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Human Security Approach Of Japan, Europe Union, Canada And Norway

Iskender Karakaya

Japan And Europe Union Human Security Approach


Japan is a important country post-Cold War period especially in South Asia. At the same time Japan has indeed been
playing a larger human security role in post-Cold War in Southeast Asia. This approach that allows the country to play a
“more active role without arousing anthipathy domestically and regionally”.(PENG ER, 2006)

In this article, examines a broader concept of security beyond the tradional approach of state
centricity and soverignty, regime security, and utility of military power in inter-state conflict in
the international system.

There have been two major points in Japan Foreign Policy about human security approach for
twenty years. They have given Japan to play active human security role in South Asia.

First of all, providing massive financial asistance and currency swap arrangements in the
aftermath of the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis to stabilize the regional economies and
strengthen social and political stability engaging in peacemaking in Cambodia and Aceh, peacebuilding in East Timor, Aceh
and Mindanao, offering financial and medical assistance when East Asia was hit by Sars epidemic and deploying the largest
contigent of Japanese troops since the end of World War II for humanitarian assitance to tsunami-stricken in 2005.

That peacemaking and post-conflict peacebuilding in certain Southeast countries suffering from domestic ethnic and
political conflict enables Japan to play an active political and human security role is a fact which is not ver well known.
Besides that, in 1997 Prime Minister Fukuda Takeo articulated the Fukuda Doctrine which codified Japan’s intent to be an
active political player and partner in Southeast Asian affairs.(SUDO, 1992)

Secondly, another turning point of Japan Foreign Policy on human security is “First Gulf War of 1991”. Japan was
criticized both domestically and internationally for implementing passive checkbook diplomacy. Tokyo was humiliated,
which motivated it to play a more active and respected role in international affairs. A broad human security framework
that encompasses peacemaking post-conflict peacebuilding and the dispatch of troops for humanitarian relief allows Japan
to play a more active international role and hold an honoured place in the world following the First Gulf War fiasco.

Human Security Concept

According to United Nations Development Program(UNDP) noted that: “The concept of security has for too long
been interpreted too narrowly: as protection of national interests in foreign policy or as global security from the threat of a
nuclear holocaust. It has been related more to nation than people. But now, security symbolize for the people; protection
from the threat of disease, hunger, unemployment, crime, social conflict, political repression and environmental
hazardous. Now, unlike the Cold War period, many conflicts are within nations rather than between nations.(UNDP, 1994)

But concept of the human security is criticized(NEUMAN, 2004) There are two reasons why the idea of human
security continues to relevant to theorists and practitioners. First while some analyst perceive that human security is not
an analytical useful concept, there are many others who do.(ACHARYA, 2004) Second, certain states and NGOs have found
the concept attractive and, as practitioners, sought to “operationalize” it in the real world regardless of the criricisms
levelled against the human security concept. In this perspective Tokyo’s diplomacy can be characterized as a “middle
power” focusing on human security.

Human Security Approach of Japan

Different countries have different approaches of human security. For instance, Canada, with its tradition of
international peacekeeping, views human security as preventing physical violence against human beings. In this regard
Canada may use military intervention for preventing genocide and ethnic cleansing etc. But Japan, given its tradition as one
of the largest donors of foreign aid in the world and the already mentioned legacy of history, adopts a broader and more
development-oriented notion of human security.

This means Tokyo defines human security gives it the oppurtunity to play a leading role not only in Southeast but
also the United Nations. As Japan Scholar Akiyama said that “The introduction of the concept of human security along with
“global role making” are important functions that the United Nations should play in the post-Cold War world, which also
suggests Japan’s willingness to exercise active diplomacy in multilateral arenas such as United Nations, by advocating the
concept of human security.”(AKİYAMA, 2004)

Japan has advocated the establishment Commission on Human Security and supported the activities of Commission.
The Commission has prepared the final report and presented. In the final report of the Commission on Human Security, the
key recommendations included “the protection of people in violent conflict” and “establishment human security transition
funds for post conflict situations”

The first Japanese Prime Minister to articulate the concept of human security as a principle in Japanese foreign
policy was Prime Minister Obuchi Keizo at the “Intellectual Dialogue on Building Asia’s Tomorrow” in December 1998 in

Between 1998 and 2004, Japanese prime ministers, foreign ministers, and their top representatives have made at
least 16 speeches specifically on Japan and human security. Japan also established a Trust Fund for Human Security within
the United Nations in March 1999.

