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Nama : Dr. dr. Gatot Susilo Lawrence, MSc, SpPA(K), DFM

Tempat / Tgl lahir : Makassar, April 11, 1960
Pekerjaan : Dosen & Peneliti
Status kawin : Kawin, 1988, dr. Susana Sutjiadi
Anak : Gunawan (1989) Samuel (1991) Daniel (1994)
Alamat ( Kantor) : Unit Riset Vaskuler
Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal
Jl.Kandea No.2 A, INDONESIA.
Tel: (62-411) 324003, Fax:(62-411) 330313
E-mail: ;

1988, Dokter, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, INDONESIA
1990, Short Course in Gene Cloning, PAU Biotek, Univ. Gajah Mada, Jogyakarta, INDONESIA
1992, Research Trainee, Dept. of Pathology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA.
1993, Postgraduate training, Renal Biopsy in Medical Diseases of the Kidneys, Columbia
University, College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, New York, USA.
1993-1994, Kidney and Transplant Pathology Training, the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
1994, Scientific Writing Seminar, The Bennett Graduate Research Society, Columbus, USA
1994, Consultative Nephrology, CME National Kidney Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, USA
1994, MSc, Dept.of Pathology, Renal-Transplant Path., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
1994, The 4th Workshop on Medical Writing and Editing, Annals, Academy of Medicine,
1996, Pathologist, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin. INDONESIA
2001, Diploma in Forensic Medicine, The Netherlands
2001, Konsultan Patologi Kardiovaskuler
2005, Doktor, Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Hasanuddin

Ranking III, Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Makassar, Indonesia (1976)
Ranking Pertama, Bahasa Jerman, Goethe Institut, Jakarta, Indonesia (1980)
Ranking Pertama, Scientific Writing & Research Methodology, Institut PPM-OTO-Bappenas, Jakarta
Penghargaan UN-ICTY (UN-International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) Bosnia-
Croatia Missions (1998)
Penghargaan UN-ICTY (UN-International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia) Kosovo
Mission (2001)
Scientific Traveling Award in 38th Australian NewZealand Nephrology Society Congress, Syndey
Scientific Traveling Award in 39th Australian NewZealand Nephrology Society Congress, Syndey
DFM Training Programme, Unhas-Dirdokkes Polri, 2004
Koordinator Relawan Medis, Tsunami Aceh, RS Zainoel Abidin, 2004
AMDA (Asia Medical Doctor Association) International, Humanitarian Aid for Tsunami Relieve
Mission in Aceh, Japan 2005
AMDA (Asia Medical Doctor Association) Indonesia, Humanitarian Aid for Tsunami Relieve Mission
in Aceh, 2005

Gatot S. Lawrence 1
Pengalaman Kerja:
1989-Sekarang Dosen, Bagian Patologi Anatomi, Universitas Hasanuddin
Kepala Bagian, Bagian Kedokteran Forensik dan Medikolegal (IKFM),
Universitas Hasanuddin
Dosen, S2 dan S3: Pathobiology of Diseases, Biostatistic and Research
Methodology, Biomarker Penyakit
1998-Sekarang Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Medika Nusantara (Accreditasi Nasional)
1998 Expert on Mission Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (UN-ICTY)
2000 Misi Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (UN-ICTY), Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Misi Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (UN-ICTY), Kosovo

