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12 Potent Acupressure Points to Cure Vertigo,

Dizziness, and Fainting

September 25, 2015 By Bipasha M ukherjee 6 Comments

Vertigo, dizziness, and fainting are common problems that can occur in people of any age, but they are
more common among older adults. Although, light-headedness and fainting are mainly caused due to
general weakness, vertigo is a symptom in itself that is marked by a specific kind of dizziness in which the
individual feels that the surrounding is moving, although there is no actual movement. The person can also
feel as if he is off balance, with sensations of tilting, spinning, whirling or falling. Severe vertigo can
trigger nausea, vomiting and loss of balance. Some common causes of vertigo and dizziness are Vestibular
neuritis or labyrinthitis, Menieres disease, and BPPV or benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Acupressure
and reflexology help in treating the symptoms of vertigo along with dizziness and fainting by restoring the
balance of the energy flow in the body.

6 Useful Acupressure Points to Treat Vertigo and Dizziness

Vertigo is a specific kind of dizziness in which one feels that the surrounding environment or the person
himself is moving or spinning even though there is no real movement. But, unlike common belief, vertigo is
not a specific symptom related to fear of heights. Dizziness causes in case of vertigo are due to either
disturbance in the balance organs of the inner ear or disturbance in the parts of the brain or sensory nerve
pathways. Acupressure therapy can help in alleviating the symptoms of vertigo and dizziness naturally by
stimulating a specific set of pressure points located on various parts of the body.


P6 or Pericardium 6 is an effective acupressure point that works as a cure for vertigo and also aids to
relieve other associated symptoms like nausea, motion sickness and headaches. This point is located three
finger-breaths below the wrist, on the inner forearm, between the two tendons.

This point is termed the Inner Gate, and it is an extremely popular point for vertigo, dizziness, apoplexy
and hemiplegia. It is also used to treat asthma, cough, chest congestion, cardiac pain, palpitations,
depression, irritability, and malaria.

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GV 20

GV 20 or Governing Vessel 20 is a powerful acupressure point for vertigo treatment that shows prompt
results. This point is called the Hundred Convergences, and it is located at the center of the top of the
head, at the mid-point of an imaginary line connection the highest point of your ears.

This pressure point has potent self-healing power, and it helps to cure dizziness, epilepsy, mental disorders
and headache. It is also beneficial for addressing problems of earache, poor memory, blurred vision, nasal
obstructions and low energy.

GB 20

GB 20 or Gall Bladder 20 is yet another potent acupressure point that is widely used in acupressure therapy
for dizziness cure. This point is named the Wind Pool, and it is situated at the back of the neck, below the
skull, in the groove where the neck muscles meet the skull. Activating this point is especially useful for the
treatment of dizziness, vertigo, epilepsy and hemiplegia. It is also useful for addressing problems of
headache, eye problems, high blood pressure, neck and shoulder pain and neurological disorders.

GB 21

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Acupressure point GB 21 or Gall Bladder 21 is popularly used in acupressure and acupuncture treatment
for relieving dizziness, vertigo, nausea and motion sickness. It is known as the Shoulder Well, and this
point is located on both shoulders, directly above the nipple, at the mid-point of the line connecting GV 14
and the highest point of the shoulder. Applying controlled pressure at this point on both shoulders also aids
to relieve neck pain and stiffness, shoulder pain, headaches, asthma, mastitis, breast abscess and ease
labor. This point should not be stimulated during pregnancy unless you want to induce labor.

TW 17

TW 17 or Triple Warmer 17 is a functional acupressure point for dizziness treatment that shows quick
results. This point is situated on both sides of the head, in the indention directly behind the ear lobe. This
point can be activated by applying steady pressure using the fingers for 1 minute.

It is a local point for ear ache and all types of ear problems like deafness, tinnitus, itching inside eat,
discharge from ear and swelling of the ear. It also helps to treat vertigo, dizziness, and nausea.

SI 19

SI 19 or Small Intestine 19 is a useful acupressure point that addresses the vertigo symptoms like dizziness
and nausea effectively. This point is also called the Auditory Palace, and it is located on the cheek, right in
the hollow when the mouth is opened.

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This point can be stimulated on both cheeks by applying firm and steady pressure on the points using the
fingers for 1 minute. Activating this point helps to deafness, tinnitus, toothache, TMJ problems along with
epilepsy and maniac behaviour.

