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Task 2

2.1 Management Trainee Recruitment

As part of the development plan, our Company wishes to train 3 management


2.1.1 Job Description of Management Trainee

1. Receives training and performs duties in several departments.

2. Learns line and staff functions, operations, management viewpoints and company

policies and practices that affect each phase of business.

3. Sets performance goals and objectives with upper management.

4. Monitors performance progress with management and key trainers.

5. Observes experienced workers to acquire knowledge of methods, procedures, and

standards required for performance of departmental duties.

6. Receives training in functions and operations of related departments to facilitate

subsequent transferability between departments and to provide greater promotional


7. Use company reports to analyze gross profit.

8. Work with and through management to develop and implement actions that protect

company assets and profitability.

2.1.2 Selection Criteria of Management Trainee

1. Possess at least a Bachelors Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree

in Civil Engineer or equivalent.

2. At least 5 years of working experience in construction industry.

3. Strong written, verbal, analytical and presentation skills.

4. Position requires proficiency in Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint.

5. Extensive travel may be required depending upon the position.

6. Ability to measure and access staff training needs.

- This will help to determine two things which are what needs to be learned by the

team, and how to prioritize the learning.

7. Strong communication and interpersonal skills

- Able to get the staff properly motivated, or effectively describe the reasons

behind the need for the training that recommending to the employees.

- Effective managers should develop their people skills and actually enjoy relating

to people. They should love to talk, interact with people, love listening to their

problems, love coming up with solutions to these problems, and enjoy motivating

the employees to be better.

8. A passion for continuous learning.

- They need to keep themselves abreast of the latest developments in their field.

- A passion for learning will make this less of a chore and more of a spirited

2.2 Interview Activities

2.2.1 Group Assessment

A. The Case Study

This type of group interview is when multiple candidates are interviewed at

the same time by one interviewer. In this group interview task, candidates will be

given a brief, based on a scenario they are likely to face as an employee of the

company they are interviewing for. The brief will outline certain problems, which

the candidates will be required to solve together within 30 minutes.

Group interview with multiple candidates are very efficient.This allow the

interviewer to observe multiple candidates at the same time. Case study interview

activity is designed to test the candidates ability to work as part of a team, as well as

their leadership and problem solving skills. As is the case in real life, there is usually

no single correct answer to standard case interview questions. Through this activity,

we will know whether the candidates able to prove their case, using sound analysis

and by demonstrating an understanding of the main case issues or not. We also can

know they have treat others competitors as colleagues or not and their ability to take

the lead but do not talk over people. We also can observe their leadership by

including any introverts in the group discussion and how much they know about our

B. The Role Play Exercise

This group interview activity places the candidates in a situation they are

likely to face in their prospective role and test their ability to perform well in it. The

candidates will have several minutes to prepare for their roles after being given a

short brief of the scenario at hand, which will often mirror something that could occur

in the job that they are applying for. Every role will be essential in solving the given

situation. These roles will have a hierarchy system and will be assigned randomly to

the candidates. Appropriate time will be provided to the candidates to discuss and

work together in solving the situation according to their roles given. Interviewer will

monitor the performance of the candidates throughout the period. Afterwards, they

will present their solution to the situation to ensure whether they understand their

roles and have contributed to their group in accordance to their roles fairly and


From this activity, interviewer may be assessing a wide range of skills,

depending on the job role. For example, leadership qualities, the ability to provide

good service and problem solving under pressure. In addition, the role play helps

assess whether the candidates can be flexible in adapting to what they are assigned

to do or work with different people and adapt to group dynamics. On the other hand,

the hierarchy system determines whether the candidates with low tier roles have the

patience and obedience to work under someone while carrying out their

responsibilities whereas for the high tier roles, it determines whether the candidates

is dictatorial or delicate to the people work below them and have enough qualification

to be a leader.
C. The Practical Task

This group interview requires the interviewees to work together to solve a

problem. The practical task may or may not be relevant to the job. For example,

candidates may be asked to build the highest structure with the least amount of

bricks or something similar. They also may get to play Lego during the interview, but

they are actually being tested on their ability to contribute their ideas, listen to others

and value their ideas, creativity, and communicate and work as part of a team.
2.2.2 Individual Assessment

A. Face-to-face Interview

Individual, face-to-face interviews are by far the most popular and efficient

form of assessment. Allowing interviewer to get up close and personal with each

candidate while keeping an eye on their body language is far more effective than any

other interviewing format. The interviewer will see how the candidate will fit into the

company and will ask questions to test the candidate listed skills and experience in

the resume. Through this interview, interviewer also can thoroughly assess the

individual, have opportunity to dig deeper and test the candidates commitment.

B. Dining Interview

This type of interview is conducted as a second interview. It gives employer a

chance to assess the communication and interpersonal skills of candidate as well as

their table manner and ability to mix business with pleasure. It also helps the

employer further gets to know how the candidate fit in with additional members of the

team and gets an insight on how the candidate behave in more relax surroundings.

The sense of time of the candidate also can determine during the interview. All these

types of interviews can take on different question formats.

