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Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (9): 2145-2154, 2015

ISSN 1990-9233
IDOSI Publications, 2015
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2015.23.09.14577

Management Accounting System and Shareholder Versus

Stakeholder-Orientated Managerial Decision-Making

Massoud Alam Dad Mohammadi, Mohd Noor Azli Ali Khan,

Reza Ghasemi and Nor Azmi Mohamad

Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,

81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

Abstract: Management accounting system can influence managers decision-making through two methods:
direct effect as input to decisions or indirect effect through influencing the behaviour of managers. In this paper
we try to illustrate how management accounting information supports managerial decision-making in
shareholder and stakeholder value management. Secondly, in this paper we investigate consequences that
result from the conceptions behavior of managerial decision-making for the design of management accounting
system. And discuss about relationships between decision-making managers, management accountants.
Consequently, the results of this research show that management accounting design keep up a correspondence
with shareholder theory. Therefore, management accountants follow the goal of profit maximization for
shareholders and concentrate on the agency relationship between shareholders and managers and
decision-making behavior resulting from that. In consequence, when stakeholder orientation is taken,
different accounting techniques are needed. However, Stakeholder theory is basically different from
shareholder theory, because of different behavioral assumptions, objectives, management philosophy, etc.
For these reasons regarding different managerial decision-making behavior and different requirements,
management accountants need to employ appropriate accounting techniques.

Key words: Management Accounting System (MAS) Decision-Making Managerial Behavior

Stakeholder Theory Shareholder Theory

INTRODUCTION MAS serves the purposes of providing information

and decision support. Consequently, management
Management accounting system (MAS) refers to accountants can influence on managerial decision-making
the systematic use of management accounting techniques behavior, within providing related information and
to achieve organizational goals [1]. One comes across technique, for instance throughout providing particular
various definitions of accounting in the textbooks; performance measurements [4]. [5], believes that the
however, almost all definitions identify two important managers often have different and unstable interests
elements of accounting. First, process, where accounting because, decision-making process really is complex as a
is said to identify, measure, analyze and report economic result they often have different and unstable interests
information. Second, purpose, which is stated to be and they act from various points of view. Therefore,
helping the users of that information make better [6] suggest that management accountants must not
decisions. As opposed to financial accounting which only be concerned with the pure content of
provides economic information from the perspective information but also with decision makers behavior,
of many external users, management accounting including their individual motivational and cognitive
(MA hereafter) focuses mainly upon the needs of internal characteristics and, especially, related limitations.
managers of an organization [2]. [3] Suggests that So, between decision-making managers and management

Corresponding Author: Massoud Alam Dad Mohammadi, Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia.
Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (9): 2145-2154, 2015

