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Events Battle of Surabaya 10 November 1945

One of the Great Battle Historical Events in Indonesia is indeed very interesting for the pillowcase
back, as the knowledge that it is in memory of the heroes of past great services to uphold the
independence of Indonesia.

Battle of Surabaya is a historical event of war between the Indonesian army and Dutch troops. This
great event occurred on November 10, 1945 in the city of Surabaya, East Java. This battle is the first
war of Indonesian forces with foreign troops after the Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia
and the largest and heaviest battle in the history of the Indonesian National Revolution which
became a national symbol on Indonesian resistance against colonialism.

The arrival of the Allied forces in Surabaya

On October 25, 1945, Allied troops from 49 Brigade under the command of Brigadier General A.W.S.
Mallaby landed in Surabaya. The troops are part of the 23 Division under General D.C. Hawthorn.
They were given the job of Commander AFNEI to disarm Japanese soldiers and rescue the Allied
internees. The leader of the Allied troops met R.M. Suryo (holders of Indonesian rule in East Java).
But the Indonesian government in East Java are reluctant to accept their arrival. After a meeting
between representatives of the Government of Indonesia with Brigadier General A.W.S. Mallaby,
agreed on the following points.

Britain promised that their soldiers are not the Dutch forces. ,
They agree to work together both sides to ensure the security and peace
England will only disarm the Japanese.
They immediately formed a firm contact so that cooperation can be implemented as well as

Therefore, the Republic of Indonesia to allow the British army entered the city with the only
objects that are in accordance with the duties that may be occupied, such as internment camps.
But in subsequent developments, the British reneged on his promise. On October 26, 1945 the
day the security field platoon section under Captain Shaw was about to attack Kalisosok Prison
to free Colonel Huiyer (a Navy Colonel Netherlands) with his friends

Incident 10 November
The young man holding the gun was ordered to surrender his weapons. The ultimatum was not
obeyed by the people of Surabaya. On November 10, 1945 battle of Surabaya is very powerful.
Surabaya people are determined to fight to the death obeyed by the people of Surabaya. On
November 10, 1945 battle of Surabaya is very powerful. Surabaya people are determined to fight to
the death

Not entirely unexpected resistance can last long, lasting from day to day, week to week. Resistance
is initially spontaneous and uncoordinated, increasingly solid and orderly. This terrible battle took
almost one month, before the whole town fell in the hands of the British side. Bloody events of this
really makes the English feel fought dipasifik, battlefield Surabaya earned the nickname "hell" for
them because of losses attributable not least, about 1600 soldiers their experiences were killed in
Surabaya as well as dozens of instruments of war damaged and destroyed by the storm spirit Arek
Arek Surabaya ,

Extraordinary events that occurred in the heroic city of Surabaya has rattled the Indonesian nation,
fighting spirit, never give up and fight to the death for the sake of sovereignty and national honor
had they had shown with full persistence. The number of fighters who died and the people who are
victims when it and a burning passion that made England seemed to roast in hell has made the city
of Surabaya later remembered as City of Heroes and the 10th of november is celebrated every year
as the hero.

Genesis it is a symbol of courage and determination in defending the independence of Indonesia.

Events 10 November is celebrated every year as the day of the Hero by the entire nation of
Indonesia. Independent!

1. Simple Past Tense:

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