21 Physics Questions

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Solutions to Data Analysis

1 (a), (b)(i), (c), (e)(i)


(b)(ii) From graph, resistance at 0 C = 3820 , resistance at 10 C = 2620 .

For (c), straight line can be line of best fit.

(d)(i) Temp at which resistance is 3060 = 6.3 C

(d)(ii) Difference in Temp = 6.3 5.2 = 1.1 C

1.1/5.2 x 100% = 21.1%

(e)(ii) A linear relationship is possible because a straight line (the dashed line) can be drawn meeting every
data point within their experimental uncertainties.

2. (a)

v /m s-1 R/N F/N Resistance
required / kW
FT / N
9.00 228 52.0 280 2.52
18.0 223 206 429 7.72
27.0 219 470 689 18.6

(b)(i) 1200 = C (2.00) (1.29) (48.0)
C = 0.404
(b)(ii) 1200 = C (4.00) (1.29) (30.0)
C = 0.517
(b)(iii) From table, using columns 1 and 3, CA = 2F/(1.29 x v ), obtain a new column for CA:

(CA)ave = 0.995

(b)(iv) CA for Ferrari = 2.00 x 0.404 = 0.808

CA for lorry = 4.00 x 0.517 = 2.068
Since CA for Toyota vehicle is slightly more than CA for Ferrari but much less than lorry, Toyota is a
small car.
(c)(i) FT = 220 + (0.995) (1.29) (36.0) = 1050 N

(c)(ii) % error = (1050 1046) / 1046 x 100% = 0.382 %

(d)(i) Since 1.00 hp = 0.746 kW, power supplied by engine = 102 x 0.746 = 76.1 kW

(d)(ii)(1) Efficiency = 67.7 / 76.1 x 100 = 89.0 %

(d)(ii)(2) Power required < power supplied by engine due to energy loss.
Loss could be due to other energy uses in the car such as radiator, headlights, aircon, radio or other
internal frictional forces in the car along the transmission line from engine to the wheels.

3. (a)(i) n Energy /eV

1 -13.6
2 -3.40
3 -1.51
4 -0.85
5 -0.54
6 -0.35


Zero energy level

- 0 eV
Paschen series
- -2 eV

- -4 eV

- -6 eV

- -8 eV

- -10 eV

- -12 eV

- -14 eV
(b) Consider a transition

From level 4 to level 3,

energy of photon emitted = hc / = -0.85 - (-1.51) eV = 0.66 x 1.6 x 10 J
= 1.88 x 10 m
-6 -6
(From level 5 to level 3, = 1.28 x 10 m; From level 6 to level 3, = 1.07 x 10 m )
-7 -4
the wavelength lies in the infra-red region. (8.00 x 10 m < <1 x 10 m)
nd st
(c)(i) The angular displacement for 2 order spectrum is wider than 1 order spectrum, hence the
wavelength calculated will have a smaller percentage uncertainty.

(c)(ii) dsin = 2
= 162.60 - 126.40 = 36.2, d = 1/N
-5 -7
= sin(36.2)/(2 x 4.5 x 10 ) = 6.56 x 10 m
(c)(iii) E = hc / = 3.03 x 10 J = 1.9 eV
1.9 = -1.51 - (-3.4)
Transition from level 3 to level 2.

4. (a)(i) n= film =
f film n
(a)(ii) Path difference = 2t
For constructive interference,
2t = (m + ) film (phase change of radians)
2t = (m + ) / n
2nt = (m + )


For minimum value, m = 0

2nt =
t = / 4n
(1.00 0.80) 10 7
gradient = 1 / 4n =
(600 480) 10 9
n = 1.50

(b)(i) Since film is thin, t is small, thus m is small.

Hence, at any one viewing angle, only one or two values of will satisfy the equation in (a)(ii).

(b)(ii) At different viewing angles, the wavelength(s) that reinforce will be different.

5. (a) A quantum or packet of energy of electromagnetic radiation.

(b) - not traveling in direction of crystal.

- some pass through the crystal.

(c)(i) 1. 1.40 cm
2. gradient = - 0.32/4.65 = 0.069 cm

(c)(ii) Q shows an exponential decrease as the distance increases.

(d) (i) Fraction of total number of photons directed towards crystal becomes smaller as x increases
(d)(ii) For low photon energies, all photons directed towards crystal are absorbed.
High energy photons can penetrate crystal.

