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Geometry problems from AoPS1

1. In a triangle ABC, let D be the midpoint of the side BC, and let E be a point on the side
AC. The lines BE and AD meet at a point F . Prove that if BF FE
= BC
+ 1, then the line
BE bisects the angle ABC.

Solution 1.



By Menelaus
But CD = DB and AC = AE + EC, then
= =1+
Finally EA
= AB
and then the line BE bisects the angle ABC.
Solution 2. Extend CF to meet AB at G. Given : FE
= AB
+ 1 by Van Aubel Theorem

=1+ (sinceBD = DC).

Plugging this in the given relation we get :

1+ =1+ =
Now, AD, BE, CG concur at F . So by Cevas Theorem,
=1 =
Therefore, AB
= EA
which implies BE is the angle bisector of angle ABC.

2. The three squares BCCa Ba , CAAb Cb , ABBc Ac are constructed externally on the sides BC,
CA, AB of a triangle ABC. Let P be the center of the square BCCa Ba . Prove that the
lines CAc , BAb and AP are concurrent.
Hungary-Israel, 1997







Ba Ca

In fact, I will show even more: I will denote by T the point of intersection of the circumcircles
of the squares CAAb Cb and ABBc Ac different from the point A. Then I will show that this
point T lies on the lines CAc , BAb , AP and Bc Cb and that these four lines form angles of
45 with each other at the point T .
In order to show this, it is enough to prove that

]AT Ac = ]Ac T Bc = ]Bc T B = ]BT P = ]P T C = ]CT Cb = ]Cb T Ab = ]Ab T A = 45

In fact, ]AT Ac = 45 is very easy to prove: Since the point T lies on the circumcircle
of the square ABBc Ac , we have ]AT Ac = ]ABAc , but ]ABAc = 45 is clear because
of the square ABBc Ac . Thus, we have ]AT Ac = 45 . The proofs of ]Ac T Bc = 45 ,
]Bc T B = 45 , ]CT Cb = 45 , ]Cb T Ab = 45 and ]Ab T A = 45 are similar.
Remains to prove that ]BT P = ]P T C = 45 . In fact, we have

]BT C = 360 (]CT Cb + ]Cb T Ab + ]Ab T A + ]AT Ac + ]Ac T Bc + ]Bc T B) =

= 360 (45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 + 45 ) = 90
Thus, the point T lies on the circle with diameter BC. On the other hand, since the point
P is the center of the square BCCa Ba , we have ]BP C = 90 , and consequently, the point
P lies on the circle with diameter BC. Now, as we have seen that both points T and P
lie on the circle with diameter BC, we get ]BT P = ]BCP . But since the point P is the
center of the square BCCa Ba , we have ]BCP = 45 , and thus, ]BT P = 45 . Similarly,
]P T C = 45 . This completes the proof of

]AT Ac = ]Ac T Bc = ]Bc T B = ]BT P = ]P T C = ]CT Cb = ]Cb T Ab = ]Ab T A = 45

and thus the solution of the problem.

3. Let ABC be an arbitrary triangle, and let D, E, F be any three points on the lines BC,
CA, AB such that the lines AD, BE, CF concur. Let the parallel to the line AB through
the point E meet the line DF at a point Q, and let the parallel to the line AB through the
point D meet the line EF at a point T . Then, the lines CF , DE and QT are concurrent.
Kiran Kedlaya; MOP 1997

Solution 1.



Let the parallel to the line AB through the point C meet the lines EF and DF at the points
U and V , respectively. Since the lines AD, BE, CF concur, the Ceva theorem yields
On the other hand, since the line CU V is parallel to the line AB, Thales yields BD/DC =
F B/CV and CE/EA = U C/AF , so that we have

=1 =1
In other words, U C = CV , so that the point C is the midpoint of the segment U V .
Since DT k AB and U V k AB, we have DT k U V . Thus, if the line CF meets the line
DT at a point R, Thales yields T R/RD = U C/CV . Since U C/CV = 1, we therefore have
T R/RD = 1, too.
We have DT k AB and EQ k AB. Hence, DT k EQ. Thus, by Thales, DQ/QF = T E/EF .
Together with T R/RD = 1, this yields

=1 = = =1
Hence, by the Ceva theorem, applied to the triangle F T D, it follows that the lines F R, T Q
and DE are concurrent. In other words, the lines CF , DE and QT are concurrent.
Solution 2.



I will show that CF bisects segment QE (and analogously bisects segment DT ). Since
DT k QE, the midpoints of DT ,QE, the point F , and the intersection of QT and DE are
all collinear (Ceva) and the problem follows..
To prove that CF bisects QE, let S = QE CF, P = BE AD, R = DF BE. Since
(E, R; P, B) = 1, then 1 = (F E, F R; F P, F B) = (F E, F Q; F S, F B). But then, using
that EQ k AB, we have that the points S and a point in the line at infinity are harmonic
conjugates with respect to EQ. Therefore S is the midpoint of EQ, and we are done.
4. Let ABC be a triangle, and erect three rectangles ABB1 A2 , BCC1 B2 , CAA1 C2 externally on
its sides AB, BC, CA, respectively. Prove that the perpendicular bisectors of the segments
A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 are concurrent.
Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik (Germany) 1996, round 2, problem 3

Solution 1.

