.

Possible problems are saved as properties in the plot frame and, if

necessary, can be viewed under Utilities > System Messages.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 13
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

5 Specifying Project Parameters for Plot Frames

from EPLAN 5
If you do not read the project parameters from an EPLAN 5 project, or revise
parameters that have already been read, proceed as follows:

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Plot frame

1. In the EPLAN 5 plot frame import dialog, select one of the entries for the
path area from the Path areas drop-down list (1 to 45 and "User-defined").
The program suggests an entry automatically.

2. Click [Next].

3. In the EPLAN 5 project parameters dialog specify the project settings for the
path areas individually.

4. Click [OK].

5. In the Number of ladders field specify a value from 0 to 9. A default setting

will also be recommended here.

6. Select one of the possible settings from the Page size drop-down list. The
system will again recommend a default setting. For every page size, there are
certain identifiers for the path areas that depend on the schematic logic.

EPLAN Training 14
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
7. In the Contact image position field specify a number in mm. The default
setting here is 58 mm. The EPLAN 5-specific value corresponds to the
property "Contact image spacing" (<12060>).

8. Click [OK].

The plot frame is transferred and a progress bar shows the process.

Possible problems are saved as properties in the plot frame and, if

necessary, can be viewed under Utilities > System Messages.

The EPLAN 5-specific schematics logic settings "DIN" and "JIC" are always
transferred with the report standard = "DIN / IEC" (property <12103>), and "USA"
settings are always transferred with the report standard = "JIC / NFPA".
EPLAN 5 JIC plot frames do not become P8 JIC plot frames because, in EPLAN 5,
only the view is rotated, and not the logic. For this reason, special plot frames in "JIC
/ NFPA" format are contained in the master data.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 15
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

6 Reading out Project Parameters for Plot Frames

from EPLAN 5
In EPLAN 5, a variety of plot frames result from the combination of plot frame files
and settings. In P8, however, all of the information is saved in the plot frame. You
must thus transfer the same plot frame multiple times with different settings in order
to generate different plot frames for P8. To do this, there is a function available that
allows you to import the EPLAN 5-specific project settings.

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Plot frame

1. In theEPLAN 5 plot frame import dialog, click [...] in the From field of the
EPLAN 5 project parameters group box.

2. In the EPLAN 5 project selection dialog, select the EPLAN 5 project for
which you want to read out the parameters. (Multiple selection isn't possible
here). All drives where an ...\EPLAN4\... directory can be found are

3. Select the Data backup(Z13,...) checkbox.

Under Projects all drives are displayed that have a letter assigned, i.e.,
regardless of whether a ...\EPLAN4\P\... directory exists.

4. Click [OK].

The EPLAN 5-specific project parameters are written into the settings of the
EPLAN 5 plot frame import dialog (group box EPLAN 5 project
parameters). They can be edited if you manually overwrite the settings or
click [Next] to edit the path area definition.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

7 Transferring Forms from EPLAN 5

EPLAN 5 forms can be transferred individually (as single files) as well as in multiple
selection. However, it is not possible to select a form project.

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Form

1. In the EPLAN 5 form import select a master data drive from the Master data
drive drop-down list where you want to save the imported data. The drives
where an ...\EPLAN4\... directory can be found are displayed as the default

2. Click [...] in the Source field.

The Form file selection dialog is opened; the Path already contains
<Selected master data drive>:\EPLAN4\N. Default for the File type is
"All forms".

3. In order to only transfer certain form types from EPLAN 5, select the desired
types from the File type drop-down list.

The display of forms in the upper portion of the dialog is automatically


4. Select the from / forms to be imported. Multiple selection is possible here.

5. Click on [Open].

6. Click [...] in the Target field.

EPLAN Training 17
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
7. Specify in the Find folder dialog where the files should be saved. In doing this
the default path specified in the settings will be given (Options > Settings >
User > Management > Directories).

8. Click [OK].

9. From the EPLAN 5 character set drop-down list select the character set (not
the language!) for the form. The entry is prepopulated with 437.

10. Specify the following settings for terminal diagrams using the checkboxes in
the Jumper display (terminals) group box:
Number of levels: This entry specifies how many wire jumper levels are set
up in the transferred terminal diagrams.
With angle / only with lines: In these option fields you specify whether
angles or lines should be used in the transferred terminal diagrams for
displaying jumpers.

11. Click [OK].

The form / forms are transferred and a progress bar shows the process.

Possible problems are saved as properties in the form and, if necessary,

can be viewed under Utilities > System Messages.

Most EPLAN 5 forms are not exactly DIN A3 size, but a bit smaller. They are
transferred as they are, i.e., even in P8 they do not correspond exactly to the DIN A3
standard size!

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

8 Transferring Parts Data from EPLAN 5

The parts data are transferred to P8 from internal parts management and
automatically expanded in the process to include fields for functions, for example.
Additional information like device data is transferred from the contactor, plug, and
cable definition file. For these three device types then, the data transfer must take
place separately before the transfer of projects so that devices can be assigned.

Please note that parts data must be exported with the following settings to ensure a
correct transfer from EPLAN 5:
Separator = Tab
Format = ASCII.
These settings are specified in EPLAN 5 via the menu items Parts > Management >
Data exchange > Export (group box Output). If the format does not conform to this
specification, a message appears during the import and the transfer is interrupted.


You have exported the EPLAN 5 parts data.

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Parts

1. In the General tab in the EPLAN 5 parts data import wizard dialog, make
the general entries to be taken into account in the import.

2. On the Parts tab, select the files exported from EPLAN 5 that are to be

3. Make the necessary entries for contactors, cables, and plugs.

4. Click [Finish].

EPLAN Training 19
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
If you select multiple files with the same part number, and if you have selected one of
the two settings Update existing parts data (General tab), every subsequent file
overwrites the data in the previous file.

The EPLAN 5 character set specified via Options > Settings > User > Interfaces >
EPLAN 5 language assignment is used here as the default.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 20
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

9 Specifying Part-Specific Settings

Multilingual properties in EPLAN 5 parts management are saved in a mirrored parts
database. That means, for example with German, English, and French, a total of
three EPLAN 5 databases exist. Importing to P8, however, occurs via a text format in
which no language identifier is saved, so that the assignment of the text file to the
language must be specified when importing.

Because even the "non-multilingual fields" in the various EPLAN 5 databases may
have been changed, a check box is offered for every source file during the transfer.
Select the Only translation check box if only the multilingual fields should be
transferred. If the check box is deselected, all of the fields will be transferred
according to the import options.

One language, or the "Language-neutral" setting, can be specified for every file. If the
"non-multilingual fields" in the foreign language EPLAN 5 files to be transferred have
been changed, these data can be imported into a separate parts database.

The following fields are multilingual:

Designation 1
Designation 2
Designation 3
Remark 1 and Remark 2 (the entries are combined).

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Parts

1. In the General tab in the EPLAN 5 parts import wizard dialog make the
general entries and click [Next].

2. In the Parts tab, click (New).

A row is added to the end of the table.

3. Click [...] in the Part export file from EPLAN 5 cell.

EPLAN Training 21
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
4. Select the desired EPLAN 5 part export file from the Open dialog. In doing so,
the Path with <Selected_master data drive>:\EPLAN4\L is made
available. You cannot select multiple files here.

5. Click on [Open].

6. Select / deselect the Only translation check box.

7. Select one of the possible dictionary languages from the Language drop-
down list.

8. If necessary, select another character set from the EPLAN 5 character set
drop-down list.

9. Proceed in a similar way for all other files you would like to import.

10. Click [Next].

The Contactor tab is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

10 Transferring Contactor Data from EPLAN 5

Device definitions for contactors are saved in their own database in EPLAN 5 and are
transferred into the parts database during the import.

The contactor contacts are assigned in EPLAN 5 not only via the symbol type but
also via the symbol names. However, functions in P8 (corresponding to the symbol
types from EPLAN 5) are independent of symbol libraries and symbol names. There
are therefore many functions for differentiating between the contacts. Therefore,
assignment information must be available when transferring contactor data from
EPLAN 5. This information is located in the symbol library. For this reason, the
symbol library associated with the contactor definition must first be transferred before
the actual contactor definitions are imported. To do this the correct function
definitions must be already assigned.