6 Useful Acupressure Points to Treat Fainting

Fainting is a common sign of general weakness, and it is defined as a physical stage where a person loses
consciousness for a short period of time because the brain is not able to get enough oxygen. The medical
denomination for fainting is Syncope, but it is commonly called passing out, and a spell fainting can last
from a few seconds to a few minutes. Some of the symptoms the precede fainting are dizziness, light-
headedness, weakness, and nausea. If there is no underlying medical cause of dizziness and fainting, then
it is not a cause for concern. But recurring spells of fainting and convulsions can be symptoms of a
serious medical problem. Acupressure revival points for fainting and dizziness treatment helps to stimulate
the system in order to rebalance and rejuvenate the body.

GV 26

GV 26 or Governing Vessel 26 is the most effective acupressure point for curing fainting and dizziness
symptoms. This point is also called the Middle of a Person, and it is located two-thirds way up the upper
lip to the nose. This is a first-aid revival point that is traditionally used to relieve dizziness, fainting,
collapse, epilepsy, cramps, spinal pain and emotional agitation.

This point can be activated by applying steady pressure to the point using the tip of the index finger for 1
minute. It is a local point to treat nosebleeds, nasal discharge issues and problems with smell.

B 23 and B 47

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The pair of points B 23 or Bladder 23 and B 47 or Bladder 47 are called the Sea of Vitality points and they
are extremely useful acupressure points for dizziness and fainting treatment. These points are present on
either side of the lower back, two and four finger widths away from the spine, at the level of the waist.
Stimulating these points helps to cure fainting, dizziness, fatigue, extreme weakness and instability.

These points can be activated by rubbing the lower back rapidly with the knuckles for 1 minute. These are
local points for relieving lower back pain that also helps to boost the immune system.


KD 1 or Kidney 1 is an extremely popular first aid revival point for fainting, convulsions, loss of
consciousness and shock that helps in restoring consciousness. This point is termed the Gushing Spring,
and it is located at the bottom of the foot, in the depression below the balls of the feet.

This point can be activated by rubbing the point with the fist for 30 seconds then rubbing the same point

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on the opposite foot. It is also a useful point to treat anxiety, mania, headaches, hypertension, tinnitus, sore
throat, lower back pain, insomnia, palpitations, night sweats and hot flashes.

St 36

St 36 or Stomach 36 is yet another functional point of acupressure therapy that is used to cure fainting
caused by general weakness. This point is also termed the Three Mile Point, and it is found four finger
widths below the kneecap, one finger width outside of the shinbone. Stimulating this point aids to
strengthen the whole body, tone the muscles and ground an individual when one is feeling weak, tired,
dizzy or faint.

This point can be stimulated by placing the heel of the opposite leg on the point and rubbing it briskly for 1
minute. This point also boosts immunity, treats digestive disorders, lower leg pain, PMS symptoms,
asthma, insomnia, and nervousness.

LV 3

LV 3 or Liver 3 is a popular acupressure point that is widely used for treating a plethora of diseases and
health issues, and it is also beneficial for treatment of fainting and weakness. This point is known as the
Bigger Rushing, and it is situated on the top of the foot, in the gorge between the big toe and the second
toe. Activating this point relieves dizziness, fainting, exhaustion, headaches, minor nervous disorders and

This point can be stimulated by placing both the middle and index fingers on the spot on both the feet and

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briskly rubbing the point for 30 seconds. It also aids to treat menstrual problems, digestive problems and
works as a calming point for anxiety, irritability, and anger.

ST 9

ST 9 or Stomach 9 is one of the vital acupressure points for dizziness and fainting treatment that is located
on the neck, lateral to the Adams apple, on the anterior border of the muscle sternocleidomastoideus.

This point is termed Mans Welcome and stimulating this point helps to cure dizziness, fainting, headache,
and nausea. It also helps to relieve hypertension, lower back pain, chest tightness, asthma and sore throat.

Now that you are aware of the important acupressure points for treating dizziness, vertigo, weakness,
fainting and headache, stimulate a few of these pressure points at a time and get lasting relief from these

Filed Under: Acupressure Points

Acupressure for New Mothers- Points to Heal

Postpartum Issues
September 18, 2015 By Bipasha M ukherjee Leave a Comment

Pregnancy and motherhood are undoubtedly two of the best stages of a womans life where she can
experience the heavenly feeling of creation. Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, all attention and
effort are directed towards monitoring the growth and development of the baby, but the scenario alters
entirely once the baby is born. The mother must realize the she is the single most important part of her
babys world, and it is imperative to take care of her own health in order to take proper care of the
newborn. The first 30 to 40 days succeeding delivery are the most important days following childbirth
when the mother needs to be nurtured and cared for so that she can rest and recover.

There are a number of health issues that arise after delivery but in most cases the mother ignores it and

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puts the entire focus on the baby. But these issues can have a harmful effect in the long run. Pregnancy
acupressure is a holistic and self-healing way that can help in treating the postpartum issues and promote
speedy recovery of the mother.