Lemma 1. If ABCD is an arbitrary rectangle and P is a point in its plane, then AP 2 +

CP 2 = BP 2 + DP 2 .
Proof. Since the quadrilateral ABCD is a rectangle, its diagonals AC and BD are equal
in length and intersect at a point M which bisects both of them. In other words, we have
AC = BD, and the point M is the midpoint of both segments AC and BD.
Since the point M is the midpoint of the segment AC, the segment P M is a median in
triangle AP C, and thus, after the formula for the length of a median in a triangle, we have

4 P M 2 = 2 AP 2 + CP 2 AC 2

4 P M 2 + AC 2 = 2 AP 2 + CP 2

4 P M 2 + BD2 = 2 BP 2 + DP 2

Since AC = BD, we thus have

2 AP 2 + CP 2 = 2 BP 2 + DP 2

thus AP 2 + CP 2 = BP 2 + DP 2 , and Lemma 1 is proven. 

Note that Lemma 1 has a neat converse: If A, B, C, D are four points in the plane such that
for any other point P in the plane, we have AP 2 +CP 2 = BP 2 +DP 2 , then the quadrilateral
ABCD is a rectangle. You can prove this for yourself; I wont need this fact in my further
Now lets solve the actual problem, to show that the perpendicular bisectors of the segments
A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 are concurrent, where the quadrilaterals ABB1 A2 , BCC1 B2 , CAA1 C2
are arbitrary rectangles.
In fact, if the perpendicular bisectors of the segments A1 A2 and B1 B2 intersect each other at
a point P , then A1 P = A2 P and B1 P = B2 P because of the main property of a perpendicular
bisector. If we now succeed to prove that C1 P = C2 P , then it will follow that this point
P also lies on the perpendicular bisector of the segment C1 C2 , so that the perpendicular
bisectors of the segments A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 will concur at the point P , and the problem
will be solved.
Hence, it is enough to prove C1 P = C2 P . Well, since the quadrilaterals ABB1 A2 , BCC1 B2 ,
CAA1 C2 are rectangles, Lemma 1 yields

AP 2 + B1 P 2 = BP 2 + A2 P 2
BP 2 + C1 P 2 = CP 2 + B2 P 2
CP 2 + A1 P 2 = AP 2 + C2 P 2
Adding these equations together, we get

AP 2 + B1 P 2 + BP 2 + C1 P 2 + CP 2 + A1 P 2 = BP 2 + A2 P 2 + CP 2 + B2 P 2 + AP 2 + C2 P 2

After subtraction of AP 2 + BP 2 + CP 2 , this becomes

B1 P 2 + C1 P 2 + A1 P 2 = A2 P 2 + B2 P 2 + C2 P 2

Now, since A1 P = A2 P and B1 P = B2 P , we thus must have C1 P 2 = C2 P 2 , so that

C1 P = C2 P , and the problem is solved.

Solution 2. We will use directed angles modulo 180 throughout the solution.
Lemma 1. Let X, Y and Z be the circumcenters of triangles AA1 A2 , BB1 B2 and CC1 C2 .
Then, the triangles ABC and XY Z are homothetic.
Proof of Lemma 1. Since ABB1 A2 is a rectangle, the perpendicular bisectors of the
segments AA2 and BB1 are actually one and the same line g, and this line g is parallel
to the line AB. Being the circumcenter of triangle AA1 A2 , the point X must lie on the
perpendicular bisector of the segment AA2 , i. e. on this line g. On the other hand, being
the circumcenter of triangle BB1 B2 , the point Y must lie on the perpendicular bisector of
the segment BB1 , i. e. also on the line g. Hence, both points X and Y lie on the line g; this
yields that the line XY coincides with the line g. But since g k AB, we thus have XY k AB.
Similarly, Y Z k BC and ZX k CA. Hence, the corresponding sidelines of triangles ABC
and XY Z are parallel to each other; therefore, these triangles are homothetic. Lemma 1 is
Lemma 2. The angle bisector of the angle A2 AA1 is simultaneously the angle bisector of
the angle CAB.
Proof of Lemma 2. Since ABB1 A2 is a rectangle, we have AA2 AB. Hence, we have
] (AA2 ; AB) = 90 . Similarly, AA1 CA and thus ] (CA; AA1 ) = 90 . Combining, we
get ] (AA2 ; AB) = ] (CA; AA1 ).
Now, if u is the angle bisector of the angle A2 AA1 , we have ] (u; AA2 ) = ] (AA1 ; u); thus,

] (u; AB) = ] (u; AA2 ) + ] (AA2 ; AB) =

= ] (AA1 ; u) + ] (CA; AA1 ) =
= ] (CA; u)

This shows that the line u is also the angle bisector of the angle CAB. And Lemma 2 is
Lemma 3. If h is the altitude of triangle ABC issuing from the vertex A, and O is the
circumcenter of triangle ABC, then the line h is the reflection of the line AO in the angle
bisector of the angle CAB.
Proof of Lemma 3. Since the point O is the circumcenter of triangle ABC, the points
A, B and C lie on a circle with center O, and thus, by the central angle theorem, we have
]OAB = 90 ]BCA. In other words, ](AO; AB) = 90 ](BC; CA). On the other
hand, as an altitude in triangle ABC, the line h is perpendicular to the side BC, so that
we have
](BC; h) = 90 ,
and thus
](CA; h) = ](BC; h) ](BC; CA) = 90 ](BC; CA)
Comparing this with ](AO; AB) = 90 ](BC; CA), we see that ](CA; h) = ](AO; AB).
If w is the angle bisector of the angle ]CAB, we have ](CA; w) = ](w; AB); thus,

](w; h) = ](CA; h) ](CA; w) = ](AO; AB) ](w; AB) = ](AO; w).

