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Name: Erin DeSelms

Date: July 13, 2017

Artifact Description: Music In You - Create a grade level appropriate song using a real song
with actual chords to teach a new subject.

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS)T Addressed: Standard

6b - Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new

What I learned: Last semester at CSN I took another education class where we went more in
depth regarding multiple intelligences. Before learning about multiple intelligences I was sure
that I was a logical or mathematical thinker, but after learning about them in that class I found
out I was more of a musical learner. When I was in first grade, my teacher taught us all kinds of
songs, most of which I still remember today. Learning those rhythms help me memorize things.
My results from this test show that I am mostly an interpersonal learner, which I also agree with.
Musical is at 63%, which is still pretty high. Body-Kinesthetic is lowest at 33% which I
completely agree with! While watching the video with Dr. Gardner I couldnt help but to nod my
head in agreement with him. I completely agree that every child learns differently and everyone
has their own learning style. I also agree that assessments are ridiculous! Especially here in
Nevada, where we have so many tests that separate these students by ability when in reality
they may have the same abilities as the highest performing student in that class, they are just
bad at test taking. This is a reality right now and I am hoping it changes in the near future.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I wrote this song for a first grade level. When I
was in first grade I remember learning all kinds of songs that helped me memorize things. I
chose weather as my subject because last semester I subbed for a first grade teacher during
weather week. It was so much fun to watch the students cloud watch and write down what they
thought each cloud looked like. One thing I noticed was how they would always mix up thunder
and lightening. I wrote this song in hopes that it would help that confusion. I think mixing up old
songs into new educational songs is such a strong teaching tool! A lot of kids, especially in the
younger grades, benefit so much from music. Learning a new song and remembering the lyrics
will help them later on in school, all they have to do is think back to the song they learned. I still
do this today, especially with state capitals!

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