Postpartum Issues that can be Treated with Acupressure and Acupuncture

Some of the most common post-pregnancy issues that can be resolved with acupressure treatment are as

Postnatal Depression
Insufficient Lactation and Breastfeeding Problems
Back Pain
Hip Pain
Urinary Incontinence
Tiredness and Exhaustion

Important Acupressure Points to Treat Postpartum Issues

The few weeks after delivery are a very delicate period where great care must be taken of both the mother
and the baby. At this point, the mother can face various physical and emotional problems. But all these
problems can be relieved with the healing touch of acupressure.

Acupressure Points for Postnatal Depression Treatment

Acupressure and acupuncture in pregnancy can bring about a lot of positive change in the health of the
mother and make things easier and smoother for the new mother. One of the greatest difficulties that most
new mothers face is postpartum depression, and anxiety and acupressure are the best natural way to come
out of it, rather than depending on anti-depressant medications. Stimulating the following points can help in
relieving this issue.


This is an important point for postnatal recovery and is a renowned point for calming the mind and the
spirit and bringing about harmony in the emotions. This point is also known as the Gate of Spirit and is
located at the end of the wrist crease, on a line directly below the little finger.

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This point can be stimulated by applying moderate pressure using your thumb for three to five minutes.
This point is also useful in treating insomnia, sleeping disorders, panic, nausea and emotional and
psychological issues.


This is yet another important acupressure point for post-delivery care for the mother. This point is also
called the Inner Gate and can be located by measuring the point three finger widths above the wrist
crease, right between the two tendons on the inner side of the forearm.

This point is said to open the pathway to the heart and has a powerful calming and soothing effect on the
spirit. It helps to alleviate stress and anxiety. It is also useful in treating asthma, vomiting, palpitations and
poor memory.

Acupressure Points for Insufficient Lactation

One of the vital concerns of the mother is the supply of optimum nutrients to the newborn baby and
mothers milk is undoubtedly the best available nutrition for the child. But in certain cases the mother may
suffer from insufficient milk production which can lead to worries and a lot of stress for the mother. But
acupressure can help in treating the problems of insufficient lactation in a natural and permanent way.


The point Small Intestine 1 or Lesser Marsh holds a very important place in acupuncture pregnancy and is
widely used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat breast disorders. This point is located at the corner of
the nail on the ulnar side of the little finger.

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Stimulating this point on both little fingers can help in treating insufficient lactation, breast abscess, mastitis
and cysts. In addition, this acupressure point treats headache, sore throat, dizziness, earache and eye


Stomach Meridian 18 or Breast Root is one of the most functional points of acupressure in pregnancy and
delivery. This point is found on the side of the breast, in line with the armpit.

Stimulating this point on both sides can help in relieving issues with the breasts like pain and swelling,
insufficient lactation and mastitis. It also helps in treating cough, asthma and chest tightness.

Acupressure Points for Mastitis

Mastitis is common among breastfeeding women, and it is caused by inflammation of the tissues of the
mammary glands. The inflamed tissues lead to hardening of the breasts along with sore spots inside the
breasts. This infection leads to blockage of the milk duct and reduces milk supply. This problem can be
treated effectively with pregnancy acupressure points.


Small Intestine 1 or Lesser Marsh is the ultimate point for treating all types of issues with the breasts.

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Stimulating this point for five minutes on both fingers alternately can help in treating breast inflammation,
mastitis, cysts in breasts and abscess.


Stomach Meridian 15 also known as the Roof is a vital point of acupuncture for pregnancy and
postpartum complications. This point is located four fingers width below the shoulder and at the side of
the areola.

Exciting this point with the fingers can help in relieving breast pain, mastitis, distension and abscess. It is
also useful in treating general chest pain, oppression and fullness of the chest.

Acupressure Points for Back Pain, Hip Pain and Sciatica

Carrying the baby in the womb for 9 long moths puts a lot of stress on the pelvic region of the mother and
back pain, hip pain and sciatica are some of the common complaints of new mothers. Soothing massage
and acupressure are some of the natural healing techniques that can help in relieving the postpartum pains.


The point B48 also knows as the Womb and Vitals is an important point of acupuncture in pregnancy
and postpartum recovery. This point is located two finger widths outside the large bony area at the end of
the spine and midway between the top of the hipbone and base of the buttocks.

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Stimulating this point on both sides of the body helps in relieving pelvic tension, lower back pain, sciatica,
hip pain and tension. This point is also helpful in treating other associated postpartum issues like bladder
weakness, urinary problems, haemorrhoids, etc.


