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CURS 10 - miercuri

TIMPUL VIITOR exprim o aciune ce urmeaz s aib loc. Se formeaz cu

ajutorul lui shall [ l ] la persoana I singular i plural i will [ wil ] la celelalte
persoane + verbul de care avem nevoie la infinitivul scurt ( fr to ).
Apare cu: tomorrow, tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening,
next week, next month, next summer, etc.

I shall sing I shall not sing shall I sing?

you will sing you will not sing will you sing ?
he, she, it will sing he, she, it will not sing will he, she, it sing ?
we shall sing we shall not sing shall we sing ?
you will sing you will not sing will you sing ?
they will sing they will not sing will they sing ?

ex: He will sing at the party tomorrow evening.

Forme scurte: Ill, youll, hell etc

shant [ a: nt ] = shall not
wont [ w unt ] = will not


Three men came to New York for a holiday. They came to a very large hotel
and took a room there. Their room was on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening, the
three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late. I am very sorry ,
said the clerk of the hotel, but our lifts do not work tonight. If you do not want to
walk up to yours room, we shall make beds for you in the hall . No, no , said one
of the three men, no, thank you. We dont want to sleep in the hall. We shall walk up
to our room . Then, he turned to his two friends and said: It is not easy to walk up
to the forty-fifth floor, but I think I know how to make it easier. On our way to the
room I shall tell you some jokes, then you, John, will sing us some songs, then you,
Peter, will tell us some interesting stories . So, they began to walk up to their room.
Tom told them many jokes, John sang some songs. In the end they came to the thirty-
fourth floor. They were tired and decided to have a rest. Now , said Tom, it is
your turn Peter. After all these jokes, we heard on our way here tell us a long and
interesting story with a sad ending . Peter said: I shall tell you a story which is not
long but sad enough. We left the key to our room in the hall .

sad [ s d ] trist
story [ st ri ] poveste
to come to a ajunge la
holiday [ h lidei ] vacan, concediu, srbtoare
hotel [ h u tel ] hotel
to take, took, taken a lua
floor [ fl : ] etaj, podea
to go, went, gone a merge
theatre [ i t ] teatru
back [ b k ] napoi
late [ leit ] trziu
early [ : li ] devreme
I am sorry [ s ri ] mi pare ru
to say, said, said a spune
clerk [ kla: k ] funcionar
but[ b t ] dar
our [ au ] al nostru
lift [ lift ] lift
to work [ w : k ] a funciona, a lucra
tonight [ tu nait ] disear, n aceast sear
if [ if ] dac
to sleep [ sli: p ] a dormi
to want [ w nt ] a vrea
to turn to [ t : n ] a se ntoarce la
friend [ frend ] prieten
easy [ i: zi ] uor
to think [ ink ] a gndi, a crede
to know [ n u ] a ti
to make [ meik ] a face
way [ wei ] drum, cale, fel, mod
on the way to n drum spre
on our way to n drumul nostru spre
to tell [ tel ] a spune
joke [ d uk ] glum
to sing [ si ] a cnta
song [ s ] cntec
then [ en ] apoi, atunci
so [ s u ] aa, deci
to begin, began, begun a ncepe
in the end n final
tired [ tai d ] obosit
to decide [ di said ] a decide
to have a rest [ rest ] a se odihni
it is your turn [ t : n ] e rndul tu
to hear, heard, heard a auzi
ending [ endi ] sfrit
which [ wit ] care
enough [ i n f ] destul
to leave, left, left a lsa
key [ ki: ] cheie
hall [ h : l ] hol
sky-scraper [ skai skreip ] zgrie-nori
which care ( din ei ), pe care
which way ? n ce fel ?, pe unde ?
should [ ud ] trecutul verbului shall [ l ] = a trebui, a avea ordin s, a fi obligat

there [ e ] acolo, atunci

their [ e ] lor

who [ hu ] cine ?
what [ w t ] ce ?
when [ wen ] cnd ?
where [ we ] unde ?
why [ wai ] de ce ?
how [ hau ] cum ?
how much [ hau m t ] ct ?
how many [ hau m ni ] ci, cte ?

do you eat ? ( mnnci tu ? )

What do you eat every day ?

When do you eat ?
Where do you eat ?
Why do you eat there ?
How do you eat ?
How much do you eat ?

Did you eat ? ( ai mncat ? )

What did you eat yesterday ?

When did you eat ?
Where did you eat ?
Why did you eat ?
How did you eat ?
How much did you eat ?
Will you eat ? ( vei mnca ? )

What will you eat tomorrow ?

When will you eat ?
Where will you eat ?
Why will you eat ?
How will you eat ?
How much will you eat ?

What do
When does
Where + did + subiect + verb + ...... ?
Why shall ( infinitiv
How will scurt )

Dup who nu este nevoie de verbul auxiliar ( se pune verbul la timpul i

persoana de care avem nevoie ).

Who gives you books to read ?

Who gave you this books ?
Who told you this ?

to happen [ h pn ] a se mtmpla
What happens ? Ce se mtmpl ?
What happened ? Ce s-a mtmplat ?

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