Since the line h passes through the point A, which is the point of intersection of the lines w
and AO, this equation yields that the line h is the reflection of the line AO in the line w, i.
e. in the angle bisector of the angle ]CAB. This proves Lemma 3. 
After Lemma 1, the triangles ABC and XY Z are homothetic; thus, the lines AX, BY and
CZ concur at a point P .
Lemma 4. The perpendicular from the point A to the line A1 A2 is the reflection of the line
AP in the angle bisector of the angle ]CAB.
Proof of Lemma 4. The perpendicular from the point A to the line A1 A2 is the altitude
of triangle AA1 A2 issuing from the vertex A. The point X is the circumcenter of triangle
AA1 A2 . Hence, applying Lemma 3 to the triangle AA1 A2 , we see that the perpendicular
from the point A to the line A1 A2 is the reflection of the line AX in the angle bisector of the
angle A2 AA1 . But from Lemma 2, the angle bisector of the angle A2 AA1 is simultaneously
the angle bisector of the angle ]CAB; furthermore, the line AX coincides with the line
AP . Hence, we can state that the perpendicular from the point A to the line A1 A2 is the
reflection of the line AP in the angle bisector of the angle ]CAB. This proves Lemma 4. 
Lemma 5 (isogonal conjugates theorem). If T is an arbitrary point in the plane of a
triangle ABC, then the reflections of the lines AT , BT , CT in the angle bisectors of the
angles ]CAB, ]ABC, ]BCA concur at one point.
I wont prove this lemma since it is a well-known fact.
Lemma 6. The perpendiculars from the points A, B, C to the lines A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 ,
respectively, concur at one point.
Proof of Lemma 6. After Lemma 5, applied to the point T = P , the reflections of the
lines AP , BP , CP in the angle bisectors of the angles ]CAB, ]ABC, ]BCA concur
at one point. Now, after Lemma 4, the reflection of the line AP in the angle bisector of
the angle ]CAB is the perpendicular from the point A to the line A1 A2 ; similarly, the
reflections of the lines BP and CP in the angle bisectors of the angles ]ABC and ]BCA
are the perpendiculars from the points B and C to the lines B1 B2 and C1 C2 . Hence, the
perpendiculars from the points A, B, C to the lines A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 , respectively, concur
at one point, and Lemma 6 is proven. 
Now we can easily prove the problem statement that the perpendicular bisectors of the
segments A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 concur.
Proof of Problem Statement After Lemma 6, the perpendiculars from the points A, B,
C to the lines A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 , respectively, concur at one point. Call this point U .
Since the triangles ABC and XY Z are homothetic, there exists a homothety mapping the
triangle ABC to the triangle XY Z. Let V be the image of the point U under this homothety.
Then, since a homothety maps any line to a parallel line, we have XV k AU . But since the
point U lies on the perpendicular from the point A to the line A1 A2 , we have AU A1 A2 .
Thus, XV A1 A2 , so that the point V lies on the perpendicular from the point X to the
line A1 A2 . But the point X is the circumcenter of the triangle AA1 A2 and therefore lies on
the perpendicular bisector of the segment A1 A2 ; hence, the perpendicular from the point X
to the line A1 A2 is nothing but the perpendicular bisector of the segment A1 A2 . So we have
obtained that the point V lies on the perpendicular bisector of the segment A1 A2 . Similarly,
the same point V lies on the perpendicular bisectors of the segments B1 B2 and C1 C2 . And
this proves that the perpendicular bisectors of the segments A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 concur.
5. Let ABC be a given triangle and let A0 BC, AB 0 C, ABC 0 be equilateral triangles erected
outwards on the sides of triangle ABC (A0 B 0 C 0 first Fermat triangle). Let C be the cir-
cumcircle of A0 B 0 C 0 and let A00 , B 00 , C 00 be the respective intersections of C with the lines
AA0 , BB 0 , CC 0 . Prove that:

AA00 + BB 00 + CC 00 = AA0 = BB 0 = CC 0

Solution. In Hyacinthos message 8067, I proved AA00 + BB 00 + CC 00 = AA0 . Of course,

AA00 + BB 00 + CC 00 = BB 0 and AA00 + BB 00 + CC 00 = CC 0 can be proven analogously
(moreover, AA0 = BB 0 = CC 0 is a well-known and very easy fact).
6. Given a non-isosceles, nonright triangle ABC, let O denote the center of its circumscribed
circle, and let A1 , B1 , and C1 be the midpoints of sides BC, CA, and AB, respectively.
Point A2 is located on the ray OA1 so that OAA1 is similar to OA2 A. Points B2 and C2 on
rays OB1 and OC1 , respectively, are defined similarly. Prove that lines AA2 , BB2 , and CC2
are concurrent, i.e. these three lines intersect at a point.

