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for Studies of
American Indians
in and Around
Rhode Island
th st
16 21 Centuries

Frank Waabu O'Brien, Ph.D.
June, 2004
Revised ~ October, 2005

This volume is an expanded and updated version of an unpublished manuscript

produced for a project entitled, Native Journies, Intersections, and Jonnycakes, a
congressionally earmarked grant funded by the National Historical Publications and
Records Commission, National Archives and Records Administration (2001-2002).
The first draft of the Indian Bibliography was compiled in May, 2002 by myself as Co-
Principal Investigator at Rhode Island Indian Council, Dr. Albert T. Klyberg (Co-
Principal Investigator, Heritage Harbor Museum), and Kalyana S. Champlain
(Researcher, Rhode Island Indian Council).
An attempt has been made to record all relevant published documents
for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, and major documents for
Massachusetts and Connecticut that fall under the scholarly rubrics of history,
archaeology and anthropology (including linguistics and other subcategories related to
ethnography). There is a large body of highly specialized research on Native
American linguistics relating to Indians in and around Rhode Island which we cannot
capture in this volume. The reader is referred to Ives Goddard, ed., Handbook of North
American Indians, Vol. 17 (Languages), Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution.
Three electronic Internet sources will prove invaluable to researchers.
Locally, the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation maintains a website database that
encompasses 15 bibliographic categories devoted to regional Native Americans; see
ographiesResearchGuides.htm. At the University of Rhode Islands Special
Collections Library the reader will find a bibliographic database for Rhode Island
History, and other areas; see The Federal
Smithsonian Institution website is another invaluable research resource for the United
States; see

The bibliography was made possible with the support of many people, organizations
and institutions. The Native Journies project was strongly supported by Senators Ben
Nighthorse Campbell (CO), Jack Reed (RI) and Lincoln D. Chaffee (RI) of the United
States Senate. Dr. Albert T. Klyberg, former Director of Museum Programs, Heritage
Harbor Museum, created the original source grant for the collaboration between
Heritage Harbor Museum and the Rhode Island Indian Council.
Darrell Waldron, Executive Director of the Rhode Island Indian Council,
provided a home and support for the researchers. Ray Petrarca, Council Accountant,
was very helpful in coordinating expenditures and logistics. Many research and
records facilities throughout the country contributed to the listings. In Rhode Island we
must mention the Rhode Island Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State
Archives and Public Records Administration, The Rhode Island Historical Society
Library, The Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission, The
Black Heritage Society, The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University,
University of Rhode Island Special Collections Library, The Rhode Island Department
of Education, The Providence Journal, Narragansett Indian News, Providence Public
Library, and The Narragansett Indian Tribal Nation. In nearby Massachusetts we were
assisted by the Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston Public Library, and Harvard

University. We thank the Mashantucket Pequot Library and Research Center, and
Connecticut Historical Society in Connecticut. Other academic libraries providing
information include Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania and Yale
University. The United States Library of Congress allowed electronic access to
numerous American, Canadian and European scholarly research libraries, and the
Smithsonian Institution contributed to our research efforts.

For the readers convenience, standard abbreviations used throughout the book

n.d. ~ no date of publication ed.~ editor or eds. ~ editors

n.p. ~ no place of publication vol. ~ volume; vols. ~ volumes
and/or publisher Pp. ~ pages
n.s. ~ new series 2ed. ~ second edition; 3ed. ~
o.s. ~ old series third edition, etc.
s.l. (Latin), sine loco ~ without _____ ~ same author(s) as above
place of publication http: ~ online Internet
s.n. (Latin), sine nominee ~ document
without name of publisher ms. ~ manuscript
ser. ~ serial trans. ~ translator
comp. ~ compiler; comps. ~

The present volume contains 1,778 entries. We expect this listing to grow
organically over the years.

