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Letters in Applied Microbiology ISSN 0266-8254


A simple method of genomic DNA extraction suitable for

analysis of bulk fungal strains
Y.J. Zhang1,2, S. Zhang1, X.Z. Liu2, H.A. Wen2 and M. Wang3
1 School of Life Sciences, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China
2 Key Laboratory of Systematic Mycology and Lichenology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
3 School of Plant Sciences & Technology, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry College of Tibet, Nyingchi, China

Keywords Abstract
DNA extraction, fungi, internal transcribed
spacer (ITS) region, Ophiocordyceps sinensis, Aims: A simple and rapid method (designated thermolysis) for extracting geno-
PCR amplification, thermolysis. mic DNA from bulk fungal strains was described.
Methods and Results: In the thermolysis method, a few mycelia or yeast cells
Correspondence were first rinsed with pure water to remove potential PCR inhibitors and then
Xing Zhong Liu, Institute of Microbiology,
incubated in a lysis buffer at 85C to break down cell walls and membranes.
Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.3, 1st West
Beichen Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
This method was used to extract genomic DNA from large numbers of fungal
100101, China. strains (more than 92 species, 35 genera of three phyla) isolated from different
E-mail: (X.Z. Liu) sections of natural Ophiocordyceps sinensis specimens. Regions of interest from
high as well as single-copy number genes were successfully amplified from the
2010 0284: received 17 February 2010, extracted DNA samples. The DNA samples obtained by this method can be
revised and accepted 30 April 2010 stored at )20C for over 1 year.
Conclusions: The method was effective, easy and fast and allowed batch DNA
extraction from multiple fungal isolates.
Significance and Impact of Study: Use of the thermolysis method will allow
researchers to obtain DNA from fungi quickly for use in molecular assays. This
method requires only minute quantities of starting material and is suitable for
diverse fungal species.

steps: the breaking of cell walls, and the extraction and

purification of genomic DNA. The genomic DNA is usu-
As a very large group of eukaryotic organisms, the fungi ally extracted with CTAB (cetyl trimethyl ammonium bro-
include an enormous diversity of taxa with varied ecolo- mide) extraction buffer (Doyle and Doyle 1987) and then
gies, life cycle strategies and morphologies ranging from purified through phenol chloroform extraction and iso-
single-celled aquatic chytrids to large mushrooms. Fungi propanol or ethanol precipitation (Ashktorab and Cohen
perform an essential role in the decomposition of 1992). Various methods have been used to break down
organic matter and are relevant to many human activi- cell walls. In the most commonly used method, mycelia
ties such as antibiotic, toxin and food production. are ground using liquid nitrogen or glass rods (Lee et al.
Although the classification and identification of fungi is 1988; Wu et al. 2001). In addition, researchers have also
traditionally based on morphological characteristics, used dry ice (Griffin et al. 2002), glass or magnetic beads
recently some gene sequences (e.g., parts of the nuclear (Faggi et al. 2005), enzyme digestion (Li et al. 2002), ben-
ribosomal DNA locus) have been extensively used as zyl chloride (Xue et al. 2006), microwave exposure (Good-
essential phylogenetic and taxonomic tools (Hibbett et al. win and Lee 1993) and combinations of different methods
2007). Gene sequencing typically requires PCR, and the (Zhang et al. 2008a). Although these techniques generally
initial and essential step for the amplification of a target provide DNA of satisfactory quantity and quality, most of
gene is the extraction of genomic DNA. Extraction of these techniques are tedious and time consuming and
fungal genomic DNA has generally involved two major involve the use of hazardous chemicals.