Human Security Role of Japan

a) Official Development Assistance(ODA)

As a region of Southeast Asia receive the largest share of Tokyo’s Official Development Assistance(ODA). While ODA
is in Japan’s own enlightened self-interest and accords with the interests of its business community, it has also aided the
economic and social development of the region.(PENG ER, 2006)

Since 2003, Tokyo’s ODA policy has placed greater emphasis on human security and peacebuilding activities in places
such as Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and East Timor.

b) Addressing the Asian Financial Crises

In 1997–1998 There was a huge financial crisis in Southeast Asia. So, Japan provided important economic aid to
Sotheast Asia Countries. Japan anounced US$43 billion then USA was also announced US$30 billion package for Southeast
Asia Countries. There was a political problem in Indonesia. Amongs the people There were many problems such as
impoverisment and etc.

c) Peacekeeping and Peacemaking Diplomacy

Peacemaking, the attempt to reconcile erstwhile combatants through negotiations and compromises facilirted by
the good offices, mediation, and the offer of post-conflict reconstruction aid by third parties, is closely associated with
post-conflict peacebuilding.

Japan’s greatest diplomatic triumph in Southeast Asia was brokering an agreement between the Co–Prime Ministers
Hun Sen and Prince Ranariddh when civil war threatened to erupt again in July 1997 after Hun Sen launched a violent coup
against Ranariddh.

Less successful has been Tokyo’s attempts to influence and moderate the military junta of Myanmar in its
incarceration of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and the suppression of the democratic movement. Tokyo’s
strategy is a calibrated approach ofoffering ODA as a reward to the junta for good behaviour.

In Southeast Asia, Tokyo has channelled energy, resources, and diplomatic capital into peacebuilding in Aceh (Lam
2004). Tokyo’s initiatives in Aceh can be interpreted as seeking to play a larger political role commensurate with its
economic status after the First Gulf War fiasco and also a response to China’s attempts to strengthen its ties with
Southeast Asia.

d) Sars and Human Security Approach

In February 2003, SARS began to rapidly spread to Hong Kong, Vietnam, Canada and Singapore. Considering SARS a
threat to the entire international community including Asia, Japan provided approximately 2 billion yen in assistance to
China and various Southeast Asian countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and

e) Tsunami and Human Security in Aceh

In December 2004 a powerful tsunami struck not only the coasts of Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia but also Sri
Lanka and the eastern seaboard of Africa. The death toll was probably around 250,000 and many more were displaced
after the destruction of their homes.  Japan generously offered US$500 million to help tsunami victims, its biggest package
of natural disaster aid ever.

Tokyo has offered much Money toward the people of the tsunami. Japan dispatched around a thousand troops
(navy, air force, and ground forces), its largest post-war deployment, to the worst hit areas, especially Aceh.


After the long stagnation, the Japanese economy has turned around since 2002 and this turning(or recovery) will
help to its “human security role” in Southeast Asia.  In recent years, Tokyo has been cutting back on its ODA disbursements
due to financial difficulties.  

Tokyo can play a positive role in enhancing human security beyond the traditional confines of the US-Japan Alliance.
Despite the present interpretation of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution which constrains the exercise of military force
to address international conflict.

Tokyo may eventually incorporate UN peacekeeping into its conception of human security. It has earlier dispatched
the SDF to Cambodia, Angola, El Salvador, Mozambique, the Golan Heights, andEast Timor for UN peacekeeping and is
likely to do so again if the opportunity arises.


“Human Security Approach” has been very important subject for recent years within Europe Union. There are five
key threats for Europe Union; terorism, the proliferation of WMD, regional conflicts, failing states, organized crimes.

In December 2003, the Europe Union Council agreed a European Security Strategy(ESS), which advocates preventive
engagement and effective multilateralism.

