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Missions to glorify… whom?

John Piper is a reformed pastor who was known for his books: Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ, Jesus
Demands from the World, The Legacy of the Sovereign Joy and many others. He has several projects
abroad to make the name of Jesus known. One of the most interesting things is that the literature
produced by him is translated into several languages. From Portuguese to Arabic. 

I've read a book written by him that talks about Ruth and her importance in the lineage of Jesus. I was
reading with my Bible study group the book What Jesus Demands from the World. He speaks with great
care and the best part is the biblical foundation that he demonstrates in his sermons, articles and books. 

I was reading one of his sermons and it called my the attention, for he shared a few important things that
happen in missions. The text is based on Psalm 96. The first verses of this psalm speak very clearly what
we should do, what our mission is. Salvation must be announced day after day. "Sing to the Lord, praise
His name and proclaim his salvation from day to day." Psalms 96:2 Do you do that? No? Have you
forgotten? Yeah, we forget it is our responsibility. We as children and servants of God have the task of
proclaiming who He is, moreover, that He alone saves. Verse 3 says we should talk to peoples and
nations, this means - wherever you are, about His glory and His wonders ("Proclaim among the nations
his glory among all peoples his wonders"). 

God made things in my life that I did not expect. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my
ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9 I try to demonstrate, speak
of the wonders God has done, from small things to the largests. I believe you also have experienced
God’s wondera. And the glory? Well, depending on your relationship with Him you acknowledge that for
every situation it should be given the glory to Him. That's it. He and period. But we as humans might think
that the glory should be divided. No-no-no-no-noooo. We are nothing but instruments in His hand. We are
vessels made of clay. Vessels that can be broken and still be made new in the potter's hand. 

This psalm is meant to remind us who God is. And to whom recognition, adoration and glory are to be
given. In his sermon, John Piper said  “Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among
all the peoples!” We are speaking of glory. We are speaking of marvelous works, not boring works. Nor
ordinary works. We have tasted and seen that this God is greater to know than all other greatness. About
our role in missions he said," You were made for this. I mean, all they say in your heart, 'Jesus is
Lord'. When you confess Jesus as the Lord of the universe, you sign up for significance beyond all your
dreams. [...] To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations for which he died and will reign." He didn’t die
only for me. Do you want to make Him known? Do you want to give glory to Him and Him alone? Join us,
justified sinners willing to fulfill the plans of the Father.

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