Solution 1. Since the triangle OAA1 is similar to triangle OA2 A, we have OA OA

1 OA
= OA 2
. On
the other hand, we have OA = OB, since the point O is the circumcenter of triangle ABC,
and thus this rewrites as OA
1 OB
= OA 2
. Together with ]BOA1 = ]A2 OB, this yields that the
triangles OBA1 and OA2 B are similar, what, in turn, shows us that ]OBA2 = ]OA1 B.
But the point O is the circumcenter of triangle ABC and thus lies on the perpendicular
bisector of its side BC; since the point A1 is the midpoint of this side BC, we thus have
OA1 BC and ]OA1 B = 90 . Consequently, ]OBA2 = ]OA1 B = 90 , and BA2 OB.
Since OB is a radius of the circumcircle of triangle ABC, the line BA2 is therefore the
tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at the point B. In other words, the point A2
lies on the tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at the point B. Similarly, the same
point A2 lies on the tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at the point C. Thus, our
point A2 is the point of intersection of the tangents to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at
the points B and C. Similarly, the point B2 is the point of intersection of the tangents to
the circumcircle of triangle ABC at the points C and A, and the point C2 is the point of
intersection of the tangents to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at the points A and B.
Now, the concurrence of the lines AA2 , BB2 , CC2 becomes a well-known fact (in fact, these
lines concur at the symmedian point of triangle ABC); the simplest proof of this fact uses
the Ceva theorem: Since the two tangents from a point to a circle are equal in length, we
have CB2 = B2 A, AC2 = C2 B and BA2 = A2 C, so that
B2 A C2 B A2 C B2 A C2 B A2 C
= =1
AC2 BA2 CB2 C2 B A2 C B2 A
After the Ceva theorem, applied to the triangle A2 B2 C2 , it now follows that the lines A2 A,
B2 B, C2 C are concurrent. In other words, the lines AA2 , BB2 , CC2 are concurrent.

Solution 2. Let G be the centroid and H the orthocenter of 4ABC. Then OAA2 =
OA1 A = A1 AH, and BAO = 90 C = HAC, so we have BAA2 = A1 AC.
Similarly we can get AA2 C = BAA2 and so on. By trig Ceva we have
sin BAA2 sin ACC2 sin CBB2 sin A1 AC sin B1 BA sin C1 CB
= =1
sin A2 AC sin C2 CB sin B2 BA sin BAA1 sin CBB1 sin ACC1
since AA1 , BB1 , and CC1 concur at G. Therefore AA2 , BB2 , and CC2 are concurrent as

Solution 3. Note that (OA1 )(OA2 ) = OA2 , so A2 is the image of A1 about an inversion
with respect to the circle.
Because BA1 C are collinear, OBA2 C are concyclic (B and C are their own images under
the inversion centered at O). Clearly there is a unique point X that is not O on OA1
such that OBXC are conyclic. Now, the intersection of the tangents to the circumcircle
at B and C is clearly on OA1 and clearly is concyclic with COB since if that points is X,
XCO = XBO = 90 . Hence, A2 is the intersection of the tangents to the circumcircle at
B and C. Thus, AA2 is a symmedian by the well known symmedian lemma. The others are
similarly symmedians, so we are done and they concur by the isogonal conjugates theorem.
As a consequence, we have that the inversions of the lines AA2 which are the circles through
AOA1 , BOB1 , COC1 , concur. In fact we have that they concur at the image of the sym-
median point after an inversion about O.

Solution 4. We use a polar transformation with respect to the circumscribed circle, so we

need to prove that BB AC, CC AB, and AA BC are concurrent. But this is easy
through Pascals theorem on AABBCC

Solution 5. Well angle chase to show that AA2 , BB2 , CC2 are the symmedians of 4ABC.
By a well known fact we know that those intersect in the symmedian point. (We could also
easily prove it using Ceva by using theproperty that if D lies on BC, such that AD is the
|BD| |AB|
A-symmedian of 4ABC, then |DC|
= |CA|
Now let := C1 CO and := OC1 C. By the similarity we get C2 CO = and
OC2 C = . By simple angle sum in the triangle we get

C1 CB = 180 (90 + ) = 90 .

We also get
ACC2 = ( ) (90 ) = + + 90
Thus, by the definition of the symmedian it suffices to prove

ACC2 = C1 CB + + 90 = 90 2 + = 180

after some rearranging. But that is easy to prove. Let CM be the midpoint of the arc BC
not containing C. Then

180 = COCM = 2CBCM = 2 + 2 .

That last equality follows from simple angle chasing using that CCM is the angle bisector
of ACB. Were done.
7. A triangle 4ABC is given and let 4A0 B 0 C 0 be, its cevian triangle, with respect to an
arbitrary point P inwardly to it. Let A1 , B1 , C1 be, the midpoints of the side-segments
BC, AC, AB respectively and also let A2 , B2 , C2 be, the midpoints of the segments
AA0 , BB 0 , CC 0 respectively. Prove that the line segments A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2 , are concur-
rent at one point.

Solution 5. It is clear that the points A2 , B2 , C2 , lie on B1 C1 , A1 C1 , A1 B1 respectively

and so, because of B1 C1 k BC,
based on the Thales theorem, we have

A2 B1 A0 C
= 0 (1)
A2 C1 AB
Similarly we have
B2 C1 B0A
= 0 (2)
B2 A1 BC
C2 A1 C 0B
= 0 (3)
C2 B1 CA
From (1),(2),(3) it follows

A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 A1 A0 C C 0 B B 0 A
= 0 0 0 =1 (4)
A2 C1 B2 A1 C2 B1 AB C A BC
From (4), based on the Ceva theorem, we conclude that the line segments A1 A2 , B1 B2 , C1 C2
are concurrent at one point and the proof is completed.
8. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle. Let D, E, F be the feet of the altitudes of the triangle
ABC from the vertices A, B, C, respectively. Let one of the two tangents from the point D
to the circle with diameter AH (which one exactly is taken doesnt matter!) meet the line
CA at a point E 0 , and let the other tangent meet the line AB at the point F 0 . Prove that
the lines AD, BE 0 and CF 0 concur at one point.