Publikasi Ilmiah:
Gene cloning, Scientific Forum, Univ. Hasanuddin 1989.
The role of DNA finger-print analysis in forensic medicine, Univ. Hasanuddin 1990.
The application of molecular biology in health science, PIB-IX, Univ. Hasanuddin, 1992.
Peran biologi molekuler dalam Kedokteran, Pharos Bulletin No.3-1992;7-12
Major histocompatibility complex class I surface expression pattern in cytomegalovirus
infected endothelial cells, Annual Research and Pathology Day, the Ohio State University
Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, 1994.
The down regulation of major histocompatibility complex class I in human cytomgalovirus
infected endothelial cells, Proceeding 4th Asian Pacific Association of Pathologist, Beijing,
China, May 1995.
The role of major histocompatibility class I down regulation in persistent cytomegalovirus
hepatitis, Proceeding 7th National Congress of Indonesian Gastroenterology, Ujung
Pandang, INDONESIA, 1995.
Upregulation of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in cytomegalovirus infected
human endothelial cells, Proceeding 23 Congress of the International Society of Internal
Medicine, Manila, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, Italy, 1996; 75-79.
Kaitan Infeksi Cytomegalovirus dengan Transplantasi, Up-date Nasional Ilmu Peyakit
Infeksi 1997 dan Diskusi Panel Infeksi Cytomegalovirus di Indonesia, Dies Natalis
Univeristas Indonesia ke-48, Maret, INDONESIA 1997.
Transplant associated atherosclerosis : the role of cytomegalovirus infection. First National
Symposium of The Indonesian Association of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Disease.
August 8, 1998 Jakarta, INDONESIA
The Central Role of Endothelial dysfunction in Atherosclerosis. Simposium Diabetes
Melitus. Perkeni Mei 19-20, 1998 Ujungpandang-Indonesia.
The role of free radical in accelerating atherosclersis in diabetic Wistar rat. First National
Symposium of The Indonesian Association of Atherosclerosis and Vascular Disease.
August 8, 1998 Jakarta, INDONESIA
Disfungsi Endotel pada Diabetes Melitus. JMedNus 1999,20:49-53
Peranan Apoptosis Pada Atherosklerosis. JMedNus 1999,20:162-166
Upregulation of von Willebrand Factor in Preeclamptic Placental Vascular: An indicator of
endothelial dysfunction. Second Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Atherosclerosis
and Vascular Diseases. Jan 30-Feb 3, 2000, ChiangMai Thailand
Peningkatan kadar von Willebrand Factor pada penderita Diabetes Melitus : indikator
disfungsi endotel vaskuler. KONAS ke-5, PERKENI, 9-13 April 2000, Bandung, Indonesia
The role of endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular diseases. Expert Meeting on
hypertension and ACE inhibitors. February 9-10, 2001 Perth- Australia.

Gatot S. Lawrence 2
Endothelial dysfunction: An important marker in cardiovascular disease. Expert Meeting on
Coronary artery disease and ACE inhibitors From rational to clinical proven benefits.
Cardiology Update X and Interventional Cardiology IV, March 29-31, 2001 Jakarta-
Endothelial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease. Lunch Symposium: Acute Coronary
Syndrome and ACE inhibitors. Mini Cardiology Update, May 19-20, 2001 Semarang-
High sensitivity C Reactive Protein Profile in Hypertensive and Dyslipidemic Patients. 38th
Australian NewZealand Nephrology Society Congress, Syndey. 2002
The cluster of metabolic syndrome in patients with hypertension. 39th Australian
NewZealand Nephrology Society Congress, Perth. 2003
High sensitivity C Reactive Protein in Cluster of Metabolic Syndrome. 8th Asia Pacific
Societies of Pathologists Congress, 2003
Disharmoni Inflamasi dan anti-Inflamasi dalam Patogenesis Sindrome Metabolik: Studi
Peran Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), TNF alfa, hsCRP dan Adiponektin 2005

Penelitian yang sedang berjalan:

The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in cardiovascular and diabetic patients.
Vascular implication of lipid disorders
Impaired Glucose Tolerance in early vascular complication

Fokus Penelitian:
Patobiologi atherosklerosis, gangguan metabolisme lemak, dan preeclampsia

Organisasi Professional:
IDI : Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, Pengurus Wilayah
IAPI : Ikatan Ahli Patologi Indonesia, Anggota
PDFI : Perhimpunan Dokter Forensik Indonesia, Ketua Cabang Sulsel
PERKENI : Perkumpulan Endokrinologi Indonesia, Anggota
PAPVI : Perhimpunan Aterosklerosis dan Penyakit Vaskuler Indonesia, Anggota
PDKI : Perhimpunan Dokter Keluarga Indonesia, Wakil Ketua Cabang Sulsel

UN-ICTY : United Nation, International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Expert on
Interpol-DVI: International Police Disaster Victim Identification, Member
VBWG : Vascular Biology Working Group, Member
ASE : American Society of Echocardiography, Member
AACE : American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, Member
EPCCVS : European Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, Member

Reviewer/ Penilai/ Penguji:

Kompetisi hasil penelitian (Presentasi Oral dan Poster) PIT Perkeni 1989, Bandung
Kompetisi hasil penelitian Ikatan Ahli Patologi Indonesia, Konas IAPI, Manado
Kompetisi hasil penelitian PIT Perhimpunan Nefrologi Indonesia, 2007, Makassar
Kompetisi Debat Bahasa Inggeris, Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi, 2006, 2007, 2009, Makassar
Reviewer National: Jurnal Medika Nusantara, Indonesian Biomedical Science,
Reviewer International : The Turkish Forensic Science Journal

Gatot S. Lawrence 3

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