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The aleph and Elohim

2007 update 26-09-2008

20. The aleph and Elohim.

The aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew
alphabet and has the number value 1. Because we see God as the beginning of all
things the
aleph represents God in the alphabet and in the bible.
This is embodied in the structure of the first letter and the first verse
of the
bible. So we look first at the inner structure of the aleph. This letter
is constructed out of three/two other letters of the alphabet. Two
and a vav. The vav connects the jod from above with the jod beneath. The
vav has the meaning of hook or nail and is usually
translated as
the word 'and'. In this way it is the connecting element. The sum of
these letters is: 10+6+10=26. This is the number
value of the name of God: Yahweh, , 5+6+5+10=26.

interpretation is very common known. Nevertheless when we use the gematria Millui
(full) for these two jods and vav, then the
sum is:
(4+6+10)+(6+6)+(4+6+10)=20+12+20=52. This also turns out to be the gematria in 'n'
(the letter places in the alphabet) of
God, Elohim, :
24+10+5+12+1=52. In fact we find here 2x26.
The number value of the name Yahweh, , is equal to the sum of the proceeding numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8:


Of these four
numbers we can make an other kind of triangular counting where we count the numbers two
by two until there is one
number left. The result is the 52, equal to the
gematria in 'n' of Elohim:

11 13 15
6 7 8
'n' of Elohim= =25+10+5+12+1=52

When we approach
these four numbers in a different way then the result is 1680, the CV of
Christ like this word occurs in Acts


The gematria 'full' of the aleph has

also a relation with the gematria 'full' of Elohim. The aleph 'full' is: ,
80+30+1=111. This are
the units on the level of numbers, tens and hundreds. In
Hebrew 111 can be expressed as ,
1-10-100. As multiplication we can
express 111 as: 3x37. The word hundred
eleven is in Hebrew: , 570+19+46=635. This
is also the number value of the
word three, ,
5+300+30+300=635 (see The theorem of
Pythagoras). Interesting is that the sum of the CV's of word 6, 3 and 5
is: 407+86+395=888, the number of Jesus, . Three ones can also be written as three alephs for =1.
So the number 111
can be expressed as:
And every aleph hides again the number value 26. So now we have also 3x26 (=78)
This is the number
value of Yahweh Elohim,
, with gematria in
'n': 26+52=78. Now becomes the 'truth' of 26 expressed by its prime. The 26th
prime is 97. When we fill in this value for the three alephs we find:
97+97+97=291.[15/06/2017 10:35:24 p.m.]

The aleph and Elohim

is the gematria 'full' of Elohim also 291, for 80+20+6+74+111=291. See also the
image beneath.

an other gematria system we can find a connection between God and His name. This
system uses the square of the normal letter
values. I think that I have shown
that in chapter 13 already, but it belongs also in this series.

square of the letters mean that every single part of Elohim, of God, has come
till completion.

the first verse tells us that the aleph represents God. This becomes made clear
by means of the letter places of the aleph. In
Gen.1:1 six alephs are used and
are divided over seven words. The first letter of the bible, the beth,
tells how the alephs must be
distributed over the seven words. The beth, ,
has the number value 2, and with gematria full, =400+10+2=412.
The digits 4 and 2
can be divided in respectively 4 and 2 units. The 1 can not
be divided in more than one unit. You might say that this unit is in 'rest'.
The 4 and 2, together
6, can be divided=work. The bible tells us that there are six days of creation
and one day of rest. There are 6
alephs in Gen.1:1 and one hidden, which I will
show later. The digits in 412 show how the six alephs over the seven words
distributed. The first four words have an aleph (=work), the fifth word
has no aleph (=rest) and the sixth and the seventh word have
also an aleph
(=work). 412 in the Hebrew reading direction from right to left is 214: 2
- 1 - 4 or 1-1-1-1-1-1-1.

earth and*

the heaven *
God created
In the beginning

this division is well known, nobody seems to realize that this division
originates from the first letter of de bible. The sum of
the six letter places
of the aleph is 26+23+15+10+9+3=86,
the number value of Elohim, . The primes in this sequence have the
sum: 26+23+15+10+9+3=26,
the number value of Yahweh, ,
the name of God. 23 and 3 are respectively the 10th and the 3rd
prime. The sum
is 10+3=13, the number value of echad, one, .
Yahweh Elohim is One:
This is what Deut.6:4
expresses: Hear Israel, Yahweh, our God Yahweh, is one.
The gematria of this verse is 1118 or 86x13, Elohim x Echad. The prime
places 23
and 3 of the aleph, seem to confirm the creation structure; we find those primes
in word 1 and word 6.

these six alephs point out that one is the first prime.
This becomes clear when we count the letter places two by two until
there is
only one number left. This happens to be the number 439, which is the
86th prime, when one is counted as the
first prime.

