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Simple Future story 1

Who is she? What will she do? What is going to happen?

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Future simple tense

1. How old will Katie be on Thursday? What time is her party going to

2. Who is going to take the cake? What kind of cake will it be?

3. When is Kate going to open her presents? What will happen then?

B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes/no questions, WH-

questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag questions.

Examples for the sentence Alex will make dinner tonight.

Negative: Alex will not make dinner tonight.
Yes/No Question: Will Alex make dinner tonight?
WH-Question: Who will make dinner tonight?
Tag Question: Alex will make dinner tonight, wont he?

1. Katie will be one year old

Yes/No Question:
Tag Question:

2. It will be a chocolate cake

Yes/No Question:
Tag Question:

3. Katie is going to open her presents after lunch

Yes/No Question:
Tag Question:

C. This is a copy of the original story. Go over it and fill in the blanks with the right
words from the box below

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