In this report is about implementation of the ESS. It argues that Europe needs the capability to make a more active
contribution to global security. The report proposes a “Human Secuirty Doctrine” for Europe. It comprises three elements.;

a)     There are seven principles; the primacy of human rights, clear political authority, multilateralism, a bottom-up
approach, regional focus, the use of legal instruments, and the appropriate use of force.

b)     A “Human Security Response Force” composed of 15.000 men and women of whom at least one third would be
civillian. There will be “Human Security Volunteer Service” as well.

c)      A new legal framework to govern both the decision to intervene and operations on the ground. (SOLANO, 2004)

Human Security Approach and Europe Union

Europe Union Human Security Approach is more similar with the Canadian Human Security Approach “freedom from
fear”.  In the new global context, the European Union security policy should be built on human security and not only state
security. These are genocide, wide-spread or systematic torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, disappreances, slavery
and crimes etc.

A human security approach for the Europe Union means that it should contribute to the protection of every
individual human being and not focus only on the defence of the Union’s borders, as well as the securtiy approach of the
nation states.

There are three reasons why the Europe Union should adopt the a human securtiy concept. First reason is based on
“morality”. Human beings have a right to live with dignity and security.

All human life is of equal worth, and it is not acceptable that human lives become cheap in desperate situations. The
examples of “first reason” are Kosovo, East Timor or Sierra Leone, Yugoslavia, Guatemala and Palestine. We have seen
many activities in these areas that it has been done by Europe Union Countries.

A second reason is “legal”. Articles 55 and 56 of United Nations Charter enjoin states to promote universal respect
for, and oberservance of human rights. This statement is restated in Universal Decleration of Human Rights and range of
human treaties all member of Europe Union have ratified.

The third reason for adopting a human security approach is “enlightened self-interest”. In practice the enlightened
self-interest case for adopting a human security approach comes very close to the moral and legal cases, which is why this
approach should now ne considered as a form of realism, not just idealism.  

Human Security Enforcement

The report is also containing situations where Europe Union forces might be deployed.  These situations fall under
the rubric of the ‘Petersberg’ tasks, agreed by the Western European Union in Bonn in 1992, included in the Amsterdam
Treaty in 1997 and expanded in the new Constitution.

These tasks “ include joint disarmament operations, humanitarian and rescue tasks, military advice and assistance
tasks, conflict prevention and peace-keeping tasks and crisis management.”

Such operations are somewhere between classic peacekeeping and classic military intervention but different from
both. Firstly, classic peacekeeping operations were based on the notion of keeping the peace between armed combatants.
Secondly, classic military interventions have been aimed at defeating enemy whether the enemy is defined as insurgents or
repressive dictators.

Of course Europe security policy is grounded in pragmatism. There are some actors that they should be taken into
account in order to prioritise certain situations over others. These are:

·         Gravity and urgency of situation.

·         Practically of the mission, risks, chances of success and availability of the other actors.

·         Special responsibility for neigbouring countries.

·         Historic ties and historic responsibilities

·         Public concern and public pressure.

A) Principles for a New European Security Doctrine

The word ‘doctrine’ tends to mean a body of knowledge that is taught or used for instruction. In the military field, it
refers to the know-how of fighting; it is about the implementation of strategy and its link with tactics.

The ESS rightly places much emphasis on the ‘prevention’ of crises as opposed to the doctrine of ‘pre-emption’. The
principles for European security policy should therefore apply to a continuum of phases of varying degrees of violence that
always involves elements of both prevention and reconstruction.

Likewise, the principles should apply to both ends and means. In discussions about security, the focus tends to be on
goals. Finally, the set of principles proposed below is intended to guide the actions of high-level EU officials, politicians in
the member states, diplomats, and soldiers and civilians in the field alike.

Principle 1: The Primacy of human rights

The primacy of human rights is what distinguishes the human security approach from traditional state-based
approaches. This principle has far-reaching implications for military tactics. The primacy of human rights also implies that
those commit gross human rights violations are treated as individual criminals rather than collective enemies.

Principle 2: Clear Political Authority

The central goal of human security strategy has to be the establishment of legitimate political authortiy capable of
upholding human security. When authoritarianism breaks down, the alternatives are international, national and local
governance based on consent, or state failure.  

Principle 3: Multilateralism

Principles applies first and foremost to the actions of politicians and diplomats, but its meaning should also trickle
down to operational force levels. We understand multilateralism to have a much more comprehensive meaning than
“acting with a group of states”.