(e)(i) When S is in contact with the crystal, only half of all emissions move towards the crystal.

(e)(ii) If S is at the bottom of the well, some photons directed backwards will be detected, so efficiency will

6 (a)

The velocity v may be resolved into two components one parallel to the magnetic field B , which is v //
, and the other perpendicular to B , which is v . The first component results in a translational motion of
the proton along B, while the latter results in a circular motion of the proton about B. The resultant
motion is therefore a helical path about B.


(b)(ii) Using F Bqv sin , we get

F 3.8 104 1.6 1019 1 105 sin550 4.98 1018 N
5.0 1018 N to 2 sf
and directed perpendicularly into the page
v //
Bmax v
(b)(iii) Using 1 and recognizing that tan , we get
v Bmin v //
1 1
Bmax 6.3
1 1
Bmin 3.8

50.950 510
(b)(iv) Yes, the proton will be trapped, because its velocity is at an angle of 55 to B, which is larger than the
critical pitch angle.

(c) The mass change per reaction is = 2(3.016029) 4.002603 2(1.007825)

= 0.013805 u
-27 8 2
This is equivalent to an energy release of 0.013805 x 1.66x10 x (3x10 ) J
But in 1 reaction, the mass of 2 He fused is 2(3.016029) x 1.66x10-27 kg.
Therefore 1.00 kg of 2 He when fused, should produce

-27 8 2 -27
[0.013805 x 1.66x10 x (3x10 ) ] [2(3.016029) x 1.66x10 ] J of energy
That is, 2.06x10 J is released.
(d)(i) For excitation to be possible, the kinetic energy of the protons should be higher than the excitation
energy of the oxygen atoms. Hence, calculating for KE of protons, we get
1 1

mv 2 1.67 10 27 1.0 105
2 2
8.35 10 18 J
8.35 10 18
1.6 10 19
52.2 eV
Clearly, excitation is possible.

(d)(ii) Using

, we get

3 108 6.63 1034
E 2.23 1.6 1019
5.57 107 m

colour: Green or greenish yellow

7. (a)(i) When an electron collides with one of the target atoms, it may lose an amount of energy that
corresponds to the energy of an X-ray photon. The electron may continue to lose energy in a series of
collisions with other atoms, thereby giving off X-ray photons of different energies. Since different X-ray
photons correspond to different wavelengths, the continuous spectrum is thus formed.

(a)(ii) An electron may lose all its energy in a single collision with a target atom, thereby emitting a photon of
energy Emax . that corresponds to a minimum wavelength o .

(a)(iii) The K -line arises when an electron from the M-shell ( n 3 ) fill the vacancy in the K-shell, and in the
process emits a photon whose wavelength corresponds to the value of the K -line.

Since the electrons in the L-shell are nearer to the K-shell, there is then a greater probability that the
vacancy in the K-shell is filled by an electron from the L-shell than from the M-shell. Hence, the intensity
of the K -line is smaller than that of the K -line.

(a)(iv) The lines are called the characteristic X-ray spectrum because for different target element, the
wavelengths of the K-series lines are different and thus are unique for different elements.

(b)(i) For the energy of the photon for the K -line,

E E 2 E1
k Z 1 k Z 12
22 12
3k Z 1
3k Z 1
f C Z 1
where C and is a constant.


f / 10 9 Hz 2








0.9 Z
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

(b)(iii) Since f C Z 1 , f CZ C

Since the equation is of the form Y mX c , the constant C can be obtained either from the gradient of the
graph, or from the vertical intercept of the graph.
From the graph, gradient 5.0 10 ( 0.2 10 ) Therefore, the constant C is 5.0 107 Hz 2 .
7 7

(b)(v) Since f C Z 1 ,
f 5.0 107 29 1
f 1.4 109
Since ,
3.0 108

1.4 10 9 2

1.5 1010 m


Using the Pythagoras theorem,
x d sin

Since the difference in the path between ray 1 and ray 2 is 2x, the path difference is 2d sin .
st nd
(c)(ii) The first two peaks are the 1 order maxima and the next two peaks are the 2 order maxima for the
two wavelengths of the X-ray beam.