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114 Journal compilation 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 114118
Y.J. Zhang et al. Fungal DNA isolation by thermolysis

In recent years, studies on fungal communities and was autoclaved at 121C for 20 min and then stored at
fungal diversity increased rapidly (Dighton et al. 2005). 4C.
These studies often require the identification of a large
number of fungal species and strains, and such identifica-
DNA extraction by the CTAB method
tion currently requires extraction of genomic DNA fol-
lowed by PCR amplification. Because the established As a comparison to the thermolysis method, genomic
techniques for extracting genomic DNA from fungi are DNA was extracted with the established CTAB method
time consuming, they are not suitable for use with a large (Lee et al. 1988; Wu et al. 2001). Briefly, cell walls of fun-
number of samples, and a simpler and faster method is gal mycelia were broken down by grinding with glass rods
needed. The current article describes a simple thermolysis or in the presence of liquid nitrogen. The CTAB extrac-
method for extracting fungal genomic DNA. The effi- tion buffer was then added, and after incubation at 65C,
ciency of this method was examined by amplifying purification with phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol
nrDNA ITS regions of a large number of strains recov- (25 : 24 : 1) and precipitation with isopropanol were con-
ered from natural Ophiocordyceps sinensis specimens. The ducted. Finally, the DNA was dissolved in 50 ll of pure
storage stability and target gene applicability of the geno- water. The quality of DNA samples extracted by the
mic DNA extracted with this method was also investi- CTAB method and the thermolysis method was compared
gated. by amplifying the full-length nrDNA ITS region of H. sin-
ensis. The time required for extracting DNA with both
methods was recorded and compared using ten randomly
Materials and methods
selected fungal strains.
Isolation and storage of fungal strains
Amplification of nrDNA ITS regions
Natural O. sinensis specimens (a type of traditional Chi-
nese medicine) were collected from Tibet and Sichuan in Each PCR contained 2 ll of 10 PCR buffer, 12 ll of
China during 2003 and 2005. One strain of Hirsutella dNTP mixture (25 mmol l)1 each), 08 ll of deioned
sinensis (the anamorph of O. sinensis) (Liu et al. 1989) formamide, 04 ll of MgCl2 (25 mmol l)1), 08 ll of each
and another 572 fungal strains (more than 92 species, 35 primer (10 lmol l)1), 02 ll of Taq DNA polymerase
genera of three phyla) isolated from various sections (5 U ll)1) and 1 ll of genomic DNA in a total volume of
(stromata, sclerotia and external mycelial vela) of natural 20 ll. The primer pairs for amplifying ITS1 regions
O. sinensis specimens (Wang et al. 2006) were used in this were ITS1 (5-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3) and ITS2
study. All strains were stored in 15% glycerol in an ultra- (5-GCTGCGTTCTTCATCGATGC-3); those for full-
low temperature refrigerator ()80C). length ITS regions were ITS1 and ITS4 (5-TCCTCCG-
CTTATTGATATGC-3). A PCR consisted of an initial
denaturing step of 5 min at 94C followed by 3540
DNA extraction by the thermolysis method
cycles (50 s at 94C, 50 s at 54C and 50 s at 72C) fin-
All the fungal strains were removed from storage and ished by a final extension step at 72C for 10 min. PCR
placed on PDA plates at 25C with the exception of products were resolved by electrophoresis through 12%
H. sinensis (at 20C). Once a strain had formed a colony, agarose gels in TAE (2 mmol l)1 EDTA, 80 mmol l)1
a sterile toothpick was used to transfer a small amount of Tris-acetate, pH 80) and were visualized by staining with
mycelia or yeast cells from the colony into 100 ll of pure GoldView (SBS Genetech, China).
water in a 15-ml microcentrifuge tube. The mixture was
vortexed thoroughly and then centrifuged at 8000
Applicability and stability of the genomic DNA extracted
10 000 g for 1 min. After carefully discarding the super-
with the thermolysis method
natant using a pipette tip, 100 ll of lysis solution was
added to the microcentrifuge tube. The mixture was The genomic DNA of H. sinensis extracted with the therm-
finally incubated at 85C in a water bath for 2030 min. olysis method was used to amplify single-copy csp1 (prim-
The crude extract contained genomic DNA and was ers CSP1-ZF TSPa2) and MAT1-2-1 (primers MAT1-
stored at )20C until use. 2F1 MAT1-2R2) genes as reported previously (Zhang et al.
The ingredients of the lysis solution, which referred to 2008b, 2009). With ten randomly selected fungal strains,
the breaking buffer in the manual of the EasySelectTM the stability of the DNA extracted with the thermolysis
Pichia Expression Kit (Invitrogen, USA), contained method was tested by amplifying full-length ITS regions
50 mmol l)1 sodium phosphate at pH 74, 1 mmol l)1 with primers ITS1 ITS4 after the DNA was stored for
EDTA and 5% glycerol. Before use, the lysis solution 1 year at )20C.

