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Anthony Christopher Davison

Institute of MathematicsAnalysis and Applications Direct line: (41)-(0)21-693-5502

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Secretary: (41)-(0)21-693-5456
EPFL-FSB-MATHAA-STAT, Station 8 Fax: (41)-(0)21-693-4250
CH1015 Lausanne E-mail:
Switzerland WWW:

Personal Details
Born February 28, 1958 in London
British citizen; married; three children born 1988, 1992, 1995

19691976 Warwick School.
19771980 St Johns College, Oxford.
1977 Open Entrance Scholarship in Mathematics.
1978 Honour Moderations Class I
1980 Honour Schools Class II: BA(Honours) Mathematics; MA (1989).
19801981 Imperial College, University of London: MSc Statistics.
Diploma of Imperial College.
Project supervisor: Professor E. M. L. Beale
19811984 Imperial College, University of London: PhD Statistics.
Thesis: A statistical model for contamination due to long-range atmospheric
transport of radionuclides
Supervisors: Dr H. M. ApSimon and Professor R. L. Smith.

Professional Experience
1996 Professor of Statistics, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL);
Honorary Research Fellow, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford.
19931998 EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow.
19891996 University Lecturer in Statistics, University of Oxford.
Official Fellow and Tutor in Statistics, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford.
19861989 Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College, London.
19841986 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, The University
of Texas at Austin.

JuneAugust 1990 Visiting Research Fellow, The Australian National University.

November 1991 Visiting Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.
MarchApril 1993 Professeur Associe, Universite des Sciences Sociales, Toulouse.
February 19952007 Visiting Professor, Universite de Neuchatel.
March 1996 Visiting Professor, Universita degli Studi di Padova.
May 1996 Visiting Professor, Queensland University of Technology.
JuneJuly 1996 Visiting Research Fellow, The Australian National University.
MarchApril, 20002 Visiting Professor, University of Strasbourg.
October 2002 Visiting Professor, Universita degli Studi di Padova.
September 2006 Visiting Professor, Universita degli Studi di Padova.
July 2007 Visiting Professor, Universities of Brisbane and Melbourne

Honours and Awards

1991 Member, International Statistical Institute
1993 EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship
1999 Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
2002 Fellow, American Statistical Association
2006 2006 Canadian Journal of Statistics Award, joint with A. J. Canty,
D. V. Hinkley, and V. Ventura, for Bootstrap diagnostics and remedies.
2009 Laurea honoris causa in Statistical Science, University of Padova
2011 Francqui Chair, Hasselt University, Belgium

2012 Mitchell Lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK

Professional Societies
Fellow: Royal Statistical Society (Chartered Statistician, 1993)
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
American Statistical Association
Member: International Statistical Institute
Bernoulli Society
Biometrics Society

English (mother tongue); French (excellent); Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (tourist).

University, Professional and Public Service

Director of Mathematics Section (SMA), EPFL, 19992005
Director of Mathematics Department (DMA), EPFL, 2001 (department split into institutes, 12/2001)
Member of the Direction (management board) for the Faculty of Basic Sciences, EPFL, 20027
Director of Institute of MathematicsAnalysis and Applications (MATHAA) EPFL, 2010

Editor: Biometrika, 2008

Joint Editor: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 20002003
Editor, IMS Lecture Notes in Mathematical Statistics series, 2007
Associate Editor: Biometrika, 19871999
The Brasilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 19872007
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series A, 2012
Joint editor (with J. Beirlant and M. de Carvalho) of a special issue of RevStatStatistical Journal
on tail event modeling, 2012.
Referee for the major statistical journals, and for Blackwells, Chapman & Hall, CUP,
OUP, Springer-Verlag, Wiley, EPSRC, NERC, NIH, NSERC, NSF, ARC, etc.

Royal Statistical Society Research Section Committee, 198891, 20002003,

Editorial Policy Committee, Programme Committee, 20002003
Member of Council, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 20062007
Chair, Nominations Committee, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 20092010; member 20102011

President of the graduate training programme in statistics and applied probability

of Western Switzerland, 20042006

Member of the panel for the International Review of Mathematical Sciences in the UK, 2010.
Member of an international evaluation panel for the research funding of mathematics in Portugal, 20089.
Member of Research Council of CREST (INSEE, Paris), 20052007
Member of Department of the Environment Reservoir Safety Research Steering Committee,
Institute of Hydrology, 199092.
External assessor for promotions and appointments at various Asian, Australian, European,
African, and North American universities.

Examiner for research degrees at the universities of Cambridge, Geneva, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Lancaster,
Neuchatel, Oxford, Paris-Sud (Orsay), Sheffield and Surrey, and the EPFL.
Examiner for MSc Applied Statistics, University of Oxford, 19912 (Chairman of examiners, 1992),
and assessor for Mathematics Finals paper C4 (Practical statistics), 19913.
External examiner for Mathematics degrees, University of Durham, 19992000.
External examiner for MSc Computational Statistics, Bath University, 19914.

Organizer of session on Statistics in the Environmental Sciences, 18th European

Meeting of Statisticians, Berlin, August 1988.
Co-organizer, session on bootstrap methods at International Biometrics Conference, Amsterdam, July 1996
Co-organizer, session on bootstrap methods at the IMS Special Topics Meeting on Contemporary
Nonparametrics, Sydney, July 1996.
Organizer of workshop on small-sample methods at EPFL, July 2, 1998.

Organizer of session on small-sample inference at Joint Statistical Meetings, Dallas, August 1998.
Organizer of workshop on nonparametrics at EPFL, July 7, 1999.
Organizer of session on bootstrap methods at International Statistical Institute, Helsinki, August 1999.
Co-organizer of HSSS workshop on Bias and Uncertainty in Large Models, Lillesand, June 2000.
Co-organizer of workshop on Inference and Asymptotics, Ascona, July 2000.
Chairman of the Scientific Programme Committee of the European Meeting of Statisticians,
Funchal, Madeira, August 2001.
Co-organizer of workshop on Statistics and Functional Genomics, Ascona, June 2004.
Co-organizer of conference to honour Sir David Cox on his 80th birthday, Neuchatel, July 2004.
Co-organizer of workshop on Statistics and Functional Genomics, Ascona, June 2007.
Organizer of workshops on Statistical Extremes and Applications, Davos, January 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
Co-organizer of workshop on Statistics and Functional Genomics, Ascona, June 2009.
Co-organizer of research programme on Risk, Rare Events and Extremes, EPFL, JulyDecember 2010.
Co-organizer of workshop on Environmental Risk and Extreme Events, Ascona, July 2011.

