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MedicineToday 2014; 15(9): 47-51



Understanding and
Key points
Polymyalgia rheumatica
(PMR) is the second most
common inflammatory
disorder affecting men and
women over the age of
Polymyalgia rheumatica is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects
50 years.
The cardinal features of the shoulder and pelvic girdle. Diagnosis is based on a clinical
PMR are sudden-onset construct, and prednisolone remains the mainstay of treatment.
bilateral shoulder and pelvic

girdle pain and stiffness, in n 1888 Dr William Bruce first described interphalangeal synovitis is significantly
combination with raised polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) as senile morecommon in patients with late-onset RA.2
inflammatory markers. rheumatic gout when he documented a series Similarly, the related condition giant cell
About one-half of patients of elderly patients presenting with disabling arteritis (GCA) may be characterised by a
diagnosed with PMR exhibit proximal joint and muscle pain.1 Today, PMR polymyalgic onset. Clinicians must therefore
distal manifestations is recognised as a common chronic inflamma- be vigilant in screening patients with PMR
including peripheral arthritis. tory disorder characterised by sudden-onset for features suggestive of an alternative pathol-
Concomitant giant cell bilateral shoulder and pelvic girdle pain, and ogy. The European League against Rheuma-
arteritis can occur in 16 to early morning stiffness that affects men and tism (EULAR) and American College of
21% of patients with PMR. women over the age of 50 years. Rheumatology (ACR) have recently released
A weaning course of As a diagnosis of PMR is based on clinical classification criteria to aid the differentiation
prednisolone over one to features and raised inflammatory markers, of PMR from other rheumatic diseases
two years remains the distinguishing it from late-onset rheumatoid (Table).2
mainstay of treatment for arthritis (RA) can be difficult. Although about Research indicates that most cases of PMR
patients with PMR. 50% of patients diagnosed with PMR exhibit are managed exclusively in general practice.3
Preventive health measures distal joint manifestations, the combination For primary care providers, the diagnostic

in patients with PMR should of wrist and metacarpophalangeal or proximal uncertainty associated with PMR can be
include assessment of bone
health and treatment of Dr Owen is a Clinical Research Fellow, Department of Rheumatology, Austin Health, Melbourne. Dr Golder is a
modifiable cardiovascular Registrar,
Copyright _Layout Department
1 17/01/12 1:43 PMof Rheumatology,
Page 4 Monash Health, Melbourne. Dr Littlejohn is Emeritus Director, Department
risk factors. of Rheumatology, Monash Health, Melbourne, Vic.

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polymyalgia rheumatica CONTINUED