Solution 5. Let T = E 0 F 0 BC, S = E 0 F 0 AD. What we must show is that E 0 A

F 0 A, E 0 D F 0 D, E 0 B F 0 C are collinear, which is equivalent to (E 0 C, E 0 B; E 0 D, E 0 T ) =
(F 0 B, F 0 C; F 0 D, F 0 T ), which, in turn, is equivalent to (B, C; D, T ) = 1, i.e. T is EF BC.
This follows from

(B, C; D, T ) = (AB, AC; AD, AT ) = (AF 0 , AE 0 ; AS, AT ) = (DF 0 , DE 0 ; DS, DT ) = 1

So we can see that it can be made a lot more general: all we need are two lines through D
symmetric wrt the altitude.
9. Consider two circles S and S 0 intersecting at two points A and B. Some line through A
meets S, S 0 again at C, D respectively. Let M be a point on CD. The line through M
parallel to BC meets BD at K, and the line through M parallel to BD meets BC at N .
The perpendicular to BC at N meets S at the point E on the opposite side of BC to A.
The perpendicular to BD at K meets S 0 at F on the opposite side of BD to A. Show that
AM EF is cyclic quadrilateral with diameter EF .

Solution 5. Is easy to see that EN B F KB. Therefore we can write EN/N B = BK/KF
or EN/M K = N M/KF and finally EN/N M = M K/KF . Furtermore < angleEN M =
90 +BN M = 90 +BKM = F KM . Then EN M M F K from which, as N M F K
and EN M K, follows that EM F = 90 .
Now EAF = EAB + BAF = ECB + BDF . But CEN and F DK are similar
rectangular triangles, from which for instance, ECB = DF K and finally EAF =
90 .
10. Let (I)(O) be the incircle, circumcircle of the triagle ABC, respectively. (I) tangent
BC, CA, AB in X, Y, Z Let T is the reflection of X in Y Z. Suppose AT meet BC at
E . Prove that E, I, O are collinear (where O, I are incenter, circumcenter of the triangle

Solution 5. Lets turn the problem around alltogether, and look at it from the point of
view of the intouch triangle. Its well-known that the orthocenter of the intouch triangle lies
on OI, so we have the following problem:
Given a triangle ABC, let U V T be its tangential triangle. If A0 is the symmetric of A wrt
BC, show that V T and U A0 intersect on the Euler line of ABC. [U, V, T correspond to
A, B, C respectively]
Let M = U O V T , and D = AH BC. After we observe that A0 HkU O, all we need
to show is that AHA UO
= OM . This is easily reduced to UV BT = DH
, and from here its rather
11. The convex quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in the circle S1 . Let O be the intersection of
AC and BD. Circle S2 passes through D and O, intersecting AD and CD at M and N ,
respectively. OM and AB intersect at R, lines ON and BC intersect at T , and R and T lie
on the same side of line BD as A. Prove that O, R, T, and B are concyclic.

Solution 5. Using directed angles modulo 180 , we have ]OM D = ]ON D since the points
O, M , N and D lie on one circle (namely the circle S2 ), and we have ]DAB = ]DCB
since the points A, B, C and D lie on one circle (namely the circle S1 ). Hence,

]ORB = ](OM ; AB) = ](OM ; AD) + ](AD; AB) =

= ]OM D + ]DAB = ]ON D + ]DCB =
= ](ON ; CD) + ](CD; BC) =
= ](ON ; BC) = ]OT B

what immediately yields that the points O, R, T and B are concyclic. The condition that
the points R and T lie on the same side of line BD as the point A is not necessary, of
12. for a general quadrilateral ABCD, the locus of all points whose reflections in the sides
of the quadrilateral are concyclic is a cubic, the so-called isoptic cubic of the complete
quadrilateral formed by the lines AB, BC, CD, DA. But if the quadrilateral ABCD is a
rectangle - but also, more generally, if the quadrilateral ABCD is an arbitrary parallelogram!
-, then this cubic degenerates into the union of a rectangular hyperbola and the line at
infinity. Since we will consider only finite points here, we ignore the line at infinity, and thus
we will just show that the locus is a rectangular hyperbola.

Solution 5. We will use directed angles modulo 180 throughout the following.
If ABC is a triangle, and g is a line which doesnt pass through any of the triangles vertices,
then the isogonal conjugate of the line g with respect to triangle ABC (i.e., the locus of
the isogonal conjugates of all points on g with respect to triangle ABC) is a conic passing
through the vertices A, B, C of triangle ABC. If the line g passes through the circumcenter
of triangle ABC, then this conic is a rectangular hyperbola. One example of a line g passing
through the circumcenter of triangle ABC is, of course, the perpendicular bisector of the
side CA. Thus, the isogonal conjugate of the perpendicular bisector of the side CA with
respect to triangle ABC is a rectangular hyperbola passing through the vertices A, B, C of
triangle ABC. This hyperbola will be called the B-medial hyperbola of triangle ABC. Its
center is the midpoint of the side CA. Of course, we can similarly define a C-medial and
an A-medial hyperbola of triangle ABC (by considering the perpendicular bisectors of the
sides AB and BC rather than of the side CA).
Now, the B-medial hyperbola is an important hyperbola and has lots of equivalent defini-
Theorem 1. Let M be a point in the plane of a triangle ABC. Consider the following
possible properties of the point M :