Consulting Experience
The Promotional Partnership Ltd, 198687
Beale International Technology Ltd and Thorn EMI Electronics Limited, 1988
Lovell White Durrant, 1989
RRAG Limited, 198990
Sciteb Limited, 1991
Swiss and UK Offices of National Statistics, 19978
de la rue Giori, SA, 2001, 2009
Cotecna SA, 2011

Research Support
1985 University of Texas Summer Research Award. US$3,000.
The University of Texas at Austin Project Quest IBM PC/XT.
NSF research award, 19851986 (with D. V. Hinkley). US$6,000.
1988 Nuffield Foundation Newly Appointed Lecturer Award, 19881990. 1,500.
SERC award under Complex Stochastic Systems Initiative, 19901992.
70,000 (with A.C. Atkinson).
1992 SERC award under Complex Stochastic Systems Initiative, 19931996. 90,000.
1993 EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship, 19931998. 100,000.
1994 EPSRC award under Complex Stochastic Systems Initiative, 19941997.
100,000 (with D. V. Hinkley).
1997 Swiss NSF awards, 19971999. SFr135,000 (with A. Musy) and SFr200,000.
1998 Swiss NSF award, 19982000. SFr80,000.
1999 Swiss NSF award, 19992000. SFr120,000.
1999 Swiss NSF award, 20002001. SFr40,000.
2001 EU 5th Framework Programme, 20012004. DACSEIS consortium on variance
estimation in sample surveys. EPFL part, 350,000 euros.
2001 NCCR, Plant Survival in Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems (Neuchatel).
Head of individual project 12, Statistical and Dynamic Modelling. SFr650,000.
Head of thematic group 9, Statistical and Dynamic Modelling. SFr550,000.
Head of workpackage 4, Statistical and Dynamic Modelling. SFr450,000.
2002 Swiss NSF award, 20022004. SFr120,000.
2006 Swiss NSF award, 20062008. SFr120,000.
2007 CEPF Competence Center in Environmental Sustainability, Extremes, 20072011. SFr1.8M.
2009 Research and visitor programme Risk, Rare Events and Extremes, EPFL,
JulyDecember. SFr220,000.
2010 Swiss NSF award, 20102014. SFr390,000.
2012 Swiss NSF award, 20122014. SFr185,000.

Teaching experience
Undergraduate: Lectures on Probability, Discrete Data, Survival Data, Statistical Theory, Re-
gression Models, Statistical Modelling, Conditional and Bayesian Inference to mathematics stu-
dents, and on Probability, Basic Statistics, and Linear Algebra to engineers; classes on Applied
Statistics for mathematics students; tutorials on probability, statistics, and mathematical methods.
Postgraduate: Lectures on Statistical Theory, Multivariate Statistics, Discrete Data, Stochas-
tic Processes, Monte Carlo Methods, Statistical Methods for Hydrology, Bayesian Statistics and
Decision Theory, Survival Data, Regression Models, Computer-Intensive Statistics, Statistics for
Finance; classes on Applied Statistics.
Continuing education: Jointly with various colleagues, lecturer on and organizer of one-day
courses on Generalized Linear Models, on Model-Checking, and on Computer-Intensive Statisti-
cal Inference; three-day courses on Bootstrap Methods and their Application, and on Statistics of
Extremes; five-day courses on Statistics of Extremes, and on Quantitative Risk Management.

Graduate supervision
1985 44 MSc dissertations at the universities of Texas, London, Oxford and the EPFL.
198892 N. I. Ramesh, DPhil: Statistical inference for some classes of Cox processes.
198894 A. Gigli, PhD: Contributions to importance sampling.
199296 S. A. Corcoran, DPhil research. (Stephen died before finishing his thesis.)
199397 V. Ventura, DPhil: Likelihood inference by Monte Carlo methods and efficient nested boot-
strapping. (Joint with D. V. Hinkley)
199497 D. Kirk, DPhil: Parameter estimation for implicit statistical models with application to rainfall
199598 F. Louzada-Neto, DPhil: Hazard models for lifetime data. (Joint with D. R. Cox and D. V. Hink-
199501 G. Blumberg, DPhil: Evaluation of trends in surface temperature extremes. (Joint with
S. Stokes)
199699 V. Chavez-Demoulin, PhD: Two problems in environmental statistics: Capture-recapture anal-
ysis and smooth extremal models.
199700 A. R. Brazzale, PhD: Practical small-sample parametric inference.

199700 A. Rohrl, PhD: Parallel processing in statistical computation: BSP, FPGAs and an MPI for
the S language.
199701 G. Capkun, PhD: Stochastic rainfall-runoff transfer modelling with joint estimation for mean
and dispersion: Application to the Swiss Plateau catchments.
199801 D. Kuonen, PhD: Computer-intensive statistical methods: Saddlepoint approximation with
applications in bootstrap and robust inference.

199901 C. Candolo, PhD: Incorporating model selection uncertainty into statistical inference in linear
regression (Joint with C. G. B. Demetrio)
200004 M.-O. Boldi, PhD: Mixture models for sample extremes
200106 C. Osinski, PhD: Bayesian risk analysis of financial time series
200307 I. Ricard, PhD: Statistical methods for insect choice experiments
200308 M. Suveges, PhD: Statistical analysis of clusters of extreme events
200509 V. Partovi Nia, PhD: Fast high-dimensional Bayesian classification and clustering
200510 M. M. Gholamrezaee, PhD: Geostatistics of extremes: A composite likelihood approach

200713 J. Ferrez, PhD research
200811 E. Zenklusen Mutter, PhD: Statistical analysis of mountain permafrost temperatures (Joint
with M. Phillips)
200913 R. Huser, PhD: Statistical modeling and inference for spatio-temporal extremes
2010 A. Leboucq, PhD research (Joint with D. Goldstein)
2010 E. Thibaud, PhD research
2010 L. Frossard, PhD research
2011 C. Semadeni, PhD research
2011 M. Cambou, PhD research (Joint with D. Filipovic)
2013 T. Lugrin, PhD research
2014 Y. El Bachir, PhD research

