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Word Association Test Practice-1 by www.ssbinterviewtips.

Total Time: 15 Minutes
Time for Each Word: 15 Seconds
Note: - Sit with Pen, Paper and watch. Write the first meaningful sentence which comes in your mind
after reading the word. After writing all the sentences, evaluate the each sentence, which it shows
constructive thought and shows your OLQ Officer Like Qualities. All the best.

1. Abide -

2. Baby -

3. Calamity -

4. Dance -

5. Each -

6. Face -

7. Gallant -

8. Habit -

9. Ice-

10. Jack -

11. Kashmir -

12. Laboratory -

13. Machine -

14. Name -

15. Oath -

16. Pact -

17. Quack -

18. Rain -

19. Sacrifice -

20. Tack -

21. Ugly -

22. Vacancy - No rights to publish this document at any forms.

Word Association Test Practice-1 by
Total Time: 15 Minutes
Time for Each Word: 15 Seconds
23. Wade -

24. Xerox -

25. Eradicate -

26. Ability -

27. Bachelor -

28. Calm -

29. Danger -

30. Early -

31. Factory -

32. Game -

33. Handsome -

34. Idea -

35. Jail -

36. Keen -

37. Labor -

38. Machine Gun -

39. Narrow -

40. Obedience -

41. Padlock -

42. Qualification -

43. Rank -

44. Sad -

45. Tackle -

46. Ultimate - No rights to publish this document at any forms.

Word Association Test Practice-1 by
Total Time: 15 Minutes
Time for Each Word: 15 Seconds
47. Vacate -

48. Wage -

49. X-mas -

50. Zeal -

51. Able -

52. Background -

53. Candle -

54. Darjeling -

55. Earn -

56. Fail -

57. Garden -

58. Happy -

59. Ideals -

60. Japan - No rights to publish this document at any forms.

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