When transferring contactor definitions you can use the fields in Contactor tab to
specify the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries appropriate for the contactor definition. The
program then checks whether the corresponding symbol library has already been
transferred. If that is not the case, the [Next] and [Finish] buttons in the wizard are
rendered inactive. If the symbol libraries have already been transferred, the assigned
symbol library is used and the corresponding function definitions are taken from it.

This way the following correct device data can be generated:

Part number
Type number
Product group
Product subgroup
Accessory designation (from the EPLAN 5 field Group)
Function definitions (via the symbol library)
Connection point designations.

The possible variants are also transferred. In the process, the variants are named
exactly the same as in EPLAN 5. The "Part number", "Type number", "Product group"
and "Accessory code" data are transferred exclusively from the first variant.

If in the General tab you have selected one of the options Update existing parts
data, only the function definitions (via the symbol library) and the connection point
designations will be updated for existing parts numbers.

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

EPLAN Training 23
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

You have already transferred the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries for the contactor
definition files (Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Symbol library).

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Parts

1. In the General tab in the EPLAN 5 parts import wizard dialog make the
general entries and click [Next].

2. In the Parts tab click [Next].

3. In the Contactor tab click (New).

A row is added to the end of the table.

4. Click [...] in the Contactor definition cell.

5. Select the desired EPLAN 5 contactor definition file from the Contactor
definition file selection dialog. In doing so, the Path with <Selected_master
data drive>:\EPLAN4\N is made available. (The File type "Contactor
definition file (*.idx)" can't be changed).
Multiple selection is impossible here.

6. Click on [Open].

7. If necessary, select another character set from the EPLAN 5 character set
drop-down list. That can be necessary because the parts numbers may
contain special characters.

EPLAN Training 24
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
8. Click [...] in the EPLAN 5 symbol library cell.

9. Select the desired EPLAN 5 symbol library that is the basis for your contactor
definition from the Symbol file selection dialog. In doing so, the Path with
<Selected_master data drive>:\EPLAN4\N is made available. (The File
type "Symbol file (*.sym)" cannot be changed).
Multiple selection is impossible here.

10. Click on [Open].

11. Proceed in a similar way for all other files you would like to import.

12. Click [Next].

The Cables tab is displayed.

In front of the EPLAN 5 symbol library column the Status column displays whether
the desired EPLAN 5 symbol library has already been transferred or not.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 25
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

11 Transferring Cable Data from EPLAN 5

New parts are generated during an import with the help of information from the
definition files (e.g., cable type, conductor quantity). For every cable defined in
EPLAN 5, a function template is generated in the parts management, and the
connection type is always "conductor". The potential types are also transferred. If no
potential type is defined, "Neutral" is set.

The shields are transferred as indicated in EPLAN 5, while any allocated index
information as well as the "Cable with / without external shield" setting is also taken
into account.

Cross-sections are transferred as follows: If cross-sections are assigned to the

conductors of a cable, then as many parts are generated for the cable as there are
cross-sections specified. If the cross-sections are empty, one part is generated.

In EPLAN 5 the NYY-J cable has five conductors each with one cross-section
assigned to it. During the transfer, five parts are generated; one for each cross-

This rule applies if the "cross-section" is to be taken into consideration for the Part
number format. Otherwise one part is generated.

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Parts

1. In the General tab in the EPLAN 5 parts import wizard dialog make the
general entries and click [Next].

2. In the Parts tab click [Next].

3. In the Contactor tab click [Next].

EPLAN Training 26
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

4. In the Cable tab click (New).

A row is added to the end of the table.

5. Click [...] in the Cable type file cell.

6. Select the desired EPLAN 5 cable type file from the Cable type file selection
dialog. In doing so, the Path with <Selected_master data
drive>:\EPLAN4\N is made available. (The File type "Cable type file (*.skg)"
can't be changed).
Multiple selection is impossible here.

7. Click on [Open].

8. If necessary, select another character set from the EPLAN 5 character set
drop-down list. That can be necessary because the parts numbers may
contain special characters.

9. Select the Part number format from the drop-down lists and input fields
below the table.

10. Proceed in a similar way for all other files you would like to import.

11. Click [Next].

The Plugs tab is displayed.

EPLAN Training 27
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 28
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

12 Transferring Plug Data from EPLAN 5

A part is generated in the parts management for every plug name defined in EPLAN
5. Typically the function definition is of the "Plug definition for male and female pins"
type. If the contact designation has a "PE", the function definition is set to "PE male
and female pin".

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Parts

1. In the General tab in the EPLAN 5 parts import wizard dialog make the
general entries and click [Next].

2. In the Parts tab click [Next].

3. In the Contactor tab click [Next].

4. In the Cable tab click [Next].

5. In the Plug tab click (New).

A row is added to the end of the table.

6. Click [...] in the Plug type file cell.

EPLAN Training 29
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
7. Select the desired EPLAN 5 plug type file from the Plug type file selection
dialog. In doing so, the Path with <Selected_master data
drive>:\EPLAN4\N is made available. (The File type "Plug type file (*.kls)"
can't be changed).
Multiple selection is impossible here.

8. Click on [Open].

9. If necessary, select another character set from the EPLAN 5 character set
drop-down list. That can be necessary because the parts numbers may
contain special characters.

10. Proceed in a similar way for all other files you would like to import.

11. Click [Make available].

The part number is automatically generated from the EPLAN 5 scheme


This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 30
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

13 Import Terminal and Plug Numbering Scheme

The EPLAN 5-specific terminal and plug numbering schemes are transferred to P8 as
numbering schemes. No parts / devices are generated for terminal strips, because it
is not part of P8 parts management to store devices for terminal strips. Those types
of devices can be planned with CLIP PROJECT and then imported into P8.

A terminal / plug numbering scheme with the same name is generated for every
scheme defined in EPLAN 5, and descriptions, quantities, and designations are
transferred in the process. The scheme is saved for each user depending on the part

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 31
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

14 Exporting Parts Data to EPLAN 5

The sales parts data can be exported in EPLAN 5 format and then imported into
EPLAN 5. This is especially important if you're using P8 in parallel with an old
product and want to continue working on the parts data in P8 and then use it in

Utilities > Parts > Manage

1. In P8, in the Parts management dialog, select the menu items [Extras] >

2. In the Export records dialog, click [...] in the File name field.

3. In the Open dialog enter a recognizable name for the file to be generated in
the File name field and select a Path where you want to save the file.

4. Click on [Open].

5. From the File type drop-down list, select the export format for the file to be

6. In the Part type group box select the part type to be considered during export
by selecting / deselecting the corresponding check boxes.

7. In the Trade group box select the trades to be considered during export by
selecting / deselecting the corresponding check boxes.

EPLAN Training 32
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
8. Click [OK].

The file is generated under the name provided in the specified directory.

9. In EPLAN 5 select the menu items Part > Management > Data exchange >
Import > EPLAN - ASCII format.

10. In the Import EPLAN ASCII format dialog, click [...] in the Source file (ASCII
file) field.

11. In the ASCII file selection dialog, select the file you exported previously.

12. Click [OK].

13. In the Import EPLAN ASCII format dialog select one of the options Update
existing parts data from the Transfer group box.

14. Click [OK].

The data is imported to EPLAN 5. Please note here that only data that
EPLAN 5 can save will be transferred and P8-specific information is lost.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 33
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

15 Transferring Foreign Language Data from

When importing foreign language data, new records are attached to existing records
in the database . If identical records already exist, you will be prompted whether the
old data should be overwritten or not. To enable this comparison you have to select a
reference language that is available in the text database as well as in the import file.

The program also informs you if unassigned languages are found in the dictionaries
to be imported. You can specify the missing assignment under Options > Settings >
User > Interfaces > EPLAN 5 language assignment.