Using 2d sin m ,

2 0.94 109 sin 0.8 1 1

1 26 pm

2 0.94 109 sin 2.4 2 2

2 39 pm

(c)(iii) Using the diffraction grating expression d sin n , and considering the 1st order maxima,

3000 10 9 sin 1 0.1 10 9

The 1 order maxima is too close to the central bright fringe and so is unable to discriminate between
different wavelengths in the X-ray region.

A grating with spacing approximately equal to the wavelength will be desirable, but such gratings
cannot be constructed mechanically.

8. (a) Braking efficiency, E = 75%

decelerati on of the car

(b) Using E = 100% ,
accelerati on of freeall
Deceleration of the car = 7.36 m s .
-1 -1 -2
(c) Using u = 20 m s , v = 0 m s and take a = -7.36 m s ,

v 2 u 2 2as s = 27 m (to 2 s.f.)




(d) (i) Line joining M = 900 kg and maximum braking force = 2 000 N

(ii) Reading off from the line drawn in (i),

1. Stopping distance = 90 ( 2) m
2. Braking efficiency = 22 (1) %

Maximum Braking Force /N *Stopping distances from 20 m s /m

12 000 22.2

10 000 26.5

8 000 32.5

7 000 38.0

6 000 44.0

5 000 54.0

4 000 66.0

3 000 88.0

* The numbers here are just a guideline. Remember: Graph work allowed to largest allowance of the
smallest division.

(f) Using the chart, the braking efficiency E = 105 ( 3) %

Now, the braking efficiency is defined in this case as

decelerati on of car
E 100%
accelerati on of free fall
Since it is possible for the deceleration of the car to be greater than the acceleration of free fall (9.81 m s )
therefore, it is possible for the efficiency to be greater than 100%.

9 (a) Train R and V (These trains spend 0 minute in any stations. U does stop at E, and T stops at every station)

(b) The scales on the existing copies of the graph is not clear. So we compute the time by measuring the
scale with a ruler. Therefore the approximate answers to this part are:
Station H Departure time 08:25

Station E Arrival time 09:01

Departure time 09:08

Station A Arrival time 09:46

Total distance travelled

(c) Average speed over the entire journey, <v> =
Total time taken

80 km
= = 59.3 km/h
46 25
9 h -8 h
60 60

(d) (i) The maximum speed corresponds to the greatest gradient Ans : Station E and D.

Distance travelled between DE 12 km

(ii) Maximum speed, vmax = = = 103 km/h
Time taken to travel between DE 15 8
9 h 9 h
60 60

(e) It is possible DE is sloped. Therefore all trains going from D to E is going uphill and hence slower and
from E to D is going downhill and hence faster.

(f) (i) Assuming the tracks are all identical and hence exert the same resistive force on the trains
travelling on the tracks. For the tracks that are flat between two points of travel e.g. between Point

1 and Point 2, then the speeds are the same for the train travelling from point 1 to point 2 and when
it travels from point 2 to point 1.

Tracks that are flat: AB, BC, EF, FG, GH

Tracks that are sloped (upwards): C to D, D to E

(g) (i) It is unlikely the speed remains constant between 2 stations. In reality, the speed will slowly increase
from rest from one station and decrease to zero slowly when reaching the next station.

(ii) sudden change of speed in a short time at each station implies that the acceleration at those points
were infinitely large. These contribute to a jerky ride, which is not desirable in reality.


Note :
[1] gradient from point 1 to point 2 same as other trains.
[1] the lines can only intersect at a station
[1] general trend of line from A and ends at H

Comments from examiners' report on this part: "Those candidates who could reach the end of the question could
usually insert an additional train timetable but some of them were travelling extremely fast and others were destined
to crash everyday."

10. (a)
Normal contact
force due to

forward /tractive force

at the wheels
Net resistive

Weight of car

(b) Minimum forward force to counter the effect of the component of the gravitational force is mg sin .

Reading of Fc from table in Fig. 1 / Climbing resistance,
N Fc = mg sin /N
o -2 o
10 1750 (1000 kg) (9.81 m s ) sin 10
= 1703
o -2 o
30 4875 (1000 kg)(9.81 m s ) sin 30
= 4905

Comparing the values from Fig. 1 and the computed values (as seen in the table), we can see that they are
very close and hence the table in Fig. 1 gives the right values climbing resistances.[2 marks for 1 set of data]

(d) The graph of the level drag (FRO + FL) is above the graph of aerodynamic drag (FL) by a constant amount.