The last sentece means a commitment to work with international institutions and through the procedures of
international institutions.

Secondly, multilateralism entails a commitment to common ways of working and agreed rules and norm: creating
common rules and norms, solving problems through rules and cooperation, and enforcing the rules.

Thirdly, multilateralism also has to include coordination rather than duplication and rivalry.
Principle 4: The bottom-up Approach

The bottom-up approach is a method of on-the-job learning. In here, various techniques can be used, including local
broadcasting and publications, town hall meetings, and question and answer sessions, to explain the mission, discover
mistakes, receive new information, respond the new intiatives etc.

The bottom-up approach suggests a rethinking of intelligence and communications policy. Besides, the importance
of a “bottom-up” approach has been recognised to some extent in recent years.

Principle 5: Regional Focus

Regional focus has a sub-state dimension. There are many efforts in Balkans and Kosovo. These efforts each fall
under a different mission however, and they are not sufficiently linkep up.

A regional focus is not only an issue for intelligence-gatherers or diplomats, it also has operational implications. A
continuos regional focus could instead allow succesful practices to spread quickly from one locality to the next.

Principle 6: Use of legal instruments

Use of Law is very important for Europe Union’s “Human Security Approach”. Particularly “international law” as an
instrument doesnt pertain just to diplomatic fora and decisions concerning whether to intervene: they are at the core of
how operations should be conducted.

This principle implies that terrorists, war criminals, human right violators and drug traffickers are subject to legal

Principle 7: Appropriate use of force

Classic warfare is between sides. In any war, the aim should be to protect people and minimise all casualties. Hence,
in the line principle 1; (primacy of human rights) and principle 6 (legal instruments), minimum force is key. Minumum force
suggests for instance that it would be an over-raction to kill someone who threatens violence when an arrest can be made.

But it doesnt suggest that the use of force is to be avoided under all circumstances. Because nothing should
undermine the inherent right of self-defence. On the other hand, the use of minimal and precise force, of course, puts
troops at more immediate risk than using overhelming force. This logic should be appreciated by the military, the
politicians and the general public.  

B)    Human Security Response Force

Integrated capabilities for integrated tasks

Tasks include the (re)establishment of law and order, reconstruction, humanitarian aid, disarmament,
demobilisation and reintegration (DDR), transitional justice, institution-building, support for civil society, independent
media and education, and so on.

Tasks should be identified and implemented in a holistic way. Tasks cannot be neatly categorised in seperate boxes.
The focus of this report is stabilising the situation and dimininhing human insecurity – tasks which tend to be described as
law and order or public security.

All these tasks requirehighly specialised skills, and, at the same time, they need to be coordinated. For these
reasons, an integrated civil military force is most suitable for carrying out human security missions.
Size, composition, command system

We propose the creation of a Human Security Response Force, composed of both military and civilians. The force
should be roughly the size of a division, 15,000 personnel. The force would be composed of three tiers, making use of
various capabilities that already exist within the ESDP framework.

The first tier would build on the existing civil-military planning headquarters in Brussels. The second tier would
consist of at high level of readiness able to deploy within days. The third tier would consist of the remaining 10.000
personel, who would be at a lower level of readiness but neverthless could be called on for deployment and who would
prediodically train and exercise together.


A human security force relies primarily on smart manpower rather than high-tech gadgetry. However, it will need a
European capacity to produce two basic types of equipment, for both military and civillian use. The first is ICT equipment,
relating to observation, information-gathering and telecommunications, which needs to be able to operate autonomously.
Secondly, there is materiel equipment, particularly transport.

Training and cultural ethos

The new type of human security officer will be highly skilled and flexible about the kinds of tasks that need to be
carried out. The new units will have to develop a common ethos, which will require the following elements:

• putting individual human beings, whoever they might be, above nation or homeland

• maintaining the military spirit of sacrifice, heroism, discipline and excellence but combining it with the civilian
spirit of listening, individual responsibility, empathy and enabling others

• respect for and knowledge of law, in particular human rights and humanitarian law and general principles of
criminal law

• ewareness of gender dimensions of conflict and intervention

Legal Frameork

The capacity of the EU to act a ‘norms-promoter’, operating within international law, furthering international law
and using legal instruments to enhance security, is hindered by the absence of a single and coherent body of international
law governing foreign deployments. Mainly, a new legal framework build on; domestic law of host and sending state,
international criminal law, international human rights law and international humanitarian law.