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Fungal DNA isolation by thermolysis Y.J. Zhang et al.

L1 L2 M M M
(a) (c) (d)
750 Figure 1 Electropherograms of PCR products
500 amplified with DNA samples extracted with
250 the thermolysis method or the established
method. (a) Comparison of DNA samples
extracted with the established CTAB method
(L1) and the thermolysis method (L2) by ampl-
ifying the full-length nrDNA ITS regions
(c. 550 bp) of Hirsutella sinensis. Markers (M)
are shown in bps. (b) Partial results for the
amplification of the nrDNA ITS1 regions
(c. 250 bp) with the DNA isolated with the
thermolysis method. (c) Amplification of the
single-copy MAT1-2-1 (left, c. 1000 bp) and
csp1 (right, c. 800 bp) genes of H. sinensis.
(d) Amplification of the full-length nrDNA ITS
regions with the DNA stored for over 1 year
at )20C.

amplification could have been caused by the presence of

PCR inhibitors in the original DNA solution. Successful
The thermolysis method described in this study was com- amplification was achieved with 85% of the 572 strains
pared with the traditional CTAB method that uses glass using an undiluted DNA extract, but this was increased
rods or liquid nitrogen to break down fungal cell walls. to 100% when those that failed were diluted (data not
Good PCR products were obtained with the H. sinensis shown). All the amplicons were used successfully for
DNA samples extracted by those two methods (Fig. 1a), SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism) analy-
indicating that the quality of genomic DNA extracted by ses, and full-length ITS regions were then amplified and
both methods was comparable. To determine whether the sequenced for strains showing different SSCP patterns
thermolysis method could be used to extract genomic (Zhang et al. unpublished).
DNA from many different genera, the new method was The genomic DNA extracted with this simple method
applied to various fungal strains. With this method, we is of high amplification efficiency not only for high-copy
extracted the genomic DNA of the 572 fungal strains genes (e.g., nrDNA ITS) but also for low- or single-copy
(including ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and zygomycetes) genes, such as the single-copy csp1 (one cuticle-degrading
that were isolated from natural O. sinensis specimens. It is serine protease gene) and MAT1-2-1 (one mating-type
not necessary to detect the genomic DNA by electropho- gene) genes of H. sinensis (Fig. 1c) (15, 16).
resis because no visible band of the genomic DNA is The genomic DNA extracted with the traditional CTAB
expected on agarose gels. They were used directly for method can be preserved for several years at )20C
PCR amplification of nrDNA ITS1 regions with primers (Porebski et al. 1997). We re-examined the DNA that had
ITS1 and ITS2. Without any dilution of genomic DNA been extracted with the thermolysis method and then
solutions, good amplification was obtained for all strains stored at )20C for 1 year. Good results were obtained
within the genera of Mortierella, Trichocladium, Epicoc- with PCR amplification (Fig. 1d), indicating that the
cum, Mucor, Trichoderma, Tricladium, Gliocladium, Toly- DNA extracted with the thermolysis method is stable for
pocladium, Acremonium, Beauveria and yeasts; and for at least 1 year.
most strains within the genera of Penicillium, Paecilomy-
ces, Gymnoascus, Fusarium, Cladosporium and Neonectria
(Fig. 1b). Initial amplification, however, produced no
band or only a weak band for most strains within the A simple and rapid method for extracting fungal genomic
genera of Cylindrocarpon, Aspergillus, Chrysosporium, Zale- DNA was proposed in this study. Compared to tradi-
rion, Tumularia, Cadophora, Fimetariella, Leohumicola tional methods, the thermolysis method has significant
and Stilbella. In this instance, using a 1 25th-1 100th advantages. First, the thermolysis method does not
dilution of the genomic DNA as a template corrected the involve the mechanical breaking of fungal cell walls or
problem (data not shown). The failure of the initial DNA purification using phenol chloroform, and the time

