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- Good Afternoon, youre calling to Hallmark Customer Service, my name is Denisse,

how can I help you?

- Hi. Im calling to ask for another teddy bear. The one I received arrived stitching and it
has got a stain in the belly. Im really angry about this
- Excuse me sir. Please try to calm down. Whats your name?
- Im Daniel Perugachi
- Ok, Mr. Perugachi. First of all, what teddy bear are you talking about? We have
delivered a lot in the past days, do you have the number of your order?
- Yes, its the 1415
- And when did you receive the package?
- Yesterday.
- Ok, Im going to check, would you mind holding on for a minute?
- Are you kidding? Ive waited twenty minutes to get to talk to someone, theres no way
I wait for another twenty minutes.
- Sir, its not going to be twenty, its going to be one. Are you going to wait?
- Well, youre giving me no choice.
- Ok. Ill come back.
// Instrumental //
- Hello sir?
- Yes, Im here
- Well, it seems to have happened a problem with the delivery of yesterday. Apparently
we have one extra teddy bear, so Im afraid you received the sample.
- What? So, you tell me so easy like that? I ordered a teddy bear for my girlfriend, what
am I going to do now? I cant give her that.
- Please sir, calm down. Of course we are going to send you a new teddy bear. It was our
- Ok, when is it going to arrive?
- Let me see. I have a free carrier tomorrow afternoon
- What? No, no, its too late. My girlfriends birthday is tomorrow, and Im going to see
her in the morning.
- I understand sir, but see, I dont have how to send you the package in the morning.
But. I think we can do something.
- Anything, just tell me.
- What if you come to pick it up to our warehouse?
- Do you mean it? Am I going to end up doing your job?
- I understand you dont like it, but considering the inconvenience and that it was our
mistake, you are going to receive a bigger teddy bear, with no extra paying.
- Really? Oh, thats great, so do I just have to pick it up?
- Yes sir.
- Ok, then Ill be there tomorrow first hour. Thank you for your time. And. I apologize
for any impoliteness
- No problem, Have a nice day.
- You too.

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