The framework would need to encompass the following issues:

First of all, deployed personnel should be subject to the domestic law of the host state, just like the local population.
Secondly, legal framework needs to address differences in member states domestic law that could lead to unequal
treatment of deployed personnel. Thirdly, an EU legal framework should bring clarity to possible conflicts between
different forms of international law, particulary between human rights and humanitarian law to be understand


This report has sought to argue that human security is vitally connected to the security of Europeans, and that the
European Union therefore has a critical interest in developing capabilities to make a contribution to global human security.
The proposals seek to improve Europe’s capacity for external personnel deployment. The report has posited a
‘human security doctrine’ for Europe, starting with seven principles that should inform European security policy from the
level of politicians to the level of common soldiers, police and aid-workers.

According to my opinion, doctrine is ambitious, extremely weakness and remained unimplemented today.
Assumption of the structural changes to the EU’s foreign policy mechanism provided by the Constitutional Treaty .But CT
hasn’t been accepted yet. 

Finally, doctrine shows us Europe Union’s “Human Security Approach and Initiatives.


Canada has taken human security as the paradigm for its foreign policy and has taken a leadership role in
operationalizing it (ALKIRE, 2003: 20). Canada attempts to maintain the framework of human security which is including
promoting human rights, alleviating humanitarian crises, supporting international peacekeeping and encouraging

Canadian approach to human security reflects explicitly the evolution of security as a concern. The concept of
security has for too long been interpreted narrowly: as security of territory from external aggression, or as protection of
national interests in foreign policy or as global security from the threat of a nuclear holocaust (UNDP, 1994: 22). Indeed,
this definition points out that there has been state-centered security definition for a long time until at the end of Cold War.
In the 21st century, concept of security broadened. Currently, “human security” is not less important than state security;
because, the concern of human security is related to putting people first. On the contrary, people search for security in
their daily lives. For many of them, security symbolized protection from the threat of disease, hunger, unemployment,
crime, social conflict, political repression and environmental hazards (UNDP, 1994: 22). In accordance with Canadian
approach to human security, people-centered security policy enhances national and international security, and what’s
more, promotes human development and well-being.

In this regard, Canada’s Human Security Program was established by Government of Canada to implement Canadian
Human Security Approach and focus on challenges to human security in 1999 in accordance with foreign policy priorities of
Canada. There are five foreign policy priorites for advancing human security related to Canadian Approach: (1) Public
safety, (2) Protection of civilians, (3) Conflict prevention, (4) Governance and accountability, (5) Peace support operations.



After the event of September 11, 2001, it was understood that terrorism include boundry. In this regard, Canada
emphasizes the importance of international framework for counter-terrorism actions. Canda aims to build upon and
expand the existing international counter-terrorism to address this scourge and the impact it has on people and societies
(DFAIT, 2000: 13). This work includes ongoing efforts by Canada and others, including partners in the G-8, to urge
worldwide ratification and adherence to the 12 conventions dealing with a range of terrorist acts (DFAIT, 2000:
13).Canadian counter-terrorism efforts integrates with respect for human rights.  Canada supports and is active to
implement decisions and actions of the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee and the G8 Global
Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.


The spread of transnational organised crime has a negative effect on globalisation to open borders and to operate
markets. Criminal syndicates have become more sophisticated and are increasingly diversifying into areas of crime that
threaten the safety of people (DFAIT, 2000: 12). This includes traficking in people, drugs, weapons and other commodities,
as well as activities that may be indirectly threatening, such as financial and economic crime (DFAIT, 2000: 12).

The fight against organised crime has emerged a key priority for Canada in strengthening human security at home
and abroad (DFAIT, 2000: 12). In accordance with Canadian human security approach, preventing transnational crime is a
crucial point for stabilization in both domestic and international politics. What’s more, there is gradually a tiny tranperant
border between domestic and international politics. First of all, Canada mentioned this problematique on the agenda of
the G7 at the Halifax Summit in 1995. Then, it continued with Lyon Group. In addition, Canada was cenral to negotiating
the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime and its three Protocols on traficking in persons, smuggling of
migrants, and firearms. Canada is assisting efforts all around the world such as helping finalize the Firearms Protocol, and
by supporting regional conferences in South America, Africa and preventing money laundering with the Financial Action
Task Force, the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force.