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116 Journal compilation 2010 The Society for Applied Microbiology, Letters in Applied Microbiology 51 (2010) 114118
Y.J. Zhang et al. Fungal DNA isolation by thermolysis

Table 1 Times required for three methods of extracting fungal genomic DNA

Duration for different stages (min)

Methods No. of samples treated Break wash Incubation Purification Precipitation Total

CTAB (liquid nitrogen) One 5 3060 35 25 95125

Ten 50 3060 5060 30 165200
CTAB (glass rods) One 35 3060 35 25 93125
Ten 3050 3060 5060 30 145200
Thermolysis One 2 2030 2232
Ten 20 2030 4050

The thermolysis method was compared with established CTAB methods based on liquid nitrogen or glass rods. The process for extracting genomic
DNA was divided into four stages: breaking of cell walls (for the CTAB method using liquid nitrogen or glass rods) or washing of fungal biomass
(for the thermolysis method), incubation to release DNA into buffer solutions, purification using phenol chloroform and precipitation using isopro-
panol or ethanol. The time for each stage is estimated according to our experience. Dash () means the lack of a stage.

required for DNA extraction is therefore reduced greatly Another fast and efficient method for DNA extraction
(Table 1); with this method, our laboratory can process is based on the use of microwave radiation (Tendulkar
up to 100 fungal samples in a day. Second, the thermoly- et al. 2003). Although the quality and quantity of DNA
sis method does not require liquid nitrogen or an ultra- obtained with the microwave radiation method was
low temperature centrifuge, which may be unavailable to sufficient for PCR analysis and dot blot hybridization,
some laboratories; the method only requires a standard that method has only been used for Magnaporthe grisea;
centrifuge and a water bath. It follows that this method is whether the method can be applied to other fungal taxa
practicable for a general microbial laboratory and is easily without protocol variations is unknown. In contrast,
learned by normal investigators. Third, the thermolysis the thermolysis method described here has been suc-
method does not use toxic chemicals (e.g., phenol or cessfully applied to fungal species belonging to various
chloroform) and so, it is safe for operators and does not taxa.
require disposal of harmful wastes. Fourth, the thermoly-
sis method requires only a small quantity of fungal bio-
mass (as little as 001 g) and so, strains do not have to be
cultivated for a long time, which is especially valuable for This study was supported by grants from the National
slow-growing fungi, such as H. sinensis, and for the Plans of Sciences and Technology (Grants No.
screening of a large number of transformants in a short 2007BAI32B04), the National Outstanding Youth
time during a study of fungal genetics. Finally, contami- Foundation (30625001), the National 863 Plan of China
nant DNA can cause significant problems with PCR (2007AA021506) and the cooperative project between
(Kwok and Higuchi 1989), but the thermolysis method Guangdong Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences
reduces the chance of contamination because it omits (2009B091300015). The Authors are grateful to Ms Man-
many of the surface contacts (e.g., contact between DNA hong Sun, Dr Bingda Sun and Dr Guozhu Zhao for
and mortar, pestle, spatula and other equipment) that their original work in isolating and or characterizing
occur with the traditional methods. fungal strains. We acknowledge Mr Wenfeng Gong for
The thermolysis method also has limitations. Because his work in cultivating and storing the fungal strains.
the method includes no purification procedures, PCR may The authors also thank Prof Bruce Jaffee (the University
be inhibited by certain chemicals released from the cells of of California at Davis) for serving as presubmission
some species strains. These PCR inhibitors may vary with reviewers and for his valuable comments and sugges-
fungal species, media used for cultivation and growth sta- tions.
tus (Min et al. 1995; Paterson 2007, 2008). Additionally,
this method is not recommended for extracting DNA
from fungal tissues (e.g., stromata and sclerotia of O. sin-
ensis) although weak amplification can be occasionally Ashktorab, H. and Cohen, R.J. (1992) Facile isolation of geno-
obtained if the genomic DNA is diluted (data not shown). mic DNA from filamentous fungi. BioTechniques 13, 198
Cell walls of those fungal tissues are more difficult to 200.
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DNA solutions are usually accompanied by pigments and Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem.
other chemical inhibitors of PCR amplification. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

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