accountants there is a complicated relationship. [7], responsible to spend corporate funds in authorized ways
stated that managerial decision-making reasonably to maximize interests and benefits of shareholders as
depends on whether shareholder or stakeholder- principal.
orientation predominates among the firms objectives. The pure shareholder theory focuses on the
Managerial decision-making is affected by information- relationship between managers as agents and
information that managers directly consider relevant for shareholders as principals [12] and Stakeholders are only
decision-making in the shareholders or the stakeholders regarded as a means to increase the corporations
interest and information provided to shareholders and/or profitability. Whereas the pure stakeholder theory
stakeholders about the results of managerial decisions. concentrate on how managers may balance their
Among the information affecting managerial decision- responsibilities to shareholders and other owners who
making accounting numbers play an important role. have a legitimate claim in the firm [13]. In addition,
According to [8] when the interest of managers and the logic of shareholder value maximization has been
shareholders is not the same and in this case, the manager unwelcoming to the stakeholder view of the firm. In the
who is responsible for running the firm tend to achieve his other hand, equally beneficial stakeholder relationships
personal goals rather than maximizing returns to the can improve the wealth-creating capacity of the
shareholders, corporate is counted with agency problem. corporation [14]. In addition, some critics of stakeholder
Therefore, a most important objective of the corporation theory indicate that in stakeholder oriented corporation's
is to lessen agency losses. So, [9], states that this is managers have no way to make principled or purposeful
management accounting duty to lessen or hinder agency decisions [15]. Moreover, stakeholder theorists,
difficulties and opportunistic managerial behavior. particularly supporters of normative and instrumental
In this paper we try to identify managerial behavior in approaches, often become involved in arid discusses
decision-making processes in shareholder management about the primacy of shareholder wealth maximization in
versus stakeholder management. In addition, try to opposition to a broader conception of business ethics
explain how shareholder and stakeholder theory affect [16]. In this respect, descriptive stakeholder theory
management accounting systems design and provide scholars focus almost exclusively on stakeholder
suggestions for management accounting design to outcomes in the publicly-held firm where important
enhance managerial decision-making in shareholder corporate decisions are made by professional
management versus stakeholder management. managers [17]. By focusing on a single corporate type,
such research essentially holds corporate governance as
Theoretical Framework a constant. In so doing, significant variation in
Shareholder and Stakeholder Theory: The relationship stakeholder and organizational outcomes in other systems
between managers and stakeholders is at the core of the of governance are overlooked.
corporate governance debate. This debate often comes To summarize, theories of corporate governance
down to the confrontation between two corporate typically adopt either a shareholder or a stakeholder
ideal types. On one side, the shareholder firm where approach in addressing issues of performance and
internal conflicts are resolved through the concentration efficiency [15] [18]. Table 1 shows the main findings and
of power in the hands of shareholders and where major differences between both agency/shareholder and
managers have little autonomy and, on the other side, stakeholder/socio-political perspectives. The main
the stakeholder firm where managers have more discretion question of this research is about the significance and the
and act as mediators between the firms multiple role of management in both theories.
constituencies [10]. Stakeholder theory is effective in
offering normative and instrumental grounding for Behavioral Assumptions in Pure Shareholder and
inclusion of stakeholders in managerial decision making. Stakeholder Theory: Theoretically, shareholders of a firm
It contributes to our understanding of the relational are the only owners and duty of top managers is to
component of a firm and provides a framework for manage the company in such a way that maximizes
recognizing relevant constituencies and several logics for returns to shareholders [19]. However, [20] argued that
prioritizing and integrating their interests into decision managers do not always try to maximize returns to the
making. [11] States that Managers as agent are shareholders. Such behavior is identified as opportunism.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (9): 2145-2154, 2015

Table 1: Difference between shareholder and stakeholder perspectives

Shareholder perspective Stakeholder perspective
Stakeholder outcome Singular: specific Shareholder returns Multiple: holistic Distribution to all stakeholders
Purpose of firm An instrument for shareholder wealth Maximization A locus in relation to wider external stakeholders interests
Theoretical Underpinnings Transaction cost economics; Agency theory: System theory, Stakeholder theory
managerial agency principalprincipal agency
Key assumption Dispersed shareholders as rightful owners All stakeholders have equitable Rights
Interaction Antagonistic; Arms length Relational
Nature of stakeholder Conflict Dyadic: Ownermanager Ownerowner Inter-related
Examples of intra-stakeholder Owners vs. managers Voting rights vs. cash flow rights Differing perspectives of multiple stakeholders
conflicts Debt vs. equity holders Intra-ownership type conflicts Unmonitored and unaccountable managers
Long-term vs. short-term investors
Primary Stakeholder Shareholder No specific stakeholder group(s)
Secondary stakeholder Managers No specific stakeholder group(s)
Authority Managers for dispersed shareholder Network
Contracting mode Formal, arms length Relational contracting
Governance focus Mitigating agency cost Minimizing transaction cost Identifying and resolving stakeholder concerns
Governance Mechanism Managerial monitoring Alignment of incentives Network; control embedded in lasting relationships
Contributions Ease of modeling Clear quantifiable outcome Realistic Includes all possible factors
Limitations Ignores most external factors Complexity in modeling Unclear, emergent outcome

