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changed the therapeutic management most tender region is deep in the pelvis, vaginal

Perspective in 26% of patients [4]. In three independent

studies using sonography, negative
sonography may help not only in detecting
conditions but also in diagnosing sigmoid
Sonography rates were 13%, 13%, and 7%, respectively,
[4-61 with a concomitant reduction in
diverticulitis 171or appendicitis [8] (Fig. 4).
Asking patients to point out the most tender

and the Acute unnecessary

surgical delay. In our institution, virtually
region can be especially important in conditions
that typically cause localized tenderness but do
all patients with acute or subacute abdominal
Abdomen: pain are referred for a sonogram, including
patients for whom surgery seems definitely
not have conspicuous sonographic features.
omental infarction 19]. Epiploic
Practical required as well as patients with a remote
possibility appendagitis f 10), an incarcerated spigelian or
Considerations ofrequiring surgery (Figs. 1 and 2).
Not surprisingly, sonography of the acute
epiga.stric hernia, a small rectus hematoma [I I],
or sigmoid diverticulitis [ I 2, 13j are a few such
Julien B. C. M. Puylaert1, Friso M. abdomen has markedly affected routine conditions (Figs. 5 and 6).
van der Zant1, Arie M. Rijke2 practice On the other hand. diagnostic signs can be
in many institutions. Sonography performed found at a considerable distance from the most

O on indication of acute abdominal pain tender region. In appendicitis. the pain is