Therefore, the rolling friction is approximately constant. [1]

f)i) e)

Fig 10.2

(e) At top speed, T = Fw i.e driving force at wheels = total resistive force.
As a result, resultant force = 0 and there is no acceleration. [1]
This occurs where the graph of Fw intersects with the graph of force on the wheel.
On the slope of 10 %, top speed is achieved using the 3rd gear, at v 106 km h [1]

(f) (i) Max. acceleration occurs where the difference ( T - Fw ) is maximum. [1]
On a 10 % slope, this is achieved when the car is in the 2 gear,

Max. net force = ( T - Fw ) = 1300 N [1]

Max acceleration = 1300 /mass = 1300/1000 = 1.30 ms .


(ii) On level ground at full speed (can reach a speed of 158 km/h and a driving force of 950 N - look at
intersection of level drag graph and gear 4).

If the car were to suddenly move into a 10% slope, it would immediately experience an extra
retardation force of approx. 950 N. (difference in the 2 Fw graphs) [1]

Max deceleration = force/mass = 950 / 1000 [1]

= 0.95 m s [1]

(g) To reach a certain speed in the shortest possible time, one has to ensure maximum acceleration most of
the time. (Resultant force = T Fw needs to be largest) [1]

At lower speeds, lower gears obviously provides the largest driving force, [1]

For each gear ratio, the force at the wheel reaches a maximum value and then tapers off beyond a
definite maximum speed and one needs to shift to a higher gear. [1]

11. (a) (i) F G
where F is the attractive force between two point masses m1 and m2 and r is the distance between the two
point masses.

(ii) If M is the mass of the Sun, m is the mass of the planet and r is the radius of the orbit,

Gravitational force on the planet due to Sun provides centripetal force acting on planet
Mm 4 2 4 2 r 3
G mr 2
mr T
r2 T2 GM

(b) (i)

Mean distance from

Moon Period the centre of Jupiter
T/days r/10 m log10 (T/days) log10 (r/m)
Sinope 758 23.7 2.88 10.37
Leda 239 11.1 2.38 10.05
Callisto 16.7 1.88 1.22 9.27
Io 1.77 0.422 0.248 8.63
Metis 0.295 0.128 -0.53 8.11

(ii) log10 (T / days )

log10 (r / m)

(c) (i) Using (10.100, 2.450) and ( 7.900, -0.850),

0.850 2.450
Gradient = 1.50
7.900 10.100

4 2 r 3 1 4 2 3
(ii) T
log10 T log10 ( 2
) log10 r
GM 2 2 GM 2
If the relationship is true, plotting the graph of lg T vs. lg r, the graph would be a linear one with gradient 1.5
1 4 2
and y-intercept log 10 ( ) . Since Figure 5.2 is a straight line graph with gradient 1.5, the data seems
2 GM 2
to support the relationship in (a) (ii). However, we would need the mass of Jupiter to verify the y-intercept
before we can reach a conclusion.

(d) T = 7.16 days log10 (T / days ) 0.855

From graph, log10 (r / m) 9.025
r = 1.06 x 10 m
The orbital radius of Ganymede is 1.06 x 10 m

(e) T = 16.2 hours log10 (T / days ) log10 ( days ) 0.171
From the graph, log10 (r / m) 8.350
r = 224 x 10 m = 224 x 10 km 222 x 10 km
6 3 3

However, r is the orbital radius, i.e. distance measured from the centre of Jupiter not the surface of Jupiter.
Hence the report is not really accurate.

(a)(i) No. of hours from 3 pm such that points lying on the line experience high tide
= 12
Time that points lying on the 60 line will experience high tide = 5 p.m. (2 hours from 3 p.m.)

(ii) low tide (since they are half a cycle away and are completely out of phase with points on the 0 line).

(iii) [Note that the answers to this part have been worked out based on the full-scale diagram. The
diagram got shrunk because of the photocopying to save paper (and money).]

[At 5pm, points along AB will be at high tide]


[At 3pm, point C is at +90cm, point being 180 phase difference away is at -90cm, a point lying on a
line will be at water level 90cm x cos]

(iv) The level remains the same at all times.