Point GB30 is also called Jumping Circle and it plays a pivotal role in acupuncture and pregnancy. This
point is located in the lower back, four finger widths away from the spine, at the level of the waist.

Stimulating this point help in relieving hip pain, backache, sciatica and fatigue. It also helps in relaxing the
joints and tendons and relieving rheumatism.

Acupressure Point for After Pains

After Pains are the type of pains associated with cramping and contraction of the uterus as it starts to
shrink and return to its normal size and location after delivery. The pain can vary in intensity due to the
change in the muscle tone of the uterus. Stimulating the following acupressure points can help in relieving
the after pains.


LI4 or the Joining Valley is the most famous acupressure point that is helpful for relieving all types of
pains and cramps. This point is avoided during pregnancy because of its labor inducing effects, but it can

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be used safely to relieve after pains.

This point is located in the valley-like depression between the thumb and forefinger. Apply pressure on this
point using your fingers for 30 minutes and then relax. Repeat it 2 to 3 times on both hands for best


The SP6 is also known as the Meeting of the Three Yin, and it is the point where the three meridians or
yin channels spleen, liver and kidney meet. Being such a powerful point, it is used to treat problems of
infertility and gynaecological problems.

This point is positioned on the inner side of the lower leg, four finger width above the ankle bone.
Although, this point is avoided during pregnancy, but it can be used safely after delivery to soothe the
intensity of the uterine contractions.

Acupressure Points for Tiredness and Fatigue

During and after pregnancy, the body of the mother goes through a lot of changes that puts a considerable
amount of stress on the body which leads to a constant feeling of tiredness and fatigue. But stimulating the
following acupressure points can help in reenergizing the body instantly.


The ST36 or Leg Three Miles is one of the most powerful acupressure points that help in enhancing
energy and immunity in the body. This point is located four finger widths below the lower end of the knee

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Applying moderate pressure on this point on both legs for 2 to 5 minutes is enough to stimulate it in
enhance energy flow through the body. This point is also used to treat digestive disorders, nausea,
vomiting and stress.


LI10 or Arm Three Miles is the natural complement to ST36 and is located in the upper part of the body.
This point is located on the outer corner of the elbow crease, just three finger widths below the elbow

Applying pressure to this point using your thumb helps in boosting energy flow and strengthens all the vital
organs of the body. This point is also useful in treating shoulder and elbow pain, wrist pain and paralysis of
upper limb.

Relieve the post-pregnancy pains experienced by your partner and enhance her relaxation and comfort by
stimulating these acupressure points on her body.

Filed Under: Acupressure Points

14 30 12.09.2016 17:49
8 Useful Acupressure Points to Relieve Acid
Reflux and Heartburn
September 11, 2015 By Bipasha M ukherjee Leave a Comment

Heartburn and acid reflux are common digestive disorders that affect people of all ages. Although,
occasional acid reflux is not a serious problem, but chronic heartburn can be a warning sign of
Gastroesophageal reflux diseases (GERD), which is a chronic condition. Heartburn usually causes mild to
severe chest pain accompanied by a burning or tightening sensation and it occurs after eating a spicy and
oily meal. A small circular muscle that lies between the oesophagus and stomach acts as the closure of the
oesophagus after food passes into the stomach. Improper closure of the muscle often leads to acid reflux,
in with the acids of the stomach move backward into the oesophagus, causing a burning sensation in the
chest. GERD is a chronic condition in which acid reflux occurs more than twice a week. Although,
antacids and over the counter medication are available to treat these problems, it is best not to rely
completely on medicines. You can try to prevent and treat acid reflux and heartburn naturally with the help
of herbal remedies for acid reflux and acupressure. Acupressure is considered one of the best remedies for
acid reflux and digestive disorders.

Causes of Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Acid reflux and heartburn can be triggered by a number of factors like diet and lifestyle. Some of the
common causes of heartburn are as follows:

Dietary Habits

Eating large portions of food at once

Eating excessive spicy and oily foods
Eating citrus fruits, drinking alcohol, citrus juices,
caffeinated and carbonated drinks
Eating right before bedtime

Lifestyle Habits

Being overweight
Lying down right after eating

Medical Issues

Hiatal Hernia

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Medications such as antibiotics, aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

8 Potent Acupressure Points to Treat GERD, Acid Reflux and Heartburn

No need to rely on antacids and acidity medicines anymore. Now, you can treat heartburn and acid reflux
naturally with these effective acupressure points.


