Ap Vs Dual Flyer

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AP vs DUAL? Need passing TSI scores to enroll.

If interested, you must have been
recommended or approved by the Advanced exceptions. This is not a Harmony
Placement Committee. To secure your spot, you requirement. It is an EPCC requirement
must have completed the AP summer project. since you are enrolling with them as well.

-advanced high school You will simultaneously earn college and high
To gain the opportunity for college credit, you school credit by passing the class.
must pass the nal AP exam with a 3+ classes

-can award you You earn EPCC credit immediately upon

Depending on your score, the class may be college credit passing the class.
worth several college classes. Credit AWARDED
DEPENDS ON EACH UNIVERSITY -5.0 weighted grade
RESPECTIVELY. You do not immediately get Can be taught by EPCC trained teachers here
college credits at Harmony, UTEP, EPCC, etc. -free for students at Harmony or by college professors online.

Is always taught by teachers here at Harmony -must be eligible to Credits are accepted at EPCC and most
trained by College Board enroll public colleges/universities in Texas
including UTEP. Out of state universities
College credits are usually accepted at a -help you develop may not accept your credits. Check each
National level by MOST PUBLIC institutions. college study skills
school's credit policy.
Even if you don't pass the exam, colleges are You are already creating your permanent
very interested in how you perform in the college transcript which includes your grades
actual college level class. Good grades in an AP and/or a W for a dropped course.
class can qualify you for more $$$

It is important to weigh your options, pros and

consbefore deciding which path is right for you.

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