Francis J. OBrien, Jr. (AKA Frank Waabu OBrien & Moondancer)

Newport, RI, June 9, 2004; June 24, 2004; October 8, 2005



2004 Francis J. O'Brien, Jr., Newport, RI

Bibliography for Studies of American
Indians in and Around Rhode Island,
16th 21st Centuries
2004 Francis J. OBrien, Jr., Aquidneck Indian Council

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Adams, Charles F. Three Episodes of Massachusetts History: The Settlement of Boston Bay,
1892 the Antinomian Controversy, a Study of Church and Town Government.
Vol. I. Boston, Mass.: Houghton, Mifflin and Company

Adams, Sherman W. Indian Names of Localities in Wethersfield. The History of Ancient

and Stiles, Henry R Wethersfield, Connecticut: Volume I: The History [1904]. Camden, Maine:
1995 Picton Press:35-38.

Adney, Edwin Tappan, The Bark Canoe and Skin Boats of North America. Museum of History and
and Howard I. Chapelle Technology. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.

Afable, Patricia O. and Place Names. Pp. 185-199 in Handbook of North American
Beeler, Madison S. Indians. Vol. 17 (Languages). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution
1996 Press.

Alden, John Eliot and European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe
Dennis C. Landis, eds. Relating to the America, 1493-1750. 6 vols. Providence, Rhode Island and
1980-1997 New York: The John Carter Brown Library and Readex Books.

Ales, Marion Fisher Whaling. The History & Archaeology of the Montauk. Gaynell Stone, ed.
1993 Stony Brook, New York: Suffolk County Archaeological Association:
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Allen, John L. The Illy-Smelling Sea: Indians, Information and the Early Search for the
1987 Passage. Man in the Northeast 33:127-135.

Allen, Morse S Connecticut Place Names. Connecticut Antiquarian 15, Dec.:20-24.


Allen, Morse S and More on Connecticut Place Names. Connecticut

Arthur H. Hughes Antiquarian 21, Dec.:13-18.

Allen, Zachariah Bi-centenary of the Burning of Providence in 1676. Defence of the Rhode
1876 Island System of Treatment of the Indians, and of Civil and Religious
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April 10, 1876. Providence: Providence Press Company.

Anderson, Virginia D. King Philips Herds: Indians, Colonists, and the Problem of Livestock in
1994 Early New England. William and Mary Quarterly 51(4):601-24.

Andrews, K. R., N.P. The Westward Enterprise 1480-1650. Detroit, Mich.: Wayne State
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Andrews, J. Clinton Indian Fish and Fishing Off Coastal Massachusetts. Bulletin of the
1986 Massachusetts Archaeological Society 47(2):42-46.

Anonymous A Farther Brief and True Narration of the Great Swamp Fight in the
1676 Narragansett Country December 19, 1675. Written a Few Days Later and
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Providence: Printed by S.P.C. for the Society of Colonial Wars in the State
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1696 of their Coming Thither, and Abode There: In Several Epistles to the
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_____ Report of a Committee on the State of Indians in Mashpee and Parts

1815 Adjacent [1767]. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 2d
ser., 3:12-17.
_____ A Description of Mashpee, in the County of Barnstable. September 16th,
1815a 1802. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 2d ser., 3:1-12.
______ [Indian Fish Weir at Anthony, Rhode Island] Collections of the Rhode
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______ The Last of the Narragansetts. New England Historical and Genealogical
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______ The Pequot Massacre of Southport, Connecticut, July 13, 1637. American
1903 Monthly Magazine 23:203.

______ The Connecticut Guide: What to See and Where to Find It. Hartford, Conn.:
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______ Tercentenary Providence and Rhode Island, 1636-1936: Official Chronicle

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______ Area Native Americans Participate in Pequot War Documentary.

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______ Connecticut Archives, Towns and Lands, 1st ser., Vol. 1. (Unpublished
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Nannepashemet Smells Fishy to Me: An Argument Supporting the Use of Fish Fertilizer By
1993 the Native People of Southern New England. Pp. 42-50 in Annual
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______ Hobbomock: A Special Instrument Sent to Massasoit for Their Good

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Nantucket Courts Nantucket Court Records. Court House, Nantucket, Mass.


