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AWES PGT Mathematics Part B

PGT Mathematics

1. The domain of f(x) = is:-

a. (-2, +)
b. R-{-1, -2, -3}
c. (-3, +)-{-1, -2}
d. R-{-1, -2}

2. If f is a function such that f(0) = 2, f(1) = 3 & f(x+2) = 2f(x)-f(x + 1) for every real x then f(5) is:-

a. 1
b. 7
c. 5
d. 13

-1 -1 -1
3. If cos x =tan x, then sin(cos x) is:-

a. 1/x
b. x
c. 1/x
d. x

-1 -1 -1
4. If cos (3/5) - sin (4/5) = cos x, then x is:-

a. -1
b. 1
c. 0
d. None of the above

5. In a city, three daily newspapers A, B, C are published. 42% of the people in that city read A, 51%
read B and 68% read C. 30% read A & B, 28% read B & C, 36% read A & C, 8% do not read any of
the three newspapers. The percentage of persons who read all the three papers is:-

a. 18%
b. 25%
c. 20%
d. None of the above

6. The least positive root of the function sinx - /2 + 1 = 0 lies in the interval:-

a. [0, /2]
b. [/2, ]
c. [/2, 3/2]

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AWES PGT Mathematics Part B

d. None of the above

4 4
7. If sin x + cos y + 2 = 4 sinx cosy, 0 x, y /2, then sin x + cos y is:-

a. 2
b. 0
c. -2
d. None of the above

2 2
8. If A & B are two matrices such that AB = B and BA = A, then A - B is equal to:-

a. 2AB
b. A+B
c. 2BA
d. None of the above

9. The system of linear equations x + y + z = 2, 2x + y - z = 3, 3x + 2y + kz = 4 has a unique solution if:-

a. -1 < k < 1
b. k0
c. -2 < k < 2
d. k=0

10. If (x) =

then, is:-

a. 0
b. -1/2
c. 1/4
d. 1/2

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AWES PGT Mathematics Part B

11. If the system of linear equations

x + 2ay + az = 0
x + 3by + bz = 0
x + 4cy + cz = 0
has a non zero solution, then a, b, c:-

a. Are in AP
b. Satisfy a + 2b + 3c = 0
c. Are in GP
d. Are in HP

12. For each nN, 23n - 1 is divisible by:-

a. 16
b. 8
c. 32
d. None of the above

13. The solution of the equation |z| - z = 1 + 2i is:-

a. (3/2) + 2i
b. (3/2) - 2i
c. 2 - (3/2)i
d. None of the above

14. The equation of represents a:-

a. Parabola
b. Hyperbola
c. Straight line
d. Circle

15. If and are the roots of the equation x2 + x + = 0, then the values of and are:-

a. = 2, = 1
b. = 2, = -2
c. = 1, = -2
d. = 1, = -1

16. Solution set for -2 6x - 1 < 2 is:-

a. [-2, 2)
b. [-1/6, 1/2)
c. [-1, 3)

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d. None of the above

17. The Chief Ministers of 11 states of India meet to discuss the language problem. The number of ways
they can seat themselves at a round table so that the Punjab and Delhi Chief Ministers sit together

a. 9! X 2!
b. 10!
c. 11! X 2!
d. None of the above

18. In an examination a candidate has to pass in each paper to be successful. If the total number of
ways to fail is 63, how many papers are there in the examination?

a. 8
b. 14
c. 6
d. None of the above

19. The remainder left out when 82n - 622n + 1 is divided by 9 is:-

a. 0
b. 7
c. 8
d. 2

20. If A and B are coefficients of xn in the expansion of (1 + x)2n and (1 + x)2n - 1 respectively then:-

a. A=B
b. A = 2B
c. 2A = B
d. None of the above

21. The product of 91/3. 91/9. 91/ infinity is:-

a. 81
b. 3
c. 9
d. None of the above

22. If ax = by = cz = k and x, y, z are in GP, then:-

a. logca = logac

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b. logba = logbc
c. logba = logcb
d. None of the above

23. equals:-

a. 1/8
b. 1/4
c. /2
d. 1/16

24. Let f(x) = . Then

f(x) is continuous on:-

a. [-6, 6]
b. [6, 10]
c. [1, 7]
d. [-2, 2]

25. is equal to:-

a. 0
c. 1
d. None of the above

26. The set of all points where the function f(x) = 2x|x| is differentiable is:-

a. (0, )
b. (- , 0)
c. (-, )
d. None of the above

27. If y = (x2 + 1)sinx then y'(0) is:-

a. 0
b. e
c. 1/2
d. None of the above

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28. The coordinates of the point on the parabola y2 = 8x, which is at minimum distance from the circle x2
+ (y + 6) = 1 are:-

a. (18, -12)
b. (2, -4)
c. (2, 4)
d. None of the above

29. If the curves y2 = 6x, 9x2 + by2 = 16, cut each other at right angles then the value of b is:-

a. 9/2
b. 2
c. 4
d. None of the above

30. If

a. k = (-1/5)
b. k = (-1/2)
c. k = (-1/8)
d. None of the above

31. is equal to:-


b. +C
c. log(x + 1) + C

d. None of the above

32. If then g(x + ) equals to:-

a. g(x) / g()
b. g(x) + g()
c. g(x) . g()

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d. g(x) - g()