To transfer foreign language data, do the following:


In EPLAN 5, you must export the language entries in CSV format (ASCII) (the
internal EPLAN OEM format), because this format can easily be interpreted. If the
format does not conform to this standard (e.g., if you have selected the EPLAN
format, ANSI with TABs entry, or any other format), an appropriate message is
displayed and the transfer is cancelled.

1. In EPLAN 5, select the menu item Utilities > Foreign languages > Language
files > Export.

2. In the Data export dialog, select CSV format (ASCII) in the File format group

3. Enter a filename for the export file.

4. Click [OK].

The data are exported with the specified filename. If no directory is

specified, the file is created in the EPLAN 5-specific program directory, for
example in D:\EPLAN4\570.

EPLAN Training 34
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
A language assignment is then necessary when importing: The 26 possible
"Language identifiers" from EPLAN 5 are displayed in a column, with the associated
P8 language identifiers displayed in a second column. In the third column, an EPLAN
5 character set can be selected for each language assignment. There are default
values for all fields. The standard values can also be restored via the Popup menu>

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Dictionary

1. In the Import dictionary dialog select the previously exported file containing
the EPLAN 5 language entries.

2. Click on [Open].

3. In the Language assignment dialog, check the assigned ISO language code
for each EPLAN 5 language identifier and select a different value from the
drop-down list if necessary.

4. If necessary, select another character set from the EPLAN 5 character set
drop-down list. This may be necessary because the text also contains special

5. Click [OK].

The importing of the translation database begins.

6. In the Reference language selection dialog, select the language to be used

as the basis for comparing the datasets. (All languages present in both the text
database and the import file are shown here.)

EPLAN Training 35
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
7. Click [OK].

8. If one of the languages to be imported is not yet present in the language

database, you must specify whether this language should be created and
whether the language entries should be imported.

9. Depending on the settings regarding how identical datasets are to be treated,

you must still confirm or decline the overwriting of certain translations.

The language databases are imported, i.e., the OEM text from EPLAN 5 is
converted to Unicode and transferred into the language database. The
progress bar shows the progress of the transfer.

Check the databases before using them in your project. In P8, there is no longer any
formatting in the language database entries, meaning that line breaks, for example,
are replaced with spaces, and EPLAN 5-specific placeholders are deleted.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 36
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

16 Exporting Foreign Language Data to EPLAN 5

The P8-specific dictionary can also be exported and then (e.g.) imported into EPLAN
5. Proceed as follows:

Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary

1. In the Management tab in the Dictionary - <Foreign language database>

dialog select [Extras] > Export.

2. In the Export dictionary dialog, select the File type "EPLAN 5 - CSV file"
from the drop-down list.

3. In the File name dialog specify the name of the export file and, if necessary,
select a different directory (the default here is the directory specified for
translation files under Options > Settings > User > Management >

4. Click [Save].

5. If the current dictionary contains multiple languages, select the one that you
would like to export in the Select languages dialog. Multiple selection is
possible here.

6. Click [OK].

The language entries are exported and a progress bar shows the process.

7. Click [Close].

EPLAN Training 37
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
In EPLAN 5 proceed as follows:

1. Select the menu item Utilities > Foreign languages.

2. In Foreign languages management, select Language file > Reorganize.

3. In the Creation / expansion of language database dialog, enter the five-

character language code as a comment for the source and target languages.

4. If desired, add entries for other languages present in P8 but not in EPLAN 5.

5. Click [OK].

The changes are saved.

6. Select the menu item Language file > Import.

7. In the Open file dialog, select the file you exported previously.

8. Click [OK].

The data are imported and can then be edited further.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 38
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

17 Transferring Macro Data from EPLAN 5

There is a very helpful assistant available for transferring macro data from EPLAN 5.
The macros are then saved as follows:

<EPLAN 5 macro name>_<EPLAN 5 file suffix>.<P8 file suffix>


The directory structure is also taken into account during the transfer. As an example,
D:\eplan4\M\bosch\auftrag_A\*.mf? is stored under

Proceed as follows in order to transfer EPLAN 5 macros:


The symbol libraries used in EPLAN 5 macros have already been transferred, and if
necessary, must be revised so that the function definitions can be correctly set up in
the macros.

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Macro

1. In the EPLAN 5 macro import wizard, select a master data drive defining the
location of the data to be imported, from the Master data drive drop-down list
on the Macros tab. The drives where an ...\EPLAN4\... directory can be
found are displayed as the default here.

2. Click [...] in the Source field.

The Macro file selection dialog is opened; the Path already contains
<Selected master data drive>:\EPLAN4\M. The default for the File type
is "All macros".

EPLAN Training 39
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
3. To transfer only certain macro types from EPLAN 5, select the desired types
from the File type drop-down list.

The display of the macros in the upper portion of the dialog is automatically

4. Select the macro(s) to be imported. Multiple selection is possible here.

5. Click on [Open].

6. Click [...] in the field Target for macro files.

7. Specify in the Find folder dialog where the files should be saved. In doing this
the default path specified in the settings will be given (Options > Settings >
User > Management > Directories).

8. Click [OK].

9. Click [...] in the field Target for macro projects.

EPLAN Training 40
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
10. In the Save macro project as dialog, specify the location and filename under
which the macro project should be saved. Once you've done this, the default
path specified for projects in the settings is used (Options > Settings > User
> Management > Directories).

All macros, selected in Source are transferred to this project.

It is not possible here to select an existing project and thus expand it, but
rather you must enter a new project.

11. Click on [Open].

12. Click [...] in the Symbols from field.

13. In the EPLAN 5 project selection dialog, select an EPLAN 5 project that suits
the macros, where "suits" means that the macros in this EPLAN 5 project can
be inserted without problems. Suitable symbol libraries are critical here.

14. Click [OK].

15. Select the checkboxGenerate macros automatically if you want the macro
export to begin directly after the macro import, so that the macros are
immediately available in the correct format.

16. Select the checkbox Synchronize imported parts data with the database if
you want the parts data transferred with the macros to be directly
synchronized with the database after the macro transfer. This is only useful if
the EPLAN 5 parts data have already been imported into the parts database
as part of the master data transfer, since otherwise the synchronization
process won't find any data, and the search will waste valuable time.

EPLAN Training 41
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
17. Select the check box Automatic change of status for JIC projects if all
EPLAN 5 projects created with the Schematic logic = "JIC" project parameter
should be converted directly during the data transfer.

18. Click [Next].

The Language assignment tab is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 42
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

18 Specifying a Language Assignment for the

EPLAN 5 Macro Transfer
If you have not used the specified language identifiers or specified any defaults under
Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > EPLAN 5 language assignment, you
must specify the corresponding settings on this tab:

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Macro

1. In the Macros tab of the EPLAN 5 macro import wizard dialog select the
macro to be imported and click [Next].

2. From the ISO language code drop-down list in the Language assignment
tab select the language you would like to assign to the EPLAN 5 language

3. From the EPLAN 5 character set drop-down list select the associated
character set (not the language!) that contains the special characters
necessary for the various languages. The entry is prepopulated with 437.

4. Proceed in a similar manner for all of the additional EPLAN 5 language


5. From the EPLAN 5 character set for non-translatable texts tab select the
character set to be used for language-neutral and non-translatable texts.

6. Click [Next].

The Symbols tab is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 43
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

19 Specifying a Symbol Library Assignment for

the EPLAN 5 Macro Transfer
This tab is used to assign the symbols to the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries used in the
selected macros. If the program knows the origin of the symbol library, then the
assignment occurs automatically and this is displayed with a check mark under
Status. The data displayed under Source have the following significance:

EPLAN 5 symbol library: Name of the symbol library in EPLAN 5 (write-


Path: File path where the EPLAN 5 symbol library was originally saved (write-

Origin: The assignment table used for assigning symbols.

The following information is displayed in a similar way for the Target:

Standard library: Library for all standard cases that can be assigned using the
default table (write-protected)

User library: Library that in the comparison was shown to contain "different"
customer symbols

Exception library: Library for all exceptions (composite symbols) found based
on the default assignment table (write-protected).

If you select a table from the Origin drop-down list, the entries in the Standard
Library (target) and the Exception Library (target) are automatically updated.

