Lesson Plan

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Focus : 1.0 Listening and Speaking REFLECTION

Theme : World of Self
Unit : Things I Do Attendance: __/__
Content Standard:
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able _____ pupils were able to
to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct achieve the objectives.
stress, rhythm and intonation.
_____ pupils were able to
SUNDAY Learning Standard: answer the questions
1.1.1 Able to speak with the correct word stress. correctly.
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. _____ pupils need extra
3 ARIF guidance.
11.50-12.50 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: _____ pupils were able to
pm 1. Listen, sing and enjoy the What Can You Do song. master todays lesson.
2. Listen to, understand and act out the actions in the song
3. Talk about the actions that they do every day. Teachers action:

Activities: *Todays lesson will be

1. Introduces pupils to a video clip of the song and gets pupils carried forward due to
to watch and listen. ____________.
2. Using the video clip, teacher gets pupils to sing and enjoy
the song with actions. Assessment B1 DL1 E1 is
3. Pupils listen to the song and act out the actions. carried in this lesson.
4. Pupils complete the worksheet with guidance. B1 DL1 E1
Able to do any of the
Teaching Aids: Textbook, Video clip, worksheet following:
(a)recite rhymes
Teaching and learning Strategies: (b) sing songs
Kinaesthetic, Knowledge acquisition (c) tongue twisters
(d) sing in groups
Added Value:


Focus : 2.0 Reading REFLECTION

Theme : World of Self
Unit : Things I Do Attendance: __/__
Content Standard:
2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able _____ pupils were able to
to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear achieve the objectives.
texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of
strategies to construct meaning. _____ pupils were able to
MONDAY answer the questions
Learning Standard: correctly.
ENGLISH 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences in linear
and non-linear texts. _____ pupils need extra
3 ARIF guidance.
2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple and compound
10.20 -11.20 sentences. _____ pupils were able to
am master todays lesson.
2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple a
compound sentences. Teachers action:

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to *Todays lesson will be
a) Read independently without guidance carried forward due to
b) Use body gestures to demonstrate the verbs ____________.

1. Choral reading
2. Ask Wh questions
Eg: How do you cycle?
Pupils show the action
3. Group reading
4. Individual reading

Teaching Aids: Textbook

Teaching and learning strategies:

1. Pupils know some of the verbs taught from the previous

Added- values:
Contextual learning.


Focus : 3.0 Writing REFLECTION

Theme : World of Self
Unit : Things I Do Attendance: __/__
Content Standard:
3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able _____ pupils were able to
to write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to
TUESDAY Learning Standard: answer the questions
3.2.1 Able to complete : correctly.
ENGLISH (a) linear texts
_____ pupils need extra
3 ARIF Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to guidance.
a) Match the pictures with the text given.
8.50 -9.50 _____ pupils were able to
am Activities: master todays lesson.
1. Choral reading
2. Ask Wh questions Teachers action:
Eg: What time does Yulleh eat his breakfast?
3. Group Activity *Todays lesson will be
Class Discussion carried forward due to
Teaching Aids: Textbook, Activity book

Teaching and learning strategies:

1. Pupils write about the routine at home

Added- values:
Multiple Intelligences


Focus : 4.0 Language Arts REFLECTION

Theme : World of Self
Unit : Things I Do Attendance: __/__
Content Standard:
4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able _____ pupils were able to
to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs, through achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to
WEDNESDAY Learning Standard: answer the questions
4.1.2 Able to sing action songs, recite jazz chants and poems with correctly.
ENGLISH correct pronunciation, rhythm an intonation.
_____ pupils need extra
3 ARIF Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to guidance.
a) Perform an action song with correct pronunciation.
11.20 -12.20 _____ pupils were able to
am Activities: master todays lesson.
1. Using the same video clips before (What Can You Do?) let
pupils listen, sing along and enjoy. Teachers action:
2. Ask Wh questions
Eg: What is the title of this song? *Todays lesson will be
3. Pupils follow the tune and sing along with the clips. carried forward due to
4. Group presentation ____________.

Teaching aids:
Youtube clips and song lyrics

Teaching and learning Strategies: Kinaesthetic, Knowledge


Added- values: Creativity and Innovation




Focus : 5.0 Grammar REFLECTION

Theme : World of Self
Unit : Things I Do Attendance: __/__
Content Standard:
5.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be _____ pupils were able to
able to use different word classes correctly and achieve the objectives.
_____ pupils were able to
THURSDAY Learning Standard: answer the questions
5.1.1 Able to use nouns correctly and appropriately: correctly.
ENGLISH (a) common nouns
(b) proper nouns _____ pupils need extra
3 ARIF guidance.
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
8.50-9.50 am a) Identify at least 7 proper nouns and common nouns _____ pupils were able to
master todays lesson.
1. Choral reading Teachers action:
2. Explanation of proper nouns and common nouns
3. Ask Wh questions *Todays lesson will be
Eg: What is a proper noun? carried forward due to
4. Identify proper nouns and common nouns from the text. ____________.
5. Group discussion.

Teaching aids:
Textbook and activity book.

Teaching and learning strategies:

1. Grammar item

Added- values: Multiple Intelligences


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