Opportunistic managers actively follow their self-interests frequently criticized: Stewardship theory and Stakeholder
[21]. In some research (for instance [22-25] opportunism agency theory. Stewardship has been suggested as a
are often discussed in related to shareholder value. substitute to agency theory, while it is also subject to
So, Opportunism steams from shareholder theory: criticism because it is based on some assumptions that are
the association between shareholders (as a principal) intense and unrealistic [29].
and managers (as an agent) [20]. According to [20] it is According to stewardship theory, the principal aim to
not possible for the shareholders (principal) and managers maximize shareholder value in the company as in
(agent) to make sure at zero cost that the managers shareholder theory. However, the steward-managers are
decisions maximize the shareholders interests. So, not presumed to be firmly self-interested they want to
there will constantly be agency costs resulting from protect the corporate assets and are different from
monitoring and bonding. Because of this reason, opportunistic managers [30]. Hence, [31], believe that
shareholder oriented corporations are identified by managerial stewards are loyal, reliable, hard-working and
pure agency relationship between shareholders and dependable in protecting and advancing shareholder
management [26]. Stakeholder value is formed by a interests. When stakeholder interests are not same with
stakeholder sensitive management and a fundamental shareholder interests, steward-managers are motivated to
concept in economic based stakeholder theory, which is make decisions that maximize interest of all groups.
that such management, would cause a competitive Because of this, stewardship theory seems to be alike to
advantage allowing a superior level of value creation [27]. stakeholder theory seeing that like in stakeholder theory,
Hence, the main challenges concerning management moral stewards do not consider stakeholder interests as
decision-making in pure stakeholder oriented corporate ends but rather regard the interests of stakeholders only
result from complex, dynamic and reciprocal relationship in an influential sense to achieve the objective of
between managers and stakeholders [28]. As a result, shareholder value maximization [31]. There are no agency
in pure shareholder Orientated corporate managers try to conflicts similar to agency difficulty in the pure
maximize shareholder utility and in pure stakeholder shareholder theory thanks to steward-managers individual
orientated corporate managers concentrate to achieve characteristics who do not necessarily act as
goals of all stakeholders. In contrast, there are two Opportunistic managers but they show a wide range of
corresponding theories that are seriously argued and behavior.

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (9): 2145-2154, 2015

Stewardship theory concentrates on the two-sided separate from decision-making management and when
relationship between shareholders and managers without the power of decision-making is decentralized [29] [39].
identifying agency problems. But stakeholder agency In such a condition management accounting system is
theory concentrates on a nexus of contracts between expected to motivate individuals and moderate the conflict
different stakeholders as identifying a wide range of of interests and objectives and, therefore, to support in
agency-relationships [12] [32]. [33], argues that each achieving the basic goals of the corporate [4] [36] [40].
stakeholder group adds critical resources to the corporate In this research, we assume that the basic missions of
and consecutively is expecting its utilities to be the corporation are shareholder value maximization and
maximized, accordingly, the corporations aim is to value maximization for all stakeholders. We aim to
provide stakeholders interests and maximize their value. consider which one of the decision-facilitating role or
Reference [34] states that the difference between the decision-influencing role of management accounting is
interests that stakeholders attain if management act in the required against the different behavioral assumptions and
best interests of stakeholders and the utility that is corporate objectives. In each of the four behavioral
attained if management act in the best interests of its own assumptions there is clearly more than one actor. For
there will be a utility loss. Thus, the purpose of instance in the shareholder value oriented corporate there
stakeholder agency theory is to maximize the entire are shareholders as principals and decision making
corporations value and to respect reasonable claims of all management as agents. In this condition, management
stakeholders. accounting systems role is decision-facilitating and
particularly decision-influencing because, aligns interests
Implications for Management Accounting System and limits managers opportunistic behavior. In
Design: One of the objectives of management accounting stewardship theory stewards aims and objectives are
is to provide relevant information for internal decision always aligned with the relevant corporate goal which is
making. For regular or short-term decisions management the shareholder value maximization. In addition stewards
accountants can use cost-volume-profit analysis, act just in the best interests of shareholders and do not
product profitability analysis and stock control models. intentionally pursue subjective preferences, as a result,
For capital investment decisions management objective conflicts between shareholder and
accountants can produce accounting rates of return management need not be taken into account. The reason
and payback periods as well as more complex signals for this is that stewards goals and objectives are
based on discounted cash flow. Also information on always aligned with the relevant corporate purpose
non-financial factors, such as quality of output, which is shareholder value maximization [30].
flexibility of processes and lead-times could affect Consequently, when designing management accounting
capital investment projects [35]. According to [36 and 37] systems in stewardship theory the focus must be on the
management accounting systems herein have two decision facilitation instead of the decision influence of
important roles within decision-making: information.
In stakeholder value orientated corporate there is
Decision-facilitating role more than one actor, managers as agents and
shareholders as principals and other stakeholders with
Decision-influencing role different aims and goals who have legal claims on the
corporation [13]. [41] State that in stakeholder agency
Decision-facilitating information is intended to theory when designing management accounting systems
decrease the pre-decision uncertainty of the decision- decision facilitation as well as decision influence of
maker and, thereby, enhance the probability. Therefore, information must be considered. The significance of the
decision-facilitating information aimed to decrease the decision facilitation of information steams from the wide
pre-decision uncertainty in decision-making and is range of interdependencies and links which concern
supposed to enhance the knowledge and prospects of the resources, risks, performance etc. The decision influence
decision-maker to make better decisions regarding the of information must be paid particular attention.
desired aims [38]. Decision-facilitating information Because managers have a central position in this nexus of
supports decision-making when more than one actor is stakeholder groups and therefore likely obtain more
engaged and there are objective conflicts and information information than any other stakeholder groups.
asymmetries. Therefore, in the corporate ownership is Consequently, an information irregularity there is between