makes up 25% of all abdominal sonographic sometimes
ver the past 10 years, sonography examinations at our institution, and diffuse in the lower abdomen, a patient
..has gained acceptance for examin ing nationwide, may present with a perforated duodenal
patients with acute abdominal acute abdominal pain has become the ulcer
pain. Sonography is dynamic, noninvasive, most frequent reason for radiologists to go in that causes right lower quadrant pain because
rapid, inexpensive, and readily accessible; to the hospital when they are on call. the gastric contents track down the right
however, it has some serious drawbacks. parecolic
Sonography or CT as Initial gutter. small-bowel obstruction may cause
Use is Technique? maximum pain at a marked distance from the
limited in obese patients; the ultrasound Several acute abdominal conditions are more site of obstruction (Fig. 7), a stone in the distal
beam easily detected on a CT scan than on a ureter may present with only flank pain, air
cannot penetrate bone or gas; and sonography, sonogram. in
more than other radiologic techniques, is operator-
They include a ruptured aortic aneurysm, the biliary system with small bowel obstniction
dependent and requires skill, dedication,
an aortic dissection, an esophageal rupture, a may indicate a gallstone ileus, or liver
and experience.
mycotic aneurysm, an acute pancreatitis, an metastases may indicate an underlying
In this perspective, several practical aspects
incarcerated internal hernia, and perirenal malignancy
of using sonography on patients with acute
abdominal pain are highlighted. These aspects
and in patients with an appendiceal mass.
hepatic abscesses. In addition, CT scans These examples all emphasize the importance
include the choice between sonography usually of examining the entire abdomen.
and CT provide better results in obese patients who If the anatomy is aberrant. especially in the
as an initial examining technique, the timing have retrocecal appendicitis, appendiceal case of an inflamed appendix far removed
of abscess, deeply located sigmoid diverticulitis, from the point where the gridiron incision is
the sonographic examination, sonographically closed-loop bowel obstruction, gastrointestinal normally made. The appendix should be
guided puncture, the value of indirect perforation to the retropetitoneum, and marked on the skin with an indelible pencil
sonographic emphysematous (Fig. 8). Sonography in patients with an acute
findings, the significance of normal cholecystitis. However, in experienced abdomen should be performed with graded
findings on a sonogram, and, finally, commu nication compression similar to gentle palpation [ 14).
hands, the sonograrn can still be used to
with the clinician. reliably diagnose most acute abdominal Compression shortens the distance from the
Indications conditions transducer to the abnormal structure and
Traditionally, surgeons have accepted a high in most patients [4]. Therefore, a reason-able allows
negative laparotomy rate to avoid the risks of the use of a high-frequency probe. It is also
course of action is to begin with the least
ill-advised surgical delay. Nonetheless, serious used to compress or displace gas-
expensive and least invasive technique and
surgical delay inside the hospital is common. A containing
prospective study of patients with a suspected bowel. thereby reducing the disturbing effect
to a CT scan only in cases of an
appendicitis showed a negative laparotomy of
rate gas on the sonographic images. Compression
of 27%; and concomitant serious therapeutic also involves determining the extent an organ
Examination Technique
delay in 14% of patients who needed surgery and its surrounding tissues can be compressed.
Examination of the entire abdomen, from
[1]. Another prospective study dividing For instance, compression allows
the axilla to the groin. in
patients identification
patients with acute
into three categories (high, equivocal, and low of gallbladder hydrops as well as assessment of
clinical suspicion) showed that even in the abdominal pain is more than a routine survey
of all abdominal organs. The examination appendiceal rigidity in appendicitis (Fig. 9).
highsuspicion Finally, compression should always be applied
involves a sonographically guided. rational
group, 35% of the patients did not in a graded manner to minimize pain.
approach to the clinical problem of that
have an appendicitis, whereas 5% of the If. despite compression. gas continues to
patients in the low-suspicion group had an patient. During the examination, the hamper the sonographic examination, the
inflamed appendix [2]. In 30 patients with a radiologist should continuously consider all patient can be scanned with the transducer
ruptured aortic aneurysm, treatment was possible differential diagnoses depending on positioned posterolaterally over the flank. In
delayed more than 6 hr because of misdiagnosis the sonographic findings. This this manner. ventrally located gas in partially
[3]. These figures show that the clinical symptomdirected fluid-filled bowel loops or gas-containing
diagnosis sonographic examination requires abscesses can be avoided (Fig. 10). With the
of an acute abdomen is unreliable and that communication with the patient because specific patient in a left lateral decubitus position, free
the threshold for radiologic imaging studies findings may raise specific questions air should specifically be looked for between
should be low. The concept of sonography as and. conversely, information provided by the
a helpful diagnostic tool used only in cases of patient may lead to a search for a specific the lateral abdominal wall and the liver.
clinical doubt is and should be rejected. sonographic feature (Fig. 3).
Timing of the Sonographic
Similarly. sonographic examination is closely
The impact of sonography on clinical Examination
linked with physical examination. A dual
management Many acute abdominal conditions show a
exami-nation is helpful when identifying what tendency toward spontaneous resolution;
of patients with an acute abdomen is
organ or however, symptoms may recur later.
impressive. In a study of patients with suspected
structure corresponds to the most painful Intermittent
appendicitis, sonographic findings
area or episodes of abdominal pain are predominantly
palpable mass. For example. if in women the
seen in cases of obstruction. findings may be of help. further workup is required. This problem
When the obstruction is relieved, the occurs frequently in young women in whom
The most helpful indirect findings are related appendicitis must be differentiated from
to gastrointestinal pertration. such as may adnexi-tis. Normal sonographic findings do
resolve. and when the obstruction
occur in appendicitis, diverticulitis. Crohns not exclude
recurs, the symptoms reappear. disease,
This scenario is seen in biliary and urinary appendicitis or adnexitis. In this context, the
peptic ulcer disease, and bowel cancer. In
stone disease. appendicitis. intussusception, role of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate
all of these conditions, protective migration
incarcerated hernia, and small-bowel obstruction must
from adhesions. Sonographic findings during be emphasized, because in adnexitis it is
omentum, inesenteiy, and bowel loops to
an episode of pain may differ significantly usually
high at the time of admission. If the
from findings immediately after such an site of imminent perThration occurs in an
attempt to seal offand prevent spillage of howel
episode sedimentation rate is markedly elevated in a
