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Solve remaining unsolved MCQs according to those answers which were given in today's Test (If you
remember correctly). Write Antonyms (opposite). 1. Agile: 2. Ambiguity: 3. Distend: 4. Hackneyed: 5. Latent: 6.
Unruly: Find analogical (similar) relationship. 7. Sentence: words 8. Seed: plant 9. Copyright: Book 10. Waiter: tip 11.
Compound : building 12. portfolio : securities Write correct verbs. 13. He fell (from/off) the horse. 14. I_____ in
morning 15. I am not concerned..him in business: with 16. Ahmad worked for his examination.without taking any
break: Tirelessly 17. Although the oil prices..the companies saw a overall profits. 18. As I was coming
out of building, itto rain. 19. NAB punishment for maximum term of: 14 years 20. No of deputy chairman as stated
in 7 (A): 2 21. Punishment defined in section: 10 22. Official having power to submit reference: Both Chairman of
NAB & Authorized officer 26. Code refers to Code fo ____ 1898: Criminal Procedure 27. Assets means property and
all belongings to any: accused 28. Another purpose of NAB is to educated society about need to eradicate corruption
from: 29. Area of circle having diameter of 14 cm^2: A 153.94 cm 30. Amount of Zakat to be paid on amount of
4,040,000/- : 101000 31. A invests 30,000/- B invests 40,000/- profit at end of year 7,700/- what will be the B's
share? 32. If a+3a is 4 and less than b+3b then a-b ? 33. 85 % sheep in herd are male if 80% male and 20% female
sheep get slaughtered what will be the remaining ratio? 34. shirk 35. Misaaq-e-Madina: contract with jews at madinah
36. Camel of Prophet PBUH at time of migration to midinah: Qaswa 37. Hajjis shifted toward arafat from minna of ___
zilhaj: 9 Zilhajja 38. Bait ul Maal founded by caliph: Hazrat Umer 39. Iman e mufasil is ? 40. First revealed book ?
Torah 41. Shrine of bhauddin zikriya at which city ? Multan 42. Fraizi movement was for: Peasant (and Islamic
reforms in peasantry) 43. Separated homeland concept by leader: Iqbal 44. Who coined the name of Pakistan: Ch.
Rehmat Ali 45. Pak's ideology based on? Islam (Two-Nation Theory) 46. Minto Park's name changed to : Iqbal Park
47. Baloki headwork on river? Ravi 48. Largest crop cultivated in Pakistan: Wheat 49. As with rise of temperature of
ice , the density of ice will: Decrease 50. Twinkling of stars due to? Scattering of Light by Dust Particles 51. Gas used
in fire extinguisher? Carbon Dioxide 52. Fat digested in: Small Intestine 53. Easy to swim in sea water as compare
with swimming in river water why? Sea water is denser 54. LAN stands for? Local Area Network 55. To find similar
words in ms words we use: Thesaurus 56. Which connects two similar networks? Router 57. CPU consist of: ALU &
CU 58. Mhz stand for: Mega hertz 59. Electricity meter: KWh 60. Small dot that makes a picture are called: Pixels 61.
MS DOS is _____ user interface: Command-Line Interface 64. Change case of letters in ms word by? Shift+F3 65. If
20% of 80% = X% of 10. Find X. 66. A and B invest 30,000 & 40,000 respectively. They gained a profit of 7700 at the
end of the year. How much B would get out of this profit? 67. Arithmetic mean of 5, 10, 15, & Z is 20. Find Z: 50 68.
One-fourth of a number is 3 less than one sixteenth of that number. Find 4 times the number: 69. 30 years ago, my
age was 1/6 of the age that I am now. How old am I? 70. The perimeter of a triangle is 54 cm. The sides are 2:3:4.
Find the length of smallest side: 71. (2/5)^2 / (2/5)^10 = ? 72. Find n given that, the 1st Ten natural numbers are its
factors, and it is the smallest possible 5 digit number. 73. The perimeter of a rectangle is 40 cm, its width is 7cm. Find
its length. 74. LEO, GEO, and DEO, are three clubs. What does the shaded part depicts? 75. Four times the product
of a number is twice its sum. Find the number? 76. If a letter is randomly chosen from the word Probability. What is
the probability of its being a vowel? 77. 85% of sheep in a herd are males. On Eid, if 80% of total males and 20% of
total females are slaughtered. What percentage of total sheep would survive? 78. It costs Rs. 25550 to rent a house
in Ayoubia. But there is a 10% discount. Ant to book a house, one must pay 1/5 of the total bill due. How much
money is required to book house? 79. How much Zakat will be payable at Rs. 4,040,000? 80. Why two blankets are
hot? 81. Zakat on Silver in Islam: 594.125 Add missing or remaining questions for Dy AD NAB!!

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