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I’ve communicated with spirits for many years.

The first one was a chance

encounter. In time the visits came more frequently – like the word got around on
some ghost (spirit) dimension – Hey! We found one that can see and hear us.
I admit that the initial visitation spooked me. It wasn’t a planned event like a
séance or a deep need to connect.
About a year after my grandfather died he visited me while I was cleaning out the
bathtub. Didn’t say much, only “hello” but I saw, felt and heard a dead person. I
told my mother and she said that she had been praying he’d visit her. That was
the beginning for me of many years of service as a medium.
After that I was curious and open for more visits. Besides being a comfort to the
living seeking communication I enjoyed the spirits; they were mostly fun, often
funny and interesting. My first really frightening experience was when a young
woman (later I learned had been executed) came to me. She looked dead, pale
and unhappy. Worse, she pointed behind her ear to a hole with dripping blood.
She gave me a name of a woman I barely knew–– her mother. The way I
handled it was to tell a friend who knew the mother that the daughter wanted to
talk with her. The mother was a tough no nonsense woman. I didn’t know if I was
more scared of the dead daughter or the mother. It wasn’t pleasant for all
involved but a message that the young woman accepted her death, was sorry for
her choice of life style that led to the murder and an expression of love to her
mother (they had been estranged) made the experience worthwhile.
Perhaps you don’t believe in these occurrences – hogwash you might think. If it
were not for the personal details and information I receive from the dead to give
the living I might agree. However since it happened to me, I have to believe it or
declare myself insane.
In time I became accustomed to the spirits and learned how to handle them, so
to speak. For instance, no waking me up, no grabbing my attention in the
supermarket aisles.
It doesn’t feel weird for me to see, feel and even have a conversation with the
spirits, but sometimes I wish I didn’t have the “gift.” A client came to me because
her sister (who I also had read for) was missing. This would become my first
police involvement case that concluded in the conviction of a man for the
kidnapping and murdering of a young mother. The woman/spirit haunted me. I’d
open my closet and there was her energy, I’d close my eyes and the bed would
compress as she “sat down” to talk. She even visited my four year old and he
told me information I hadn’t received. Turned out he was correct about the details
of the early part of the kidnapping, a witness and also the murder location
different from where the body was found.
My biggest spooky encounter was in Jamaica. I was commissioned to travel
there to conduct readings and workshops. What an incredible experience. I’ll
focus on only one: A doctor came to me. Could I help his sick wife? She
continued to have one serious health problem after another and worse, was
being attacked by entities that would hit her causing bruises. I thought, yeah
right. A bit begrudgingly I agreed to visit their home. What occurred within
minutes of me entering it changed my attitude about not believing in “evil spirits.”
It was July in Jamaica – beyond hot. In one room I felt the presence of heavy
energy and in the room the temperature was like walking into a meat locker. I
became lightheaded and almost fainted and was helped out of the room by the
doctor. Then I entered their bedroom where his wife was in bed, weak and sick.
The room was hot – suffocating. Within moments I was attacked. If this hadn’t
happened to I wouldn’t have believed it. I was slapped and pinched and knocked
down to the floor by unseen entities. My conclusion? Move, I told the people or
find an exorcist, which I am not and am not interested in being.
Since then I’ve had a few “dark” ghost moments although the majority of
communications are messages from spirits saying hi, I’m fine, don’t forget to
enjoy life, stop worrying so much. Personal information is always included in
order a confirmation that it’s indeed the dead speaking.
I do feel sad when parents seek communication from children who died suddenly
or were murdered. I do not encourage them to visit me often but rather teach
them how to contact their children themselves.
I had enjoyed being a medium, knowing that I possessed a unique ability. Not
any more. Now I tell the spirits to find another source. I’m tired. Still, Halloween is
always fun to talk to the dead – just for the night.

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