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Macro

1. In the Macros tab of the EPLAN 5 macro import wizard dialog select the
macro to be imported and click [Next].

2. In the Language Assignment tab click [Next].

EPLAN Training 44
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
3. In the Symbols tab click [...] in the User library (target) field of an EPLAN 5
symbol library whose status symbol shows that no assignment has yet been

4. Select a symbol library in the Open dialog. The File type is predefined with
"Symbol library (*.slk)". (Multiple selection isn't possible here).

5. Click [Open].

The status symbol changes to a check mark.

6. Proceed in a similar way for all additional symbol libraries.

7. Or click [Convert] if a User library (target) cell is selected.

8. In the EPLAN 5 symbol import dialog proceed as you would when

transferring symbol libraries.

9. Click [Finish]. (This button is active once all of the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries
are assigned reference).

The symbols are stored in the macro project and a reference to the symbol
is saved in the individual macro files.

Forms and plot frames are not used in the EPLAN 5 macros, but parts are transferred
like a project transfer.

EPLAN Training 45
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 46
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

20 Transferring Projects from EPLAN 5

The program can transfer projects from EPLAN 5, but it cannot generate any projects
for EPLAN 5. The data transfer is a one-way street in this case.

Please note that only error-free projects can be correctly transferred. This does not
mean that projects with errors can't be transferred. They just won't be error-free and
will need revisions.

There is another very helpful wizard available that supports the following EPLAN 5
project formats:

"normal" projects, i.e., projects that are neither packed nor filed off

packed projects that are automatically unpacked before the data transfer

E-mail projects (*.Z13) that are automatically unpacked before the data transfer

filed off projects (*1)

filed off projects that are available unpacked. (*1)

*1: When selecting these projects a warning appears that infoms you that the projects
in question are filed off for external editing. You can then decide whether you still
want to transfer the project.

Archived projects are not transferred, because the data in such projects are not
saved on the hard drive!

After the transfer, the projects are available as "normal" projects, neither packed nor
filed off, and can therefore be edited.

The following two different modes are available for the project transfer:

Default mode
One-button mode

Proceed as follows in order to transfer EPLAN 5 projects:

EPLAN Training 47
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Project

1. In the EPLAN 5 project import wizard select a master data drive from the
Master data drive drop-down list where you want to save the imported data.
The drives where an ...\EPLAN4\... directory can be found are displayed as
the default here.

2. Click [...] in the Source field.

3. In the EPLAN 5 project selection dialog, select the EPLAN 5 projects you
want to transfer. Multiple selection is possible here. The drives where an
...\EPLAN4\P... directory can be found are displayed.

4. Select the Data backup(Z13, ...) checkbox.

Under Projects all drives are displayed that have a letter assigned, i.e.,
regardless of whether a ...\EPLAN4\P\... directory exists.

5. Click [OK].

6. Click [...] in the Target field.

7. Specify in the Find folder dialog where the files should be saved. In doing this
the default path specified for projects in the settings is used (Options >
Settings > User > Management > Directories). (Project names and the
directory structure of EPLAN 5 source projects are automatically taken on).

8. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 48
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
9. Select the Synchronize imported parts data with the database check box if
parts data transferred in the projects should be directly synchronized with the
database after the project transfer. This is only useful if the EPLAN 5 parts
data have already been imported into the parts database as part of the master
data transfer, because otherwise the synchronization process will not find any
data and the search will waste valuable time.

10. Select the Generate automatic cable check box if the automatic cable should
be automatically generated during the transfer. Deselect the check box in
order to accelerate the transfer.

11. Select the check box Automatic change of status for JIC projects if all
EPLAN 5 projects created with the Schematic logic = "JIC" project parameter
should be converted directly during the data transfer.

12. Click [Next] if you want to specify the language and symbol library
assignments. (This is the so-called Default mode.)
Or click [Finish] if you have already specified the language and symbol library
assignments or want to accept the default settings. (This is the so-called One-
button mode.)

In One-button mode, the program checks whether any symbol assignments

are still missing. If that is the case, a message will appear and you can decide
if you would like to proceed. Otherwise, the transfer is started and a progress
bar shows you the status of the transfer.

If the transfer is completed, a message will appear informing you of the

number of transferred / not transferred projects. If necessary, this transfer log
can be found under Utilities > System messages.

The message management for each project (Project data > Messages >
Management) contains additional detailed information on the individual

The representation type "external" is assigned to automatic cables that do not
exist in EPLAN 5. (They are cable connections, but do not lead to cable

EPLAN Training 49
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

generation in EPLAN 5; instead, they were generated during the data transfer
because of their shields.)

Names and directory structures of EPLAN 5 projects are automatically

transferred, and the directory structure of the source are automatically
recommended - even after the EPLAN 5-specific customer identifier. If a target
project of the same name already exists, you will be prompted whether the
project should be overwritten or not.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 50
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

21 Transferring Projects in Default Mode from

EPLAN 5: Specifying Languages Assignments
The language assignment is important for the project transfer for the following
reasons: Imagine you have used the language identifier "S" for Slovakian in an
EPLAN 5 project (Code page 852) and the project contains texts with special
Slovakian characters. In another project the identifier for Spanish, "S", was used
(Code page 850) (matches the EPLAN 5 default). Both projects are now transferred
together, but the default for the data transfer for language identifiers and codes is not
changed. The transferred project 1 then contains no special Slovakian texts because
the assignment could not be made.

In the Language assignment tab you can specify the necessary settings for cases
that deviate from the defaults. The available characters for language identifiers in
EPLAN 5 are displayed here in a list. These cannot be changed here. Based on the
defaults (Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > EPLAN 5 language
assignment), however, the specific ISO language codes and character sets can be
assigned to the EPLAN 5 language identifiers and can be changed.

For the transferred projects, the EPLAN 5 parameters you specified under Utilities >
Parameters > Project > General > Foreign language can be assigned to the
settings for display and translation languages (Options > Settings > Projects >
"Project name" > Translation > General).

When selecting multiple projects (Projects tab in this wizard) the language
assignments apply for all selected projects.

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Project

1. In the EPLAN 5 project import wizard dialog select the project to be

imported and click [Next].

2. From the ISO language code drop-down list in the Language assignment
tab select the language you would like to assign to the EPLAN 5 language

EPLAN Training 51
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
3. From the EPLAN 5 character set drop-down list select the associated
character set (not the language!) that contains the special characters
necessary for the various languages. The entry is prepopulated with 437.

4. Proceed in a similar manner for all of the additional EPLAN 5 language


5. Or select Popup menu > Default in order to reset the values to the EPLAN-
specific defaults.

6. From the EPLAN 5 character set for non-translatable texts tab select the
character set to be used for language-neutral and non-translatable texts.

7. Click [Next].

The Symbols tab is displayed.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 52
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

22 Transferring Projects in Default Mode from

EPLAN 5: Specify Symbol Library Assignments
This tab is used to assign the symbols to the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries used in the
selected projects. If the program knows the origin of the symbol library, then the
assignment occurs automatically and this is displayed with a check mark under
Status. The data displayed under Source have the following significance:

EPLAN 5 symbol library: Name of the symbol library in EPLAN 5 (write-


Path: File path where the EPLAN 5 symbol library was originally saved (write-

Origin: The assignment table used for assigning symbols.

The following information is displayed in a similar way for the Target:

Standard library: Library for all standard cases that can be assigned using the
default table (write-protected)

User library: Library that in the comparison was shown to contain "different"
customer symbols

Exception library: Library for all exceptions (composite symbols) found based
on the default assignment table (write-protected).

If you select a table from the Origin drop-down list, the entries in the Standard
Library (target) and the Exception Library (target) are automatically updated.

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

Project > EPLAN 5 / fluidPLAN import > Project

1. In the EPLAN 5 project import wizard dialog select the project to be

imported and click [Next].

2. In the Language Assignment tab click [Next].

EPLAN Training 53
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
3. In the Symbols tab click [...] in the User library (target) field of an EPLAN 5
symbol library whose status symbol shows that no assignment has yet been

4. Select a symbol library in the Open dialog. The File type is predefined with
"Symbol library (*.slk)". (Multiple selection isn't possible here).