Involving in construction industry, sometimes we have to face-to-face interaction with clients.

Regular interviews were not intimidating and stressful enough to the candidate, now
employer are going to discuss how the candidate can listen, give intelligent responses,
present confidence, all the while enjoying a meal.
3.0 Introduction Information Technology

Construction technology in the industry today have reach to its peak, the invention of 3D

printing, BIM, drones and more has benefit a lots to the industry by providing safer working

environment , shorter design and construction period as well as lower the spent of cost. Yet

still many of the developers resist to committing their time and money on the advance

technologies, without the adoption of advance technologies, they are less likely to be

innovating and move any steps forward.

Apart from saving time and cost, creating safer working environment, with proper

management and implement of these advance technology it can help to develop the core

competency for a company. From the study of Cost-quality trade-off triangle, a competitive

advantages can be focusing on the development of either sector (cost ,quality or time) and

come out with own unique working method .Below we will be explaining how each of this

software can help in developing the competitive advantages in the construction industry.

3.1 Information Technology (IT)

Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, network and other physical

devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, protect and exchange all

forms of electronic data. Information technology includes several layers of physical devices

(hardware), virtualization and management or automation tools, operating systems and

applications (software) used for performing essential functions. In the construction industry,

employees must adopt new forms of technology to achieve the construction project's time,

cost and quality objectives. In the construction phase and the life cycle, the construction

industry depends on a lot of information. Its important that the information provided to the

construction site enables task control, data integration, material and resource control, and

communication between the company and the suppliers. Information technology systems

make the staff more flexible in their work by allowing remote access to the companys

electronic network. Basically, the role of information technology is to monitor processes and

circulate data to assist in management, inspection and decision-making of governing bodies.

IT is a main requirement for improving the way to manage and run the organization.
3.1.1 Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a set of digital tools that can manage effectiveness of

construction projects. BIM has been used by the Architecture, Engineering and Construction

(AEC) industries with the insight and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and

manage buildings and infrastructure. However, the technology is still relative new in

Malaysia due to it just been introduced few year back. The different BIM platforms that

available in the market includes Revit, Bentley Aecosim, Glodon, Cost-X, ArchiCAD and

Tekla. Currently, many players in the construction industry is progressively taking lead in the

positive adoption of BIM because BIM can be one of the conditions required of a company to

qualify for government and private projects, similar to what is practiced in some other

countries. Moreover, government encourages construction players to apply BIM to

construction projects because it can overcome construction project problems such as delay,

clash of design by different professionals and construction cost overrun.

The reason why our company has chosen BIM for our organization is because it

provides many advantages such as increase construction project efficiency and

effectiveness. It also helps to improve communication and collaboration between

construction players. Besides, work can be reduced due to reduce error and omissions. As a

result, the construction cost will be lowered due to better cost control and predictability.

Moreover, the overall duration of construction also will be shortened due to reduction of

errors, omissions, modifications and repetitions. Furthermore, BIM increases employee

efficiency, productivity and job satisfaction which will result in reduction in operating cost.

These advantages enable our company to complete a higher quality project with shorter

construction duration. This will provide opportunity to our company in order to involved in

more construction project and raise our company profits.

3.1.2 Mobile Device Management
In the construction industry, employees use mobile devices as their primary communication

line in a project. Whether it is access to emails, texts, websites documents, social media or

phone calls using devices such as tablets and smartphone have become the main mean of

communication in construction industries.

With the mobile device management software, our company can optimize the

functionality of mobile devices while protecting the configuration and data of mobile devices

in the network. This reduces the overall business security risks and support costs. Mobile

devices management is becoming more and more important as amount of mobile devices

and applications continue to grow.

Apart from that, there are many applications in the market that available for

smartphones and tablets which can be used to improve our business productivity either from

maps to project management. With the use Smartphone and tablet apps our employees can

access to information quickly and easily. By using some of the applications, we can view and

edit document, there are also apps which is a perfect replacement for face to face meeting

such as Skype that allow us to communicate with our client, supplier and contractor who

located far away from us.

3.2 Information management

Information management is defined as a cycle of organization activities, which acquisition of

information from one or more sources, the custodianship and the distribution of that

information to those who need it, and its ultimate disposition through archiving or deletion.

Information management is basically to acquire information from different sources, filter,

storing, exploiting and distribute to the related department. Well organized and professional

data administration will enhance hierarchical effectiveness as well as providing high security

control over the information.

3.2.1 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has a strong appeal in the construction industry, resulting in many benefits

due to changing staff and setting up new site locations. Often, construction workers need to

obtain company data to provide timely decision-making and reporting capabilities when

working in the field.

Construction companies from any location (such as job site, customer location and

satellite office) at any time can provide more freedom and easy access to information.

3.2.2 Co-construct (Project /timeline management software)

Project management is one of the most important factor to ensure a success of a project.

Project management includes supervision of work, arrangement of daily work schedule,

budget control, materials supplying and more. Managing is project is not an easy task, hence

having one of the project management software will cut down the work load of the project

manager (PMs) as well as boosting the working efficiency.