Narragansett Times [Newspaper Articles.] Wakefield, Rhode Island.
[Narragansett Times and
Washington County

Narragansett Indian [Newspaper Articles.] Warwick, Rhode Island.

News. Narragansett
Indian Tribe and
Hometown Newspapers

Narragansett Indian [Internet Website.] Charlestown, Rhode Island: Narragansett Indian Tribal
Tribal Nation Nation.

Narragansett Indian The Narragansett Indians. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Narragansett

Tribal Nation Weekly, August 7. Rhode Island.

______ The Narragansett Indians. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Narragansett

1879a Weekly, November 6. Rhode Island.

______ Consigned to HistoryFinal Proceedings in the Matter of the Narragansett

1883 IndiansDedication of the Monument at Fort NinegretOration
[Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Bulletin, August 31. Rhode Island.

______ Charlestowns IndiansCouncil Met in Conference With Indian

1889 Commisioner George Carmichael Jr. at Shannock. [Newspaper Article.]
Providence Sunday Journal, April 11. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Hold Meeting at Stone ChurchAnnual Ritualistic Program held

1893 Despite Yesterdays Rainstorm. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, August
11. Rhode Island.

______ The Indian ClaimMr. James Arnold Advances an Interesting

1893a Construction of the Old Deed. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily
Journal, September 28. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett IndiansCouncil Met in Conference With Indian

1893b Commissioner George Carmichael Jr. at Shannock. [Newspaper Article.]
Providence Evening Bulletin, November 23. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indians. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Evening Bulletin,

1893c November 6. Rhode Island.

______ Want Millions From Rhode IslandNarragansett Indians Will Ask the
1894 Assembly to Pay Land Claims. [Newspaper Article.] New York Times,
January 17. New York.

______ The Narragansett Indians. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Narragansett

1894a Weekly, January 18. Rhode Island.

______ The NarragansettsPassing of a Once Powerful Tribe of Rhode Island

1894b IndiansTheir Present Claims Against the StateRecent Pow-wows,
[Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, August 31. Rhode Island.

______ The Narragansett Indians. Meeting of the Commission to Hear Their

1894c Claims. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, March 3. Rhode

______ Troubles of the Tribes: Judiciary Committee Hears the Claims of the
1896 Narragansett Indians, April 14. [Newspaper Article.] Anonymous. No
Place. P. 21 in Recommendations and Summary of Evidence for Proposed
Finding for Federal Acknowledgement of the Narragansett Indian Tribe of
Rhode Island, Pursuant to 25 CFR 83. Washington, D.C.: United States
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 29 July 1982.

______ The Narragansett Indians. [Newspaper Article.] Newport Herald, February

1896a 28. Rhode Island.

______ Who Owns the State of Rhode Island? Surviving Members of the
1896b Narragansett Indians Claim 135, 000 AcresTheir Demands Will Be
Presented to the General Assembly in AprilThe Chief Deposed at
Yesterdays Pow-wow Because he Liked Drink and the Prize Ring.
[Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, February 28. Rhode

______ A Heap Big Claim. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, February 28.
1896c Rhode Island.

______ The Claims of Descendants of the Narragansett Tribe of Indians.

1898 [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, January 29. Rhode Island.

______ The Narragansett Indians. [Newspaper Article.] .] Providence Daily

1898a Journal, August 31. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansetts Not Owners: Supreme Court Decides Against Tribe.

1898b [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, February 25. Rhode Island.

______ Last of the Narragansetts Chiefs: Gideon Ammons, a Famous South
1899 County Character, is Dead. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily
Journal, December 4. Rhode Island.