Presentations by Anthony Davison

Invited conference talks and courses

1986 Predictive likelihood. Royal Statistical Society/SERC Research Workshop on Asymptotic Statis-
tical Inference, Edinburgh, June.
Spatial extremes. IMS meeting, Seattle, August.
1987 Aspects of efficient resampling methods. European Meeting of Young Statisticians, Aarhus, Au-
1988 Bootstrap Simulation. 18th European Meeting of Statisticians, Berlin, August.
1989 Model checking. Two lectures at 1st Brasilian School on Linear Models, So Paulo, January.
Diagnostics in general regression models. Diagnostics quarter, University of Minnesota, April.
Conditional inference in generalized linear models. European Meeting of Young Statisticians,
Prague, August.
Conditional inference in generalized linear models. 47th Session of the International Statistical
Institute, Paris, August.
Invited discussant in session on Computer intensive resampling and applications, 47th Session of
the International Statistical Institute, Paris, August.
1990 Statistical analysis of high exposures from a point source of atmospheric pollution. British Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of Science annual meeting, Swansea, August.
1991 Bootstrap likelihoods. Statistical Society of Canada annual meeting, Toronto, June.
1992 Stochastic models for times of exposures to air pollution from a point source. SPRUCE meeting,
Lisbon, April.
4-hour short course on Computer-Intensive Statistical Inference at COMPSTAT, Neuchatel, August.
(With D. V. Hinkley).
Resampling-generated likelihoods. IMS meeting, Penn State University, October.
1993 Resampling-based likelihoods. Workshop on Statistical Inference, Differential Geometry, and
Computer Algebra, Sandbjerg, May.
5-hour short course on Computer-Intensive Statistical Inference at CLAPEM V, Sao Paulo, July.
(With D.V. Hinkley).
1994 Some bootstrap data analyses. Journees de Statistique, Neuchatel, May.
Resampling in generalized linear models. IMS meeting, Florida State University, September.
Adjustments to the profile likelihood. Royal Statistical Society Conference, Newcastle, September.
Bootstrapping time series. Open University Statistical Conference. Milton Keynes, December.
1995 Reliable inference from empirical likelihoods. IMS meeting, Montreal, July. (With S. A. Corcoran).
A statistical problem in neurophysiology. IMS meeting, Montreal, July. (With V. Ventura).
Statistical computing and the bootstrap. Biometrics Society meeting to honour Frank Yates,
Rothamstead, July.
A survey of empirical likelihoods. Workshop on small-sample asymptotics, Brixen, June.
Bootstrap diagnostics. Workshop on resampling, Berlin, October.
1996 Bootstrap methods and their application. 4-hour short course at joint meeting of Universities of
Wales and Birmingham, Gregynog, April.
Bootstrapping time series. Workshops on time series and on nonparametric statistics, Canberra,
Model uncertainty and the bootstrap. Royal Statistical Society Conference, Guildford, September.

1997 Bootstrap model selection in regression. Biometrics Society, Munich, March.
Bootstrap diagnostics. 1997 International Symposium on Contemporary Multivariate Analysis and
its Applications, Hong Kong, May.
Bootstrap assessment of uncertainty. Workshop on Recent Statistical Methods for Small Sample
Statistical Analysis, Paris, June.
Bootstrap Methods and their Application. 12-hour short course organized by the University of
Mainz, July. (Joint with D. V. Hinkley.)
Technology transfer: Implementing small-sample inference. Summer School on Likelihood and
Asymptotics, Banff, August.
Bootstrap diagnostics. CRM workshop on resampling methods, Montreal, September.
1998 Computer-intensive inference. Closing address, 1998 Young Statisticians Meeting. Guildford,
Technology transfer: Implementing small-sample inference. Joint Statistical Meetings, Dallas, Au-
Workshop on Grobner bases in statistics, Menton, September.
1999 Smooth models for sample extremes. Workshop on Complex Models and Methods for Environ-
mental Problems. Nottingham, May.
The bootstrap: A tutorial. 14th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling. Graz, July.
Bootstrap methods and data analysis. Austria-Swiss Region of International Biometric Society.
Basle, September.
2000 Six lectures on bootstrap methods. Belgian statistical workshop. Diepenbeek, April.
Thoughts on model averaging. Workshop on bias and uncertainty in large models, Lillesand, June.
Bootstrap data analysis. Workshop on probability and procedures for statistical inference and
decisions, Trieste, October.
2001 Bootstrap methods and data analysis. Opening lecture: 7th Brazilian School on Regression
Models. Sao Carlos, February.
Smooth models for sample extremes. 7th Brazilian School on Regression Models. Sao Carlos,
Bootstrap methods. 1st Pfizer Conference on Statistics. Kent, June.
2002 Bootstrap diagnostics. IMS annual meeting, Banff, July.
Opening lecturer, Conference of Portuguese Statistical Society, Porto, September.
Bootstrap diagnostics. European research workshop on model assessment. Keynote speaker, Ho-
henried, October.
Galaxies, ticks, moths, and stock market crashes: Hard times for the Poisson process. Corcoran
Memorial Lecture, University of Oxford.
2003 A mixture model for multivariate extremes. Invited lecture, IMS meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
2004 Variance estimation for complex surveys. Invited short course, European Conference on Quality
and Methodology in Official Statistics, Mainz, Germany, May. (With C. Skinner and R. Munnich)
Statistical inference since 1950. Closing lecture. Joint meeting of Royal Statistical Society and
Biometrics Society in honour of Sir David Cox, Oxford, June.
2005 Une comparaison des methodes de re-echantillonnage appliquees aux sondages. Quatrieme colloque
francophone sur les sondages, Quebec, Canada, May.
Applied asymptotics. Applied Statistics 2005, Ribno, Slovenia, September.
2006 Participation at workshop on statistical problems in high-energy physics and astronomy, Banff,
Smoothing and temperature extremes. Royal Statistical Society conference, Belfast, September.
Some challenges for statistics. Inauguration of the Department of Statistics, Universita caFoscari,

2007 Towards a geostatistics of extremes. CEAUL workshop on Environmental Extremes, Lisbon, Febru-
Smoothing and temperature extremes. ICMS-SPRUCE Workshop on smoothing methods in envi-
ronmental problems, Edinburgh, March.
Bootstrap Methods and their Application. ESRC graduate training short course, Edinburgh, May.
Likelihood Theory. 15-hour course for Australian Graduate School in Mathematics, Brisbane, July.
2008 Bootstrap Methods and their Application. Newcastle/Durham graduate school in statistics short
course, Newcastle, January.
Bootstrap Methods and their Application. Statistical Society of Ireland short course, Dublin, Jan-
Statistical Modelling (with J. J. Forster). 10-hour short course for Academy for Postgraduate
Training in Statistics, Oxford, April.
Statistical inference for a problem in particle physics. Joint meeting of Statistical Society of Canada
and Societe Francaise de Statistique, Ottawa, May.
Bootstrap Methods and their Application (with A. J. Canty). Two-week short course for Scandi-
navian research students, Umea, June.
Geostatistics of extremes. UK Extremes workshop. Lancaster, September.
Geostatistics of extremes. International Seminar on Nonparametric Inference. Vigo, November.
Applied asymptotics. Opening lecture, 11th School on Regression Modelling. Recife, March.
Statistics of Extremes. 3-hour short course, 11th School on Regression Modelling. Recife, March.
Statistical Modelling (with J. J. Forster). 10-hour short course for Academy for Postgraduate
Training in Statistics, Southampton, April.
Nonstationary risk analysis of climate extremes. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, April.
Geostatistics of extremes. Workshop on Climate change and extreme value theory, Eurandom,
Eindhoven, May.
Statistics of Extremes. 4.5-hour short course, 31st Finnish Summer School in Probability. Tampere,
Geostatistics of extremes. Sixth International Conference on Extreme Values and their Application,
Fort Collins, June.
A sketch of statistics of spatial extremes. 3-hour short course, workshop on Spatial Extremes and
Applications, EPFL, July.
Spatial modelling of extremes. Opening lecture, annual meeting of the Belgian Statistical Associa-
tion, Lommel, October.
Modelling spatial extreme events. Annual meeting of the Swiss Statistical Association, Geneva,
Models for spatial extremes, with some applications. Workshop on Spatio-temporal Extremes and
Applications, EPFL, November.
Geostatistics of extremes. SAMSI workshop on Climate Change, Raleigh, February.
Spatial modelling of extreme rainfall. 11th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, July,
Statistical inference for space-time extremes. Royal Statistical Society Annual Meeting, Brighton,
Statistics of extremes. 3 hours of talks. Royal Statistical Society Environmental Statistics Section,
London, April.
Francqui Chair Lectures. 10 hours of talks. Universities of Hasselt, Leuven, Louvain-La-Neuve.

