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the RAC Database

This lab will demonstrate how to backup an Oracle Database using RMAN in RAC
Backup the RAC Database
The rst step will be to place the Oracle database in archivelog mode
From the $ prompt
$. oraenv
Connect to the RAC databases
$sqlplus sys/password1@orcl as sysdba
assuming your password is password1 and the database name is orcl
From the sql prompt
alter system set cluster_database=false scope=sple;
From the $ prompt
$srvctl stop database d orcl
$srvctl start instance d orcl I orcl1 o mount
$sqlplus sys/password1@orcl as sysdba
sql> alter database archivelog;
Backup the RAC Database
Place the database back in Cluster mode
sql> alter system set cluster_database=true scope=sple
Restart the database
$srvctl stop database d orcl
$srvctl start database d orcl
Verify the database is in archivelog mode

sqlplus system/password1
sql> select log_mode from v$database
The database should come back with ARCHIVELOG
Backup the RAC Database
Backup the database using RMAN
From the $ prompt
$rman target sys/password1@orcl
rman>run { backup database;
backup archivelog all delete all input;}
Verify the backup was successful
From the $ prompt
$. oraenv
Backup the RAC Database
A directory should have been created for the current date. This directory will contain the
backup informa\on.
Change directories to the directory with the current data and perform a ls to verify the
backup les were created.
You have now placed your RAC database in archivelog mode and successfully backed it up.

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