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Some people say that mathematicians only make math, and there are some people that say

Maths is the base of all the circuit life or of the actually and mathematicians not only make
math, they help in general to improve the society. An extinct species of the human made the
Math many years ago, we can say in the beginning of the organized civilization. It is one of
the most ancient activities of the human life. So if we want a mathematician that not only
make math we have to talk about Alfred North whitehead, but he not only didnt make
something in Math. He made in Philosophy, logic, something about religion and he
contributed in actual learning school model. He was one of the most important
mathematicians in the history.

He graduated in this university where he had his first job too, as well there he wrote with
his favorite pupil, Bertrand Russell, the most important Math book in the 20th century,
PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA. It has three volumes and here they tried to explain that Math
is based on the Logic, and both complement their selves.

When he wrote these books, the world was shaking profoundly, because he was written
something that it was strange in this age, or only for the math knowledge. He continued he
labor, but now like a teacher. Thus he had many enemies that made something possible for
Whitehead didnt make that he wanted for the new society. After working in Trinity
College, he went to work in the Imperial College, in London; where he wrote again some
essays about the logic and the Math, but he began to think about the learning model,
because he worked in a secondary school and he noted that the system had some failed for
ideal learning. So he did it so the children could make a relation between the different
topics, and the system was a lineal system that all is connected with all the system. After he
went to London University and he continued with his essay about the education, but in the
same time he wrote about the religion but it was only essay, although it was very important
for the philosophy.

The most important Work in in his job life was to be teacher at Harvard, because here he
was a teacher here until his death. Even though he was a very friendly teacher with his
class. Here he influenced in three very important people, George H. Mead, John Dewey and
Willard Van Quine. They were Americans Mathematicians and philosophers. In this
important university he wrote and thought about life and religion, but he concluded in his
main life phrase, I am convinced that the scientific notion of matter was misleading as a
way of describing the ultimate nature of things. In Whitehead's view, there are a number
of problems with this notion of "irreducible brute matter." First, it obscures and minimizes
the importance of change. By thinking of any material thing (like a rock, or a person) as
being fundamentally the same thing throughout time, with any changes to it being
secondary to its essence.

In conclusion whitehead not only was important in a specific area of human knowledge,
because his essays help the science in general, but his work was focused on math and
philosophy; sometimes he talked about religion and some general topics in society, because
he was a person that thought in everything that were around him. He was always friendly
too, as well he was always ready to explain something to his pupils and every idea that he
thought, and he expressed that now that he said that the communication is the easiest tool to
use in our lives.

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