and from the findings several days after contents into the peritoneal cavity. The
young and not too obese woman with
such an episode. For instance, if a patient is migrating,
examined during an episode of biliary colic, a inflamed fatty mesentery and omentum are
sonographic findings. adnexitis is strongly
sonogram may show hydrops, thickening of recognized as amorphous masses of
favored. The reasoning is as follows: if the high
the hyperechoic,
erythrocyte sedimentation rate had been caused
gallbladder wall, a sonographic Murphys noncompressible tissue. This inflamed
by appendicitis, conspicuous and extensive
sign, fat is usually concentrated around the
inflammatory periappendiceal changes would
and an impacted stone. A few days later, diseased
be present that would not have gone unnoticed
when organ and, although often prominent, can
during sonography.
the symptoms have subsided, all that is found easily
Another condition in which no sonographic
is be overlooked on a sonogram. The most
abnormalities are found in the presence ofa high
a morphologically normal gallbladder conspicuous
erythrocyte sedimentation rate is pyelonephritis;
containing feature of inflamed fat is its noncompressibility,
however, this diagnosis is usually made on
a mobile stone. Sonographic findings which is best observed by applying
should always be correlated with the course of intermittent graded compression with the
presentation. It can, however,
the symptoms in time. Dilatation due to masquerade as
Inflamed fat, especially in advanced
an a condition requiting surgery and lead to an
cases, is well recognized on a CT scan as
obstruction ofthe gallbladder, kidney, bowel, or unnecessary laparotomy. Thickening ofthe
appendix may disappear quickly after relief of pyelocaliceal
streaky (dirty) areas in the abdominal
the obstruction. However, the inflammatory wall and local tenderness over the kidney
fat(dirtyfat)(Fig. 14).
changes associated with the process of may provide clues to the diagnosis [ I 8J.
Secondary mural thickening of the neighboring
obstruction Two other diseases that initially do not give
bowel loops, such as seen in appendicitis,
often remain sonographically visible for rise to abnormal sonographic findings are
is another indirect sign. This finding can
days or weeks even when the symptoms have be confusing and may be interpreted as such pancreatitis
long since subsided. These residual changes and mesenteric ischemia [19). Pancreatitis
explain why an impressive cholecystitis or primary bowel wall diseases as infectious is usually diagnosed by an elevated
appendicitis can be documented ileocolitis. amylase level in both urine and serum.
sonographically Crohns disease, or ischemia I 15). Mesenteric ischemia, however, can be a
in a patient free ofsymptoms at the time of Other useful indirect findings are associated diagnostic
the sonogram 16](Fig. I 1). with abscesses, which occur when a nightmare.
Preferably, the examination should be done gastrointestinal perforation is not effectively When no sonographic abnormalities are
during an episode of pain for two reasons. Not sealed off. Often the underlying found in a patient with severe epigastric or
only is the chance of a diagnostic sonographic causeappendicitis, upper quadrant symptoms, a myocardial
finding greater but it also guarantees optimal diverticulitis, Crohns disease, infarction
timing or a malignancy-can be determined. In or a pulmonary cause should be considered.
of possible surgery. In case of intennirtent cases of large, gas-containing abscesses, this A subtle amount of pleural fluid or a
episodes ofpain, the patient should be warned determination may be difficult I 16, 17). An region of pulmonary consolidation may be
to abscessogram done some days after the first clue to the diagnosis of pulmonary
seek immediate medical attention during the next percutaneous embolism or early pneumonia (Fig. 16).
episode so that sonography, and possibly drainage and a repeated sonogram If, in a patient with severe abdominal
surgery, may, as yet, reveal the underlying symptoms, both sonographic and laboratory
can be performed without delay (Fig. 12). condition. findings are repeatedly normal. a psychogenic
Another indirect sonographic sign is cause or functional bowel disorder should be
Sonographically Guided Puncture
related to free perforation. If the process of suspected. If the sonographic examination
In patients with an acute abdomen, a small
sealing the bowel has been completely is
amount of free fluid may occur in both
ineffective not conclusive, the most useful
and the bowel contents are spilling complementary
and nonsurgical conditions and, as such, study is a CT scan, especially if the
is nonspecific. Identifying the nature of the into the peritoneal cavity. first a local and
then a generalized peritonitis with paralytic patient is obese or is not suitable for
fluid, however, can be helpful. sonography
Sonographically ileus will ensue. The presence of dilated
fluid-filled bowel loops with absent peristalsis in other respects.
guided puncture carries virtually no
risk and allows rapid differentiation between is an important clue and. in most cases, Communication with the Clinician
blood, pus, and bile, and additional laboratory indicates a gastrointestinal perforation For mote than a century, surgeons have been
investigation can distinguish further requiring taught to rely on their clinical impression in
between gastric fluid, pancreatic fluid, and surgical treatment (Fig. 15). their
malignant ascites (Fig. 13). Normal Sonographic Findings decision between surgery and conservative
Indirect Sonographic Findings It is not unusual to find no sonographic management
Many sonographic diagnoses such as abnormalities whatsoever in patients with an of patients with an acute abdomen.
appendicitis, acute abdomen. In patients with a low Understandably, surgeons have viewed the ad vance
renal colic, or cholecystitis are fairly clinical ofsonography in this field with caution and
straightfoaward and can be made with suspicion of disease requiring surgery, a perhaps even some distrust. The realization that
confidence. negative clinical astuteness is being challenged by
However, sometimes the primary sonographic examination can usually be technology
condition taken as confirmation that no condition has c&tsed both excitement and confusion
is not well, or not at all, recognizable by requiring [20}; therefore, radiologists must have a good
sonography. In such cases, indirect sonographic surgery exists. lf however, clinical findings relationship
and laboratory tests suggest a serious abnormality, with surgeons. A good relationship starts
with mutual confidence and good communication.
Radiologist and surgeon should speak acornmon
language. Tenns such as phlegmon,
perforation, walled-offperforation,
and ileuscan mean differentthings to
a surgeon and a radiologist In difficult cases,
therefore, a morphologic description of the
situation based on the sonographic
findings should be given, and a single-term
should be avoided. ln such cases, the radiolo gisi
should ask the surgeon to be present at the
sonographic examination.
In the final report, the sonographic find ings
should be integrated with the patients
history, physical signs, and laboratory data
as well as the results of a possible CT scan
and other radiologic examinations. Liberal
use and a clinical approach are the key points
in sonography of the acute abdomen.
is a valuable tool to lower both the
number of unnecessary laparotomies and the
technique related to surgical delay.

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