(a) The isogonal conjugate of the point M with respect to triangle ABC lies on the per-
pendicular bisector of the segment CA.
(b) We have ]M CB = ]BAM .
(c) If Z and X are the orthogonal projections of the point M on the sides AB and BC of
triangle ABC, respectively, then the midpoint of the segment CA lies on the perpen-
dicular bisector of the segment ZX.
(d) If the point D is such that the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram (so, the point D
is the point where the parallel to the line AB through the point C meets the parallel
to the line BC through the point A), then ]BM C = ]AM D.

(e) If Q is the point satisfying the vector equation M Q = BA (in other words, the point

Q is the image of the point M under the translation along the translation vector BA),
then the points A, M , D, Q are concyclic.
(f) The orthogonal projections of the point M on the lines AB, BC, CD, DA are concyclic.
(g) The reflections of the point M in the lines AB, BC, CD, DA are concyclic.

Then, each of these properties characterizes the B-medial hyperbola of triangle ABC. In
other words, each of these properties holds if and only if the point M lies on the B-medial
hyperbola of triangle ABC.
I will give a proof of Theorem 1 without the property (c); actually, I had given property (c)
just for the sake of completeness (we wont need it anywhere further; you can prove (c) as a
nice exercise). Since property (a) is clearly equivalent to M lying on the B-medial hyperbola
of triangle ABC (since the B-medial hyperbola of triangle ABC is the isogonal conjugate
of the perpendicular bisector of the segment CA), it is enough to show that the properties
(b), (d), (e), (f), (g) are all equivalent to property (a). We will show this by subsequently
proving the following equivalences:
(a) (b); (b) (e); (e) (d); (d) (f); (f) (g).
The proof of (a) (b) is very easy: If M 0 is the isogonal conjugate of the point M
with respect to triangle ABC, then the lines CM and CM 0 are symmetric to each other
with respect to the angle bisector of the angle ]BCA. Thus, ]M CB = ]ACM 0 . Also,
the lines AM and AM 0 are symmetric to each other with respect to the angle bisector of
the angle ]CAB. Thus, ]BAM = ]M 0 AC. Hence, the condition ]M CB = ]BAM
is equivalent to ]ACM 0 = ]M 0 AC. But we have ]ACM 0 = ]M 0 AC if and only if the
triangle CM 0 A is isosceles, i. e. if and only if CM 0 = AM 0 , what is clearly equivalent to the
assertion that the point M 0 lies on the perpendicular bisector of the segment CA. Hence,
we have ]M CB = ]BAM if and only if the isogonal conjugate M 0 of the point M lies on
the perpendicular bisector of the segment CA. Hence, the equivalence (a) (b) is proven.

Now we are going to prove (b) (e). In fact, since M Q = BA, the lines M Q and BA
are parallel, and thus

]QM A = ](M Q; AM ) = ](BA; AM ) = ]BAM

On the other hand, since the quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram, we have CD = BA;

together with M Q = BA, this yields M Q = CD. Therefore, the quadrilateral CM QD is
a parallelogram, so that DQ k CM . On the other hand, DA k CB since the quadrilateral
ABCD is a parallelogram. Thus,

]QDA = ](DQ; DA) = ](CM ; CB) = ]M CB.

Altogether we have proved ]QM A = ]BAM and ]QDA = ]M CB. Thus, we have
]M CB = ]BAM if and only if ]QDA = ]QM A, what is clearly equivalent to the asser-
tion that the points A, M , D, Q are concyclic. This proves the equivalence (b) (e).

Now we will establish (e) (d). In fact, using M Q = CD, we have shown DQ k CM ,

and similarly, from M Q = BA, we can derive AQ k BM . Thus,

]AQD = ](AQ; DQ) = ](BM ; CM ) = ]BM C

Hence, ]AQD = ]AM D holds if and only if ]BM C = ]AM D holds. But ]AQD =
]AM D clearly means that the points A, M , D, Q are concyclic. Hence, the points A, M ,
Q, D are concyclic if and only if we have ]BM C = ]AM D. Thus, the equivalence (e)
(d) is proven.

Lets now settle (d) (f). In fact, let R, S, T , U be the orthogonal projections of the
point M on the lines AB, BC, CD, DA. We must show that ]BM C = ]AM D if and
only if the points R, S, T , U are concyclic. Well, the points R, S, T , U are concyclic if and
only if ]ST U = ]SRU . Thus, it remains to show that ]BM C = ]AM D if and only if
]ST U = ]SRU .
Well, since ]M SC = 90 and ]M T C = 90 , the points S and T lie on the circle with
diameter M C, and thus ]ST M = ]SCM . In other words, ]ST M = ]BCM . Similarly,
the points T and U lie on the circle with diameter M D, and thus ]M T U = ]M DU , so
that ]M T U = ]M DA. Hence,

]ST U = ]ST M + ]M T U = ]BCM + ]M DA

Analogously, ]SRU = ]CBM + ]M AD. Thus,

]ST U ]SRU = (]BCM + ]M DA) (]CBM + ]M AD)

= (]BCM ]CBM ) (]M AD ]M DA)
= (](BC; CM ) ](BC; BM )) (](AM ; DA) ](DM ; DA))
= ](BM ; CM ) ](AM ; DM ) = ]BM C ]AM D.