CV12 or Conception Vessel 12 is an effective pressure point used in treatment for heartburn and acid
reflux. This point is also called the Central Venter, and it is located on the midline of the body, halfway
between the base of the breastbone and belly button. Stimulating this point helps in relieving heartburn,
indigestion, constipation, stomach pain and abdominal spasms. It is also useful for relieving emotional
stress and worries which also cause digestive problems. It is best not to stimulate this point is a person
suffers from heart diseases, high blood pressure or cancer. This point should not be stimulated for more
than 2 minutes at a stretch, and it should be stimulated at an empty stomach. Lie on your stomach and
place the palm of your right hand under the point, midway between the breastbone and belly button and
breathe deeply for 1 to 2 minutes keeping your eyes closed.


CV6 or Conception Vessel 6 is one of the best acupressure points for heartburn that is widely used to treat
digestive problems such as constipation, abdominal pain, gas and bloating. This point is also named the Sea
of Energy, and it is located two finger widths below the navel. It is also useful for improving womens
health by treating hernia, uterine bleeding, and irregular menstruation. In addition, it aids in relieving
impotence, stroke, general weakness and muscle pain, asthma and lower back pain. This point should be
stimulated in combination with CV12. Lie down on your stomach with the palm of your right hand under
the points CV6 and CV 12. Continue to breathe deeply for 1 to 2 minutes keeping your eyes closed.

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B23 and B47

B23 or Bladder 23 and B47 or Bladder 47 is a pair of acupressure points that are used to stop acid reflux
and other digestive disorders. These points are known as the Sea of Vitality, and they are located on the
lower back, 2 to 4 finger widths away from the spine, at waist level. Stimulating these points helps in
relieving indigestion, abdominal pain, and stomach ache also. These are local points for relieving lower
back pain and also aids in treating fatigue and impotence in men. In order to stimulate these points lie down
on your back with your legs bent, and feet placed flat on the floor. Now, place your hands under your
lower back on top of each other and relax your body down on your fists. Close your eyes and breathe
deeply for 1 minute.


St36 or Stomach 36 is one of the widely used acupressure points for indigestion treatment that helps in
relieving all types of gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, stomach ache, bloating,
diarrhea, constipation, etc. This point is also called the Three Mile Point, and it is situated four finger
widths below the kneecap, one finger widths to the outside of the shin bone. It is also useful for boosting
immunity and relieving general weakness, PMS symptoms, depression, insomnia, and nervousness. This
point can be stimulated by briskly rubbing it using your fingers for 30 seconds to 1 minute on both legs.

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P6 or Pericardium 6 is one of the vital acupressure points for acid reflux and heartburn treatment. This is
also called the Inner Gate, and it is located in the middle of the inner wrist, two and half finger widths
below the wrist crease. Stimulating this point helps in relieving GERD, stomach ache, indigestion, upset
stomach, nausea, and anxiety. It is a local point for wrist and arm pain which is also beneficial for treating
motion sickness, headache, and carpal tunnel syndrome. This point can be stimulated by placing the left
thumb on the inside of the wrist and applying firm pressure on it for 1 minute while breathing deeply and
then switching sides and applying pressure on the other arm.


Sp4 or Spleen 4 is another potent pressure point for treatment of acid reflux and heartburn. It is also called
the Grandfather Grandson point, and it can be found on the arch of the foot, one thumb width from the
ball of the foot, towards the heel. Activating this point helps in relieving GERD, abdominal pain, stomach
ache, indigestion, and diarrhea. It also aids in treating gynecological issues like fibroids, cysts and irregular
menstruation, chest and heart pain, anxiety, insomnia, and nervousness. This point can be stimulated by
applying firm pressure on the point for 1 to 2 minutes using the thumb or fingertips while breathing deeply.

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The point G6 is located near the temple behind the hairline, 2 finger widths away from the tip of the ear.
This is an extremely effective acupressure point for treating acid reflux and heartburn. It is also useful for
relieving headache, cold and flu, toothache, nausea, fever, eye problems, and tremors. This point should be
stimulated on both sides of the head by applying firm and steady pressure for 1 to 2 minutes using the
fingertips and thumb.


LV 3 or Liver 3 is a useful acupressure point for treating gastric acid reflux. It is also known as the Great
Surge, and it is located on the foot, between the big toe and the second, at the depression where the two
toes meet. This point helps in treating digestive disorders like diarrhea, acid reflux, constipation, nausea,
vomiting, etc. It is also useful for treating eye problems, headache, dizziness, menstrual issues, chest pain,
anxiety, irritability and insomnia. This point can be stimulated by applying firm and steady pressure on the
point in both feet for 1 minute using the fingertips.

So, now that you know the important acupressure points for relieving digestive problems of heartburn,
acid reflux, and GERD, use them yourself and stimulate them in your loved ones for natural and lasting
relief from these problems.