Statistical modelling of spatial extremes. Keynote lecture. Third Nordic-Baltic Biometrics Confer-
ence, Turku, June.
Modelling extreme rainfall in space and time. 7th International Conference on Extreme Value
Analysis, Lyon, June.
Space-time modelling of extreme rainfall. Workshop on Environmental Risk and Extreme Events,
Ascona, July.
Lies, damned lies and medical statistics? Third Congress of the Swiss Society for Interventional
Pain Management, Montreux, December.
Modelling extreme rainfall in space and time. The Mathematics and Statistics of Quantitative Risk
Management. Oberwolfach, January/February.
Modelling extreme rainfall in space and time. Scottish and Northern Statistics Meeting. Glasgow,
Statistical modelling of complex extremes. Australian Statistical Conference. Adelaide, July (by
video link due to illness).
Extremal models and environmental risk. Closing plenary address, Royal Statistical Society Inter-
national Conference. Telford, September.
Geostatistics of extremes. Opening plenary address, GeoEnv2012. Valencia, September.
Accurate directional inference for vector parameters. STOR-i workshop. Lancaster, January.
Spatial modelling of extreme rainfall. 45e Journees de Statistique, Toulouse, May.
Bootstrap Methods and their Application. STOR-i masterclass. Lancaster, June.
Spectral density ratio models for multivariate extremes. Eighth Conference on Extreme Value Anal-
ysis. Shanghai, July.
Modelling of extreme rainfall in space and time. World Statistics Congress. Hong Kong, August.
A simple extremal problem. Extremes in Vimeiro Today: Workshop in Honour of Ivette Gomes,

Contributed conference papers

1983 Modelling excesses over high thresholds, with an application. NATO ASI Statistical Extremes
and Applications. Vimeiro, Portugal.
1986 Approximate predictive likelihood. 15th Anniversary meeting of the Joint NSF-NBER Seminar
on Bayesian Inference in Econometrics, Mexico DF.
1987 Some efficient bootstrap methods. Martin Beale Memorial Symposium, London.
1991 Treatment effect heterogeneity in paired data. 20th European Meeting of Statisticians, Barcelona.
1992 A statistical problem in neurophysiology. Royal Statistical Society Conference, Sheffield.
1998 Smoothing sample extremes. UK meeting on Statistics of Extremes, Guildford, April.

2003 A mixture model for microarray data analysis. RSS Conference, Limburgs, July. Joint with
D. Bhowmick and D. Goldstein.
2004 Resampling-based variance estimation in DACSEIS with application to the Swiss Household Bud-
get Survey, European Conference on Quality and Methodology in Official Statistics, Mainz, Ger-
many, May. (Joint with S. Sardy)
2008 Statistical models for spatial extremes, Extremes in a Changing Climate Workshop, Royal Nether-
lands Meterological Institute, de Bilt, May.
2010 Statistical inference for space-time extremes, WCRPUNESCO Workshop on Metrics and Method-
ologies of Estimation of Extreme Climate Events, Paris, September.

University and other seminars
19841999 85 seminars in Europe, North and South America, and Australia
2000 EPFL
2001 ESALQ, Piracicaba; CEH, Edinburgh (2); Edinburgh
2002 FSB colloquium, EPFL
2006 Bern, Cambridge, Newcastle
2007 Brisbane; Melbourne (2); Monash; Adelaide; New South Wales; Louvain-la-Neuve
2008 Neuchatel; Oslo; St. Johns
2009 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
2010 University of Cyprus
2012 Santiago de Compostella; Glasgow; Padova;

Publications of Anthony Davison

1. Davison, A. C. and Hinkley, D. V. (1997) Bootstrap Methods and their Application. Cambridge
University Press. x+582 pages.
2. Davison, A. C. (2003) Statistical Models. Cambridge University Press. x+726 pages.
3. Dodge, Y. (ed.) (2003) The Oxford Dictionary of Statistical Terms, Oxford University Press. Edito-
rial board and main contributors of entries for this edition: D. R. Cox, D. Commenges, A. C. Davi-
son, P. J. Solomon, S. R. Wilson.
4. Davison, A. C., Dodge, Y., and Wermuth, N. (eds.) (2005) Celebrating Statistics: Papers in Honour
of Sir David Cox on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Oxford University Press. xiv+304 pages.
5. Brazzale, A. R., Davison, A. C. and Reid, N. (2007) Applied Asymptotics: Case Studies in Small-
Sample Statistics. Cambridge University Press. x+235 pages.

Articles in refereed journals/book chapters

6. Davison, A. C. (1984) Modelling exceedances over high thresholds, with an application. In J. Tiago
de Oliveira (ed.), Statistical Extremes and Applications. (Dordrecht: Reidel), pages 461482.
7. ApSimon, H. M. and Davison, A. C. (1986) A statistical model for deriving probability distributions
of contamination for accidental releases. Atmospheric Environment, 20, 12491259.
8. Davison, A. C. (1986) Approximate predictive likelihood. Biometrika, 73, 323332.
9. Davison, A. C., Hinkley, D. V. and Schechtman, E. (1986) Efficient bootstrap methods. Biometrika,
73, 555566.
10. Davison, A. C. and Hemphill, M. W. (1987) On the statistical analysis of ambient ozone data when
measurements are missing. Atmospheric Environment, 21, 629639.
11. Davison, A. C. and Hinkley, D. V. (1988) Saddlepoint methods for resampling schemes. Biometrika,
75, 417431.
12. Davison, A. C. (1988) Approximate conditional inference in generalized linear models. Journal of
the Royal Statistical Society, series B, 50, 445461.
13. Davison, A. C. and Gigli, A. (1989) Deviance residuals and normal scores plots. Biometrika, 76,
14. Davison, A. C. and Cox, D. R. (1989) Some simple properties of sums of random variables having
long-range dependence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series A, 424, 255262.
15. Cox, D. R. and Davison, A. C. (1989) Prediction for small subgroups. Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society of London, series B, 325, 185187.
16. Davison, A. C. (1989) Model-checking I: General regression models. Revista Brasileira de Probabil-
idade e Estatistica, 3, 7786.
17. Davison, A. C. (1989) Model-checking II: Binary data. Revista Brasileira de Probabilidade e Esta-
tistica, 3, 8796.
18. Davison, A. C. (1990) Bootstrap methods. In Handbook of Applicable Mathematics, Supplement,
(eds. W. Ledermann, E. Lloyd, S. Vajda and C. Alexander), pages 407436. New York: Wiley.
19. Davison, A. C. and Smith, R. L. (1990) Models for exceedances over high thresholds (with Discus-
sion). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B, 52, 393442.
20. Davison, A. C. and Snell, E. J. (1991) Residuals and diagnostics. In Statistical Theory and Mod-
elling: In Honour of Sir David Cox, (eds. D. V. Hinkley, N. Reid and E. J. Snell), pages 83106.
London: Chapman and Hall.