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (9): 2145-2154, 2015

managers and stakeholders [34]. So management Thus, management accounting systems had best
accounting systems must be designed to direct not concentrated completely on managers demand of
decision-making manager to maximize the stakeholders information, but rather ensure high transparency
interests. throughout the corporate and supply information as
In pure stakeholder theory managers always make absolutely as possible. According to [47] management
decisions in the best interest of all stakeholders and they accounting system is basically aimed toward internal
do not exclusively seek individual interests therefore pure constituencies for instance managers, executives and
stakeholder theory ignores agency relationships. Because employees. It must consider providing information to
of this no decision influencing of information is shareholders beyond providing financial accounting
necessary. [42], argues that because these managers are information to internal actors. When corporation
assumed to be moral in nature they will neither exploit aimed to value maximization for all stakeholders,
any stakeholder group nor take advantage of any same considerations can be made. Though,
information asymmetries that likely exist due the opportunistic managers will not seriously try to
managers central position. Therefore, [43] concludes that maximize stakeholders interest, consequently,
in pure stakeholder theory when designing management management accounting system have to provide
accounting systems the focus must be on decision complete information as well as possible. [49], argues that
facilitating of information with the key tasks of in corporation which aimed to value maximization for
cooperation, coordination and resolution of conflicts all stakeholders since there are different stakeholder
among stakeholder groups. groups with various interests and characteristics,
decision facilitation of information can be more complex.
Implications for the Decision-facilitating Role of Consequently, a wide range of information concerning
Management Accounting Systems: In The different type and quality is necessary and type and
decision-facilitating role, management accountants quality of information provided by management
provide information for supporting decision-making of accountants depends on the variety of interests,
managers and reduce pre-decision uncertainty of objectives and legal claims. Thus, [43] believe that
decision-makers in a particular decision context management accounting systems counter with the
[44 and 45]. According to [41] the purpose of challenge to record, measure and present various and
decision-facilitating role is to develop the knowledge of mainly qualitative information. According to [40] some
managers and employees and to improve their ability researchers believe that a superior amount of detailed and
for decision-making and desirable judgment. [46], correct information always results in better decisions
states that if there is a balance between decision-makers provided information costs are ignored. However, in pure
needs and demands for information and the supply shareholder theory and stakeholder agency theory,
of information by management accountants, opportunistic managers likely use extra information not
the decision-facilitating role is optimally performed. only for decision making to maximize the stakeholders
In consequence, it is discussed that what implications interests, but also to maximize their personal interests.
for management accounting systems designing regarding Therefore, with decision-makers as opportunistic
their decision-facilitating role can be assumed from the managers, additional and various information leads to a
different behavioral assumptions and corporate rise of information asymmetry which result in typical
objectives. agency conflicts. Consequently, in spite of the goals of
In pure shareholder theory management accounting the corporation management accounting systems must be
information is assumed to be concerned about economic aware of the high risk to encourage self-seeking behavior
value, profitability maximization, shareholder value, when providing information [50 and 51].
financial performance and quantifiable outcomes. Hence, In stewardship theory since decision-making
traditional management accounting information has been managers have only fiduciary tasks towards shareholders
financial [47] and no other information is needed because and they are moral in nature and truthful, necessities
corporate philosophy concentrates on profitability and placed on management accounting systems keep on
shareholders value maximization [10] [48]. In contrast, largely manageable. So, they are alleged to use only
objectives concerned with environmental, social, ethical related information to meet shareholder interests.
and religious issues etc. are relatively ignored when the In addition, high quality management accounting
corporations aim is shareholder value maximization [48]. information leads to better decision. Consequently,