26 + 23 + 15 + 10 + 9 + 3 = 86
49 38 25 19 12
87 63 44 31
150 107 75
257 182

Prime 86=439

beth, the 2, is also responsible for the letter places of the aleph in Gen.1:1.
By mathematical upgrade the letter places can be
found. The first step is the triangle
of 2: 1+2=3. This appears to be the letter place of
the first aleph. If we upgrade this 3 further we
find: 1+2+3=6. Because 6
falls in the first word and there is only one place available in each word, we
look for an other upgrade of
the triangle of 2. That could be: 32=9.
And indeed this is the letter place of the second aleph. You might ask
why in the second word
not 8 (=23)
is the alef. I think it is because in the first word the 3 goes before the 4 (=22).
The 3 gets the first chance to upgrade. So the
next step will be the
square of 2: 2x2=4. This number falls also in the first word and because there
is only one aleph per word, we
have to upgrade the 4. Because the letter place
in the second word is given to the 9, we have to go to the triangle of 4: T4=10.
The[15/06/2017 10:35:24 p.m.]

The aleph and Elohim

letter place in the third word of the third aleph is 10.

A next step could be the joining of the 2 and the 3, together 5. But also the
square of the digits of the triangle of 2, (1x1)+(2x2)=5 has the same outcome.
Also the five falls in the first word and needs to be
upgraded furthermore. The
triangle of 5 is 15. This is the letter place of
the 4th aleph in the fourth word.

sum of all the digits in the triangle of 2, when every unit gets a proceeding
number, is 1+2+3=6. This is at the same time the
triangle of three. This number
is also located in the first word and needs to be upgraded further. The triangle
of 6 is:
1+2+3+4+5+6=21. Because 21 falls in the 5th word, there where is rest,
no aleph becomes placed there. With 21 the Super natural
part of Creation is
finished, the creation of Heaven by God. This all has to do with the properties
of numbers. The 6 we can see as a
Super Perfect Number; the sum of the
dividers is equal to the multiplication of the dividers: 1+2+3=6=1x2x3.
The 6 is the one and
only number where this phenomenon occurs. The triangle of 6
is 21. After word 5, the heaven, there where is rest, no new numbers
formed by upgrading. For word 6 and 7, (and*)+(the earth), we find the
'marriage' of numbers. For word 6 the marriage of
the letter place of the fifth aleph. And for word 7 the marriage of
2&6=26, the letter place of the sixth aleph.
Now we have
the letter places of all alephs of Gen.1:1
with help of mathematical upgrading of the two.
It is also nice to see that the sum of
the letter
places of aleph 6 and 7 is: 23+26=49=7x7. Within this group of two
words it are respectively the 2nd and the 5th letter, sum 7:
7 6 5
4 3 2

27 26 25 24 23

will show now how the seventh aleph is hidden in the first verse. This is the
aleph that is in 'rest', and that rest we find in word 5, in
the heaven. In fact
are word 4 and 5 grammatical a unit. And mathematical the 4 and the 5 have a
relation, for prime 4 is 5. See also
7 how the 4 and the 5 are connected by Yahweh
(26) and Elohim (86) in the
table of Perfect Primes. Word 4 and 5:

- 10 - 40 - 300 - 5 400 - 1

these two words have 7 letters. Also here are six units that 'work' and one is in
'rest'. All
the number values of the letters can
become divided in more than one unit, except
for the aleph. Moreover this aleph did already work together as one of the six alephs.
Now this aleph is in rest. The sum of the letter places is then:
21+20+19+18+17+16+15=111. This is the number value of the word
The sum of the individual digits is: (2+1)+(2+0)+(1+9)+(1+8)+(1+7)+(1+6)=39. The number 39 is the 26th composite,
and expresses: Yahweh is One, ,
13+26=39. Also God (86) seems to confirm my reasoning. The number value of
these seven
alephs is:

+ + + + + + ==1+1+1+1+111+1+1=117. The 86th composite is 117.

we now fill in for the six letter places of the alephs triangular numbers,
than the sum is: 853. This is the number value of the
the seal,
, 400+40+400+8+5=853.(Gen.38:25)

of the triangular numbers of the
letter places of the six alephs in Gen.1:1
letter places 26+23+15+10+9+3 =86
triangular numbers 351+276+120+55+45+6 =853

this God seems to seal the bible text with the aleph. If
we fill in for the letter place numbers 16 till 21 of the hidden aleph[15/06/2017 10:35:24 p.m.]

