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Business Management Program Rubric 2011-2012

Minimum Lack of Comments

Excellent Acceptable
Acceptable Evidence
Program Learning Outcome (3) (2) For Program Improvement
(1) (0)
1) Intended Outcome: Student have Student have Student has only Students have not
Empirical/Quantitative demonstrated and demonstrated and demonstrated demonstrated at
excellent mastery acceptable minimal mastery least one of the
Graduates will employ a software mastery of of one or more of
of knowledge and listed skills or the
program to create income statements knowledge and the listed skills
application of the application of the required for the artifacts did not
and balance sheets that demonstrate
listed business listed business program. demonstrate the
knowledge and effective application
technology skills technology skills skills listed.
of technology to business situations.
Business Management Program Rubric 2011-2012
Minimum Lack of Comments
Excellent Acceptable
Acceptable Evidence
Program Learning Outcome (3) (2) For Program Improvement
(1) (0)
2) Intended Outcome: Student have Student have Student has only Students have not
Communication Skills demonstrated and demonstrated and demonstrated demonstrated at
excellent mastery acceptable minimal mastery least one of the
Graduates will compose a written of knowledge and mastery of of one or more of listed skills or the
plan that demonstrates an application of the knowledge and the listed skills artifacts did not
understanding and retention of listed business application of the required for the demonstrate the
technology skills listed business program skills listed
terminology and concepts needed in
technology skills
the business environment as related
to marketing, management, and
Business Management Program Rubric 2011-2012
Minimum Lack of Comments
Excellent Acceptable
Acceptable Evidence
Program Learning Outcome (3) (2) For Program Improvement
(1) (0)
3) Intended Outcome: Student have Student have Student has only Students have not
Teamwork Skills demonstrated and demonstrated and demonstrated demonstrated at
excellent mastery acceptable minimal mastery least one of the
Graduates will demonstrate of knowledge and mastery of of one or more of listed skills or the
workplace skills that include working application of the knowledge and the listed skills artifacts did not
effectively with internal and external listed business application of the required for the demonstrate the
technology skills listed business program skills listed
business contacts and understanding
technology skills
supervisory and managerial skills and
Business Management Program Rubric 2011-2012
Minimum Lack of Comments
Excellent Acceptable
Acceptable Evidence
Program Learning Outcome (3) (2) For Program Improvement
(1) (0)
4) Intended Outcome: Student have Student have Student has only Students have not
Critical Thinking Skills demonstrated and demonstrated and demonstrated demonstrated at
excellent mastery acceptable minimal mastery least one of the
Graduates will construct a business of knowledge and mastery of of one or more of listed skills or the
plan that demonstrates business application of the knowledge and the listed skills artifacts did not
listed business application of the required for the demonstrate the
management knowledge and skills
technology skills listed business program skills listed
related to products and services, technology skills
marketing, management, and
financial planning.

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