21. Davison, A. C., Smith, P. W. F. and Whittaker, J. (1991) An exact conditional test for covariance
selection models. Australian Journal of Statistics, 33, 313318.
22. Davison, A. C., Hinkley, D. V. and Worton, B. W. (1992) Bootstrap likelihoods. Biometrika, 79,
23. Davison, A. C. (1992) Regression and correlation. In Methods of Environmental Data Analysis (ed.
C. N. Hewitt), pages 79137. New York: Elsevier.
24. Davison, A. C. and Hall, P. G. (1992) On the bias and variability of bootstrap and cross-validation
estimates of error rate in discrimination problems. Biometrika, 79, 279284.
25. Davison, A. C. (1992) Treatment effect heterogeneity in paired data. Biometrika, 79, 463474.
26. Davison, A. C. and Tsai, C.-L. (1992) Regression model diagnostics. International Statistical Re-
view, 60, 337353.
27. Davison, A. C. and Ramesh, N. I. (1993) A stochastic model for times of exposures to air pollution
from a point source. In Statistics in the Environment (eds. V. Barnett and K. F. Turkman), pages
123138. New York: Wiley.
28. Davison, A. C. and Hall, P. G. (1993) On Studentizing and blocking methods for implementing the
bootstrap with dependent data. Australian Journal of Statistics, 35, 215224.
29. Cox, D. R. and Davison, A. C. (1994) Some comments on the teaching of stochastic processes to
engineers. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education, 4, 2430.
30. Davison, A. C. and Hinkley, D. V. (1994) Applying the bootstrap: An example. Resenhas, 1,
31. Davison, A. C., Hinkley, D. V. and Worton, B. W. (1995) Accurate and efficient construction of
bootstrap likelihoods. Statistics and Computing, 5, 257264.
32. Davison, A. C. and Ramesh, N. I. (1996) Some models for discretized series of events. Journal of
the American Statistical Association, 91, 601609.
33. Ventura, V., Davison, A. C. and Boniface, S. (1998) Statistical inference for the effect of magnetic
brain stimulation on a motoneurone. Applied Statistics, 47, 7794.
34. Davison, A. C. (1998/2004) Extreme values. In Encyclopedia of Biostatistics (eds. P. Armitage
and T. Colton), volume 2, 14631467. New York: Wiley. Revised version in online edition, 2004.
35. Davison, A. C. (1998/2004) Normal scores. In Encyclopedia of Biostatistics (eds. P. Armitage and
T. Colton), volume 4, 30673069. New York: Wiley. Revised version in online edition, 2004.
36. Davison, A. C. and Dorsaz, F. (1998/2004) Order statistics. In Encyclopedia of Biostatistics (eds.
P. Armitage and T. Colton), volume 4, 31813184. New York: Wiley. Revised version in online
edition, 2004.
37. Davison, A. C. and Stafford, J. E. (1998) A comparison of various adjustments of the profile
likelihood. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 26, 139148.
38. Canty, A. J. and Davison, A. C. (1999) Implementation of saddlepoint approximations in resampling
problems. Statistics and Computing, 9, 915.
39. Canty, A. J. and Davison, A. C. (1999) Resampling-based variance estimation for labour force
surveys. The Statistician 48, 379391.
40. Davison, A. C. and Ramesh, N. I. (2000) Local likelihood smoothing of sample extremes. Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society, series B, 62, 191208.
41. Davison, A. C. and Louzada-Neto, F. (2000) Inference for the poly-Weibull model. The Statistician,
49, 189196.
42. Percival, D. B., Sardy S. and Davison, A. C. (2000), Wavestrapping time series: Adaptive wavelet-
based bootstrapping, in Nonlinear and Nonstationary Signal Processing, edited by W. J. Fitzgerald,
R. L. Smith, A. T. Walden and P. C. Young. Cambridge University Press, 442471.

43. Davison, A. C. and Sardy, S. (2000) The partial scatterplot matrix. Journal of Computational and
Graphical Statistics, 9, 750758.
44. Davison A. C. (2001) Biometrika Centenary: Theory and general methodology. Biometrika, 88,
1352. Reprinted in Biometrika: One Hundred Years, edited by D. M. Titterington and D. R. Cox.
Oxford University Press, [11][50].
45. Davison, A. C. (2001) Regression diagnostics. In Encyclopedia of Environmetrics (eds. A. H. El-
Shaarawi and W. W. Piegorsch), volume 3, 17281733. New York: Wiley.
46. Capkun, G., Davison, A. C. and Musy, A. (2001) A robust rainfall-runoff transfer model. Water
Resources Research, 37, 32073216.
47. Ramesh, N. I. and Davison, A. C. (2002) Local models for exploratory analysis of hydrological
extremes. Journal of Hydrology, 256/12, 106119.
48. Caffo, B., Booth, J. G. and Davison, A. C. (2002) Empirical supremum rejection sampling. Biometrika,
89, 745754.
49. Davison, A. C. and Wang, S. (2002) Saddlepoint approximations as smoothers. Biometrika, 89,
50. Candolo, C., Davison, A. C. and Demetrio, C. G. B. (2003) A note on model uncertainty in linear
regression. The Statistician, 52, 165177.
51. Davison, A. C., Hinkley, D. V. and Young, G. A. (2003) Recent developments in bootstrap method-
ology. Statistical Science, 18, 141157.
52. Ukoumunne, O. C., Davison, A. C., Gulliford, M. C. and Chinn, S. (2003) Non-parametric bootstrap
confidence intervals for the intraclass correlation coefficient. Statistics in Medicine, 22, 38053821.
53. Turlings, T. C. J., Tamo, C., and Davison, A. C. (2004) A six-arm olfactometer permitting si-
multaneous observation of insect attraction and odour trapping. Physiological Entomology, 29,
54. Semadeni, C., Davison, A. C. and Hinkley, D. V. (2004) Posterior probability intervals in Bayesian
wavelet estimation. Biometrika, 91, 497505.
55. Biedermann, A., Taroni, F., Delemont, O., Semadeni, C. and Davison, A. C. (2005) The evaluation
of evidence in the forensic investigation of fire incidents (Part I): An approach using Bayesian
networks. Forensic Science International, 147, 4957.
56. Biedermann, A., Taroni, F., Delemont, O., Semadeni, C. and Davison, A. C. (2005) The evaluation
of evidence in the forensic investigation of fire incidents (Part II): Practical examples of the use of
Bayesian networks. Forensic Science International, 147, 5969.
57. Chavez-Demoulin, V. and Davison, A. C. (2005) Generalized additive modelling of sample extremes.
Applied Statistics, 54, 207222.
58. Canty, A. J. and Davison, A. C. (2005) Bootstrap methods. In Encyclopedia of Statistics in Be-
havioural Science (eds. B. S. Everitt and D. C. Howell), volume 1, 169176. Chichester: Wiley.
59. Chavez-Demoulin, V., Davison, A. C. and McNeil, A. J. (2005) Estimating value-at-risk: A point
process approach. Quantitative Finance, 5, 227234.
60. Canty, A. J., Davison, A. C., Hinkley, D. V. and Ventura, V. (2006) Bootstrap diagnostics and
remedies. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34, 527.1
61. Bourquin, A.-F., Suveges, M., Pertin, M., Gilliard, N., Sardy, S., Davison, A. C., Spahn, D. R.
and Decosterd, I. (2006) Assessment and analysis of mechanical allodynia-like behaviour induced
by spared nerve injury (SNI) in the mouse. Pain, 122, 14e114.e14.
1 This paper won the 2006 Canadian Journal of Statistics Award, presented yearly by the Statistical Society of Canada