Image Sources:,

19 30 12.09.2016 17:49
Filed Under: Acupressure Points

8 Soothing Acupressure Points to Relieve Jaw

Pain and TMJ Problems
September 4, 2015 By Bipasha M ukherjee Leave a Comment

Although, most of us ignore jaw pain and tension in the jaw as just an insignificant problem, but it often
takes a toll on the facial muscles and even smiling becomes a painful action. Many people experience pain
in the cheeks, facial muscles and jaws, and one of the most common causes of this pain is
temporomandibular disorders (TMD) or stress in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). We have a TMJ joint
on each side of the face and this joint connects the jaw to the skull and allows mobility which is needed in
order to talk, chew and do all other kinds of facial movements. Stress in the jaw joint is one of the
common reasons for jaw pain and stiffness. This stress may be caused if a person has a habit of grinding
the jaws or clenching his teeth. Muscle tension can cause a pull on the jaw joints and cause facial pain.
Acupressure along with facial muscle exercises is a great way to reduce pain and discomfort in the jaws
and TMJ symptoms like inflammation, spasms, swelling, and pain.

Causes of Jaw Pain and TMD (temporomandibular

Although the exact causes of TMJ are not known, but the symptoms usually arise from complications in
the muscles of the jaw or parts of the temporomandibular joint itself.

Injury to the jaw or the temporomandibular joint or the muscles of te head or neck due to a heavy
blow or whiplash.
Grinding or clenching of teeth which exerts pressure on the temporomandibular joint.
Movement of the soft cushion present between the ball and socket of the joint.
Arthritis in the joint.
Tightening of facial and jaw muscles due to stress.

Symptoms of TMD (temporomandibular disorders)

The associated symptoms of TMD are as follows:

Muscle pain around the jaw

Clicking or popping noises when you move your mouth or chew
Difficulty in opening the mouth due to tightness of the jaw
Pain in front part of the ear that spreads to the cheeks, ear and
Recurring headache or migraine

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Buzzing or blocked sensation in the ear
Disturbed sleep, pain in the neck and back

8 Functional Acupressure Points to Relieve Jaw Pain, Toothache, and Sore

Facial Muscles
Here are some effective acupressure points which can help in alleviating stress in the jaws, jaw pain, dental
stress and swelling.


St36 or Stomach36 is the most important facial acupressure point that helps in relaxing jaw tension and
jaw pain along with TMJ problems, toothaches, lockjaw and dental neuralgia. This point is also called the
Jaw Bone, and it is located between the upper and the lower jaw, on the masseter muscle that bulges when
the molars are clenched. You can stimulate this point in two ways. Place the heel of your hands between
the upper and the lower jaws just in front of the ear lobe and apply firm pressure for 1-minute breathing
deeply. Secondly, place your fingertips on the jaw muscle and press firmly for 1 minute while breathing
deeply. This point is also useful for treating swelling to the cheek, facial pain or paralysis and twitching of
facial muscles.


TW17 or Triple Warmer 17 is a functional point to relieve jaw tension which is located in the indentation
under the earlobe. This point is also known as the Wind Screen, and it can be stimulated by applying light
pressure to the point under both earlobes using your middle fingers. Hold the pressure for a minute while
taking long and deep breaths. This acupressure point can often be tender, so it is best to use gentle
pressure. This point helps to tone facial muscles and is useful to treat ear pain, facial spasms, mumps, jaw
pain, lock jaw, toothache, facial paralysis and itchy ears.

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SI19 or Small Intestine 19 is a significant point in acupuncture facelift and is also used in acupressure for
treating a wide range of health issues. This point is called the Listening Palace, and it is located right in
front of the ear hole, in a depression that widens when the mouth is opened. This point should be
stimulated by pressing them on both sides of the face with the middle fingertips for 1 minute while
breathing deeply. This point is especially effective for TMJ problems, toothache, ear problems, deafness,
tinnitus, hearing loss and epilepsy.


TW21 or Triple Warmer 21 is a vital acupressure point for jaw and teeth problems, and it is also called the
Ear Gate. This point is located one-half inch above point SI19 on both sides of the face. Both SI19 and
TW21 can be stimulated at the same time by pressing the points suing the middle fingertip on SI19 and the
index and ring fingertip on TW21. Concentrate on the points and apply firm pressure for 1 minute on the
point while breathing deeply. This point helps to relieve headache, toothache, TMJ problems, joint pain,
earache and pressure inside the ear.

