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Suicide prevention require efforts and collaboration from many people,society and also

from health and non health sector such as law,education,labour,agriculture,media and others
related sector.Some myth abou suicide said that most suicide occur without warning sign.But
the fact actually state that,the person want to commit sucide might shown some signs such as
behaviour and verbal sign.The most important,we should aware that sign in order to prevent
them from doing suicide.Many countries are brainstorming and trying hard to find solutions on
how to prevent suicide.Europian region come out with the highest number of countries with
national strategy and action plan followed by American region,South east and Western pacific

Many countries with comprehensive National strategy for prevention of suicide.The

typical components that are highlighted by national strategy are media, treatment, training,
education, awareness and other.The national strategy is really useful because it indicate clear
commitment of a goverment to prioritize and dealing with the issue of suicide. Media playing
a vital role in suicide prevention because media will promote implementation of media
guidelines in reporting the suicide in broadcast and printing. Through the broadcasting and
printing the media will posts about the cons and bad of suicide.There are several ways that
media can help to prevent suicide.Firstly,report responsible.The audience and the reader want
to know how that tragedy occurred.The reporters have responsible in providing the
information.They also need to responsible to minimize the emotional pain caused by media
attention to the suicide There are several recommendation need to follow by media on reporting
suicide which are avoid giving detailed method for suicide and dont ever portray that suicide
is inexplicable act as suicide has causes and these causes is not immediate cause and obvious.

The other approach that can be done for suicide prevention is awareness.Awareness
also play an important role in preventing suicide.Public awareness about suicide through
campaign establish information to support the understanding that suicide are
preventable.National Suicide Awareness month was created to educate the public to identify
who are struggling in their life and how to talk about suicide with without risk of harm.National
Suicide Awareness Month was held in every September everyear,World Suicide Prevention
day is held on September 10 to reach out and approach those are affected by suicide,help them
by giving treatment services such as mental and health treatment,and psychological
treatment.Most important,the individual,friends,and family need to ensure that they can access
to the resouces they need to prevent suicide.
According to Islamic view about suicide,it is strictly forbidden to commit
suicide.During the Prophets lifetime,when a man commit suicide,the Prophet was
distressed.He did not perform the jenazah prayer but asked the companion to do so.They prayed
to God and ask for Gods forgiveness.This shows that the Prophet care about his umat to be
forgiven by God.In islam,sucide is categorized as great sin,because human can easily fight to
the destiny.Life is only give and taken by Allah s.w.t.It is Gods taught to decide what best for
us.In Islamic perspective,the suicide prevention can be do in several ways by always get close
to God.As a muslim,we should obey the order of God.We as muslim should follow the right
path that may lead us to Jannah.Muslim should perform prayer 5 times a day and fasting in
order to control ourselves from doing something bad.Most important is never skipped pray 5
times a day because prayer is the pillar of religion.

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