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Jane Rizzoli threw herself down onto her

couch and sighed as she lifted her bottle

of beer to her lips. It had been an
insanely long week, full of jealousy,
doubt, and anger, and she was looking
forward to a quite night at home with no
mother, no brothers, and no work, just
her and Maura and whatever was on
"Hey, Maur!" she called over her
shoulder toward her bedroom where the
Medical Examiner had disappeared to
change out of her work clothes. "You
comin' or what?"
"Yes, Jane. I just want to hang up my
suit so it doesn't wrinkle," Maura
answered from the bedroom.
"Yeah, would hate for it to get wrinkled
on the way to the dry cleaners," Jane
mumbled as she took another swig of
her beer.
Maura, who had padded into the room
unnoticed during the brunette's snarky
grumbling, smirked. "I heard that,
Jane choked on her beer as she turned
around to face the blonde and damn well
just about swallowed her tongue. She
had seen Maura in every possible state
of dress and undress but nothing,
nothing she had been blessed to witness
before now prepared her for the sight of
Maura standing in front of her in just a
shirt. "Ah, um, oh, wow."
"So articulate, Jane," Maura murmured
as she fiddled with the cuffs on the shirt
she was wearing. Or, to be more
specific, Jane's shirt that she was
wearing. To be precise, the white
button-down oxford style shirt with black
pinstripes that she had traded the
brunette for one night earlier in the
week when she'd met with Jesse Wade
about information regarding Manny
Vega's sobriety coach's murder.
"I thought you were changing into
something comfortable?" Jane asked,
even as she smacked herself in the
forehead for it. "Forget I said that."
Maura smiled that full, beaming smile
that never failed to cause the detective's
heart to skip a beat. "I am comfortable,"
she pointed out. "While not the most
fashionable, your clothes are certainly
Jane licked her lips as she watched long,
agile fingers toy with the collar of her
shirt. "I know," she said as she set her
bottle onto the coffee table and got to
her feet.
"Right, sorry," Jane mumbled as she
moved the condensation-covered bottle
onto a cork coaster. "Better?"
"Much." Maura nodded, her eyes lighting
up as she watched the brunette stalk
around the side of the couch toward her.
"I assume it's okay that I've borrowed
your shirt?"
Jane nodded. "Very okay, Doctor Isles,"
she husked as she stopped in front of
the blonde and ran two fingers down the
column of the smaller woman's throat
and down into the valley exposed by the
one two three open buttons on her
shirt. She tilted her head to see better
as she flared the shirt open, a low growl
rumbling in her throat as she drank in
the sight of pale, perfect breasts,
unbound and waiting for her. "Very, very
okay," she whispered roughly as she
curled her fingers around the flap of
shirt and brushed the backs of her
fingers over the swell of the blonde's left
Maura shivered as Jane's fingers stroked
over her breast, lightly, slowly over that
sensitive skin. She had been hoping to
elicit something close to this reaction
from her lover by walking out in her
clothes, but she hadn't expected this
sudden hunger that had seemingly
overwhelmed the brunette. "Are you
sure?" she asked, not necessarily for
clarification but because Jane had
started to drool ever so slightly as she
continued to touch her.
Jane jerked her eyes away from her
fingers and nodded. "Yes," she
murmured as she pulled her hand out
from her Maura's shirt.
Maura smiled. "Good."
Jane licked her lips again. "Good," she
aped as she ran her hands down the
Medical Examiner's sides until she was
able to dip her fingers under the hem of
the blonde's shirt. She groaned softly as
her questing fingers brushed over soft,
smooth skin.
Maura wasn't wearing any panties,
The blonde's breath hitched in her throat
at the feral growl that rumbled deep in
Jane's chest as the brunette's hands slid
over the swell of her ass, strong fingers
digging possessively into her backside
and pulling her closer. "Jane"
"You are stunning," Jane husked as she
began kneading the muscle under her
hands, the movement of her hands
causing their pelvises to bump against
each other lightly. She had begun the
night wanting nothing more than to
spend the evening on the couch with her
lover, but now now she had a different
activity in mind.
Maura smiled and blushed, and it was
the single most adorable thing Jane had
ever seen. "Thank you," she murmured
"You look so incredibly sexy in my shirt.
The way it falls around you, settling
against the supple curves of your
breasts" Jane's voice trailed off into a
Maura whimpered at the timbre of Jane's
voice, the whimper turning into a groan
as the brunette's right hand slid up her
body to begin circling her left breast,
spiraling around the mound slowly as
her concentric circles grew smaller and
tighter as she neared her nipple.
"The way you leave that extra button
open to give me a tantalizing glimpse of
cleavage," Jane continued her
dissertation of Maura's appearance as
she watched her fingers gliding over the
smooth fabric of her shirt, "is so, so
fucking sexy. I love you in negligee,
baby, but this this is on a whole
'nother level."
Maura bit her lip as she felt Jane's
fingers brush over her nipple, delivering
the perfect about of pressure and friction
through the material of the shirt she was