In contemporary armed conflicts, new forms of aggression increasingly victimize civilian populations (DFAIT, 2002:
5). Combatants often deliberately set out to injure, kill or displace civilians (DFAIT, 2002: 5). Despite numerous provisions
under international law, attacks against civilians, including humanitarian workers, are often carried out with impunity.
Civilians are always victim of conflicts between clans or ethnic conflicts. Currently, victimization of civilians in these type of
conflicts has increased a lot. They are the victim of ethnic cleansing and genocide. In these new conflicts, the civilians are
not only pawns; they are often targets, and vehicles, for complicated power struggles involving opposing warlords or clans
(MACRAE, 2001: 21). There is linkage between protection of civilians and humanitarian intervention. In particular,
Canadian human security approach includes military intervention to prevent ongoing systhematic violations of human
rights and to implement peace-making. In this regard, Canada differs from Japan. Related to this point, Canadian leadership
has also resulted in firm commitments to the protection of civilians in Security Council Resolutions on Kosovo (1244), Sierra
Leone (1260), and East Timor (1264), including specific references authorizing peacekeepers to intervene where the safety
of people was at risk (GOLDBERG/HUBERT, 2001).


After the genocide in Rwanda, the mass killings in Srebrenica, the Kosovo crisis in 1999 became reason for debate
when humanitarian is warranted, and how to authorize and conduct it. UN Secretary- General Kofi Annan called for a new
international consensus to reconcile the sovereignty of states with the fundamental imperative to protect civilians from
massive abuse and suffering (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 6). In response to this challenge, Canada launched the independent
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) in September 2000 (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 6). It
was designed to begin building a new global consensus on a human protection role for the international community
(CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 6).

Since the Kosovo crisis, a series of governmental and NGO initiatives have focused on finding common ground on the
issue of military intervention for the protection of civilians and Canada is committed to promoting follow-up efforts based
on the “responsibility to protect”  within the UN and at a regional level (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 6).



Small arms are centrol to killing thousands of people each year and the majority civilian people; because, small arms
is the reason for violence and conflicts to get worse. Prevention of the spread of small arms need to be implemented global
and regional action plans. Canada has taken a three-pronged approach, focusing on the control of small arms transfers, the
transnational criminal aspects of proliferation, and peacebuilding dimensions – the latter being generally concerned with
the factors that drive demand and that relate to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration strategies (CANADA DFAIT,
2000: 9). Canada will continue to work actively with like-minded partners to advance a people-centred approach to the
small arms issue by addressing issues such as security sector reform, small arms and public health, civilian possession and
criteria for small arms transfers (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 7). Canadian approach related to this sub-topic also includes the
link between small arms and gender-based violence and called for international action to address the specific needs of
child soldiers.


Profit rather than political power is a growing mativation for violence in many contemporary armed conflicts. Wars
create an environment in which some armed groups and other non-state actors seek to accumulate wealth, frequently
through the exploitation of high value resources including diamonds, tropical timber, narcotics and humanitarian aid
(CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 8). Given these economic incentives, factions often oppose peace negotiations and prolong wars
with tragic implications for civilian populations (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 8). In particular, there is a linkage between armed
conflicts and natural resources, especially diamonds in Africa. In this regard, the G8 Africa Action Plan was agreed in
Kananaskis in 2002.

Diamaonds are not only one sort of natural resources affecting armed conflict. Consequently, broader international
measures are needed to ensure systematic and effective responses to other war-related commodities and to the
sophisticated financial networks through which they are laundered (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 8).



During past century, there were a lot of conflicts which victimized civilian populations. In addition, these conflicts
caused ethnic cleansing and genocide. The individuals played definitely important roles in these conflicts caused the death
of thousands of people. The importance of preventation of these types of crimes was supposed to be held accountable.

Canada played a prominent role in the adaption of the Roma Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which
was adopted by 120 countries on July 17, 1998 (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 9). Just over two years later, Canada was the first
country in the world to adopt comprehensive implementing legislation (the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act)
(CANADA DFAIT, 202: 9). The ICC has jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. About
implementation the Rome Statute, there has been held workshops to inform developing countries to be party of statute.