Several infectious agents (e.g. Myco-

plasma pneumoniae, parvovirus B19)
have been investigated as possible triggers
Features Points Points with of PMR. In all cases, no microorganism
without ultrasound has been consistently linked to the patho-
genesis of the condition.7 Other studies
Morning stiffness duration >45 minutes 2 2 have reported seasonal variations or
cycles of incidence, but their cause
Hip pain or limited range of motion 1 1
remains unclear.9
Absence of rheumatoid factor or ACPA 2 2 A mild synovitis with macrophage and
CD4+ T cell infiltration characterises
Absence of other joint involvement 1 1
thepathology of PMR within the gleno-
Ultrasound examination showing: humeral joint, although periarticular
at least one shoulder with subdeltoid bursitis and/ N/A 1 structures including the bursa and muscle
or biceps tenosynovitis and/or glenohumeral are also affected.10 In particular, increased
synovitis (either posterior or axillary) and at least cytokine levels have been previously
one hip with synovitis and/or trochanteric bursitis demonstrated in the muscle interstitium
N/A 1 of patients with PMR.11
both shoulders with subdeltoid bursitis, biceps
tenosynovitis or glenohumeral synovitis
ABBREVIATIONS: ACPA = anti-citrullinated protein antibody; ACR = American College of Rheumatology; Pain and stiffness in the bilateral shoulder
EULAR = European League against Rheumatism; N/A = not applicable. girdle is the presenting complaint in 70
* Required criteria are age 50 years, bilateral shoulder aching and abnormal C-reactive protein level and/or to 95% of patients with PMR (Figure 1).12
erythrocyte sedimentation rate. A score of 4 or more without an ultrasound examination is categorised as PMR
and a score of 5 or more with an ultrasound examination is categorised as PMR.
Involvement of the neck and hips is less
Reproduced with permission from Dasgupta B et al. Arthritis Rheum 2012; 64: 943-954. American College of
common (50 to 70%). Typically, prolonged
Rheumatology 2012. early morning stiffness (>45 minutes
duration) accompanies these symptoms,
and constitutional features such as
particularly disconcerting. Furthermore, at 2.43% for women and 1.66% for men).6 low-grade fevers and fatigue may also
treatment dilemmas often arise from an The pathogenesis of PMR is unknown. be present. On examination, painful
incomplete response to or inability to taper Like most autoimmune conditions, it is limitation of shoulder and hip movements
prednisolone therapy. This article will postulated to result from the interaction of is observed, without evidence of joint
address these common issues and review susceptible genetics with as yet unidentified effusion. Muscle strength is normal,
recent advances in our understanding of environmental factors. unlike in the differential diagnosis of
the pathophysiology, diagnosis and In patients with GCA, a clear associ- inflammatory myositis.
treatment of PMR. The flowchart on page ation exists between vasculitis and the Heterogeneity in the clinical features
49 outlines a suggested diagnostic and genes that lie within the human leukocyte and disease course of PMR is well recog-
treatment pathway for PMR. antigen (HLA) class II region.7 The same nised. About one-half of patients diag-
is not true for patients with PMR where nosed with PMR show distal mani
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND genetic susceptibility varies from one festations, including peripheral arthritis
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY population to another. For example, (classically nonerosive, self-limited and
The incidence of PMR is highest in indi- although HLA-DRB1*04 is associated asymmetrical), carpal tunnel syndrome
viduals of Northern European descent, with with PMR in Northern European popu- and peripheral oedema.2 In this group,
a prevalence of about six in 1000 people.5 lations such as Scandinavia, this allele is distinguishing PMR from the differential
Women are significantly more likely to infrequently found among Italians who diagnosis of late-onset RA is vital to facil-
be diagnosed with the condition (up to develop PMR.8 Instead, a polymorphism itate early initiation of disease-modifying
twofold), and rates increase steadily with of the intercellular adhesion molecule 1is antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) in the
age until the eighth decade of life. When frequently seen in this Southern Euro- latter. The combination of wrist and
compared with other inflammatory con- pean group. These observations highlight metacarpophalangeal or proximal
ditions, PMR ranksCopyright
second only
_Layoutto RA in the 1:43
1 17/01/12 genetic
Page 4 that contributes interphalangeal synovitis is significantly
terms of its lifetime incidence risk (estimated to PMR risk. more common in patients with late-onset

48 MedicineToday x SEPTEMBER 2014, VOLUME 15, NUMBER 9

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Patient presents with bilateral shoulder

and/or pelvic girdle pain

Are the following clinical features also present?

Age 50 years
Early morning stiffness >45 minutes
No headache, scalp tenderness, jaw claudication, visual change
No rigors, nightsweats or profound loss of weight

Yes No

Do investigations show the following results? Investigate for the

Elevated ESR and CRP levels presence of other
Normal FBC, UEC, LFT, calcium, TSH, inflammatory conditions, Figure 1. Typical sites of pain in patients
creatine kinase metabolic disorders, with polymyalgia rheumatica. Shaded
Negative rheumatoid factor and ACPA infection or malignancy areas demonstrate the distribution in
Optional ultrasound results consistent the shoulder and pelvic girdle.
with classification criteria for PMR (Table)

frequently than expected by chance.14

Concomitant large vessel vasculitis is
Yes No found in 16 to 21% of patients with PMR,
and up to 50% of patients diagnosed with
GCA have musculoskeletal symptoms
Start treatment for Investigate for the consistent with PMR.15 GCA can develop
polymyalgia rheumatica presence of other before, during or after PMR. Symptoms
Prednisolone 15 mg/day inflammatory conditions, such as headache, scalp tenderness, jaw
for 3 weeks, wean as metabolic disorders, claudication and visual change must
per BSR guidelines4 infection or malignancy therefore be screened for at diagnosis and
follow up in all patients with PMR. If
suspicions of GCA arise, high-dose pred-
Follow up at 1 to 3 and 6 weeks, and 3, 6, 9 and 12 months nisolone should be initiated and urgent
If relapse occurs (symptom recurrence with elevated ESR/CRP), temporal artery biopsy arranged.
reinstate previous prednisolone dose for 4 weeks, then resume Other red flags such as rigors, night
weaning schedule sweats and profound loss of weight are
If there is recurrent relapse, consider DMARD initiation inconsistent with PMR and should prompt
evaluation for mimics such as infection
ABBREVIATIONS: ACPA = anti-citrullinated protein antibody; BSR = British Society for Rheumatology; and malignancy.
CRP = C-reactive protein; DMARD = disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs; ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate;
FBC = full blood count; LFT = liver function tests; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone; UEC = urea, electrolytes and
Laboratory tests
RA than PMR and should prompt has been identified as more typical of The inflammatory markers, erythrocyte
consideration of referral of the patient to a patients with PMR.2 sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive
specialist.13 Conversely, hip_Layout
Copyright pain with a
1 17/01/12 Although the link
1:43 PM Page 4 is poorly delineated, protein (CRP) level, are typically elevated
limited range of movement on examination PMR and GCA occur together more by two to 10 times the upper limit in