(SSC) to the author(s) of a contribution to the journal in recognition of the outstanding quality of the papers presentation
and methodological innovation.

62. Tamo, C., Ricard, I., Held, M., Davison, A. C., and Turlings, T. C. J. (2006) A comparison of naive
and conditioned responses of three generalist endoparasitoids of lepidopteran larvae to host-induced
plant odours. Animal Biology, 56, 205220.
63. Davison, A. C., Fraser, D. A. S. and Reid, N. (2006) Improved likelihood inference for discrete data.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, series B, 68, 495508.
64. Moravie, M.-A., Davison, A. C., Pasquier, D., and Charmillot, P.-J. (2006) Bayesian forecasting of
grape moth emergence. Ecological Modelling, 197, 478489.
65. Bhowmick, D., Davison, A. C., Goldstein, D. R. and Ruffieux, Y. (2006) A Laplace mixture model
for the identification of differential expression in microarrays. Biostatistics, 7, 630641.
66. Davison, A. C. and Sardy, S. (2006) Methodes de reechantillonnage pour lestimation de variance
en sondage. Journal de la Societe Francaise de Statistique, 147, 332.
67. Verdon, A., Margraf, N., Davison, A. C., Rahier, M. and Naisbit, R. E. (2007) Conserved oviposition
preferences in alpine leaf beetle populations despite host shifts and isolation. Ecological Entomology,
32, 6269.
68. Boldi, M.-O. and Davison, A. C. (2007) A mixture model for multivariate extremes. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society, series B, 69, 217229.
69. Messerli, G., Partovi Nia, V., Trevisan, M., Kolbe, A., Schauer, N., Geigenberger, P., Chen, J.,
Davison, A. C., Fernie, A., and Zeeman, S. C. (2007) Rapid classification of phenotypic mutants of
Arabidopsis via metabolite fingerprinting. Plant Physiology, 143, 14811492.
70. Ricard, I. and Davison, A. C. (2007) Statistical inference for olfactometer data. Applied Statistics,
56, 479492.
71. Fabbro, T., Davison, A. C. and Steinger, T. (2007) Reliable confidence intervals in quantitative
genetics: Narrow-sense heritability. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 115, 933944.
72. Davison, A. C. and Sardy, S. (2007) Resamping variance estimation in surveys with missing data.
Journal of Official Statistics, 23, 371386.
73. Ancey, C., Davison, A. C., Bohm, T., Jodeau, M. and Frey, P. (2007) Entrainment and motion of
coarse particles in a shallow water stream down a steep slope. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 595,
74. Davison, A. C. (2007) Some challenges for statistics. Statistical Methods and Applications, 17,

75. Davison, A. C. and Sartori, N. (2008) The Banff Challenge: Statistical detection of a noisy signal.
Statistical Science, 23, 354364.
76. Brazzale, A. R. and Davison, A. C. (2008) Accurate parametric inference for small samples. Sta-
tistical Science, 23, 465484.
77. Davison, A. C. and Mastropietro, D. (2009) Saddlepoint approximation for spike-and-slab models.
Biometrika, 96, 479486.
78. Clerc, T., Davison, A. C., and Bersier, L.-F. (2009) Stochastic modelling of prey depletion processes.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 259, 523532.
79. Suveges, M. and Davison, A. C. (2010) Model misspecification in peaks over threshold analysis.
Annals of Applied Statistics, 4, 203221.
80. Costa, A., Ricard, I., Davison, A. C. and Turlings T. C. J. (2010) Effects of rewarding and unre-
warding experiences on the response to host-induced plant odors in the generalist parasitoid Cotesia
marginiventris (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, 23, 305318.
81. Lozada-Can, C., and Davison, A. C. (2010) Three examples of accurate likelihood inference. The
American Statistician. 64, 131139.