This immediately shows that ]BM C = ]AM D if and only if ]ST U = ]SRU . And thus,
the equivalence (d) (f) is proven.

Finally we have to verify (f) (g). But this is almost trivial: The reflections of the point
M in the lines AB, BC, CD, DA are nothing but the orthogonal projections of the point
M on the lines AB, BC, CD, DA, streched with center M and stretch factor 2. Hence,
these reflections are concyclic if and only if the projections are concyclic. This proves the
equivalence (f) (g).
Altogether, Theorem 1 (without part (c)) is established.

Remark. Now, of course, for an arbitrary parallelogram ABCD, Theorem 1 part (g) an-
swers the question on the locus of all points M such that the reflections of the point M in
the lines AB, BC, CD, DA are concyclic: This locus is the B-medial hyperbola of triangle
ABC. Completely analogously, we can see that this locus is also the C-medial hyperbola
of triangle BCD, the D-medial hyperbola of triangle CDA, and the A-medial hyperbola of
triangle DAB. Thus, as a bonus, we have obtained the following fact: For any parallelogram
ABCD, the B-medial hyperbola of triangle ABC, the C-medial hyperbola of triangle BCD,
the D-medial hyperbola of triangle CDA, and the A-medial hyperbola of triangle DAB are
actually one and the same hyperbola. I propose calling this hyperbola the medial hyperbola
of the parallelogram ABCD. The center of this hyperbola is the center of the parallelogram
ABCD (because of the symmetry!), and it is a rectangular hyperbola.

We can thus summarize what we have established: For every parallelogram ABCD, the
locus of all points M such that the reflections of the point M in the lines AB, BC, CD,
DA are concyclic is the medial hyperbola of the parallelogram ABCD.
Now, the original problem asked only for the case when the parallelogram ABCD is a
rectangle. Actually, not much changes in this special case (except for the very special case
when the rectangle ABCD is a square - in this case, the locus actually degenerates to the
union of the two diagonals of the square, as you can easily see). For a generic rectangle
ABCD, the locus is indeed a rectangular hyperbola through the vertices of the rectangle,
and Grobbers construction of the vertices of this hyperbola directly follows from the fact
that the hyperbola is the locus of all points whose reflections in the lines AB, BC, CD, DA
are concyclic. Thus, everything is proven.
13. ABC is a triangle. E, F are points on the side BC such that the semicircle diameter EF
touches AB at Q and AC at P . Show that the intersection of EP and F Q lies on the
altitude from A.


Since EF is a diameter, we conclude F EQ = EF P = /2. It follows that KQLP

is an inscribed quadrilateral. Thus QLK = QP K = BQE = LQA (since AQ is
tangent to circle). In the same way we obtain P LK = LP A. Let O be circumcenter
of KQLP . Since KQA = /2, KL is a diameter and O lies on line KL. And we can
write LQA = QLK = QLO = LQO (due to isosceles triangle). Also we obtain
LP A = P LK = LP O. It means that O and A are the same points, i.e. A lies on KL.
In the triangle EF L lines EP and F Q are altitudes, this K is orthocenter LK is altitude
to EF . So we conclude AK BC.
14. Let a quadrilateral ABCD such that AC = BD. Construct outside ABCD 4 isoceles
triangles AHB, BM C, CP D, DN A at H, P , M , N . And 4AHB 4CP D, 4BM C
4DN A. Prove that HP and M N are perpendicular. Z K L

Let the perpendicular bisectors of AB and CD intersect at point E. Then we easily obtain
4AEC = 4BED. Hence,
4AP B 4CP D =
where X and Y are the midpoints of AB and CD respectively. Since 4AHB 4CDP ,
= HX
. Therefore XY k HP . Similarly, M N is parallel to the lines joining the midpoints
of AD and BC, say W Z. But as XW Y Z is a rhombus, XY W Z which implies HP
M N . From this proof, we can see that the result is also true for H, P, M, N lying in the
interior of ABCD.

15. Let ABC be a triangle that is inscribed in the circle (O). Let K be the Lemoine point (i.e
the isogonal conjugate point of the centroid G). Let H be a point lying on AK. Denote by
U, V the intersections of BH and CH with (O). Let M, N be respectively the intersections
of U V with AB and AC. Let P, Q be respectively the intersections of BC with AU and
AV . Prove that M P, N Q, AH are concurrent at X
Generalization. Let ABC be a triangle, and H an arbitrary point in its plane. Denote by
U and V two arbitrary points on the lines BH and CH. Let M and N be the points where
the line U V meets the lines AB and AC, respectively. Let P and Q be the points where
the line BC meets the lines AU and AV , respectively. Prove that the lines M P , N Q and
AH are concurrent.

And this problem admits a very easy solution using projective transformations:
Since the general problem is purely projective, we can apply a projective transformation
which maps the line AH to the line at infinity. In other words, in order to solve the general
problem, it is enough to solve it for the case when the line AH is the line at infinity. In this
case, of course, the points A and H are infinite points. The lines BM , CN , P U and QV ,
all passing through the point A, must therefore be parallel to each other; also, the lines BU
and CV , both passing through the point H, must be parallel to each other.