MedicineToday x SEPTEMBER 2014, VOLUME 15, NUMBER 9 49

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polymyalgia rheumatica CONTINUED

99.1% specificity.18 Both ultrasound

examination and MRI can detect this
bursitis, along with biceps tenosynovitis
and g lenohumeral synovitis of the shoul-
ders, and trochanteric bursitis of the hips.
However, none of these observations can
be relied upon solely to distinguish PMR
from late-onset RA.13
Whole-body positron emission
tomography (PET)/CT scanning is an
evolving investigative tool in patients
with PMR and was recently suggested as
a one-stop shop for diagnosis (Figure
2).19 A characteristic distribution of
increased f luorodeoxyglucose uptake at
the shoulders (93.4%), interspinous pro-
cesses (51.4%) and large vessel vascula-
ture (31.4%) is seen.20 Consequently, this
modality offers a tool with which to
document the distribution of disease
activity (bursitis, synovitis, concomitant
GCA) and effectively exclude differential
diagnoses such as infection and malig-
nancy. However, at present, the use of
whole-body PET/CT is predominantly
Figure 2. Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (PET)/CT scanning in a limited to research settings.
patient with unsuspected polymyalgia rheumatica.19 a (top, left). Maximum intensity
projection image providing a whole-body overview. b (top, middle) and c (top, right). DIAGNOSIS CLASSIFICATION
Coronal and three-dimensional PET/CT bone scans showing interspinous bursitis. CRITERIA
d (bottom, left) and e (bottom, middle). Vasculitis of large and medium-sized vessels, with In 2012, the EULAR/ACR classification
high uptake in the aortic arch and great vessels. f (bottom, right). Widespread bursitis criteria for PMR were released in order
and enthesopathy. to classify this clinical syndrome as a
Courtesy of Associate Professor Michael Hofman. distinct disease entity and thereby dif
ferentiate PMR from other rheumatic
diseases. Ageat onset of 50 years or older,
patients with PMR, although patients conditions (e.g. myositis), metabolic dis- bilateral shoulder aching and abnormal
with normal results have been infre- orders (e.g. hypothyroidism), infection ESR and/or CRP levels represent required
quently reported.16 ESR and CRP levels and malignancy. Simple measures such criteria, with an additional scoring algo-
should respond and eventually normalise as a full blood count, measurement of rithm as outlined in the Table.2 In the
following treatment with prednisolone. calcium and creatine kinase levels, and absence of competing diagnoses, a score
Therefore, persistently abnormal ESR thyroid function tests are advisable. Test- of four or more points is indicative of
and CRP values are concerning and ing for the presence of rheumatoid factor PMR (sensitivity 72% and specificity
mayrepresent an alternative diagnosis, and anti-citrullinated peptide autoanti- 65%).
including GCA (even in the absence of bodies (ACPA) should also be performed, The algorithm can be extended to
symptoms localising to the temporal and these results are expected to be neg- include ultrasound results where possible,
arteries). Disease relapse following clinical ative in patients with PMR. and a score of five or more points is then
remission may also be preceded by rising required for a diagnosis of PMR. Findings
inflammatory markers.17 Imaging of bilateral shoulder abnormalities or
Additional investigations should aim Bilateral subacromial-subdeltoid bursitis abnormalities in one shoulder and hip
to exclude conditions that _Layout
Copyright may mimic is the
1 17/01/12 1:43hallmark
PM Page lesion
4 of PMR, being significantly improve the specificity (70%)
PMR, including other inflammatory associated with 92.9% sensitivity and of the clinical criteria.2