33. , equals to:-

b. /4
c. /3
d. /2

34. Area of the region is equal to:-

a. 1/7 sq unit
b. 1/3 sq unit
c. 1/6 sq unit
d. None of the above

35. The solution of differential equation 2x(dy/dx) - y = 3 represents a family of:-

a. Ellipses
b. Circles
c. Straight lines
d. Parabolas

36. Solution of the differential equation

cos x (dy/dx) + y = tanx is equals to:-

a. y = tanx - 1 + Ce
b. y = tanx - 1 + C
c. y = cotx + Ce
d. None of the above

37. The value of 'a', so that the volume of the parallelepiped formed by i + aj + k, j + ak and ai + k
becomes minimum is:-

a. 3
b. -3
c. 3
d. 1/3

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38. Let a = i + 2j + k, b = i - j + k and c = i + j - k. A vector in the plane of a & b whose projection on c is

(1/3) is:-

a. 4i - j + 4k
b. 3i + j + 3k
c. 4i + j - 4k
d. 2i + j + 2k

39. Let a, b, c be distinct non-negative numbers. If the vectors ai + aj + ck, i + k and ci + cj + bk lie in a
plane, then c is:-

a. Equal to zero
b. AM of a & b
c. HM of a & b
d. GM of a & b

40. A line makes the same angle , with each of the x and z-axis. If the angle , which it makes with y-
2 2 2
axis, is such that sin = 3 sin , then cos equals to:-

a. 3/5
b. 2/5
c. 3/2
d. 1/5

41. The radius of the circular section of the sphere |r| = 5 by the plane r.(i + j + k) = 33 is:-

a. 8
b. 16
c. 4
d. None of the above

42. The line of the intersection of the planes r.(3i - j + k) = 1 and r.(i + 4j - 2k) = 2 is parallel to the

a. 2 i + 7j -13k
b. -2 i -7j + 13k
c. 2 i +7j + 13k
d. -2 i + 7j + 13k

43. The length of the side of an equilateral triangle, inscribed in the parabola y2 = 8x so that one angular
point is at the vertex is:-

a. 163
b. 43
c. 83

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d. None of the above

44. The eccentricity of the curve represented by the equation x2 + 2y2 - 2x + 3y + 2 = 0 is:-

a. 1/2
b. 1/2
c. 0
d. None of the above

45. If Then x is:-

a. e +1
b. e
c. e -1
d. log(1 + y)

46. The mean of 10 numbers is 12.5, the mean of the first six is 15 and the last five is 10. The sixth
number is:-

a. 18
b. 15
c. 12
d. None of the above

47. If the Standard Deviation of numbers 2, 4, 5 & 6 is a constant , then the standard deviation of the
numbers 4, 6, 7 & 8 is:-

b. 2
c. +2
d. None of the above

48. If the mean of a binomial distribution is 25, then its standard deviation lies in the interval given

a. [0,25)
b. [0,5)
c. (0,5]
d. None of the above

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49. A student is given a true-false exam with 10 questions. If he gets 8 or more correct answers, he
passes the exam. Given that he guesses at the answer to each question, the probability that he
passes the exam is:-

a. 7/128
b. 6/128
c. 9/128
d. None of the above

50. If A and B are two independent events such that, P(A') = 7/10, P(B') = and P(AUB) = 8/10, then

a. 2/7
b. 1
c. 5/7
d. None of the above

51. In a right angled triangle, the hypotenuse is four times as long as the perpendicular drawn to it from
the opposite vertex. One of the acute angle is:-

a. 15
b. 45
c. 30
d. None of the above

52. If pairs of lines 3x2 - 2pxy - 3y2 = 0 and 5x2 - 2qxy - 5y2 = 0 are such that each pair bisects the angle
between the other pair, then pq is equal to:-

a. -15
b. -1
c. -3
d. -5

53. A circle touches the x-axis and also touches the circle with centre at (0, 3) and radius 2. The locus of
the centre of the circle is:-

a. Hyperbola
b. Circle
c. Ellipse
d. Parabola

54. Each circle of radius 1 cm, touches each other. Then the perimeter of rope incomparing the three
circles is:-

a. 2 + 6

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b. 3 + 4
c. 4 + 6
d. 6 + 6

55. If the perimeter of an isosceles right triangle is (6 + 32)m, then the area of triangle is:-
a. 4.5m
b. 81 m
c. 5.4m
d. 9m

56. A conical cavity is drilled in a circular cylinder of height 15 cm and base radius 8 cm. The height and
the base radius of the cone are also same. Then, the whole surface area of remaining solid is:-

a. 440 cm
b. 960 cm
c. 640 cm
d. 240 cm

57. If 2a + 3b = 17 and 2a + 2 - 3b + 1 = 5, then:-

a. a = 2, b = -3
b. a = 2, b = 3
c. a = 3, b = 2
d. a = -2, b = 3

58. At what point the origin be shifted if the coordinates of a point (4,5) become (-3,9)?

a. (1, 4)
b. (7,14)
c. (7, -4)
d. None of the above

59. What percent profit would be if 34% of cost price is 26% of the selling price?

a. 25.16%
b. 30.77%
c. 88.40%
d. 74%

60. If the height of a triangle is decreased by 40% and its base is increased by 40%, what will be the
effect on its area?

a. 16% Increase

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b. 8% Decrease
c. No change
d. 16% Decrease

02 Feedback

61. How was the overall experience while giving the test?

a. Excellent
b. Very Good
c. Good
d. Average

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