______ Gideon Ammons Dead: Body of the Last of the Narragansett Chiefs Found
1899a in the Woods. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, December 4. Rhode

______ Narragansett Indians MeetTheir Attorney Francis M. Morison Tells of

1900 the Results of the Recent Hearing Before a Sub-Committee of the United
States Senate. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, October 16. Rhode

______ Notice: To Their Heirs and Others Who Claim to Be Interested in the
1900a Montauk, Shinnecock, Narragansett and Mohegan Tribes or Clans of
Indians, Signed by the Indian Council of the Narragansetts. [Newspaper
Article.] Westerly Sun, November 5. Rhode Island.

______ Indian Claims. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, November 15. Rhode
1901 Island.

______ The Indians MeetFew Remaining Descendants Gather in Charlestown.

1906 [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, August 13. Rhode Island.

______ Indian Meeting in Charlestown: Annual Celebration of the Narragansett

1906a Tribe. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, August 14. Rhode

______ Indians Preparing for Yearly PowwowDescendants of the Narragansetts

1908 to Gather at Tribal Home. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal,
August 5. Rhode Island.

______ Indian Survivors Hold Annual Wash. [Newspaper Article.] Providence

1908a Daily Journal, August 11. Rhode Island.

______ Gatherung of a Vanishing Race. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily

1910 Journal, August 21. Rhode Island.

______ Indian Sunday Descendants of the Narragansetts Gathered in

1911 Charlestown. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, August 14. Rhode

______ The Scattering of the Narragansett Indians. [Newspaper Article.]

1915 Providence Daily Journal, January 3. Rhode Island.

______ Chief Noka Still Seeks to Regain Narragansett Lands for his People. .
1920s [Newspaper Article.] Anonymous. No Place. P. 21 in Recommendations
and Summary of Evidence for Proposed Finding for Federal
Acknowledgement of the Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island,
Pursuant to 25 CFR 83. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of
the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 29 July 1982.

______ Narragansett Indians Again Seek Return of Land: Descendants of Once

1921 Powerful Tribe Believed to be Planning to Assert Title to Section of South
County Swamp Lands in CharlestownSecret Council is Held in Old
Meeting House. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, June 21.
Rhode Island.

______ Chief Ammons, Survivor of Old Indian Tribe, Dead. [Newspaper

1923 Article.] Providence Evening Bulletin, December 6. Rhode Island.

______ New England Indians. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, December 16.
1923a Rhode Island.

______ Narragansetts Make Annual Pilgrimage. [Newspaper Article.]

1924 Providence Daily Journal, August 17. Rhode Island.

______ Indians at Annual Meeting. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, August 11.
1924a Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indians Meet at CharlestownMore than 150 Attend Annual

1925 Session and Pow-wow of Tribes Survivors. [Newspaper Article.]
Providence Daily Journal, August 10. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indians Revive Pow-wow. [Newspaper Article.]

1925a Providence Sunday Journal, August 16. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indian Woman Buried in Charlestown. [Newspaper Article.]

1926 Providence Daily Journal, January 26. Rhode Island.

______ R.I. Indians Smoke Peace Pipe AgainDescendants of Famous Chiefs

1926a Gather for Conference at Old Church. [Newspaper Article.] Providence
Daily Journal, August 9. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Have Meeting TodayHundreds of Tribal Descendants Gather at

1927 Old Meeting Place. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, August 14.
Rhode Island.

______ Indian to Hold Pow-wow Rites. [Newspaper Article.] Providence

1928 Sunday Journal, August 12. Rhode Island.

______ Indian to Hold Annual Gathering: Annual Meeting Will Take Place in
1930 Charlestown. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, August 4. Rhode

______ Indians Ancestor Seeks $4,000,000: Councilor of Narragansetts Ask Justice

1931 for Remaining 118 of That Tribe. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily
Journal, March 22. Rhode Island.

______ Indian Chief Opposed to Third Head: Narragansetts Resent Efforts of

1931a Charlestown Man to Gain PowerSekater and Noka Claim Recognition by
Government. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, June 16. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Seek to Gain BirthrightChief Sekater Says Claim Based on

1931b Deception in Former Settlement. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, June
17. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Seeks $4,000,000 in R.I. Land Sale. [Newspaper Article.]