wearing to bring it to an almost painfully
erect point. "Sweetie"
Jane smiled. "Yes?"
"Would you like to see me out of this
Jane shook her head. "No."
Maura frowned. "No?"
"Mmm," Jane hummed as she dipped
her head to claim the blonde's lips in a
slow, deep, lingering kiss. "I really love
the way you look in my shirt," she
elaborated vaguely as she pulled her left
hand away from Maura's ass to glide
over her hip and down over neatly
trimmed curls. She smiled as she eased
her fingers between the Medical
Examiner's legs, dipping into a small
pool of hot, slick want and spreading it
up over the blonde's clit. "I want
you in my shirt," she murmured against
Maura's lips as she began rubbing light,
quick circles over hidden nerves.
At the first direct touch to her clit,
Maura's hands, which had been hanging
limply at her sides, shot out and latched
onto Jane's hips. "Jesus."
Jane licked at Maura's lips and
whispered, "Can I have you?"
Maura nodded. "Always."
Jane groaned at the blonde's answer and
once again claimed the smaller woman's
lips with her own in a kiss that was
languid and probing as she dropped her
right hand to Maura's hip and pushed
lightly against her, urging the blonde
into motion with a touch. She spun them
around, her fingers never slowing
against her lover as she steered them
across the room until the Medical
Examiner's bumped into the back of the
couch. She smirked at Maura's small
gasp of surprise and dipped her fingers
lower to gather some more slick arousal
on her fingertips before resuming her
teasing circles, her touch a little faster, a
little firmer as she felt Maura's body
responding to her.
"Bed?" Maura gasped, her hips bucking
of their own volition as the brunette's
fingers ghosted over her now exposed
and engorged clit.
Jane pulled back and licked her lips. She
had contemplated, for the briefest of
moments, taking the smaller woman to
bed, but then she realized that she
wouldn't get the full show that she
loved. Lying down, her shirt wouldn't
mold to Maura's body the way it did
now; if the blonde were on her back, the
gap created by the opened buttons at
the neck that she loved peeping through
would disappear. "Maybe later," she said
as she pushed Maura into the back of
the sofa. "That's it, sweetie," she
murmured as she felt the blonde perch,
ever so lightly, onto the top of the
Maura closed her eyes and drank in the
feeling of Jane's fingers flying against
her, the heavenly sensation of the
brunette's soft, demanding mouth
ghosting over her throat. It was as if
each touch was sending currents of
electricity through her only to crash
together somewhere over her heart,
which was racing at an almost
frighteningly irregular pattern, before
diffusing through her body, filling her
with a lightness and a warmth that only
Jane had ever been able to create. "God,
I love you," she breathed.
Jane smiled against the hollow of
Maura's throat. "I love you too, Maur."
Jane bent down to begin kissing her way
down the exposed portion of Maura's
chest, using her cheeks and her chin to
open the shirt wider, finding the fact
that she couldn't see everything more
arousing than she'd ever expected. She
loved Maura's body, its curves and
valleys, its softness. She could, and had,
spend hours tracing every inch of it with
her hands, her lips, her tongue, but
there was something about seeing that
body she worshipped tantalizing covered
in her shirt. "God I love you the way you
look in my shirt," she murmured as she
pulled away, her eyes feasting on the
pale pink flush that had covered Maura's
chest, her lips tingling at the sight of the
blonde's nipples straining against the
shirt that hid them.
Maura moaned and forced her eyes open
to look at her lover. The clinician in her
noticed the dilation of the brunette's
pupils, the flush that tinted her cheeks,
the way her tongue kept sweeping over
her lips, but the woman in her only saw
those lips, parted and swollen, wanting,
waiting to be claimed, waiting for her.
"Kiss me."
Jane smiled and leaned back in to kiss
Maura with a slowly building passion
that ignited into a firestorm of moans
and bucking hips as she eased two
fingers deep inside the blonde. She
groaned at the way Maura's body
formed around her, holding her, trying
to draw her deeper, as she began
thrusting slowly into her. Once she
settled into a stroke she matched it with
her tongue, her fingers and tongue
thrusting into the blonde simultaneously,
pushing her higher, winding her tighter.
She tightened her grip on Maura's hip as
she felt the blonde's body priming for
release and she pulled back from their
kiss a heartbeat before she angled her
thumb into position against Maura's clit
and pressed against it firmly.
"Oh god," Maura gasped as her body
seized, froze for the briefest of moments
as that first white-hot flash of ecstasy
flared within her before being swept
away on the cathartic waves of her
Jane pressed her lips to Maura's
forehead, her fingers slowly pumping
into the blonde, drawing out her release
for as long as possible. When the last
spasm faded, she pulled out and
wrapped her arms around her lover,
pulling her into a tender embrace. After
a moment she felt Maura pull away and
she looked down at her flushed lover
and smiled. "Hi."
Maura chuckled softly. "Hello, Jane. That
was a pleasant surprise."
Jane shrugged. "What can I say, Doctor
Isles, you look really good in my shirt."

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