82. Rieder, H. E., Staehelin, J., Maeder, J. A., Peter, T., Ribatet, M., Davison, A. C., Stubi, R., Weihs,
P., Holawe, F. (2010) Extreme events in total ozone over ArosaPart 1: Application of extreme
value theory. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 1002110031.
83. Rieder, H. E., Staehelin, J., Maeder, J. A., Peter, T., Ribatet, M., Davison, A. C., Stubi, R., Weihs,
P., Holawe, F. (2010) Extreme events in total ozone over ArosaPart 2: Fingerprints of atmospheric
dynamics and chemistry and effects on mean values and long-term changes. Atmospheric Chemistry
and Physics, 10, 1003310045.
84. Levy, S., Molinari, J.-F., Vicari, I., Ribatet, M. and Davison, A. C. (2010) Fragmentation of a ring:
Predictable fragment mass distributions. Physical Review E, 82, 066105.
85. Ferrez, J., Davison, A. C. and Rebetez, M. (2011) Extreme temperature analysis under forest cover
compared to an open field. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151, 9921001.
86. Davison, A. C. and Ricard, I. (2011) Comparison of models for olfactometer data. Journal of
Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 16, 157169.
87. Davison, A. C. (2011) Statistics of extremes. In International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science,
(ed. M. Lovric), part 19, 14841487. New York: Springer.
88. Ruffieux, Y. and Davison, A. C. (2011) Hierarchical wavelet modelling of environmental sensor
data. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 25, 406420.
89. Blanchet, J. and Davison, A. C. (2011) Spatial modelling of extreme snow depth. Annals of Applied
Statistics, 5, 16991725.
90. Rieder, H. E., Jancso, L. M., Di Rocco, S., Staehelin, J., Maeder, J. A., Peter, T., Ribatet, M.,
Davison, A. C., De Backer, H., Koehler, U., Krzyscin, J. and Vancek, K. (2011) Extreme events
in total ozone over the Northern mid-latitudes: An analysis based on long-term data sets from five
European ground-based stations. Tellus B, 63B, 860874.
91. Davison, A. C. and Gholamrezaee, M. M. (2012) Geostatistics of extremes. Proceedings of the Royal
Society of London, series A, 468, 581608.
92. Ribatet, M., Cooley, D. and Davison, A. C. (2012) Bayesian inference from composite likelihoods,
with an application to spatial extremes. Statistica Sinica, 22, 813845.
93. Suveges, M. and Davison, A. C. (2012) A case study of a Dragon King: The 1999 Venezuelan
catastrophe. European Physical Journal Special Topics, 205, 131146.
94. Chavez-Demoulin, V. and Davison, A. C. (2012) Modelling time series extremes. REVSTAT
Statistical Journal, 10, 109133.
95. Blanchet, J. and Davison, A. C. (2012) Statistical modelling of ground temperature in mountain
permafrost. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series A, 468, 14721495.
96. Partovi Nia, V. and Davison, A. C. (2012) High-dimensional Bayesian clustering with variable
selection: The R package bclust. Journal of Statistical Software, 47(5).
97. Davison, A. C., Padoan, S. A. and Ribatet, M. (2012) Statistical modelling of spatial extremes
(with Discussion). Statistical Science, 27, 161186.
98. Berclaz, C., Goulley, J., Villiger, M., Pache, C., Bouwens, Van de Ville, D., Davison, A. C., Graphin-
Botton and Lasser, T. (2012) Diabetes imaging quantitative assessment of islets of Langerhans
distribution in murine pancreas using extended-focus optical coherence microscopy. Biomedical
Optics Express, 3, 13651380.
99. Davison, A. C. (2013) Extremes: spatial parametric modeling. In Encyclopedia of Environmetrics,
second edition, eds. A.-H. El-Shaarawi and W. W. Piegorsch, John Wiley, Chichester, UK, 984990.
doi: 10.1002/9780470057339.vnn015
100. Frossard, L., Rieder, H. E., Ribatet, M., Staehelin, J., Maeder, J. A., Di Rocco, S., Davison, A. C.
and Peter, T. (2013) On the relationship between total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and chem-
istry at mid-latitudes: Part 1 Statistical models and spatial fingerprints of atmospheric dynamics
and chemistry. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 147164.

101. Rieder, H. E., Frossard, L., Ribatet, M., Staehelin, J., Maeder, J. A., Di Rocco, S., Davison, A. C.
and Peter, T. (2013) On the relationship between total ozone and atmospheric dynamics and chem-
istry at mid-latitudes: Part 2 The effects of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation, volcanic eruptions
and contributions of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry to long-term total ozone changes. Atmo-
spheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 165179.
102. Huser, R. and Davison, A. C. (2013) Composite likelihood estimation for the BrownResnick pro-
cess. Biometrika, 100, 511518.

103. Davison, A. C., Huser, R. and Thibaud, E. (2013) Geostatistics of dependent and asymptotically
independent extremes. Mathematical Geosciences, 45, 511529.
104. Thibaud, E., Mutzner, R. and Davison, A. C. (2013) Threshold modelling of extreme spatial rainfall.
Water Resources Research, 49, 46334644.
105. Huser, R. and Davison, A. C. (2014) Space-time modelling of extreme events. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, series B, 76, 439461.
106. Davison A. C., Fraser, D. A. S., Reid, N. and Sartori, N. (2014) Accurate directional inference for
vector parameters in linear exponential families. Journal of the American Statistical Association,
109, 302314.
107. de Carvalho, M. B. and Davison, A. C. (2014) Spectral density ratio models for multivariate ex-
tremes. Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear.

Under review
Pedeli, X., Davison, A. C. and Fokianos, K. (2013) Estimation for INAR(p) models by saddlepoint
approximations. Journal of the American Statistical Association.

Under revision/in progress

Partovi Nia, V. and Davison, A. C. (2011) A simple empirical Bayesian method for variable selection in
classification and clustering.
Thibaud, E., Petitpierre, B., Broennimann, O., Davison, A. C. and Guisan, A. (2013) Spatial autocor-
relation in predictive models: Virtual ecologist says other factors matter more!
Zenklusen Mutter, E., Blanchet, J., Davison, A. C., Phillips, M. and Dalang, R. C. (2013) Statistical
detection of non-conductive heat-transfer in Alpine permafrost.

Published discussions
108. Green, P. J. (1984) Iteratively reweighted least squares for maximum likelihood estimation, and
some robust and resistant alternatives. J. R. Statist. Soc B 46, 149192. (Disc. on pp. 177178).
109. Davis, M. H. A. (1984) Piecewise-deterministic Markov processes: a general class of non-diffusion
stochastic models. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 46, 353388. (Disc. on p. 382).
110. Stern, R. D. and Coe, R. (1984) A model fitting analysis of daily rainfall data. J. R. Statist. Soc.
A 147, 134. (Disc. on p. 26).
111. Butler, R. W. (1986) Predictive likelihood inference with applications. J. R. Statist. Soc B 48,
138. (Disc. on p. 2829).
112. Cox, D. R. and Reid, N. (1987) Parameter orthogonality and approximate conditional inference. J.
R. Statist. Soc B 49, 139. (Disc. on pp. 2829).
113. Jrgensen, B. (1987) Exponential dispersion models. J. R. Statist. Soc B 49, 127162. (Disc. on
p. 154).
114. Weitzman, M. P. (1987) The evolution of manuscript traditions. J. R. Statist. Soc. A 150, 287308.
(Disc. on p. 307).