1931c Anonymous. No Place. P. 21 in Recommendations and Summary of
Evidence for Proposed Finding for Federal Acknowledgement of the
Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island, Pursuant to 25 CFR 83.
Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, 29 July 1982.

______ A.I. Williams Grant Sachem of Federation. [Newspaper Article.]

1931d Anonymous. No Place. P. 21 in Recommendations and Summary of
Evidence for Proposed Finding for Federal Acknowledgement of the
Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island, Pursuant to 25 CFR 83.
Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, 29 July 1982.

______ Justice for the Red ManSouth County Sachem Summons Tribes for a
1931e Last Stand. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, October 18.
Rhode Island.

______ Indian Chief to Seek State Probe of Charge Land Wrongfully Taken.
1931f [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, December 23. Rhode

______ Dissension Causes Rift in Algonquins. [Newspaper Article.] Anonymous.

1932? No Place. P. 21 in Recommendations and Summary of Evidence for
Proposed Finding for Federal Acknowledgement of the Narragansett Indian
Tribe of Rhode Island, Pursuant to 25 CFR 83. Washington, D.C.: United
States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 29 July 1982.

______ Indian Chiefs Guest at Peckham House. [Newspaper Article.]
1934 Anonymous. No Place. P. 21 in Recommendations and Summary of
Evidence for Proposed Finding for Federal Acknowledgement of the
Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island, Pursuant to 25 CFR 83.
Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, 29 July 1982.

______ The Indian Shore ClaimProceedings of the Recent Hearing at the

1934a Shannock Before Speaker Owen. [Newspaper Article.] Providence
Telegram, February 20. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansetts Hold Pow-wowIndians 257th Annual Meeting Conducted

1934b on Reservation at Charlestown. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily
Journal, August 13. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Hold 257th Annual GatheringCharter Received. [Newspaper

1934c Article.] Westerly Sun, August 13. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indians 257th Form Organization. [Newspaper Article.]

1934d Providence Daily Journal, December 4. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indians are Given CharterRecognition Meeting Held at Old

1934e Stone Church in CharlestownGovernor Present. [Newspaper Article.]
Westerly Sun, December 5. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansetts Hold First Tribal Meeting in 58 Years. [Newspaper Article.]

1934f Westerly Sun, December 12. Rhode Island.

______ Officials Elected at Tribe Meeting. [Newspaper Article.] Providence

1935 Daily Journal, January 20. Rhode Island.

______ Tribe Church Bill Passed. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily

1935a Journal, April 4. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansetts To Meet Next SundayTribe Will Have Powwow at

1935b Columbia Heights on Saturday. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily
Journal, August 4. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Open Pow-wow at Shannock. Westerly Sun, August 11. Rhode
1935c Island.

______ Narragansett Dawn. [Periodical.] Narragansett Tribal Nation. Oakland,

1935-1936 Rhode Island.

______ [Narragansett Language Lessons.] June, 1935 through October, 1936.
1935-1936 Narragansett Tribal Nation. Oakland, Rhode Island.

______ Narragansetts Ask Legislature to Set Aside State Indian Day. [Newspaper
1936 Article.] Westerly Sun, March 30. Rhode Island.

______ Governor (White Buffalo) Green Signs an Indian Bill. [Newspaper

1936a Article.] Providence Evening Bulletin, April 24. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indians to Meet SundayAnnual Gathering Will Be held in

1937 Charlestown. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun, August 4. Rhode

______ Indians Observe Ancient Customs Narragansetts Hold 265th Annual

1940 August Meeting Day in Their Old Church. [Newspaper Article.]
Providence Evening Bulletin, August 12. Rhode Island.

______ Tribal Meeting Held by Indians Narragansetts Stage 268th Session at

1944 Reservation in Charlestown Woods. [Newspaper Article.] Providence
Evening Bulletin, August 14. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansetts Hold 268th Annual August Meeting Day. [Newspaper

1944a Article.] Westerly Sun, August 14. Rhode Island.