(b) (i) v g H (10 m s-2 ) 4000 m 200 m s-1

(ii) v g H (10 m s-2 ) 20 m 14 m s-1

(iii) E A2

Etsunami tsunami h 2tsunami 500 103 0.52

Ewave wave h 2 wave 100 32

Hence, the energy of the tsunami is 140E.

coast 14 h
(iv) 1
ocean 200 0.5

Amplitude of tsunami at coastal area, A = 7.1 m

(v) The amplitude of Tsunami off the coast is small and so it is not noticeable.

13. (a) The material chosen needs to be ductile to be easily drawn into a small cross-sectional area without cracking
or breaking.

l RA
(b) Resistivity : R
A l
The resistivity of a material is the product of the resistance per unit length and the cross-sectional area of the

(c) From the definition of resistivity : R .
If the wire is thin, the cross-sectional area will be small, furthermore with a high resistivity the wire will then have
a larger resistance. A resistor can be formed using a shorter length of wire.

V 3
(d) For R1 : Choose (3, 0.30)
R1 = = 10
I 0.3
V 30
For R2 : Choose (30, 0.30) R2 = = 100
I 0.3
V 200
For R4 : Choose (200, 0.02) R4 = 10000
I 0.02
V 400
For R5 : Choose (400, 0.004) R5 = 10 5
I 0.004

V 10
(e) For R = 2000 , When V = 10 V, I = 0.005 A
R 2000
V 1000
When V = 1000 V, 0.5 A
R 2000

V 1
For R = 47 , When V = 1, I = 0.021A
R 47
V 40
When V = 40, I = 0.85 A
R 47

R = 47

R = 2000

(f) P = 1 W. Maximum safe current, I =
P 1
For V = 1000 V, I= 0.001A
V 1000
For V = 100 V, I = = 0.01 A
For V = 10 V, I = = 0.1 A
For V = 1 V, I = 1 A

(g) Plotting the points on the graph, shading the area for safe

(h) For a real resistor, the resistivity of the material may actually
vary with temperature; the resistance will tend to increase
when the current is large as the temperature may increase.
Therefore, the graph for low currents may be approximately
a straight line but that for high currents a curve of a lower
gradient may result.

14. (a)(i) SF = 0.026 or 0.027 [1] answer

Absorbed dose
(ii) Exposure time =
Dose Rate
(240 10 3 J kg 1 )
= [1] understanding of concept
(200 W kg -1 )
= 1200 s [1] answer with units

Note: Students made the common mistake of not checking the units of the absorbed dose and converting
them to SI units.


[1] identifying the correct line

(ii) The logarithmic scale allows the different graphs for the different absorbed doses to be represented on the
same axis making it useful for comparison purposes and to see if there are any obvious patterns spanning
across different absorbed doses. If a linear scale had been used, the range of SF of approximately 10 to 1
would mean that an extremely large piece of graph paper is needed.

(iii) (Acceptable range)

Absorbed dose / kJ kg log10 (SF)
50 -0.65
100 -0.88 to -0.90
160 -1.20
240 -1.57 to -1.58
340 -2.12 to -2.15
450 -2.85 to -2.87
560 -3.75 to -3.77


absorbed dose / kJ kg
0 100 200 300 400 500 600




x Log(SF1)

log10(SF) -2.5


=Log(SF1)+ Log(SF2) x



(d)(i) From Fig 2, we see that for all values of absorbed doses, SF decreases with increasing dose rate. But at the
dose rate of 200 W kg , there is a sudden dip in SF at higher absorbed doses 340 kJ kg [1], thus
-1 -1

suggesting that another effect may be giving rise to cell destruction. [1]
(ii) From Fig 4, we see that the initial part of the graph, up to approximately 24 kJ kg is linear [1], after which the
onset of the curve [1] in the later part suggests a secondary effect.

(e)(i) log10 (SF)R = log10 (SF)1 + log10 (SF)2 [1]

(ii) Read off the value from the axis of log10 (SF) when the absorbed dose is 560 kJ kg .
log (SF)R = log (SF) Let this answer be x. Then (SF)R = 10 . [1]

(iii) Yes, it is possible. [1]

The linear part of the graph when extrapolated represents the line for log 10(SF)1, lg (SF)2 could then be
obtained by subtracting lg (SF)1 from lg (SF) for each absorbed dose. [1]


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