115. Copas, J. B. (1988) Binary regression models for contaminated data. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 50,
225265. (Disc. on p. 258259).
116. Hinkley, D. V. (1988) Bootstrap methods, and DiCiccio, T. J. and Romano, J. P. (1988) A review
of bootstrap confidence intervals. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 50, 321370. (Disc. on p. 356357).
117. Aitkin, M. A. (1991) Posterior Bayes factors. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 53, 111142. (Disc. on pp.
118. Ramsay, J. O. and Dalzell, C. J. (1991) Some tools for functional data analysis. J. R. Statist. Soc.
B 53, 539572. (Disc. on p. 564).
119. Liang, K.-Y., Zeger, S. L. and Qaqish, B. (1992) Multivariate regression models and analyses for
categorical data. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 54, 340. (Disc. on p. 29).
120. Efron, B. (1992) Jackknife-after-bootstrap standard errors and influence functions. J. R. Statist.
Soc. B 54, 83127. (Disc. on p. 114115).
121. Pierce, D. A. and Peters, D. (1992) Practical use of higher order asymptotics for multiparameter
exponential families. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 54, 701737. (Disc. on pp. 726727).
122. Hastie, T. J. and Tibshirani, R. J. (1993) Varying-coefficient models. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 55,
757796. (Disc. on p. 789).
123. Newton, M. and Raftery, A. E. (1994) Approximate Bayesian inference with the weighted likelihood
bootstrap. J. R. Statist. Soc. B 56, 348. (Disc. on pp. 3233).
124. Coles, S. G. and Tawn, J. A. (1995) Statistical methods for multivariate extremes: An application
to structural design. Applied Statistics, 43, 148. (Disc. on pp. 3334).
125. Chatfield, C. (1995) Model uncertainty, data mining, and statistical inference. J. R. Statist. Soc A
158, 419466. (Disc. on pp. 451452).
126. DiCiccio, T. J. and Efron, B. (1996) Bootstrap confidence intervals. Statist. Sci., 11, 189228.
(Disc. on pp. 214219). (Joint with A. J. Canty and D. V. Hinkley).
127. Jrgensen, B. (1997) Proper dispersion models. REBRAPE, 11, 89128. (Disc. on pp. 130132).
128. Hodges, J. S. (1998) Some algebra and geometry for hierarchical models, applied to diagnostics. J.
R. Statist. Soc B, 60, 497536. (Disc. on pp. 529530).
129. Besag. J. E. and Higdon, D. (1998) Bayesian analysis of agricultural field experiments. J. R. Statist.
Soc B, 61. (Disc. on pp. 729730).
130. Davison, A. C. (1999) Bootstrap theory and resampling methods. Discussion of papers by J. G. Booth
and B. Presnell, P. Buhlmann and A. T. A. Wood. In Proceedings of the 52nd Session of the In-
ternational Statistical Institute, Helsinki, 3, 9596.
131. Hu, F. and Kalbfleisch, J. D. (2000) The estimating function bootstrap. Canadian Journal of
Statistics, 28. (Joint with A. J. Canty).
132. Kong, A., McCullagh, P., Nicolae, D., Tan, Z., and Meng, X.-L. (2003) A theory of statistical
models for Monte Carlo integration. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 65. (Disc. on p. 609).
133. Heffernan, J. and Tawn, J. A. (2004) A conditional approach for multivariate extreme values. J. R.
Statist. Soc. B, 66. (Disc. on p. 539540).
134. Wakefield, J. (2004) Ecological inference for 2 2 tables. J. R. Statist. Soc. A, 167. (Disc. on
p. 434435).
135. Zeng, D. and Lin, D. Y. (2007) Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric regression models
with censored data. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 69. (Disc. on p. 555). (Joint with N. I. Ramesh).
136. Northrop, P. and Jonathan, P. (2011) Threshold modelling of spatially-dependent non-stationary
extremes with application to hurricane-induced wave heights. Environmetrics, 22, 810812. (Joint
with V. Chavez and L. Frossard).

137. Discussion of papers by Dankers and Feyen, Cooley and Ribatet, and Keef, on Water: Extremes.
Proceedings of the 58th Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Dublin, 2011.
138. Discussion of papers by Liu, Li, and Cairo, on Statistics of extremes and resampling methodologies.
Proceedings of the 59th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Hong
Kong, 2013.

Conference papers and unrefereed publications

1. ApSimon, H. M., Davison, A. C. and Goddard, A. J. H. (1982) The probability distribution of indi-
vidual exposure due to hypothetical accidental releases of various radionuclides to the atmosphere.
Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Soc. Rad. Protect., Inverness, 1982, 2, 731737.
2. ApSimon, H. M., Davison, A. C. and Goddard, A. J. H. (1982) Some comparisons between Eulerian
and Lagrangian models for long-range transport and dispersal of radioactive releases. Proc. 13th
NATO-CCMS Int. Tech. Mtg. Air Pollut. Model. and Appl., France. New York: Plenum.
3. ApSimon, H. M., Davison, A. C. and Goddard, A. J. H. (1982) Stochastic modelling of concentra-
tions resulting from short-term releases of radionuclides to the atmosphere. Proc. 6th Int. Cong.
4. Davison, A. C. (1989) Conditional inference for generalized linear models. In Proceedings of the
47th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Paris, 3, 397406.
5. Davison, A. C. and Hinkley, D. V. (1992) Computer-intensive statistical methods. In Compu-
tational Statistics, volume 2: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Computational Statistics,
COMPSTAT, Neuchatel, August 1992 (eds. Y. Dodge and J. Whittaker), pages 5162. Heidelberg:
6. Canty, A. J. and Davison, A. C. (1996) The implementation of saddlepoint approximations in
bootstrap applications. In Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the 28th Symposium
on the Interface, (eds. L. Billard and N. I. Fisher), pages 248253. Fairfax Station, VA: Interface
Foundation of North America, Inc.
7. Capkun, G. and Davison, A. C. (1998) A simple stochastic rainfall-runoff model. In Proceedings of
the 20th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Pula, 477482.
8. Davison, A. C. (1999) The bootstrap: A tutorial. In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop
on Statistical Modelling, Graz, Austria, July 1999 (eds. H. Friedl, A. Berghold, G Kauermann),
pages 1018.
9. Davison, A. C. and Firth, D. (2001) Report of the Editors2000. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, series B, 63, 12.
10. Davison, A. C. and Firth, D. (2002) Report of the Editors2001. Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society, series B, 64, 12.
11. Davison, A. C. and Kuonen, D. (2002). An introduction to the bootstrap with applications in R.
Statistical Computing and Statistical Graphics Newsletter, 13, 611.
12. Davison, A. C. and Henderson, R. (2003) Report of the Editors2002. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, series B, 65, 12.
13. Davison, A. C. and Henderson, R. (2004) Report of the Editors2003. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, series B, 66, 12.
14. Davison, A. C. and Sardy, S. (2004) Resampling-based variance estimation in DACSEIS: Application
to the Swiss Household Budget Survey. Proceedings of Q2004: European Conference on Quality
and Methodology in Official Statistics Mainz, Germany, 2426 May 2004.
15. Pedeli, X., Davison, A. C. and Fokianos, K. (2012) Saddlepoint approximation for INAR(p) pro-
cesses In Computational Statistics: Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Computational Statis-
tics, COMPSTAT, Limassol, August 2012.

Lausanne, March 28, 2014


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