50 MedicineToday x SEPTEMBER 2014, VOLUME 15, NUMBER 9

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TREATMENT efficacy of methotrexate for initial treat- eterogeneity in its clinical presentation
Despite certain advances, PMR is still ment.22 A small case series recently reported and in patients responses to predniso-
subject to wide variations of clinical promise with leflunomide treatment, but lone therapy. In particular, evolution to
practice. Prednisolone represents the there were limitations with the studys an alternative diagnosis such as late-onset
mainstay of treatment, but randomised design.23 Similarly, case reports suggest that RA or the development of concomitant
controlled trials are lacking. As a result, tumour necrosis factor-inhibitors may have GCA must not be missed. New develop-
the efficacy of different initial doses or a corticosteroid-sparing effect.24 DMARD ments such as the 2012 EULAR/ACR
drug-tapering regimens of prednisolone initiation should be considered in the event classification c riteria and the BSR guide-
are unknown. that a patient has relapsed on more than lines for the management of patients
The British Society for Rheumatology two occasions.4 with PMR have helped further charac-
(BSR) guidelines for the management terise this disease entity and standardise
of patients with PMR represent a recently PROGNOSIS AND COMPLICATIONS its treatment. P reventive health meas-
developed consensus-based regimen for Early studies indicate that the natural ures in patients with PMR should
treatment. Prednisolone 15 mg/day is history of PMR involves symptom include assessment of bone health and
initiated for three weeks, weaned to resolution after a period of about two treatment of modifiable cardiovascular
12.5mg/day for a further three weeks, years.25 Having said this, up to 50% of risk factors.  MT
then 10 mg/day for four to six weeks, patients require prednisolone therapy
and finally reduced by 1 mg/day every beyond this time for persistent disease REFERENCES
four to eight weeks thereafter.4 Frequent manifestations.26
follow up should be arranged (at 0, one In the long term, a diagnosis of PMR A list of references is included in the website version
to three, and six weeks, and three, six, is associated with an increased preva- ( and the iPad app
nine and 12months) to monitor the lence of cardiovascular comorbidities, version of this article.
patients treatment response and assess including coronary artery disease,
disease activity. In the event of relapse peripheral arterial disease and cerebro- COMPETING INTERESTS: None.
(arbitrarily defined by the recurrence vascular disease.27 As in other inflam-
of symptoms and raised ESR or CRP matory conditions (e.g.RA and systemic
levels), the prednisolone dose should be lupus erythematosus), disease control Online CPD Journal Program
increased to the previous higher dose isthe basis for prevention of this out-
for four weeks before the weaning sched- come, but modifiable risk factors should
ule is reinstated.4 also be treated. However, mortality is
However, even patients with a classic not increased in patients with PMR
presentation of PMR may vary in their compared with unaffected individuals.28
response to therapy with three distinct Conversely, complications of therapy
groups identified in one study:21 such as diabetes mellitus, vertebral and
those who responded rapidly and hip fractures (associated with a 2.5-fold
required prednisolone for less than increased risk) must be minimised.29 A
one year duration baseline dual energy x-ray absorptiom-
those who responded well initially etry (DEXA) scan is recommended to
but did not tolerate prednisolone assess bone mineral density (BMD)
weaning before starting prednisolone treatment.
those who had only a partial response Bisphosphonate therapy is indicated
to the initial prednisolone dose. when the patients BMD T score is -1.5 Is early morning stiffness a
Treatment dilemmas therefore arise or less in patients receiving prednisolone characteristic of polymyalgia
in patients with nonresponse, inability to 7.5 mg/day or more for three months or rheumatica?
taper and the need for prolonged therapy longer. Calcium and vitamin D supple-
beyond two years; specialist referral of mentation should also be initiated where Review your knowledge of this topic
and earn CPD points by taking part in
these patients should be considered. necessary.
MedicineTodays Online CPD Journal Program.
The role of DMARDs in managing
patients with PMR is unclear with mixed CONCLUSION Log in to
results (two positive, one negative)
Copyright _Layout from PMR
1 17/01/12 is PM
1:43 a common,
Page 4 chronic inflamma-
randomised clinical trials assessing the tory condition that can exhibit significant

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MedicineToday 2014; 15(9): 47-51

Understanding and managing

polymyalgia rheumatica

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