Prostate Cancer Breakthrough, Combination of Three Plant-Based Nutrients Found To MELT AWAY Prostate Cancer Cells

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Prostate canceer breeakthrrough:

Commbinaation of
o thrree plaant-ba
ased n
nd to MEL LT AWWAY prostatte can ncer cells
Friday, June 30, 20017 by: Mik ke Adams
Tags: annti cancer foods,
f curcuumin, mediccal breakthrrough, naturral cures, pplant nutrien
preventiion, Prostatte cancer, resveratrol,
r turmeric, ursolic
u acid


(Naturaal News) A fascinating

f new study ppublished in n Precision Oncology hhas found th hat a
combinaation of threee plant-bassed nutrientts melts aw
way prostatte cancer ceells. The stu
udy, led
by Univversity of Teexas researccher Stefanoo Tiziani, iss entitled Co
ombinatoriaal treatmentt with
natural compoundss in prostatee cancer inhiibits prostatte tumor gro owth and leeads to key
modulattions of canncer cell metabolism.

As desccribed in thee University

y of Texas nnewsletter, this
t breakthrough discoovery allows people
to starvve prostate cancer with
h what you eeat for dinner.

What arre these threee natural su

ubstances? T
They are:

Ursolic acid from applle peels
Curcumin from turmeeric
Resveratrool from red grapes

New reesearch from m The Univ versity of Teexas at Austtin identifiees several naatural comp pounds
found inn food, incluuding turmeeric, apple ppeels and reed grapes, ass key ingreddients that could
thwart tthe growth of
o prostate cancer,
c the mmost comm mon cancer afflicting
a U..S. men and d a key
area of focus during Mens Health Month, which public health advocates celebrate in June,
reports the University of Texas in Austin. Published online this week in Precision Oncology,
the new paper uses a novel analytical approach to screen numerous plant-based chemicals
instead of testing a single agent as many studies do, discovering specific combinations that
shrink prostate cancer tumors.

Also explained in the UT article:

The new research paper also demonstrates how the plant-based chemicals work together.
Combining ursolic acid with either curcumin or resveratrol prevents cancer cells from
gobbling something that they need to grow, glutamine. This is a neat solution: blocking the
uptake of a nutrient needed by prostate cancer cells with nutrients that are commonly in the
human diet.

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