The aleph and Elohim

primes, than is the sum 358,

the number of the Messiah, ,
8+10+300+40=358. Jesus is the Messiah and he claims to be the truth.
becomes expressed by primes, this is the reason why primes are used for this
code. This number 358 is reflecting itself in the
number 853
of the seal.

letter places of the

hidden aleph
letter places 21+20+19+18+17+16 =111
primes 71+67+61+59+53+47 =358

Probably the first verse tells us that the Messiah at the transition time of the fourth and the
fifth millennium will appear. I did mention
this already before, but this is the
indication that I have. (Here you can find the timeline)

other approach to determine the division between Heaven and Earth, can be found in
the composite numbers. The 1234th
is 1467. Together they sum:
1234+1467=2701, the CV of Gen.1:1. Both numbers
together can be seen as a proceeding
sequence from 1 till 7. However on the
place of the 5 we find a 1 and a 4:

1 2 3 4 - 1 4
6 7
1 2
3 4 (1-4) 6 7

This is the place

(word 5, the Heaven) where there is no aleph, or only hidden present. The 5, or
in fact the first five numbers, contain
4 primes (1, 2, 3 and 5) and one
composite number (4). 5 is the 4th prime, and 4 is the 1st composite. In this
way the 1-4 relation is
included in the five.

can't discuss all the alephs, but the letter places in Gen.1:2 are also very
interesting. In this verse we find two alephs. The first aleph
is letter 31 and
the second is letter 62 of the bible. Both numbers are dividers of the third
Perfect Number 496, namely the 6th and the
7th divider. In verse two the
letter places of the two alephs are respectively 3 and 34. The first aleph seems to
appoint the place of the
second one: 3 is the place of the
first aleph in the verse and 31 is the place in the bible, sum 3+31=34. This is the
letter place of the
second aleph in the verse. 62 is also a duplication
of 31, of El, ; 62 is the start letter of the
second time Elohim that appears in the
bible. Interesting is that 62 is the 43rd composite
which is half of 86, the number of Elohim. We're talking about the 7th and the
aleph of the bible: 7+8=15.....the 15th prime
is 43. This is also the reflection of 34. The numbers 31 and 62 are
respectively the 6th
and the 7th divider of the Perfect Number 496, sum
6+7=13..... the 13th prime is 37.....the
letter places of the two
alephs in the verse
are 3 and 34, sum 37. It all works like the
wheel-work in a watch; all the wheels seem to move in a different direction, but
in the end
the watch is showing the right time.

where the 1st Elohim in the first verse starts on the tenth letter, the
2nd Elohim is the tenth word in the second verse. The 3rd
Elohim starts
on the tenth aleph of the bible; this is letter 86, the number of Elohim
Himself. In the three everything finds its place.
Elohim is there the 23rd word
of the bible, and.....23 is the 10th prime.
In verse three God makes the light; and he is doing that with
23 letters. and in the light we can find God.

reason that Elohim is connected with the 10 can be found in the number 86. This
number is build up out of two digits, an 8 and a 6.
If we fill in these numbers
in the Theorem of Pythagoras then we find c=10:

a2+b2=c2, 82+62=102.

It might be
interesting to know that 26x26=676. This is the number value of the word triangle, , 300+30+6+300+40=676. This
express that we find in the trinity the fulfillment of Gods Name.

The longest sequence of alephs that can be found in the bible with ELS is a
sequence of 10x the aleph:

A longer
sequence can not be found in the Tenach (O.T.). The ELS of this sequence is 1850 or 50x37:[15/06/2017 10:35:24 p.m.]

The aleph and Elohim

The code starts, or

ends, in Gen.11:4.
This is interesting for in this verse the building of the tower of Babel is described,
whose top is
supposed to reach unto heaven. The code comes out exactly in the top
of the tower:

Gen.11:4, verse 271


And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven;
and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

In verse Gen.11:5
God comes down from heaven to look to the city and the tower that the sons of man
have build. This becomes
expressed by the ten alephs ending in the top of
the tower. Gen.11:4 is the 271st verse of the bible. This number is the 59th
prime and
at the same time the tenth prime of which the reduced number is

Prime numbers with reduced

number 1
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .....
P 1 19 37 73 109 127 163 181 199 271 307 379 .....

word ten, , can be found
with the same ELS 1850 very close to the 10x aleph-code. We find this code-word in column
this appears to be the 271st prime.
The distance from column 1754 where we find the 10x aleph-code, till column 1733 is
21 or 3x7.

is one.

13 + 12 + 86



Frank Colijn 2007
.[15/06/2017 10:35:24 p.m.]

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