Co-Construct is one of the best project management software in the market, its

function to assist project manager to curb cost, overseeing the working process, file hosting

for the tender and building owner documents, supervision of site progress and even detail

calculation of budget. The best part of Co-construct is once the project manager enter a

piece of information about the project, the data in it will flow from estimating, specifications,

advising in selection of materials, bids, change orders, budgets and finally to form a Quick

Book, all of the process is interrelated, and all the information in every of this single part can

be track and it will definitely lower down the work load of Quantity Surveyor or the finance

managers. To lower the budget co-construct even can act as a streamline bidding platform

for all of the interested supplier to come and bid for the work!

Apart from budgeting and financial control, if the Project Manager handle more than 1

project, there must be some confusion and complexity within different project , and he or she

will hardly visit to every of the project site to check on the progress. Co-construct can

coordinate schedules with the field office and make sure everything is working well on plan.
If there is a delay of work, Co-construct will report to the project manager and even provide

with the problem solution.

Furthermore, Co-construct can act as a communication platform for the client and

contract. Co-construct can help in developing a companys competitive advantages as it

minimize the works needed, and it will probably lower down the time needed to complete the

task, and when the working period is lower, the spent cost will be lower as well!

3.2.3 Local area network (LANS)

Local area network LANS is no new tech, but still it efficiently provide the user with a highly

secure platform for the seamless flow of information. Local area network is a computer

network, which is limited in a enclose space, which is very suitable for field office or

department office in a company.

Local area network also known as the private network ,which is host by a mother computer

(the central sever).The users in the enclose space can access to the sever freely, and share

or obtain the resources and information that is needed by them. As this is an private sever ,

it is hardly to be track or hack by the intruder , all the information will be directly store into the

central server and can be track only though the mother comp, this will probably make the

information management work easy as all the information can be remove or track in just one

server. An example for the Local area network is the POD system in Taylors

university(some known it as follow your print system) , POD is a printer server system that

interconnected to Taylors University Wifi .This system allow students who access to the

Taylors Wifi to send their documents and works up to the private server, for them to print it

out from the printer.

3.3 How information technology create competitive advantages

After several detail study of information technology and information managing software , we

have understood how every of this software can bring benefits to the company, but how all

this benefits can create a core competency of a company ?

3.3.1 Technology and value chain

The basic tool for understanding the role of technology in competitive advantages is the

value supply chain. Value chain is a process or a set of activities that deliver value to the


Every value activities use some technology to combine purchase inputs and human

resources to produce some input. For an example, there are many sub-technology exist to

support the material handling process to move the materials from the storage area to the

construction site. Technology embodied not only for primary activities (construction and

transportation) but also supportive activities such as Computer-aided design which only

coming into at the product designing and developing stages.

Creating a competitive advantages is about how to create a unique strength and

ability that differentiate an organization from others .Since the technology embodied every

each of the value activities of the construction supply chain and involved in achieving

linkages among activities, it can have a very powerful effect on both cost and differentiation.

Information systems technology is particularly pervasive in the value chain, since every

value activity creates and uses information. Information management systems are used in

scheduling, controlling, optimizing, measuring, and otherwise accomplishing activities.

For an example of how this link work is, both Company A and Company B wish to

complete the foundation of a building within 15 days , so Company A employee 2

experienced field managers to supervise the work progress ,but they still fail to complete the

task within 15 days because of the unexpected rain condition and mislocated of the

construction materials. Company B decide to manage the schedule time line with the project

management software: Co-Construction and before they start with the work, the software

alert them that there will be a heavy rains in the morning , so they switch the construction
period to the late afternoon ,and with the assist of the software , their construction materials

are arriving on time , and finally they manage to get their work done at the 13th days.

As conclusion, the rapid changes and revolve of technology is having a profound

impact on the competitive advantages of a company because of its pervasive impact of

information in the value chain.

3.4 Our company core competencies

3.4.1 Fast and high quality construction skill

One of our company core competencies is to provide our customers with fast and high

quality construction method with a reasonable price. Comparing our company to Eco World

and IJM land, our company require shorter time to complete the same amount of task, this is

due to the usage of precast technology and 3D printing system.

Our company developed measures to lean-up construction practice to reduce the material

waste, maximize efficiency and shorten the construction time. With the invention of precast

technology, our worker will precast most of the building components in a control environment

and the pre-measured material is cut to order and erected on site. Precast do brings tons of

benefits to us, the quality of the components is guarantee and at the same time it shorten the

construction time. Our company use modularization or mold to standardize the size of

buildings components such as single room unit, double room unit and bath room.
4.0 Reference

1. Construction Company Organizational Chart Introduction and Example. (n.d.). Retrieved July

05, 2017, from

2. 6 Essential Qualities Training Managers Need. (2017, March 07). Retrieved June 16,
2017, from
3. Group interview tasks and activities. (2016, September 16). Retrieved June 16, 2017,
4. The 6 Different Types of Interview (And Their Pros and Cons). (2017, January 31).
Retrieved June 16, 2017, from

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