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (9): 2145-2154, 2015

management accountants are able to make a greater on motivation. The aim of decision-influencing is to
contribution when they offer adequate information to make parallel interests between legitimate claims of a
stewardship managers and support making powerful corporation and decision-making managers and to make
governance structures and mechanisms. In pure sure that all activities and decisions supply the
stakeholder theory there exist two basic challenges corporations objectives [40] [55].
imposed on management accounting systems. Firstly, When there are not agency-conflicts no inherent
since in stakeholder oriented corporate responsibility for problems of executive motivation there are and, hence,
all stakeholders is a basic duty of management and no decision influence of information is needed in pure
collective-serving managers are careful about this stakeholder theory and stewardship theory. Accordingly,
corporate objective, management accounting systems only pre-decision information is needed. In contrast,
only must concentrate on multiple values and explicitly on when managers are self-seeking, management
social framework. However, because of various accountants are faced with agency-relationship between
stakeholders with multiple and maybe changing shareholders and managers in pure shareholder theory,
characteristics, interests and claims, there are high or with different agency-relationships among the
difficulty and multiple interdependencies. In this various stakeholders in stakeholder agency theory,
condition a broader scope of information is needed the consequential concern is related to checking
to increase transparency for non-decision-making managerial opportunism [43].
stakeholders and also to directly support decision-making According to [56] If management accounting system
managers [49]. The second challenge is related to the dont provide criteria or evaluations for performance and
resolving conflicts between multiple stakeholders dont monitor and control mechanisms, in stakeholder
and, therefore, balancing divergent interests. orientated corporation self-interested managers act for
Collective-serving managers try to balance stakeholder their individual interests even more than in
interests and maximize their value thus, a process of shareholder oriented corporation. [40], states that when
measuring, assessing and addressing the rivalling decision-making managers are self-interested and
stakeholder claims is needed [52]. [53], argue that an opportunistic, individual values and social norms for
important task for management accounting and instance honesty or work-ethic are impossible to resolve
management is formalizing stakeholder relationships agency-difficulty and to absolutely reduce opportunistic
and goal Conflicts. Other researchers for instance [54], behaviors. It is assumed that managers have a tendency
believe that managers should stop waiting for some kind to be individualists and opportunistic and show only
of invisible hand and rather concentrate their attention low value commitment. Consequently, management
on resolving conflict between stakeholder groups with accountants try to tie management to the firms objectives
ethical judgment and choice. management accounting as well as achievable. Ref. [9], states that in motivational
system has to provide complete information as well as form of control the achievement desired results are related
possible accordingly, having little access to suitable with rewards and penalties that are considered for
information restricts the ability to make desirable managers. Since this incentive system focuses on results
judgments and decisions in organization and managers instead of actions it is indirect, but sometimes rather more
cannot fulfill the companys overall objectives practical and less costly than direct monitoring managers
because they dont have required and sufficient acts. Which motivations effectively encourage and lead
information. Thus, stakeholders and shareholders may to desirable behavioral patterns, cannot be usually
take advantage of the collective-serving but assumed, but depends on the condition, individual
under-informed decision-maker and abuse management values, motivation and tendency to take risks [57]. [48]
accounting information to maximize their own interests [58] believe that in shareholder oriented firms Due to the
and influence decisions in their own utilities [42]. underlying assumptions of incentive and interests
motivation systems are claimed to focus entirely or at
Implications for the Decision-influencing Role of least basically on the capital markets and financial
Management Accounting Systems: According to [41] the performance. Thus, motivation schemes are generally
decision-influencing role of management accounting financial concerning the basis of evaluation, rewards and
systems influence managerial decision-making behavior penalties [59]. Furthermore According to [60] researchers
through the special effects that monitoring, measuring, suggest implementing standard models from
evaluating and rewarding actions and performance have principal-agency theory to coordinate interests of