5. Click [Open].

The status symbol changes to a check mark.

6. Proceed in a similar way for all additional symbol libraries.

7. Or click [Convert] if a User library (target) cell is selected.

8. In the EPLAN 5 symbol import dialog proceed as you would when

transferring symbol libraries.

EPLAN Training 54
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5
9. Click [Finish]. (This button is active once all of the EPLAN 5 symbol libraries
are assigned reference).

The program checks whether symbol assignments are still missing. If that
is the case, a message will appear and you can decide if you would like to
proceed. Otherwise, the transfer is started and a progress bar shows you the
status of the transfer.

If the transfer is completed, a message will appear informing you of the

number of transferred / not transferred projects. If necessary, this transfer log
can be found under Utilities > System messages.

The message management for each project (Project data > Messages >
Management) contains additional detailed information on the individual

The names and directory structure of EPLAN 5 projects are automatically transferred,
whereby the directory structure of the source and indeed after the EPLAN 5-
specific customer identifier is automatically recommended. If a target project of the
same name already exists, you will be prompted whether the project should be
overwritten or not.

EPLAN Training 55
Data Transfer from EPLAN 5

EPLAN Training 56
Data Import from EPLAN 21

Data Import from EPLAN 21

EPLAN Training 1
Data Import from EPLAN 21

1 Transferring Symbol Libraries from EPLAN 21..........................................3

2 Assigning Function Definitions (Loading data from EPLAN 21) ..............5

3 Editing the Connection Point Assignments (Loading data from EPLAN


4 Transferring Mounting Panel Symbols from EPLAN 21 ..........................11

5 Transferring Plug Symbols from EPLAN 21 .............................................13

6 Transferring Plot Frames from EPLAN 21 ................................................17

7 Transferring Forms from EPLAN 21..........................................................19

8 Transferring Parts Data from EPLAN 21 ...................................................21

9 Exporting Parts Data to EPLAN 21 ............................................................23

10 Transferring Language Entries from EPLAN 21.......................................25

11 Exporting Language Entries to EPLAN 21................................................28

12 Transferring Macro Data from EPLAN 21 .................................................31

13 Specifying a Symbol Library Assignment for the EPLAN 21 Macro

Transfer .......................................................................................................33

14 Transferring Projects from EPLAN 21.......................................................35

15 Transferring Projects in Default Mode from EPLAN 21: Specify Symbol

Library Assignments ..................................................................................38

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 2
Data Import from EPLAN 21

1 Transferring Symbol Libraries from EPLAN 21

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Symbol library

1. In the EPLAN 21 symbol library import dialog, click [...] in the Source field.

2. In the Select symbol library dialog select the EPLAN 21 symbol library to be
imported. Multiple selection is not possible here.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Select the Transfer from schematic symbols option and specify the
assignment table in the Original library drop-down list.
Or select the Transfer of mounting panel symbols option.

5. Click [...] in the Target field.

6. Specify in the Browse For Folder dialog where the new symbol library should
be generated.

7. Click [OK].

The symbols are transferred and a progress bar shows the process.
Original EPLAN 21 symbols are not converted, but rather assigned to the
corresponding symbols. Symbols generated or changed by the user, on the
other hand, are saved in a new symbol library and any problems are stored as
properties in this symbol library.

The Function definition assignment - <Symbol library> dialog opens

and displays the symbols of the newly generated symbol library. The program
uses the information from the assignment table or for unknown symbols

EPLAN Training 3
Data Import from EPLAN 21
the EPLAN 21-specific properties "Coils / contact function <4115>" and
"Device class <4003>" as well as the number of connection points in order to
assign the correct function definitions to the symbols in the new symbol library.
It is then checked as to whether the respective function definition matches. If
the function definition was only allocated based on the device class, or it did
not match, a property is saved for the symbol, which helps to select inaccurate
function definitions. In this case a function definition was assigned by the
system that was determined from the separate assignment "EPLAN 21
properties for function definitions". These are only partially correct (NO
contacts, but never delayed NO contacts).

8. Click [Close].

9. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the data transfer.

All properties that are also activated in EPLAN 21 are placed on the symbols. The
properties are then placed on the corresponding layers and docked next to one
another in the sequence they were shown in EPLAN 21. The text sizes for the
properties are set to From layer.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 4
Data Import from EPLAN 21

2 Assigning Function Definitions (Loading data

from EPLAN 21)
The Function definition assignment - <Symbol library> dialog is automatically
opened after the symbol library import, but it can be manually called up via Utilities >
Master data> Symbol library > Function definition assignment. This dialog
displays the symbols and their assigned function definitions in a list, and the list can
be sorted (click the column heading to sort the contents). For every selected symbol,
the graphic of the imported basic symbol and the corresponding associated basic
symbol are shown in the lower portion of the dialog so you can quickly recognize
what type of problem you have.

Any problems that occurred during the data transfer are shown in the upper right
portion of the dialog. One click on a property will select the corresponding symbol in
the list. If the problem is solved, the property can be manually set to "Completed".

The symbols should be revised as follows:


You have selected an EPLAN 21 symbol library for transfer and defined the
appropriate entries in the EPLAN 21 symbol library import dialog.

1. Click a problem message in the upper right portion of the dialog.

The corresponding symbol will be selected in the list.

Or click the symbol in the list that you would like to revise.

2. Click [...] in the Function definition field of the Symbol data group box (right
portion of the dialog).

3. Select a project from the Opened projects list in the Project selection dialog.

4. Click [OK].

EPLAN Training 5
Data Import from EPLAN 21
5. Select the appropriate function definition in the Function definitions dialog.

The corresponding data will be transferred to the Attributes and

Connection point data tabs.

6. Click [OK].

7. If necessary, click [Extras] > Basic symbol library in order to select a

different basic symbol library.

8. If necessary, click [Extras] > Symbol variant assignment in order to assign

other connection points.

9. In the Completed column select the check box to indicate that the problem
has been "solved".

10. Proceed in the same way for all other symbols you would like to revise.

11. Click [Close].

The modified settings are adopted.

Default for the basic symbol library is Base_DIC if "DIC", "DIN", or "IEC" occur in the
symbol library names. If the symbol library name contains the character string "JIC",
the Base_JIC basic symbol library is set. The same process applies to "MSR"
(Base_MSR), "Single" (Base_Single) and "PNE" (Base_Pneumatic).

EPLAN Training 6
Data Import from EPLAN 21
This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 7
Data Import from EPLAN 21

3 Editing the Connection Point Assignments

(Loading data from EPLAN 21)
The sequence of connection points is important for correctly assigning the function
definition connection points to the symbol so that every function definition matches
the connection point assignment of every variant of a symbol without changes. After
the transfer of a symbol library, the symbols are assigned function definitions. In
order to avoid problems associated with having to revise the sequence of connection
points, the sequence of connection points can be defined for individual symbol
variants to where they match the function definition: The individual symbol variant
connection points are each assigned to a function definition connection point.

Because most variants are just rotations and mirrors of the template variant (one of
eight default variants), they are analyzed during the symbol transfer, and each
identified with one of the A-H variants. Some of them can be securely assigned while
others do not allow a secure assignment. Because the Function definition
assignment - <Symbol library> dialog displays all of the variants of every symbol
as well as the basic symbol with its four associated variants, and the connection point
numbers are displayed in the symbol preview, you can recognize in one glance
whether the transferred symbol variants are different from the basic symbol variants.
If a difference is found, proceed as follows:

You have selected an EPLAN 21 symbol library for transfer and defined the
appropriate entries in the EPLAN 21 symbol library import dialog.

You have started the transfer.

The Function definition assignment - <Symbol library> dialog is open.

The function definition matches the first variants for the symbol.

The rotation direction of the variants is clockwise.

The 1, 2, 3, and 4 variants have a rotation angle of 0, 90, 180 and 270.