______ Many at Rites of Indian Tribe. [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily

1947 Journal, August 11. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Have Voted Right Along But Referendum Makes it Official.
1950 [Newspaper Article.] Providence Daily Journal, November 20. Rhode

______ Narragansett Indians Open Two-Day Tribal Celebration. [Newspaper

1956 Article.] Providence Daily Journal, August 12. Rhode Island.

______ Narragansett Indians in Annual 2-Day Session. [Newspaper Article.]

1958 Providence Daily Journal, August 8. Rhode Island.

______ Indians Hold Tribal Rites at Charlestown Powwow. [Newspaper Article.]

1968 Providence Daily Journal, August 12. Rhode Island

______ Indian Discord Ends Great Swamp Rites. [Newspaper Article.]

1972 Providence Daily Journal, September 25. Rhode Island

______ Gang Besieges Indian Home in Shannock. [Newspaper Article.] Chariho

1979 Times, June. Rhode Island

______ A Day of Good (And Wet) Spirits. [Newspaper Article.] Westerly Sun,
1979a July 24. Rhode Island.

______ Garrahy Will Push Indian Purchase of Shannock Village. [Newspaper

1979b Article.] Providence Daily Journal, August 22. Rhode Island

______ Memorandum to Whom it May Concern October 4 [Re membership and

1979c bylaws]

______ Five Tribal Members Picked to Sit on Land Corporation. [Newspaper

1979d Article.] Westerly Sun, August 8. Rhode Island

______ Wahteauonk. [Newspaper of the Narragansett Indian Tribal Education

1979-1980 Project, Inc.] Vol. I:1 September, 1979

______ Wahteauonk. [Newspaper of the Narragansett Indian Tribal Education

Project, Inc.] Vol. I:2 January, 1980

______ Indian Council Fires Thomas. Chariho Times, June 25. Rhode Island

______ Restraining Order Issued Against One Tribal Faction. [Newspaper

1980a Article.] Chariho Times, August 20. P. 21 in Recommendations and
Summary of Evidence for Proposed Finding for Federal Acknowledgement
of the Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island, Pursuant to 25 CFR 83.
Washington, D.C.: United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, 29 July 1982.

_____ One Nation - Two Worlds - Centuries Of Struggle - The Narragansetts and
2004 the 'knife-men' [Newspaper Article.] Providence Journal, August 2. Rhode
_____ One Nation - Two Worlds - Dual Realities - (Second Of Five Parts) - Dual
2004a Realties [Newspaper Article.] Providence Journal, August 2. Rhode Island.
_____ One Nation - Two Worlds - (Third Of Five Parts) - City Indians
2004b [Newspaper Article.] Providence Journal, August 3. Rhode Island.
_____ One Nation - Two Worlds - (Fourth Of Five Parts) - Spanning The
2004c Generations [Newspaper Article.] Providence Journal, August 4. Rhode
_____ One Nation - Two Worlds - Centuries Of Struggle - From Church To
2004d Citadel, Narragansetts Endure [Newspaper Article.] Providence Journal,
August 4. Rhode Island.
_____ One Nation - Two Worlds - (Last Of Five Parts) - Casino Dreams
2004e [Newspaper Article.] Providence Journal, August 5. Rhode Island.
2004f keep changing in Narragansetts' fight for casino [Newspaper Article.]
Providence Journal August 5. Rhode Island. [Newspaper Article.]
Providence Journal, August 5. Rhode Island.

_____ James Lloyd Williams Sr. chief of Eastern Pequots [Newspaper Article.]
2004g Providence Journal, August 5. Rhode Island.
______ See Providence Journal-Bulletin 1980-2002 [Newspaper Articles.]

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