22 30 12.09.2016 17:49

GB2 or Gall Bladder 2 is yet another ear point Auditory Convergence point, and it is located one-half inch
below the SI19 point. This point is especially effective for treating ear problems like tinnitus and deafness
along with TMJ disorders, toothache, and facial paralysis. It is best to stimulate this point in union with the
other two ear points SI19 and TW21 by applying firm pressure on the points using the fingertips.


B20 or Gall Bladder 20 is a functional acupressure point located at in the neck, beneath the base of the
skull, in the hollows, two or three inches apart. This point is also called the Wind Pool, and it should be
stimulated by placing the thumbs on the points and pressing up and underneath your skull for two minutes
as you take long and deep breaths. This point is beneficial for relieving jaw pain and also a local point for
neck pain, stiff neck and headache. In addition, it is also used to treat common cold, nasal congestion, eye
problems, dizziness, and vertigo.

23 30 12.09.2016 17:49

GB1 or Gall Bladder 1 is a vital facial acupressure point which is located in the orbit of the eye, at the side
of the face. This point is also named the Pupil Bone Hole, and it is the most important acupressure point
for all types of eye problems. It can be stimulated by pressing the points on both sides of the face using
the middle and ring fingertips. Apply steady pressure for 1 minute and then gradually lighten it. Stimulation
of this point can be combined with jaw muscle exercises to cure facial paralysis and Bells palsy. It is also
used to treat headache and inflammation.


SI18 or Small Intestine 18 is another facial acupressure point also called the Cheek Bone Hole. It is located
at the lower edge of the cheek bone, straight down from the outer corner of the eye and across from the
lower edge of the nose. This acupressure point can be stimulated by applying gentle but firm pressure on
the points for 1 minute using the tip of the thumb and the middle finger. This acupressure point is useful
for correcting twitching of eyelids, facial paralysis, toothache and swelling of the cheek.

24 30 12.09.2016 17:49
Tips to Prepare the Face for Acupressure Therapy

Following these few simple tips before getting on with the acupressure session for jaw pain and tension
relief can help in increasing the effectiveness of the session.

Take deep and slow breaths and keep your eyes closed while you try to relax.
Grasp the ears in both hands and rotate them gently but firmly.
Contract all the muscles of the face by scrunching up your mouth, your eyes, and your forehead.
Squeeze all the muscles as firmly as you can.
Then open up all the muscles as widely as you can by opening your mouth, widening your eyes and
stretching your lips.

Place your hands on the sides of your face and cover your face as much as you can and relax for a
few minutes.
Pull the skin of our face upward and downward, forward and backward and hold each stretch for 30
Rub your hands together and place them on your face for 2 to 3 minutes.

So, now get relief from the irritating problem of jaw pain, jaw stiffness and facial muscle pain with the
help of these effective acupressure points and say goodbye to temporomandibular disorders.

Filed Under: Acupressure Points

6 Important Acupressure Points for Treating


25 30 12.09.2016 17:49
August 28, 2015 By Bipasha M ukherjee Leave a Comment

Constipation is a topic that very few of us like to talk about, and although most of us have experienced this
condition at some point in our lives, we like to keep it as our own little secret. While for some people
constipation is an occasional problem caused by some foods, in others it reveals itself as a chronic health
issue where they need to take regular medication or laxatives to keep things moving. Although,
constipation is commonly defined as having bowel movement less than 3 times a week, but in reality, it has
different meaning for different people. While some refer to it as irregular bowel movement, others
associate it with difficulty to pass stool. In some cases constipation may be an associated symptom of IBS
(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or diarrhoea. Constipation can occur in people of all ages from new-born
babies to elderlies. Other than medications and laxatives, acupressure is an effective natural way of treating
constipation which provides lasting relief without any side-effects.

Common Causes of Constipation

Poor diet and not getting enough fluids on a daily basis are considered the most common causes of
constipation. Let us take a look at few of the causes to understand the issue in a better way.

Diet A diet that is low in fiber rich foods such as vegetables, whole grains and fruits is one of the
leading reasons of constipation. Also a high protein diet rich in meat, dairy products and eggs can also lead
to constipation. Processed and ready to eat meals are low in fiber and high in sugar and salt and it leads to
irregular bowel movement. Constipation is more common among older people because they dont drink
enough water and other fluids along with their meals.

Excessive Use of Laxatives Laxatives are an effective cure for constipation, but using it too often
reduces the bodys own capacity to function. Excessive dependence on laxatives signals your body to
depend on them and stops you from having normal bowel movement. It can also lead to diarrhoea.

Lack of Exercise The modern sedentary lifestyle with long periods of inactivity has led to constipation
and problems in bowel movement in people of all age groups. Being more physically active and devoting at
least 30 minutes to exercise daily can work as a natural cure for constipation.