1. Select [Extras] > Symbol variant assignment.

2. In the Symbol variant assignment dialog you assign a basic symbol variant
to the variants of the imported symbol.

The variant number of the basic symbol (A-H) is saved as the variant
number on the imported symbol and the connection points from the basic

EPLAN Training 8
Data Import from EPLAN 21
symbol variant are written to the variants of the imported symbol. In addition,
the P8 variant (A-H) to which the previous EPLAN 21 variants 0-3 were
assigned are saved with the symbol. This information is necessary for
correctly assigning the connection point designations to the function in a later
project or macro transfers.

3. Click [OK].

4. Proceed in a similar manner for all other problems that may occur.

Symbols that have been edited in EPLAN 21, where P8 cannot identify the
connection points during the transfer, must be revised in the symbol editor.


In this case the program cannot recognize that "X3" is also mirrored. The PE
connection point should be on the left and not on the right. In this case, you also
have to switch the variant C connection points in the symbol editor to solve this

EPLAN Training 9
Data Import from EPLAN 21


This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 10
Data Import from EPLAN 21

4 Transferring Mounting Panel Symbols from

Connections on mounting plate pages are not supported by the program. Symbols
transferred in the normal way can therefore not be used for mounting panels. In
EPLAN 21 this type of symbol is independent of the page type and the symbol itself
does not indicate whether it was created especially for mounting panels. You have to
define the symbol transfer yourself:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Symbol library

1. In the EPLAN 21 symbol library import dialog, click [...] in the Source field.

2. In the Select symbol library dialog select the EPLAN 21 symbol library to be
imported that contains the mounting panel symbols. Multiple selection is not
possible here.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Select the Transfer of mounting panel symbols option.

5. From the Original library drop-down list select the table to be used for
assigning old and new symbols. Based on an internal comparison the program
suggests an assignment table here. If no suitable table can be found, the
drop-down list remains empty and you can select the table manually.

6. Click [...] in the Target field.

EPLAN Training 11
Data Import from EPLAN 21
7. Specify in the Browse For Folder dialog where the new symbol library should
be generated.

8. Click [OK].

In the default macro directory, a folder is created that adopts the name of
the symbol library and generates macros from the symbols. Only graphics and
not connection points are transferred. Use the graphic dimensions to generate
the special "Parts placement " symbol and exchange the placed properties
with property placements.

The macro name is automatically generated according to the following rule:

<Symbol name>_<Variant as number>

Possible problems are stored as properties in the macro. Because macros

do not contain functions, the Function definition assignment - <Symbol
library> does not open.

9. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the data transfer.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 12
Data Import from EPLAN 21

5 Transferring Plug Symbols from EPLAN 21

A part is generated in the parts management for every plug name defined in EPLAN
21. To do this the EPLAN 21 symbol libraries are searched internally for the "Device
class <4003>" = "Plug" property, and other symbols are ignored.

The following information can be stored in the EPLAN 21 symbol library plugs.sym:

Plug graphic
Symbol description
Number of plug contacts
Connection point designations
Potential types
Function texts
Symbol references.

Taken altogether, this data provides the graphic for the symbols and their device

The symbol references are references to other symbol libraries, for example
DIC_WUP.SYM, or customer-specific symbol libraries. The function definitions are
therefore taken from them. It is recommended that you transfer the symbols for plugs
before transferring the plug types. If a symbol library with symbol references has
already been transferred, the function definitions are taken from the P8 library.

The plug contacts defined in the symbol library plugs.sym are each assigned one of
the following function definitions:

Plug / male and female pin

PE plug / male and female pin
N plug / male and female pin.

If you select one of the two options Update existing data for the data transfer, only
the following data will be updated for existing part numbers:

EPLAN Training 13
Data Import from EPLAN 21
Function template
Color / no.

With this type of imported data you can then copy the "technical data" into parts
management in order to add it to parts with just sales data.

The part number is automatically generated from the EPLAN 21 symbol library
names and the symbol names.


Plugs_Harting 16+PE" for the symbol "Harting 16+PE" from the plugs symbol library

Because the plug functions in EPLAN 21 must also be transferred to the parts
database as plug numbering schemes, a separate menu item is available here for the
data transfer. Proceed as follows:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Plug data

1. Click [...] in the Source field of the EPLAN 21 plug data import dialog.

2. In the Select symbol library dialog select the EPLAN 21 symbol library for
plugs to be imported. plugs.sym is the default symbol library. Multiple
selection is impossible here.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Click [...] in the Target field.

5. In the Select parts database dialog select the parts database to which the
plug symbols are to be transferred.

EPLAN Training 14
Data Import from EPLAN 21
6. Click on [Open].

7. In the Import group box select one of the options for handling existing / new
parts records.

8. Click [OK].

The data is transferred and a progress bar shows the process.

If the parts database does not have a part with one of the numbers defined here, new
parts are created, in which the following fields will be filled in:

EPLAN 21 "Symbol name" <5>: becomes "Part number"

EPLAN 21 "Symbol description" <6>:becomes "Designation 1"

EPLAN 21 "Supplementary text field 01" <100> to "10": becomes

"Supplementary text 1" to "10"

EPLAN 21 "Plug: Connection point designation" <4111>:becomes "Create

new function template"

EPLAN 21 "Symbol reference": is not transferred. One symbol can be stored

for each function in the project.

EPLAN 21 "Device identifier" <4001>:is not transferred

EPLAN 21 "Symbol graphic": becomes "Technical data, graphic macro"

EPLAN 21 "Plug contact": becomes "Color / no."

EPLAN 21 "Potential": becomes "Potential".

The save location for macros is the default macro directory. Because this is known,
the graphic macro can be predefined for the new part. The plugs symbols are also
converted to plug numbering schemes i.e., plug schemes are generated from the
EPLAN 21 symbols. The scheme automatically contains the symbol name; the
symbol description is saved in the scheme description; and the contact designation is
saved in the designations.

EPLAN Training 15
Data Import from EPLAN 21

Instead of the transferred symbol, a macro is saved in parts management for the
panel layout. This is necessary because the graphics for the symbols may not be
scaled. In order to use EPLAN 21 symbols for the panel layout, you must transfer the
symbol library with the plug symbols one more time via the option Transfer from
mounting panel symbols. The graphic is only saved as a macro with part
placement once that is done.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 16
Data Import from EPLAN 21

6 Transferring Plot Frames from EPLAN 21

EPLAN 21 plot frames are transferred and support all new functions. EPLAN 21
properties that cannot be assigned in P8 are recorded in message management.

Proceed as follows to transfer EPLAN 21 plot frames:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Plot frame

1. In the EPLAN 21 plot frame import dialog, click [...] in the Source field.

2. In the Select plot frame dialog select the EPLAN 21 plot frames to be
imported. You can select multiple files here.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Click [...] in the Target field.

5. Specify in the Find folder dialog where the files should be saved. In doing this
the default path specified in the settings will be given (Options > Settings >
User > Management > Directories).

6. Click [OK].

The plot frames are transferred and a progress bar shows the process. The
plot frame name is generated automatically from the original file name and the
file type is assigned automatically based on the P8 format options. Possible
problems are saved as properties in the plot frame and, if necessary, can be
viewed under Utilities > System messages.

EPLAN Training 17
Data Import from EPLAN 21
7. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the data transfer.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 18
Data Import from EPLAN 21

7 Transferring Forms from EPLAN 21

EPLAN 21 forms can be transferred individually (single files) or in multiple selections.
EPLAN 21 properties that cannot be assigned are recorded in message

Most EPLAN 21 forms are not exactly DIN A3 size, but a bit smaller. They are
transferred as they are, i.e. they are not exactly DIN A3 size in P8.

Proceed as follows in order to transfer EPLAN 21 forms:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Form

1. In the EPLAN 21 form import dialog, click [...] in the Source field.

2. In the Select form dialog select the EPLAN 21 forms to be imported. You can
select multiple files here.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Click [...] in the Target field.

5. Specify in the Find folder dialog where the files should be saved. In doing this
the default path specified in the settings will be given (Options > Settings >
User > Management > Directories).

