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com BOOTSTRAP YOUR LIFE Month: ______________

Almost Dr. Duncans Lifestyle Challenge

Challenge Day2

Day of Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes:

Sleep3 ___+ hours
Meditation4 ___+ mins
Exercise5 ___+ mins

v5 2016-2017 Duncan A.
Riach. If I gave you a copy then I
permit you to reproduce it as
Social Time8 many times as you like, but only
for your own personal, non-
commercial use. If you modify
the chart, please retain the title,
URL, and this copyright

You may need to select landscape mode in your print settings INSTRUCTIONS / NOTES
1 Write the month and year at the top-right EXAMPLE ADDITIONAL GOALS HOW TO USE THE CHART

2 Write some or all of the challenge days in. Start at 1 the first month. Face-to-face time with intimate partner i Prepare the chart for the upcoming month using the guidelines to the left

3 This is a catch-all sleep goal. Write in a minimum target, e.g. 8 hours. Morning pages. See ii Each day (column) record completion of each item (row). Use a blue cross
(corner-to-corner) for done/not-done items (I recommend using a blue Pilot Bravo!
4 Write in a target minimum meditation time per day. I recommend Tactical review - A: Projects / Tasks; B: Planning / Scheduling; C: Financial; D: pen), or write a number in diagonally for items where there is a tracked metric.
Vipassana meditation. See Meditation is foundational Communications

5 Write in amount for exercise. Examples: walk, bike, run, resistance Cold shower (start with 5 seconds at end of warm shower. Increase by 5 per day) iii If you miss stuff, just keep going
training, yoga, HIIT, climbing, jumping rope, etc
Additional physical training, such as back, muscular, postural work iv At the end of a month, review and revise for next month. Remove some things,
change some things, and add some things.
6 Write in food goal. E.g. Bulletproof diet, >54oz water, zero refined sugar Self-directed learning (e.g. reading, Khan academy, online courses)
7 Use these blank boxes to add one or more additional daily goals Some kind of fitness measure, such as max consecutive push-ups v Post your in-progress chart regularly on social media using #BootstrapYourLife.
Display your completed charts on a wall at home.
8 Time in person, on phone, or on Skype / FaceTime (record first names) Review medium-term and long-term goals

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