Land Registration-Torrens System

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Torrens System According to Presidential Decree 1529

March 7, 2016fundamentals of land title and Amending and Codifying the Laws Relative to
registration Registration of Property and for Other
What is land registration? Purposes, or also known as Property
registration Decree, it has laid down the
enumeration of who may apply for original
Land registration is a judicial or administrative registration of Title.
proceeding whereby a persons claim of
ownership over a particular land is determined
and confirmed or recognized so that such land Section 14. Who may apply. The following
and the ownership thereof may be recorded in a persons may file in the proper Court of First
public registry. Instance an application for registration of title to
land, whether personally or through their duly
authorized representatives:
What is Torrens title?
(1) Those who by themselves or through their
Torrens title is the certificate of ownership predecessors-in-interest have been in open,
issued by the land Register of Deeds, naming continuous, exclusive and notorious possession
and declaring the owner of the real property and occupation of alienable and disposable lands
described therein, free from all liens and of the public domain under a bona fide claim of
encumbrances except such as may be expressly ownership since June 12, 1945, or earlier.
noted thereon or otherwise reserved by law. Its
effect is that it can be conclusive against the
whole world, it is guaranteed to be indefeasible, (2) Those who have acquired ownership of
unassailable, and imprescriptible. The title once private lands by prescription under the provision
registered cannot be impugned, altered, changed, of existing laws.
modified, enlarged, or diminished except in
some direct proceeding permitted by law. (3) Those who have acquired ownership of
private lands or abandoned river beds by right of
What are the kinds of registration? accession or accretion under the existing laws.

1. Original registrationis the first registration of (4) Those who have acquired ownership of land
the land whereby an Original Certificate of Title in any other manner provided for by law.
is entered in the Registry of Property and a
duplicate owners copy is issued to the owner by Where the land is owned in common, all the co-
the Register of Deeds. It can be further classified owners shall file the application jointly.
Where the land has been sold under pacto de
a. Judicial registration which will be done retro, the vendor a retro may file an application
through the courts. It may either be voluntary for the original registration of the land, provided,
where it instituted by the applicant under the however, that should the period for redemption
provisions of Act 496 or PD 1529 or compulsory expire during the pendency of the registration
at the instance of the State under provision of proceedings and ownership to the property
Act 2259 (Cadastral Act) consolidated in the vendee a retro, the latter shall
be substituted for the applicant and may
1. Voluntary -instituted by the applicant continue the proceedings.
2. Compulsory- at the instance of the State
A trustee on behalf of his principal may apply
b. Administrative registration wherein for original registration of any land held in trust
theacquisition of land patents to public by him, unless prohibited by the instrument
agricultural lands and registration thereof under creating the trust.
Section 107 of CA No. 141 (The Public Land
Act) What are the attributes and limitations on
certificates of title and registered lands?
What is subsequent registration?
A. Free from liens and encumbrances
Subsequent registration is a process where the B. Incontrovertible and Indefeasible
Original Certificate of Title is cancelled and C. Certificate of title not subject to Collateral
subsequently registered under a Transfer Attack
Certificate of Title in favor of the new owner in
cases of land conveyance such as sale, donation What are the parts and information on the title?
or assignment.
Title Form Information- where the type of
Who may apply for original registration of title? form, date of revision and serial number can be
Survey Information- where the parcel identity certificate of title is conclusive evidence of
(lot, block, survey plan number), location, indefeasible title to the land.
adjoining parcels, tie point, tie line, bearings and
distances from corner to corner and the area and What is the rule on conveyance of only a portion
date of survey can be found of a land?
Registration Information- where the name of
the Register of Deeds, title number, book
number, page number, place/time/date of The Register of Deeds shall not enter any new
registration, name and signature of registrar and title in favor of the grantee until a plan
historical information (date and place of original indicating the portions into which the land has
registration, OCT No., Volume No., Page No., been subdivided shall first be presented, together
Decree No., record/name of original owner, with the technical descriptions thereof.
number of cancelled title for OCT) can be found Meantime, the deed of conveyance may be
Ownership Information- where the name/s of annotated at the owners certificate.
all persons whose interest make up the full
ownership, citizenship, civil status, postal References:
Cadastral Act, Act No. 2259
What is Homestead patent?
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988
It is issued (by the Director Lands) over land not
of the public domain is a nullity, devoid of force
and effect against the owner whose title is Pea, N. Registration of Land Titles and Deeds.
covered by an OCT or TCT. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.
Presidential Decree No. 27, Decreeing the
Emancipation of Tenants from the Bondage of
What is the Registration of title under Act 3344? theOil, Transferring to Them the Ownership of
the Land They Till and Providing the
Registration of untitled lands or lands with Instruments and Mechanism Therefor
imperfect titles is ineffective against third
persons. That in case of double sale, the title Property Registration Decree 1529, Amending
registered under the Torrens System is superior and Codifying the Laws Relative to Registration
than title registered under Act 3344. Registration of Property and for Other Purposes
under the Torrens System, at the Registry of
Deeds is needed so that title shall be binding
upon third parties. Public Land Act, Com. Act No. 141, Title and
Application of the Act, Lands to Which It
Refers, and Classification, Delimitation and
What is a decree of registration? Survey Thereof for Concession

It is issued by the administrator of LRA upon

order of the court. It shall bind the land and quiet
title thereto the purpose of Torrens System.
Land becomes registered only upon transcription
of the decree in the original registration book by
the Register of Deeds and not on the date of
issuance of the decree. Certificate of title
becomes indefeasible after ONE YEAR from
issuance of the decree.

What is an assurance fund?

Sec 95 of Property Registration Decree provides

that a person who, without negligence on his
part sustain loss or damage or is deprived of land
or any estate or interest therein in consequence
of the bringing of the land under the operation of
Torrens System or arising after the original
registration of the land, through fraud or in
consequence of any error, may bring an action in
any court of competent jurisdiction for the
recovery of damages paid out of the Assurance
Fund within 6 years from the time the right to
bring such action accrues.
The assurance fund is intended to relive innocent
persons from the harshness of the doctrine that a

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