For Canada, security sector reform refers to helping improve the effectiveness, affordability and accountability of
security institutions abroad, especially in countries emerging from conflict (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 10). The importance of
security sector reform aims at protecting the safety of individauls and carrying out their legitimate duties humanely in
accordance with the norms of a free and democratic society.

Canada established partnership with ECOWAS (Canada-Economic Community of West Africa) to give 15 millions
dollars to promote community based security in the region.



Improving the effectiveness of modern multi-disciplinary peace support operations requires ensuring that the human
rights of women and girls are not compromised. (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 11). Ignoring gender dynamics and excluding
women from peace negotiations inhibits the implementation of the resulting agreements (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 11).

Canada seeks to deploy the full and equal participation of women in all dimensions of peacebuilding, including the
negotiation and implementation of peace agreements. “During our tenure on the Security Council, the Council adopted
Resolution 1325 on Women and Security” (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 11). Canada is absolutely active to establish and
participate committees for emphasizing the importance of women in peacebuilding such as assisting women in Afghanistan
by the Canadian Committee in the context of broader peacebuilding.


Canada recognizes the need to build capacity, both at home and abroad, fort he rapid identification and deployment
of high calibre experts (CANADA DFAIT, 2002: 12). CANADEM is central to deploy experts to contribute to international
peace support operations and other field missions.


Norway likewise focusses on the freedom from fear aspects of human security, and identifies a core agenda of
preventive action, small arms and light weapons control, and peace operations (LODGAARD, 2001). Both nations found
human security, with its emphasis on protecting, to be useful in highlighting new and necessary aspects of security from
violent opposition (ALKIRE, 2003: 21).

Norway is sharing same foreingn policy directions with Canada to persue democracy, freedom and human rights
everywhere. Norway and Canada have co-operated closely on trying to solve the problem caused by landmines, on limiting
the spread of small arms, and on establishing international structures for criminal justice (PETERSEN, 2005).


In Norway’s Foreign Policy in accordance with human security, there is a priority on international peace and security
– peace-helping not making and peace-keeping. In this regard, Normay has attempted to involve the peace process
between the government of Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers for the past years. There has been the Sri Lanka Monitoring
Mission headed by Norway and including observers to assist the parties in their efforts to solve problems before witnessing
escalating conditions of them.

“In Asia, apart from Sri Lanka we are engaged in Ethiopia/Eritrea in Sudan. In Latin America we were involved in the
process in Guatemala, and we were stil engaged in Colombia and Haiti. And, perhaps most notably, we played role in the
Middle East peace process through the ‘Oslo Channel’. We stil play a role in the region, now as chair of the AHCL, the donor
group for Palestinians which brings together major donors, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(IBRD), the Quartet, Israel and the Palestinians” (PETERSEN, 2005).


Humanitarian efforts are central to Norwegian foreign policy in accordance with protection of civilians to support
peace and reconciliation processes. “The Government emphasises that humanitarian assistance should be a supplement
to, rather than a substitute for, political action. The UN has a key role in the Government’s humanitarian policy. Supporting
the Red Cross and NGOs is also an important part of Norway’s humanitarian efforts” (NORWAY MFA).


The Human Security Network, launched in 1998, is an to institutionalize a “coalition of the willing to motivate
internatonal action on a broad range of human security initiatives (SMALL, 2001). The origin of the Network has emerged
during negotiation of the Ottawa Convention on Antiperlsonnel Landmines. After signing of the Ottawa Treaty, Canadian
and Norwegian foreign ministers thought that partnership could include other issues related to human security. After all
procedures, a Canada-Norway Partnership for Action: The Lysoen Declaration emerged.

Partnership agenda embodies enhancing human security; promoting human rights; strengthening humanitarian law;
preventing conflict; fostering democracy and good governance to control  core elements (landmines, International Criminal
Court, human rights, international humanitarian law, gender dimensions in peacebuilding, small arms proliferation,
children in armed conflict, including child soldiers, child labour). The Human Security Network cooperates with
international organization and has persuasive voice how to implement successful human security agenda.


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