Middle-East J. Sci. Res., 23 (9): 2145-2154, 2015

management and shareholders. In addition, like pure goals [47]. Restrictions to managerial behavior and
shareholder theory there are some similar assumptions in accuracy of managerial accounting mechanisms increase
stakeholder agency theory which concerns the the chance that managers do not act opportunistically
agency-relationship between management and [62]. Boards of directors are another governance
stakeholder group. [43] Argues that motivation systems mechanism to monitor and control managerial
in stakeholder agency theory might be contained decision-making, recommended originally for shareholder
long-term motivation plans and stock options to oriented companies. Boards of directors fulfil reviews and
encourage managers to try to maximize shareholder value. performance evaluation, penalties and reward for
However, because of various interdependencies, managers, decrease managerial discretion and evaluate
different interests and divergent claims difficulty increase decision-makers [29] [63] [43]. But, according to [61] the
and conversely transparency and the effectiveness of effectiveness of controlling activities performed by
alignment mechanisms reduce due to incomplete or boards of directors similar to management accounting
unsuitable motivations. Because stakeholder agency systems depend on the board's composition. If actors of
theory enforces even higher demands on management corporation such as CEOs and other top-level managers
accounting system and other groups in the corporation are board members, they may use their organizational
than shareholder theory, management accounting system power to enforce opportunistic behavior. In this case,
is called upon to structure relationships as well as management accounting systems by providing particular
possible, to thoroughly govern any business process and information and techniques can influence decision-making
allow only limited scope to decision-makers. behavior [64].
In shareholder theory it is clearly obvious that
shareholders, because of their large and risky stake, CONCLUSION
have a strong motivation to monitor managers closely.
The number of large block shareholders and the total In this research it is mentioned that shareholder
percentage of shares they own define Ownership groups and managers have different interests and
concentration. High levels of ownership concentration managers as decision makers are presumed to be
provide high monitoring of decision-makers and cause opportunistic and self-interested.
managers decisions are intended to maximize shareholder Management accounting systems main role is to
wealth [61]. align values and interests and resolve agency-difficulties
If stakeholder groups become tightly linked together, for maximizing shareholders value. In stakeholder theory,
communicate effectively and act towards communal managers are claimed to be collective-serving decision
goals, they will be able to avoid the issue of self-seeking makers who want to maximize stakeholders value.
managers [34]. If management accounting systems This approach proposes a trust-based and not particularly
supply information to stakeholder groups, restrictive design of management accounting which
encourage inter-stakeholder-communication and balances divergent interests of stakeholder. However,
lessen information asymmetry, high degree of both shareholder and stakeholder theory make a mistake
stakeholder concentration might be provided. that lump a diversity of human behavior in a particular
This fact that decision-making managers are narrow assumption. In this paper we considered
self-interested and seek their own interests, perspectives of decision-making behavior and show that
management accountants oppose with some challenges behavioral assumptions in stakeholder theory and
to persuade managers, to respect and consider shareholder theory are also introduce new approaches like
information in relation to all stakeholder groups and stakeholder agency theory and stewardship theory for
financial as well as nonfinancial information. For this aim, designing management accounting structure. As a result
management accountants sometimes use intermediaries implications for design of management accounting are
such as other managers or superior employees who may argued and developed. Although, further research is
motivate decision-making managers to act in the best needed to investigate about how to deal with particular
value of stakeholder and to control the opportunistic behavioral patterns in management accounting`s design.
behaviors [59]. Therefore, management accountants First of all, empirical assessment of behavioral
through task controls and result may be ensure that tasks assumptions is needed, particularly regarding the
are completed in a predetermined way and motivate behavior of stakeholder agency theory and stewardship
employees and managers to pursue the corporations theory.

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