Now, consider the two triangles BP U and CQV . Since BP k CQ (this is trivial, since the
lines BP and CQ coincide), P U k QV (this was proven above) and U B k V C (this is just
a rephrase of BU k CV ), these two triangles are homothetic. In other words, there exists
a homothety h which maps the triangle BP U to the triangle CQV . This homothety must
therefore map the points B, P , U to the points C, Q, V , respectively. Let this homothety
h map the point M to a point M 0 . Then, CM 0 k BM , QM 0 k P M and V M 0 k U M (since
a homothety maps every line to a parallel line).

Now, from CM 0 k BM , it follows that the point M 0 lies on the parallel to the line BM
through the point C. But since CN k BM , the parallel to the line BM through the point
C is the line CN , and thus, we see that the point M 0 lies on the line CN . Also, since
V M 0 k U M , but the point V lies on the line U M , it follows that the point M 0 lies on the
line U M , too. Hence, the point M 0 is the common point of the lines CN and U M . But the
common point of the lines CN and U M is the point N . Thus, we get M 0 = N . And our
result above, QM 0 k P M , becomes QN k P M . In other words, M P k N Q. This yields that
the lines M P and N Q intersect on the line at infinity. But the line at infinity is the line
AH; thus, the lines M P and N Q intersect on the line AH. In other words, the lines M P ,
N Q and AH are concurrent.

So the general problem is solved for the case when the line AH is the line at infinity. Since
the problem is a projectively invariant one, and every line can be mapped to the line at
infinity by an appropriate projective transformation, it follows that the general problem is
solved for all cases.
16. (a) Given a convex hexagon ABCDEF whose angles are all equal. Prove that AB DE =
(b) Given six segments a, b, c, d, e, f such that a d = c f = e b. Prove that there exists
a convex hexagon ABCDEF whose angles are all equal and whose sides are AB = a,
BC = b, CD = c, DE = d, EF = e and F A = a.
All Russian Olympiad 1964, 9th class:

Solution. (a) Since the angles of the hexagon ABCDEF are all equal, while their sum is
4 180 = 720 , these angles are all equal to 120 . Thus, ](AB; BC) = 120 , ](BC; CD) =
120 and ](CD; DE) = 120 , with angles directed modulo 180 . Hence,

](AB; DE) = ](AB; BC) + ](BC; CD) + ](CD; DE) = 120 + 120 + 120 = 360 = 0

so that AB k DE. By analogy, BC k EF and CD k F A.

Now, let x be the parallel to the lines BC and EF through the point A, let y be the parallel
to the lines AB and DE through the point C, and let z be the parallel to the lines CD and
F A through the point E. The lines x and y meet at U , the lines y and z meet at V , and
the lines z and x meet at W . Then, since y k DE and z k CD we have

]U V W = ](y; z) = ](DE; CD) = ](CD; DE) = 120 = 60 .

Similarly, ]V W U = 60 and ]W U V = 60 . Hence, the triangle U V W is equilateral,

and U V = V W = W U . But since AU k BC and CU k AB, the quadrilateral ABCU
is a parallelogram, and we have CU = AB. Similarly, CV = DE. Thus, U V = CV
CU = DE AB. Similarly, V W = F A CD and W U = BC EF . Hence, we have
DE AB = F A CD = BC EF . In other words, AB DE = CD F A = EF BC.
Solution of (a) complete.
(b) I work with directed angles modulo 180 again.

WLOG assume that a d = c f = e b 0 (else, replace a, b, c, d, e, f by b, c, d, e, f, a).

Then, we have d a = f c = b e 0. Now construct an equilateral triangle U V W
with sidelength V W = W U = U V = d a = f c = b e. We can WLOG as-
sume that the orientation of this equilateral triangle U V W is clockwise, so that we have
]W U V = ]U V W = ]V W U = +60 .

Let E be a point on the ray W V such that W E = f . Then, V E = W E V W = f (f c) =

c. Similarly, define a point A on the ray U W such that U A = b and obtain W A = e, and
define a point C on the ray V U such that V C = d and obtain U C = a. Now, let the
parallels to the lines CU and AU through the points A and C meet each other at the point
B; then, the quadrilateral ABCU is a parallelogram, and thus we have AB = U C = a and
BC = U A = b. Similarly, define two points D and F such that the quadrilaterals CDEV
and EF AW are parallelograms, and you will see that CD = c, DE = d, EF = e and
FA = f.
Now, we have found a hexagon ABCDEF with sidelengths AB = a, BC = b, CD = c,
DE = d, EF = e and F A = f . The convexity of this hexagon is clear. Remains to show
that all angles of this hexagon are 120 .

We will show this now: Since AB k CU and CB k AU , we have

]ABC = ](AB; CB) = ](CU ; AU ) = ]V U W = ]W U V = 60 = 120

Hence, we have showed ]ABC = 120 ; similarly, ]CDE = 120 and ]EF A = 120 . Now,
just as we saw AB k CU , we also have AF k EW , and thus

]F AB = ](AF ; AB) = ](EW ; CU )] < W V U ] < U V W ] 60 = 120

Therefore, we have ]F AB = 120 . Similarly, ]BCD = 120 and ]DEF = 120 . Together
with ]ABC = 120 , ]CDE = 120 and ]EF A = 120 , this entails that all angles of the
hexagon ABCDEF are 120 , and the proof is done.

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