6. Click [OK].

The forms are transferred and a progress bar shows the process. The form
name is generated automatically from the original filename and the file type is
assigned automatically based on the P8 format options. Possible problems are
EPLAN Training 19
Data Import from EPLAN 21
saved as properties in the form and, if necessary, can be viewed under
Utilities > System Messages.

7. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the data transfer.

"Text view" type EPLAN 21 forms are transferred as undefined forms (file type
*.efa) and can thus no longer be used.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 20
Data Import from EPLAN 21

8 Transferring Parts Data from EPLAN 21

The EPLAN 21 parts data is transferred 1:1. (Plugs are an exception.) The data is
automatically expanded with the necessary fields for functions, for example, and filled
out to the extent possible. This data transfer must therefore be started before the
transfer of projects. You may have to revise them to enable device assignments.

It makes sense (but is not required) to start the Transfer from mounting panel
symbols (option in the EPLAN 21 symbol library import) before the parts transfer
because the EPLAN 21 symbols for the mounting panel is converted to macros and
the panel layout is only functional once this takes place.

Proceed as follows:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Parts data

1. In the EPLAN 21 parts import dialog, click [...] in the Source field.

2. In the Parts database dialog select the EPLAN 21 parts database to be

imported. You cannot select multiple files here.

3. Click on [Open].

4. Click [...] in the Target field.

5. In the Select parts database dialog, select the parts database to which the
data is to be imported. You cannot select multiple files here.

EPLAN Training 21
Data Import from EPLAN 21
6. Click on [Open].

7. In the Import group box select one of the options for handling existing and
new parts records.

8. Click [OK].

The parts data is transferred and a progress bar shows the process.

9. Click [OK] in the window that informs you about the status of the data transfer.

During the import, the function definitions are set up as effectively as possible
(e.g., "Terminal", but not "PE terminal 4").

The EPLAN 21-specific contactor and cable data are created as a part with
equal value.

The EPLAN 21 parts property "CAD no. <8014>" uses newly generated macros
created according to the following rules instead of the using the previous
symbol references:
$(EPLAN)\Macros\<Customer code>\<Symbol library name>\<Symbol
name>_<Variant as number>.

Almost 100 attributes can be defined for a part in EPLAN 21. For customers who
want to transfer this type of parts data, there is a configurable assignment
table for EPLAN 21 attributes for P8-specific "free properties". Contact support
for any questions.

The EPLAN 21 attributes "Multilingual supplementary text field 01-05" <210> -

<214> are transferred to the free properties 1-5 of the parts database and the
EPLAN 21 attributes "Supplementary text field 01-17" <100 - 116> are
transferred to fields 10 - 26.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 22
Data Import from EPLAN 21

9 Exporting Parts Data to EPLAN 21

Utilities > Parts > Management

Parts can be exported directly from EPLAN 21 into the parts database. Proceed as

1. In P8, in the Parts management dialog, select the menu items [Extras] >

2. In the Export records dialog, click [...] in the File name field.

3. In the Open dialog, enter a recognizable name for the file to be generated in
the Filename field and select the path where you want to save the file.

4. Click on [Open].

5. From the File type drop-down list, select the "Text" export format for the file to
be generated.

6. In the Part type group box select the part type to be considered during export
by selecting / deselecting the corresponding check boxes.

7. In the Trade group box select the trades to be considered during export by
selecting / deselecting the corresponding check boxes.

EPLAN Training 23
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8. Click [OK].

The file is generated under the name provided in the specified directory.

9. In EPLAN 21 browser select the menu items Utilities > Parts management >
Parts management.

10. In EPLAN 21 parts management dialog select the menu items File > Import.

11. In the Import from file dialog, click [...] in the Source field.

12. In the Open file dialog, select the file you previously exported.

13. Click on [Open].

14. From the Mode drop-down list select one of the options for handling existing
and new parts records.

15. Click [OK].

The data is imported to EPLAN 21. Please note here that only data that
EPLAN 21 can save will be transferred and P8-specific information is lost.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 24
Data Import from EPLAN 21

10 Transferring Language Entries from EPLAN 21

When importing language entries, new entries are attached to existing entries in the
dictionary. If identical language entries already exist, you will be prompted whether
the old entries should be overwritten or not. To enable this comparison you have to
select a reference language that is available in the dictionary as well as in the import

The program also informs you if unassigned languages are found in the dictionaries
to be imported. You can specify the missing assignment in the Languages tab under
Options > Settings > User > Interfaces > EPLAN 21 data import.

Proceed as follows in order to transfer language entries:


In EPLAN 21, you must export language entries in Unicode Tab format because this
format can be easily interpreted. If the format does not fulfill this specification (if, for
example, you selected the ANSI_tab.ff format or another format), a message will
appear and the transfer will be interrupted.

1. In EPLAN 21 browser select the menu items Utilities > Translation module
> Export.

2. In the Export language entries dialog specify the scope of the export by
either expanding or reducing the entries in the Selected languages list with
the copy button.

3. Click [...] if the entry in the Format file field is not unicode_tab.ff.

4. In the File format dialog select the file format unicode_tab.ff.

5. Click on [Open].

EPLAN Training 25
Data Import from EPLAN 21
6. Click [...] in the Export file field.

7. In the Export file dialog specify the save location and the name of the export
file to be generated.

8. Click [Save].

9. Select the Only export missing entries check box if only the language
entries to be written to the export file are those that still have missing
translation texts in at least one language.

10. Click [Apply].

The data is exported under the specified file name to the specified

An automatic language assignment takes place when importing: The available

double-digit "language identifiers" from EPLAN 21 are assigned to the associated
five-digit P8 language codes.

After you have exported the language entries in Unicode Tab format from EPLAN 21,
proceed as follows for the import:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Dictionary

1. In the Import dictionary dialog select the previously exported file containing
the EPLAN 21 language entries.

EPLAN Training 26
Data Import from EPLAN 21
2. Click [Open].

The import of the EPLAN 21 dictionary begins.

3. In the Selection of reference language dialog select the language to be used

as a basis for comparing the language entries. (All languages that are in both
the EPLAN 21 dictionary and in the import file are offered here.)

4. Click [OK].

5. If one of the languages to be imported is not yet in the dictionary, you must
specify whether this language should be created and the language entries
should be imported.

6. Depending on the settings regarding how identical data sets are to be treated,
you still have to confirm or decline the overwrite of certain translations.

The language entries are imported, i.e. the texts from EPLAN 21 are
transferred to the dictionary. The progress bar shows the progress of the

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 27
Data Import from EPLAN 21

11 Exporting Language Entries to EPLAN 21

The P8-specific dictionary can also be exported and then (e.g.) imported into EPLAN
21. Proceed as follows:

Utilities > Translation > Edit dictionary

1. In the Management tab in the Dictionary - <Foreign language database>

dialog select [Extras] > Export.

2. In the Export dictionary dialog, select the File type "EPLAN 21 tab-delimited
Unicode file (*.txt)" from the drop-down list.

3. In the File name dialog specify the name of the export file and, if necessary,
select a different directory (the default here is the directory specified for
translation files under Options > Settings > User > Management >

4. Click [Save].

5. If the current dictionary contains multiple languages, select the one that you
would like to export in the Select languages dialog. Multiple selection is
possible here.

6. Click [OK].

The language entries are exported and a progress bar shows the process.

7. Click [Close].

EPLAN Training 28
Data Import from EPLAN 21

An export with two different languages (pt_PT and pt_BR) that would result in one
language in EPLAN 21 (PT) is not possible. In this case the export is interrupted with
an error message.

In EPLAN 21 proceed as follows:

1. In the browser select the menu items Utilities > Translation module >

2. Click [...] if the entry in the Format file field of the Import language entries
dialog is not unicode_tab.ff.

3. In the Format file dialog select the file format unicode_tab.ff.

4. Click [Open].

5. Click [...] in the Import file field.

6. In the Import file dialog, select the file you previously exported.

7. Click on [Open].

EPLAN Training 29
Data Import from EPLAN 21
8. Click [Apply].

The language entries are imported and a progress bar shows the process.