26 30 12.09.2016 17:49
Holding Back Bowel Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement can lead to constipation at a later
stage. Some people are strict about having bowel movement only at home and they dont sue the toilets in
the office of public places. But this habit can cause constipation if bowel movement is delayed too long.

Medications Certain medications and drugs such as antacids, medicines for depression, allergies, pain
killers, hypertension and diuretics can cause constipation.

Medical Conditions Certain health issues like diabetes or blocked intestines can cause constipation. In
these disorders the muscles and nerves involved in normal bowel movement are affected.

Signs and Symptoms of Constipation

The symptoms of constipation include:

Infrequent bowel movement less than 3 times a

Difficulty in having bowel movement
Sense of incomplete bowel movement
Abdominal pain or swollen abdomen
Pain and vomiting
Occasional diarrhoea caused by obstruction of the colon

6 Useful Acupressure Points for Quick Constipation Relief

Stimulating these acupressure points with your fingers can help relax the abdomen and promote regular
bowel movement without any pain or discomfort. They also help in relieving the associated symptoms of
constipation such as abdominal pain, bloating and gas.


CV6 or Conception Vessel 6 is an important acupressure point for treating constipation. It is also named
the Sea of Qi and this point is located exactly three finger widths below the belly button. This point should
be stimulated using the fingertips gradually. The pressing should be no more than 1 inch deep. You will
peel something firm with your fingers as you press. Maintain this firm pressure for 30 seconds as your
breath normally keeping your eyes closed. This point helps in relieving pain in the abdomen, constipation,
colitis and gas. It is also useful for treating hernia, irregular menstruation, impotence in men, digestive
disorders and fatigue.

27 30 12.09.2016 17:49

CV12 or Conception Vessel 12 is yet another vital acupressure point that is a solution for all types of
digestive problems and provides quick constipation relief. It is known as the Center of Power and it can be
found on the midline of the body, halfway between the base of the breastbone and the belly button. This
point should be stimulated with great care and should not be pressed for more than 2 minutes at a stretch.
It should be pressed on an almost empty stomach. It is best to avoid this point if you are suffering from
heart disease, cancer or hypertension. It relieves constipation along with abdominal spasms, stomach pain,
indigestion, heartburn and emotional stress. It is also an effective pressure point for dysentery, jaundice,
insomnia and vomiting.


St36 or Stomach 36 is a beneficial point of acupressure for constipation that relieves stomach and
intestinal disorders, promotes digestion and strengthens the whole body. This is also known as the Three
Mile Point and it is situated four finger widths below the kneecap, one finger width towards the outside of
the shinbone. When you reach the correct spot, you will feel flexing of a muscle as you move your foot up
and down. Use your palms to briskly rub this point for one minute on both legs. It is also a useful point for
asthma, PMS, insomnia, depression and nervousness.


28 30 12.09.2016 17:49
LI4 or Large Intestine 4 is by far the most famous acupressure point that is a solution for various health
issues and is an important point for constipation acupressure. It is called the Joining Valley point and it is
located on the fleshy muscle between the index finger and the thumb. Spread your thumb and in index
finger apart and stimulate this point by squeezing the fleshy webbing with your fingertips for 1 minute
while you take long, deep breaths. Now, switch sides and press the point on the other hand for 1 minute.
It helps to relieve constipation, chronic pains, eye problems, toothache, and allergies and boosts the
immune system. This point is forbidden for pregnant women because stimulating this point can lead to
premature contractions of the uterus.


LI or Large Intestine 11 is a functional acupressure point that provides quick cure for constipation. This
point is also called the Crooked pond and it is situated at the outer end of the elbow crease. Press this point
firmly using your fingers for 1 minute as your breathe deeply. Switch hands and stimulate the point on the
other arm as well. This is an effective point to relieve indigestion and constipation. This is a vital trigger
point for the colon. It also aids to reduce high fever, skin diseases, diarrhoea and heat stroke. It is also a
local point for elbow pain and tennis elbow.


PC6 or Pericardium 6 is an effective acupressure point that is located on the medial aspect of the hand,
four finger widths below the wrist, in the hollow between the tendons. This point is also called the Inner
Gate point and it should be stimulated by pressing the point with your fingertips. Apply pressure on the

29 30 12.09.2016 17:49
point for 1 minute and then switch side and apply pressure on the other arm. In addition, it is also used to
treat upset stomach, motion sickness, headache, nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, and angina and
chest tightness.

Stimulating these acupressure points along with a healthy fiber rich diet and optimum intake of fluids can
go a long way in relieving constipation without depending on laxatives and medicines.

Filed Under: Acupressure Points

30 30 12.09.2016 17:49

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