9. Click [Close].

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 30
Data Import from EPLAN 21

12 Transferring Macro Data from EPLAN 21

There is a very helpful assistant available for transferring macro data from EPLAN
21. The source files can be *.mac and *.ez files here. Multiple selections are
possible for *.mac files but not for *.ez files because the symbol libraries stored in
the different *.ez files can be from differing versions.

Proceed as follows in order to transfer EPLAN 21 macros:


The symbol libraries used in EPLAN 21 macros have already been transferred, and if
necessary, must be revised so that the function definitions can be correctly set up in
the macros.

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Macro

1. In the EPLAN 21 macro import wizard, click [Settings] in the Macros tab to
view and possibly edit the settings for directories, languages, and general

2. Click [OK].

3. Click [...] in the Source field.

4. In the Select macro dialog, specify in the Files of type drop-down list whether
you want to transfer an EPLAN 21 archive file (*.ez) or individual macros

5. Select the files to be imported. Multiple selection is possible for macro files.

EPLAN Training 31
Data Import from EPLAN 21
6. Click on [Open].

7. Click [...] in the Target field.

8. In the Select target project dialog, specify where and under what filename
the macro project should be saved. In the directory selected, an additional
subdirectory will be created with the name of the macro project, and the
macros stored there.

All macros, selected in Source are transferred to this project.

It is not possible here to select an existing project and thus expand it, but
rather you must enter a new project.

9. Click [Save].

10. Click [Next].

The EPLAN 21 macros are analyzed and the Symbols tab displays the
symbol libraries used in them. You can accept these or replace them with
existing symbol libraries.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 32
Data Import from EPLAN 21

13 Specifying a Symbol Library Assignment for

the EPLAN 21 Macro Transfer
The symbol libraries used in EPLAN 21 macros must already have been transferred,
because the function definitions in the macros can only be correctly defined using
revised symbol libraries. For this reason, the EPLAN 21 macros selected for the
transfer are analyzed after you click [Next]. The Symbols tab then displays the
recorded symbol data together with the assignment list data. The [Finish] button
remains grayed out until all EPLAN 21 symbol libraries have been assigned a P8

The symbols are stored in the macro project during the transfer and a reference to
the symbol is saved in the individual file macros.

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Macro

1. In the Macros tab of the EPLAN 21 macro import wizard dialog, select the
EPLAN 21 macros and the target project to be imported and click [Next].

2. In the Symbols tab click [...] in the Target file field of an EPLAN 21 symbol
library whose status symbol shows that no assignment has yet been specified.

3. Select a symbol library in the Select symbol library dialog. The file type is
then predefined with "Symbol library (*.slk)". (Multiple selection isn't possible

4. Click on [Open].

5. Proceed in a similar way for all additional symbol libraries.

EPLAN Training 33
Data Import from EPLAN 21
6. Or click [Convert].

7. In the EPLAN 21 symbol library import dialog proceed as you would when
transferring symbol libraries.

8. Click [Finish]. This button is active once all of the EPLAN 21 symbol libraries
have been assigned a P8 reference.

The macros are imported, the newly created macro project is opened, and
a status bar displays the progress of the transfer.

Forms are not used in EPLAN 21 macros, and plot frames are taken from the
specified EPLAN 21 plot frame directory and stored in the macro project. Parts are
transferred exactly like a project.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 34
Data Import from EPLAN 21

14 Transferring Projects from EPLAN 21

The program can transfer projects from EPLAN 21, but it cannot generate any
projects for EPLAN 21. The data transfer is a one-way street in this case.

Please note that only error-free projects can be correctly transferred. This does not
mean that projects with errors can't be transferred. They just won't be error-free and
will need revisions.

ObjectStore databases cannot be imported, but P8 can read the project data in
EASY format.

A wizard is available for project transfers and it is supported in the following transfer

Default mode
One-button mode

Proceed as follows in order to transfer EPLAN 21 projects:


The symbol libraries used in EPLAN 21 projects have already been transferred, and
must, if necessary, be revised so the function definitions can be correctly set up.

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Project

1. In the EPLAN 21 project import wizard, click [Settings] in the Projects tab
in order to view and possibly edit the settings for directories, languages, and
general parameters.

2. Click [OK].

3. Click [...] in the Source field.

EPLAN Training 35
Data Import from EPLAN 21
4. In the Select project dialog, specify in the File type drop-down list whether
you want to transfer an EPLAN 21 archive file (*.ez), individual projects
(*.prj), or project templates (*.tpl).

5. Select the files to be imported. Multiple selection is possible for projects and

6. Click on [Open].

7. Click [...] in the Target field.

8. Specify in the Find folder dialog where the files should be saved. In doing this
the default path specified for projects in the settings is used (Options >
Settings > User > Management > Directories). (Project names and the
directory structure of EPLAN 21 source projects are automatically taken on).

9. Click [OK].

10. Click [Next] if you want to specify the symbol library assignments. (This is the
so-called Default mode.)
Or click [Finish] if you have already specified the symbol library assignments
or want to accept the default settings. (This is the so-called One-button mode.)

The project is analyzed regarding symbol libraries.

11. Depending on the settings you still have to confirm or decline the overwrite of
certain data.

EPLAN Training 36
Data Import from EPLAN 21

It is not possible to transfer all projects in a directory as well as all of the
subdirectories at the same time.

When transferring archive files (*.ez) it can happen that differently named data
backups contain projects with the same names. Therefore, during the transfer
an additional folder with the name of the archive file is created for every
archive file.

This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info

EPLAN Training 37
Data Import from EPLAN 21

15 Transferring Projects in Default Mode from

EPLAN 21: Specify Symbol Library
In this tab, specify the assignments of symbols to EPLAN 21 symbol libraries to be
used in the selected projects. If the program knows the origin of the symbol library,
the assignment is automatic and this is indicated under Status with a check mark.
Already transferred symbol libraries and their assignments are saved in the settings
as recommendations for the next transfer and displayed in this table where the
following data is taken into consideration:

Name: File name of the EPLAN 21 symbol library, write-protected

Path: Full path of the EPLAN 21 symbol library, write-protected

Modification date: Change date of the EPLAN 21 symbol library, write-


Edited by: Last user to edit the EPLAN 21 symbol library, write-protected

Created from: Assignment table that was identified as suitable for the original
file; drop-down list where a different table can be selected. If you select the
"empty entry" here, the assignment function for the symbols is deactivated. In
this case the symbol library is transferred 1:1.

Default: Default target library defined in the assignment table, write-protected;

automatically adjusted to the setting in the Created from drop-down list.

Target file: File name of the symbol library where the symbols are to be saved.
This can be changed by clicking [...].

The directory and filename of the unpacked EZ file are displayed for symbol libraries
saved in an *.EZ file.

Proceed as follows to specify the settings in this tab:

Project > EPLAN 21 data import > Project

1. In the Projects tab of the EPLAN 21 project import wizard dialog, select the
EPLAN 21 projects and the target project to be imported and click [Next].

EPLAN Training 38
Data Import from EPLAN 21
2. In the Symbols tab click [...] in the Target file field of an EPLAN 21 symbol
library whose status symbol shows that no assignment has yet been specified.

3. Select a symbol library in the Select symbol library dialog. The file type is
predefined with "Symbol library (*.slk)". (Multiple selection isn't possible here.)

4. Click [Open].

The status symbol changes to a check mark.

5. Proceed in a similar way for all additional symbol libraries.

6. Or click [Convert] if a Created from cell is selected.

7. In the EPLAN 21 symbol library import dialog proceed as you would when
transferring symbol libraries.

EPLAN Training 39
Data Import from EPLAN 21
8. Click [Finish].

The program checks whether symbol assignments are still missing. If that
is the case, a message will appear and you can decide if you would like to
proceed. Otherwise, the transfer is started and a progress bar shows you the
status of the transfer.

If the transfer is completed, a message will appear informing you of the

number of transferred / not transferred projects. If necessary, this transfer log
can be found under Utilities > System messages.

The message management for each project (Project data > Messages >
Management) contains additional detailed information on the individual

EPLAN Training 40
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EPLAN Training 41

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